E motocomics - All about motoco

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association motoco 13 rue de pfastatt 68200 Mulhouse, France

open WIFI Access: user: motoco password: moretocome

info@motoco.me mischa schaub, 1.7.2013

the french town mulhouse seeks its future within the creative economy. Here Design schools from the three neighboring countries, artists and design activists are creating an open space for the cocreation of postindustrial society. with this purpose they built the association motoco. Learn everything about motoco on the following pages – its aims, past, present and future!

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Summary and Content Come on the road again The aims of motoco Makershop Makershop Nomadic Laboratory tryplex motoco travels to turkey Motoco at the museum of Cultures Towards a test center on Urban life Future Bamboo obsession A swiss bank of cultures Horrors of recycling? First learning event india-Switzerland long live the difference! JEan Rottner: "Let imagination reign!" to study in open freedom Life at motoco will be beautiful the town that dares motoco: where creative minds meet Green Steel Motoco @ india You better come to motoco! a global design movement takes off 9600m2 on three floors Collaboration or surveillance? Media Professionals an expert of wood stoves from clay heating the hearts from 0 to 100 in 11 months The creative village Lovely landscape for the village Spaces for artists and enterprises Thanking our partners where to study Postindustrial design

Once upon a time...

as and esh ide r f h it f the y, w heart o libert e h in t s in e erk liv e villa HyperW baroqu e a t u in it t e s plac el Ins lized rk take the Bas o 9 W 9 . 9 centra 1 s ise‌ r d a a o o r t t a a p Since r e v o feel in ill mo collab great edom w people e d r n f a , is wn all th old to mer '14 m u s in oes, s life g .. but a ... campus

HyperWerk creates an activist design movement!

we act now since efforts of campus creation and centralization seem to become the problem instead of the solution for many universities confronted with postindustrial challenges.



director Kamal Musale creates a


about the aventures of motoco.

motoco has

collaborations with turkey, india and the balkans.

motoco creates a

motoco designs the

Space for design for the three regions around Mulhouse.

nomadic furniture for flexible and creative work

With such gear an institute will be able to move house within

motoco Develops opensource high-tech solutions for the crafts . motoco transforms industrial heritage into spaces for creative work.

24 Hours long live the flight(case)! The next motoco trip goes to india and will be centered around the vision of

Slow robotics!

in mai 2013 motoco had its happy Opening days with a makershop.

Watch the seven-minute movie about our first three days: vimeo.com/hypertv/makershop

in stark contrast to the rainy springtime these were three great days. We talked and had a lot of projects and plans, and our gourmet group "gastronauts" was cooking. and with this beautiful beginning we realized that our dream Motoco would become a great success! and we ever so happy. 4


In thĂŠ background some of the fabulous sushi created by the gastronauts may be seen. This group is fascinated by gourmet culture.

by the way: one of the first aims of motoco will be setting up its own regular food supply.

Ypek Turkoglu is an active member of motoco since 2012. During the makershop she created a green graffiti, partially removing industrial dirt with Water.

students from HyperWerk are dancing the fabulous mulhouse shake.

For me and for many others makershop had a positive effect. to come together and to make your statement, this finds an echo.

but let's begin this report at its very start in 2010 three students fro m HyperWerk de were fascinat cided to crea ed by the idea te a nomadic la of creative co european desi b. They llaboration be gn cultures. tween the man He re is this form Eunique in Karl y idable team at sruhe, where the design sh they presente ow d results fro m their expedi tion.

Here the tryplex nomadic lab for inflatables, visits a school of glass blowers. This was a great collaboration indeed!

in autumn 2010 the students had announced their project at an american conference on creative swarms.


And in autumn 2011 they hosted this conference in BAsel and reported on their trip.

and because so many people liked their follies they decided to stay together for their next adventure ...

7 ‌ to take the bus from Basel to Istanbul and visit art schools on the go?




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After one week in the bus we arrive in Istanbul

motoco vi siting ac ademies in the balka ns

COLLABORATION is not always easy

An intense workshop-week at the beautiful campus of yilidiz uni

Nice tells us her doubts about our progress – and we share these wholeheartedly! The Mega-team VALERIE, SIMONE and patricia

a ith ow p x An e

mer for r e mp tea erb p u s

these efforts led to exhibitions at the DMY Berlin and the Museum of Cultures Basel!

During this expo the functionality of the nomadic furniture generation of motoco could be experienced.

the exhibition system of motoco is based on flexible flightcase Elements

The Exhibits provoke their public into active participation

A great talk by the director opens the upstream exhibition


rat her s room t atisfying to se he e in one and pro full spectru m of ide p as motoco osals develo ped on tour to the and in t urkey.

After this nomadic exhibition Motoco began to be fascinated by the world of real estate !

a n o a f nt e i o l d n b n o a la ain ti e a st ust ife rm a o sf ial W on s an l n a Approach rb in collaboration tr ustr ter u with the f n d o town of Mulhouse and its in t ce ns urban development unit (SERM) o s i such a transformation may be te ens realized within the rules and still m become an aesthetic and economic i d 9

success. motoco wants to establish a place and framework for collective experimentation. associations, professional schools and institutes for architecture, economy, ecology and event management shall be involved.

? toco o m of pose r u p s n o t to t i the h t wi nts i a t i o n acter wa s t c o s o s r T h e a rofit cha l a b o n p f o c u s n p a e op th for e a n o c i e t y , w i y, d i v o g s pr colo trial co indus ucation, e nge and a moto on ed my, exch ical for o l p econ ssion. Ty e with al r u o e g d f expr e dialo l nee ible h a t t i v e x ar s, then and fle r o t o ac erati c o o p ions. t reac

state of the project

since autumn 2012 motoco is installed in the former textile works of DMC. It all began in an industrial workshop of around 2000m2. This is based on the ground floor of a factory building of around 10000m2, that motoco plans to lease and transform minimally during the coming years. In the long run the association proposes to extend its activities towards other buildings on the site.

Works Partners

from education and economy are involved in all motoco-projects. Together we plan to create pilot workshops, cultural studies, festivals, large wood stoves from earth and bricks, bamboo plantations and open air theaters.

This is not ju st abo transf ut the ormat ion of is an e a site x em p l – this a ry b e cultiv haviou at e. r to Becau se of a dens europ e net ean sa of fety r buildin egula gs , c r t ions o e the ris ative w n k o rk er s ru n works to lose the ir pa best e ces togethe xpres sive re r with their sourc es.

After this nomadic exhibition Motoco became fascinated by the world of real estate !

on the DMC, The Serm owns a complex of three buildings around a central pond. This set of rare beauty seems perfect for the creation of ideas. During the next months motoco wants to establish enough confidence for proposals for this set. workshops, studios, studies, start-ups and public areas The materials for (fablab, cafeteria, the renovation and the leasing of construction shops, parks) are equipment will be funded by great options.

the owner, while much of the work will be done on a voluntary basis by the project partners as well as through the participation of professional schools and projects for social inclusion. Through such generous cooperation, the financial conditions become affordable 10 and predictable.

but the future needs more than space - there is also a need of life, content, actions, and goals. Motoco also starts with this question - how to live in the post-industrial society, how to invent and design it?

Motoco is experienced in the field of design. And so we decided to start looking around for innovative uses of bamboo as a sustainable material with rich associations. from bamboo we plan to make furniture, machinery, gardens, research projects, and intercultural exchange.

Simple and elegant product: bamboo shelf created by Josh, design student at the HyperWerk


Based on a large collaborative action with the best universities in India (IIT Mumbai and NID Bangalore) Motoco is looking into the hightech potential of bamboo for the construction of robots.

and already the adventurous saga of motoco has begun, with great enthusiasm indeed!

next to the new Dreispitz campus a great and also frightening treasure is hidden: a collection of 300,000 artifacts from all over the world gathered over the last 200 years. All in the possession of the Museum of Cultures Basel.

Many versions of many things!

od! ittle g l r o o P

a systematic and impressive classification system

makes me rather sad to see all these gods and treasures from so many cultures enclosed in their climatised and safe graves

I find here a unique treasure for discovering sustainable crafts!


motoco will be doing a research project around this opportunity!

So we thought, why not return to the sources of the bamboo culture and make the trip to India, learn from the experts?

During our first trip to Inida we realized why postindustrial Design is urgently needed!

in the Dharavi slum in Mumbai live two million people. they produce and recycle an enormous amount of things under very very tough conditions. A major goal of the next round of Motoco is to create proposals for alternative production processes. They should offer creative combinations between the great crafts and impressive technologies of India. Motoco calls this mix:

Slow robotics!

planned for the 12.9.13 in this great hall of the Swiss Embassy in New Delhi the festive final act of the Motoco Indian tour will take place. The Swiss minister Didier Burkhalter should be attending - and through all these official dimensions Motoco hopes to gain meaningful partnerships for its commitment.

These blue dogs drank from the blue water that runs through DHaravi. we decided to work on the problem of sustainable production processes in a village context and we invited bamboo-experts to Switzerland.

in May 2013 HyperWerk Hosted a workshop on bamboo crafts with Prof. Gopinath Rao of The bamboo-Studio at IIT Bombay.

man fts oo a r e c mb e th 3D ba . c n e ie ed a typ pat le tegrat proto b a mir l in ase h ad n Pau ightc t i w a a fl jan Nar ace in f sur

We learned to make surprisingly stable elements for the construction of bamboo-robots.


our open-source lasercutter has been adapted to the geometry of bamboo.

But let's take a sidetrack and talk about the conditions that will support such research!

exchange only becomes relevant between partners who want to be different.

After years of trying to deny the cultural wealth of our region we should rejoice over our diversity and use it as our best resource


motoco quickly realized that in a French city there will be little success without the support of the Mayor

Th mo e p p a rnin roj e Mu r t n e g i c t b u lho r s , n t h a s " M t M use. s u he be im u l h isch "Th c h pres en ins agin o u s a S is p a s enc i na cit a atio e d cha roje J e a e o ugu c a ies. proje n. M e s i ub", ct t n f v rat e en t e g Th ct b isch r e s he hat Ro t ery , d y ma viro o ri e is r ase a S t o con nob t n e r v e es t e es d ch rd o p fes ody , m ry m o y o r nme s , e o a a m i s a n u n e t u a t e rch d b n nd y o an y fre o c w a t , t s w e h Mu e d o o . " L n t s h e i l l d o s i g n a s i t s h a l f erst r o y t m e t ow et' o v o e s , a c o m s p - j o k and f e v lho , s n b s s u l er a e t o a c e ingly , yo se et's bet elie an l v e not ne int Tr thi on ve d it i n fi t futu pr s t . an o n s p re op i o n D k sla r ar i tic a to di MC the vibr e l a nto for ose ted t ipa wn ffe , l fro cre atio i o n cla our r e tes e m t n s o ' n jou in f so tly s do ativ s‌ t o sic rna e " thi ‌ thi lL po . T i t s s c cial 'Al s L w h o l l inn e t ' sa s spac er o e ce e o c ,M t i v va tra e ai e a tio ns fo f 25 d v n, w for r th m en 20 13 tur here e." Fortunately, Motoco gained the support of the mayor of Mulhouse, who gave a beautiful speech at the opening ceremony of makershop.

Cr e a t in t r a n s f g a la b o r or a b y t h m a t i o n , thi t o r y o n t he d e s e s ig n Misch Associatio is the aim n mo o f so a Sch o f t h e pro toco, aub. who s j e c t c c ia l which This tarted arried innov was i then d as a a t n i v i t e Sw ir sculpt iss of iated by Post-i e c t o r a n d or, in pr dustri nd al d e 6 1 y e a r s g r o u p ustrial Des o f e s s o r a t sign th ig a i n s t i t u r o u n d h i s n H y p e r W e Basel I n e r a n d s e tions, from a ideas v e r y rk, h a s b e titute f o r e n ab ssocia many le to tions Trans p a r tners and fr lated f om in from L dustry r o m 'Alsac . e, Ma i 25th 2013

n! ig e r n io t a in g Let ima o f M a i 68:

less the it ir p bit the s vailable); the (a l motoco is a a it p a c e d more th imagination, h g revolution an u ro th ty ie e form soc g up to th in n will to trans e p o y b , s olutions competences r e s earc h for th e g to g ll, bringin thoughts of a means... concepts and

To take advantage of the open culture and also for its support, Motoco plans to offer an OpenMaster course of studies. These will use the enormous potential of the DMC situation, where a dense gathering of experts, artists and ideas will create an ultra creative climate.


peer to peer!

one of the greatest qualities of open culture is that it functions peer to peer between the students. This costs less and works better ...

Keyw econ ord of the o purp mically a project: " o O c stron se – we tive ente pen Cult g u a r nobo idea of ct within prise wi re". "Thin d th k disap y, it be open cul capitalis out a fi of an ture. lo m p n expla ears, we ngs to This , with th ancial e i i p the a ns Misch must fin veryone. lace bel s very a o d al d terna The old ngs to truly venture o Schaub. ti " f mo can y exiting!" toco, We are a ve appro system t o a h 3000 u do if yo e annou this magi the begin ches!" n c u n S our p wiss fran have no ces enthu moment ing of , this siasti mone cs, a Trans artner n c y is s d a lated ? ‌ l ly. " so we We h ". from W a L"Al v have h sace" beenatioenbseugcuh n w at 25.5. 13 e f rr ith s cr feo ced t f he t o o fi) or ies ce nd n f tud an io s f Fr sit e o s: AR po s E o n r H u pr io n g & c o co ct el desigin dm ludin oc t e r ra s t t o at Ba d s as nc e m nM GK rt an pace m (i e Th H ( p o s a d e O ng ual ix of lab free th g f chi f the d n ) m o n of oa re ili

s es oc r p e hug

a c ss l tio te lt no mu mele clus leve l ac ated visio l as n o a ia h ic a pe a sh and , hig eur ded uper scho n ro s l t s e u e a u e u ce epr b al hol co an g, ivid rn r to o ind l fin ent achin exte the wtup) m te and ion ( eve se b of l c l i a t a s w ion iza bl nt as lo cl ntat gan rime ed fa 14 o 20 n me f-or xpe har r u e es be oc el em t d on s th t n p o e g se an st in rm tron es e t c p s ac ar st But such open attitude needs an open environment to succeed...

An open campus must be accessible and be open enough to be able to enlarge into a future open space!

motoco says that Mulhouse will be the core of the creative industries of our three regions

motoco is half an hour away from Basel, and five minutes from the Highway.

Life at motoco will be beautiful: a restaurant, a fablab, many studios and entreprises, a pond, a parc!

Here is the Building 75 of motoco.

In the Best times of DMC 9000 people worked on this site of 65 Hectars.

But the future will be better!


From this lovely old industrial pond the future of DMC will RISE: Motoco!

"I live here 19 through magical moments, such times are truly exiting. The coming developments will surprise us, we will see here social, technological, creative innovation", .

enthuses Mischa Schaub in front of the cold and deserted huge building 75. With the association motoco (= more to come) and a lot of institutional support (including the city of Mulhouse and Alsace CCI), Mischa Schaub wants to write the first pages of the creative economy. This economic development is based on cultural entrepreneur-ship. It will integrate activities related to the green economy, event services, catering and para-hotel activities.




translated from L'alsace 25.6.13

This ness cre on a es c tive th e e indus c omp f o o etiti imme trial armer snomy sh ve met diately nd tex ite of ould b t e M i a D l t e i b M s trac 202 orn C, cha ag the 0, a wor Sc ha ted th e in Ala trea in Mulh the redeve k of c ub in te mayorsace. Tsure o ouse, f he ro lo moto he , idea th e co p pment a ss-bor c onteJean Ro has roje d x r t "Misc ct hea projer coo t of I tner, wh h a B p ave on Sc a beeect of eration A Baseo ub p n re D t h e design, h r gist MC as in whichl ere c o u nMayor as a kinoposed well d. back d of to u as try te s

c f a f a pr amplhnologyd v a n c e rom a uture fo oje s . d i i n s tudy t r the ct base t h i n fy this Mulho k ing d move use m o c i a l our in city," beco said m ust C e t h o ment. i n mes a Push also n o v a t i onada, a ds a cit f The y o that r M the wa find its n a n d also city o d a p res. u l h o u s lls, in f M vertlace, " Alsa the C ulho e , s o t h our p r o ce whi hambe use lik r d at i c e u h d o c com f C has t the pe t d e o mm be pr titive s i g n ", sa a i m en ver erce aoject, y ys N a athat o m a k suppond Indu s doe s r s lie R e b t u s i n ive. " A try of olli r ng f e rom s s e s t and t he C m o r e tran CI. slat ed from l'Als ace 25.6. 13

Mulh Buildouse A loc ing 75: rea DMC , cre ation o The f th ative eco e This nom pro y fit je

i main nto anyct does f a c promo b o x . F n o t Sch ilitator ter andor its des a u b , a r M i s c h the igner atist, te a DMC buildin nd visioacher, bec area sg 75 in nary, manyome th hould the rein k i n d s e p l a c e for a l l vention o f its f , inn ovat orm ion s. in

g buildin t e h t r u ase foses. "Witho f e l o a s i gn ke a t ore si n the prem edom", f e n r o e o th re Acti n will will settle ole lot of f people who o i t a i h g it oc o ass . By July, e given a w ress youn ery. " c o t o The m until 2026 urn we ar ant to add our nurs g n rainin N o . 7 5 , b u t i n r e t chaub. I w cted to joi t , s n o S m o n e y ns Mischa n be attra ociati cture, s s a a d i vite of archite of open n expla deas and c i e b l wil idea promised ools g e h n i h c T have i n s . e , nt pp ub es ive ha ional colleg manageme ischa Scha . t a e r c t M al ty To this tions, voca and cultur ng people. in solidari u .13 instit ics, trade peal to you teless" but 25.6 , e c m sa L'alsuch a great econo e should ap sless, cas mBut o r f s r plan needs a neat ated cultu home "cla nsl a a r t m environment ... e h t

uly f in J


‌ And motoco will create a garden for research, work and fun!

o mbo a b a ate e f r to c en o d s i r ing, lan d ga k p n r a e a Th e ld p tion a o d th t e n n h a a t l n p 75 ing m2 o d 0 l i 0 12 bu een w t be can o . o d b , pon bam f ees r o g n e f io 30 d riat ht o s a g i u V e n i h this at m ch a a e rs. v e a i r v e y r n a su five ey c n i h h t t wi and ers t e 17 m

A prop grounder analysis o of succ is a precon f the dition ess.

mp has an This bamboo lahanism to ingenious mecwith a hundred accommodate ghting needs. scales many li Motoco as a laboratory for sustainability seeks to understand the potential of alternative materials for design in the context of education.


we go to India to gain knowledge about sustainable living under extreme conditions. Also we plan to discuss alternative uses of hightech.

These students from India visited HyperWerk to develop a plan for an expedition through the crafts in many slums and villages. This trip of Motoco will be dedicated to finding sustainable and creative combinations of robotics with traditional village crafts.

We a r a to e mem b ur t o re ers of Nov emb a te sear e a fro m B r 2013 ch india m that ang . Ou will n Wha cr al r ro t an mak ute afts in educ ore to e will Mum atio take bai t nal o adve u ntur New D s elhi e! !


on the next page follows the manifest behind our movement!

Digital technology has transformed th e world. 23 International and interdisciplinary co llaboration and ed ucation are the ne w hopes. motoco uses these potentials in the fie ld of motoco is non-prof design education. it-oriented and ba sed on collaborat motoco is about se ive creativity. lf-help for empowe rment, exchange an motoco is fascinate d exploration. d by difference, mo bility and multitude as resources for design. motoco creates eq uipment, furniture , tools, methods, networks, media, sk structures, rules, ills and strategie manuals, s for design under postindustrial cond itions. Results of motoco are open-sourced, actively shared an d for free. motoco welcomes the undefined and unknown as a chal invention. lenge and conditio n of motoco contributes to the developmen t of a global expl motoco is a full-s oration space. cale model for th e next generation of design edu. Students, educator s, alumni and star t-ups from design form motoco. motoco calls for the creative minds of all cultures.

Yildiz University, IStanbul Academy of Art, Zagreb Hochschule Offenburg Technistub, Mulhouse

OLD School Mulhouse Design Rhin Supérieur Mulhouse TOWN

Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Masterstudio Design HGK FHNW HyperWerk HGK FHNW Bisürü, istanbul IBA BAsel 2020 Jaaga, Bangalore

HEAR, Strasbourg 1ers actes ÖDL Mulhouse Makershop Swissnex

Academy of Art, BelgradE Museum der Kulturen, Basel IIT Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Curry western, mumbay THIS SPACE IS reserved FOR YOUR INSTITUTION! Hochschule für Architektur FHNW


NID National Institute of Design, Bangalore Präsidialdepartement Basel-Stadt, Abteilung Kultur SociéTé de développement économique SERM, Mulhouse RV College of Engineering, School of architecture, Bangalore

design innovation from the edge and at work

Here, in this building 75 at DMC, a global design movement takes off.

And there is a beautiful pond, ideal for CREATIVE contemplation.

24 Instead of THIS car park, bamboo will be planted on 1200 m2.


Surface 9600 m2 on three floors 0: Fablab, Shop, info, Expo, Internet-Coffee 1: artist Studios 2: Entreprises and agencies roof: Vegetable garden and solar panels

the Motoco lab will only be a success in constant collaboration with its external partners - our media sharing tools will decide on our success ...

Motoco offers its participating Schools the chance to think about the decentralized campus this is As logical as it seems ironic, after so much effort went into centralizing academies ‌

Motoco is looking for creative exchange systems that are based on the conviction that only our differences motivate us for exchange.

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a he e is t f s ba pute en ngin e f w i e et he e be d rl com b a ill e t h he o w h l c t f l c t y We opic is to e o it wi or b f . o s o d i M nam at s f ces h t er Th nte or f d h c n m r o t s e his o: ste ista ear in o ally xt inv cur t e e nt ries otoc h sy er d res am, adic en pr o c unt is ov s a m gr d r twe l e f o b a n r th co e o sta nge al be a p n n d 4 e p a I re ho to e xch s go 201 ente uatio h t re ble l e thi edia ed sit o c asi ua or M rec ion t p f n np ntat fe nce go pea u co to uro h an rime E lis pe . trythe x ions b a e in est tic eg r a To gm ee a r and already media productions 26 pr r th are filmed in the motoco space! u o


he media t 3 1 0 2 y ar In Febru ffenburg o m o r f students with the y p p a h o t were s toco tha o m f o s location ressive p x e n a d te they crea eg a rd o f r is d in videoclip c o l d. r e t it b e th


re edi ev gu a s Pr e n l a t u d i n of t s r l y e n vo . o c t l v Sab f M r e s f e d in o at ro e th H to e s m r o irt c o u p H o u g es . A e r b c h h o th n d d s c h o u t is s t h c u l u e t h ch a n m e O o k n f e s w ol to ta fen h o is t a th io bur s a i l ls e g ei ns This astic t o p r o r t o o st g f fan o sho je r re m t e o o ct n at ost p l a c i l m s , d n d ge t g . f a e ly g s n p a h ho

ks exc wor s. The the idea with tional rna s and e t in of ner partcipantss our i n part O ope ether C O og d MOTd and t ate an min can crelarger we oduce re pr nd mo ble a aina .. t s su eas . id But we really should act

against these awfully cold conditions ...

‌ and so we found a great friend in our fight against the cold: An expert in alternative stoves made from clay!

‌ and Motoco will create in Mulhouse a huge stove with a heated earth Bench on which 20 people can sit. In winter they will have a pleasant atmosphere for heated discussions!


In a park in Barcelona are benches created by the architect antonio gaudi. They were covered with mosaics made from broken tiles...

Chinese stratagem: If you can't afford to heat the whole, heat the essential!

on this map of french nuclear power stations the reasoning behind our stove might become a bit clearer.


20 r fo s to t a e e l oo s b t a d e te are a m a e o t ha ec hh t b t i ave s h o w e t to ac ve is p o ng d s l t u n a s o r A . go n ou :a ey d h a ve e e t t i h e o a T t d n s e . I p ee y h is s w h ple grou l t t l o be fu pe e ild e v e i u g e b b n ha ly rec e to c l ial x a r g f e u t t o ndus nt lar onal o act p e i i c h ei po g on reg le w l r c a a we r c l p . d u o o r ul pe l o within rm f o the l c i e wa how g : W n d tog s i for in n t n d n a a io e es he An tio c s u i i e s ? v s n e is ge te a abl te a y n Qu n a g i ea ta xch rea ener r s e c c u s nt to es on ial a c t r s a n c t a p o e s dus ple proj erati n i r tfo op s his o o t , c fp co o use onal o t ot i x ? e g m n k, t , o r i n re K e t A co rW ma , S e e r 3 h p o t Hy sf urs , n o d a t un tr b s: k r er k t e ne W t r je er h o Pa c r I am the uts en-P De f builder of zo l alternative ho heating systems

a simulation of our installation of a large oven or - in alsatian dialect - "Kachelofe", heated by wood

how could the creative fire of Motoco vitalize DMC? And how could it become reality in 10 months?

June 2013 * buy racks for pallets as a base to build creative spaces secondhand from ebay.fr * Discussions with William Delemazure as our go- between with the security specialists from the city of Mulhouse. * Discussions with SAK Lรถrrach around their idea of a youth-run hostel for our groups and guests * Final discussions on the lease with the owners and signature of the contract.

an reem F h t i f w use o xt ing t he the contfet 2013 prototyp y r l o u f J t p s in in lo ksh,ospecialis ctureedid thisore and s u Worr r t y s gal e f a m o u Murleat-rack-spaces.eH , Banr s th of l l l a e a o r p tu Los Ang ears f he middle l u c y of ces in teeng man" in t spa o for fifr n i Let's dare and als tival "bu ensert. fes Nevada d solve all of the September 2013 ents from the FHNW this together! stud eeks with architectureem es for two w lv se th nt and ro nf el co host e design of ars re: tu uc aspects of th tr pe rge su la a in ith w e se ag es ll vi osts, proc c. s, ty, materials,c ri cu se nctions et Friday tity, expression, fu en id 2 7 . 9 .13 The o e ning of and saturd at DMp ay 28.9 . Espec "Architec will bC .13 ia t u l r l e y exhibitioshown in t Motoco ae Days" tak es plac nd the he on n IBA B D t e asel 2c 020. ext of the tMrCa project On that v o e ccasio ling will b n first teimpresentedtthe Creative proto e - if possibo the generVaillage proj types l l public ect and moe in the for f o r the m ckups in full of scale.

And how could a vivid DMC help Motoco?

March 2014 Presentatio the arc itecn (on the 21.3.14) of ts FHNW for the project importah the crea n t c o n s tive villagefrom id e r developmen ation will b . An t of a sus e th tainable co e dynamic mmunity. April 2014 Pragmatic Fabrication of the best concepts by the architects together with young people from lOERrach


June 2014 Use as a village of creation planned in the context of the ART Basel, with high visibility expected

So let the action begin!


for the architecture days in september 2013 motoco will develop a prototype adapted to the conditions of the situation at DMC

Planned is a workshop with Freeman Murray, the expert from Jaaga. In July 2013 he will help us to build prototypes for work and rest based on the concept of flexible structures within a large house.

s o ha ga as c o t aa e mo tion J ated a r o l ia nga assoc has cre y a B r e a In d th . Jaag empora l n u a r fo tne ctive t cultur rage r a a o ap attr for his let st y r l ve ding rom pa As Mulhouse is a bit colder l i u f b r than bangalore We will have to e t cen s. find out what materials to use k for isolating walls. rac

In this rather limitless Hall of the building 63 motoco will install the creative village.

These photos were found stuck to one of the many pillars in this space. They remain the only reminder how the space looked like during its industrial use.

Motoco develops and delivers systems and locations for the construction of flexible entities inside a building - you could also call them living furniture. They are based on pallet racks. They are extremely flexible and stable, inexpensive and they offer a functional medium for entrepreneurs and designers. Their furniture declaration allows the use of the ground floor surfaces of the DMC plants without major transformation work. Prototypes and plans for a first village of 50 users will be presented during the architecture days in September '13. hopefully they will be as convincing as to give us enough push to construct the village till may 2014.


look here: Behind this room there lies another one, and another one, and another one...

At present we wonder when the ground floor with its 8000 m2 of building 63 will be fully occupied by the village .




rs used m te t h e er On the first floor of the MOTOCO g t t stric r sin o e building 1500 M2 may be USED from Sh ve r to un thes ha hts es i les r the next months as ARTIST SPACE. rigchin ands fo the a b n n ABOUT HALF OF THIS IS RENTED OUT TO m abla atio ion i irs. f lig pat fa obrtici n af PERMANENT TENANTS and THE REST TO p a mmo VISITORS (3 TO 12 MONTHS). co THEY HAVE DIFFERENT OBLIGATIONS AND PAY DIFFERENT AMOUNTS of money.

ore VE m A H ers ns NT usmore bligatioTINES E N A U lso S AND o ILY RO PERM The ts, but a TIE HE DA I L I righPONSIB ate in Taning, RESparticipon, cle ntion, to tallati ion, inve (ins anisat ation) orgresent rep HOUSE RULES TO SAFEGUARD THE unique and experimental character OF Motoco all spaces are rented by the association and they are subleased to tenants. MOTOCO IS INTERESTED in ATTRACTing PEOPLE, NOT THINGS – USING OUR RADICALLY INEXPENSIVE SPACES AS CHEAP STORAGE SPACE IS NOT THE IDEA OF OUR COMMON EFFORT. Financial transparency is important to us - the rent is calculated at their cost and minimum investment. The members CONTRIBUTE THEIR EFFORTS FOR free. Tenants floors MAINTAIN AND TEMPORARILY USE the semi-public COMMON space on the ground floor. ITS 1400m2 ARE DEDICATED TO THE MOTOCO fablab, TO EXHIBITIONS AND CONFERENCES, AND TO LARGE-SCALE EXPERIMENTS.

Calculating OUR costs per m2 / month 0.5 Euro as basic rent TO SERM | 0.25 Euro for energy, water, insurance, various taxes 0.35 Euro co-use of the large room on the ground floor (1400m2 x 0.75 Euro = 1120 Euro, divided by 3000 m2 of tenants 0.4 Euro BUDGET for adaption to regulations. 1.5 Euro per m2 per month, TO BE ADAPTED EVERY 12 MONTHS TO INVESTMENTS AND TO THE USE AND COST OF ENERGY.


It is the interim we are interested. ITS lightness, ITS OPEN LOGIC, ITS mood. We love the process - we start fast and ADAPt AS we go. we HAVE learned that the beginning is more magical than the end. This is why we ARE all HAPPY ABOUT the large wasteland DMC with all its open potential. Motoco wants to offer SPACES FOR CREATIVE WORK at cheap prices - not only for economic reasons but as an aesthetic and ecological research INTO THE REDUCTION OF consumer attitude. Motoco believes that creativity thrives best in a supportive social climate and in An IMPROVISED environment. CAN I ALSO LIVE THERE? ACCORDING TO THE LEASE WITH THE OWNER SERM TENANTS HAVE NO RIGHT TO LIVE PERMANENTLY IN BUILDING 75. THE ASSOCIATION IS HAPPY ABOUT THIS RESTRICTION, AS A PROFESSIONAL ATTITUDE IS IN OUR COMMON INTEREST. MOTOCO SEEKS TO FIND A SOLUTION FOR MINIMALIST ACCOMMODATION CLOSE BY, PLUS WE WILL TRY TO ESTABLISH A "CREATIVE VILLAGE" IN THE HALL 63. FIRST MODELS OF OUR prototypICAL "LIVING FURNITURE" WILL BE PRESENTED IN SEPTEMBER 2013. D IN


motoco sincerely thanks its many friends and partners, without whom our dream never would have become a reality.


Attention: Commercial advertisement !?*Z


still possible to apply for starting in september 2013! vimeo.com/h ypertv/motoc o: a short teas by kamal musa er movie le about our trip to istanb indian directo ul. This r will shoot th e long motoco about our upco movie ming trip thro ugh india. vimeo.com/h ypertv/motof ly: luca m端ll Ramon Stricke er and r from hyperW erk did their dip work around th loma e expressive po tential of Quadcopters, and so they we re so kind to material of th shoot the is lovely flig ht through the airspace. motoco vimeo.com/h yperTV/maker shop: this wa opening event s the of motoco, wh ich took place 2013. in may vimeo.com/h ypertv/upstr eamtour: In 2012 Mischa Sc autumn haub made a gu ided video tour the exhibition through upstream. The equipment of exhibition was this developed durin g the motoco is ta nb ul . trip to

just send a mail to mischa.schaub@fhnw.ch or come to our open house in january!

s k.ch Link wer r e hyp .me HW oco t K/I o G H m / h W.c FHN to be continued...

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