Gang show gazette issue 43

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Issue No. 43

February 2005

Roger Writes Hello Gang! Many of you may wonder why a person of my many years works with Dundee Gang Show! And yes, I may look an “old man” (which I am!), but I am “young at heart”. You see, I am like Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up! I have been connected with Dundee Gang Show since 1966 and, for 31 years, I produced, directed and wrote 31 Dundee Shows. I then decided to retire and let someone younger take over the production-which is where Ged comes into the story. As for my retirement…well, that didn’t just happen! Deep down, my heart has always been with the Gang and I would have been “lost” without “doing something” for the show. Wise young Ged decided to make the most of my creative talents and asked me to help him out whilst I quietly worked away in the background. So, I continued writing and directing the Cub sketch every year. Then, I was again persuaded to write more sketches and comedy items, then asked once more to return to co-direct some of the big musical items in the show, working alongside Ged. So, here I am back again among you all doing exactly that and, do you know what, I am enjoying every minute of it! To many of you the name Ralph Reader may mean absolutely nothing. But Scouting and Gang Show have a lot to thank him for. If it wasn’t for Ralph, Gang Shows would not exist today. He was the man who had the vision to realize that entertainment and Scouting could, together, raise a great deal of money for the Scout Association-as the Dundee Gang Show does in this present day. I was privileged to meet Ralph on four occasions and I found him an unassuming, charismatic and friendly person who made you feel you had known him all your life. On one occasion I was invited to his home in London where I spent a very pleasant afternoon in his company. Two things I recall from that visit was

being shown the Big Red Book he was presented with when he was featured on TV’s “This is Your Life” and a full Red Indian Chief’s ceremonial headdress given to him from the Boy Scout Association of America. Happy memories! But, Gang, I can assure you that you will have memories of YOUR time in Scouting and Gang Show. I’ll end with a poem I wrote for the Gazette in the 1980’s G- is the guys, these great little youngsters! A- is the adults, the show’s merry fun stars! N- is nostalgia that makes your heart warm. G- is the girls who are showing their form! S- is the scenery that bring colour and glitz. H- is the helpers making sure everything fits. O- is the orchestra to make a wonderful sound. W- is the wings where the cast will be found. Put all this together and whaddya know? It’s the recipe for a successful Gang Show! Cheers, Roger

In this Issue

Producer’s Spot Quick Quotes Look-A-Likes Our Survey Said… Plus much more!

Producer’s Spot

Hi Gang! Well it’s February already and now only 8 weeks until the show. This month is when everything should “hopefully” start coming together. We will finish putting the last 2 numbers on the floor, the soloist’s and people with parts in sketches will be practicing and learning their words and the ladies in the wardrobe team will be busy organising all the costume’s for the show. All in all, a very crucial month. So what I would like to see is a big improvement especially in learning words. As I have said before, once you learn the words the moves will come much easier. Also this month we will be holding a couple of rehearsals with the whole Gang together. This gives the Production team the chance to make sure that all the things we have been rehearsing separately with the Cubs & Scout Gang’s fit together prior to the theatre rehearsals we are having. Finally we’ve had an excellent start with ticket sales. Well done to all of you who have been selling lots of tickets. But we can’t sit back as there are still lots left to sell. It’s up to all of us to keep promoting the show, so KEEP SELLING!


“Quick Quotes” “Look at that black sheep!” Megan Dare whilst passing a field of cows! “I’m a lady!” Chris Adrian must prefer the girls’ dance moves this year? “She was looking good actually.” Tony commenting on a certain female dresser. “Have you got that Martin?” Mhairi asked Martin if he had the hang of the senior dance, “Not necessarily!” Martin replied. Have you heard anyone make a blunder? If so, then please email so we can feature them!

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Look-A-Likes Seen a celebrity who you think looks like a cast member? Hand your suggestions in and let everyone else see the similarity! Here are a few which were submitted for this month’s issue. Remember, none of these ideas were mine, Editor. Jokes WHO INVENTED THE ROUND TABLE? A: SIR CUMFERENCE By Lee Corr Actor/ Comedian Stan Laurel

Scout Gang’s Chris McPherson


Singer Cher

Scout Gang’s Kerry Daly


Football’s David Moyes

Senior Gang’s Martin Forsyth


Comedian/Actor David Jason

Comedy Team’s Jim Jenkins


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The Gang in Profile ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Age: Troop: Which Gang are you in? How many shows have you been in? Favourite number in this year’s show?

Katherine Coyle 9 7th Cub This will be my 1st Gunfight at the OK Corral! Favourite thing about scouting? Having fun, making friends -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Name: Age: Troop: Which Gang are you in? How many shows have you been in? Favourite number in this year’s show? Favourite thing about scouting?

Cavin Brown 12 22nd Scout This is my 1st The Opening Camps

------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Age: Troop: Which Gang are you in? How many shows have you been in? Favourite number in this year’s show? Favourite thing about scouting?

Laura Bain 15 26th Scout This is my 1st At the Copa The fun things you do & the friends you make.


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The Gang in Profile ---------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Age: What Troop/Explorer Unit are you in? What Gang are you in? How many shows have you been in?

Paul Thomson 31 32nd Menzieshill Senior 20 (17 on stage, 3 front of house)

Favourite number in this year’s Show? At the Copa Favourite thing about Scouting:

Bossing Kirsty around and getting away with it-it’s great being her GSL!

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Age: Troop: Which Gang are you in? How many shows have you been in? Favourite number in this year’s show? Favourite thing about scouting?

Lindsay Cox 35 26th Comedy Team 18 Singing for Victory Being a Scout Leader

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Name: Age: What Troop are you in? What position do you hold on the Exec? How many shows have you been involved with?

Favourite number in this years show? Favourite thing about Scouting?

Dawn Cassidy 21 --Wardrobe Co-ordinator Lots (4) The Opening Gang Show

---------------------------------------------------------------------------Thanks to those who filled out the cast profiles for this months issue! Remember, we will be looking for another Cub, Scout, Explorer, Senior, Comedian (Ha-Ha!) and Exec member for the coming issues so be afraid, be very afraid! It could be you!

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Our Survey Said… Last month, we asked you to comment on a survey from 1993. The survey asked gang members to comment on Girl’s in the Gang Show, and we were looking to compare 1993 with 2005. Here are some of the comments which were received.

“I think that allowing girls to join the Scout Gang is one of the best decisions that the committee has ever made. History was made in 1993 when girls joined the Scout Gang for the first time and I was one of them - therefore I have reason to comment on one of the opinions in last month’s gazette. I completely disagree with Neville Pickering's opinion that letting girls join would "take away all the fun of the Gang Show". In my opinion, the girls bring more fun to the Show along with laughter, sophistication and glamour. At the end of the day girls will be girls and boys will be boys but we are all in Gang Show for the same reason - it's fab!” Fiona Mackenzie, Senior, first Girl Scout in the Dundee Gang!

“My opinion on girls being in the Gang Show is that it is ok for them to join the cast, but they should get "boys" roles (dress as boys), in the show instead of always playing girl parts. It shows them what it's like for us boys to get "girls" roles (dress as girls), in the show, (perhaps this is only so for the comedy team).” Andrew Gray, Comedy Team/Scout Gang.

“Explorer Scouts would be crap with girls.” Dylan Williamson, Scout Gang.

Bill Fleming (Super Prompter)… “I think having girls in the Gang Show is a great idea. I remember one particular item in which girls sang Hey Big Spender, the Shirley Bassey song, and they were absolutely terrific, so glamorous, so sexy, so beautiful in their lovely dresses, and their singing was absolutely sublime, and they received a thunderous applause from the audience at the end of the number each night. If it had been only boys in the Gang Show, this number would never have achieved such a terrific effect.” (Director’s interjection…”Err, Bill, that Big Spender number had cubs like Kevin Cassidy, Scott Duncan, Anthony Kent, Chris Bangs, Craig McGill etc, dressed up as girls”). Bill again, “Were they? Well they could have fooled me, they were far better looking and looked more like girls than some of the females in the present show. Mind you, looking at some of the present females, that wouldn’t be difficult! (Only kidding, girls!). Bill Fleming, Super Prompter. Thanks to those who replied to the survey, wish there were a few more replies, so hopefully that will be the case with the next survey. So here is the survey which will feature in next month’s gazette: What’s you favourite number in the show and why? All you have to do is pick one of the numbers from the show and explain why it is your favourite, what could be easier than that? Either hand in your answers to a member of the editorial team at any rehearsal, or email the editor at

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Were you born under the right star sign? Aries – The Ram - March 21 - April 19 Arian people are enthusiastic, like a challenge, competitive, active, dynamic, quick-tempered, domineering, trusting, honest. These should be the people we find putting the most energy into rehearsals! Gang members whose star sign is Aries: Katherine Coyle, George Arnott, Elliot Downie, Ryan Gibson, Callum Morrison, Megan Dare, Danielle Robb, Andrew Gray, Samantha Simmons. Taurus - The Bull - April 20 - May 20 Taureans are strong and placid, slow to anger, dangerous if aroused, determined, practical, realistic, patient, dependable, and artistic. These are the ones who will turn up to all rehearsals quietly working away until someone annoys them then you will hear about it! Gang members whose star sign is Taurus: Craig Archibald, Kieran Cartmill, Amanda & Kathryn Leitch, Rebecca Holmes, Kerry Daly, Nick Cheyne, Ryan Lynch, Ann Brown, Martin Forsyth, Kirsty Thomson.

Libra - The Scales - September 23 - October 23 Librans are cooperative, peace maker, graceful, charming, and outgoing. These will never be told off by the producer/ choreographer as the listen to their every word! Gang members whose star sign is Libra: -Alisa Luke, Megan Syme, Vicky Jordan, Hannah McDonald, Fiona Mackenzie, Chris Adrian, Barry Jordan, Chris & Jim Jenkins Scorpio - The Scorpion -October 24 November 21 Scorpio people are tough, resourceful, intolerant, powerful and loyal. Don’t cross them at a rehearsal! We only have one Gang member whose star sign is Scorpio: George Walker Sagittarius - The Archer - November 22 - December 21 Sagittarians have a double nature:-. friendly, confident, enthusiastic but also argumentative, and blunt. Beware, you have been warned! Gang members whose star sign is Sagittarius: - Alex Morland, Sarah Anderson, Shannon Skelly, Mhairi Black,

Gemini - The Twins May 21 - June 20 Talkative, Low concentration, versatile, expressive, sociable, fun loving, changeable, clever, restless. These will be the people who chat to their friends at lot during rehearsals upsetting the producer! Gang members whose star sign is Gemini: Megan Scott, Euan Cox, Robbie Cowan, Calum Lynch, Jordan McKeown, Michael Mudie, Claire Abbott, Kirsty Lawrence, Kathryn Scott, Blair Thomson, Ged Brown, Cancer - The Crab -June 21 - July 22 Good memory, intuitive, Moody. Imaginative. These are the ones who will remember their moves every week and even if they don’t; have the imagination to make them up! Gang members whose star sign is Cancer: Andrew Syme, Jennifer & Steven Bangs, Scott Duncan.

Leo - The Lion - July 23 - August 22 Want to shine and be centre stage, big ego, very proud, generous. You will spot them easily at rehearsals! Gang members whose star sign is Leo:Simone Corr, Ross Coleman, Adam Johnson, Nicholas Leitch, Daniel Ross, Rebecca Simmons, Laura Bain, Lee Corr, Cameron Lindsay, Genna Simpson, Virgo - The Virgin - August 23 - September 22 Likes to learn. Seeks perfection, industrious, Studious, gentle, dependable, These are the “swats” of the rehearsals, always aware of where they are meant to be and very helpful to the rest of us who haven’t got a clue. Gang members whose star sign is Virgo :- Louise MacLeod, Kelsey Robertson, Callum Martin, Jack Muir, Liam Mullaney, Alice Sturrock, Cavin Brown, Andrew Doig, Christopher McPherson, Edward Zanre, Paul Thomson, Stuart Sellars

Jemma Donald. Capricorn - The Sea Goat - December 22 - January 19 Capricorn people are cautious, responsible, serious, show little emotion, ambitious, hardworking. They will take their time to learn the moves, songs and will be so quiet during rehearsal we won’t notice them! Gang members whose star sign is Capricorn: Jennifer Coyle, Lori Cowan, Callum Henderson, Charlotte Hayton, Rebecca Toal, Paul Leslie, Owen McArtney, David Poulton, Tony Mochan, Bert Harris Aquarius - The Water Bearer - January 20 - February 18 Aquarians enjoy group interactions, bizarre, individual, rebellious, curious. They love the social side of rehearsals and thankfully are very individual! Gang members whose star sign is Aquarius:- Erin Docherty, Jodi Faulds, Susan Grubb, Stacey McPherson, Saul Clark-Millar, Neil Archibald, Laura Heron, James Ewing, Willie Wright-Tod Pisces - The Fish - February 19 - March 20 Pisceans are torn between being dreamy, imaginative, sensitive, impractical and adaptable, good listener. One week they are the stars at rehearsals then next week they go about in their “own wee world”! Gang members whose star sign is Pisces: - Christina Hutton, Callie Thomson, Daniel Prevost, Jason Corr, Callum Wood, Sarah Grassie, Callum Anderson, Craig Ritchie ,Dylan Williamson, Stacie Murdoch, Lindsay Cox.

Your Stars this month by Astronomical Ann!

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February Birthdays! It’s February 2005, so lets see who is having (or perhaps already had!) their birthday this month

Stacey McPherson Susan Grubb Saul Clark-Millar Jodi Faulds Lori Cowan

4th 11th 12th 13th 15th

Laura Heron Willie Wright-Tod Christina Hutton Lindsay Cox

16th 17th 21st 22nd

Musicals Quiz No such thing as a free lunch? We beg to differ! Enter this month’s competition and if you are first correct entry drawn out of the hat, you will win a free lunch at Jimmy Chungs! That’s right completely FREE! All you have to do is answer the ten questions below, and if you get all ten correct you’ll go into the draw for this fantastic prize. What musical does each of the following songs come from?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

It's the Hard-Knock Life 6. Any Dream Will Do Hakuna Matata 7. All That Jazz A Lotta Locomotion 8. The Lambeth Walk Summer Nights 9. Lullaby of Broadway 10. Dancin’ Fool Mr. Mistoffolees Write you answers on a piece of paper along with your name and which gang you are in then hand this piece of paper to any member of the editorial team. Don’t know who’s on the editorial team? Look at the picture below and see if you can figure out.

Alternatively, send an email with your ten answers to Winner will be announced in next month’s gazette. Deadline 20th February!

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Reader’s Letters Dear Editor, I was interested to read my horoscope in the last issue of the Dundee Gang Show Gazette. I am a Libra and, according to the stars, I am advised to donate to the Gang Show Poor Singers’ Fund. I would be quite happy to donate to George Walker as I know that he is a member of the Gang Show Poor (poor meaning “of inferior quality”) Singers’ Fund, but I am a member of the other Gang Show Poor (poor meaning “impecunious, having little money”) Singers’ Fund and therefore I am unable to hand over any cash to George. An O.A.P Prompter. --------------------------------------------------------Dear Editor, I read with interest in the January edition of the Dundee Gang Show Gazette the letter from a Hopeful Cub seeking your help in trying to get into the Gang Show. I do hope the director accepted him as he seems like a nice boy. Incidentally, looking at the lad’s photograph, his face is very familiar to me-I’m sure I’ve seen somebody very like him in some of the recent Gang shows. Anyhow, I wonder if you could now use your influence to try to get a role for me in the Gang Show. You see, I’d like to become a director of theatrical shows and wonder if the present director, Ged Brown, would welcome a little help in producing this year’s show. I gather that he gets a little bit hassled at times during the rehearsals and I’ve just found out that he’s invited a former director, Roger Buist, to help him with the Singing for Victory number with all its wartime songs. He is fortunate in his choice because Roger was around during the Second World War and probably knows all the steps and movements that the various service men and women made. However, I’ve got a big confession to make and this may count against me in getting a position as director’s assistant. You see, in the society that I’m in I have been a leading lady in some recent shows, but I feel this shouldn’t count against me. The girls in the Gang Show don’t always seem to get a fair deal as Mr Brown tends to see just the male viewpoint, whereas I would be able to give the girls a fair share of the parts. I’m quite experienced in local musical circles, having been a member of Downfield Musical Society for many years. You’ve maybe heard of Downfield as they’re considered to be the top musical society in this area, if not Scotland. Among the leading parts that I’ve played with downfield are Betty Bampot (in Dick Whittington), Molly Coddle (Babes in the Wood), Widow Twankey (Aladdin), Dame Trott (Jack and the Beanstalk), and Mother Goose (Mother Goose). I’ve been appearing on stage for quite a long time and, as you can see from one of the photos I’ve enclosed, I made my first appearance when I was just a baby! That was quite a long time ago now. The other photo shows me in my more up to date garb. So please, Mr Editor, have a word with Mr Brown and see if he could fit in a “good looking lady” to assist him with his directing of the Gang Show. I’ve been told that being the Gang Show director is one of the top positions in local musical circles and I would love to have that on my CV. Greta D. Ames

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Classified Advertising. Wanted: One Singing instructor, with patience of a Saint. Slight hearing problem would be of benefit. Call: Someone from Comedy Team Ideas for Gazette required. To stop me ripping my hair out and going as bald as a bowling ball or certain members of the Comedy team, (no names mentioned) please hand in your ideas at any rehearsal or email Call: Chris Jenkins Services offered: Dance move cataloguing. Struggling to remember where you’re meant to be or when you are supposed to move? Simple noting of moves in song book. Reasonable rate. Extra charge for demonstration. Call: Chris Adrian

Lessons in Swahili for those of you who can’t get a grasp of English. The director is apparently a fluent speaker as some of the cast frequently cannot understand what he is saying. Call: Ged Brown to arrange your lessons. Struggling to be heard? Want your voice to be a little louder? Why not take up voice loudening lessons with me? Call: Kirsty Thomson to book I beg your parsnips! Garden in a bit of a mess? Why not get in a professional. Parsnip planting a particular speciality. Call Chiefy

Thank You!

From today, 6th of February, there are only 56 days until Dress Rehearsal! Page 10

Thanks to the following people for helping out with this issue! Ann Brown, Ged Brown, Roger Buist, Lee Corr, Bill Fleming, Andrew Gray, Jim Jenkins, Fiona Mackenzie, George Walker & Dylan Williamson. Remember, this is your Gazette, and without you we will not be able to continue to produce such a full and varied Gazette. So for the next issue, we’re looking for jokes, stories, cartoons, look-a-likes, quotes etc! Go on it only takes 5 minutes and you’ll even get your name in the Gazette!

THESE ARE THE TIMES “These are the times we shall dream about, and we’ll call them the good old days.” After four successful shows in the YMCA Hall in Constitution Road, a decision was taken to transfer the 1971 show into the Whitehall Theatre. It was given the title of Gang Show after four years of Revels and Follies. Despite worries about whether we would be able to sell enough tickets to break even, the general public rallied round and on opening night the House Full notice was displayed outside the theatre. And it remained there for the other five performances. For the Four Old Men’s debut appearance in the Whitehall, producer Roger Buist asked them to be a backing group while a newcomer to the cast, Roger Brunton, sang the pop song Oblidee, made famous by the Marmalade. Roger Brunton has since gone on to become a well known name on the local theatre scene, particularly with Carnoustie Musical Society where he’s played such parts as Fatty Arbuckle in Mack and Mabel and Ali Hakim in Oklahoma. Meanwhile, the four Old Men, named Fred McCulloch, Bill Fleming, Mike Brown and George Wright, were quite content to play things like fairies, as they did in that 1971 show. Another Gang Show newcomer that year was a lad called Neil Ritchie who never progressed much past the chorus in that year’s show and the two following. But his two sons, Chris and Craig, have managed to get one or two starring roles since they joined us, Chris in 1997 and Craig in 2001. In fact, they formed a double act to crack a few jokes (?) at the opening of the 2003 show. Also in that 1971 show were the brothers Fleming, Grant and Scott. No relation to yours truly but just as talented. As well as both of them filling leading roles in many Gang Shows since then, Scott has also appeared with various other societies, including, Sounds Spectacular. Their mother, Margaret, was a dressing room lady for many years, and dad Jim helped front of house. That first Whitehall show marked the first appearance of girls (after the solitary effort by Ged Brown’s mum Margaret in the 1967 show). Six lady Cub Scouters graced the Gang Show stage and for many years there were only around half a dozen girls in the

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show (until the introduction of girls into the Cubs and Scouts heralded the mass desire of females to join Scouting so that they could appear in the Gang Show). For the record, the first six girls were Anne Aitkenhead (John Reid’s mum), Beth Douglas (Scott Duncan’s mum), Kay Galbraith, Veronica Malone, Christine Culross and Lorraine Wilkie. Beth remained in the show for eight years and Anne for six. Scott’s dad Kenny also took to the Gang Show stage, in 1975 and 1976. John Reid joined the Gang as a Cub in the 50th for the 1987 show and went on to take part in five others. He is now Cub Scout Leader of the 25th Pack. Scott Duncan was a cub in the 25th when he joined the Gang for the 1999 show and this year he is taking part in his sixth now a member of the Broughty Ferry Explorer Unit. By coincidence, he is also a young leader in the 25th Pack. One of the items in that first Whitehall show was The Little Black Bag which we repeated in 1999 with the aforementioned Chris Ritchie playing the Doctor’s role. In another item, Together, a special guest was Graeme Keiller, of the 8th Dundee Boys’ Brigade Company, and he sang that particular song along with Scout Kenny Matthewson. Moving into the Whitehall gave the Gang Show dubious opportunity of being judged by a professional newspaper theatre critic and producer Roger Buist used to look forward with apprehension as to what the People’s Journal’s Alan Dunsmore thought of his show. Roger must have lost a few more hairs when he read Dunsmore’s review of the 1972 show. The Journal theatre critic panned the orchestra and said that some sketches showed considerable ignorance of the basics of comedy or were insufficiently rehearsed. However, the cast thought they’d done a great job, especially the McInallys, all six of them. Yes, that year, there were six members of the McInally clan, not all brothers. They were Campbell, James, John, Johnnie, Mike and Ronald. A cast newcomer in 1972 was Grant McGeoghie who has gone on to make a professional name for himself, now known as Grant Richards, an operatic singer.

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Radio Tay presenter Ian Lees, who sang the Andy MacWebber medley with the Comedy Team in the 2003 show, compered a fashion show with the boys dressed as girls. Among the other items which we’ve repeated in various guises in more recent times were Scotlandia, the Hero (about an Army recruit), Clown/Follow the Crowd (a circus number), and Four Little Fellows. Sexual discrimination red tape has meant that Four Little Girls jumped on the bandwagon in this sketches most recent rebirth in 2001, but they weren’t nearly as good as the Four Little Boys! Moving into 1973, we come across two persons for the first time whose names will also be appearing in the 2005 programme. They are Marguerite Blyth and Lindsay Cox. Marguerite’s son Alan appeared on stage as a Scout in 1973 and his mum agreed to help with the costumes and in the dressing rooms during the week of the show. She’s been doing this job ever since and recently received her 30 year bar from NODA (National Operatic and Dramatic Association) for her long service to the Gang Show. Lindsay Cox was also a Scout in the 1973 show and went on to give long service, both on stage and behind the scenes. This year he returns to a stage role, appearing in some of the sketches and musical numbers. Keeping him company on stage is elder son Euan, a Cub in the 49th Pack, who is making his Gang Show debut. Lindsay’s mum Greta is a previous Super Prompter, while his dad Jim helped in the box office. Also in the 1973 show was a lad called Phillip Mochan, a brother of our Tony and the first of the Mochan Clan to make a Gang Show appearance. One of that year’s items was called Moulin Rouge and the Four Old Men were again, as they were in 1968, inveigled by the producer into dancing the can-can. So good were they that twice during the week they received an encore and had to do the whole thing again. Another item was a sketch called Ah! In which Ian Lees’ introduction took almost as long as the actual sketch. However, it went down so well and requires so little rehearsal that we’ve repeated it once or twice since. And, Ah Yes!, we’re doing it again this year.

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To mark the brotherhood of Scouting the Dundee Gang invited Venture Scout Leyton Cleland, a member of the Belfast Gang, to come over from Ireland to join in our finale each night. And Alan Dunsmore’s People’s Journal critic pleased Roger no end, he described the show as “the biggest and best they’ve done”. And so on to 1974 and Lindsay Cox was joined by two of his brothers, James and Roderick, to give us three Cox in the show. Special guests that year were the Coupar Angus Scout Pipe band who participated in an item called When a Band Starts to Play. In the People’s Journal write-up, Alan Dunsmore described the Bench in the Park sketch as “old codgers on a park bench drooling at the sight of mini-skirted legs. That one was straight out of Benny Hill”. The producer wasn’t sure whether that was praise or criticism. Next Month-The Whitehall Years from 1975-1978. Bill Fleming (Super Prompter) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Notices Theatre Rehearsals: We’d just like to remind you that there will be two rehearsals in the Whitehall Theatre on Monday 28th of February and Wednesday 2nd of March 2005. Please make every effort to attend these rehearsals. Further details to follow.

T-Shirts: Gang Show t-shirts are now on sale, and are available from Tony. Bargain at only £10! No orders without payment!

Gazette Items: If you have anything for the gazette, then please hand it in at any rehearsal to one of the Editorial team, and they will make sure that your item gets to me to go in the next issue where possible. If your article is printable but does not appear in the next issue, then it will go in one issue so don’t worry. Please try to do something for one of the issues as it is very difficult for the same people to come up with new ideas every month. You can also email your items to me:

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