May 2019 Hyattsville Life & Times

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ELECTION DAY IS TUESDAY, MAY 7! Visit for up-to-date coverage & results.

Committee aims to improve census count By Maya Koeppen

In an effort to improve the city’s count in the upcoming 2020 census, on March 18, the mayor and city council proposed and voted unanimously in favor of the creation of a Complete Count Committee (CCC). According to Mayor Candace Hollingsworth and city council documents, the goal of a CCC is to work alongside community members to both encourage and promote responses to the 2020 census. The committee should be formed within a month or so and will consist of up to 15 members selected by the mayor and


It’s the 40th anniversary of the Historic Hyattsville House Tour. P. 4


Vol. 16 No. 5

Hyattsville’s Community Newspaper


Championing social justice through art By Camila Velloso

ART continued on page 12

Local inventor creates Head Rock training weight By Shourjya Mookerjee

CENSUS continued on page 13

Growing up, Monica O. Montgomery felt at home wandering museum galleries. She loved seeing how reverently people engaged with art, knowing each piece that adorned the walls served a purpose. She saw museums as a space for discovery and community, and her innate curiosity sparked a desire to learn more about the world of art curation. But it was the shooting of Trayvon Martin in 2012 and the emergence of the Black Lives Matter movement that prompted Montgomery to change trajectory, from being a preschool teacher in Washington, D.C., to

May 2019


On April 29, the Hyattsville library’s saucer was lifted by a crane and moved out of the way during the library’s demolition.The saucer will be saved to become part of an outdoor reading area.

It was an overcast April night at Heurich Park. The boys of Prince George’s Pride Lacrosse had just finished their practice, and one by one, they threw off their gear and quickly reunited with their families before the drizzle matured into rain. But a few didn’t seem to care. A handful had decided to stay behind, for various reasons. Some practiced their shots on the nets before their coaches hurriedly put all the goalposts away, whereas others snuck in a quick round of wall ball drills. One figure stood out among the boys, however. While other parents and coaches mingled, lacrosse coach Craig Tillmann called out instructions. He continuously delegated drills to the players that remained — his own son, Nate, being one of them. Tillman emphasized form and demonstrated ground ball techniques to ensure they made the best use of their time. Additionally, the Hyattsville resident used this free-play period to introduce the players to something that was not only designed to help them improve on a range of skills, but that he himself created in his own shop — the Head Rock training weight. Tillmann’s father, Craig Tillmann INVENTOR continued on page 13


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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019


Not a goodbye, more of a see you around By Krissi Humbard

Most people reflect on their lives at the end of the year, just before the new year. But for me, spring always brings reflection. After a long winter, things start to come back to life and bloom — there is new energy, a rebirth, a reawakening. As I’ve been reflecting on my life and my time, I’ve come to a difficult decision: It’s time to step down from my role as digital editor/social media manager for the

A community newspaper chronicling the life and times of Hyattsville Mailing address: PO Box 132, Hyattsville, MD 20781 Hyattsville Life & Times is published monthly by Hyattsville Community Newspaper, Inc., a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation. Editors welcome reader input, tips, articles, letters, opinion pieces and photographs, which may be submitted using the mailing address above or the email addresses below. Managing Editor Maria D. James Associate Editor Heather Wright Digital Editor Krissi Humbard Webmaster Lindsay Myers

Hyattsville Life & Times. I struggled, for a long while, with giving up this position. This job has made me more invested in my community, more aware of the things that go on in Hyattsville. Even though I’ve lived here since 2009, I wasn’t very involved in the community until I started writing for the paper in 2016. Working for the paper has allowed me to dig deep into local issues and learn things I probably wouldn’t have learned otherwise, like the workings of city council, the nitty gritty of elections and campaign finance, the many steps to keep the city KRISSI HUMBARD running. This position has helped me build relationships with small Hearts mural in Hyattsville along business owners, the Hyattsville Route 1 City Police Department chief and other police officers, the mayor lege newspaper (shoutout to The and city staff. This has been an in- Alligator/University of Florida!). credible opportunity, and stepping I’ve worked at a daily paper, a down is bittersweet. weekly paper and this monthly If you know me — or if you’ve newspaper. Each newsroom I’ve followed my writings here — you worked in has been a community know how much I love Hyattsville. newsroom. I get a thrill from being I am passionate about this com- on deadline with a breaking news munity. I spread the gospel of Hy- story, staying up late on election attsville to anyone and everyone night to cover the results or witwho will listen. This place is my nessing history being made in our home, and I love living here. city. I love telling the stories of local I also love journalism, and have residents doing great things, like since my days working for my col- building businesses here, organiz-

ing toy drives for the less fortunate, or debuting their newest book or play. I get excited when I’m covering the artists and art events that color Hyattsville, whether its students showing off their work at the county art show or artists exhibiting at Pyramid Atlantic. But I’ve never really been able to break away from the pace of the daily paper. And that has taken a toll. My passion drives me to spend way too many hours on a story to get it just right, to make sure I’m not missing something. My love of Hyattsville sends me chasing story after story, trying to cover it all. I honestly don’t know how to treat this as a parttime gig. Covering Hyattsville online and on social media — with all that is going on here! — is bigger than a one-woman job. Additionally, life with two young boys has gotten busier as they’ve gotten older. I’m also over-involved in my Hyattsville community: I run the @OurHyattsville account on Instagram, help curate art exhibits at Studio SoHy, organize local music events like HyFest, help to promote local businesses on social media through the SoHy Collective, and plan events in the area. Like I said,

The Hyattsville Life & Times is Hiring! Looking for a part-time position that makes a positive contribution to your community while engaging your love of writing, editing, and social media? Send a resume, cover letter and writing samples to editor@

I love Hyattsville. And now, I’m also starting a new business with my husband and another partner: Patent Brewing Company. Life is very busy, to say the least. Something had to give. But, this isn’t really goodbye; I’ll still be in Hyattsville and involved with the community. You’ll see me at Summer Jams and art events, at Vigilante Coffee Company (the subject of my first story!) and probably at council meetings. And, when time allows, I will still write for this paper. I feel incredibly grateful that we have a community newspaper, and that I’ve had the opportunity to share the stories I’ve written — and had a hand in — with our readers. Thank you, Hyattsville! See you around.


Layout & Design Editor Ashley Perks Copy Editor Nancy Welch Advertising 301.531.5234 Writers & Contributors Victoria Boucher, Randy Fletcher, Juliette Fradin, Maya Koeppen, Shourjya Mookerjee, Lillian Reese, Fred Seitz, Camila Velloso Board of Directors Joseph Gigliotti — President and General Counsel Chris Currie — Vice President Reva Harris — Treasurer Rosanna Landis Weaver, Gretchen Brodtman, Debra Franklin, T. Carter Ross, Emily Strab, Maria D. James and Krissi Humbard — Ex Officios Circulation: Copies are distributed monthly by U.S. mail to every address in Hyattsville. Additional copies are distributed to libraries, selected businesses, community centers and churches in the city. Total circulation is 9,300. HL&T is a member of the National Newspaper Association.


Left: City Supervisor of Environmental Programs Dawn Taft and District 22 Maryland State Delegate Anne Healey receive Hyattsville’s “Tree City” recognition from Horace Henry, representing the Maryland Department of National Resources, during the Hyattsville Annual Arbor Day Celebration on April 28. It marked the 28th year in a row that Hyattsville has received this recognition. Right: Two young lepidopterists examine the remnants of a chrysalis from last year’s emergence during the Hyattsville Annual Arbor Day Celebration.

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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Homo Habilis Construction LLC*

VISIT HYATTSVILLELIFE.COM FOR MORE CITY IS FIRST IN THE STATE TO HOST POP-UP VOTING In an effort to reach more residents and make voting easier, city staff provided pop-up voting polls during the recent election. Hyattsville became the first city in the state to offer such convenience for voters when it hosted pop-up polls across the city starting on May 1. Polls were at the city’s two Metro stations, outside the restaurants at the Shoppes at Arts District and outside of Vigilante Coffee Company. Election Day is Tuesday, May 7, with voting from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Election results will be posted online at UPDATE ON LETTER TO THE EDITOR FROM JANUARY In the January print edition, the Hyattsville Life & Times (HL&T) published a letter to the editor submitted by former resident Barbara J. Runion regarding a crime committed against her former neighbor Peggy Ann Dee. The HL&T accessed materials related to the incident, which occurred on August 8, 2018, in the 6000 block of 40th Avenue in Hyattsville. According to the Statement of Probable Cause, Hyattsville City Police Department conducted an investigation




and authorized the arrest of and charges against the suspect. However, the Prince George’s County prosecutor’s office decided to drop the charges against the accused assailant. The State’s Attorney’s Office did not respond to multiple requests for comment. TAKEDA ACQUIRES B POSITIVE COLLEGE PARK PLASMA COLLECTION CENTER On April 29, Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited announced the acquisition of the B Positive College Park Plasma Collection Center in Riverdale Park. The College Park center will become part of Takeda’s BioLife Plasma Services organization. BioLife is an industry leader in the collection of high-quality plasma, essential for effectively treating patients with a variety of rare, life-threatening, chronic and genetic diseases across the world. The center will be rebranded BioLife Plasma Services. “This acquisition will enhance BioLife’s ability to increase the amount of plasma collected which is then processed into life-saving plasma-derived therapies to treat patients worldwide,” commented Sue Brown, global head of BioLife Operations.




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Page 4

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

Then Then&Now Historic Hyattsville House Tour celebrating 40 years By Randy Fletcher

Last month, the telltale signs of spring started to arrive. The warmth of the sun urged flowers to pop up and show off their colorful blooms. Trees and shrubs pushed out new growth. The sounds of chirping birds and the smell of freshly cut grass began to fill the air. But even before then, in the long dark days of winter, many homeowners were preparing for the spring rebirth of their homes. As they put away the fall and winter decorations and began cleaning, painting and repairing, they were carefully planning for even larger projects. This annual ritual of clearing out the winter cobwebs and tidying up dormant gardens has been more important than usual for a small handful of homeowners in Hyattsville. They have been preparing for one of the city’s most beloved rites of spring, the Annual Historic Hyattsville House Tour, presented by the Hyattsville

Preservation Association (HPA). May 19 marks the 40th anniversary of this event. It’s the day when owners of homes on the tour will finally be ready to open their doors and show off the results of all their hours of planning, and the blood, sweat and tears — and buckets of elbow grease — they’ve poured into preparing their homes for this public debut. These labors of love are always contagious, inspiring neighbors to gussy up their homes and yards. On tour day, upwards of 500 people will take to the streets, map in hand, and find their way to 10 homes of various styles and periods, six of which are listed on the Prince George’s County Register of Historic Homes. Along the way, they’ll pass by some of the other charming houses and yards of historic Hyattsville. This year, some of the houses that appeared on the very first house tour 40 years ago will be making a comeback. Sharon Sweeting, a past president of HPA (1989-2004),


Built in 1887, this house is an excellent example of a Queen Anne Victorian and will be on the 2019 house tour. The house is part of the late 19th-century suburban development of Hyattsville which occurred along the Washington Branch of the B&O Railroad, providing housing for the middle-class workforce in Washington, D.C.

owned a Gallatin Street house that was on that tour. She remembers the hustle and bustle of the early days of HPA. “We worked so hard in those days and spent countless

hours researching the records in Upper Marlboro. We even helped push through tax credit legislation, which is beneficial for homeowners in the Historic District.” As for the tour itself, Sweeting remembers, “Back then, we did everything we could to make the house presentable. We didn’t have time to properly fix the plaster walls, so we put up red moire fabric in the parlor. It looked fabulous!” Forty years later, the moire fabric is gone, having served its purpose well. The plaster walls have been repaired, and the current owners have put their own classic/modern touch on the home, adding colorful accents throughout. Even the shed in the alleyway has had a facelift. Each owner makes a mark on the home they live in. Though the traces of their tenure may no longer be visible, they are part of the history of the home. The house tour offers an opportunity to soak up some of this history, while experiencing Hyattsville’s

friendliness and unique sense of place. You can peek into the ways people live and appreciate their individual styles. The house tour highlights the pride and hard work that residents have put into their homes. As Sweeting said, “One of the biggest contributions to the city that the house tour brings is pride of ownership.” And Hyattsville’s diverse architecture is on display, too. As Carol Pappagiannis, HPA secretary and house tour liaison said, “Today, I see the tour as a parallel to the growth of the city. We have a more diverse community, and the homes on the tour are representative of this diversity. The tour of recent years is not only devoted to the older historic homes but to the many different types of homes in the city and the many different residents who live here.” The HPA seeks to engage residents in the preservation and promotion of the many historic homes and buildings in our city. See the calendar on p. 11 for house tour details.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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MDOT to break ground on MD 500 construction this spring By Maya Koeppen

The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) is set to start a new phase of construction on Queen’s Chapel Road (MD 500) this spring. Construction will take place along MD 500 from Eastern Avenue to Hamilton Street, in both Hyattsville and Mount Rainier. According to MDOT State Highway Administration (SHA) documents, the project is designed to improve safety conditions for vehicles, pedestrians and bicycles travelling along Queens Chapel Road. The project is expected to cost approximately $13 million, which will come from funds allocated for urban reconstruction projects, according to Lamar Leonard, project manager for the MDOT SHA Office of Highway Development. This phase of MD 500 construction will widen the road and improve pavement, and will also include numerous improvements: a landscaped median, Americans with Disabilities Act-compliant sidewalks, an upgraded stormwater management system, bike lanes, and pedestrian lighting within the Hyattsville city limits. “There are some right-of-way

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impacts where we are widening the roads, so we will be acquiring land from residences,” said Leonard. According to project update documents, access to Ager Road from MD 500 eastbound will be temporarily closed as the Ager Road and MD 500 intersection is realigned. Access to Ager Road from MD 500 westbound will be open throughout construction. Drivers on Ager Road won’t be able to turn onto MD 500, but a detour will direct them to Hamilton Street, where signal times will be adjusted to minimize congestion. Commuters can expect lane closures during off-peak hours on weekdays between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and overnight, Sunday through Thursday, from 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. Additional work hours may be scheduled to keep the project on schedule. Founder and coordinator of the Hyattsville Corridor Community, Yvette Shaw, said she worries about the impact the project will have on residents who, like herself, use the road daily. “I’m neither in support [of] or opposed to it; I just want it done right because the people who live here are the ones who have to deal with whatever construction the State Highway Administration has [approved]” Shaw said. Construction is scheduled to end by 2022.

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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

Page 7


Fireflies help light up our nights By Fred Seitz

On a warm evening a few weeks ago, my wife and I walked down to Magruder Park in hopes of seeing the Lyrid meteor shower, which occurs every year in April. Unfortunately, it was a bit cloudy, plus local light pollution prevented us from seeing the meteors. (The Lyrids were fortunately visible the following night.) We were, however, pleasantly surprised to see some sort of flying flickering nearby. While it was mild out, it still seemed a bit early in the season to witness the phenomena of well over a dozen fireflies gracing our evening. In recent years, firefly sightings have been reported earlier in the year, and experts have suggested that the emergences are sooner because of climate change, including increased rainfall. Fireflies (aka lightning bugs or

glowworms) are one of Mom Nature’s gifts to night walkers and campers. Lightning bugs are found on every continent except Antarctica. Their chemically produced “cool light,” which doesn’t produce any heat, has intrigued and inspired people for centuries. Japanese legend suggests that fireflies are the souls of dead warriors, whereas an Apache legend tells that a fox once tried to steal the firefly’s light but set his tail on fire, then was forbidden from ever using their light again. Victorians feared that if a firefly got in your house, someone would die. Whatever interpretation you prefer, the magic of these small beetles (they belong to the Lampyridae family and are not really flies) is in part attributable to the luciferin in their tails, which allows for the wonderful glow. This glow entertains us and, if we temporarily harness these night-

lights in a jar, may help us find our way home. From the fireflies’ perspective, males use their glow to entice females for mating and females may glow their approval in return. Some more dangerous femme fatales use their light to

attract males and devour them. Interestingly, the male mostly does his courtship lighting in flight, while the female is usually perched in the grass when she either consents to courtship or invites him to be her dinner. Females lay their eggs in the

ground. The eggs hatch in about three weeks, and the larvae burrow in for the remainder of the year; for some species the larvae may remain underground for several years. Interestingly, not all fireflies can illuminate, but some species’ larvae can produce a glow while maturing underground. While lightning bugs may not be the magical critters of folklore, some species offer one more surprise: In some places, including areas of Pennsylvania and along the Great Smoky Mountains of the southeastern U.S., synchronous fireflies illuminate collectively and simultaneously. Their spectacular shows attract thousands of spectators, and festivals are held in their honor. When walking in the evening, look high into the trees and low in the grass to see if you can share in their magic.


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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019


Hyattsville Reporter No. 374 • May 7, 2019 • 301-985-5000 of a Community Legacy grant from the State of Maryland, the City of Hyattsville can once again match local businesses dollar-for-dollar, for an amount between $5,000 and $50,000, on exterior development projects. This includes re-painting, exterior shutters, gutters, windows, siding, doors, masonry, finishes, lighting, and signage. Applications will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Wednesday, May 22. You can also visit facade-improvement to learn more and apply today!

Election Results

The unofficial results of the May 7 elections will be announced that evening by the Board of Supervisors of Elections after polls are closed and votes are counted. The announcement will be made at the City Building (4310 Gallatin Street), broadcast on cable channels (Comcast 71, Verizon, 12) and streamed on the City website. Results will be certified within 48 hours. Newly elected officials will take their Oath of Office at the Monday, May 20, City Council meeting.

Interfaith Community Iftar

Coffee With A Cop

The City is hosting an Interfaith Iftar, an educational event to discuss shared practices across religions during Ramadan. Join us at the City Building on Saturday, May 31, from 7 p.m. until 10 p.m. The event will also include a meal for all, featuring foods traditionally eaten by Muslims when breaking their daily fast during Ramadan. Pre-registration is required, and can be done at

Join our Hyattsville Police Department Thursday, May 9, for Coffee with a Cop! From 8 – 10 a.m., meet them at Shortcake Bakery (4700 Rhode Island Avenue) where you can stop and say hi, voice your concerns, and ask any questions. We’ll see you there!

Mapping Racism

The City has partnered with the Hyattsville Community Development Corporation and Joe’s Movement Emporium to raise awareness of our region’s history of racial injustice. As a part of this initiative, Joe’s Movement Emporium is hosting the Barrier Project – a sitespecific dance work with Orange Grove Dance Company on Saturday, May 11, 7 p.m., at Sis’s Tavern (4516 41st Avenue, North Brentwood, MD 20722). To RSVP or learn about other Mapping Racism events, visit mapping-racism.

McClanahan Park Community Meeting

The Gateway to Prince George’s Plaza is getting a makeover! Join us Thursday, May 16, at 7:30 p.m. by 6199 Jamestown Road and tell us your thoughts about the new design plans for McClanahan Park. For more information, please email

Mosquito Control Information Session

The City of Hyattsville and the Maryland Department of the Environment will host a Mosquito Control Information Session on Thursday, May 16, at 6:30 p.m., at 4310 Gallatin Street. Residents are encouraged to attend and learn about the process for reporting mosquitos, filing for an exemption from spraying operations, and general information on how to reduce the mosquito population. If you have any questions, please call (301) 9855000 or visit

Download the My Hyattsville App

Did we miss your trash this week? Have you run over the same pothole one too many times? Have no fear, My Hyattsville is here! Download our app or visit to report non-emergency issues or request City services. Once submitted, you can track your request with real-time updates from City staff. My Hyattsville is available on the Apple and Google Store.

Bike to Work Day

Friday, May 17, is Bike to Work Day, when we celebrate a cleaner, healthier, and more fun way to commute in our area! Visit www.biketoworkmetrodc. org and sign up to make a pit stop in Magruder Park that day from 6:30 a.m.

International Festival

The City’s International Festival is Saturday, June 8, 4 – 8 p.m., at Heurich Park (2800 Nicholson Street). Come and celebrate the many cultures from around the world that make our community great! We’ll have crafts, dance, music, and much more.

Hyattsville’s Seniors on the Go painting “The Tidal Basin at Dusk” during their outing at Pinot’s Palette. El Grupo de Gente Mayor en Hyattsville pinto “La Cuenca de Marea al Atardecer” durante su paseo en Pinot’s Palette.

to 8:30 a.m. The City, Arrow Bicycle, Vigilante Coffee, Shortcake Bakery, and other community partners will be there to give you water, snacks, t-shirts, and much more!

Summer Jam

It’s back! The 2019 Summer Jam Series starts Friday, May 17, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., at the City Building (4310 Gallatin Street). Come jam out to the fine sounds of fiddling from The Roustabouts, enjoy good eats from Smoke Rattle & Roll BBQ, and sip some suds from Streetcar 82 Brewing Company! We’ll also have Mandy the Clown, our moon bounce, and family fun for everyone! Visit summerjam for more on our 2019 Summer Jam Series.

Farmers Market Postponed

Please note that the City’s Farmers Market will not take place in 2019. We plan to be back with a weekly market in 2020, at the renovated Hyatt Park. If you have any questions, please call (301) 985-5006 or email

Residential Parking Permits

The new and improved Residential Parking Program is here! Throughout summer, permit applications will continue being rolled out by Residential Parking Zone at Applications for Zones 2, 4, 6, 9A, and 12 are currently available. Residents can also submit applications by mail or at 4310 Gallatin Street during business

hours. For additional questions, please call (301) 985-5000.

Invasive Plant Removals

Join us at Magruder Park on Saturday, May 18, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., to learn how to identify and properly remove non-native, invasive plants from Magruder Woods. We’ll provide a set of safety guidelines and cotton work gloves. Just be sure to dress for the elements with sturdy boots or shoes, long sleeves and long pants. Don’t forget water and sunscreen! Warning: You will get dirty and have fun, too! Please note that participation helps to satisfy the State of Maryland Student Service-Learning Requirement. To learn more or confirm if an invasive removal is canceled due to inclement weather, please contact Dawn Taft at (301) 8528790.

Historic House Tour

The Hyattsville Preservation Association’s annual Historic Hyattsville House Tour will take place on Sunday, May 19, 1 – 5 p.m. The tour will depart from the Multipurpose Room of 4310 Gallatin Street at 12:30 p.m. You can purchase a ticket in advance for $15 at Franklin’s or the City Building through May 18 or purchase a ticket the day of for $20. Cash, checks, and money orders are accepted. For more information and additional details, please visit or call (301) 699-5440.

Money for your Business

Looking to invest in new growth for your business? Through the generous support

The City is also seeking vendors for the International Festival. To learn more, visit or email

ESL Baking

Interested in learning English as a second language while learning how to bake like a professional? Register for Prince George’s Community College’s FREE English as a Second Language (ESL) Bridge and Baking Classes. First, learn important vocabulary, procedures, and measurement skills with the bridge class. Then, learn how to bake and earn a ServSafe certificate while you’re at it! Space is limited, so check out www.pgcc. edu/go/esl or call (301) 546-8350 for registration and more information!

Summer Camp Magruder

There are still a couple of spots remaining! Register your youngster (Grades K – 5) for our Summer Camp Magruder sessions that run from June 17 through August 23. The cost is $250 for City residents and $300 for non-residents per two-week session, each of which is full of fun-filled days of sports, arts, dance, indoor/outdoor activities, and awesome educational experiments. For more information or to register, please visit www. or email

Free Transportation

Hyattsville residents can ride all University of Maryland Shuttle Routes for FREE! Route 113 loops through Hyattsville, stops at the Prince George’s Plaza Metro, and then heads to the University. To get your 2019 shuttle pass, please bring photo ID and proof of residence to 4310 Gallatin Street, Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m. Passes are issued the same day. Route maps and schedules are available at www.dots.

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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No. 374 • 7 de Mayo, 2019 • 301-985-5000

Resultados de la Elección

27 de abril, hasta las 4 p.m. el miércoles, 22 de mayo. ¡Visiten a www.hyattsville. org/facade-improvement para ver más y solicitar hoy!

Los resultados no oficiales de las elecciones del 7 de mayo serán anunciados esa misma noche por la Junta de Supervisores de Elecciones después del cierran de urnas y los votos sean contados. El anuncio será hecho en el Edificio Municipal (4310 Gallatin Street). Los resultados también serán transmitidos en los canales de cable 12 (Verizon) y 71 (Comcast) y vía el sitio web de la Ciudad. Resultados son oficiales dentro de 48 horas. Los nuevos elegidos Concejales y Alcalde serán jurados a sus puestos en la Reunión del Concejo Municipal el lunes, 20 de mayo.

Evento Comunitario Interfaith Iftar

La Ciudad estará sosteniendo Interfaith Iftar, un evento para hablar y compartir experiencias entre religiones que celebran el Ramadán. Acompáñenos en el Edificio Municipal (4310 Gallatin Street) el sábado, 31 de mayo, de 7 p.m. hasta las 10 p.m. para hablar sobre Iftar. El evento también incluirá comida tradicional que come la gente Musulmán cuando terminan su ayuno diario del Ramadán. Registración es requerido. Para hacerlo, visite

Café Con Un Policía

¡Acompañe nuestro Departamento de Policía de Hyattsville el jueves, 9 de mayo para el evento Café con un Policía! De 8 a.m. – 10 a.m., encuéntrelos en Shortcake Bakery (4700 Rhode Island Avenue) donde puede saludarlos o pregúntales cualquiera pregunta que tenga. ¡Nos vemos allí!

Enfrentando el Racismo

La Ciudad se ha asociado con las organizaciones Hyattsville Community Development Corporation y Joe’s Movement Emporium para ayudar a traer atención al tema e historia de injusticias raciales en nuestra región. Como parte de esta iniciativa, Joe’s Movement Emporium sostendrá un evento llamado “The Barrier Project” – un rendimiento gracias a la organización Orange Grove Dance Company donde ellos actúan y usan el sitio Sis’s Tavern para destacar las injusticias que han ocurrido allí. El evento tomara plazo el sábado, 11 de mayo, a las 7 p.m., en la 4516 41st Avenue, North Brentwood, MD 20722. Para reservar su asiento o para aprender sobre más eventos similares, visite

Junta Comunitaria sobre el Parque McClanahan

¡La Entrada de la Plaza de Prince George’s estará recibiendo una remodelación! Acompáñenos el jueves, 16 de mayo, a las 7:30 p.m., por la 6199 Carretera Jamestown y expresen sus opiniones sobres los planes de diseño para el Parque McClanahan. Para más información, envié un correo electrónico a

Sesión de Información de Control de Mosquitos

¡La Ciudad de Hyattsville y el Departamento del Medioambiente de Maryland sostendrán una Sesión de Información del Control de Mosquitos el jueves, 16 de mayo, a las 6:30 p.m., en la 4310 Calle Gallatin. Residentes están invitados a aprender más sobre como reportar un problema de mosquitos, como pedir que su hogar sea excluido de operaciones para fumigar e información sobre cómo reducir la populación de mosquitos. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llame al número (301) 985-5000 o visite el sitio www.hyattsville. org/pests.

Descargue la Aplicación My Hyattsville

¿No recogimos su basura esta semana? ¿Le ha pegado al mismo bache tantas veces que ya no se acuerda cuantas veces ha pasado? Tenemos la solución, ¡My Hyattsville! Descargue nuestra aplicación o visite para reportar asuntos de no emergencia o solicitar servicios de la Ciudad. Al tener la información, empleados de la Ciudad estarán actualizándoles en tiempo real el progreso del asunto. My

Festival Internacional Hyattsvillains cast their early voting ballots and decorated our voter chalkboard during the Anniversary Carnival. Residentes de Hyattsville emiten sus boletas para votar temprano y decoraron nuestra pizarra de votantes durante el Carnaval de la Ciudad.

Hyattsville ya está disponible en la Apple y Google Store.

Día Nacional de Montar la Bici al Trabajo

El viernes, 17 de mayo, es el Día de Montar la Bici al Trabajo, un día en que se celebra la opción más limpia, sana y más divertida para viajar al trabajo. Visite e inscríbase para hacer una parada en Parque Magruder ese día entre las 6:30 a.m. y las 8:30 a.m. La Ciudad, Arrow Bicycle, Vigilante Coffee, Shortcake Bakery y otros socios de la comunidad estarán ahí para darles agua, bocadillos orgánicos, camisas — ¡y mucho más!

Summer Jam

¡Ha regresado! La Series Summer Jam de 2019 empieza el viernes, 17 de mayo, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m., en el Edificio Municipal (4310 Calle Gallatin). ¡Vengan a disfrutar de la música de Los Roustabouts, echarse una rica comida de Smoke Rattle & Roll BBQ y e probar unas cervezas hechas localmente de la Cervecería Streetcar 82! También tendremos Mandy la Payasa, nuestra brinca brinca y diversión familiar para todos! Para más sobre nuestra Series Summer Jam de 2019, visiten a www.hyattsville. org/summerjam, lo cual continua el tercer viernes de cada mes entre mayo y hasta septiembre! Asegúrense de ver nuestras redes sociales para actualizaciones.

Mercadito de Hyattsville Aplazado

Por favor note que el Mercadito de la Ciudad no tomara plazo este 2019. Esperamos estar de vuelta el próximo año con nuestra serie semanal del mercadito en el renovado Parque Hyatt. Si tiene alguna pregunta, por favor llamé al (301) 985-5006 o envié un correo electrónico a

Permisos de Parqueo Residencial

¡El nuevo y mejorado Programa de Parqueo Residencial está aquí! Durante el verano, la Ciudad avisara cuando las solicitudes de permisos para las diferentes Zonas de Parqueo Residencial estén disponibles. Las Zonas 2,4, 6, 9A y 12 ya están disponibles. Las solicitudes de permisos pueden ser completadas visitando al sitio web www.

El Festival Internacional de la Ciudad es el sábado, 8 de junio, de 4 p.m. a 8 p.m., en el Parque Heurich (2800 Calle Nicholson). ¡Venga a celebrar las culturas que hacen nuestra comunidad tan grandiosa! Tendremos artesanías, baile, música y mucho más., por correo o en persona visitando al Edificio Municipal (4310 Calle Gallatin) durante las horas de negocio. Para preguntas adicionales, por favor llame al (301) 985-5000.

La Ciudad también está buscando a vendedores para el Festival Internacional. Para aprender más, visité internationalfest o envié un correo electrónico a

Removiendo Plantas Invasoras

Clases de Inglés y Hornear

Acompáñenos en el Parque Magruder (3911 Calle Hamilton) el sábado 18 mayo, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., para identificar y ayudarnos a remover de los Bosques Magruder plantas invasoras y no nativas. Nosotros proveeremos una orientación de reglas de seguridad y guantes de algodón. Solamente recordamos que voluntarios se vistan para el clima/bosque con camisetas mangas largas, pantalones y botas o zapatos resistentes al agua. ¡No se olviden de traer agua y bloqueador de sol! Participación puede ayudar a satisfacer el requisito de aprendizaje-servicio del Estado de Maryland. Para aprender más y confirmar si el evento es cancelado debido al clima, por favor contacte Dawn Taft al (301) 852-8790.

Recorrido de Casas Históricas

La Asociación para la Preservación de Hyattsville tendrá su Recorrido Anual de Casa Históricas de Hyattsville el domingo, 19 de mayo, 1 – 5 p.m. El recorrido saldrá del Multipurpose Room en el Edificio Municipal, 4310 Calle Gallatin, a las 12:30 p.m. Se pueden comprar entradas por adelantado en el restaurante Franklin’s (5123 Baltimore Avenue) hasta el 18 de mayo por $15 c/u, o se las pueden comprar por $20 c/u en 4310 Calle Gallatin el día del evento. Aceptamos efectivo, cheques y giros postales. Para más obtener más información, visiten o llamen al (301) 699-5440.

Dinero para su Negocio

¿Quieren invertir en el crecimiento de su negocio? Gracias al apoyo generoso del Estado de Maryland mediante una subvención de Legados Comunitarios, la Ciudad de Hyattsville nuevamente puede igualar, dólar-por-dólar por una cantidad entre $5,000 y $50,000, a negocios que realicen proyectos de desarrollo en sus exteriores. Se incluye re-pintura, contraventanas exteriores, canales, ventanas, revestimiento, puertas, albañilería, refinamiento, iluminación y señalización. Aplicaciones estarán siendo aceptadas desde el miércoles,

¿Está interesado en aprender inglés como segundo idioma mientras aprende como hornear delicias como un profesional? Inscríbase para las clases GRATIS de Aprendizaje de Ingles y Hornear por parte del Colegio Comunitario Prince George’s. Primero, aprenda el vocabulario importante, procedimientos y como proporcionar medidas con la clase de aprendizaje. Después, aprenda como hornear galletas, panecitos, pasteles y más delicias. ¡El espacio es limitado así que visite www.pgcc. edu/go/esl o llame al (301) 546-8350 para inscribirse y para más información.

Camp Magruder

¡Todavía hay espacios disponibles! Registre a su hija/o (Grados K – 5) para nuestras sesiones de Camp Magruder del Verano. Cuando no estén en la escuela, inscriba a su hija/o para días llenos de deportes, artes, baile, actividades dentro y fuera y experimentos educativos. Las sesiones empiezan el 17 de junio y terminan el 23 de agosto. El costo es $250 para residentes de la Ciudad y $300 para la gente que no habita Hyattsville por cada sesión de dos semanas. Para más información y para registrarse para las futuras sesiones del Camp Magruder, por favor visiten a o manden un correo electrónico a

Transportación Gratis

¡Residentes de Hyattsville pueden tomar todos los autobuses de la Universidad de Maryland GRATIS! La Ruta 113 pasa por Hyattsville, con paradas en la estación de metro de Prince George’s Plaza y al fin en la Universidad. Para obtener su pase del 2019 para el autobús, por favor presente una identificación con foto y prueba de residencia a la Ciudad en la 4310 Calle Gallatin, 8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., de lunes a viernes. Le podemos dar el pase el mismo día de su visita. Los Mapas y horarios de la ruta del autobús están disponibles por internet visitando a

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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

MissFloribunda Dear Miss Floribunda, Like “Lazy on Livingston Street” last month, I, too, hate to weed, especially in my rose bed. I don’t mind the sweat of gardening, or even a few tears, but weeding thorny roses involves an unacceptable amount of blood. I always come out looking as if I’d wrestled wild cats. If peonies and camellias had longer blooming seasons and the same fragrance, I wouldn’t bother with roses. It’s not just the thorns. My rose bushes remind me of the Holly Hobbie dolls I once played with. Sweet-faced but painfully thin, they are without Holly’s bloomers or petticoats to hide their knobby knees. Despite these complaints, I have filled one large bed in my backyard with 12 hybrid tea roses that give admittedly lovely blooms for cutting all summer. These bushes are generously spaced, and stepping stones make it possible to walk around safely. Now, because I garden without chemicals, I can’t get rid of the weeds that have invaded those clear areas. Mulch has to be constantly replaced, and a lot of weeds get through it anyway. I planted annuals like marigolds, but they got enormous and weedy

themselves, and the usual weeds still thrived. Are there any permaculture plants that could crowd out the weeds around the rose bushes but wouldn’t rob them of their food? Maybe then gardening would be a pleasure rather than a blood sport. Red-handed on Hamilton Street Dear Red-handed, My rose consultant, Citizen Cane, informs me that you can put botanical petticoats on the knobby knees of your rose bushes. Such perennials as catmint (Nepeta mussinii), Russian sage (Perovskia atriplicifolia) and various salvias will spin a cloud of lavender bloom around them that can be trimmed to your specifications. Different yarrows and coreopsis would add other colors to the palette. The ethereal foliage of these plants doesn’t interfere with air flow. They are light feeders and won’t steal from your heavy-feeding roses. In addition, my mentor recommends low, mat-creating herbs like the yellow-flowered Lady’s mantle (Alchemilla mollis) and creeping Jenny (Lysimachia nummularia). Citizen Cane, who

has many years of experience, suggested these plants because they thrive in our area, whereas he’s had mixed experience with other companion plantings that are often touted. For example, many of the recommendations of the great English rosarian, Graham Thomas — violas, pasque flowers, Carpathian bluebells and primroses, for example — have to be planted in partial shade in our area rather than in the full sun of a hybrid tea rose bed. But there are others on his list you might try: Alyssum saxatile, stone crop, creeping phlox, saxifrage (there is a variety native to our area, Saxifraga virginiensis) and the creeping Jenny approved by our own Citizen Cane. In addition, these all provide food for the bees and other pollen-seeking insects that your hybrid tea roses frustrate. The highly admired urn shape of this rose cultivar causes the conformation of the petals to be too tight for insects to penetrate, and they cannot reach the pollen. The hybrid tea roses not only shred your fingers, but they deceive and disappoint insects. They are the Mean Girls of the rose garden. Rather than limiting yourself to hybrid tea roses, why not lit-

erally branch out? Floribundas are looser in form, and although perhaps not quite as elegant in a formal arrangement as the highcentered hybrid teas, they simply burst with bloom from late spring till frost, and are hospitable to pollen-seeking bees and butterflies. So are shrub roses and, of course, our own native roses. Not all are fragrant, however, and those that aren’t might not attract as many pollinators. The rapturous aromas of the antique OGR (Old Garden Rose) varieties are legendary, and these heirlooms come in many varieties of bloom form: single, semi-double, double, cupped, globular, quartered, pompom, the opulent centifolia (“100 petals”) and still others. While most of the OGRs bloom for only six weeks, their display is magnificent, and they are most often grown in a mixed border of companion plants that bloom at different times to assure continuous interest. Perhaps best of all, the David Austin “English rose” hybrids combine the charm and fragrance of these heirlooms with the longer blooming season and wider color range (more yellows and oranges) of modern cultivars — as do the French Generosas and

Romanticas and the Kordes collections from Germany. Because these varieties are bushy rather than rangy, they create shade that keeps weeds away from their base. Of course, efforts are being made to develop thorn-free roses that retain the charm of their pricklier cousins. You might be interested to know that a distinction is made by rosarians between what are called thorns, spines and prickles, based mostly on the areas of a plant’s stem they arise from. Some insist that roses have only prickles. Be that as it may, they are all painful to touch. From my observation, rose lovers and cat lovers have in common a certain resignation to the fact that a few scratches are inevitable, even from the best-trained of their charges. Perhaps that element of danger enhances their appeal. If you’d like to help arrange roses and other flowers for the Hyattsville House Tour, please come to the Hyattsville Municipal Center, 4310 Gallatin Street, on Saturday morning, May 18. The Hyattsville Horticultural Society and its helpers provide the flower arrangements for the beautiful homes on the Sunday afternoon, May 19, tour, which is an event not to be missed.


Llame-Al-Bus Lunes a Viernes 8:45 a.m. a 1:30 p.m.

Transportación de Bordillo a Bordillo

A Citas Médicas, Supermercados y Más Para Personas Mayores y Residentes con Discapacidades

$1 Dollar Cada Sentido

¡Acompañantes Y Proveedores de Cuidado Viajan Gratis!

Tiene que hacer reservaciones por llamar al (301) 985-5000 antes de las 2 p.m. el día previo a su viaje deseado.

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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Hyattsville celebrated its 133rd anniversary during the weekend of April 27-28, with its anniversary parade taking place on April 27.

PAID RESEARCH STUDY WE ARE SEEKING PEOPLE AGES 65-85 WITH MILD HEARING LOSS OR NORMAL HEARING Participants needed for a hearing experiment conducted at the University of Maryland, College Park. Hearing evaluation conducted to determine if you qualify. Participants will be compensated.

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What is a basic Estate Plan? Schedule a free phone consultation with local attorney Jennifer Brandi. I will help explain why you need a Will, Power of Attorney and Health Directive. 202-734-7597

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All are welcome • Free literature available

Page 10

Felegy kids create opera By Lillian Reese

One class of third graders at Edward M. Felegy Elementary School is building an original opera from the ground up. Students are writing the script, composing the music, creating the costumes, building the set and even engineering the lights. Don’t believe it? They want to prove you wrong. “Everybody outside of our room says ‘Third graders can’t make an opera,’ but we’re going to prove them wrong,� said Felegy Arts Program Coordinator Julianne Martinelli. The third-grade Imagicnation

Opera Company wants their student-led production to amplify the message that love will connect everyone. Each and every aspect of the opera is being handled by the students with meticulous attention. The writers have developed the characters, storyline and songs, and the composers have created the musical score. The set and costume designers, electricians and performers are in the midst of bringing the vision for “The Gift of the Mural� to life. “They really have come into their own through doing their jobs,� said third grade teacher Jamie DeLong. “I have had teach-

ers come to me and say they see a difference in the way [the students] are bonding and working together as a team because of the opera.� DeLong and Martinelli said that this group of students, many of whom have developmental challenges, have come out of their shell through working on the opera. One of the composers, for example, was selectively mute for two years. Recently, he had a breakthrough and sang for the first time. Earlier in the school year, students applied for three of the seven different positions within the company, and their strengths

Yes! Organic Market 5331 Baltimore Ave, Hyattsville MD 20781 (next to Busboys, up the street from Franklins) Stack up savings!

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Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019


Imagicnation Opera Company costume designers take performers measurements on May 2 at Edward M. Felegy Elementary School.

were assessed by Martinelli and DeLong while they placed them. The two teachers, the directors who try to serve merely as guides, are aiming to teach the young students essential life lessons while simultaneously encouraging them to apply art concepts and things they have learned. “There’s an application process and [the students] have to apply like any real job,� said Martinelli. “Why should we hire you? What do you do that would make you a good costume designer?� Martinelli has made one thing explicitly clear to the third graders she works with daily: If they get stuck, they can figure it out. A production manager, also a student, facilitates any conflict resolution first, before going to a teacher. “This is completely 100 percent

student made. There are adults for support and guidance, but they have to figure it out, � Martinelli said. “Ultimately this is their voice.� While the process may sound intense, the members of Imagicnation — a combination of “imagine� and “magical,� according to Martinelli — often voluntarily sacrifice recess and stay after school to work through challenges. This is the first year Kids Create Opera, the program that inspired the production, has been integrated into any class’s curriculum at Felegy Elementary, and Martinelli has plans to continue the program next year. The curtain will open on June 7 at 6 p.m. in the Felegy Elementary auditorium for the first performance of “The Gift of the Mural.�

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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15th Annual Open Studios Tour. Visit over 100 participating studios, galleries, and other cultural venues for a behind-thescenes experience. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Free and open to the public. The self-guided tour takes place in the Gateway Arts District along Route 1 in the City of Mount Rainier, Town of Brentwood, Town of North Brentwood and the City of Hyattsville. 301.864.3860 Spring Art Stroll. Spring opening art reception during the 15th Annual Gateway Arts District Open Studio Tour featuring works by more than 50 local artists. Refreshments will be served. 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Green Owl Design, 5303 Baltimore Ave. 301.660.3426 Open Studios Tour After Party. Free. 5 to 8 p.m. Savor at Studio 3807, 3807 Rhode Island Ave. in Brentwood. 301.864.3860 Fraud and Scam Prevention Event. Hosted by Helping Hands University Park and Dave Brosch’s Second Saturday Lectures. Free. 5 to 6:30 p.m. Uni-

versity Park Church of the Brethren, 4413 Tuckerman St. Parking lot is on Tuckerman St. 301.892.6636

Maryland and Virginia for free refreshments, entertainment and giveaways. Free. 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.

Spring Wine Tasting Event. Taste over 30 wines from all around the world. All wine bottles will be $1 off. Additional 5 percent off 6 or more bottles, or 10 percent off 12 or more bottles. Free. Noon to 6 p.m. Yes! Organic Market, 5331 Baltimore Ave., Ste. 101. 301. 779.1205

May 18

May 17

Bike to Work Day. Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association invite you to celebrate bicycling as a clean, fun and healthy way to get to work. Attend one of 100+ stops throughout D.C.,

Moxie Blues Band. Come out on the patio to listen to Moxie Blues Band featuring vocalists, harp, keys, bass, drums and guitar. 6 to 9 p.m. Streetcar 82 Brewing Co., 4824 Rhode Island Ave.

May 19

40th Historic Hyattsville House Tour. Presented by the Hyattsville Preservation Association, this self-guided tour will feature six homes that are listed on the Prince George’s County Register of Historic Homes and four additional homes of various styles and periods. Tour-goers

International Travel Vaccines 3311 Toledo Terrace Suite C201 Hyattsville, Maryland 20782 (301) 403-8808

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EMAIL EVENTS TO THE COMMUNITY CALENDAR AT MARIA@HYATTSVILLELIFE.COM will receive an informative booklet with a map showing the sites. All of the houses are within walking distance of each other and may be seen in any order at visitor’s own pace. The City of Hyattsville provides a bus that continuously circles the tour route. Tickets on the day of the tour are $20 per person at the Hyattsville Municipal Building. Check or cash only. 1 to 5 p.m. Starts at the Hyattsville Municipal Building, 4310 Gallatin St. 301.699.5440. First Rhode Island Avenue Trolley Trail Day. A day dedicated to celebrating the trail

route connecting College Park, Riverdale Park and Hyattsville. Event includes a fun run, bicycle ride, local music, kid activities, scavenger hunt and food. Free. 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.

June 8

Second Annual Spring Fest. Pizzeria Paradiso Hyattsville hosts their Second Annual Spring Fest. Tickets are $10 for 16-ounce pour and $50 for an unlimited pour. Noon to 5 p.m. Both tickets include a Spring Fest glass. 4800 Rhode Island Ave.

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Page 12

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019


continued from page 1

bringing social awareness into the curatorial world. This past November, Montgomery, 37, was appointed the new executive director of the Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center (PGAAMCC), after spending the last five years as an art consultant and curator in New York City, where she gained prominence as a curator who focused on social justice. She founded the Museum of Impact, the first mobile social justice museum, and Museum Hue, a social platform exploring the intersection of art and activism. Her new role is a homecoming for Montgomery, who has family roots in both D.C. and Maryland. Her parents immersed her in the art world at an early age. Montgomery’s mother, Sandra Brannon, a graphic designer and art teacher, frequently took her to museums and public art spaces, while her father, Elvin Montgomery Jr., an author and appraiser of African American estates, taught her the importance of preserving collections and archives. “I relocated my life because I saw the promise and the potential of this place,” Montgomery said. “I believe that black museums matter; I believe that local arts, heritage and cultural spaces are essential to our quality of life and to engaging people.” The PGAAMCC, located on


Prince George’s African American Museum and Cultural Center Executive Director Monica O. Montgomery poses with her favorite Quest Skinner artworks currently on exhibit.

Rhode Island Avenue in North Brentwood and established in 2007, has been committed to celebrating the cultural and historical significance of African Americans in the area since its inception, Montgomery said. The museum’s core exhibit, “Footsteps from North Brentwood,” was created by the North Brentwood Historical Society in 1991 to memorialize the first municipality in Prince George’s County incorporated by African American citizens, Montgomery said. She explained that the museum is founded on “a legacy of excellence, upward mobility and achievement.” In introducing changes to the organization, Montgomery was

guided by the museum’s rich tradition and her own experiences. “The museum world is seen as kind of exclusionary and stagnant. And I wanted to challenge that,” Montgomery said. “She just has this visionary mindset,” said Danielle Rouse, the museum’s strategic project manager. “I think it’s great for the organization to push themselves forward and use their history to help inform what’s going to happen in the future.” Montgomery curated the protest garden exhibit featured in the museum’s first gallery, which is now a dedicated space for public history shows. As visitors enter the museum, they are met by


Call-A-Bus Monday – Friday 8:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Curb-to-Curb Transportation To Medical Appointments, Grocery Stores Senior Centers & More For Seniors & Residents with Disabilities

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visuals of raised fists and protest banners along the gallery’s walls. With “Protest Garden: Building Civic Power,” Montgomery hopes to encourage visitors to become agents of change by shining a light on recent protest movements, such as March for Our Lives, Families Belong Together and Black Lives Matter. “I’m really excited about the social justice slant that she’s put on things,” said Synatra Smith, the museum’s education curator. Smith believes Montgomery’s innovative model and mentorship has made her more creative and confident about her own ideas. “We’ve all been charged up,” Smith added. Montgomery has also diversi-

fied the museum’s public programming and expanded the number of events held at the museum. From offering poetry nights and comedy shows to kids clubs and summer camps, Montgomery has found a way to engage with all members of the community around this year’s theme: “Learn, create, connect.” But the museum’s new events honoring community members are perhaps what has Montgomery most excited. For example, PG Power Moves! and Sunday Scholar Brunch recognize influential people of color in Prince George’s County in a relaxed networking setting. These events align with the museum’s new motto: “A home for black excellence.” Since taking the helm, Montgomery’s goal has been to amplify the work of locals artists and community activists and generate meaningful discourse around the museum’s programs. “People are staying after events to talk and think about how to make the African American community stronger, and so that is the space that she cultivates here as the director,” said Rouse. Montgomery believes museums should serve society. For her, this means reflecting themes that people are interested in, talking about uncomfortable truths and creating a hub for social activity and connectedness. “[The museum] is a small space,” she said, “but it’s a MIGHTY space!”

Hyattsville Life & Times | May 2019

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Sr., coached both club and high school lacrosse in the 1960s, getting his start at the Red Shield Boys Club in Baltimore and moving to Tillmann Jr.’s alma mater, Archbishop Curley High School, shortly afterwards. With three titles to his name, Tillmann Sr. went on to serve as an official for 25 years, officiating numerous NCAA tournament and international games. “My dad, actually, has been a big part of the lacrosse community in Baltimore for a long time,” Tillmann said. “The Head Rock was originally his idea. When he first shared the concept with me, he came to me knowing that I had been a shop teacher. Years later, I finally built one in my basement, and it worked.” “It seemed to help build wrist strength, as well as speed,” said Tillmann. “So we went forward and launched the first Head Rock about a year and a half ago, and we were really excited with the initial feedback.” The molded 8-ounce attachment, which conforms to any regulation lacrosse head, is designed for dry


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council. For fiscal year 2020, the city budget allocates $10,000 towards the CCC. “[The Complete Count Committee] is to help reach out into communities that typically don’t get high numbers during the census to ensure that everyone gets equal representation,” said Councilmember Joseph Solomon (Ward 5). However, Solomon also expressed a concern about backing a federal program with a significant chunk of city funding. The City of Hyattsville is at high risk for an undercount, according to the Census 2020 Hard to Count mapping site, which highlights areas where self-response was low in the last census. For


Craig Tillmann watches over a round of wall ball with the Prince George’s Pride at Heurich Park Turf Field in Hyattsville.

reps, a term for any motion without the ball. The training weight, which is 3 ounces heavier than a lacrosse ball, is meant to mimic the feeling of a ball in the pocket. The idea is similar to something baseball fans have grown accustomed to seeing batters warm up with: a weighted ring, or doughnut, that fits over the end of a bat. Both the Head Rock and the baseball doughnut are rooted in the theory

of complex training, which alternates heavier and lighter weights to improve explosive power. “One of the most common things players and their parents would ask us, as coaches, was ‘How can my kid get a faster shot?’ or ‘How can they build velocity on their movements?’” Tillmann said. “You know, before he gets up to bat, a Major League Baseball player adds a little weight to help increase power and

example, according to the mapping website, only 67.3 percent of households west of Queens Chapel Road mailed back their 2010 census questionnaire, requiring in-person follow-ups for the remaining 32.7 percent. “We need your help. You know your community; you know your population,” Daniel Jones, U.S. Census Bureau partnership specialist, told councilmembers at an April 1 city council meeting. Another potential concern for the city, according to Solomon, is the inclusion of a citizenship question on the upcoming census form. In an April 5 ruling by U.S. District Judge George J. Hazel, Maryland became the third state to block adding the question, “Is this person a citizen of the United States?” to the 2020 census. On

April 23, the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutionality of the question. Although justices were to rule on the inclusion of the question by June, according to NPR, a 4th Circuit appeal by plaintiffs in one of the Maryland lawsuits could push back that timeline. Regardless of what happens with the citizenship question, the council wants to move forward with creating the CCC. Councilmember Carrianna Suiter (Ward 3) said, “The courts will still be deciding the citizenship question, but I think, in the meantime, it is really important that we make an effort to ensure that folks are counted and that the subsequent redistricting that will happen after the census will reflect our community.”

speed — so that was his idea.” Tillmann, however, noted a crucial difference between his model and other available products. “We put our weight in the pocket, to make the stick create the same momentum that it would if it had a ball in the pocket.” Tillmann said. “There are other training aids that make the stick heavier, but, for us, where the weight is situated is what makes it unique. It allowed us to get our patent.” The coach maintained that the best way to improve any lacrosse skill is “to hit a bucket of balls,” but said the Head Rock offered a convenient compromise. “With the Head Rock, players can build their mechanics on their own, even before practice or shootaround. You can get a lot of repetitions done in a short amount of time.” In addition to getting feedback from lacrosse camps in his Hyattsville community, Tillmann has also had the advantage of having a professional try out the Head Rock. Major League Lacrosse player Pat Young, a former

collegiate player at the University of Maryland, gave the product a glowing review at a recent event. “I like that,” said Young, in a clip that made it onto the product’s website. “It actually feels like a full-blown ball.” Another pivotal moment that Tillmann recalled came earlier this year, during a coach’s hour at the 2019 U.S. Lacrosse Convention in Philadelphia, where the vendors showcased their products to all the coaches present. “We were getting a lot of weird looks,” Tillmann said, noting that the concept of dry reps is a relatively foreign idea in the lacrosse community. “I was so busy trying to sell the thing that I wasn’t able to take videos of their faces before and after they tried the product.” While he lamented the missed opportunity of capturing those emotions, Tillmann joked that for him, the looks of astonishment are his greatest accomplishment. “It’s pretty fun to see their faces light up when they try it out,” he said. “It makes it all worth it in the end.”

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