That’s what we do... For the last 20, years exactly this October.
Our previous issue, dated April 2020, was published in the middle of a global pandemic. This Anniversary Issue is published a year after a world energy crisis but in a new positive outlook for the UK property industry.
With rising construction costs and no improvements to planning policies in sight, meeting housing targets in London will remain a piped dream over the next decade. As investment funds are progressively taking over the traditional role of property developers, the sector is ongoing yet another transformation.
Regardless of these conditions, we will carry on designing and building the best possible housing for Londoners.
Keep well.
HWO architects October 2023
Client: New River Estate
Located on an island site outside of London in Turnford, Broxbourne Cornerstnone is a recent development appointed to HWO Architects by New River Estates.
The site covers a third of a hectare and is currently vacant following the demolition of the former New River Arms pub. Arranged on an island, the development land is surrounded by The Springs to the east and the A1170 to the west. Most of the neighbouring properties are of residential nature, with a row of semidetached houses to the west, a college building, and linear residential developments to the east, and 2 sites consisting of 4-storey,
pitched roof blocks of flats on the corners of High Turnford Road to the south.
Our approach was to respond to the existing context through developing a massing that isn’t overwhelming and is similar in size and quality to the surrounding dwellings. We achieved this through simple, yet firm ideas, including breaking up the massing into 3 separate sections with different heights and organizing them towards the
‘The overall compliance with BRE criteria is excellent for a flatted development and it is rare for any such development to achieve 100%’
Matthew Adams Msc Surveyor/Daylight, Sunlight & Right of Light Eb7
south elevation. We also saw the opportunity we had to improve the public realm and security of the area through well-considered land scaping and active frontages.
The main design focus was to create an intriguing form that would be of benefit to the site while keeping the façade modern and clean. The building appears as if sitting on a podium, accentuated through the use of different types of brick on the ground
floor in contrast to the remaining levels. The pale brick on the top part of the proposal, combined with the bronze detailing and light grey brick on the base create a soft and delicate look while also having a robust feel.
A zigzag pattern across the ground floor adds interest to the form, while the curves in the mass contrast the very carefully placed, simple, rectangular window openings. Recessed terraces prevent the proposal from
becoming too staggering and help make use of irregular spaces formed as a result of the shapes used during the design. The rhythm of the fenestration pattern across the floors keeps all horizontal sections of the building uniform. Change in materials manifests changes in the window arrangement, which in turn reflects differences in internal layouts.
Apart from the residential units, the proposal also includes a large commercial unit
October 2023
on the ground floor with potential for national retailers. The active frontage adds vitality to the public realm. Frequent doors and windows with few blank walls, articulation of facades, and lively internal uses visible from the street all add to creating increased surveillance, linear street continuity, and a legible urban grain. The landscape proposal has been developed to provide a contextually appropriate development, an attractive setting for new and existing residents, and ensure privacy through visual screening.
A large variety of flat layouts and a strong stance on creating accessible and legible access aided in providing an inclusive environment and an increased quality of life. The future residents will benefit from wellconsidered spaces within their new homes as well as carefully thought-through shared amenities such as green areas, parking, and cycle storage. The planning application is set to be submitted in June 2023.
Client: Aquilo Developments
Another residential development for Aquilo Developments which delivers 9 units on Battersea High Street. Heavily constrained, the site is on the doorsteps of Battersea Park and benefits from excellent transport links.
It’s not every day someone stumbles across a site like the old tramshed, in what one could call ‘cCentral Shepherd’s Bush’, within walking distance from the BBC headquarters, Westfield shopping centre and the Central Line station. And that’s exactly what our client Flanchford Development did in 2018, asking HWO architects to prepare planning proposals.
Thanks to an excellent PTAL rating of 6b, and given the high public transport accessibility of the site, no car parking was proposed. This meant the proposals could aim for as many units as the site could physically take, having only regard to the daylight/ sunlight analysis and overlooking issues. The consented scheme provides 8 flexible, well-designed units and aims to provide a robust housing mix to satisfy the demand for a range of users within the
community. The proposals consist of a 3bedroom unit and seven 2-bedroom units, all with 2 bathrooms. All unit sizes meet the required Technical Housing standards –nationally described space standards. One of the key issues with any central London site is always Daylight/
‘HWO designed a great modernlooking building for us’
Barry Doherty Flanchford
Sunlight, and specifically the impact of the development on neighbouring properties and the quality of lighting within the proposed residential units. Thanks to careful massing and context analysis work, both issues were addressed at an early stage of the planning application. As a result, a total
of 100% of the units are dual aspect. To ensure high-quality design and proposals with varying external views, the layouts were designed to maximise dual aspect units and southern-facing flats. The shape of the building was designed with the 2 longest façades to be south facing, therefore
maximising the amount of sunlight the units receive. Clear floor to ceiling heights were designed to a comfortable 2.5m. In terms of energy, the development will benefit from the following integrated systems: Passive design features (Be Lean), Energy efficiency measures (Be Clean) and Low, and zero-
Client Aquilo Developments
Contractor Savoy
carbon technologies (Be Green). The target for the project is to achieve zero carbon emissions to meet the London Plan and the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham’s local plan.
The proposals also meet policy requirements for wheechair units, of which 10% are Part M4(3) compliant. The proposal aims to provide safe and unbiased access for all. Consideration has been used to ensure ease of use for not only disabled users, but also to create a high-quality environment for families and the elderly. Finally, the proposal aims to create spaces that are easy and well thought out for the entire community. This includes Part M requirements, for instance, that all approach routes are safe and convenient for everyone and that all entrance doors minimum clear opening of 775mm.
With most units pre-sold before the completion of the works on site, the main issue with the development was the limited access to the site and its construction management. Thankfully, this is something that Flanchford in-house contracting arm knew how to manage. Works were successfully completed mid-2019 and the remaining units were put on the market shortly after.
Client: Aquilo Developments
This mixed-use development of 22 homes for Aquilo is a lot more complex than it first looks. Built over the TfL Northern Line extension, the blocks are to be constructed over 2 concrete rafts and, due to their height,
will require sprinklers to protect both residents and ground-floor commercial units. There will be a nursery, restaurants, and shops, bringing life back to a once busy part of Lambeth, a short distance away from the Tube entrance.
The site is a part of a once vibrant, busy street in Nine Elms. The new proposal is to replace an existing low-density retail space and add to the community.
Full planning permission was granted in 2021 for the construction of 22 self-contained residential units, several shops, and a nursery. HWO have been appointed in 2022 to review
‘It’s great to work alongside an architect who understands the developers mind and can work within our budget to deliver a beautiful outcome ’.
Mark Whitfield Aquilo
the existing planning application and resolve issues including fire safety, building control, and buildability. Throughout this process, several problems have been identified and the overall scheme has been improved. The fundamental design of the scheme was retained, including the 2 separate blocks,
which break up the massing and integrate well within the street and the 3 rooftop amenities, one belonging to the nursery. The proposal will deliver a variety of flat layouts and unit types, including 2 units compliant with the Part M4-3 building regulations for wheelchair users. The
amendments made to the previous planning application will ensure a more robust, sustainable, and safer scheme overall, while retaining the original design principles.
Client Aquilo / Turnqey
To be announced
Procurement Design & Build
Local Authority
Lambeth Council
Number of units 22
Completion 2025
Client: Aquilo/Turnqey
How do you fit five units over a busy pub in a central Westminster area? The answer is all in the detail in this carefully crafted development that complements the local context while delivering 5 new quality apartments in the true heart of London .
The site lies in the attractive stretch of countryside to the north of Ongar (Essex) in the pretty hamlet of Birds Green. Previously used as a landscape contractor’s yard, the site included a large barn, whose volume was used as the maximum development benchmark. Following a quick visit on site, it became clear the development faced numerous constraints, such as the trees bordering the edge of the site and associated root protection areas, but also the proximity of neighbours. But there were also clear opportunities within the site because existing tree lines created natural plot divisions that further screened the property from the main road.
During design development, we aimed to create a well-crafted scheme to reflect the local vernacular. We started the designs by working on the primary volume. This was inspired by the barn shape, characteristic of the area. Using simple proportions ensured that the form was not overbearing within the setting. The pitch of the roof varies across the 5 units to create character and help the scheme look more organic. By folding the entrance elevation, depth and identity was created. A small canopy indicates the entrance, and the simple fold in the building line created interest. The volume was then animated with playful windows. Further changes in materials helped create texture and depth
Client Aquilo / Turnqey
To be announced
Design & Build
Local Authority Westminster
Number of units
Late 2024
to the buildings. Naturally, these design considerations also took on board the construction method, i.e insulated timber panel technology which CABU, the client’s JV partner, specializes in.
The scheme provides 5 flexible, well-designed units that also aim to satisfy the demand for a range of residential users. While the smallest unit was 3-bedroom, the other three were 4-bedroom units ranging from 2,090 to 2,680 sqf. Generally, the immediate existing context of the site is a mix of G+1 and G+2, so the proposal was for G+1 buildings. Due to the range in type, size, and roof form, each unit varied slightly in size, the lowest at 7.87m and the largest at 8.52m. The non-uniformity of the buildings adds interest and prevents the scheme from looking too homogeneous. Clear floor to ceiling heights are comfortable at 2.6m for the ground floor, and open into the roof space on the upper level, creating the feeling of space and openness.
The window strategy has been designed to create variety and interest across the 5 apartements. Across all 5 units, the intention was to have larger windows on the ground floor and smaller punchy windows on the first floor, and this
Client: LB Brent
Part of the infill programme, these 22 new homes for the London Council of Brent deliver quality where no one expected it, least of which the Council itself, owner of the brownfield land on which these audacious buildings were designed and constructed.
The site lies in the attractive stretch of countryside to the north of Ongar (Essex) in the pretty hamlet of Birds Green. Previously used as a landscape contractor’s yard, the site included a large barn which volume was used as a the maximum development benchmark. Following a quick visit on site, it became clear the development faced number of constraints such as the trees bordering the edge of the site and associated root protection areas, but also the close proximity of neighbours. But there were also clear opportunities within the site because existing tree lines created natural plot divisions also screened the property from main road.
During design development, we aimed to create a well-designed scheme to reflect the local vernacular. We started the designs by working on the primary volume. This was inspired by the barn shape, characteristic of the area. Using simple proportions ensured that the form is not over bearing within the setting. The pitch of the roof varies across the 4 units to create character and help the scheme look more organic. By folding the entrance elevation, depth and identity were created. A small canopy indicates the entrance and the simple fold in the building line created interes. The volume was then animated with playful windows. Further changes in materials helped create texture and
LB Brent
Design & Build
Local Authority
LB Brent
Number of units
Late 2022
depth to the buildings. Obviously these design considerations also took on board the construction method, ie insulated timber panel technology which CABU, the client’s JV partner, specializes in.
The scheme Fprovides four flexible, well designed units and also aims to satisfy the demand for a range of residential users. While the smallest unit was 3-bedroom the other three were 4-bedroom units ranging from 2,090 to 2,680 sqf. Generally the immediate existing context to the site is a mix G+1 and G+2 so the proposal was for G+1 buildings. Due the range in type, size and roof form, each unit varied slightly in size, the lowest at 7.87m and the largest 8.52m. The non-uniformity of the buildings adds interest and prevents the scheme from looking too homogeneous. Clear floor to ceiling heights are comfortable at 2.6m for the ground floor, and open into the roof space on the upper level, creating the feeling of space and openness.
The window strategy has been designed to create variety and interest across the four houses. Across all four units the intention was to have larger windows on the ground floor and smaller punchy windows on the first floor and this
All photos by Craig Auckland (Fotohaus)
Planning Award Excellence in Placemaking at High Density (Hackney Wick)
Build Magazine Architectural Award 2019
Best Mixed-Use Architecture Practice.
Build Magazine Architectural Award 2019
Best Residential Mixed-Use Project (East London) for Old Smoke House.
At HWO, we manage the full development cycle. This includes:
Site sourcing and capacity studies
Robust planning applications
RIBA chartered practice, led by ARB architects
Fully compliant designs, audited to Quality Standard IS0 9001
Revit model and scheduling, following industry-standard procedures and established BIM protocols and best practice, according to BS1192:2007, PAS1192-2:2013, AEC UK BIM Standards, CPI Code.
A BIM coordinator assigned to every project, supported by a BIM management team overseeing the strategy, delivery and evolution of our digital design capabilities
Tender drawing and specification packages using NBS Create, directly linked to our BIM model
Specification writing fully linked to Revit models, using NBS Create
Experience in different procurement routes
Experience using MMC’s and CLT frames
Direct collaboration with engineers and specialist consultants
Distribution of web drawings via a dedicated platform
Design Leader (awarded RIBA PM Certificate)
CSSW Basement Waterproofing Training
We are proud to work with some of the most prestigious clients in the property industry.
Aitch Construction, Aitch Group, Aquilo Developments. Baqus Plc, Blaircourt Investments, LB Brent, CABU, Capstone Group, Cass & Claredale Housing, Citywest, Homes, Colliers, Dreampoint Homes, LB Ealing, Espa international, Farnham Developments, Four Seasons, Hotels & Resorts, French Trade Bureau in London, Generator Group, Glenny, Guinness Partnership, Hut Group, Hyde Housing, Group, IPE Developments, Jaspar Group, John Jones, Knight Frank, London Development Group, Lakes by yoo, Marriott, IC hotels, Modular Building Consultants, NFS Investments, Network Rail, Quintas Homes, Raven Property, Rail Europe (part of French Railways), Redbridge Council, Regal Homes, Rosemax Investments, Royds Withy King, Silvertown Properties, Software Integrators, Spa Tribe, Squared Group, Strettons, Swimming Rocks, Turnqey, Westminster Kingsway College, Wharfedale Homes, Westbrook Whitfield, Woolbro Group, Yara Capital, The Zamek Group.
‘An Award-Laden Year’ Feature in Construction Industry News Issue 11
Architectural Awards May 2019 BUILD magazine
‘What if planning actually worked?’ Seminar - London Olympia.
‘Homes’ Exhibition - London Olympia.
‘CIH Housing’ Exhibition – Manchester.
‘Addressing The Capital’s Housing Shortage’ Exhibition – 2-5 June, The White Building, Hackney Wick.
‘Foundations of the Future’ Interview – A Home Builders Federation programme by ITN Productions (launched at UK Construction Week).
‘A Capital Crisis of Space’ - A four-page feature in July’s Issue of Inside Housing.
‘It’s all gone PRS’ - One-hour presentation at ‘Homes’ the industry event in Olympia.
‘The Creative Hour - Ep1’ - A drink event featuring a presentation on PRS and Planning by Ben Kelway, Senior Director at Lichfields.
‘The Creative Hour - Ep2’ - A drink event featuring a presentation on the economics of the PRS model by Stephen Young, Director at Fizzy.
‘GRAPHITE Launch Party’ - A drink event to celebrate 14 years in practice and the launch of our in-house mag GRAPHITE.
MIPIM 2018 & 2019 - HWO attended MIPIM, the international real estate fair in Cannes.