Restaurants, Bars & Cafes

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restaurants, bars

& c a f ÉS

hatch + ulland owen a r c h i t e c t s

Our Firm The firm was founded in 1978 by Tom Hatch, FAIA, with a commitment to help build strong, vibrant communities.

It has evolved over several decades from its sole-

proprietorship beginnings to its current partnership structure when, in 2006, Erik Ulland and Randall Owen joined him as partners. Our keen sense of community values has inspired a wide range of distinctive projects including: 65 Whole Foods Markets across the country, including the original Corporate Headquarters at 6th Lamar; The Crossings (now Travaasa Experiential Resort and Spa); Threadgill’s; Thundercloud Subs; Twin Oaks Library; McKinney Roughs Nature Park; Mueller Community Homes; and most recently Antone’s, Homestead Oaks Apartments and Learning Center, The Groves Information Center and Oak Point Park Nature and Retreat Center. Whether public or private, we favor timeless projects designed with an eye, not on the latest architectural trend or signature style, but on the special needs of our clients and the community at large. As active members of Austin’s “Green Building” program, we are keenly aware of environmental issues and strive to create buildings that enhance the health and well being of both the earth and its inhabitants. We were the architects for Austin’s first large scale, commercial “green” building – the first Whole Foods Market and Corporate Headquarters at 6th and Lamar. All of our projects are guided by the ethical and far-reaching applications of sustainability. The images in this book demonstrate an abbreviated look at some of our projects, in particular, restaurants, bars, cafes and a few photos of the some of the 66 Whole Foods Markets we have designed nationwide.

INTERIOR DESIGN Creating space is about balance. By balancing the needs of the client with the requirements of the building, we can craft environments that respect both the desired aesthetic vision and functional needs. We approach each project with a fresh perspective, yet we draw from a broad base of experience and recognition founded in respecting our clients’ objectives, schedule and budget as well as the environment. Whether our clients are commercial office tenants, local restaurateurs or retailers, we create environments that embody their individual brand.

CREATING THE RIGHT ‘FEEL’ FOR YOUR RESTAURANT, BAR, OR CAFÉ All of the elements of the design and layout should represent the goals and concept of the business. Because the menu, clientele, and price points should all support the layout of the restaurant to create a single concept, designing restaurant spaces requires a strong collaboration between the architect and the client. h+uo makes every effort to listen and fully understand our client’s needs before interpreting and bringing these ideas to life. With this approach, we have not only built restaurants and bars of which we are proud to have been a part, but we have also built long term relationships. Our list of repeat clients includes restaurateurs and business owners connected with local establishments like Threadgill’s, Thundercloud Subs, J. Black’s and Whole Foods. Other restaurants and bars include: Scholz Garten, Wahoo’s on South Congress, Sampaio’s, Lakeside Pizza & Grill, Club One15, Proof, Fuego, and Hardtails Bar & Grill. Our most recent projects include a tenant improvement for the second location of Houndstooth Coffee in the Frost Bank Tower on Congress Avenue; a complete interior and exterior renovation of a 6,000 square-foot former Bennigan’s Restaurant into a new urban dining and cocktail lounge, Foxhole Culinary Tavern; a renovation of Verde's Round Rock, and the design/build for the Austin icon, Antone's. h+uo architects has developed our business around client-focused, responsible design. Let us bring our history and dedication to your next project.

The PFartners ounder & Partners TOMTOM HATCH, HATCH, FAIAFAIA

Tom Hatch Tom Hatch, has Founding amassed Principal an extensive of h+uo, has and varied amassed background an extensiveinand hisvaried 39 years background of practicing whilearchitecture. practicing architecture He has since worked 1975on and a tremendous then establishing variety the of firm projects, in 1978. ranging He has from a worked varietyon of aretail tremendous projectsvariety and offices, of projects to public whichinstitutional include retail projects buildings and offices; such public as schoolsinstitutional and libraries, buildings to such largeasmultifamily schools and projects, libraries; rural large retreats multi-family and custom developments; private rural residences. retreats; and custom private residences. In 2008, In 2008, Tom was Tom was honored honored with withthe the John John V. V. Nyfeler, Nyfeler, FAIA FAIA Community Community Service Service Award Awardand and in 2011, in 2011,he hewas was elevated elevatedto to Fellowship fellowship in the in the American American Institute Institute of Architects. of Architects. Most Most recently, recently, in in 2013, 2013, he he received received the the James James D. Pfluger D. PflugerCommunity Community Services Services AwardAward for his for work hisand work and advocacy of community advocacy of community based and based affordable and affordable housing designs. housing designs.



As Asaa licensed licensed architect architect since 1994, for Erik 20 has years, a Randall Randall began began his career his career in architecture in architecture in Erikcomprehensive has a comprehensive background in both commercial background 1993. over He 20 specializes yearsinago. commercial Hedesign specializes and in in and commercial residential architecture architecture and design and which design development commercial including design retail shopping and centers development which includes includes multi-million multi-million dollar office dollar complexes, office andincluding tenant improvements; retail shopping restaurants; centers bars; and complexes, mixed-use multifamily schools developments, and libraries, schools and flexible tenant officeimprovements, space and warehouse restaurants, buildings. bars, various and libraries. retail Additionally, projects including his extensivecar Heflex-office prides himself space on being and able warehouse to take “off-thebuildings. dealerships experience varies and franchise from carefully operations. crafted shelf” He and prides readily himself available on being products able andtouse take “offAdditionally, custom homes his to large extensive scale multi-discipline experience them the-shelf” in innovative and ways. readily available products includes project management, solar energy civic consulting, and design-build large and use them in innovative ways. scale projects. multi-discipline project management, Randall works closely with contractors and civic and design-build projects. welcomes Randalltheworks challenge closely of problem with contractors solving in and Collaborative teamwork is the foundation of theproblem field. In this solving way, heincan thehelp field. to maintain In this way, Collaborative Erik’s project managment teamworkskills. is the Hefoundation listens to thehe integrity can help of the to design maintain and thethe quality integrity of the of the of the Erik’s clientproject and works management within the budgetskills. as wellHe project. design and the quality of the project. listens as inherent to theenvironmental client and and works governmental within the budget constraints. as wellHeasbelieves inherent theenvironmental best results andare governmental Hearchitect believes realized when constraints. the owner and thework best results are realized when in tandem to develop a project that trulythe owner integrates and the the owner’s architect objectives, work ininnovative tandem to develop design and a project environmental that truly responsibility. integrates the owner’s desires, innovative design and environmental responsibility.

1010 1010 East East 11th11th Street | |Austin, TXTX || 78702 Street Austin, 78702

| 512.474.8548 512.484.8548| | |

hatch + ulland owen a r c h i t e c t s

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