Elizabeth Knox Home & Hospital Annual Report 2022/23

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Annual Report



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Knormal again


Our Founder


Our Principles


22/23 Highlights


Chairman’s Report


CEO’s Report






Annual Report


Annual Report 22/23

FOR the year ending 30 June 2023


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Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital



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Knot like everyone else Elizabeth Knox was quite a lady. Originally from County Tyrone, Ireland, Charles and Elizabeth Knox were typical of the hard-working individuals who risked everything to emigrate to New Zealand in the 1840s. They were tough people who embraced untold challenges and found success farming in the Tamaki River area. They were a couple with foresight and dreams. They never had children but were known for charitably supporting their community. Charles died in 1861 at the age of 62. Elizabeth Knox died 115 years ago at the age of 99. During the nearly-half century after her husband’s death she continued to help others knowing there was still more she could do with the wealth she and her husband had accumulated. Her generosity of heart and vision to leave a bequest to build and endow a hospital and ‘home for the incurables’ was an altruistic act with enduring benefits over more than a century.

We proudly continue the valuable work that Elizabeth Knox started.

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That Knox community of care continues to make it’s mark today. Since 1911 when the Knox Home Trust Board was formed, the not-for-profit Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital has been caring for elders and disabled individuals.


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Our alternative knormal People tend to lump all aged care providers together. Same services and facilities. Same outcomes. But we promise you that Knox certainly isn’t like many others. Back in 2009 we adopted the international philosophy of care focusing on de-institutionalisation and authentic care; The Eden Alternative. This provided us a different DNA to other care homes. You’ll find many small differences at Knox that make a big difference to the lives of our residents. Companion animals, children and plants are part of their daily lives. Primarily though at Knox, people, not property, matter the most. The Ten Principles of the Eden Alternative guide us to focus on opportunities to make resident’s lives purposeful and satisfying. We recognise relationships have a powerful influence on human health. The strong social support found in relationships are key to happiness and healthy aging. Most Knox residents maintain or improve health and outlook. They are less lonely, more active and enjoy higher levels of wellbeing.

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Together we make the most of the daily opportunities for a good life with the best care our committed team can give.


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This Annual Report refers to the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023

Highlights 22/23

A major quality initiative involved the restructure of senior nursing leadership roles and resulted in creation of Clinical Operations roles. Furthermore, we have intoduced V-Care software which assists the development and implementation of care planning and management of resident records.

Model of Care changes

New Puka Home recognised

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

The Puka Home opened in late 2021, was nominated for the New Zealand Aged Care Association Spaceworks Environment Award which it later went on to win. The award recognised the tangible positive effects enjoyed in response to the innovative design of this 37-bed home.


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Nikau Home kitchen refurbishments It’s surprising how quickly nine years has gone since Nikau Homes opened. The three kitchens needed replacing and refreshing.




Knox Home has enjoyed high occupancy through the year.

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First CAP programme graduates Knox was approved to deliver the Nursing Council of New Zealand Competency Assessment Programme (CAP) for Registered and Enrolled Nurses with lapsed registration or those nurses entering New Zealand requiring registration. The first March intake of 15 graduated in May.

Resident activity regrowth

Contractors have made good progress through the year demolishing the old Totara and Puka Homes. Construction on the new 65-bed Totara Home is advancing well with a projected opening in May 2024.

New Totara Home construction well under way

After an imposed three-year hiatus, this year we resumed nursing student visits to experience the New Zealand Eden Alternative. SOSU Nord is a Danish vocational tertiary educator. The relationship was initiated in 2013.

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Danish student visits resumed


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Dr Alastair MacCormick

Chairman’s Report Knox Home is the largest sub-acute hospital in New Zealand, with over 220 beds. This will rise to 280 in 2024 on completion of the new Totara Home in 2024. Within Knox, resident life goes on in fourteen households; small communities having their own living spaces and independent facilities along with their own teams of nurses and caregivers. Owned and operated by the Knox Home Trust Board, the home and hospital is a viable concern, expanding at a time when there is

a crisis in the aged-care sector that has led to the closure of hundreds of beds nationwide. This sustainable position is the outcome of a resolute focus on providing care of the highest quality, inspired by the Principles of the Eden Alternative, designed to overcome boredom, helplessness, and hopelessness, by providing every resident with all possible opportunities for activity and stimulation. CEO Jill Woodward and her team, numbering 260 in all, deserve the

highest accolades for the superb care they give our residents.

Challenges turn to opportunities Since Covid-19 made its extraordinary, restrictive impact on life at Knox, the way in which the team has coped is nothing short of miraculous, sustaining our residents and their families under the most trying conditions. In February 2023 Cyclone Gabrielle flooded areas in Kowhai and Tawa, testing again Knox emergency response. Quick action by staff averted more widespread flooding and the home recovered fairly quickly. The overland flow path through Knox itself overflowed, showing that there is inadequate disposal of stormwater on Market Road and adjacent higher ground.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

The year was marked by occasional outbreaks of Covid-19, necessitating partial closures of some households within Knox. Overall, there has been a return to a more normal life, with much less restriction on movement. Family and friends have been able to visit, volunteer help has returned and residents are once again able to venture freely outside the home.

Exciting progress of redevelopment Further milestones in the redevelopment of Knox were reached during the year. Puka Home opened in December 2021 is proving to be a home much enjoyed


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by the residents and staff who relocated from the old Totara and Puka Homes and was recognised in the NZACA annual awards this year for its construction and the outstanding outcomes as a result of the design. Construction of the new Totara Home commenced in 2023. With 64 rooms on two levels, arranged in four households, the design of the new Totara Home incorporates the latest thinking for the best possible provision of Eden Alternative care.

Solid response to commercial pressures The last few years have seen a significant government-driven escalation of wages and salaries for caregivers and nurses in tandem with a very tight employment market. When combined with the impact of Covid-19, this was a perfect storm. CEO Jill and her team deserve great credit for maintaining Knox’s standards of care under these exceptionally difficult conditions. Excellent management by the CEO and Commercial Manager, Dianne Lee, ensure that Knox is financially sustainable year after year. This has been achieved by maintaining high occupancy with a relentless pursuit of cost efficiencies while asserting the high standards of care for which Knox is known. The Trust’s financial statements, published on the New Zealand Charity Services register record another excellent year for Knox. www.charities.govt.nz (Reg. No. CC20460)

Shortly after the end of the financial year, Warwick Peacock retired as a trustee after 32 years, which included many years as Chairman of the Board. A tribute to his exceptional service is on page 11. Marika Eastwick-Field, a partner in Russell McVeagh, also retired at the end of August 2023, having been a compassionate and committed

Annual Report 22/23

Board of Trustee changes


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trustee for seven years. The Board held a special function to thank both Warwick and Marika for their significant contributions. The Board welcomed two new trustees, Vanessa Stoddart and Anthony Mitchelson Vanessa Stoddart is a corporate director with extensive experience, initially as a lawyer in Russell McVeagh. She later held executive roles in Carter Holt, followed by a period as Chief Executive in Australia, and later senior executive positions in Air New Zealand. Since leaving the airline Vanessa has held a wide range of directorships and advisory positions in the public and private sectors. Anthony Mitchelson resumes an old connection between Knox and the Mitchelson family, as his great grandfather Edwin Mitchelson, prominent in Auckland as an MP, Government Minister, and Mayor, was a Knox trustee in the early part of the 20th Century. A chartered accountant, Anthony is the Head of Finance and

Commercial Operations for Pharmaco NZ Limited, a large private pharmaceutical company. He has also served in the New Zealand Army Regular and Territorial Defence Forces, volunteering in 2005 for a six-month deployment with the UN Peacekeeping Force in the Sinai and Gaza.

Thanks for the efforts of a great team

Jill discovered the Eden Alternative philosophy early in her new role as CEO, recognising that the Eden Alternative would provide the guiding principles for Knox care, which have been adopted and embraced by Board and staff as an enduring code for resident care. We thank Jill for her dedicated and inspiring leadership of Knox.

Marked by a slow return to a new normal, Knox has withstood well the difficulties and stresses of change. The Board records its thanks to the Knox team of executives, doctors, nurses, caregivers, physiotherapists, cooks, cleaners, and maintenance workers who have again worked tirelessly and selflessly, embracing change while continuing to provide outstanding care for our residents. Our outstanding Chief Executive Jill Woodward has now led Knox from the front for 15 years.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

The busy Knox Maintenance team proved invaluable during the Cyclone Gabrielle floods.

The new Puka Home has delivered far greater rewards than ever anticpated.


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Trustee Warwick Peacock


Warwick Peacock retired from the Knox Home Trust Board on 31 July 2023, after 32 years of exemplary service as a Trustee. The Peacock name will be forever associated with the Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital, as Warwick’s great grandfather, Thomas was an early Trustee. Thomas was prominent in Auckland, as Mayor for four years in the 1880s before becoming a Member of Parliament. For 20 years until April 2016, Warwick was Chairman, guiding Knox through an exceptional period of expansion and improvement.

Trustees appreciated his consultative leadership, equable manner and common sense coupled with empathy and the pursuit of care excellence for Knox residents. Knox staff valued his wise counsel and enjoyed his ready availability. A leading chartered accountant, throughout his time as a Trustee, Warwick has overseen the Trusts finances and investments with meticulous attention to detail. While Chairman, Warwick also chaired the Planning Committee, which has overseen the string of major building developments initiated by CEO, Jill Woodward. These affected every corner of Knox, with an initial project to redecorate all rooms and transform multi-occupant bedrooms rooms to single rooms with ensuites. This project also created more residential lounges as the central focus of households in place of a single large central lounge and dining room. The construction of an impressive entrance portico, large reception area and open-plan resident lounge, opened in November 2011 transforming the experience of arrival at Knox.

Knox then embarked on an expansion phase with the construction of 62-bed Nikau Home, opened by the Minister of Health in August 2014. Nikau is an enduring legacy from Warwick’s long period in the Chair. Warwick and Prue regularly attended Knox events, especially enjoying the Annual Resident’s Ball. Warwick has been a faithful servant of the Trust established by Elizabeth Knox. Trustees and staff wish him a long and happy retirement from this exceptional commitment to our charity. Thank you Warwick.

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A bird’s-eye view of site works for the new Totara Home.


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Jill Woodward

CEO’s Report The 2022/2023 year began with COVID-19 precautions still in place. These included visiting by appointment, evidence of a negative RAT test and compliance with the mask mandate. These continued throughout the period of this report.

Concerns in the aged care sector remain Funding of the aged care sector remains a significant concern at the start of the new financial year. Throughout the sector, bed closures continue and there is a marked

shortage of Rest Home-level beds. Of concern, planning for future demand is not evident particularly in the face of grave shortages of ‘Standard’ rooms.

Strong community links acknowledged Knox won the NZACA Excellence in Care Awards 2022 Community Connections category announced in August 2022.

Monitoring performance and perceptions We continue with the First We loved having volunteers back and they’ve loved being back too.

Impressions Survey which allows us to understand family member’s impressions of the settling-in period at Knox. We know it is essential in the early stages of building trust.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

Improved trends continue in some areas and opportunities for further team education are also evident. We are committed to achieve consistency in application of our 10-point Promise to New Residents where the Knox team commits to supporting new resident’s transition to this new place.

Residents have enjoyed re-engaging with our neighbourhood children.

This remains a strong focus in education of new team members as those crucial first few weeks can be stressful for residents and families while they settle in. We will continue to seek feedback from family and residents.


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Eden Alternative focus as durable as ever The Knox commitment to the Principles of the Eden Alternative combined with a focus on continuous quality improvement has continued. Eden Associate training in October increased our Eden Associates by a further 29 team members.

Volunteers return We’ve also seen encouraging growth of the number of volunteers who have enthusiastically returned to serve our community. We have seen greater engagement with a range of community organisations, further strengthening our focus on the wider community.

Volunteering by residents Residents are also volunteering in greater numbers with reading support for schools and new migrants.

Energetic resident activity The Lifestyle and Leisure and Volunteering teams have continued to build on the foundations laid in the previous year with small group learning, art, music appreciation and drama being embedded in the growth opportunities for residents. The positive evidence from these activities are companionship, creativity and being well-known in these groups and in the life of Knox.

A major quality initiative involved the restructure of senior nursing leadership roles and resulted in creation of Clinical Operations roles. Ann Bolus and Fanny Mattsson supported by the Knox Care Leader Chislon Gabriola have provided superb clinical support and mentorship to the Care Teams across Knox.

Improved team recruitment Like most homes in the aged care sector, staffing has presented

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Positive changes to Model of Care


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many challenges. Recruitment over the year has been focused and fortunately availability of registered nurses has improved in 2023. The recruitment strategy is regularly reviewed to ensure all opportunities are explored.

Knox becomes CAP provider In 2022 an application was made to Nursing Council of Aotearoa for Knox to become a provider of Competency Assessment Programmes (CAP) for Internationally Qualified Nurses (IQNs).

intermittent visitor restrictions. This has meant we have needed to balance safety and the reality that Knox Home remains just that.

Cyclone flood damage mitigated by outstanding team response The severe weather event during Anniversary weekend 2023 resulted in some flooding of older parts of Knox and also the two rental properties in Griffin Avenue.

Late in 2022 we were notified that this was successful and the first seven-week CAP course began in March 2023 with further 2023 intakes due to take place in July and October.

Major damage was averted by the hard-working maintenance and administration teams that dealt promptly with ingress of flood water. The overland flow path was effective as were the Puka Home flood mitigation strategies – detention tanks, permeable surrounding areas and elevation.

Pandemic impacts continued

Positive Certification Audit

This year the management of COVID-19 outbreaks within Knox and team member absences due to COVID-19 have resulted in

In June 2023, Knox had its unannounced Certification Audit. This was favourable and identified several areas such

as education as opportunities for further growth.

Experienced physicians improve the lives of residents The Knox medical team of Doctors, led by Dr Jock Carnachan, has continued to play a key role in resident welfare over the year and have showed incredible flexibility, commitment and skill in enhancing the wellbeing of Knox residents.

Our Doctors have been instrumental in maintaining resident’s health under difficult circumstances.

Part of the Competency Assessment Programme (CAP) first graduates group.

Tikanga Ma-ori popular Our commitment to Tikanga Ma-ori also continues with high levels of resident and team engagement in workshops, waiata, te reo and rongoa- (traditional Ma-ori medicine).

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

Strong and supportive governance The Knox Home Trust Board has continued its committed and practical support of the wider Knox Community. The Board sub-committee structure supports engagement with members of the senior team in such key areas as Quality and Risk. This model enables open communication with the executive and support team. We are privileged to have such dedicated and talented people volunteer their acumen and


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resource at the governance level of Knox Home.

Board member changes We have farewelled Warwick Peacock from the Board. Over his 32 years of service to governance of Knox, Warwick spent many years as Chairman and latterly Chaired the Finance Sub Committee. We wish Warwick and Prue a wonderful and well-deserved retirement. We have also welcomed to the Board Vanessa Stoddart and Anthony Mitchelson, who both bring vast experience and knowledge to Knox governance.

Exciting Site developments New Totara Home

Following a site blessing in February, site works commenced for the new 60-plus-bed Totara Home. The upgrade of the fire protection system and panel followed. By June

Medical students from the University of Auckland hone their interviewing skills with Knox residents.

was completed in 2022 and is now well established.

inadequate to appropriately fund the increasingly high cost of care.

Nikau Home refurbishment

The original funding rationale established many decades ago, does not fund care required to meet the needs of increasingly unwell and frail elders. Retention of Registered Nurses, provision of such a well-resourced medical service and readily accessible physiotherapy, lifestyle and leisure and other support services is not acknowledged in the current Te Whatu Ora funding model.

Planning commenced for the replacement of all three Nikau kitchens. Also included is painting, reupholstering of some furniture and replacement of flooring in the living and dining areas. This is planned to commence in August. Parts of the Nikau Home roof have required repairs. The affected roof has been redesigned and replacement of the roof sections have commenced with costs met by a third party.

Financial Outcomes 2023, significant progress had been made with construction. Completion is expected by May 2024. There was some damage to the construction site during the flood event as detention tanks and site works were impacted by flood water, causing some extension to project time line.

Puka Home gardens Landscaping at the new Puka Home

The year ended June 2023 with Knox in a slightly betterthan-budgeted financial position. Occupancy remains high at 96% with the mix of Hospital/RestHome residents being 83%/17% respectively. The Aged Care sector funding continues to lag behind inflation. Wage pressures are the major driver of costs, however all operating costs have increased and the current funding model is woefully

Other operational changes In December 2022 CIBUS commenced as our new inhouse catering contractor. In 2023 Kordia took over the management of our IT systems. Cleaning was brought in-house and is now managed by our very committed and capable Megan Bell who also has the busy role of Care Administrator. The hard-working laundry team are managed by energetic and efficient Kelly Hayward-Yeo. She does this in addition to her role as Executive Assistant to the CEO. I wish to acknowledge the Knox team, who during times when

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Totara Home construction commenced in July 2022 with stripping out and demolition of the Puka and Totara buildings from 1974.


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both funding and employing the right people has been difficult, have willingly accepted additional responsibilities.

We’re very grateful for donations and legacies I wish to thank the very generous donors to Knox. A growing focus for Knox is achievement of Grant funding for key items such as mobility aids, physiotherapy equipment and wages.

members bring excellent skills and energy to enhancing resident independence.

Valuable partnerships and opportunities Volunteering numbers have increased with team members reflecting the wonderful diversity of Auckland. Every volunteer brings with them life experiences and energy that enhance resident’s lives. Many opportunities to engage with

participate weekly to be part of students’ learning, the groups are supported by senior University physicians.

Eden Alternative / Elder Satisfaction In January 2023 the Eden Alternative Plan, Quality Plan and Operational Plan was confirmed. The focus on values and “the way we do things around here” continues. The New Resident

Knox Care Leader Chislon Gabriola along with Ann Bolus and Fanny Mattsson have provided superb clinical support and mentorship to the Care Teams across Knox.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

The creation of Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital in 1911 was possible through the generosity of Elizabeth Knox and, as one of the few remaining stand-alone not-forprofit providers, we wish to build donation and bequest income. This will ensure Knox continues to grow and flourish. We ask that Knox be considered a worthy recipient of future legacies.

New Opportunities and Partnerships The Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy team headed by Emma Paris now also includes physiotherapists Phoebe Law and Marco Wong with Occupational Therapist, Anne Holmes also joining the team in 2023. These team

the community were maintained and some examples have been: • Cultivate – engagement of residents in ESOL tutoring at Epsom Library and our neighbours, Vintage Kids. • Connect The Dots – residents thoroughly enjoy these visits connecting elders with the art community. • Regular Community Meetings with residents and family held every two to three months are an opportunity for families to get to know more about the Knox Community. • Knox has joined with Auckland University Medical School to provide opportunities for students to grow their interviewing and examination skills. A small group of residents

Promise, New Volunteer and Team Member Promise and Knox Values all remain a central focus of Knox Way training.

Targeted resident experiences 2022/23 year has seen marked transformation from large group activities to smaller more meaningful experiences and passions like Mahjong, Rummicub, table tennis, Tai Chi, gardening, walks, cooking and podcasts to name a few.

First Impressions Survey Our surveys conducted January – March 2023 and April – June 2023 provided useful feedback on the settling-in process from both


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Operating Income by Service FOR THE PERIOD ENDING 30 JUNE 2023

Grants & Donations received Te Whatu Ora Disabled Peoples Communications and Care Package (12 weeks – Community Fund)

Ministry of Social Development



Other Income including Grants and Donations

Fees Rest Home Care


Fees Young Disabled Care


Fees Hospital Aged Care

Care in the Community Grant

Four Winds Foundation


Lifestyle and Leisure Digital Tablets


Dragon Community Trust Lifestyle and Leisure Wages

Milestone Foundation

Cleaning & Laundry


Net Operating Surplus



Maxi Move and Maxi 500


60% Resident Care



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family’s and resident’s perspectives. The results inform team education and operation.

Regular team, family and resident-related communication • Poetry Group and TED talks are well established with growing participation by residents.

Team Member Survey

Team Development and Staff Satisfaction

A significant increase in training has been made possible through the review of team member needs and a range of learning opportunities are made available. These include faceto-face, online on and off site.

Our weekly Eden Alternative sessions continue and these include all team to ensure the care model reflects our commitment to the Eden Alternative.

Significant progress continues to be made in supporting Care Partners in achieving Careerforce NZ Certificate Health & Wellbeing levels 2, 3 and 4.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

• Local Body candidate presentations prior to Council elections were held.

• Resident leadership is evident through the Resident’s Committee, Food for Thought Committee and Resident engagement in the team recruitment process and education.


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Knox continued the focus on team wellbeing with COVID-19 vaccinations, annual ‘flu vaccination and preemployment health screening along with Pilates classes twice per week.

Health and Safety The Knox focus on Health and Safety continues to strengthen. Health and Safety representatives have shown considerable commitment to enhancing team wellbeing.

Last thoughts Knox has remained focused on growth and restoration of community connections. Residents remain central to all we do and reclaiming normality has been a high priority after more than three years in pandemic mode. COVID-19 outbreaks resulting in intermittent lockdowns and isolation from usual supports has affected the whole community.

The Knox team has displayed resilience and commitment to resident’s wellbeing and it is this along with community support that ensures the future viability of Knox. I wish to thank families for trusting us with their dearly loved family member; and team and residents for their commitment, optimism and care for one another. Thanks also go to the wider community for the support and encouragement we receive.

Knowing our residents is vital. One of the Knox Clinical Operations Managers, Fanny Mattsson (right), meets with a resident’s family.

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We look forward to much more continued knormality.


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Knox Home Trust


Dr Alastair MacCormick

Bal Matheson




Alastair has governance, executive and consulting experience in the business, government, not-for-profit, health and education sectors in Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and the USA. He has held directorships in a diverse range of listed and private companies. At the University of Auckland from 1968 to 2002, Alastair was an Emeritus Professor. He was Dean of the Business School for fourteen years, and subsequently Deputy Vice-Chancellor. He is currently a member of the New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission.

Bal is a barrister specialising in resource management and local government, practising at Richmond Chambers. For more than 20 years, he has been focusing on development projects across New Zealand, including many in the health care and rest home sectors. Bal was appointed to the Board in 2011.

Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital

Alastair was appointed to the Board in 1982 and in 2017 became Chairman.

Marika Eastwick-Field

Anthony Mitchelson



Marika is a commercial litigation partner and head of the litigation group at Russell McVeagh. Her work spans a range of advisory and disputes matters relating to M&A and other commercial transactions, securities and corporate law, financial markets and insurance.

Anthony is a member of Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand.

Marika was appointed to the Board in 2016.

Dr Bruce Foggo Trustee

Bruce is a retired medical practitioner with more than 40 years of general practice and palliative medicine experience. His most recent role was Medical Team Leader at Mercy Hospice Auckland. Bruce was appointed to the Board in 2008.

For the past 20 years, he has worked in professional services and in a variety of commercial roles. He is currently the Head of Finance and Commercial Operations of an Australasian pharmaceutical and medical device import and distribution company. Anthony has also served for 20 years in the Territorial and Regular New Zealand Army as an artillery officer. Anthony was appointed to the Board in 2023.


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Warwick Peacock

Andrew Smith



Warwick is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. He is now retired after being a principal in Chartered Accountancy practices for approximately 50 years.

Andrew has extensive business experience having spent 40 years in the building supply industry.


Warwick was appointed to the Board in 1994 and in 2017 stood down from his role as Chairman which he held since 1997.

In 2006, he retired from executive responsibilities, and has since been involved in governance roles in the not-for-profit sector, which in addition to Knox Home include the outdoor education, visual and performing arts sectors.

Registered Office 10 Ranfurly Rd Epsom Auckland 1023

Warwick retired from the Board in 2023.

Andrew was appointed to the Board in 1998.

Knox Home Trust

Charities Commission Registration CC20460 www.charities.govt.nz Auditors Hayes Knight Audit NZ Level 1 1 Broadway Newmarket Auckland 1023

Kim Wright



Vanessa is currently a Director for Te Whatu Ora, Channel Infrastructure and OneFortyOne - an international forestry company, a member of the Financial Markets Authority, and Deputy Chair of King’s College.

Kim is a consultant to government and several charitable organisations in the area of health and welfare. She has a BSc in physiology and an MBA in business administration and an MSc in health economics.

She has held director positions with other listed, private, and public sector companies and NFPs.

She has held senior roles in the pharmaceutical industry and primary and Pacific health care. Her work currently focuses on Pacific health workforce development and supporting research in child health.

Prior to her governance career Vanessa was Head of Engineering and Human Resources at Air New Zealand and Chief Executive Packaging Australia for Carter Holt Harvey having started her career in the legal profession. Vanessa was appointed to the Board in 2022.

Kim is a member of the Pasifika Medical Association, the International Health Economists Association and is also an inaugural ANIVA Fellow. Kim was appointed to the Board in 2019.

Bankers Bank of New Zealand

Annual Report 22/23

Vanessa Stoddart

Solicitors Russell McVeagh The Vero Centre 48 Shortland St Auckland 1010


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here for each other


Knox Home Trust Not-for-Profit Charity GIVING MORE SINCE 1911

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10 Ranfurly Road, Epsom, Auckland 1023 PO Box 74060, Greenlane, Auckland 1546 Telephone 09 523 3119 info@knox.co.nz


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