KnoxLife 47

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Our growth mode

“To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold” ARISTOTLE

Snow was last recorded in Auckland in August 2011, the first time in 72 years so its unlikely we will experience snowflakes locally, however the past month has been a reminder of winter. The chilly temperatures have not chilled residents’ enthusiasm for getting out and about. The Lifestyle and Leisure team continue to explore new and interesting places to visit and events with residents.

Completed Competency Assessment programmes adding new nurses

Two further 7-week CAP (overseas trained Registered Nurse Competency Assessment Programmes) have been completed at the Knox Education Centre and we are pleased to report this has added another 70 registered nurses to the New Zealand-Australian workforce.

Eden Associates boosted

In April we held Eden Associate training for 33 team members, this is three days of exploration of the Eden Alternative and is essential in our Eden journey. It was great to have resident, Rose Lightfoot also attend and complete training.

Next Knox Community Meeting - 18 June:

dr Michal Boyd talks about Frailty

Knox Community Meetings keep people updated on things of interest. At our last meeting

we discussed introducing education sessions for residents, family and team.

We have scheduled the first in this series for Tuesday 18 June at 6:00pm – 7:00pm in the Main Dining Room at Knox. The topic is 'Frailty' and we are delighted to have Dr Michal Boyd presenting this session.

Visitors, please stay at home if you're sick

We have again experienced a surge in COVID cases. It is essential you do not visit Knox at all if you or a member of your household has any cold-like or gastroenteritis symptoms as we must be meticulously careful about all infections.

Visiting Hours reminder

10am – 11:30am / 2pm – 8pm

We urge visitors to observe these times as we are all committed to honouring

the request made by residents for a quiet period in the middle of the day to rest after lunch.

Changes to Knox Home Trust Board

Goodbye to dr Bruce Foggo

We have farewelled Dr Bruce Foggo from the Board, after 16 years of valuable service of governance at Knox. Bruce's significant experience in general practice and palliative care has added substantially to the current Knox way.

Welcome to dr Ngaire Kerse

Ngaire is a distinguished gerontologist, holding the Joyce Cook Chair of General Practice at the University of Auckland. Ngaire also works in general practice at the Auckland City Mission. A dynamic person, Ngaire makes a huge contribution to the Aged Care sector and brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Board.

New facilities alongside Totara Home

As well as the construction of Totara there has been a fair bit of additional

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p11 Mother's day fundraiser for Breast Cancer Foundation

New Lifestyle and Leisure workshop New Café

development going on in the areas that connect the new building to the old.

The old Totara dining room has been redeveloped to become a space for Lifestyle and Leisure activities. There's a small open office area but most importantly a space for residents to get creative.

Further along the access to a path to Puriri Home, a space has been developed along with a new café and shared space beside the Nikau ramp available for residents, family and team to share.

Both spaces pictured above were photographed before completion.

We love working with committed people

Such is the commitment of the

great people Knox works with, Paul Wainhouse, Managing Director of VOIPHQ was spotted sorting out the phone system for Totara perched on the nearest chair to make sure the new phone system was working. We greatly appreciate the years of support we have had from Paul and VOIPHQ. We are very excited about our two-year construction project coming to fruition. Wishing you well and I look forward to meeting many family members at our next meeting.


Remember to LIKE, FOLLOW US and SHARE on Facebook and Instagram to see what is happening at Knox; it’s where you’ll find photos and stories about loved ones.

Big City Adventures

Venturing into the heart of the city is best done by train. A group set off from Orakei station, bound for Britomart.

Residents spent the morning exploring the city and indulging in the array of lunch options at Harbour Eats in Commercial Bay. Full and content, we strolled past shops, along the ferry terminal, and enjoyed ice cream before catching the train back. The day overflowed with meaning as we shared joy through the diverse experiences it offered.

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Home Run

The new Totara Home is almost complete and the hard and soft landscaping is taking shape putting the finishing touches to the exterior. Commissioning of the building is underway with a vast amount of testing and infrastructure such as WiFi, access control, fire protection systems now being activated.

The partial provisional audit took place in the last week of May coinciding with Practical Completion. It is hoped we will achieve Ministry of Health sign-off and Auckland Council issued Certificate of Public Use in June. Once these are in hand we can begin planning in earnest for the arrival of new residents.

Additional team recruitment is underway. Furniture for bedrooms, living and dining spaces plus soft furnishings arrive midJune.

Advertising has commenced and the official opening is tentatively planned for mid-July. We will let you know about the opening as families and residents are invited to attend and share the celebration of the completion of this huge project.

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Totara Home
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The Totara Home walkway will be a great place to exercise and get about. A massive planting operation has transformed the Totara Home site. High tech plus, plus, plus... The Watts and Hughes Construction team has been led by two very able guys in Senior Site Manager, Craig Agnew (left) and Paul Drake, Construction Site Manager.

About four year’s ago, Rachel Boswell joined Knox Home as a Care Partner. She had spent most of her adult career in customer service in the storage facility and software industries. She had taken a few years off to nuture two children, so delving into aged care was something a little different.

When you dig down into Rachel’s life, there is an obvious thread of service, resolve and curiosity.

Born and bred in Tauranga, Rachel left school at a fairly young age to experience the world. No doubt her

father’s career in the merchant navy and his tales of far off places had its influence. Rachel took a Nanny position in Baltimore in north-east US. This was followed by bartending in New York where the patrons nicknamed her Zena Warrior Waitress.

After a couple of years of travel and work back and forth between the US, Ireland and England, Rachel grew up and drank in a mass of experiences which have clearly strengthened her.

A new career

Rachel enjoyed the Care Partner role but was approached by managers to consider switching to the Lifestyle and Leisure team at Knox after two and a half years or so.

“I loved the new role and have continued to thoroughly enjoy the relationships we form with residents. It’s rewarding to be sparking their passions,” said Rachel, “I go home knowing I’ve added something to their lives.”

Opportunity Knox

“We recognised Rachel’s abilities and

Rachel's journey

felt sure that further education would add to her professional development,” said Knox Home’s, Margaret Brown. Rachel was invited to enrol in the Apprenticeship Programme and complete a Level 4 Certificate in Health and Wellbeing.

“At first, I hesitated. It had been 35 years since I last studied, and with a full-time job and family responsibilities to juggle, doubts began to arise.”

With the encouragement and support of Knox, Rachel got underway.

Reward for all

“Looking back, I couldn't be more grateful that I did. It was a journey filled with challenges, but ultimately, incredibly rewarding. With each assessment, I found myself growing more confident; overcoming obstacles and mastering new skills fuelled my determination.”

“Today, I feel incredibly proud of my accomplishment. I've proven to myself that with hard work, anything is possible. I am thankful to Elizabeth Knox Home and Hospital for the continuous support and belief in me.”


Anzac Day

On April 24 residents, staff and family members came together to honour the sacrifices of our military. We reflected on their courage, camaraderie and integrity.

Residents shared poems and readings. Rose led a karakia, supported by Jeff and Knox Kaia-whina, Kylie. Ernest and his daughter carried the wreath in honour of his grandfather.

Butterfly Creek

We recently visited this nature park nearby Auckland Airport. The butterflies are wonderful but there is so much more to see –meerkats, otters, reptiles, Kiwi, farm animals and all sorts. Great fun!

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simplify, streamline and standardise: Introducing the S3 Team

The Knox S3 Team is a small project group who are action-oriented and results-driven.

We are committed to making processes and methods at Knox simpler, more streamlined and of a consistent standard.

We aim to simplify, streamline and standardise repeatable processes in order to release time for care staff to strengthen relationships and build relationships with residents and families.

We draw on the work of Edward de Bono (Simplicity); Atul Gawunde (Checklists) and The Principles of Lean Thinking.

These are our key S3 Team Members:

Emsea Akers

Emsea has been working at Knox for over two years as our Weekend Lifestyle and Leisure and Volunteer Coordinator. In February this year, after graduating with an Honours degree in Health Science, and possessing a strong service improvement framework Emsea was appointed to our Quality Coordinator Role. We are loving having Emsea’s fresh eyes and sharp mind to help review and simplify our processes.

Helen delmonte

Helen joined our team in May as an experienced and extremely capable service manager in Aged Residential

Care. Helen is a registered Occupational Therapist who, until recently was working as the Quality and Operations Manager at Mercy Parklands. We are so glad that Helen has agreed to be part of the S3 Team, hitting the ground running with heaps of knowledge and a sharp eye for detail. Helen has started reviewing our New Resident Admission Process and associated documentation.

Janan Goryl

Janan will be well known to many of you. She has been a valued Knox team member for over 20 years and is now committing two days a week of her time to provide administrative support to the S3 Team. If there is anything we want to know about how things are done at Knox, Janan is our 'go-to' person.

Kylie Ramea

Kylie, has been with Knox for over five years now as a Care Partner, a Care Guide and now our Kaia - whina. When Kylie speaks we all listen. She guides and teaches us in so many ways, not only about Tikanga practices and Te Ao Ma - ori, but also about the practicalities and possibilities of improving our care to all residents.

Carole McIntosh

For many years Carole has been helping us gather feedback from residents and families by undertaking surveys on a

wide number of topics. These surveys have informed us about what we are doing well but have also helped us to identify areas for improvement.

Ekta Jain

Ekta joined the Knox Team in 2022 as our Afternoon and Weekend Site Manager. She has a background in physiotherapy and teaches our team about safe moving and handling practices. Ekta is committing one day a week to the S3 Team, eagerly contributing to a project relevant to after-hours care.

How the s3 Team Work

We try to be focused but flexible, practical and pragmatic, helpful and approachable.

Areas for attention are identified from:

- Feedback from experience surveys

- Findings of investigation of incidents and complaints

- Requests from Managers and Team Leaders

We use observational studies to understand current practice, looking out for and addressing unnecessary complexity, needless waste, and quality variation. Projects are designed and implemented to deliver tangible and timely benefits that improve the lives of residents and families.

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The joy of dining with friends

In an Eden Alternative home dining is more than just a routine meal. It’s a cornerstone of community and companionship. Eating wholesome food together nourishes both the body and the soul. Friendships are strengthened, stories are retold and experiences are shared.

Over recent weeks we have been focusing on enhancing the dining

sailing off to city boat show

experience, teaching staff to prepare, slow down, focus, and pay attention to detail.

Before commencing serving, we ensure residents are seated and settled by taking a moment to reflect, pray, meditate or be thankful.

We call this our dining ritual – where someone in the dining room is asked to lead the group in whichever way has

meaning for them.

For some it is their 'family grace', for others a poem or reading, others say a few words of thanks in their own language. The overall response has been very positive. Many residents tell us that they appreciate the ritual and notice that dining room is calmer and that the food tastes nicer!

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A Mother's Day with more meaning

Mother’s Day holds a special place in our hearts at Knox, and this year, we aimed for something truly impactful.

Our annual Mother’s Day high tea wasn't just about celebrating the wonderful women and mother figures in our lives; it was an opportunity to make a difference. We proudly dedicated the event to raising funds for the Pink Breast Cancer Foundation, a cause close to our hearts.

With elegant fine china tea sets, an abundance of tea, and delightful sweets for all, the occasion was as beautiful as it was meaningful.

We're thankful to be part of the incredibly supportive Knox community, where care and growth flourish.

Donations of toys and books please

We are keen to establish toy baskets in each home for visiting children.

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New volunteers always welcome

Members of our wider community are always welcome to join our Volunteer Team. Just like our volunteers, the opportunities are diverse and interesting and can be tailored to suit your interests and availability.

Contact us today to have a chat: Volunteer Coordinator Mary Rennison on Extension 7719 or email

Knox Home Trust Board Members

Dr Alastair MacCormick (CHAIR)

Mr Bal Matheson (DEPUTY CHAIR)

Dr Ngaire Kerse

Mr Anthony Mitchelson

Ms Emma Peterson

Mr Andrew Smith

Ms Vanessa Stoddart

Ms Kim Wright

The Eden Alternative 10 principles

1. The three plagues of loneliness, helplessness, and boredom account for the bulk of suffering among our Elders.

2. An Elder-centred community commits to creating a human habitat where life revolves around close and continuing contact with people of all ages and abilities, as well as plants and animals. It is these relationships that provide the young and old alike, with a pathway to a life worth living.

3. Loving companionship is the antidote to loneliness. Elders deserve easy access to human and animal companionship.

4. An Elder-centred community creates opportunity to give as well as receive care. This is the antidote to helplessness.

5. An Elder-centred community imbues daily life with variety and spontaneity by creating an environment in which unexpected and unpredictable interactions and happenings can take place. This is the antidote to boredom.

6. Meaningless activity corrodes the human spirit. The opportunity to do things that we find meaningful is essential to human health.

7. Medical treatment should be the servant of genuine human caring, never its master.

8. An Elder-centred community honours its Elders by de-emphasising top-down bureaucratic authority, seeking instead to place the maximum possible decision-making authority into the hands of the Elders or into the hands of those closest to them.

9. Creating an Elder-centred community is a never-ending process. Human growth must never be separated from human life.

10. Wise leadership is the lifeblood of any struggle against the three plagues. For it, there can be no substitute.

The core concept of the Eden Alternative™ is simple: Care environments are habitats for human beings that should promote health, wellbeing and growth rather than facilities where the frail and elderly stagnate and decline.

The Eden Alternative™ shows us how companion animals, children and plants help in providing an opportunity for meaningful contribution and care, and how the Eden Alternative works at preventing and eliminating the aged care plagues of loneliness, helplessness and boredom.

For more information on the Eden Alternative, please visit

10 Ranfurly Road Epsom Auckland 1023 Telephone 09 523 3119
Knox Home Trust NOT-FOr-PrOFIT CHArITy GIVING MOrE SINCE 1911 or less Knox resident Gardens: More opportunities for a better life here... or less if you prefer. more veggies

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