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“We design innovative spaces inspired by the people who will use them.”

Gavin King Director SpaceInvader

We are SpaceInvader. A specialist team of interior designers, dedicated to creating outstanding environments that respond to the precise needs of our clients. And because we only do interiors, we have become experts in developing unique spaces that are inspired by your needs, your organisation, your brand, and your people.

Specialist Interior Designers

In everything we do, we start with the whole person: Not as a worker, but as a human being. We believe everything flows from there. Start with good design, and better business will follow. Today, there is mounting evidence to suggest a strong correlation between high employee engagement and high workplace satisfaction, with research showing that the employees who have greater choice within their physical environment, actually deliver more value for an organisation. It’s no wonder then, that employers are now seeking a more active role in safeguarding the happiness, health and wellbeing of their workers. A huge part of this of course, is providing the best possible working environment. The idea of spaces being people-focused is certainly not a new one for interior designers. But nevertheless, this newfound openness and objectivity is something we welcome at SpaceInvader. By setting out a framework for the fundamental

Image AstraZeneca

pillars, of designing with wellbeing in mind, the WELL standard is encouraging businesses of all shapes and sizes to reconsider how, and where their employees create value, and how they are valued in return. Launched in 2014, the WELL certification grades buildings and internal spaces in seven key wellbeing areas: water, air, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort, and mind. At SpaceInvader, we believe that complex problems often have simple solutions. In this sense, we’re ahead of the game; we have always designed innovative spaces inspired by the people who will use them, and individual wellbeing has always been implicit in our work. Even before the WELL standard was established, our ethos was that the health and wellness of a building’s occupants could and would never be an optional consideration.

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