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ALL ABOUT COWORKING SPACES ALL ABOUT COWORKING SPACES Coworking occurs when people gather in a neutral space to work independently on different projects or in groups on the same projects. It differs from a typical office workspace in that the people in a coworking environment do not all work for the same company. Every coworking space will have basic amenities such as WIFI, printers, and, in most cases, a conference room. Some places even offer tea, coffee, and snacks. Some low-cost coworking spaces are more basic, offering nothing more than a desk and WIFI. Some of the biggest advantages of coworking are-

1. Motivation: When you're in a room full of driven people, there's just an energy of productivity in the air. It's nearly impossible to take a break. You will accomplish a great deal. 2. Community: There’s a sense of community. In places with regulars and familiar faces, it’s amazing how far above and beyond the community will go to help one another succeed. 3. Flexibility: Rather than signing a long-term lease, coworking spaces offer much more flexible terms. It's ideal for startups with limited startup funds, and independent freelancers can also find affordable options. 4. Getting Outside of the Home: Working from home is convenient, but it is also easy to become demotivated. Being around other people lifts your spirits, keeps you sharp, and fosters creativity. 5. Networking: It's only a matter of time before you start networking and new opportunities start to flow organically when you have so many people with so much in common.

As more young people realize that they don't have to follow the crowd and pursue a more traditional career path, the number of freelancers and entrepreneurs who take the plunge is likely to rise. Technology, awareness, and opportunity will drive this. With all the benefits of coworking, many businesses are now turning to utilize Workspace Solutions.

Coworking will become the new norm for those entering the workforce today. It's unlikely that coworking will completely replace office buildings, or that everyone will become freelancers one day. Large organizations will continue to thrive, and new ones will be built from the ground up, but they may place less emphasis on having centralized locations and more emphasis on offering perks like remote working when possible. Huber is a coworking space in Bangalore, India. It is a community of entrepreneurs and individuals who believe that talent, creativity and innovation should have no borders; with a mission to transform the way people work by providing a best-in-class environment for thinking, creating and learning.

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