Skin Care: The Ultimate Guide For All Skin Types

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Skin Care: The Ultimate Guide for all skin types

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In today’s day and age, there are 1000s of brands promoting so many types of skin care products. Not just products, but also skin care instruments like facial massagers, jade rollers, sculpting bars etc. So how do you know what skin care products to use? When to use them and how frequently? To understand what skin care routine you need to be following, you need to first understand a few skin care basics, and this blog is going to be explaining exactly that.

What exactly is ‘Skin care’?

Skin care is the practice of taking care of your skin by providing it with the nourishment that it needs. Thai in turn helps keep your skin healthy, enhances your skin’s complexion and always keeps it looking its best. Did you know that the largest organ of your body is skin? So it is very important to make sure skin care is given utmost importance.

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Skin care is taking care of this organ and making sure it is always looking and functioning its very best. This is done by following a skin care routine. Just like you comb your hair and brush your teeth everyday, your skin too needs daily attention to make sure it is functioning at its best. For which you need to develop a skin care routine that best suits your skin. It is very important to firstly understand the importance of skin care, and following a skin care routine.

Different skin types

Normal Skin

When your skin is not too oily or too dry, and is well balanced, you have a normal skin type. The pH levels and sebum production for normal skin are perfectly balanced. The texture too is smooth with no imperfections. The scientific term for normal skin type is called Eudermic.

Dry Skin

Skin usually gets dry due to external factors like low air humidity, exposure to hot water and weather conditions. Thus the dryness is usually temporary and doesn’t last long. But for many people, the dryness lasts longer and sometimes even indefinitely. Dry skin usually cracks easily and in turn leaves it more exposed to bacteria which may lead to skin disorders like eczema developing. Symptoms of dry skin may vary depending on the health of the individual and age.

Roughness and tightness are the common symptoms to denote dry skin. Dry skin is also more prone to infections when not managed properly. Sometimes the skin also becomes a grayish color, which happens due to peeling, itching, or cracks. People with extremely dry skin show deeper, more visible cracks that at times also bleed.


Combination Skin

Combination skin is when there are patches that are dry and patches that are oily. It is usually the cheeks that are normal or dry, and the T zone that is oily: chin, forehead, nose. This happens because the distribution of the glands that produce sebum, and sweat glands are not uniformly distributed. People with combination skin have larger pores as they’re more open. Different skin is needed for the different facial zones.

Oily skin

Oily skin usually has a shiny, humid, porus appearance. It is usually caused by the excess secretion of sebum on your skin, due to either hormonal or genetic factors. Young people under 30 are the ones who usually have oily skin. This skin type is prone to getting acne and breakouts.

Find out what skin type you have

It is very important to know what type of skin you have if you want healthy, beautiful skin. Knowing your skin type will help you figure out what ingredients best suit your skin, what skin care products need to be used, how frequently do they need to be used, and what skin care routine needs to be followed. Let’s figure out what skin type you have. Sensitive or dry skin has a feeling of tightness after you wash your face. It also sometimes looks red, or wrinkled when pinched. Oily or combination skin usually looks shiny, has large pores, and feels rather smooth.

The Blotting Sheet Method

This is the easiest way to determine what skin type you have!

Take a blotting paper and dab it on different areas of your face like your chin, cheeks, nose, forehead, an hour after washing your face. Take the paper and hold it up against light and notice how much oil you’re able to see. If the sheet has no oil or just a little oil, it means you have dry skin. If the sheet has oil stains where you pat your nose and forehead, less to no oil from the other regions of your face, it means you have combination skin. Finally, if the sheet is soaked with oil, it means you have oily skin.

The Bare Faced Method

Wash your face with your usual cleanser and pat dry with a towel. Leave your face bare, basically meaning, do not apply any serum, moisturizer or any other skin care products on your face. Check your nose, chin, and forehead after 30 minutes and see if there is any shine due to oiliness. If your entire face is shiny, it means you have oily skin. If just your nose and forehead are shiny, it means you have combination skin.

Then after another 30 minutes, try smiling or making any facial expressions to see if your skin feels tight and there is a sensation of your skin stretching. Also over all check if your skin feels dry. If any of this occurs, your skin is most likely dry.


How to care for different skin types?

Normal Skin

Normal skin, as I’m sure you guessed, is the easiest skin type to take care of. But what usually happens is that people with normal skin tend to neglect their skin and don’t make an effort to take care of it. If you don’t concentrate on skin care early, your skin eventually could become dry, oily, or could develop skin issues like pigmentation, sun spots etc. Even a simple skin care routine is better than not following anything.

Pick a mild cleanser, moisturizer with SPF 30+, a vitamin C serum and a good lip balm with SPF and you’re good to go! Even with normal skin, everyone’s skin is different. 2 people may have normal skin type, but may have 2 different skin issues like pigmentation, acne.

So it is important to 1st understand what ingredients are best suited for your skin. There are different types of skin care products out there for normal skin, so it is important to pick skin care products that contain ingredients that best suit your skin.

Dry Skin

Skin care for dry skin is not easy, and it is very important to be extra careful when figuring out a good skin care routine and skin care products. Here are some things to keep in mind when caring for dry skin.


Wash your face twice a day: it is important to make sure you are washing your face twice a day with a moisturizing facial cleanser. Wash your face only in the evening if you happen to have sensitive skin.

Moisturize: Since your skin doesn’t produce enough sebum, it tends to always feel dry and dehydrated. It is extremely important to apply moisturizer at least twice a day, once in the morning, and once in the evening. Make sure that the moisturizer you pick for the day time contains SPF

Treat: Use a moisture loaded serum to give your skin that extra needed hydration. Exfoliate: Your skin constantly produces new skin cells and sheds the old ones. Exfoliation is very important to remove the buildup of dead cells that makes your skin look dry and patchy. Pick an exfoliator to add to your skin care routine based on the ingredients that best suit your skin needs.

Avoid using hot water: If you have dry skin, it is better to use cold or lukewarm water on your face. This is because hot water strips your skin of its natural oils, hence leaving it looking even more dry.

Combination Skin

Skin care for combination skin is the most tricky as you need to care for different parts of your face differently. The importance of skin care for people with combination skin is very high. It is very crucial that you pick the right skin care products and the right skin care routine to look after your skin. Here are a few things to do when caring for combination skin:

Use a mild facial cleanser: Usually dust and dirt tend to get stuck on your nose, forehead and other oily patches on the skin. And your dry patches usually have a buildup of dead skin cells, which causes it to look grayish white and patchy. Its is important to wash your face twice a day with a cleanser that will help give a matte finish to your oily zones and at the same time don’t overdry your dry zones.


Make sure to exfoliate: Make sure to include an Exfoliator to your skin care routine at least thrice a week to ensure you’re getting rid of 2 things: excess sebum, dead skin buildup.

Broad spectrum sunscreen is a must: Make sure to use sunscreen with SPF of 30+ regularly on your skin.

Hydrate your skin: Using a moisturizer is very important irrespective of your skin type. But for combination skin, pick a moisturizer that is light and not too greasy.

Don’t face your face: Touching your face is bad irrespective of your skin type. But with combination skin, you sometimes transfer the excess sebum with dust and dirt from the oily parts to the dry parts which could lead to the formation of zits and pimples.

Carry blotting paper: With combination skin, it can be very annoying to have parts of your face looking greasy and the other parts not. So it is recommended that you carry blotting papers in your bag and use it to dab away oiliness temporarily.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is the most troublesome skin type. Mainly because people with oily skin tend to develop acne. Because of which it is important that you pick skin care products that don’t add too much moisture to your skin, and to pick a skin care routine that removes excess oil from the skin. Here are a few things to keep in mind when caring for oily skin.

Use a mild cleanser: Wash your face with warm water twice a day, Avoid cleansers that have added moisturizers, fragrance, or any harmful chemical that can irritate your skin and lead to the production of more sebum. Look for a cleanser that contains Tea Tree, Green Tree or Caffeine.


Use a mild toner: toners are used to remove any residue oil or dirt that is left on your skin post washing. It is important to incorporate a toner in your skin care routine so as to remove excess oil on your skin and bring it to a normal level of oiliness.

Pat your face with a towel: After cleansing your face, make sure to pat your face dry with a soft cloth. Rubbing your face with the towel can lead to your skin producing more sebum, which in turn makes your face all the more oily.

Carry blotting paper: With oily skin, it can be very annoying to always have your skin looking shiny and also having dust and dirt settle on your face. So it is recommended that you carry blotting papers in your bag and use it to dab away oiliness temporarily.

Skin Care Tips at Home to Tackle Different Skin Types

Dry Skin

1. Coconut oil: Coconut is a great oil to treat dry skin. It is safe and very hydrating and also increases the number of lips on your skin. You can apply raw coconut oil on your skin regularly as a moisturizer.

2. Honey: Honey contains anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and healing properties and hence is great to treat dry skin. Apply a thin layer of honey on your skin and let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

3 Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera soothes and relieves dry skin. All you need to do is take fresh aloe vera and apply it on your skin overnight, and rinse in the morning. With continuous use, your skin will start getting less oily.


Oily Skin

1. Honey: Honey is a very common ingredient used in many home remedies. It is great for oily and acne prone skin due to its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Honey is also a substance that preserves your skin’s moisture, but at the same time does not make it oily. Apply a thin layer of honey on your skin and let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

2. Oats: Oats are great to absorb excess oil from your skin and also exfoliate your skin. Ground oats, a little water, banana and honey together to make a semi-thick paste. Take this paste and massage your face with it for about 2-3 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water.

3. Aloe Vera: Aloe Vera is a well known remedy for oily skin. Take fresh aloe vera and apply it on your skin overnight, and rinse in the morning. With continuous use, your skin will start getting less oily.

4. Tomatoes: Salicylic acid is found in tomatoes with is great for treating acne. The acids present in tomatoes help unclog pores and clear off excess oil. Combine 1 teaspoon of sugar and the pulp of the tomato together. Apply this over your face and neck in circular motions. Leave on for 5 minutes and rinse off with lukewarm water.

5. Avocados: Avocado has good fats that are great for skin hydration. Puree half an avocado, 1 tsp of olive oil and 1 tbsp of honey and mix them well. Apply this mask on your face and rinse it off with lukewarm water after 10-15 minutes.

Combination Skin

1. Green Tea & Aloe Vera: Green tea has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, making it a great natural ingredient to treat combination skin. Combine 2 tsps of dried green tea leaves, one tbsp of honey and aloe vera each into a small bowl and mix well. Apply this mask on your skin and leave it on for 20 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.


2. Cucumber: Cucumber contains anti-inflammatory properties, nutrients like vitamin C, and antioxidants, making it a great natural ingredient for combination skin. Blend a cucumber, and strain out the juice. Add 2 tbsp of honey to this and blend it again. Take a cotton ball and apply this juice onto your face. Rinse off once dry.

3. Papaya & Banana: Both papaya and banana are great in treating combination skin. Mask Papaya, banana and lemon together and apply this on your face. Wait till it dries and rinse off with lukewarm water.

4. Honey: Honey has moisturizing and brightening properties which leave the skin feeling hydrated and not sticky as you would think. Honey is also a substance that preserves your skin’s moisture, but at the same time does not make it oily. Apply a thin layer of honey on your skin and let it dry for 10 minutes. Rinse off with lukewarm water.

Skin Care Routine

Day time Routine

A day time routine is the routine you would follow in the morning.

Step 1: Cleanse

This should be the 1st and most important step of your skin care routine Although it may be obvious to state that cleansing your face is important, there are so many people who don’t wash their face in the morning.

This is usually because people feel that because they’ve cleaned their face in the night, it will remain clean even in the morning. But this isn’t true, as even when you sleep, your skin produces sebum, and a lot of dust and dirt could’ve settled on your face while you slept. Facial cleansers come in gel, cream or foam form and is used to remove oil, dead skin cells and dirt from your skin, thus clearing the pores and leaving your skin looking fresh!


Step 2: Tone

After you’ve cleaned your skin, it should feel smooth and fresh! Tonners essentially leave a thin layer of moisture on your skin which helps the moisturizer set in a lot better! Toners remove any last traces of grime, dirt and other impurities present in pores after you wash your face. They also leave your skin feeling smooth by removing rough patches by restoring the skin’s pH. Your pores could become smaller, and tighter, and your complexion could get a lot better when you use a toner regularly as part of your skin care routine


Step 3: Serum

Once you’ve wiped your skin with your toner and removed all last traces of impurities on your skin, the next step of our recommended skin care routine is to use a serum. Serums make your skin remain plum and firm by increasing the collagen of your skin. They also reduce fine lines and add more radiance to your skin.

They over all provide an extra dose of hydration. It is very important to pick a serum that contains SPF. This in turn, protects your skin from sun damage and tanning. The most recommended day time serum is a Vitamin C serum.


Step 4: Moisturizer

After you’ve patted the serum all over your face and neck, the next step of your skin care routine would be to apply a moisturizer. A moisturizer is used to keep your skin plum, hydrated and balanced. Moisturizing your skin daily helps make sure your skin doesn’t get too oily or too dry. Both extremes are bad. People think that moisturizing the skin is just an aesthetically inclined habit, but it is very important for maintaining the overall health of your skin.


Step 5: Hydrate those lips

This step in your skin care routine is concentrated on your lips. Lip balms give your skin that extra dose of hydration and hence prevents dryness and chapping. Regularly using lip balm helps your lips restore its natural moisture and ensures that it is adequately nourished. Using a lip balm during the day is particularly important to protect your lips from sun damage and tanning.


Night Time Routine

A night time routine is what you do just before bed!

All steps from 1 to 5 remain the same, but do ensure that apart from the facial cleanser, all other products are replaced with products that are appropriate for night time use. There are 2 additional steps involved here:

Step 6: Hydrate your eyes

Step 6 of your skin care routine is caring for your eyes. Eye creams are formulated in a way as to care for skin around your eyes, so they tend to be thicker than your moisturizer. They contain a lot of active ingredients which are great in solving the problems we see in this area like wrinkles, fine lines, and dark circles. It is a great step to incorporate in your routine to make sure that your eyes are well taken care of.


Step 7: Hydrate your body

The 1st 6 steps are concentrated on the face. But it is extremely important to take care of the skin on the rest of your body as well. So the 7th step of the recommended skin care routine is hydrating your full body. Usually the skin on your body isn’t as sensitive as the skin on your face, and hence using a nice body butter just before you sleep is the best way to make sure your skin stays adequately hydrated. Body butters help in reducing scars and stretch marks. Since these body butters are usually concentrated with nutrients, it overall keeps your skin looking healthy and also improves complexion. Hence, don’t miss this step in your skin care routine.


Now there is an 8th step. This step of your skin care routine can be used at any time: morning, night, or any other time during the day. It is most recommended to be used after cleaning your face. What is this step I’m talking about?

Step 8: Face Masks

Face masks are one of the skin care routine steps that has to be done just once a week. Face masks provide that extra hydration, removes excess oil from your skin, reduces the size of your pores, and overall reduces signs of aging. If you have any specific skin problems like dryness, pigmentation.



Now what’s left for you to do is to put all the information we’ve shared on this blog together, to figure out the perfect mix of ingredients, and accordingly the perfect mix of skin care products that would work for you.

We at Tru Hair & Skin have developed an algorithm called “3-Factor Skin Analysis” that picks out the best ingredients that your skin needs based on a few questions that we ask you. Based on the ingredients suggested, the algorithm picks skin care products from our range to form a personalized skin care routine for you. So what are you waiting for? Go start your perfect skin care routine now!

Thanks for reading and follow us on Quora.


What is the perfect skin care routine?

In this blog we explain the perfect skin care routine for the night and day. Follow this routine with products that contain natural ingredients and ones that have no harmful chemicals and your skin will look its best.

How many steps are there in a skin care routine?

There are 8 steps included in a skin care routine which we’ve explained in detail in this blog. Have a look!


What are the 8 steps of skin care?

The 8 steps in a skin care routine are: Cleanse, Tone, Treat, moisturize, eye cream, lip balm, body butter, face mask.

What is the most important part of skin care routine?

According to us, the most important part of a skin care routine is to cleanse and using the right cleanser is extremely important. Pick one that contains no harmful chemicals.

Reviewed By Dr. Tambe (Ayurvedic Practioner) Dr. Tambe is an Ayurvedic Consultant, practicing in Satara City, Maharashtra for the last 45 years. He comes from a long line of Ayurvedic doctors. His grandfather and father were both Vaidyas, therefore he wanted to continue the family legacy. This year, his family will celebrate 100 years of Ayurvedic service.

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