2022 Hot Springs, SD Relocation Guide

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2022 1
to Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce PO Box 342 | 801 S. 6th Street Hot Springs, SD 57747 (605) 745 4140 Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide

The warm, clear water of Fall River, formed at the north end of the city by the combining of brooks tumbling out of Hot and Cold Brook canyons, hastens down one side of the principal business street; built on the old canyon floor. The waters never freeze and vivid green watercress grows throughout the year while fish and waterfowl bask in the pools through winter and summer. Hot Springs is the only place in South Dakota that can boast of having thermal springs…no bubbling cauldron sends forth sulphuric vapor; no scalding geyser or mud volcano fills the air with steam or chokes the individual with foul gases.

This charming community is ideally situated and equipped by nature as a Mecca for health and recreation seekers. Bathe, play, convalesce in the Southern Black Hills, in the vale of Hot Springs.

The Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce prepared this publication with information provided by the local businesses and available Census data. All information was accurate at print time but is subject to change. Please call us at 605 745 4140 with any questions that arise that are not covered in the following material.

CLIMATE: Annual 229 sunny days on average Coldest January 14.4F average Warmest July 89.2F average

Precipitation: Rain: 17.90 inches Snow: 27.5 inches Number of Precipitation days per year: 72

Growing Season is approximately 130 days (Mid May mid Sept.)

ELEVATION: 3,559 Feet


Total 3,498 Male: 1,853 Female 1,645


Under 18: 526 18 64: 1,958 Over 64: 1,014

HOUSING: Total Units: 2,017 Owner Occupied: 1291 Renter Occupied: 726 Vacant Housing: 323

Median Home Sale: $127,600 Median Rent $794


Household: $45,428 Per Capita: $28,694

INDUSTRIES: Tourism, Farming, Ranching, Railroad, VA Medical Center, State Veterans Home and Healthcare.


According to legend, the Lakota first discovered the warm mineral springs which mark the site of this city. Included in the Louisiana Purchase of 1803 and the Dakota Territory in 1861, the "Minnekahta" area was ceded to its early inhabitants in 1866 as part of the "Great Sioux Reservation".

First called Minnekahta, which is the native word for “warm waters” the town was platted in 1881 and three years later named Hot Springs.

2 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 2 Table of Contents City Data 2 Taxes & Government 3 4 Job Listings 4 5 Transportation 5 Media & Communications 5 6 Health Care...................................6 7 Veterinarians/ Animal care 7 Education 7 8 Real Estate 9 Apartments 9 Mobile Home Parks 9 Moving Services 10 Vehicle Registration/Licensing 11 Contractors/Insurance 11 Legal ................................................12 Storage Units 12 Utilities 12 13 Recycling 13 Community 14 Arts & Culture 14 Churches 14 15 Clubs & Organizations 15 16 Community Events 17 Convention/Meeting Facilities ........17 Nightlife/Restaurants 18 Specialty Stores 19 Outdoor Adventure 20 24 Youth & Children 25 26 Boys & Girls Club/Daycare 25 Schools .....................................25 26 Activities 26 You’ll Love Hot Springs! Hot Springs, in the Vale of Minnekahta, 3559 feet above the sea, guarded by majestic old Battle Mountain, 5,000 feet high on one side, and by the Seven Sisters on the other, is the Southern Gateway to the Black Hills.

TAXES (There is no State income tax in South Dakota)

Income Tax Assistance

H&R Block ♦ 605.745.6063 ♦ 734 Jennings Ave., PO Box 810 ♦ juhill@hrblock.com ♦Year round income tax service. JMM Services ♦ 605.745.5000/P ♦ 1609 University Ave ♦ We provide income tax, bookkeeping and accounting services for all of your business or personal needs.

Property Taxes

Calculated by the Fall River County Treasurer’s Office. The City of Hot Springs encompasses Tax Districts 6 & 61.

Sales Tax (2017)

4.5% State Sales tax

2% City Sales Tax

1% Gross Receipts Tax 1.5% Tourism


The City of Hot Springs has a Mayor and eight City Council members, representing four wards with two representatives for each ward in an Aldermanic form of government. Each term is two years. For information on where each Ward is located, please see the map on Appendix A 1.(pg.32) City Council meetings are held at the Mueller Civic Center on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month; if a holiday falls on a Monday, the Council meeting will be the following Tuesday. All Council meetings begin at 7pm. The City Council has committee meetings as well. Committees are as follows: Cultural/Recreation, Public Safety, Finance/Administration, and Public Works. Meeting times are posted at the Hot Springs City Hall and in the Hot Springs Star City Hall is located at 303 North River Street and is the location where you may find out pertinent information about Hot Springs, get set up for water, sewer and/or trash and recycling services and find out about our ordinances and building codes. Check out the City website at www.hs sd.org

City of Hot Springs City Council 303 North River Street, Hot Springs, SD 57747 605.745.3135/P ♦ www.hs sd.org

Hot Springs Police & Fire

The Hot Springs Police Force has seven full-time, an ACO and five reserve officers and the Hot Springs Fire Department is composed entirely of a dedicated group of volunteers. Hot Springs carries a Class 5 fire insurance rating and has a city Zoning Ordinance in effect. You can research City Ordinances online at www.hs-sd.org

3 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 3
CRIME STATISTICS (2009 2017) FALL RIVER COUNTY Fall River County, which currently encompasses 1,740 sq. mi. with a population of 6,687, it was organized as a county in the Dakota Territory in November 1883 and Hot Springs was chosen as the county seat. The county was once known as Forsythe County. Fall River County also operates as the administrative center for Oglala Lakota County services. Fall River County has a Board of five Commissioners, each of whom is elected to a four year term. http://fallriver.sdcounties.org/ Fall River County Commissioners 906 North River Street, Hot Springs 57747 Fall River County Courthouse ♦ 906 North River Street Did You Know? Area Code “605” applies to the whole state of South Dakota Zip Code for Hot Springs is 57747 Murder 0 Rape 6 Robberies 0 Assaults 34 Burglaries 73 Theft 262 Auto Theft 30 Arson 0 Assessor 605.745.5136 Auditor 605.745.5130 Clerk of Courts 605.745.5131 Commissioners 605.745.5132 Emergency Management 605.745.7562 Extension Office 605.745.5133 Health Nurse 605.745.5313 Register of Deeds 605.745.5139 Sheriff 605.745.4444 States Attorney 605.745.3866 Treasurer 605.745.5145 Weed & Pest Supervisor 605.745.5047 Veterans’ Service Officer 605.745.5146




















VA Medical

Hot Springs School District Education

Fall River Health Services

Wind Cave National Park Recreation

State Veterans Home Retirement

Fall River County Government

City of Hot Springs Government

Lynn’s Dakotamart Foods

The Mammoth

Black Hills Special Services Training

Evans Plunge Recreation

Sonny’s Super Foods Foods

Pine Hills Retirement Community Retirement

Angostura State Park Recreation

Simon Contractors


FT. LARAMIE..................................................................151















VA Center

4 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 4
register to vote, visit the Fall River County Courthouse Clerk of Courts. You will need to bring your South Dakota Driver’s License/proof of residency.
.......................................................................... 30
LEAD 87.4
Martin 110
Center Medical
Site Education


Fall River County Herald Star ♦ 605.745.3930, or visit online at www.fallrivercountyherald.com

SD Dept. of Labor ♦visit/register online at www.sdjobs.org

Federal Job Listings ♦ visit www.usajobs.org

State of South Dakota Jobs ♦ visit www.sdgov/employment Fall River County Job Listings ♦ visit www.fallriver.sdcounties.org/employment/


The community of Hot Springs is small enough that you can walk anywhere in town in about 30 to 40 minutes. The Freedom Trail River Walk runs alongside Fall River which runs through the Historic downtown, flanking Hwy 385 and most businesses.

Air: Rapid City Regional Airport is 62 miles away and offers the nearest commercial air service. Chadron Airport in Chadron, NE, the same distance to the south, also has some flights in and out.

The Hot Springs Municipal Airport is located 6 miles south east of Hot Springs and has a hard surface with 4,500 feet of runway, including 2 runways with one instrument approach. Day phone is 745.3555.

Bus: Prairie Hills Transit ♦ 1 877 673 3687 ♦ www.prairiehillstransit.org ♦ 2015 Tumble Weed Trail, Spearfish 57783 ♦ sueames@prairiehillstransit.com Service is provided from 7:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. 24 hour notice is needed. Within Hot Springs, the fare is $2.00 one way and $4.00 round trip. Rapid City trips available on first and third Fridays every month. Fare is $10.00 one way or $20.00 round trip.

Closest commercial bus transportation is located in Rapid City. Jefferson Lines connects with all major commercial bus providers. Business Line ♦ 605 394 4195; Information Line ♦ 605 393 9924

Highway: Hot Springs is served by State Hwy 385, US Hwy 18, and Hwy 71. The Hwy 79 junction is located 5 miles away and gives four lane divided access to Rapid City and Interstate 90, 55 miles to the North.

Rail: Rail companies are also prevalent in the area with the Burlington Northern Santa Fe coming through Edgemont 27 miles to the west. The Dakota, Minnesota and Eastern railroad operates on the east side of Fall River County 10 miles away. There are no passenger trains to Hot Springs.

Taxi: There are no Taxi services currently operating in Hot Springs States ♦ ♦

Kidney Springs Gazebo
5 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 5
Postal Service
146 North Chicago Street
605.745.4117 UPS and Fedex pick-up can be scheduled online. COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING The Fall River County Herald Star ♦published every Thursday Hot Springs Public Library ♦ 605.745.3151 ♦ 2005 Library Drive ♦ http://www.hotspringspubliclibrary.com/ Hot Springs Public Library has more than 20,000 volumes and carries more than 90 magazines, 2,000 DVDs, 750 Audio Books and offers wireless access throughout the building. They boast a sun-drenched patio with views of the Seven Sisters mountain range Free Wi-Fi Locations Red Rock River Resort ♦ 605.745.4400 ♦ 603 North River Street Hot Springs Public Library ♦ 605.745.3151 ♦ 2005 Library Drive Newspapers The Fall River County Herald Star ♦ 605.745.3930, or visit online at www.fallrivercountyherald.com
What Makes Your Water So Special? The water contains high levels of magnesium and calcium. When absorbed through mineral water, these assimilate into the body and can give relief to arthritis, rheumatism, insomnia, leg cramps and joint pain.

Print and Marketing

The Fall River County Herald Star ♦ (605) 745 3930 ♦ 334 South Chicago, Hot Springs SD 57747 ♦ With offices in both Hot Springs and Edgemont, we are the local newspaper for the communities of Hot Springs, Edgemont, Oelrichs and all parts in between. Distributed by mail to subscribers every Thursday. Also available on news racks beginning Wednesday night

All Seasons Sports & Screen Printing ♦ 605.745.3500 ♦ 707 Baltimore Avenue ♦Custom screen printing and embroidery on all T shirts, caps and jackets.


Splash of Color Photography ♦ 605 745 3131 ♦ 708 Jennings Avenue ♦ www.splashofcolorphotography.com Find us on Facebook! Sayer DaJin ♦ 605 858 1040 ♦ https://www.sayerjadinphotography.com


The VA Medical Center has 130 beds and offers care to America’s veterans. Fall River Hospital currently offers 25 beds in its new critical access hospital. For care facilities, the Michael J. Fitzmaurice State Veterans Home has 152 beds for veterans and spouses, Pine Hills Retirement Community has 61 units and Seven Sisters Living Center has 59 beds for nursing care residents. Several rooms provide state of the art lift systems for those residents who lack mobility.

Assisted Living & In-Home Care

Michael J. Fitzmaurice SD State Veterans Home ♦ 605.745.5127 ♦ 2500 Minnekahta Avenue ♦ Providing a comfortable independent living environment with medical support for eligible veterans and their spouses, widows or widowers.

Pine Hills Retirement Community ♦ Assisted & Independent Living ♦ 800 503 4508 ♦ 605.745.5555 ♦ 2711 US Hwy 18W www.pinehillsretirement.com ♦ Come Home to Pine Hills! Your Exciting Choice for Retirement Living In A Tranquil, Secure Country Club Style Environment. It is Everything You Want In A Home...And More!

Seven Sisters Assisted Living Center ♦ Fall River Hospital & Health Services ♦ 605.745.3159 ♦ 1201 Cascade Road, SR Hwy 71 S. ♦ This Fall River Health Services (FRHS) Long Term Care Unit will provide a state-of-the-art, 59-bed facility for nursing care residents. The facility is conveniently adjacent to the new Fall River Hospital for easy accessibility to all healthcare services needed by the residents and their families.

Chiropractic & Massage

Cascade Chiropractic ♦ Dr. Shannon DeBoer ♦ 605.745.5119 ♦ 711 Albany Avenue ♦ chirosd@hotmail.com www.cascadechiropractic.net Southern Hills Chiropractic ♦ Dr. Ritterbush ♦ 605.745.6262 ♦ 1245 Sherman Street


Massa Dental Clinic ♦ Dr. Donald Massa & Dr. Sally A.K. Clark ♦ 605.745.3975 ♦ 602 Jennings Avenue ♦ Family dentist Peter Sotherland, DDS ♦ 605.745.5776 ♦ 110 North Chicago Street

Exercise Facilities

Evans Plunge Mineral Springs ♦ 605.745.5165 ♦ 1145 N. River Street ♦ info@evansplunge.com ♦ www.evansplunge.com ♦ World’s largest natural warm mineral water indoor swimming pool! Outdoor pool too. Big water slides, Tarzan rings, fun tubes, pool games, and super spa and fitness center. The Black Hills’ longest running attraction since 1890. Find us on Facebook! Health4Life Fitness ♦ 605.745.5558 ♦ 1501 Hwy 18 Bypass ♦ Full Service gym offering the following classes: kettle bells, Zumba, low impact circuit training, Ping Pong, and Jujitsu/Martial Arts. Key card entry allows members access to the gym 24/7. Tanning available. Bodies in Motion ♦ Kim Moir ♦ 605.745.4321 ♦ 204 S. Chicago Street ♦ Fitness center with 24/7 keyless secure entry for members. Free weights stack weights, cardio, classes, rock climbing wall, hydro-massage, & tanning

Medical Centers/Hospitals

If you have a medical emergency call 911 for assistance.

Fall River Health Services Hospital and Clinic ♦ 605.745.3159 ♦ 1201 Cascade Road, SR Hwy 71 S.

Seven Sisters Assisted Living Center at Fall River Health Services ♦ 605.745.3460 ♦ 1201 Cascade Road, SR Hwy 71 S. Monument Health Medical Clinic, Dr. Heather Preuss ♦ 605.745.8050 ♦ 1100 SD 71 Ste 101 www.regionalhealth.com

Fall River Health Services

VA Medical Center ♦ 605.745.2000 ♦ 500 N. 5th Street ♦ www.va.gov ♦ VA Black Hills Health Care System provides primary/secondary medical & surgical care along with domiciliary, extended nursing home care and tertiary psychiatric inpatient care services. To learn tunities, contact the Community Affairs office at 605.745.2031 and find out how you can serve those who served.

6 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 6

Mental Health & Counseling

Behavioral Management Systems ♦ 605.745.6222 ♦ 3 Canyonview Circle ♦ www.bmscares.com Black Hills Special Services ♦ 605.745.3408 ♦ 737 University Avenue ♦ Services begin with the creation of individualized service plans, addressing the person’s residential, learning, and vocational & medical needs as well as opportunities for recreation & community participation.

EMPOWER Coalition ♦ 605.745.3082 ♦ 646 Jennings Avenue, Suite 1 ♦ www.empowersouthernhills.com Find us on Facebook!

Fall River Health Services ♦605.745.8910 ♦1201 Highway 71 South Robert Goldberg ♦ 605.745.2000 ♦ 500 N. 5th Street @ VA Medical Center

Hope Counseling Center, Alison Ritterbush ♦ 605.745.5334 ♦ 1245 Sherman Street ♦ Find us on Facebook! SD Dept. of Social Services ♦ 605.745.5100 ♦ 2500 Minnekahta Avenue

Total Mind Body Success, Treese Morford Deboer ♦ 605.430.7111 ♦ http://totalmindbodysuccess.com/ Offers hypnobirthing, behavioral health and nutritional health counseling

Youth & Family Services ♦ 605.745.7493 ♦ 346 South Chicago Street


Vision Source, Dallas Wilkinson, OD ♦ 605.745.3175 ♦ 103 N. River Street ♦ www.visionsource advancedeyecare.net


Lynn’s Dakotamart Pharmacy ♦ 605.745.3110 or 800.742.6229 ♦ 505 S. 6th Street

VA Medical Center Pharmacy ♦ 605.745.2000 ♦ 500 North 5th Street ♦ www.va.gov

Physical Therapists

Fall River Health Services ♦ 605.745.3159 ♦ 1201 Hwy 71 S

Battle Mountain Physical Therapy ♦605.745.4761 ♦244 S. Chicago Street

Veterinarians/Animal Care

Battle Mountain Humane Society, No Kill shelter for cats and dogs ♦ 605.890.2385 or 605.745.3999 ♦ 27254 Wind Cave Road ♦ Open by appointment only. Contact us for volunteer opportunities!

Barnyard Veterinary Service & Supply ♦ 605.745.6888 ♦ 1705 University Avenue

Cheyenne River Animal Hospital ♦ 605.662.7VET (7838)

Fall River Veterinary Service ♦ 605.745.3786 ♦ Fall River Road


Hot Springs School District (2016-17)

Elementary (Pre K-5): 27 Teachers, 398 Students

Middle School (6 8): 14 Teachers, 196 Students

High School (9 12): 21 Teachers, 283 Students

More information under “Youth & Children” Section and www.hssd.k12.sd.us/

Alternative Education Options

Bethesda Lutheran School (Pre K 5): www.gwtc.net/~bethesda/default.htm

1537 Baltimore Avenue ♦ 605.745.6676 ♦ bethesda@gwtc.net

Higher Education

Cornerstone Bible Institute ♦ 605.745.6878 ♦ www.cornerstonebibleinstitute.com/ Community Education of the Black Hills ♦ www.communityeducationclasses.org

Western Dakota Technical Institute Satellite Campus ♦ 605 718 2400

Musical Training

Bastian Music Services, Tracy Bastian ♦ 605.890.3475

7 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 7


Black Hills Meat Company ♦ 605.745.4173 ♦ 1041 North River Street

Dollar General ♦ 605.745.4410 ♦ 2101 University Avenue

Earth Goods Natural Foods ♦ 605.745.7715 ♦ 738 Jennings Avenue

Family Dollar ♦ 605.745.5576 ♦ 2244 University Avenue

Lynn’s DakotaMart ♦ 605.745.5979 ♦ 505 S. 6th Street

Sonny’s SuperFoods ♦ 605.745.5979 801 Jensen Hwy/Hwy 385NIG

8 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 8

Real Estate & Services


Century 21 Stevens & Associates ♦ 605.745.5141 or 888.228.9854 ♦ 238 S. Chicago Street ♦ C21Stevens@gwtc.net

Century 21 Clearview Realty ♦ Denise Haden ♦ 605.890.0278

Exit Realty ♦ (605) 228 6784 ♦ 505 North River Street #3

Heartland Real Estate ♦ 605.745.6772 ♦ 106 S. Chicago Street ♦ heartland@BlackHillsproperty.com ♦ www.BlackHillsproperty.com Professional real estate representation in today’s market.

Mt. Rushmore Properties ♦ Toni Devereux. ♦ 605.673.1941

New Heights Properties ♦ 605 288 6784. ♦ Tammy Ackerman ♦ 505 N River Road ♦

The Real Estate Group/Hot Springs Properties, Inc. ♦Cathy Sotherland ♦ 605.745.SOLD (7653) ♦ 110 N. Chicago Street csblackhillsrealestate@yahoo.com ♦ www.thebestblackhillsrealestate.com

Southern Gate Real Estate ♦Marty Harrington ♦ 605.521.9860

Wyatt’s Real Estate & Appraisals ♦ 605.745.3140 ♦ 646 Jennings Avenue Ste. #10 For complete MLS listings for Hot Springs visit: www.sbhmls.com/agent list.aspx

Find rentals and sales by owner on Facebook on the Fall River Swap Shop


Bering Arms Apartments ♦ 605.745.7890 ♦ 702 University Avenue #9 ♦ Apartments as well as Commercial/Retail spaces available. For information on any of these rentals, call Brian Crawford at 605.745.5141. Brookside Apartments ♦ 605.745.4067 ♦ 201 S. River Street ♦ hshousing@gwtc.net ♦ Safe, secure retirement apartments in a park like setting. Rent based on income.

The Evans ♦ 605.745.4067 ♦ 545 N. River Street ♦ hshousing@gwtc.net ♦ Gracious retirement living in a charming historic sandstone building. Rent based on income.

Lincoln Apartments ♦ 605.347.3077 ♦ 2331 Lincoln Avenue

Mountain View Apartments ♦ 605.347.3077 ♦ 648 S. 16th Street

Mountain View Townhouses ♦ 605.745.4821 ♦ 1601 Evanston Avenue

Pine Hills Retirement Community ♦ Assisted & Independent Living ♦ 800.503.4508 ♦ 605.745.5555 ♦ 2711 Hwy 18 W www.pinehillsretirement.com ♦ rebecca@pinehillsretirement.com

RC Springs Apartments ♦ 605.336.9131 ♦ 108 S. 23rd Street


Grandview Trailer Court ♦ 605.745.3501 ♦ 2045 Canton Avenue

Lockhart Mobile Home Court ♦ 605.745.6800 ♦ 1002 S. River St.

El Rancho Trailer Court ♦ 719.580.2632 ♦ S. 6th & S. Chicago St

Sun Valley Mobile Estates ♦ 605.890.0411 ♦ South 4th Street

Bison Storage Court ♦ 605 890 1241 ♦ 1140 S. 6th St.

Lewis Court ♦ 605.745.6114 ♦ 2145 Canton Avenue

Creekside Estates ♦ 605 890 0411 ♦ S. 6th Street

River Run Estates ♦ 605.890.1066 ♦ 306 Joplin Ave.

9 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 9

Vehicle Sales

Bennetts Auto Solutions ♦ 605.745.4484

Hills Edge Auto Sales ♦605.745.3773 ♦12941 Argyle Road

Service/Parts & Sales

Diamond Automotive ♦ 605.745 5050 ♦ 1845 University Hot Springs ♦ diamondauto2@yahoo.com Complete automotive repair, All Makes All Models.

Fall River Auto Supply, Inc. ♦ 605.745.4204 ♦ 301 S. Chicago Street ♦ frauto@gwtc.net

Maverick Tire & Auto LLC ♦ 605.745.1000 ♦ mavericktire@gmail.com ♦ 1088 SD 71 ♦ Repairs, service calls & towing.

Bennett's Auto Solutions ♦ 605.745.4484 ♦ 2302 University Avenue

Central Body Shop & Glass ♦ 605.745.4888 ♦ 101 N. Chicago Street

Glass Pro Plus ♦ 605.745.3222 ♦ 302 S. Chicago Street Hills Edge ♦605.745.3773 ♦12941 Argyle Road 8am to 4pm. If the location has call the Fall River County Treasurer’s office at 605.745.5145 to find the new location.


A list of all licensed contractors can be found on the City website at: http://www.hs-sd.org/city-departments/planning-administrator/contractor-licensing

DeBoer Drywall and Paint ♦ (605) 515 4332 ♦ 27103 SD 79, Buffalo Gap, 57722

High Country Erectors ♦ 605.747.6200 605.890.0645/C ♦ 1100 Hwy 71 South ♦ www.highcountryerectors.com

Mosset Construction, Inc. ♦ 605.745.3164 27592 SD Hwy 79 ♦ mosco@gwtc.net General Contracting, Commercial and Residential.

Wilson Electric ♦ 605.890.6244 ♦ 806 Galveston Ave, Hot Springs, SD 57747

Stevens Plumbing ♦ 605.745 3177 ♦ 738 University Ave Po Box 324 Hot Springs, SD 57747

Flint Electric ♦ 605.745.7774 ♦ 707 Baltimore Ave, Hot Springs, SD 57747

Dependable Well Service ♦ 605.745.7676 ♦ 1001 S 6th Street

Do All Excavation ♦ 605.890.0595 ♦ 605.424.7007 ♦ Jason Schnackenbergn H&R Sprinkler Systems & Repair ♦ 605.745.4498 Moe’s Best Fences ♦ 605.745.3397 ♦ 28064 Cascade Road ♦ www.moesbest.com

10 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 10
Towing Nicholas Towing&Recovery,♦605.440.0902 To register your vehicle in the State of South Dakota/Fall River County, you must go to the Fall River County Treasurer’s office at 906 N River Street.♦ 605.745.5145 Licensing for the State of South Dakota is currently conducted at the Senior Center on Fridays from
BillsHeating♦605.745.6510 INSURANCE American Family Insurance ♦ 605.745.5800 ♦ 106 S Chicago St Hot Springs 57747 ♦ Ronni Calvird Ameriprise Financial Advisors ♦ 605.745.4900 ♦ 646 Jennings Avenue Ste. 20 ♦ Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member NASD and SIPC. Bank of the West Insurance Agency ♦ 605.745.3155 ♦ 702 Jennings Avenue ♦ www.bankofthewest.com Banking, Insurance. Investments. All your financial needs at one location. Hub International ♦ Bonnie Wanzer, 605.745.6014 ♦ 505 N River St. Suite 1 Schaefer Insurance ♦ 605.745.3940 ♦ 646 Jennings Avenue Suite 18 ♦ Auto, Home, Life, Farm and Ranch, Business State Farm Insurance ♦ 605.745.4200 ♦ 338 S. Chicago Street ♦ bill@billgraves.net ♦ www.BillGraves.net Insurance and financial services LAUNDRY FACILITIES

Moving Services

Banks/Financial Advisors

Ameriprise Financial Advisors ♦ 605.745.4900 ♦ 646 Jennings Avenue Ste. 20 ♦ Brokerage, investment and financial advisory services made available through Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Member NASD and SIPC.

*Black Hills Federal Credit Union ♦ 605.745.4212 ♦ 330 S. Chicago Street ♦ www.blackhillsfcu.org ♦ We take pride in offering our members outstanding values and are committed to providing them with excellent quality service.

Edward Jones, Lindsay Luper ♦ (606) 390 8676 * 605 673 2644 ♦309 South Chicago Street ♦ www.edwardjones.com/Lindsay luper ♦ Offering long term strategies through all market cycles.

*First Interstate Bank ♦ 605.745.6060 ♦ 343 S. Chicago Street ♦ www.firstinterstatebank.com ♦ “Neighbors helping neighbors in the place we call home." Also a branch located at Lynn’s Dakotamart.

*Wells Fargo Bank ♦ 605.745.4120 ♦ 101 S. Chicago Street ♦ www.wellsfargo.com ♦ Wells Fargo provides a full range of financial services including home, business, agricultural, construction and consumer loans, all types of deposit accounts, insurance (including crop), online banking, payroll, and brokerage and trust services.

*Have ATMs


Accouter Rentals & Sales ♦ 605.745.7400 ♦ Fax: 605.745.7460 ♦ 1100 Highway 71 South ♦ Across from Fall River Hospital and Clinic. Equipment Tools, Wedding and Party, Equipment Service and Repair, Steel Building Sales, custom knives. ACE Hardware ♦ 605.745.5173 ♦ 207 S. Chicago Street ♦ ace1@gwtc.net ♦ Your full line local hardware store & more. We feature Custom Mixed Paint, Ashley Furniture, Serta Mattresses, Pottery, Jim Shore Collectibles, Western and Wildlife Decor, Melissa & Doug Toys, Practical and Whimsical Gifts, Cards, Party Goods, and Office Supplies. Free Gift Wrapping. Builders First Source ♦ 605.745.3300 ♦ 1045 S. 6th Street ♦ hotsprings.sd@unitedbuildingcenters.com ♦ Complete building headquarters Simon Contractors of SD ♦ 605.745.5206 ♦ P.O. Box 809 ♦ Asphalt, paving, gravel, grading, excavating, ready mix concrete. Wanda’s Finds ♦ 605.745.4040 ♦ 27237 Wind Cave Road/Hwy. 385 ♦ vwmorgan@gwtc.net * www.wandasfinds.com

11 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 11
U Haul Rental Y L Saddlery ♦ 605.745.6882 ♦ 1901 Hwy 18 Truck By Pass ♦ U Haul rentals Car Repair/Parts/Sales Carwash Bison Carwash ♦ 605.745.6065 ♦ 605.890.1066 ♦ Corner of 15th & University Avenue ♦ westwash@goldenwest.net Westside Car Wash ♦ 605.745.6065 ♦ 605.890.1066 ♦ Corner of Hwys 18 & 71/Galveston Ave. ♦ 800 S. 14th Street ♦ westwash@goldenwest.net ♦ Secure, convenient, easy access. Carwash has self service and automatic wash bays and self service vacuums Gas Stations Big Bat’s ♦ 605.745.6565 ♦ Truck Bypass Hwy 18 ♦ Gas station with convenience store. Battle Mountain Convenience Store ♦ 605.745.5445 ♦ 740 Battle Mountain Ave/385 N ♦ Gas station with convenience store. Coffee Cup Travel Plaza ♦ 605.745.4215 ♦ 27638 US Highway 79 ♦ Gas station with convenience store & Subway Dakota Mart Gas ♦ 605.745.5828 ♦ 445 S. Chicago Street ♦ Gas station with convenience store. YesWay Convenience Stores ♦ 605.745.5557 ♦ 239 S. Chicago Street ♦ Gas station with convenience store.

Farrell, Farrell, & Ginsbach 605.745.5161/P 605.745.3154/F N. River Street general all around legal advice Emphasis on

Justin O’Neill & Mike Ortner N. River Street Hills Title Company, Inc. Jennings Avenue Law Office 605 Jennings Dish Network 1 800 333 DISH (3474) Services West Telecommunications 866.279.2161 605.745.3103 1510 National Avenue www.goldenwest.com

Services in the SmartPaks range from a simple phone or internet or cable packages to complete combination packages. Deposit requirement varies based on service purchased. Cable Services

Basic Cable, Digital Cable, DVR, HDTV, Pay Per View Channels, and Premium Channels.

High Speed Internet: Boost your speed and productivity with more bandwidth than ever before. With High Speed Internet from Golden West, you're ready to take advantage of all the Internet has to offer Web Services

Golden West also provides Web Site/Domain Hosting, Building Blocks (simplified web design program), and SecureIT (Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware & Firewall Service) Electric

Black Hills Energy ♦ 605.745.3123 ♦ 800.742.8948 ♦www.blackhillspower.com

Electrical Energy Provider. A deposit may be required. If so, it will be two months average of annual usage for the premise. Black Hills Power does offer budget billing and several payment options including Ebills. Other Services Offered: Heating & cooling system service, appliance service and protection plans, energy efficiency incentives, Comfort Cove radiant heating sales, Generlink and Suregeguard protection, a residential energy audit program, and heat loss analysis.

Black Hills Electric Coop ♦ 605.673.4461 ♦ Custer, S.D. 57730 ♦ www.bhec.coop ♦ Celebrating 65 years of providing electrical service to Fall River County. County Service only; does not apply to Hot Springs City Limits Propane/Oil

CBH Cooperative ♦ 605.745.5215/P ♦ 605.745.5357/F ♦ 742 Jennings Avenue, Ste. 2 ♦ www.cbhcoop.com We kindly offer complete propane services.

McGas Propane/Dakota Propane ♦ 605.745.5959 ♦ 1100 Jensen Hwy, Full service propane supplier Nelson’s Oil & Gas ♦ 605.745.4189 ♦ 1346 Galveston Avenue ♦ nogi@gwtc.net ♦ From the tank to the thermostat, your complete heating or cooling sales and service center.

12 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 12 LAUNDRY FACILITIES Quality Cleaners Laundromat ♦ 605.745.6201 ♦ 1605 University Avenue ♦ Laundromat, drop off dry cleaning & mending LEGAL SERVICES
♦ 441
♦ farrellginsbach@gwtc.net Law firm provides
and representation in all courts.
estate planning, family law, business associations, real estate transactions, and business litigation.
Attorneys ♦ 605.745.6415 ♦ 317
♦ 605.745.5187 ♦ 702
745 5422 ♦ 702
Avenue STORAGE UNITS Bison Storage & Rentals ♦ 605.890.0871 ♦ 1112 S. 6th Street ♦ Well lit, easy access, secure units in several sizes. Fall River Storage ♦ 605.745.7770 ♦ 101 Finch Dr. at Maverick Junction next to Cheyenne Sanitation Westside Storage & Carwash ♦ 605.745.6065 ♦ 605.890.1066 ♦ Corner of Hwys 18 & 71/Galveston Ave. ♦ 800 S. 14th St. westwash@goldenwest.net ♦ Secure, convenient, easy access. Many sizes available. UTILITIES Satellite


Get your water turned on via the City of Hot Springs, 605.745.3135, 303 North River Street. $200 Security Deposit via cash or check is required. Average cost of monthly water/sewer/trash service is $63.69…see the cost breakdown below.

$17.43 (0 to 1000 gallons Water) $28.46 (0 to 1000 gallons Sewer) $10.47 Garbage Pick up $ 2.25 City Fee/Debt $ .83 Tax

The City of Hot Springs also offers optional recycling for a small fee.

Other Water

Culligan Water Systems ♦ 605.745.3196 ♦ Your local water expert. 4 J Enterprises ♦ 605.745.5114 ♦ 605.745.4836 ♦ 11758 Wild Sage Road ♦ A private trucking contract hauling company.

Trash Services

Your residential trash needs are met by the City of Hot Springs (see “Water/Sewer” section for costs and requirements). The City Shop only collects yard waste at this time. The city offers at least 2 weeks of ‘free dump days’ each year once in spring the other in fall.

For your other trash dumping needs, the following companies are able to assist you: Cheyenne Sanitation Transfer Station ♦ 605.745.7730 ♦ located off Hwy 79 across from KOA Campground Sanders Sanitation ♦ 605.673.3174

Keiffer Sanitation ♦ 605.342.5575

Fall River Sanitation ♦ 605.745.7730

Pirates Septic and Construction ♦605.745.6365 or 605.890.0315 ♦pirates@gwtc.net Southern Hills Septic ♦605.920.8936 ♦Buffalo Gap ♦ Installation, tank locating, complete septic plumbing, certified inspections, portable toilet rentals.


Community Recycling Programs

Keep Hot Springs Beautiful (KHSB) has a trailer at Shopko’s parking lot that collects aluminum. KHSB also holds two Electronics Recycling (and other stuff) Events in the Spring and Fall. Please visit the KHSB website at www.KeepHotSpringsBeautiful.org to find out more about these events.

City Recycling Program

Residents receiving trash services through the City of Hot Springs (residential trash service) can participate in oncea month curbside recycling. To sign up, contact City Hall at 605 745 3135 or stop in 303 N. River Street. Monday Friday, 8 AM 5 PM.

VA Medical Center VA Medical Center

Keep Hot Springs Beautiful Adopt a Pod

13 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 13


Christmas in the Hills ♦ christmasinthehills@yahoo.com

First weekend of December. Light parade, Marketplace, Dinners, Living Nativity, Tour of Homes. Cultural Development Organization ♦ www.hotspringscdo.org/ ♦ A 501c3 nonprofit organization, the small group began the transformation of buildings in Hot Springs to the canvas for public art: murals.

Blue Horn Dances ♦605.745.3717 ♦narcelle.net ♦ Unique blend of vintage and contemporary Native American Arts including beadwork, quillwork, star quilts, sculpture, paintings and prints. Collectibles: antique and country furniture, AND the unusual. “Across from the waterfall”

Hot Springs Area Concert Association ♦ Find us on Facebook ♦ World class concerts presented at the Mueller Civic Center.

Main Street Arts & Crafts Festival ♦ 605.745.3684 ♦ Collogan@gwtc.net ♦ 1038 Evanston Avenue ♦ http://mainstreetartsandcrafts.wee bly.com/ Main Street Arts & Crafts Festival is held annually the last weekend of June in Centennial Park, downtown Hot Springs, from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Wide variety of vendors and music.

South Dakota Scholarship Foundation ♦ Miss SD Pageant ♦ www.misssd.org ♦ ed@misssd.org ♦ The Miss America Organization is one of the nation’s leading achievement programs and the world’s largest provider of scholarship assistance for young women.

Southern Hills Community Theatre ♦ www.SHCT.org Sandstone Singers ♦ 605.745.7333 ♦ 409 Cambridge Avenue ♦ foster@gwtc.net ♦ Sandstone Singers is a female choral group that is available to perform for local and area events and organizations Call or email director Carol Foster to schedule a performance Mueller Civic Center ♦ 605.745.3446 ♦ 801 S. 6th St. ♦ mccboss@gwtc.net ♦ Whether your needs are big or small, the Mueller Civic Center can handle it all. For further information log on to the chamber web site www.hotsprings sd.com and click on Convention/Meetings.

Pioneer Museum ♦ 605.745.5147 300 N. Chicago Street *♦ pioneer@pioneer museum.com ♦ www.pioneer museum.com Pioneer Historical Museum in the Sandstone School on the Hill in the center of Hot Springs, SD. Open May 15 to October 15 Riverfront Gallery 405 N River Street 10:15am, Sunday School 10:15am. ♦ We offer the "healing water" of God's Word while "reflecting the SON" in the love we share.

Calvary Baptist Church, Pastor Matthew Lim ♦ 605.745.5663 ♦ 20th St & Canton Ave. ♦ Sunday Bible Class, 8:45am; Morning Service 10am; Evening Service 6pm; Wednesday Evening Service 7pm. Transportation available. Cascade Road Baptist ♦ 605.745.6044 ♦ 27526 Cascade Road Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ♦ 605.673.5989 ♦ 2133 Albany Street Eckankar, Religion of the Light & Sound of God ♦ 605.745.6334 ♦ 605.745.4766 ♦ 801 S 6th Street

Fall River Church of Christ ♦ 605.745.6539 ♦ 605.745.6777 ♦ 605.662.7071 ♦ Call for Service Location

Fountain of Life Assembly of God, Pastor Ed Cutler ♦ 605.745.3236 ♦ 1828 University Avenue ♦ www.folhs.com ♦ Sunday service 9:30am, Sunday School 10:30am, evening worship 6:30pm

Grace Lutheran ♦ 605.745.3378 ♦ 2323 Jennings Avenue

14 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 14
♦ VA Battle Mountain Museum ♦ 605.745.2000 ♦ VA Medical Center Building 11 ♦ 500 N. 5th Street HAIR STYLING & BEAUTY SALONS Uptown Hair & Nails ♦ 605.745.5166 ♦ 140 S. Chicago Street ♦ uptownhn@gwtc.net The Hair Hutch ♦ 605.745.6434 ♦ 246 N. 5th St Jayz Salon ♦ 605.745.5299 ♦ 107 South River Street Just Cuts ♦ 605.745.4004 ♦ 242 S. Chicago Street Thairapy ♦ 605.661.0325 ♦ 713 N. River Street Polished ♦ 605 391 1975 ♦ 626 Jennings Ave #16 Randy’s Barber Shop ♦ 605 745 3633 ♦ 305 S Chicago St Salon 402♦ 402.540.9823 ♦ 145 N 16th St CHURCHES Bethesda Lutheran Church ♦ 605.745.4834 ♦ 1537 Baltimore Avenue ♦ www.gwtc.net/~bethesda ♦ Worship service 9am, Adult Bible classes 8am &

Hot Springs Wesleyan Church, Pastor Matthew Shulaw ♦ 605.745.3736 ♦ 2046 Canton Avenue ♦ www.gwtc.net/~hswc ♦ Wednesday

Bible study 6:30pm; Sunday School 9:30am; Worship 10:45am. ♦ Knowing Christ and making Him known.

7057 Mockingbird Dr, Hot Springs, SD 57747

Kingdom Hall of Jehovah Witness ♦ 605.745.5692 7057 ♦ Mockingbird Dr Joy Community Church, Pastor Bill Martin ♦ 605.745.5692 ♦ Residence: 605.745.5691 ♦ 309 Canton Avenue bpmartin@gwtc.net ♦ http://

www.forministry.com/USSDSOBCOJCFSJ ♦ Sunday Bible study 9:45am; Worship 11am; Sunday evening 6:30pm. ♦ The Joy Community Fellowship exists to love God and our neighbor by fulfilling the Great Commission as stated in Matthew 28:19 20.

St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church ♦ 605.745.3393 ♦ 538 University Avenue ♦ jmroe@ gwtc.net ♦ Office hours 8am to 5pm. ♦ Sunday Mass 10:30 a.m. For weekday and Holy Day mass times call 605.745.3393

St. John’s Lutheran Church, ELCA, Pastor Hunzeker ♦ 605.745.4760 ♦ 13275 Fall River Rd. ♦ 4 miles southeast of Hot Springs on Hwy 385/18 near Maverick Junction ♦ www.lutheransonline.com/lo/stjohnselca ♦. A community of faith and love in Jesus Christ, led by the Holy Spirit, learning, living, and spreading God's Word. ♦ Worship 9:00am Sunday School 10:15am. All Are Welcome!

St. Luke’s Episcopal Church, Rev. Claude E. Vershure ♦ 605.745.3323 ♦ 501 Hammond Avenue ♦ Mailing: 1915 Washington Avenue ♦ The. Sunday Worship 10 a.m. Parish Hall located at 1915 Washington Avenue

Seventh Day Adventist ♦ 605.745.5411 ♦ 245 S. Chicago Street

Southern Hills Evangelical Free Church, Pastor Mark Crossman ♦ 605.745.6687 ♦ 1509 University Avenue pastormark@gwtc.net ♦ www.shefchurch.com ♦ Sunday Service 10 a.m., Sunday School 9 a.m., Kidz Zone Wednesday, 6:30 7:30 pm, Youth, Wednesday 6:30 8 pm

United Churches ♦ 605.745.5640 ♦ 342 N. Garden Street ♦ uc@gwtc.net www.unitedchurcheshotsprings.org ♦ Baptist, Methodist and Presbyterian worshipping together since 1920. ♦ Worship Services: Sunday 8:30 am and 11 am. Sunday School for all ages 9:45 am. Contemporary worship, Sunday 6 pm. Everyone welcome.

Wesleyan Lakota Chapter ♦ 605.745.4405 ♦ 2005 University Avenue


Alcoholics Anonymous ♦ ww.area63AA.org

American Legion Club Post 71 ♦ 605.745.3213 ♦ 1045 Jennings Avenue ♦ amleg71@goldenwest.net Full service bar, video poker, banquet hall

Battle Mountain Post 71 American Legion Riders ♦ Dorothy Richards, 605.745.3213 ♦ battlemountainalr@gmail.com Black Hills Area Community Foundation ♦ 605.718.0112 ♦ 605.718.0113 ♦ 825 St. Joseph St, Rapid City SD 57709 ♦ www.bhacf.org ♦ bhcfoundation@rushmore.com

Cub Scouts ♦ 605.890.1152 ♦ Meeting every Wednesday in the Scout Hut at Centennial Park ♦ 6:30 pm Boys & Girls Club of America ♦ 605.745.8000 ♦ www.bgcblackhills.org ♦ Meets in the Bethesda Lutheran School at 1537 Baltimore Avenue

Chautauqua Artisans Market ♦ 605.745.4684 ♦ 629 N. River Street ♦ www.chautauquacraftsmen.org/ Christmas in the Hills ♦ christmasinthehills@yahoo.com ♦ First weekend of December. Light parade, Marketplace, Dinners, Living Nativity, Tour of Homes.

Community Action Team ♦ 605.745.3400 ♦ 108 N. Chicago Street ♦ Open 1:30pm 3:30pm Monday through Friday. Cultural Development Organization ♦ www.hotspringscdo.org/ ♦ A 501c3 nonprofit organization, the small group began the transformation of buildings in Hot Springs to the canvas for public art: murals.

Elks Lodge #1751 ♦ 605.745.4261 ♦ 2500 Minnekahta Avenue (Michael J. Fitzmaurice SD State Veterans Home) ♦ Meets at 7pm on 2nd & 4th Mondays at the Canyon Cottage at 2526 Minnekahta Avenue

Fall River 4-H ♦ 605.745.5133

Fall River Archers ♦ 605.745.4261 Jim Dahlberg ♦ 605.745.5650 Gary Dinkel ♦ Facebook.com/Fall River Archers. Shoot on Wednesday nights

Fall River Gun Club ♦ 605.745.3028 ♦ 745 Battle Mountain Avenue

Fall River Historical Society ♦ 605.745.5147 ♦ pioneer@pioneer museum.com

Friday Fiber Friends ♦ Contact: Terry Slagel 605.745.7060 ♦ Meets Friday mornings at 10:00 am 12:00 pm at Chautauqua Artisans, 629 N. River Street. Free to the public, bring your handiwork or just come and visit.

Friends of the Library ♦ 605.745.3151 ♦ 2005 Library Drive ♦ hotspringslibraryfriends@yahoo.com www.hotspringslibraryfriends.org/ Friends of Wind Cave ♦ 605.745.4937 ♦ 445 South 3rd Street

Historic Preservation Commission, Brian Powers, Chairman ♦ 605.745.3135 ♦ 303 North River Street ♦ Meets the first Monday of each month in the Hot Springs Library Heritage Room at 5:00 PM

15 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 15

Hot Springs Alumni Association, Laura Tarrell ♦ 605.745.3606

Hot Springs Area Concert Association ♦ Find us on Facebook ♦ World class concerts presented at the Mueller Civic Center. Hot Springs Elderly Meals Program ♦ 605.745.6759 ♦ 201 South River Street

Hot Springs Ministerial Association, Pastor Art Weitschat ♦ 605.488.0279 ♦ Our mission is to help those in need of rent, utilities, gasoline and other non food necessities assistance

Hot Springs Rotary ♦ 605.745.4158 ♦ 745 Battle Mountain Avenue ♦ Meet at Dale’s Family Restaurant every Thursday, 7am Keep Hot Springs Beautiful ♦ 605.745.4876 ♦ 27928 Cascade Road ♦ www.KeepHotSpringsBeautiful.org ♦ Coordinates pod landscape plantings downtown, holds the annual river clean up and recycling events Lions Club, ♦ Meets 2nd Thursday at Winners Circle at 6.30 pm3rd Monday at 6:30pm at Pine Hills Retirement Community dining room

Main Streets Arts & Crafts Festival ♦ 605.745.3684 ♦ Collogan@gwtc.net ♦ 1038 Evanston Avenue ♦ Main Street Arts & Crafts Festival is held annually the last weekend of June in Centennial Park, downtown Hot Springs, from Friday afternoon to Sunday afternoon. Wide variety of vendors and music.

Masonic Hall ♦ 605.745.4393 ♦ 238 North Garden Street

Minnekahta Quilters Guild, Contact Barb Sharp ♦ Meets the 2nd Thursday, 7pm, at the SD State Veterans Home Sandstone Singers ♦ 605.745.7333 ♦ 409 Cambridge Avenue ♦ foster@gwtc.net ♦ Sandstone Singers is a female choral group that is available to perform for local and area events and organizations. Call or email director Carol Foster to schedule a performance.

Springs Senior Citizens Center ♦ 605.745.6123 ♦ 206 S. Chicago Street ♦ A center committed to aiding seniors with nutritious meals, entertainment, friendship and information.

Southern Hills Alcohol & Drug ♦ 605.745.6300 ♦ 1711 Minnekahta Avenue

Southern Hills Bikers Association ♦ Harley (605.391.2757) ♦ Ed (605.440.1624) ♦ Val (605.440.2584)

Southern Hills Community Recreation Initiative ♦ 605.430 7111 Provides recreation opportunities for the Southern Black Hills ♦ www.southernhillsrecreation.org ♦ hotspringsreccenter@gmail.com

Southern Hills Promenaders ♦ 605.745.3397

United Way of the Black Hills ♦ 605.343.5872 ♦ 621 6th St # 100, Rapid City, SD 57701 W.E.A.V.E. (Women Escaping A Violent Environment) ♦ 800.424.3574 ♦ 605.673.6333 ♦ Pager: 605.673.8781 ♦ weave@gwtc.net ♦ Custer, SD

Main St. Arts & Crafts Festival

16 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 16


January Fall River History Conference February

Chilly Chili Cookoff Concert March Chamber Annual Meeting and Awards Dinner April

Chamber’s Easter Egg Hunt Chamber’s Spring Fling Home & Garden Show Earth Day Rummage Sale & Electronics Recycling Free Dump Days Chamber’s Job Fair May

KHSB Great American Cleanup Day Chamber’s Wine Walk & Putt Stars, Stripes & Steps Memorial Day Program @ State Home June

Citywide Garage Sales

City & School Board Elections

Main Streets Arts & Crafts Festival Friends of the Library Book Sale July

4th of July Celebrations (Street Dance the night before) Firecracker 10K/5K Run Parade

Chamber’s Community BBQ Chamber’s FireQuacker Duck Race Fireworks

August Chamber of Commerce Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival Fall River County Fair Wildcat Classic Mountain Bike Race September 9/11 Stair Climb Southern Hills Triathlon Mickelson Trail Trek Pioneer Days Free Dump Days Electronics Recycling Climb Hot Springs October Merchants’ Trick or Treat November Small Business Saturday in Hot Springs

December Christmas in the Hills Parade of Lights Chamber’s Downtown Cookie Cruise Downtown Storefront Decorating Contest Santa Hat Shopping Spree

May September Farmer’s Market at Centennial Park Fridays PM

Mueller Civic Center
17 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 17
COMMUNITY EVENTS CONVENTION CENTERS/MEETING FACILITIES American Legion Club Post 71 ♦ 605.745.3213 ♦ 1045 Jennings Avenue ♦ amleg71@goldenwest.net ♦ Open 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. or later. Full service bar, video poker, banquet hall FlatIron Historic Sandstone Inn ♦ 877.548.2822 ♦ 745 North River Street ♦ www.flatiron.bz ♦ Outdoor courtyard with gazebo stage and BBQ Hut available for rent. Mueller Civic Center ♦ 605.745.3446 ♦ 801 S. 6th Street ♦ muellercenter@hs sd.org ♦ 400 Seat Theatre, Auditorium, Conference Rooms and Lobby are available for rent. Whether your needs are big or small, the Mueller Civic Center can handle it all. Red Rock River Resort ♦ Julie Pekron 605.745.4400 ♦ 603 N. River Street ♦ http://www.redrockriverresort.com/index.htm ♦ Popular hotel and spa with a main floor gathering space, third floor banquet room that seats 225, a full service bar and casino. Catering and wedding suites available! Winner’s Circle Lanes & Games ♦ 605.745.5414 ♦ 733 Jensen Highway ♦ Find us on Facebook ♦ Meeting rooms for small meetings. Catering and portable cash bar for events available. Contact for more information.

American Legion Club Post 71 ♦ 605.745.3213 ♦1045 Jennings Avenue ♦ amleg71@goldenwest.net ♦ Full service bar, video poker

Misty River Tavern ♦ 705 N. River Street ♦ Hot Springs Theatre ♦ 241 North River Street ♦ Winner’s Circle Lanes & Games ♦ 605.745.5414 ♦ 733Jensen Highway ♦ Find us on Facebook l


Big Time Pizza ♦ 605.745.5399 ♦ 310 S. Chicago Street ♦ Find us on Facebook! A South Dakota favorite, enjoy pizza ‘beyond the ordinary’. Menu specializes in handmade New York style pizza with a Black Hills flare and fresh oven roasted subs.

Buffalo Dreamer ♦ 605.745.6100 ♦ 1829 Minnekahta Avenue American Food Alchemy, Reservations Recommended Upper Crust Café & Heaven Scent Bakery ♦ 605.745.4144 ♦ 627 N. River Street ♦ Find us on Facebook! In store bakery with fresh breads and pastries daily! The family friendly restaurant serves traditional fare like burgers and steaks and large western breakfasts served with love and attention. Open 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday Friday. Closed Saturday.

DQ Grill & Chill Restaurant ♦ 605.745.5777 ♦ 901 Jensen Highway/SR 385 ♦ Soft serve ice cream & signature shakes top the menu at this classic burger & fries fast food chain.

Misty River Tavern ♦ 605 745 4441 ♦ 705 N River St. Hot Springs ♦ Tavern, Full Bar Upscale Pub Food

Mornin Sunshine ♦ 605 745 5550 ♦ 509 N River St ♦

Pizza Hut ♦ 605.745.5443 ♦ 723 Jensen Highway/ SR 385 ♦ Well known family friendly national chain known for its made to order pizzas. Follow us on Facebook at Pizza Hut Hot Springs.

Silk Road Experience ♦ 541 666 0131 ♦ 239 N River St ♦ Pakistani cuisine.

Southern Hills Diner and Bakery ♦ 605.745.7203 ♦12572 Sheps Canyon Rd, Hot Springs, SD 57747 Springs Coffee / Springs Java Burrito ♦ 605.745.5553 ♦ 602 N River St Suite A, Hot Springs, SD 57747 ♦ springscoffeesd.com or springsjavaburrito.com ♦ Coffee, Breakfast Items, Mexican Entrees, Wraps.

Taco Johns ♦ 605.745.6880 ♦ 1145 Jensen Highway/SR 385 ♦ Fast food chain featuring tacos, burritos, nachos & breakfasts mixing Mexican & Western flavors.

Two Cows Creamery and Bistro ♦ 605.745.3838 ♦ 237 N River St. Hot Springs, SD 57747 ♦ Premium handmade ice cream. Burgers,fries,and more.

Wandering Bison Coffee Shop ♦ 605.745.4044

Winner’s Circle Lanes & Games ♦ 605.745.5414 ♦ 733 Jensen Highway ♦ Find us on Facebook. Bowling lanes and pub in Hot Springs with good food and good family fun. Traditional pub food includes burgers and fries, Indian tacos and even prime rib! We have a full service bar.Children and families are always welcome. . Woolly’s Grill & Cellar ♦ 605.745.6414 ♦ 1648 Highway 18 Bypass ♦ http://www.woollys.com ♦ Popular, farmhouse chic locale featuring elevated steakhouse fare, a salad bar & desserts. Buses only!

Woolly’s Grill & Cellar
18 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 18 NIGHT LIFE


ACE Hardware ♦ 605.745.5173 ♦ 207 S. Chicago Street ♦ ace1@gwtc.net ♦ Your full line local hardware store & more. We feature custom mixed paint, pottery, Jim Shore Collectibles, western and wildlife decor, Melissa & Doug toys, practical and whimsical gifts, cards, party goods, and office supplies. Free Gift Wrapping.

Beans Pet Supply ♦ 605.745.7387 ♦ 713 N. River Street ♦ Find us on Facebook! A small town pet food supply with big town selection! Specializing in all types of animal foods & treats (Blue, Wellness, Diamond Wild Idea & more) and supplies. If we don’t have what you need we will do our best to find it! Also, a professional groomer in store.

Bomgaars ♦ 605.745.3276 ♦ 2701 US 18 Bypass ♦ What you need, when you need it, at the right price Chautauqua Artisans Market ♦ 605.745.4684 ♦ 629 N. River Street ♦ www.chautauquacraftsmen.org/ ♦ Original design and crafts for sale by from local artists, a monthly gallery venue for local artists. One of a kind items!

Earth Goods Natural Foods ♦ 605.745.7715 ♦ 738 Jennings Avenue ♦ www.earthgoodsnaturalfoods.com ♦ Find us on Facebook! In addition to the freshest natural foods, Earth Goods also carries a wide variety of vitamin & herbal supplements, bulk herbs and foods, gluten free foods, organic produce, natural body care products, and green household products. Additionally, we offer occasional seminars and sampling, as well as a large variety of free, printed, and third party literature.

Fall River Fibers ♦ 605.890.2750 ♦ 631 N. River Street ♦ www.fallriverfibers.com ♦ The region’s best supply of handmade and commercial yarns & fiber arts supplies including spinning, weaving, felting, knitting & crocheting. Class in all types of fiber art offered.

Lucy and the Green Wolf ♦ 605.745.3415 ♦ 740 Jennings Avenue ♦ lucyandthegreenwolf.wordpress.com/Find us on Facebook! . A community store all about sustainable living, hand made, upcycled, recycled, reusable, earth friendly goods, organic apparel, fair trade, plus one-of-a-kind pieces. Inspiration for a simpler life! Minnekahta Coffee ♦ 605.440.3462 ♦ 1729 Minnekahta Ave, Hot Springs, SD 57747 ♦ Small batch roasted coffee.

Wanda’s Finds ♦ 605.745.4040 ♦ 27237 Wind Cave Road/Hwy. 385 vwmorgan@gwtc.net ♦ www.wandasfinds.com ♦ 12,000 Square

foot shop full of items you would not believe! Every visit to the store you will find something new! Wanda is one of the largest Montana Silversmith dealers in the area, has a huge collection of Depression Glass, mostly pink, a large number of collectable and antiques, she also carries American West, Old Friend Footwear, Minnetonka Moccasins, Sunbody Hats, Smoky Mountain Boots, sandals, Elk and Deer skin gloves, and believe it or not her own line of spices!

N. River Street, Hot

19 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 19

Outdoor Adventure

Architecture & History

Go to www.soakinhotsprings.com for virtual walking tour of historic downtown Hot Springs. Explore our history, search out our public murals, play an Eye Spy game with the family or explore the trails throughout the city by accessing our city trails map.

In 2011 the Battle Mountain Sanitarium was bestowed with the title of National Historic Landmark the highest historic preservation designation allowed. It is now part of the Department of the Interior's Shared Heritage Travel Itinerary. The Battle Mountain Sanitarium in Hot Springs was established on approximately 101 Acres in 1902, and opened in 1907. It is the oldest facility in the VA Medical System established solely to provide medical care and is now identified as the VA Black Hills Health Care System Hot Springs. The original sandstone buildings were designed by renowned Omaha architect Thomas Rogers Kimball, in the Mission/Spanish Revival inspired style. A museum is located on site and is free of charge.

Check in with the Pioneer Museum to learn about upcoming historic tours including historic sites or Evergreen Cemetery tours. ♦ 605 745 5147 ♦ 300 N. Chicago Street on top of the hill in the old stone school house ♦ www.pioneer museum.com

Visit the Chamber of Commerce in the Mueller Center at 801 S. 6t Street and at the Depot Information Center at 630 N. River Street (summer only) for more information about Hot Springs and the surrounding region.

Accessing the Springs

Brookside Park ♦ S. River Street, one block off Jensen Highway accessed off S. 6th Street. Playground, restroom and picnic facilities available.

Cascade Falls ♦ 15 miles south on Hwy 71. Picnic and restroom facilities available.

Chautauqua Park ♦ 2500 feet from Evan’s Plunge going west on Hot Brook Canyon Road. Playground and picnic facilities available.

Evans Plunge Mineral Springs ♦ 605.745.5165 ♦ 1145 N. River Street ♦ info@evansplunge.com ♦ www.evansplunge.com World’s largest natural warm mineral water indoor swimming pool! Outdoor pool too. Big water slides, Tarzan rings, fun tubes, pool games, and super spa and fitness center. The Black Hills’ longest running attraction Since 1890. Find us on Facebook. Kidney Springs Gazebo ♦ just off Minnekahta Avenue at N. River Street. Moccasin Springs Natural Mineral Spa ♦ 1829 Minnekahta Av, Hot Springs, SD 57747 www.moccasinsprings.com

Water Adventure

Angostura Recreation Area ♦ 605.745.6996 ♦ Reservations 800.710.2267 ♦ 13157 N, Angostura Road ♦ Angostura@state.sd.us ♦ www.campSD.com ♦ Nestled along the shoreline of the Angostura Reservoir. Angostura Reservoir is a water lover's haven with breathtaking, scenic views. Offering crystal clear waters, 36 miles of shoreline, and some of the finest sandy beaches in the state, the area boasts many water sports and summer fun activities camping, boating, fishing, and swimming. Its strong fishery is well known for its walleye, smallmouth bass, crappie, and supports northern pike, largemouth bass, perch and bluegill.

Cascade Falls Angostura State Recreation Area Brookside Park
20 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 20

Cascade Falls, 6 & 8 miles south on Hwy 71 ♦ https://www.fs.fed.us/wildflowers/regions/ Rocky_Mountain/CascadeSprings/ ♦ Cascade Creek in southwestern South Dakota originates at Cascade Springs, the largest single springs in the Black Hills with water emerging at 22.5 cubic ft (0.6 cubic m) per second at a constant 67º F (19.4º C) from six known discharge points (Hornbeck et al. 2003). The Black Hills National Forest manages land adjacent to Cascade Creek in two areas: J.H. Keith Park Cascade Springs Picnic Ground and Cascade Falls Picnic Ground, located approximately 6 and 8 miles, respectively, south of Hot Springs, South Dakota on SD Highway 71. The Black Hills National Forest picnic areas are surrounded by private land and The Nature Conservancy’s Whitney Preserve.

Coldbrook Recreation Area ♦ 605.745.5476 ♦ 1436 Cold Brook Avenue ♦ Operated by the Army Corps of Engineers. ♦ Cold Brook Dam, SD was constructed to reduce flood damages in the Fall River Basin. Located less than 1 mile from the town of Hot Springs, SD, Cold Brook Lake offers an excellent variety of recreational activities yearround including canoeing, fishing, swimming, wildlife viewing, and camping. Winter activities include ice fishing, skating, and cross country skiing.

Cottonwood Springs Lake Recreation Area ♦ 605.745.5476 ♦ Cottonwood Springs Dam, SD was constructed to reduce flood damages in the Fall River Basin. Located just 5 miles west of Hot Springs on U.S. Highway 18 and nestled in the rugged hills and evergreen trees of the southern Black Hills, Cottonwood Springs Lake is the place to go for nature lovers. This recreation area offers primitive camping only (no hookups), hiking, fishing (only electric motors), and picnicking.

Trout Haven (no license required) ♦ 605.833.2571 ♦ 13477 7 11 Road, Buffalo Gap ♦ 9 miles N./off Hwys. 385 & 79, Excellent trout fishing, always biting! Everything furnished, and no license needed. to go. You pay only for what you catch. We raise more than 1 million trout each year for stocking in ponds & streams in Canada & the USA. Open daily Plunge Mineral Springs ♦ 605.745.5165 ♦ 1145 N. River Street info@evansplunge.com www.evansplunge.com World’s largest natural warm mineral water indoor swimming pool! Outdoor pool too. Big water slides, Tarzan rings, fun tubes, pool games, and super spa and fitness center. The Black Hills’ longest running attraction Since 1890. Find us on Facebook. Campground 605 745 6449 1 800 562 0803 27585 Hwy 79 www.kampkoahotsprings.com kampkoa@gwtc.net Located along Hwy 79. Campground offers 76 sites including 10 cabins, RV and tent sites. General store, public heated pool, hot showers, 24 hour laundry, propane and free Wi Fi.

Cascade Falls Cold Brook Recreation Area Plunge Mineral Springs
21 Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce Relocation Guide 2022 21
Swimming Pools Evans

FISHING (fishing license required)

South Dakota fishing licenses are required for residents and nonresidents to fish in state-sanctioned bodies of water. Fishing licenses are issued by the South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission to anglers who meet the minimum requirements for completing a fishing license application. Fishing licenses can be purchased either online or in person at authorized license retail stores. Classes of fishing licenses are categorized depending on factors such as the applicant’s residency status, age, the length of the license’s validity period and the type of fish being caught.

Where can I get a fishing license locally?

Ace Hardware 207 S. Chicago St., HS

Angostura Common Cents Angostura Recreation Area

Local Bait Shops

Angostura Common Cents 605.745.4101

Caving, Hiking & Backpacking

Centennial Trail ♦ north and south through Wind Cave NP and Custer State Park ♦ Marking the 100th anniversary of statehood, 1889 to 1989, the 111 mile Centennial Trail represents the diversity of South Dakota. The Trail crosses the prairie grasslands near Bear Butte State Park and climbs into the Black Hills high country, skirting lakes and streams until it reaches Wind Cave National Park near Hot Springs. The Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, National Park Service, and South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks have combined their efforts to develop this Trail for you to enjoy

Custer State Park ♦ Accessed from Hot Springs via SR 385 N to SR 87 N ♦ www.custerstatepark.com ♦ Custer State Park is famous for its bison herds, other wildlife, scenic drives, historic sites, visitor centers, fishing lakes, resorts, campgrounds and interpretive programs. In fact, it was named as one of the World's Top Ten Wildlife Destinations for the array of wildlife within the park's borders and for the unbelievable access visitors have to them. One of the nation’s largest state parks, just 15 miles from the city of Custer, South Dakota’s premier State Park comprises 71,000 acres. Custer State Park has been home to diverse cultural heritages for thousands of years and has provided an array of scenic beauty and outdoor recreation for visitors since the early 1900s.

Mickelson Trail (Local trailhead at Minnekahta Junction off SR 18W) ♦ http://gfp.sd.gov/state parks/directory/mickelson trail/ ♦ The George S. Mickelson Trail, in the heart of the beautiful Black Hills, was completed in September of 1998. Its gentle slopes and easy access allow people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the beauty of the Black Hills. Much of the trail passes through National Forest Land, but there are parts of the trail that pass through privately owned land, where trail use is restricted to the trail only. The trail is 109 miles long and contains more than 100 converted railroad bridges and 4 rock tunnels. The trail surface is primarily crushed limestone and gravel. There are 15 trailheads, all of which offer parking, self sale trail pass stations, vault toilets, and tables.

Wind Cave National Park ♦ 605.745.6400 ♦ Highway 385 ♦ www.nps.gov/wica/ index.htm ♦ Bison, elk, and other wildlife roam the rolling prairie grasslands and forested hillsides of one of America's oldest national parks. Below the remnant island of intact prairie sits Wind Cave, one of the longest and most complex caves in the world. Named for barometric winds at its entrance, this maze of passages is home to boxwork, a unique formation rarely found elsewhere.

Wind Cave National Park Angostura Recreation Area
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Wind Cave National Park ♦ 605.745.6400 ♦ Highway 385 ♦ www.nps.gov/wica/ index.htm ♦ Bison, elk, and other wildlife roam the rolling prairie grasslands and forested hillsides of one of America's oldest national parks. Below the remnant island of intact prairie sits Wind Cave, one of the longest and most complex caves in the world. Named for barometric winds at its entrance, this maze of passages is home to boxwork, a unique formation rarely found elsewhere.

The Mammoth Site ♦605.745.6017♦1800 Mammoth Drive/US18 By-Pass ♦ www.mammothsite.org ♦ The Mammoth Site of Hot Springs, SD is an active paleontological dig site, which boasts the largest concentration of mammoth remains in the world! Our current mammoth count is 61, with 58 Columbian and 3 woolly mammoths. We hope you will come and tour this unique National Natural Landmark!


Southern Hills Golf Course

US Highway 18♦ 605.745.6400 ♦ www.hotspringssdgolf.com

Southern Hills Golf Course is an 18 hole municipal course offering breathtaking views and an unforgettable experience.Situated within the Spearfish Formation, the bright colors of the fairways, greens and ponderosa pine contrast wonderfully with red rock canyons and blue South Dakota skies. Originally designed as a 9 hole course, Southern Hills expanded to become a premier public golf destination for the experienced and recreational golfer alike. Boasting over 380 feet of elevation change, including one par 3 with a 35' tee to green difference, Southern Hills Golf Course offers a challenge, but also rewards players with its natural beauty and seamless integration into the local topography.

Putt –4-Fun Miniature Golf

640 S. 6th St.♦ 605.745.3130 ♦Located at Hills Inn, Putt 4 Fun’s minigolf course is a fun filled attraction for all ages. There are 18 holes with putting greens ranging from 20 40 feet with plenty of challenges like obstacles and sand traps. Putt 4 fun also features sparkling fountains and offers guests free minigolf with room rental.

Southern Hills Golf
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& Paleontology
WILD WILD HORSES Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary (IRAM) ♦ 605.745.5955 ♦ www.wildmustangs.com The Black Hills Wild Horse Sanctuary was created as a nonprofit organization to provide and maintain a permanent private home for America's unwanted wild horses. IRAM's goal of saving the American Wild Mustang also includes the preservation of endangered wild horse bloodlines of the resident mustang bands. This includes the Spanish, Choctaw Indian, Curly and American Mustangs. The Sanctuary is no longer open to visitors. If you wish to support our efforts, please do so with your donations. Windcross Conservancy ♦ 605 833 2336♦404 Main Street, Buffalo Gap ♦ www.windcrossconservancy.org ♦ Windcross Conservancy's mission is to preserve and protect the endangered Spanish Mustang. Tours are available daily by reservation only. HUNTING (License required) Refer to SD Game, Fish & Parks at www.state.sd.us/gfp/ (There are some public lands for hunting and private land by permission.) Pheasant Hunting: Dakota Hills Hunting Preserve, Oral 605.424.2500 Waterfowl: Angostura Resort, 605.745.6996 Big Game: Wishbone Outfitters Inc. Stan 605.881.8822 The Mammoth Site

Mountain Biking

Battle Mountain Trail ♦ Access at the junction between Battle Mountain Avenue and Sherman Street in Hot Springs Mickelson Trail ♦ Access off US 18W at Minnekahta Junction Centennial Trail ♦ Access in Wind Cave National Park Driftwood Canyon Trail ♦ Off Fall River County Rd. 16 Stone Quarry Canyon Trail ♦ Off US Hwy. 18


Butler Park (see map on Appendix A 2 page 33) Butler Park is located off of Canton / 14th St. near the Hot Springs Public Library. Butler Park features children’s play area, adult size-swing sets, child-size swing set, a bench swing, 2 covered picnic areas, horseshoe area, a full-length basketball court, 2 tennis courts, a skate park, 3 soccer fields, 2 softball fields, and a legion baseball field. Not to mention many trails! Pets on leashes are allowed.

Kidney Springs (formerly Hygeia Spring,) is located in the heart of the City of Hot Springs just off Minnekahta Ave and across from The Evans Apartments is the historic downtown Hot Springs trailhead for the Fall River Freedom Trail that runs along the beautiful spring fed river. Thousands of people have partaken heartily of this pleasant tasting water and have gone back for more! Make a toast to your health!

You can’t miss this park with a gorgeous gazebo featuring the craftsmanship of local artist Mike Tuma a women holding a pitcher called “The Gift.” This gazebo sits over a fresh water spring that shoots out from the side of the hill…the water’s contents listed on a plaque above the spring’s “faucet” has been known to keep a body healthy. The well known waterfall is not too far from this park as well. Bands often perform on the renovated historic band shell, known for its great acoustics.

Centennial Park, located on North Garden Street across from City Hall, is the perfect park to plan a large event! This park hosts several fun events throughout the year from the 4th of July Street Dance to the Main Streets Arts & Crafts Festival to the August Moon Dance. This park features a beautiful sandstone fountain, public bathrooms, 2 covered picnic areas, a band shelter for a stage/dance area, and access to the Fall River Freedom Trail…not to mention a suspended bridge that leads to the Historic Downtown Hot Springs and shopping!

Keith Park, located 7 miles south on Hwy 71, is a great park to have a small wedding! Public restrooms, beautiful walkways, a large gazebo, and a cold spring fed pond below the gazebo give this little spot A LOT of charm. through City Hall at 605.745.3135.

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All reservations for parks are booked

Boys & Girls Club of Hot Springs

The Boys & Girl Club of Hot Springs ♦ 605.745.4800 ♦ 1537 Baltimore Avenue ♦ www.bgcblackhills.org ♦ An affiliate of the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Black Hills. We opened our doors here in the community on January 5, 2009, with 14 kids in the HS Elementary School’s gymnasium/cafeteria. Since then, we have grown to serving an average of 60 children per day at our Bethesda Lutheran Church/School home. We are the only youth serving agency in the Hot Springs community that serves youth daily after school, on Fridays when school is not in session, on most holidays and throughout the summer.


Bethesda Lutheran (Pre K 5) ♦ 605.745.6676 ♦ 1537 Baltimore Avenue ♦ www.gwtc.net/~bethesda Fall River County Childcare Referral Agency: Early Childhood Connections ♦ 605.342.6464 * 809 South Street ♦ www.earlychildhoodconnections.com

Melanie Adcock ♦ 605 730 1211 ♦ 702 Houston Ave

Hot Springs School District


• Preparing students to thrive in the community and beyond

• Reaching toward success/celebrating students

• Investing in knowledge for a promising future

• Developing youth of today to provide a better tomorrow

• Educating students and staff through meaningful curriculum


In the fall of 1894, the first high school opened its doors to about 40 students. The building, erected on a hill overlooking Hot Springs, is still in use today as the Pioneer Museum. As time passed, they soon outgrew the meager ten rooms. The school board then purchased new quarters from the Black Hills College, which lay across the canyon on the opposite hill. In 1924, the old college building burned down and plans were made to construct a modern new building the following year. In the first graduating class, four boys and one girl claimed honors, while the class of 1946 boasted fifty graduates. The current enrollment is around 807 students within a K 12 setting.

School Enrollment

Elementary (Pre K 5): 23 Teachers, 320 Students Middle School (6 8): 14 Teachers, 165 Students High School (9 12): 21 Teachers, 265 Students

You may enroll your child by going to the main office of the school you are registering in and see the building secretary. You may also give them a call. You may also contact the school secretary about visiting the school to find out more information.

Elementary 605.745.4149 Middle School 605.745.4146

High School 605.745.4147

The school week runs from Monday through Thursday with the children having Friday off. Classes begin at 7:52am for the Elementary and 7:50am for the Middle School, and High School.

Classes end at 3:45pm for the Elementary and 3:51pm for the Middle & High School. Supply Lists, calendars, etc. is found online at www.hssd.k12.sd.us

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The school district runs an intense intercollegiate sports program for Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Golf, Track & Field, Soccer, Gymnastics, Wrestling, and Cross Country. In order to raise funds for our programs, admission is charged; however, you may purchase an activity pass. Each sport requires the youth participating to receive a Physical Examination by a doctor. Local physicians offer discounted rates during specific times for this purpose. Forms can be accessed at www.hssd.k12.sd.us

Alternative Education Program

Mission: To provide at risk students with opportunities to achieve life goals

Courses: Most of our courses are delivered using the Online Odysseyware Program. Some of our courses come from the North Dakota Center for Distance Education. Some courses involve group activities. All students are required to participate. Completed courses become the property of the school. No grades will be awarded until all lessons, tests, and score sheets have been turned in to the instructor.

Eligibility: Students can be recommended by the school counselor, by other staff, or by showing up on their own. To be eligible, a student must be at least 16 years of age, have attempted to complete one year in the regular high school setting and have completed 10 credits. During the regular school year, applications can be acquired at the Alternative room in Case Auditorium or call 605.745.6384 for an appointment.

Private Schools

Bethesda Lutheran School (Pre K 5) ♦ 605.745.6676 ♦ 1537 Baltimore Avenue ♦ www.gwtc.net/~bethesda

Bethesda provides a core curriculum that includes Reading and Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Journaling, Art, Music, Physical Education and Health, and Education and Health. Bethesda’s multi level Classrooms allow teachers to give each child the support and encouragement he or she needs to thrive. We offer a rare combination of caring teachers, small classes, personal attention and a developmental approach to integrated subject matter.

Preschool: We provide an environment that creates the security children need to explore and experiment. Our goal is to instill a life-long love of learning along with a quest for knowledge. Bethesda’s pre School uses Voyages from Concordia Publishing House. Through this faith based curriculum, the preschoolers are given a weekly theme based on a Bible story. This curriculum uses all modes of differentiated learning to reach all types of learners.

Kindergarten - Grades 1 & 2: The Kindergarten reading program uses both whole language and phonics. The goal of our math program is to develop a solid foundation through hands on experience and discussion. Grades 1 & 2: Students learn to excel in solving problems, engaging ideas and creating solutions. We offer a rare combination of caring teachers, small classes, personal attention, and a developmental approach to integrated subject matter.

Grades 3, 4 & 5: Our students become active thinkers, makers and explorers of ideas. They accomplish this through academic skill development, imaginative abstract thinking, and organization and discipline.Kindergarten 5: The Voyages curriculum is continued for our religion classes. Saxon Math is utilized for math instruction, Pearson Harcourt Brace for social studies, Discovery (Silver Burdett in collaboration with Concordia Publishing House) for Science, Harcourt Language, Zaner-Bloser Spelling, and Harcourt Reading. All curriculums is integrated with Christian values and principles.

MUSIC: As a Christian school, Bethesda’s music program seeks to glorify God. We sing four Sunday’s a year for the Bethesda congregation, perform two musicals a year (Christmas and end of school), and visit the state home, a nursing home, a retirement facility in Hot Springs and other places with our music. The students also play rhythm instruments, recorders and chimettes.

Kid’s Activities

Hot Springs Public Library has an incredible children’s & youth section with volumes of books, CD’s, DVD’s, computers, a toddler play area, and a mini playground right outside. Through the Hot Springs Public Library, you can keep your child educated throughout the year through the Summer Reading Program and other events held throughout the school year…Movie Days and Fall Carnival to name a couple. http:// www.hotspringspubliclibrary.com/ or call 605.745.3151.

Summer Recreation Program, sponsored by the City of Hot Springs and the Hot Springs School District offers children a variety of activities throughout the summer. Expense for entering your child into each program is a minimum fee. Children can enjoy activities such as baseball, softball, t ball, swimming, tennis, pottery, basketball, volleyball, golf, soccer, art, flag football, gymnastics, bowling, conditioning, and weight training. Summer Recreation programs run until the end of July depending on which program your child[ren] are signed up for. Call the Hot Springs City Hall for more information at 605.745.3135.

Winner’s Circle Lanes & Games offers Cosmic bowling on Friday and Saturday nights.

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