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Marija Ruljancich: Croatia’s Oldest Living Person Australia Celebrates 110 Years of Life, Love, and Le


Zoran Juraj SABLJAK

Marija Ruljancich, born on June 13th, 1913, in Vis, a Croatian island, last Tuesday celebrated her 110th birthday. As Croatia’s and Victoria’s oldest resident and the third oldest in Australia, Marija’s life has been �illed with extraordinary experiences and witnessed signi�icant historical events. Despite enduring two pandemics, two world wars, and various challenges, Marija has maintained her resilience, spirit, and positive outlook on life. Living in Hawthorn, Melbourne, with her son, Dr. Kevin Ruljancich, Marija has become an inspiration to her extensive family, spanning three children, three grandchildren, �ifteen great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. Her longevity, rich cultural heritage, and enduring family connections make Marija’s story truly remarkable. We feel honoured and privileged be able to bring you more detail of her amazing life following an interview we conducted with her late last week.

Childhood on Vis

Marija Ruljancich spent her formative years in Lorca, a small village located 7 kilometres from the town of Vis on the island of Vis. Growing up with her two brothers, Marija experienced the close-knit community and the beauty of the island. Her childhood was shaped by the vibrant culture, breathtaking landscapes, and strong family values that are deeply rooted in Croatian tradition. These early years on Vis laid the foundation for Marija’s resilient spirit and love for her homeland.

Journey to Australia

In 1946, Marija and her family embarked on a journey that would forever change their lives. Arriving in Australia on February 8th, after a long voyage from the refugee camp El Shatt in Egypt, they faced uncertainty and new challenges. Originally destined for Fremantle, Western Australia, their ship took an unexpected course, eventually disembarking in Melbourne. This journey symbolised their hope for a fresh start and a better future. Despite the uncertainties, Marija and her family embraced the opportunity to build a new life in Australia.

Reasons for the Move

The aftermath of war left Marija and her husband Ivan with a dif�icult decision. The British authorities presented them with a choice to either return to Vis or seek resettlement in various countries, including Australia. Drawing on Ivan’s previous experience living in Australia from 1924 to 1930, they chose to start anew in the land Down Under. The decision was fuelled by the prospects of stability, opportunities, and a desire to provide a brighter future for their children. With hopes and dreams in their hearts, Marija and her family embarked on their journey to Australia.

Life in Australia

The early days in Australia were not without their challenges for Marija’s family. They faced �inancial hardships and the obstacles of adapting to a new language and culture. However, through their determination and perseverance, they overcame these dif�iculties.

Marija’s children, Dinah and John (both deceased), and youngest son Kevin, wholeheartedly embraced their new home. They immersed themselves in Australian traditions, forming lasting connections and contributing to the diverse fabric of Australian society. Marija and her family discovered the true meaning of resilience as they navigated their way through the trials and triumphs of their new life.

Growing Family Legacy

Marija’s legacy extends beyond her own remarkable achievements. She takes immense pride in her three children, Dinah, John, and Kevin, who have gone on to build their own families and contribute to the Ruljancich lineage. Their love and support have created a nurturing environment for their children to thrive, resulting in a blossoming family tree that includes three grandchildren, �ifteen great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren.

Each generation adds its own unique chapter to the Ruljancich family story, preserving the rich cultural heritage Marija passed down.

Preserving Croatian Customs

Throughout her life, Marija has made it a priority to preserve and pass down Croatian customs to her family. The aroma of traditional Croatian dishes like “brujet” (Viski word for brodet) and “pascurata/pascurate” �ills the air during family gatherings. Croatian holidays are joyfully celebrated, maintaining a deep connection to their ancestral roots. The younger generations eagerly learn about their Croatian heritage, embracing the customs, traditions, and language that Marija holds dear. Through these cultural treasures, Marija ensures that her Croatian identity remains alive and cherished within her family.

Memorable Moments and Shared Joy

Marija �inds immense joy in witnessing the milestones and achievements of her children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and great-great-grandchildren. From the accomplishments of her grandchildren to the laughter and playfulness of the younger generations, Marija’s heart is �illed with love and pride. She treasures the bonds that have formed and the moments of shared joy, marking a tapestry of memories that span over a century.

Among the most cherished memories are two extended visits to Vis in 1972 and 1976, where Marija reconnected with her roots and basked in the warmth of family and homeland. The family still owns the Ruljancich family home on Vis which was renovated in 2009 and son Kevin and many other members of the extended, visit regularly in the Northern summer.