Pacific Connector March - April 2016 Issue

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to the Lord and proclaim His praise in the islands.

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2016 | volume 46, issue 1 | Mar APR

from the EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Aloha Kākou, Chris Martin

Executive Director & Editor

Welcome to the first edition of our convention’s new magazine, Pacific Connector. I pray that you will enjoy the look of the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention’s magazine. This online magazine will be presented bi-monthly with four more editions following in this year. In accordance with the desires of your Communications Committee of the HPBC Executive Board and the HPBC Staff team, this magazine will replace the former Hawaii Pacific Baptist, the printed newspaper. Although this new look is an amazing improvement, there are still more improvements to come. I truly appreciate the vision of our Executive Board in seeing a greater day of communication and interaction across our vast convention of churches. We are an incredible collection of churches, spread throughout Hawaii, the Pacific and into Asia. With the addition of new church plants and through affiliating with existing churches, the HPBC will continue to expand in number and locations. We must improve our connectivity and

The Pacific Connector magazine highlights people and churches working to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ by reaching the Pacific region. This publication is provided online, free of charge and is available at:

Photos courtesy of Clyde Kakiuchi.


Hawaii Pacific

Executive Director Editor Chris Martin 808-356-8329 Associate Editor Faith McFatridge 808-356-8326 Questions and Feedback: Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention 2042 Vancouver Drive Honolulu HI, 96822 Phone: 808-946-9581 Fax: 808-941-2309

communication to meet the needs of our churches in effectively working together. Through an exciting relationship with our new partner, Innovative Faith Resources, our media tools will be connected to a new website and filled with resources and information that will be useful for all of our churches. We will share through video spotlight emails, prayer updates, event/calendar email blasts and more! The relationship with IFR will be on a new level of excellence. As this media rebuild is unveiled, we pray that in them, you will find more ways to engage each other and connect to see the Kingdom work around us explode with excitement and effectiveness. Your HPBC staff team exists to serve you and your church that we may assist you in maximizing the vision that God is giving you to reach your world with the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Remember: We are always better together! We are the HPBC! Aloha in Christ, Chris

Contributing Editor Brandon Pickett Design Patti Spencer

Contributors Michael Abagon Diana Davis Chris Martin Faith McFatridge Todd McMichen

The Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention magazine was created exclusively for the HPBC by Innovative Faith Resources.

MAR APR 2016


4 Seafarers 5 Who Are the Commercial Fishermen?

10 14

6 Around the SBC

10 Power to Serve 12 CHURCH BUDGETS: Can they be Visionary and Rewarding?

14 Around the Islands

15 HPBC Calendar

Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention has new office hours. We will be open Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m.


Seafarers Ministry Blooms in Honolulu


hris Evans and his wife, Judy, arrived in January to begin a new ministry to the ports of Honolulu. Immediately, they set out to introduce themselves to the workers on the boats at Pier 38. Pastor Jerry Saludez of Waipio Community Church accompanied them since they found many of the fishermen were Filipino. Pastor Saludez and his wife, Stella, had an instant connection with the fishermen. They

Connecting with the fishermen from different countries and leading them to a faith in Jesus.

have provided meals, clothes, and other necessities for the workers.

everyone gathered around the cars parked close to the boats.

Chris Evans is no stranger to the seafarer’s ministry. He and Judy served at the Seafarer’s Center in American Samoa for more than two years and his reports were filled with connecting with the fishermen from different countries and leading them to a faith in Jesus. His vision was to evangelize the men and help them to reach the other workers as they were on the boat.

As the fellowship progressed, the men began to open up about other things that they could not get while on board the boats. They explained that while they are at sea and hauling in the fish, the lines sometimes brought up jellyfish and the tentacles stung their arms but because of the intense work, they could not stop to put medication. Long sleeved shirts were needed so that their arms could be protected from the jellyfish stings. Other things like lip balm, band-aides, beanie hats and small tools were put on the list.

As they visited Honolulu, Chris became burdened for the hundreds of ships and boats in Honolulu Harbor. After two years of wading through the visa process and North American Mission Board applications, the Evans arrived ready to begin this new ministry. Preparation for this ministry began months before with Waikiki Baptist Church sponsoring the Seafarer’s Ministry. Pastor Andrew Large and his staff also took on the responsibility of securing the visas for the Evans’ to work in Hawaii. Waipio Community Church provided an apartment and a van for their use. The Hawaii Woman’s Missionary Union asked churches to sew toiletry bags and collect items for the bags. The Oahu Baptist Network provided TagalogEnglish Bibles. The Hawaii Chinese Baptist Church provided a room to have Bible studies and a place for fellowship. After the Evans arrived, the workers on the boats were contacted and one of the first needs was a home-cooked meal. Many of the fishermen were Filipino so it was natural to provide Filipino dishes. Stella Saludez, wife of Pastor Jerry Saludez, is well known for her Filipino cooking and the meals they served were met with great enthusiasm. Balut, anyone! The men are restricted to the boat so


Hawaii Pacific

Other church members from Waipio Community, Mililani and individuals have become involved in this ministry which has grown to more than 20 boats (as of early last year). Supplies purchased with funds from the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention’s Hawaii Pacific Missions Offering, have almost been depleted in the two months Chris Evans has been working with the fishermen. The ministry is looking for churches or individuals to help in providing basic necessities and meals whenever the boats dock in Honolulu. A brochure produced for the Seafarer’s Ministry asks about sponsoring one or more ships visiting the harbors of Honolulu and “Experience the joy of sharing God’s blessings with our Seafarers.” The brochure asks for prayer “for their safety and good catch.” “Remember their families far from them.” “Pay for some gifts that we bring to them like jackets, socks, long-sleeve t-shirts, Chap Stick, cookies, gum, etc.” “They don’t earn much and they’re not allowed to leave the pier.” “Visit with a team that visits them whenever they arrive from their fishing expedition. “Bring dinner and spend time fellowshipping with them, becoming their family away from home.” If you are interested in adopting a boat, providing needed items, or knitting beanies, please contact Chris Evans at 808-772-1423 or email sailorsaloha@



are the Commercial Fishermen

Dr. Christopher Evans and Judy Evans, together with local church partnerships, have been reaching out to commercial fishermen.

The popularity of the reality TV show Deadliest Catch and Swords: Life on the Line do not help improve the safety practices of commercial fishing. Popular Mechanics entitled their article,“Unacceptable Risk: Why Commercial Fishing Is The Deadliest Job in America” and a portion of their observation states this:

Their selfless acts have given fishermen refreshment and renewed spiritual faith. Who are theses commercial fishermen? There are 100’s of fishing vessels docked between piers 17-38 on Oahu, prepping fish to be sold in the city auction at any given time. The 2012 Seafood Council reports commercial Honolulu fishing is considered “low volume” (31st in the nation) but “high value” fishery yielding 59.4 million (8th in the nation). Each boat has an average of 5-8 fishermen coming from different Asian and Pacific countries such as Thailand, Indonesia, Cambodia, American Samoa and the Philippines, from where the majority come. These fishermen are contract workers. For eight months to almost one year, these fishermen never set foot back in their homes. They fish while going back and forth to nearby docks to sell their catch. Sadly, while their earnings are better after being multiplied in their home currency, they earn below minimum wage (based on U.S. standards). Fishermen are at the mercy of their captain and often find themselves working two to three days straight with few, if any, breaks and little sleep. Each vessel must fill its freezer quickly, because the sooner they are back at the auction block, the greater value the fish brings. The 2012 Occupational Outlook Handbook of the United States Department of Labor declares that the median pay of a fisherman is $33,430 per year. These foreign workers, working through oneyear contracts, are willing to work for relatively low wages about $400 to $500 a month. Low pay is not the only attraction

for vessel owners to seek such workers. According to Nic Musico, a member of the civil rights organization, Filipino Coalition for Solidarity, another reason is that “there has not been a new (local) crew trained.” It is hard work and workers have to be constantly trained. Immigration District Director, Donald A. Radcliffe, declared in October, 2012 that “officials are no longer allowing foreign long line fishermen with transit visas into Hawaii” or any U.S. port except Guam. Because of this, vessel owners recruit overseas workers through agencies that channel individuals to this exempted port. The immigration status of these workers is complicated. Because they are not recognized as visitors, or as having “working visas,” immigration services has imposed policies that they are not to leave the boat when they dock in U.S. ports. Cancellation of contract, fines, and deportation are some consequences for those who violate these policies. Away from their homes for a long time, not being able to communicate regularly with family, imprisoned on their boats while docked, low wages, and sleep deprivation kills a person’s spirit. Recently, a boat captain was stabbed by a billfish in the chest, easily blamed as a defensive move by the fish, but in reality this was a reckless move of a fisherman whose judgment had been impaired. Risks are high and lives are at stake.

“Nearly every year the Bureau of Labor Statistic ranks commercial fishing as America’s most lethal job. Adjusted to the size of the workforce, the 2008 fatality rate for U.S. fishermen was five times that of truck drivers, eight times that of police officers and 19 times that of firefighters... an ‘angry ocean’ is almost never the primary cause of fatal accidents. Instead, the industry’s high mortality rate is the result of an unromantic but entirely preventable mix of flawed decision-making, inadequate survival training, poorly maintained safety equipment and a lack of government oversight that allows U.S. fishing boats to sink at the rate of one every three days.” Many times the life of a fishermen is understated in Hawaii. They hardly make the news, but the islands enjoy their catch. The Seafarers Ministry exists to minister to commercial fishermen by lifting their souls, meeting their physical needs, and connecting them to Jesus. If at any time you need to reach out to this silent minority, call Dr. Chris Evans at (808) 772-1423. You may also check their Facebook: Thank you for praying for the seafarers of Honolulu.



Southern Baptist Convention

Thanks to Southern Baptists, IMB is in a ‘much healthier’ financial position THANKFUL—“We are positioned to go forward,”Clyde Meador, IMB executive adviser to the president, tells IMB trustees during their Feb. 22-24 meeting in Richmond, Va. Meador said he is thankful for the faithful work of those leaving and those staying at IMB, noting God is “still using the Southern Baptist Convention and the International Mission Board.” Photos (top and middle) courtesy of Lexie Bennett

Photos below, courtesy of Warren F. Johnson

PLATT REPORTS—“IMB is now in a much healthier financial position,” IMB President David Platt tells trustees Feb. 24 during their plenary session. “Due to increased giving from Southern Baptist churches, Cooperative Program and Lottie Moon Christmas Offering giving are trending upward,” he reported.

PRAYERFUL—David Platt, IMB president, leads 26 new missionaries in a time of prayer during their missionary appointment service Feb. 23 in Richmond, Va. The service was broadcast via livestream to several thousand viewers.

INTERCESSION—IMB trustee Audrey Smith (right) from the Northwest pauses to pray for IMB President David Platt following the missionary appointment service Feb. 23 in Richmond. The service celebrated 26 new missionaries who will be sent out to share the gospel around the world.

FELLOW SERVANTS—John Edie (left), chairman of the IMB board of trustees from Springfield, Mo., and David Platt, IMB president, pause to talk at the conclusion of IMB’s trustee meeting plenary session Feb. 24.

Kentucky Volunteers Delivering Water: HOPE IN FLINT Reprinted in part from North American Mission Board ( by Mark Kelly, February 22, 2016

FLINT, Mich. – Southern Baptists are bringing clean water and a ray of hope to residents of Flint, Mich., as that city scrambles to solve its potable water crisis. Trained Disaster Relief volunteers from the Kentucky Baptist Convention are working in Flint seven days a week at the invitation of Michigan emergency management officials. Five three-member teams are going door to door, delivering water filters, bottled water and water test kits, as well as passing along information related to the water crisis and listening as residents tell their stories about being caught up in the dilemma. In virtually every case, they are able to pray with the families. In most cases, they have been able to give them Bibles as well.


Hawaii Pacific

“Families in Flint welcome the Kentucky volunteers’ compassion because it brings comfort into lives filled with too much fear,” said Bill Johnson, who is managing the relief project on behalf of

Kentucky Baptists and the North American Mission Board (NAMB). “These are some pretty rough neighborhoods,” Johnson said. One lady was afraid to open the door for us, even though we have a card that identifies us as part of the Flint water response team. She opened the door enough for them to put the water in. But when they asked if they could pray for her, she held hands with them through the open door.” Emotions have been running high in the city since news broke that children were suffering from the collapse of the city’s water system. The relief teams’ chaplains are playing a key role in defusing tensions, said Coy Webb, director of Kentucky Baptist Disaster Relief. “These families need clean water, but they also desperately need someone to listen, counsel and pray with them,” Webb said. “Our chaplains are providing as important a ministry as the installation of water filters.” During the relief effort, which may last six months, relief team members are being housed and fed by Westside Baptist Church in nearby Flushing, said Mickey Caison, executive director of Disaster Relief for NAMB. In addition to the door-to-door ministry, volunteers also are handing out bottled water at Mount Carmel Baptist Church in Flint.

CHAMPION a Church Plant by Diana Davis, pastor’s wife, author, and speaker


ach Sunday, we’d haul baby beds, equipment and chairs to our temporary meeting place. We were church planters. Though it was hard work, the results were awesome. Flash forward to present day. Our son-in-law and daughter serve as church planting pastor and worship leader for a new church. Each Sunday, they load a trailer and haul all kinds of equipment to their downtown Indianapolis meeting site. America’s still a great mission field. You are already involved in church planting. A portion of your tithe to your Southern Baptist church helps plant SBC churches through the Cooperative Program. Your annual Annie Armstrong offering helps plant churches. Many churches also partner with an individual church plant across the U.S. and Canada (see sendme.namb/net). But did you know that you—as an individual or small group—can personally encourage a church planter? If your church is planting a church, cheer for that planter, or study to find a planter. Your small encouragements can make a big difference, and it’s simpler than you might imagine! Try some of these fresh ideas:

PAY ATTENTION. Show interest and joy

in what God’s doing. Put a photo of the planter’s family in your meeting room as a prayer reminder. Study their website, blog, Facebook or newsletters. Celebrate victories and milestones. Visit the church, if possible.

SHARE YOURSELF: your talents,

host a shower to meet that need. If miles separate you, plan an online shower using FaceTime or Skype. When we were church planters, our sponsor church planned a nursery shower, providing needed toys and furniture. It was a turning point for reaching young families.

ENCOURAGE the planter and his wife.

Decades later, that church we helped plant still stands as an evangelistic, missional, multiplying church. That recent church plant in Indy that I mentioned has baptized forty adults and, once again, God is building a great church. Many more SBC church plants are desperately needed in America’s most unreached cities. Our North American Mission Board’s goal is to plant 1200 new churches in the U.S. and Canada this year.

contacts, professional abilities, time and spiritual gifts. What unique help could you or your group provide? Could you create their website or help with online surveys? Help find a building site? Staff their Vacation Bible School or sports outreach? Do neighborhood events, building projects, marketing? Offer your expertise. For example, a women’s group could send encouragement notes to the planter’s wife. Pray for her. Mail her a book, with personal notes written inside. Surprise her with an online birthday party, complete with balloons and a delivered gift.


goal to give for next month’s Annie Armstrong mission offering for North American missions. God may prompt you individually to give additional gifts for specific needs of your church plant.

BE A FRIEND. Planters often carry the

huge weight (and privilege) of a church loaded with new Christians. Hmm… your class probably has many longtime Christians! If the planter likes the idea, challenge class members to connect with one member of the church for encouragement. The pastor may assign you to a new Christian or person who serves in a similar ministry as you.

PLAN A SHOWER. Discover a need—

You can make a difference. Pray for the Lord of the harvest to use you to encourage church planters. Diana Davis, Diana’s newest book, Across the Street and Around the World, cowritten with her daughter, Autumn Wall, will be released by New Hope Publishers this fall.

such as audio equipment, portable signs, Bibles—and work with the planter to


Join Hands to Finish the Task “We are living in the midst of the period of the greatest revival,”

noted Dr. Timothy Lee, Professor of Missions at the Korea Baptist Theological Seminary, at the recent Continuing Education Conference or CEC.

recharging at the Continuing Education Conference.­ A chance to have a serious look at Christian missions.


Hawaii Pacific

Participants had a chance to have a serious look at Christian missions, its state in the Western world and its encouraging progress around the world led by Dr. Lee. The annual January conference or CEC was held at Kinoole Baptist Church in Hilo and

attended by pastors and lay leaders from Hawaii Pacific churches. Dr. Lee, a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, helped the pastors navigate through the current state of world evangelization as the share of Christian population decreases due to increased of global population, the amplified human suffering and more than ever, more countries closing the doors from Christian missionaries Dr. Lee said, “In the last 100 years, many people came to Christ than any other period of time. “Statistics of Christian conversion from Latin America, to Africa

and to Asia points to a revival mirrored from Acts 2:17, “In the last days, God says, ‘I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.’” Dr. Lee also exposed the ugly reality of Islam, it’s changing trends, extremism and then focused on the issues of heresies and cults in the Pacific Area. He challenged each listener to rethink missions and refresh the commitment of collaboration and networking. CEC, designed for pastors and church leaders, is a time of continuing education, personal renewal, networking, prayer and fellowship. Clyde Kakiuchi, HPBC Leadership Development and Church Health leader, says, CEC has evolved over the years and changes were made to meet the needs of the group. “The educational aspect was always valuable, the testimonies were inspiring, the worship helped us focus and the free time gave us opportunities to hang out, for people don’t often take the time to rest and recharge.” He also observed that the free time helped process things learned as well as hang out with pastors on a personal level. Shane Okimoto, pastor of Waiakea Uka Baptist Church, summed it up this way, “I value the time and know it’s a time for rest, reconnecting and learning. “It’s a time for pastors and leaders to get to know one another and build connection. “I always enjoyed the prayer partners because it forced me to get to know the new people and interact with people in a very intimate way.” One of the results after CEC was that a few pastors would take the opportunity to preach on what they learned and implement an idea or two into the life of the church. Kakiuchi comments, “My pastor met with the leadership team and shared what he learned at CEC and shared with the congregation the following Sunday. Our church then made a commitment to memorize at least one verse a month, be on missions both locally and globally and personally share Christ with the lost.” To expand the purpose of CEC, efforts are being made to accommodate bi-vocational pastors as well as language pastors. All ideas and feedback are welcome to help shape future conferences. Kakiuchi noted, “This is just one more way to encourage joining hands and finish the task.”

PRAISE! ASIA  Churches in Asia continue to grow remarkably. Number of Christians has increased from 22 mil. in 1900 to 370 mil. in 2010. (about 17 times)

 Protestant, Independent, and Anglican Christians increased from under 3 mil. in 1900 to nearly 200 mil. in 2010. (about 67 times)

 Evangelicals, nearly 150 mil., now number more than those on any other continent apart from Africa.

 Lands previously cut off from overt Christian ministry are now home to dynamic growing churches and unprecedented number of believers.

 India is experiencing its own extraordinary harvest. Most of conversions are happening among the Dalits, the untouchables outside of the caste system. Due to continuing persecution, social mores, and the systematic discrimination, the reported growth of Christianity is very modest compared to what is more likely to be reality. Especially Baptist churches in north east India have deployed thousands cross-cultural missionaries and planted thousands churches in India and neighboring countries.

 The number of Muslim converts is increasing.  A mature, international missionary endeavor has emerged in Asia.

PACIFIC  Christianity gained strength in parts of the Pacific. The Pacific was one of the first areas to be evangelized in the modern protestant missionary era.

 Recently there are some renewals of the Pacific Islands vision for mission and prayer.

The South Pacific Prayer Assembly and Deep Sea Canoe Movement are recapturing this great 19th century heritage.

CHALLENGES ASIA  Asia is still the least evangelized continent in the world (Asia: 8.84%). Christianity:

Europe, 71.34% / Africa, 48.77% / Latin America, 92.14% / North America, 77.09%. Asia is still the least evangelized continent in the world. Asia – 8.84%

It means that, if Asia could be evangelized, world evangelization would be almost done. However, there are several factors that make it difficult. Asia is an ancient continent with highly sophisticated philosophies and systematic religions.

Concept of truth is different (“if truth could be explainable, it is no longer eternal truth”). Western Christianity seems to be so simple that, it means it could not be eternal truth.

 Resurgence of non-Christian world religions. The accelerated growth of Islam

generates tension and threat to Christian mission. Islam is the largest religion in Asia and has more than 1.1 bil. adherents (26/48 countries). Extreme Hindu groups remain very influential in parts of India. They also wield notable influence in Nepal.

 Many countries in this region are left destitute financially.  Christianity in many countries is under severe persecution, no tolerance of religious freedom. It limits our accessibility to the spiritually needed people.

PACIFIC  Secularism and multiculturalism are rising. The decaying interest to participate in organized Christianity. There’s an indifference to spiritual things among the unbelievers.

 The rapid changing ethnic and age composition of the Church. Immigration brings

many young Pacific Islanders and other migrants into churches of the two dominant nations

 Disciple-making is the key to the Pacific. The inability to move beyond Christianization, and into making mature believers, is a large part of the Church’s decline in Australia and NZ and the reason for the vulnerability of the Church in the Pacific Islands.

 Rapid growth of Mormonism in Polynesia.  Need of theological answers.


Power to Serve celebrating missions


his year’s annual meeting for the Missions Celebration and Woman’s Missionary Union Hawaii was focused on the power to serve. The theme was emphasized Ikaika Higa throughout the two-day event that was listens as his held at the Ala Moana Hotel during the wife, Stacey, first week in February. One hundred fifty shares her women (and men) heard testimonies and testimony. participated in workshops. The special speaker was Linda Cooper, newly elected president of national WMU. Inspirational worship was lead by Cheryl Sanders of Waialae Baptist Church. Ikaika and Stacey Higa, who serve as church planters in Kahaluu on the windward side of Oahu, started a church called Hamama Community Church. Ikaika said they chose the name Hamama because it means “to open.” They have opened their home to people in the community and continue to do so, especially to the native Hawaiians. The

word also symbolized Jesus opening the door to His Kingdom. The Higas have invested time and resources to help the school across from the church. They have reached the children and their parents through built relationships with them. They also taught

...expecting God to lead and show us His way, so we will make an impact in our churches and communities.

their new friends how to grow “kalo” (taro) and how to pound the roots to make poi. Diana Ventura shared her testimony about how God is working on the island of Kauai where she and her husband, Steve, are serving as church planters


Hi, I’m Gail Gierhart. My husband, Bob, and I have been a team in ministry serving 36 years with the International Mission Board as missionaries to Japan and Australia, and since 2014 in the pastorate at Nu’uanu Baptist Church. I grew up at Olivet Baptist Church where my missions journey started in GA’s. Three things that bring me joy are:

l loving on my two (adorable!) granddaughters in

Australia (we have 2 married children in Sydney, and a son here in Honolulu),

l supporting my brother, Dean Morihara, in his ministry projects, and

l ministering to people through prayer, and sharing hope and faith with the lost.

I look forward to learning and working together since this is all new to me. And at the same time, expecting God to lead and show us His way, so we’ll make an impact in our churches and communities.

10 Hawaii Pacific

Outgoing WMU president Diane Hom turned the gavel over to Gail Gierhart who was newly elected as WMU president for Hawaii.

in the town of Kalaheo. She thought she had a comfortable life in Honolulu with a job at Hawaii Baptist Academy where her daughter Victoria was enjoying being a student there. Steve, too, had a great job at Waikiki Baptist Church and the family was heavily involved in the ministries at the church. Last year, God began stirring their hearts about the people on Kauai. Her answer came in the way of a peace in her heart about going to Kauai. Steve met people at the store on the beach and invited them to Bible studies or just met over a cup of coffee. Topics for the Saturday workshops included “Doing Missions” with Rob and Donna Thommarson, retired IMB missionaries; “Prayer Support” with Linda Cooper; “Mission Support” with Chris Evans, Seafarer’s Ministry, and “Missions Education” with Teresa and Darrell McCain. Throughout the two-day conference, the women heard many ways to connect with the work God is doing. Elen from Maui heard about the Seafarer’s Ministry on Oahu and is going to see about what they can do on Maui. The other ladies from Maui Philippine Baptist Church wanted to know more about knitting beanie hats for the seafarers. Because the testimonies touched the hearts of many of the women, many new prayer warriors will be interceding for the ministries. Many asked how they might help in the ministries. During the business portion of the program, the women voted on changes to the By-laws of the WMU Hawaii constitution to form a team of the members-at-large instead of specific titles. Elected Hawaii WMU president was Gail Gierhart of Nuuanu Baptist Church and retired IMB missionary. The WMU Council included: Sharon Walsh, vice president; Melanie Hom, recording secretary; Teresa McCain, Mission Friends consultant; Carlene Vaughn, GA and Children in Action consultant; Darrell McCain, RA consultant; Ten Mendoza, Acteens consultant; Emiko

Takaki, Women on Mission consultant; Trisha Lee, Carlye Lawrence, and Diana Venture, Members at Large. Association directors elected by their respective associations and serving on the WMU Council are: Delna Okazaki (Big Island), Darlene Ronquillo (Maui), Liana Benn (Oahu) and Bev Nagano (Kauai). Also recognized were Faith McFatridge, retiring WMU director and Diane Hom who has served as president for two terms. Teresa McCain was recognized as the new Women’s Ministries and Missions Education director. Contributions of $2,895 to the Alice Newman Touch Tomorrow Today Fund, which is used to support mission education in Hawaii, was received Friday evening. Saturday, contributions for the Sue Nishikawa Hawaii Pacific Missions Offering of $827 was received for retiring director Faith McFatridge, who requested that the money be given to missions instead of a retirement luncheon. Linda Cooper and Faith McFatridge




Teresa McCain When Darrell and I answered God’s call to serve as MSC missionaries almost 7 years ago, we never imagined where that call would lead. We knew that God was specifically calling us to serve as volunteers in Hawaii, but we had no idea how it would come to fruition. How could God use a kindergarten teacher and an upholsterer to serve the people of Hawaii and the Pacific? God had a plan and He continues to work it out in our lives daily. My first ministry here has been managing the Baptist Student Dorm, quite a stretch for someone who was used to being around little ones. But God has richly blessed our lives by allowing us to live and minister with the next generation of church leaders. Being able to witness firsthand their passion for the world and their energy to reach out to all types of people, even the unlovely, gives us hope for the future of the church. However, that chapter of service is now closing and God is opening up a new avenue of service for me—women’s ministry! God has given me a passion for reaching women, creating within them a hunger for serving Christ through prayer, discipleship, evangelism, missions, and building community wherever we are, with whatever we have. Missions is at the heart of it all—being co-laborers with God, offering our lives as a blank check before God, and allowing Him to direct our service. It is my privilege to serve as the new Executive Director of WMU for HPBC, as well as the Women’s Ministry Coordinator. My desire is to be a resource for our churches: to help them strengthen their ministries with women and to strengthen mission education in all of our churches. It is through mission education that we create an environment to hear and understand God’s call on our lives and receive nurturing in that call. God desires that we all take part wholeheartedly in His mission to reach a lost and dying world and bring them the Good News of Jesus Christ.


church budgets

Can they be visionary and rewarding? (Reprinted with Permission © Copyright 2015 Baptist Press; written by Todd McMichen, posted Tuesday, October 27, 2015, online at

NASHVILLE (BP) -- The church budgeting process ranks fairly low on the list of a minister’s most motivating and inspiring experiences. Pastors will line up to deliver a message, shepherd the hurting, pray for the wayward and lead the body forward. However, if a pastor lies awake at night thinking of the church budget, it’s often for the wrong reasons.

people and set your church free from the bondage that sometimes accompanies money.

For many churches, the budgeting process begins with ministry leaders submitting their annual requests for funds. Some underestimate their budget needs; others inflate their numbers because they don’t expect to receive their full request.

Scripture teaches the tithe is holy to the Lord (Leviticus 27:30). This applies both to the one giving and the one spending. God grants you resources to use for His glory and to impact lives.

Once the numbers are in, the vetting begins. Unfortunately, this process is often shaped more by fixed expenses and relational loyalties than most would like to admit. Tough decisions are always present, which can result either in hurt feelings or a stressful extension of reasonable financial limits. Finally, the budget is sent to a financial business meeting for approval, where it’s secretly hoped that few will show up to participate. Does a visionary, rewarding budgeting process exist? If so, what does it look like? Let’s consider a different approach — one that can increase vision, disciple your

12 Hawaii Pacific

1 Begin with a season of prayer and fasting.

Your leadership needs to feel deep gratitude and responsibility before the process begins. Releasing ownership will change the language of the conversation from the beginning.

2 Recount how God has been at work over the past year. Where do you see the fruit of His hand or the anointing of His Spirit? Seeing the hand of God can provide a good indication of what He desires to do in the future. Ultimately, you need to align your resources to support

God’s work. Acknowledging God’s work will prevent personal agendas, subjective opinions and ministry silos from occurring. Released resources and the Spirit’s leading create wonderful meetings.

3 Stand on the foundation of vision clarity and a well-defined discipleship strategy. No church is great at everything. Do you know what your church does better than 10,000 others? God places unique people in unique communities for a specific period of time. Your church has its own unique calling and it’s not supposed to compete with the congregation across town or mirror the church across the country. You are free to be you. This level of focus will cause your ministry to expand. It helps you say a powerful “yes” as well as a confident “no.”

e The Church Budget is on of the least motivating ces and uninspiring experien a minister will face.

4 Learn your ROI. Do you know the impact of a dollar spent? Is your church investing the proper amount to gain the desired result to accomplish your dream? The longer a church exists, the more its budget grows. It’s rare that a congregation evaluates an expense based on the return. We tend to continually fund ministries long after they have lost effectiveness. Every ministry line is not mission critical and not all ministries are created to exist forever. The vision to glorify God and make disciples never changes, but strategy does.

5 Allow strength and strategy to lead. This may be a radical concept for most, but give consideration to each budget year starting with a blank slate by not encouraging each department to make its own financial requests. Instead, allow the activity of God, the vision strategy and a few select financially gifted people to create a solid business plan. This doesn’t mean collaboration and dialogue are removed. It simply means those with the giftedness should lead under the clear direction of the bigger picture vision.



Spend strategically, not simply less.

Inspire others with the vision investment plan.

Perhaps this is a shocking piece of advice: Create a spending plan that spends only 90 percent of your previous year’s undesignated giving receipts. (This may take a few years to accomplish.) Most churches increase their budget 3-15 percent annually. Why do we do this? “It’s faith based and visionary,” a pastor might say. In reality, it’s far from visionary. It tends to create a lot of stress and can be careless, unfocused and demotivating. It creates a crisis money culture instead of a generous culture.

7 Plan to be surprised. Every year God will call you to become engaged in something you can’t currently see. And, of course, there’s always the possibility that something will break or wear out. And then there’s the next growth step that will need to be funded. Prepare for what you can’t currently see. Nothing is more financially freeing than cash reserves. It’s a sure way to tell God “yes” before He ever asks you to go. But don’t step over the line and hoard cash reserves. God gives you money to invest in His causes.

This is the opposite of simply getting church budget approval. A welldesigned spending plan and presentation should bring glory to God, affirm those who have invested, validate what the leaders have said in the past and inspire toward the future. It should raise generosity. Loyalty and confidence in the leadership should increase. A faith-filled expectation for the future inspires all.

Everything is a choice. As leaders, we choose the financial culture we create. Every conversation can be both a vision and discipleship conversation. It all depends on how you lead it. Todd McMichen works with Auxano, a church leadership partner of LifeWay Christian Resources of the Southern Baptist Convention

Telephone Encouragers Onsite Training OAHU

March 14, 6 pm-9 pm, Plaza Hotel KAUAI

March 21, 6 pm-9 pm for certified telephone encouragers (TE) and those interested in becoming one To reserve a spot, call: (808) 356-8325 or email:


March 22, 6 pm-9 pm HILO

March 26, 9 am-12 noon KONA

March 26, 5 pm-8 pm 13 For more information:

the Islands Around

CON WILSON with his wife

Chiyo have accepted a call as pastor of International Baptist Fellowship in Honolulu. The church currently meets in the chapel at the Hawaii Pacific Baptist Convention.

MIKE INOUYE has retired In preparation for the retirement of our Senior Pastor,


Olivet Baptist Church is prayerfully seeking recommendations and/ or resumes in order to fill this position. Please submit such recommendations and resumes to: Email : Mail: Olivet Pastor Search Committee, c/o 95-1091 Kualapa St., Mililani, HI 96789.

14 Hawaii Pacific

as pastor of Kaunakakai Baptist Church on Molokai. He also retired as a Navy chaplain, worked with the Good News Jail Ministry and served as pastor of two other churches. Pastor Mike also serves on the HPBC Executive Board as chair of the Operations Committee and will finish up his term as LifeWay trustee this year. He and his wife Catherine plan to spend more time with their children and grandchildren on the mainland but will maintain their residence on Molokai.


accepted a call as pastor to The Rock in Rockland, New York beginning in February. He has previously served as pastor of Filipino International Baptist Church in Ewa Beach and as Church Planter Catalyst for the Big Island Baptist Association. He also served as HPBC president for two years.

Missions Adventure Camp


view the online calendar at MARCH

March 17-19

Puu Kahea Conference Center Waianae For girls and boys, grades 1-5 For more information visit: or email:

2 TrueLife Training Webinar 5 Disaster Relief Training 6-12 Youth Week 6-13 Annie Armstrong Easter Offering and Week of Prayer for North American Missions 17-19 Missions Adventure Camp 20 Start a Church Sunday 25 Good Friday 25 Prince Kuhia Day (observed) 27 Easter 31-4/3 Wives in Ministry Retreat


9 10 15-16 24 24

VBS Training Cooperative Program Sunday HBEEA Conference Baptist Doctrine Study SBC Seminaries Sunday


Training for: n Preschool n Children’s Bible Study n Children’s Music n Children’s Mission n Children’s Crafts n VBS Directors n Backyard Kids Clubs

Finding Truth Below the Surface



1 Senior Adult Sunday 8-15 Christian Home Week 15-22 Baptist Association Emphasis 21 HPBC Executive Board Meeting 29 Life Commitment Sunday 30 Memorial Day

JUNE 10 King Kamehameha Day 19 Baptist Men’s Emphasis 26 Mission: Dignity Sunday

April 9

Mililani Baptist Church 9 am — 12:30 pm FREE! For more information, contact the HPBC office at 808-356-8325 or visit


Learn strategic steps to

help you for this coming Easter

Coaches: Jesse Connors and Bong Abagon Nineteen HPBC churches participating connect at:


To register: email or call (808) 356-8325 15

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