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index 6 Albert van Abbehuis 10 Eindhoven Airport 12 Regina Coeli 17 Wonka Stages 20 Holland Expat Center South 26 Holland Expat Center South 30 Mayor of Eindhoven Jeroen Dijsselbloem 38 ERNL 40 Expat Kids 44 International Women’s Club Eindhoven 48 V-Teach 52 Eindhoven Sport 9 EHV 365 11 ASML 14 Visit Brabant 18 Radio4Brainport 22 International Creative Women 28 Eindhoven News 36 Book review by Rebekah Villou 39 Interculturas 42 Expat Spouses Initiative 46 Summa College 51 FAC 54 Honorary Consul of Spain in Brabant

colofon foreword

HOWDO Magazine is a bimonthly publication by Uitgeverij RAWN


Fred van Deurzen

Editorial Office

Anne Yianni, Thomas Meulenbroeks, Fred van Deurzen

Social Media

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All materials and content are protected under article 15 of the Copyright Act, Copying is prohibited

© 2023 HOWDO Magazine

HOWDO Magazine is not liable for the content of the columns and eventual inaccuracies and or typographical errors.

HOWDO Magazine is a title of Holi Media and published under license by Uitgeverij RAWN

Many thanks to the contributors of this magazine:

Andrea Agudelo, Silvia Ardila, Siep Arts, Beena Arunraj, Monique van den Berg, Olivia van den Broek-Neri, Bart Bruijnen, Pien Caris, Monique Coolen, Constance Deelen, Marco Denis, Tamara Ernst, Josine Frankhuizen, Yolima Grandas, Peter Kentie, Heidi Los, Monique Mols, Maria Montaña Nieweg-Montero Alvarez, Ralu Nistor-Lustermans, Sally Ocaña, Juan Francisco Sanchez, Rebekah Villon, Supriya Vij, Gijs Vrenken, Ben Wiermans, Lizette Wouters, Anne Yianni.

Dear friends of HOWDO magazine, Most likely you received lots of “Happy 2023” wishes by now already and you have heard many people talking about their New Year’s resolutions. You know the list: get fit, lose weight, stop smoking, learn a language ... you name it.

Of course HOWDO also wishes you and your beloved ones a great 2023, but at the same time we think you might be more interested in the plans for the near future from some of our distinguished partners.

This first HOWDO magazine issue of 2023 is filled with plans which will make this year a great one.

Anne Yianni had a long interview with Jeroen Dijsselbloem, the new mayor of Eindhoven. He talks about the challenges of a fast-growing city. And Peter Kentie (Managing Director Eindhoven365) explains the “New Dutch” plans.

Beyond many other things you can get inspired for travel, learning a language, planning a career plan, outings in and around Eindhoven - or for your next book to read.

Gijs Vrenken, Communications Manager of Eindhoven Airport shares new and exciting destinations. Tamara Ernst from Visit Brabant points out the beautiful fortified towns in North Brabant. Monique van den Berg (Wonka Podia) lists an array of cultural highlights in the city. And Rebekah Villon shares her new book review.

All of this is just the start of the year for HOWDO magazine. The coming issue in March will be focussed on tourism and discovering Eindhoven and the region in more detail. The whole year will be dedicated to connecting Eindhoven even more intensely and discovering those hidden gems, which you haven’t discovered yet.

All in all it will be exciting and absolutely worth it to stay tuned for what’s coming next.

Enjoy your HOWDO magazine!


Albert van Abbehuis in 2023

The Albert van Abbehuis is a small art space at the heart of Eindhoven. It makes an array of diverse art easily accessible and is a link between artists themselves as well as artists and art lovers. Its program is driven by regular exhibitions and a program of activities.

To those activities belong FLING moments which display a variety of contrasting art. It also includes art networking meetings, which take place every 2nd Tuesday of the month from 5 to 6.30 pm - which are co organized with the International Creative Women Eindhoven. Also children can regularly attend inspiring cultural education activities, which mostly are organized by InterCulturas, such as the yearly summer camp. In addition all exhibitions have fixed program points such as an Art and Science Evening, a “Meet the artist” event and workshops for the youngest visitors which are inspired by the specific focus of the artist of every exhibition.

Exhibition Program 2023

4 February 2023 - 12 March 2023, Opening on Friday 3.2 at 8pm Ingrid Simons: Back to the woods of yesteryear

• Thursday 16 February at 8pm: “Art & Science” with Sjoukje Binsma

• Sunday 26 February at 3pm: “Meet the Artist” with journalist Anneke van Wolfswinkel

• Friday 3 March at 3.30pm: Kids Event: Expressive Landscape Painting on Canvas

• Sunday 12 March at 4pm: Closing Borrel


Lilia Scheer

With ingredients such as oppression and humor, slapstick and horror, Lilia leads us to her surprising inner worlds. Her multidisciplinary work introduces surrealistic elements while searching for the soul of home and environment.


Art & Architecture: The area in-between

In the intermediate area of visual art and architecture, the boundaries of art, design and urban planning are constantly being explored. Building on the insights of 2022, in 2023 young Eindhoven architects and visual artists are creating a visual dialogue exploring the area in-between.


International Art Week

In autumn and winter we will welcome in exhibition Mike Twisk, Ursa Prek and Florian de Visser.


Returning to the forest of yesteryear

Ingrid Simons

Exhibition 4 February 2023 / 12 March 2023

After more than twenty years of professional practice home and abroad, confronting the lockdown Ingrid Simons had to acknowledge the effects of returning to her homeland.

“I started to explore this area as if I would get to know it for the first time during a working period abroad. I started walking in the vicinity of my house (Eindhoven) and studio (Valkenswaard). This rekindled the interest in my native environment and its natural landscape reinforced the urge for painterly and project-based investigation of my own native soil. I re-explored the ‘whole’ story and during this research I challenged and re-examined my work. I explored ways to come to a more intense connection with nature, through a.o. Shinrin-Yoku and the Celts’ view on nature. It was the ‘missing link’ in my work over the past twenty years.” The solo presentation at the Albert van Abbehuis signifies the (provisional) conclusion of this research project.

Ingrid is interested in dismantling the landscape and rebuilding a new, raw and physical reality through her work. This means both the introduction of a contemporary vision of a historical art formlandscape painting - and an attempt to renew the relationship with the natural environment that surrounds us. Ingrid creates this new reality in the

form of semi-abstract vistas in oil paint. In her view, landscapes are “independent expressive spaces, existing only through the physical act of painting”. One can therefore see in her painting technique a physical treatment of the material – paint strokes that alternate with thinly flowing brushstrokes. In her work, the mystery of nature and the subject matter of painting coincide.

Inspired by the Portuguese azulejos - the blue tiles with their cream-colored backgrounds- that Ingrid saw during her numerous ‘artist in residence’ periods, she has been producing painted objects in ceramics. Again in her graphic work, she translates the landscape into an exciting play of lines and planes.

Albert van Abbehuis

Bilderdijklaan 19, Eindhoven

Opening hours: Thursday - Sunday 1pm - 5pm

Stay up to date on all activities on our

New Year, New Dutch

Holland, The Netherlands, Dutch… who are we and what are we called? It is a fair question and on YouTube several videos make fun of us Dutchies. As if we do not know what we are called. The truth of the matter is of course we do. Yet the historic development of our nation has resulted in numerous names and even more associations.


Dutch citizens in the south of The Netherlands have an issue with the word Holland. Because technically that is our two provinces. According to Wikipedia, our modern encyclopedia: Holland is a geographical region and former province on the western coast of the Netherlands. And yes, some in the Netherlands - particularly those from regions outside Holland or the westfind Holland undesirable or misrepresentative to use the term for the whole country.


In January 2020, the Netherlands officially dropped its support of the word Holland for the whole country, which also included a logo redesign that changed “Holland” to “NL”. Eindhoven marketing was a driving force in this process, because it benefits our storytelling being a city of the future and less focused on the past.

New Dutch And not just because of the misrepresentation of the name itself; also, the associated images and visuals are not fitting. Holland is visually linked to the familiar string of clogs, tulips, and windmills. Imagery from the past when the Dutch ruled the waves so to speak. Yet what are the images and stories that are fitting with our modern nation, focused on the present and the future? For cities like Eindhoven and our big sister city of Rotterdam this is quite an issue. Modern, forward looking cities. So our national storytelling is not complete, the current part was missing. So Eindhoven addressed this subject and after years of work, lobbying, we now have a nation brand The Netherlands and an activation campaign called New Dutch!

We have solutions in the Netherlands that deserve the world’s attention. And make our country attractive for talent, investors, and of course curious visitors. If you cleverly combine all those things, you can attract audiences that bring value to the Netherlands. The motto of our nation’s branding, ‘solving global challenges together.’ Everyone is looking at how to get the sustainably traveling, high-quality visitor and the innovative companies to

their city or region. New Dutch provides the impetus for that. If we can then embrace it as the Netherlands and put it out into the world together, we are really going through a beautiful development. Our dream is to celebrate the future as a nation in the year 2025 as our goal of becoming a true New Dutch.

Since Eindhoven365 was established in 2011, and thanks to the efforts and energy of many, the city has changed significantly. Eindhoven has become grander, more international and enhanced by new residents, hotspots and events. And Eindhoven365 has grown in step with these changes.

We started as novices, eager and experimental, and after ten years of learning from trial and error, we are now experienced in the field of (city) marketing. Our organisation has grown to become a 13-strong team with expertise in various fields. We are ready for the next phase. Eindhoven365 is only a part of the success we have achieved together in this region.

The enormous success benefits the city but could contribute even more to the development and connection of Eindhoven’s community. How can we ensure that everyone in Eindhoven gets to share the city’s energy? Here we see a possible fourth task for our organisation: the local system’s connector. That is our promise for the next four years. It would be fantastic if you were to join us. Curious about our plans? StrategyEindhoven365


Eindhoven Airport’s Unusual Suspects

Although you can’t get a ticket to the movie set of Usual Suspects all the way in the United States, we checked out what striking destinations Eindhoven Airport does have to offer, starting with the furthest destination. Any guesses? It’s Sal in Cape Verde. An island in the Atlantic Ocean at the height of Senegal. The solid 4.500 kilometers take about 7 hours of flying. Ilha do Sal, Portuguese for ‘salt island’, refers to the local salt mines that you can still visit.

Coming from Africa, we now fly over to our most northern destination: Riga! The capital of Latvia is still upcoming for both tourism and business alike. Besides that, it is also a handy hub in northeastern Europe - being in the middle of Estonia and Lithuania - for expats from the Baltic states.

If you’re in love with the cool design initiatives Eindhoven has to offer, like Dutch Design Week, the Strijp-S transformation and light art festival GLOW, we have a tip for you. Eindhoven Airport recently added Bilbao to the destination list of its most popular country: Spain. Bilbao is the design capital of northern Spain. May we say ‘the Eindhoven of Basque Country’? You probably have to make that call yourself…

The destination with the most unusual name, to pronounce for us Dutch people that is, but maybe for you too: Rzesrów. The city in southeastern Poland is slightly smaller than Eindhoven, but also has many high-tech companies in the region. For Eindhoven Airport it’s the 9th city in Poland on the

menu. That makes it actually the second most popular country for flights from Eindhoven! There is a clear reason for this: we have many Polish people working in both Eindhoven and the surrounding cities and villages. Adding Rzesrów as a destination helps our Polish fellow citizens get home faster and easier.

Another interesting, but relatively unknown region of Eindhoven Airport services is the Balkan with Montenegro and Macedonia more specifically. If you’re up for some off-the-beaten-track destination, this is your chance. Eindhoven has flights to Ohrid (Macedonia) and Tivat (Montenegro). The countries have similarities being part of the Balkan, but also their own unique characters regarding nature, architecture and history.

How many of these have you visited already?

Eindhoven Airport

Act Normal

September 2021 between two senior politicians in Dutch Parliament – one Prime Minister and one leader of a political party. And perhaps even harder to believe: every Dutch person knew exactly what was meant. It created big headlines in our newspapers.

So what does ‘act normal’ mean?

The Dutch are pretty obsessed with being normal. Extravagant behavior is frowned upon. There is an expression: ‘just act normal, that is crazy enough’. The biggest compliment you can give to a person who has become rich and famous in the Netherlands is that they have not changed at all. They still get their groceries in the same supermarket and ride bikes. There are no Kim Kardashians in the Netherlands. We like our celebrities to blend in and lead normal lives. Even our royal family is expected to be ordinary most of the time and act like an average Dutch family. After all, they are no better than any one of us.

There is one exception and that is when it is totally expected not to be normal. During Carnival for instance, or a speedskating world cup. Act as crazy as you like then – it’s all good as we organized this ourselves.

What is normal and who defines this? I honestly don’t know. I don’t think there is a meeting where this is decided. My guess is that ‘normal’ is our collective set of values – unwritten rules that tell us how we do things. So pretty complicated to grasp for newcomers.

Back to the two politicians. Their exchange was in fact an expression of frustration of not being on the same page. It was a clash of values. One version of normal against another. Our world is changing around us and everything we thought we knew is changing with it. Our values are shifting as a consequence. And that can take us by surprise. So what will be the ‘new normal’? As we collectively determine this, it is certainly worth fighting for.

Monique Mols

Media relations, ASML

“Act normal!”…. “Act normal yourself!”. Perhaps hard to believe but this was an actual conversation in
Photo by Quino Al, Unsplash 11

Regina Coeli is coming to the High Tech EindhovenCampus

The High Tech Campus in Eindhoven has been called the smartest square kilometre in Europe. To make the area even smarter, Language Institute Regina Coeli (‘the Nuns of Vught’) will be kicking off Dutch courses on location as of January 2023. The aim is to make learning the language and culture more accessible for the many expats - and their partners - who live and work in the Brainport region.


Dutch group courses from Regina Coeli

• Choice of Social Dutch or Dutch@Work

• 4 different levels to start from

• Small groups of 4 or 5 people

• 6 weeks of 2 evening lessons a week of 2 hours each

• Led by a native speaker

• Training in the Vitality Hub on the High Tech Campus (HTCE 085)

Expats generally do not need to speak Dutch to do their jobs. English nearly always does the trick. Yet speaking Dutch can be an important factor when it comes to feeling at home in Noord-Brabant. Speaking Dutch helps when it comes to connecting with Dutch people and Dutch institutions and better understanding Dutch culture.

High Tech Campus experience

Regina Coeli has given Dutch courses on the High Tech Campus before, to the great satisfaction of the students and their employers. They gave the courses an average score of 8.7. Unfortunately, COVID forced the language institute to put those group training sessions on hold. But now that we can meet again, new rounds of language training courses are starting!

Social Dutch and Dutch@Work

Regina Coeli’s course offering consists of the group training courses ‘Social Dutch’ and ‘Dutch@Work’. Both courses focus on the use of language in practical, everyday situations. The Dutch@Work programme zooms in on situations at work, including chatting with colleagues at the coffee machine, talking about your work and background, and even talking about the weekend.

Intensive training sessions

The courses are delivered by Regina Coeli trainers. They normally teach at the language institute in

Vught, which is particularly well-known for its intensive language training courses. Students often spend their working week with ‘the Nuns’ so they can fully focus on the task at hand. That way, they can rapidly master the language. They often need to do so because they need to travel abroad for work or do a lot of business across borders.

As for the training courses in Eindhoven, students can attend class right after work. With two training sessions a week for six weeks, you can call that intensive training as well.

More information about the training sessions can be found on the webpage

You can sign up using the form. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email us:

Or better yet in Vught?

Do you have clear and specific aims when it comes to learning Dutch? Then taking an individual training course in Vught is well worth the investment. After all, we can tailor that training entirely to your skill levels and objectives. Not only will you learn quickly, but you will also learn precisely what you need. Go to for more information.

Regina Coeli

North Brabant’s most beautifulfortified towns

North Brabant has a line of fortified towns running from east to west. They were built in the Middle Ages to protect the town against plundering armies and wandering gangs of robbers. The one fortified town is more beautiful than the next. See the imposing ramparts, canals, a city gate, narrow streets and historic buildings with the most beautiful facades. It is easy to combine a visit with a walk or cycle tour in the countryside. Or make it part of your weekend away; there is always a fortified town closer by than you think.


Bergen op Zoom lies where North Brabant borders on Zeeland. It is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. Narrow streets, old squares and unique monuments tell the story of a rich and turbulent past. Sit down for a lunch or dinner and take in the lovely atmosphere, visit a museum or even just have a relaxing stroll past all the shops.

The history of Ravenstein, located along the Maas, dates from 1630. And that long history can still be seen in the city gates and city canal, among others. During a city walk, you can discover all the historic sites, such as North Brabant’s tallest windmill, a lovely city garden with a museum and the oldest fort made of stone and earth in the Netherlands.

With its picturesque streets, ancient buildings, numerous art studios and galleries, unique shops, top restaurants and harbours, Heusden is an exceptionally vibrant fortified town. From the top of the ramparts, you have a beautiful view of the Brabant and Gelderland countryside, the Bergse Maas and the lovely, restored city.

Although Breda is a really vibrant city with new hotspots such as the Havenkwartier, the history of this city goes back over 750 years. The Grote Kerk, Breda Castle and the ‘Spanjaardsgat’ (Spanish Gate) remind us of this past. Discover the monuments during a boat tour on the canals or learn more about the history of the city through the Blind Walls Gallery. You will find these murals that are inspired by the past, the present and the future of Breda throughout the city.

Bergen op Zoom Heusden Ravenstein

During the Eighty Years’ War, ’s-Hertogenbosch had the unrefuted nickname of ‘Moerasdraak’ (Swamp Dragon), due to the swamps around the city. Now, it is a lovely place for walking and cycling in the nature reserves, such as Moerputten and the Bossche Broek. But there are also plenty in the city itself that remind us of the history, like the impressive St John’s Cathedral, the Binnendieze and the restored fortifications. But of course, you can also go to numerous museums, enjoy delicious food or a day of shopping in the Culture City of the South.

The fortified city of Megen is a real gem along the Maas. It is one of the smallest fortified cities but certainly no less characteristic. With two convents still in use, in Megen you will find many listed buildings with ambient squares and lovely gardens. Take a historic city walk (with or without a guide), visit the Gevangentoren (prison tower) and wander through the surrounding countryside. Other fortified towns in North Brabant are Willemstad, Grave, Woudrichem, Klundert, Geertruidenberg and Steenbergen.


Touring along the Zuiderwaterlinie through historic and green Brabant

The Zuiderwaterlinie forms a unique chain of no fewer than 11 fortified towns in Brabant and their surrounding areas and is the oldest, longest and most used water defence line in the Netherlands. The water defence line was used to intentionally flood areas to stop the enemy. The Zuiderwaterlinie walking path is a route covering no less than 290 kilometres, set out on the Brabant walking junction system. If that’s too long for you, you can pick one or more partial routes.

inspiration at Brabant. Closer to unique experiences.
’s-Hertogenbosch Megen

Wonka Stages

2022 and 2023

All Wonka stages have been largely open again in 2022, and this has also facilitated the realization and elaboration of a number of Wonka projects. In the field of education, for example, great strides have been made with the publication of a joint Wonka Theaterdoeboek for 35,000 elementary school students in the Brainport region and the hiring of a joint youth and education coordinator.

No Dutch Required Label

The joint label ‘No Dutch Required’ has been given hands and feet in programming and communication. The international offer from the venues has increased to 15% and an English-language version of the Wonka Podia site has been developed with their ‘No Dutch Required’ offer. In cooperation with International Theatre Collective Eindhoven, ‘The New Continent’ was brought to the Wonka stages. And in addition Wonka Podia brought ‘No Dutch Required’ live music acts at High Tech Campus (open day June) and the Winter Market of Expat Center South & International Creative Women.

Major projects in 2023 What’s planned in 2023? There will be a first edition of Wonka on Tour. We will organize 60 outdoor performances in cooperation with Wildpark from Eindhoven of ‘De Monteur en het Meisje’. These will

take place at elementary schools and in communities’ neighborhoods. In addition, the first-ever Wonka Comedy Festival will take place from Thursday, March 30 through Sunday, April 9. This festive 11-day comedy festival is packed with regional, national and international comedy acts in all Wonka venues. We will announce the complete lineup of this in late January 2023 and you will also find more information in the next edition of Howdo Magazine.

All Wonka Podia are looking forward to getting started on these and other projects in the coming year and expanding their cooperation even further.

And of course, we look forward to seeing you (back) in our venues in 2023 as well!

On behalf of the Wonka Team Monique van den BergProject Manager Wonka Podia


You know more Dutch than you knew

For example, he has made a series about English words that originate from Dutch. We’ll let a few pass in review here.

How about the word “brandy”? Brandy is a muchcelebrated noun used for spirits distilled from other liquors (especially wine). It goes back as far as the 1620s and is an abbreviation of brandy-wine from the Dutch ‘brandewijn’, which means ‘burnt wine’. There’s

Radio 4 Brainport welcomes you 24 hours a day with music, news, culture, science and technology, all in English, all aimed at the international community of Eindhoven and its surroundings. All in English, but now and then even some Dutch comes along. Because several times a day, our own linguist Bart Bruijnen can be heard with a fun or instructive fact about the Dutch language.

a Brandywine Creek in Pennsylvania. It supposedly was named so by the Dutch explorers for the color of its waters, or maybe they also tasted it.

Another word that comes from Dutch is “cookie. Cookie is a delicious noun used to indicate a sweet baking product that’s chewier than a biscuit. It is derived in the early 1800s, perhaps sooner, from the Dutch word ‘koekje’, a diminutive of ‘koek’, or the


dialect form ‘koekie’. The Dutch ‘koekje’ is also a flour-based delicacy served when drinking tea or coffee. Nowadays digital files containing personalized information are also referred to as cookies.

And the word ‘decoy’ also has Dutch roots. Decoy, the enticing noun or verb with the semantic charge of fooling people or animals, or luring them away, has quite an interesting origin. The best story is that it comes from the Dutch word ‘eendekooi’, literally ‘duck cage’, a cage with an artificial duck to attract wild ducks. In the 16th century a mistranslation took place from the splitting of ‘eendekooi’ in the Dutch indefinite particle ‘een’ and ‘dekooi’.

And have you heard of ‘frolic’? It is a happy noun, verb or adjective that can be used to indicate cheerfulness and playfulness. It is derived from the Dutch word ‘vrolijk’, an adjective meaning also ‘cheerful’, and is used for instance in wishing you a ‘vrolijk’ Christmas or Easter. Although the Dutch do not commonly wish each other a vrolijk New Year, ‘Foen lôk nien nien’ is a New Year song in standard Cantonese, and used to get a lot of airplay on the radio in Hong Kong. Frolic pops up in the English language in the early 16th

century as an adjective, and about a hundred years later it also was used as a noun. When the verbal form first emerged is still unsure.

One more? Alright: ‘golf’. Golf is a very sporty word that can be employed as a noun or a verb. It indicates the game with the small white ball and the holes in the ground. The word was adopted by the Scottish, halfway the 15th century, from the Dutch word ‘kolf’, a bat in the old Dutch game of ‘kolf’. In this sport, which is still played, you have to hit a ball against a pole with a stick.

Apparently you know more Dutch than you knew! At Radio 4 Brainport, we love to get in touch with our listeners. Also when it comes to our items about the Dutch language. Our linguist Bart Bruijnen likes it when listeners ask questions about language or point out phenomena from the Dutch language that they’d like to have explained. So don’t be shy and contact us with your questions.

Radio 4 Brainport can be heard via the internet or on DAB+ and even on 747 AM. It is an independent not-for-profit foundation. The station is offering nice volunteering opportunities. Do you create podcasts and like to share these via the radio? Do like to reach out to other internationals and do interviews? Do you like the technical aspects of making radio programs or of automating content generation? Do you like to read news bulletins? Feel free to reach out to Jean-Paul Linnartz via


One of the biggest steps that we internationals have taken is to move to the Netherlands. Whether we moved from across Europe or from across the ocean, at one time or another, we all thought ‘What am I doing?!’ This is a normal reaction that should be addressed and also praised. That move took guts!

But as you know, the move was just the first part of the journey. Now that we are here, there is work to be done. It is time to settle into Brabant!

Since we are encouraged to make New Year’s resolutions, I encourage you to make one -- or both -- of these: Get to know your new hometown and get to know your neighbors!

How? Go to a meeting for a club or organization that has piqued your interest! Introduce yourself to your neighbor with the (few) Dutch words that you know. Join a local sports club! Sure, it might be a bit uncomfortable, but taking the first step is usually the hardest. And remember, you already did something big: You moved here!

Holland Expat Center South is also going to be experiencing changes this year.

Firstly, we will be moving our office from the Vestdijk to Succeed Offices (Stadhuisplein). Secondly, our new location will allow us to organize events onsite.

Our team has been busy planning events, including a workshop on how to file your Dutch taxes and a housing event. Stay tuned for more information.

In the meantime, our entire team wishes you all the best for 2023! No matter what your resolutions are, let us help you make them come true! Check us out on Instagram and LinkedIn. Have a question about settling into Brabant? Send us an email at!

Save the Date for these Upcoming Events:

• 3 February & 3 March - Welcome Evening

• 2 March 2023 - Expat Workshop: Filing Your Dutch Taxes

Check our website for more information:

Holland Expat Center South 20
Olivia van den Broek-Neri is Project Coordinator Communications & Events at Holland Expat Center South.

MERLIN SEAFOOD: The new seafood concept at Stationsplein Eindhoven!

A gem. The hotspot for the fish lover.

Merlin Seafood

Bar & Shop: fish at its best

various cooking competitions. He was nominated for the ‘Zilveren Mossel’ and he came fourth at the Dutch championships for apprentice chefs. Challenged by the versatility of fish and seafood products, he puts together a menu where delicious lunch dishes and beautiful fine dining dishes go hand in hand. His personal favorite? The Eel Brioche. A signature dish that you must have tasted!

Enjoy a delicious lunch and dinner in our Seafood Bar or visit our Seafood Shop and ‘fish’ the tastiest fresh products for home!

‘Merlin’ is derived from the French ‘Mer’ , combined with the Dutch name Linda. It is a reflection of French gastronomic quality, Brabant hospitality and the richness of the sea. Linda Rovers is at the helm, channeling no less than twenty years of experience into this brand new seafood concept.

She is supported by chef Ralf Smeulders. Since the start of his career, when he was still an apprentice chef, he has been very successful at

Merlin Seafood – Bar & Shop is all about beautiful products from the sea. Everything is absolutely fresh and of the highest quality. MERLIN

Choose a table in our restaurant, marvel at the navy blue and salmon pink interior and enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner. Or pop into our Shop! Here you can easily order a quick ‘dish on hand’ or fresh Seafood products for home.

Merlin – Seafood Shop: the new seafood shop in Eindhoven.

Our fishermen set out every day for the tastiest exclusive fresh fish. Oysters, halibut, mussels or scallops: these are just a few of the fresh range. In addition to our range of fresh fish and seafood, we also have tasty dishes for home, fish salads and the most delicious to-go meals and sandwiches.

SEAFOOD Stationsplein 26, 5611 BC Eindhoven

SoYou Think You Can be an Entrepreneur?

If yes, then this is your lucky day. Today in this article we will give you the magic recipe to become an Entrepreneur. Read carefully and then the power will be yours. Ready? Here it is, the best secret kept during millennia: Just start!

Easy, right? That’s the secret. If you want to be an entrepreneur you just need to take the first step and do it. Of course it is not as simple as it seems. Ok, ok, let’s go a bit ahead with what do you require to become an entrepreneur.

• An idea that can become a product or service. Perhaps you have a talent, a skill, and you know you could make a profit out of it. Perhaps you have detected a gap, something missing, and your idea can cover it. Take this idea and shape it into something doable, something tangible.

• Knowing the market of the place where you are. Is this service or product monetizable? Is there a niche for this product or service? Perhaps your product or service already exists, however you know that you can take it to a different level, or your style is different, or you just simply love it and want to do it. Then easy, just go for it, but be aware of competition, find a way to shine among the crowd.

• Understanding the law requirements for the country and the city where you are. If you are serious about entrepreneurship, you need to register your company or brand, usually to the Chamber of Commerce. You may need to get ready to declare taxes and have some knowledge of the laws. Luckily there are plenty of organizations that can support, in several cases for free, or for a low fee. You can also find information on the Internet. In the Netherlands it is possible to get free advice from the Tax Office, and organizations such as International Creative Women provide workshops explaining what is required to create your own business.

• Work, and work and more work. If you want your business to thrive you need to put the effort, not only making the product or planning how to deliver your service. If you want to create postcards, you will have to take the time to draw them. If you want to teach Yoga, hopefully you have already taken Yoga sessions and workshops on how to provide your own sessions. If you want to become a Zumba trainer, hopefully you have learned and practiced how to give amazing workshops.

• Marketing. Perhaps the most important aspects for any business or initiative. Sometimes we wonder how it is possible that some musicians that are really good are not so famous, and some others that


are terrible reach fame and glory. The answer is simple: a proper marketing campaign. Your business must be known, and for that you need to reach people. How to do that? Social media: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, but also the use physical media: fliers, posters, invest in presentation cards; showcase your products and services in markets, be in contact with potential customers: if you want to teach Zumba specialized in pregnant women then visit middle wives offices and place fliers in their board. Do you want customers? Then make your product known. Without proper marketing the most spectacular product will die.

• Develop a thick skin. Be prepared to get rejections, days without a single sale, days when all your efforts seem in vain. If you can resist and hold, you can reach success. Don’t get discouraged if things don’t go well all the time, be persistent, but also…

• Be realistic. Success may come to you right away, but in most of the cases you will experience failures: markets without sales, days without customers. You may need to do trials and errors, and if failure is the trend, then it is time to take a pause, revisit your strategy, review what could be going wrong, fix it, and start again. It could be that your product is not as good as you thought, or your

service is not well received. You can fix those issues and try again. However, it could be that the product or service has serious flaws, and perhaps you should redefine them completely.

Here you had it, the magic recipe. To be completely honest, the entrepreneurial path is not for everyone. Being an entrepreneur should give you energy, should make you happy, despite the effort, because you are doing something that you love, something you believe in. And maybe that is the secret of success in any entrepreneurship: a combination of passion for what you do, with skill, and reaching out to be known, and of course as in everything, a bit of luck. But as the famous writer Isaac Asimov once said: “good luck favors a prepared mind”. So, get prepared and the stars will shine in your direction. Welcome to the world of Entrepreneurs!

International Creative Women International Creative Women | ‘T College 22, 5611EH Eindhoven |
Ayurveda Study Day at MAP EXPO 3 March 2023 Evenementenhal Gorinchem Next Level program and register at: € 47,50 p.p. including lunch and tea 24

Ayurveda is considered one of the most ancient systems of medicines across the globe. It is estimated to have originated in the Vedic Period (1500 – 2000 BC). It can be considered as the longest practiced system of healthcare management for over 5000 years.

Ayurveda is not only about herbal or natural medicines but is a more diverse science. Naturopathy is a science of preventing and managing different health issues by the use of natural remedies. Sebastian Kneipp (1821), a German Catholic priest is considered one of the forefathers of the naturopathic medicine movement. He propounded the “Kneipp Cure” form of hydrotherapy, which includes the application of water through various methods, temperatures, and pressures for different healing effects.

Reach out to nature again

However, the core principles of Naturopathy are going, staying, living, and sustaining close to nature. It is believed that our body, just like all other objects in the universe, is made up of 5 basic elements. The proper balance of these elements defines health and the imbalance due to dietary, seasonal, or psychological reasons results in diseases. To cure this imbalance, it is necessary to reach out to nature again and restore the body’s innate ability to heal itself.

MAP EXPO 3rd & 4th of March 2023 The Global Marketplace for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants On 3rd & 4th of March 2023 the Global Marketplace for Medicinal & Aromatic Plants (Map Expo) is the go-to business platform for everyone who is working in, or supplying to the MAP Industry. From seed and soil, research and development, production and processing to final product or extract. Save the date: 3rd of March 2023 Europe Ayurveda Center organises an international Ayurveda Meeting about Ayurveda & Naturopathy for treatment of mental disorders. DATE 3rd & 4th of March 2023. 10:00 till 17:00 LOCATION Evenementenhal Gorinchem Next Level Franklinweg 2, 4207 HZ Gorinchem MORE INFO CONTACT Mr. Chris Aelberts M +31 (0)6 515 67 900 25

The Living In Program is part of the Municipality of Eindhoven/ Holland Expat Center South. We help internationals to settle in and to feel more at home in the Eindhoven region. We work together with all kind of organizations in the region. This time we would like to give information about The National Read Aloud Days for multilingual children!

For more information about the Living In Program, please contact Josine Frankhuizen of Holland Expat Center South:

Check our free events on our website eventpage: or follow us on Linkedin and Instagram.

Reading in the home language

Reading aloud to children is an enjoyable experience for both parent and child. For the multilingual children in Eindhoven, reading together with family in the home language is a great way to encounter new words, to discover stories from the home culture, and to foster a life-long love of reading. Don’t worry: reading in the home language should not hinder your child from learning the Dutch language. In fact, a strong basis in the home language and a love for books only helps when children learn Dutch!

International Children’s Book Collection

There are many engaged language communities in our region that have organized activities to get children reading in the home language, including providing books for Eindhoven Library’s International Children’s Book Collection. The international collection currently contains books for children aged 0 to 12 in over ten languages! It is free for children to join the library and borrow books, even if they do not live in Eindhoven.

See for details.


The National Read Aloud Days for multilingual children

Between January 25 and February 4, “De Nationale Voorleesdagen” will be celebrated across the Netherlands, to stimulate reading to children aged 0 to 6. Central to this is the Dutch “picture book of the year” Maximiliaan Modderman Throws a Party by Joukje Akveld and Jan Jutte.

Eindhoven Library, Heritage Language Education Network, and numerous language groups are organizing a series of events during the National Read Aloud Days, especially for multilingual children. Several language groups will hold their own reading of the picture book between the dates of January 25 and February 4. You can find the schedule for these individual readings by searching for “voorlezen” in the library’s agenda.

Special event on January 28

On Saturday, January 28, in the theaterroom of Eindhoven Library between 14:00 and 16:00 there will be a reading of Maximiliaan Modderman Throws a Party in six different languages! Everyone is welcome.

With this series of events, we want to promote the International Children’s Book Collection, to put these language groups in the spotlight, and to stimulate reading in the home language. Let’s celebrate the rich linguistic diversity of our region! For more information, visit

Program Saturday, January 28, 2023

14:00 – 14:10 Welcome

14:10 – 14:25 Bulgarian

14:25 – 14:40 Ukrainian

14:40 – 14:55 Persian

14:55 – 15:00 Break

15:00 – 15:05 Second welcome

15:05 – 15:20 English

15:20 – 15:35 Spanish

15:35 – 15:50 Romanian

15:50 – 15:55 Closing

The series of events has been made possible by:

• Eindhoven Chinese School “Han Tang” Japanese Book Club Eindhoven Bulgarian Book Club ‘Lezen is leuk’ Ukrainians in Eindhoven

• PARVAZ cultural group and Eindhoven Persian School

• The Reading Pier (English)

• de Carousel - El Centro Latinoamericano de Orientación (Spanish)

• Romanian School “Școala Românească” Eindhoven

• Polish School Eindhoven

• French School “Les Francofilous”

• Eindhoven Italian School “La Lampadina”

• Eindhoveni Magyar Ovi-Suli (Hungarian)

• Stichting Drio/ Drio Eğitim Vakfı (Turkish)

• Korean School Eindhoven

• Heritage Language Education Network Eindhoven Library

Holland Expat Center South

Patat, PiazzaParaplu, & PSV

On a cold wintery night, the oliebollen aroma wafts through the chill crisp air temptingly. I give in and queue for the treat. Some decisions are difficult, should I choose a natural or a cherry one or perhaps a Berlinerbol? A decision within a few seconds before it’s my turn is a tall ask if you haven’t grown up here, especially when you’re spoilt for choice. Finally, when my teeth cut through the fried dough ball, I promised myself that I should try the smoutebol too. As I dust off the powdered sugar from my jacket and gaze at the lights, I think of the new year and what Eindhoven News wants to accomplish.


The new year is certainly an opportunity for organisations to reflect, chalk out their goals and set their plans in place. At Eindhoven News, we are optimistic about our experiences in 2022. We end the year on a high, and our analytics speak for themselves. We also thank our four thousand overseas readers, who comprise twenty percent of our reader base. Brainport region’s success is evident in this statistic because these are people who are checking Eindhoven News to see if the Brainport region is a good match for them or whether they have to choose San Jose or Berlin perhaps.

Our 2023 plan revolves around you, our reader! We want to share stories you care about and help you belong in the region. We are investing time and effort in knowing more about our readers and their needs. We are exploring options to serve Internationals better on many fronts. For we not only want to keep internationals informed but also help them integrate into Dutch society. We build bridges between the guests and the hosts and help develop the Brainport region to attain great heights.

Eindhoven News will witness a website overhaul in the coming year, and we are already reaching out through surveys to get our readers’ input. Besides, we are keen on addressing specific bottlenecks for internationals with events that help them decide on critical issues. We are thankful for our partners’ support through the leadership transition, and with their cooperation, we are confident to scale new heights.

The pandemic has turbocharged an evolution in the operating environment for every organisation, and how they adapt is the result of its innovation, resilience and efficiency. The war and the inflation in the aftermath of the pandemic have predominantly changed how people work and buy. The situation has created new opportunities and businesses, while destroying some others. In this day and age, we are jubilant that surveys indicate Eindhoven News has emerged as a trusted, competent and ethical source

of information to the internationals in the region and beyond. We also run free promotions for cultural performances and other events, so it’s a good idea to follow us regularly. We are looking at ways to promote a sustainable future, so we’ll be around avenues that work towards the UNO’s seventeen sustainable development goals.

Eindhoven News is powered by a volunteer team, and we are proud of our crew, who work relentlessly towards keeping the internationals informed. We want to shed light on our teammates, so here’s a picture with the everyday heroes of Eindhoven News. Our team actively works behind the screens to bring news posts, stories and information about events every weekday. We have a team that’s so diverse in nationality, age and opinion. The common denominator is the spirit of giving back to society, especially to the internationals, to help them connect better to the locals. EINDHOVEN NEWS TEAM wishes you all a happy 2023!


Beena Arunraj is the editor-in-chief and director of Eindhoven News. She is a freelance writer, creates powerful web content and inks brand campaigns for her living. The most important principle in her life is «equality and fairness» so, a natural fit in the Netherlands.

Eindhoven News 29

Mayor Jeroen Dijsselbloem:

Eindhoven has always been a melting pot of people

Jeroen Dijsselbloem started his post as mayor of Eindhoven in September 2022. Anne Yianni from HOWDO Magazine had the chance to meet him and talk about his plans for the coming years.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: I was born in Eindhoven, but left when I was 19. My family still lives in the area, so I kept coming back. But the last couple of months I’ve been getting reacquainted with the town.

Anne: It’s amazing how quickly Eindhoven develops.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: It’s very, very dynamic, and at the same time its historical fiber is still there. The town has become much more vibrant, economically and culturally, and much more international, than it was when I left. So it’s very different. At the same time, it’s still, as we say “Brabants gemoedelijk” (“Brabants’ friendliness”)


Build. Build. Build.

Anne: Eindhoven is a city which dramatically grew with its economic successes, like Phillips and ASML. What is offered to locals to adjust to their fast changing city, neighborhoods and culture of the city, to smoothen the interaction and integration of all citizens?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Part of it goes in a very natural way. Newcomers have always come to Eindhoven. People from different regions of the Netherlands came to Eindhoven to work here in factories when Philips was growing. So there has always been this element of new people coming here. The fiber of Eindhoven is that it has always been a melting pot of people. Only where they come from and the number of people has changed over time.

have always come to Eindhoven”

The main integration takes place naturally and at the same time the character of the town becomes much more international. If you go into shops in the center, sometimes the staff in the shops are internationals themselves and speak English or they are very much used to talking English if necessary to customers.

All the cultural events are much more international now. The programming in the theater changed because of the fact that there is an international community. So gradually, all the services, cultural events and institutions of the city realize that the population is becoming more diverse. It is stimulated by the city council and Brainport and by all the organizations which are involved with the internationalization of the city.

Anne: It’s maybe a bit of a personal question, but how does it feel for you if you go into a shop and they do not speak Dutch?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: To me personally, it is fine. But I can imagine that if you are native from Eindhoven and your English is not very good, you might find it very uncomfortable. But most people

Stationsplein >>

just take it in their stride. I think it is important that we remain one community and that we don’t become all separated communities – divided geographically or divided along cultural or language lines.

And the fact is that some people will speak English and Dutch and mix it all up. That’s okay. Most people manage if they don’t speak English or Dutch too well, they will use their hands and feet to make sure that they get what they’re looking for.

Some people have enough income to buy the few houses that are still for sale, and others can’t afford them. To keep such a booming city together has many dimensions. And I think the biggest issue for us here in city hall is to make sure that the success of Eindhoven doesn’t make us fall apart. We need to remain one community. People need to engage with each other, get involved and take care of each other. We have to avoid isolations in segregated communities.

Anne: What is currently done to improve the housing situation in Eindhoven?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Build. Build. Build.

“Make sure the success of Eindhoven doesn’t make us fall apart

I think the issue is bigger than along national or international lines. It’s about how we keep the city together along social lines and economic lines. Many people benefit from the success of Brainport but others have very little profit from it.

We have a huge shortage in houses. The planning for the region in the coming 10 to 20 years is to build at least 70,000 houses. The numbers still vary because I expect that in the coming years we will have to raise that ambition even further. So these are huge numbers. Only in the area around the central station of Eindhoven we’re going to build over 6000 houses.

And they have to be, to a large extent, affordable houses, social rents or lower priced houses for sale. This is about not just building for those who have


the money to buy a beautiful penthouse, but also for those that simply need a two or three room flat.

The biggest question is how fast can we do it? We’ve already pointed out where we want to build. For example, only around the square of the city hall we’re going to build six towers for housing. 1200 houses is the latest planning just around the little square in front of the city hall.

All those facilities need to grow. And it’s a huge challenge. The question really is where are we going to get the people from?

“Even if you don’t speak Dutch and want to workapply and participate”

In 10 years time the city’s skyline will look very different. All along the central station we will have enormous high risers, as well as here around the city hall square.

Anne: What is the timeframe for it? Five years? Ten years?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: Ten. But of course it won’t be built in one day. We have to start as soon as possible. But most of the time is always needed for planning and legal procedures, not the building itself. This takes a lot of time and clearly we’re not building fast enough. We need to speed up. At the same time we want to make sure that the city is still a nice place to live in 10 years time, therefore we need to improve the green and the mobility infrastructure at the same time.

The vision is that, as we are growing, we will need to improve and expand all our facilities. Besides housing - we need to consider all aspects of education, childcare and healthcare. For example we’re running short in general practitioners (“huisartsen”).

The International School again needs to expand and it needs to expand every year.

There’s a shortage in every sector of our society. Healthcare – shortage of people. Education –shortage of people. Building sector – shortage of people. So this is a huge challenge to get it right, to balance it. We will need to expand all of our facilities. Therefore, an appeal to everyone who wants to work, even if you do not (yet) speak Dutch: apply and participate.

Anne: After I arrived in Eindhoven, I regularly visited the Hub, next to the Holland Expat Center. There were Dutch conversation groups, art classes, and really an array of activities. Is there an idea of creating a place like this again, where Dutch and international people can get together?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: There are new ideas about creating a hotspot where these kinds of facilities come together. But the idea still needs some work.

Nevertheless I think it is more important that all the different institutions and facilities which we have in the city, make sure that they are also open to internationals.

I would be a little worried if we would only think that all the facilities for expats and internationals should be in one place. This intended point of integration runs the risk of being a point of segregation where the internationals go for all their activities, and information and support.


So if you really want integration, I think, the best is if all the different services from the library, to cinemas, to schools, etc. take into account that we have a huge international community in this city. We need to think about ways to involve them and bring them on board.

Anne: Do you have any specific thoughts which you would like to share with international citizens? What will be happening in Eindhoven and what is important to know about you as a person?

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: So my career has also been partly national and international. I’ve worked in Brussels for the Euro group. In those years and the years after, I spent quite a lot of time abroad, working for the international institutions, IMF, World Bank, traveling a lot around the world.

I’ve always felt that international cooperation and trade makes us so much stronger but the current times are very much against globalization. There is a pull-back from this international way of life.

People are pulling back from the idea that open borders would bring us together and make us stronger as an international community. I still think

that Eindhoven should be that open international place – that has contacts all over the world – that trades with countries all over the world – that welcomes people who want to build Eindhoven further.

“We’ve always done well by bringing in new people”

So perhaps against the trend, Eindhoven should remain that very international, welcoming place. I think it’s possible because this city has a tradition in allowing newcomers in and integrating them and taking them on board. And it’s clear that it is beneficial for the city. We’ve always done well by bringing in new people, integrating them and making them part of the community.

Anne: Personally I can identify with the community focus which keeps coming back in our conversation - avoid creating bubbles, integrate strategically throughout the whole network.

Jeroen Dijsselbloem: To me that’s the biggest challenge. I mean, to build houses is challenging –sure. But we know how to build. You have to keep this city as one to make sure that it’s still one community in 20 years time after we’ve expanded, to make sure that you still meet your neighbors and take care of each other.

The Hub

Babel: An Ambitious Book that Doesn’t Quite Reach the Heights

Babel, Or the Necessity of Violence: An Arcane History of the Oxford Translator’s Revolution was just published in August, and has appeared on several “Best of 2022” book lists. Babel is an alternate history fantasy novel, set in the Oxford University of the 1830s, in a world where the British Empire is powered by magic. I always love this type of blending of fantasy and realism, and this superficial summary naturally begs comparison with Johnathan Strange and Mr Norrel. In reality, Babel is more like a darker, more mature Harry Potter, where class, race, and colonialism cast a long shadow over the romance of student life.

Our hero, Robin Swift, is a biracial student who was rescued from disease and poverty in Canton as a child, and brought to England to follow in the footsteps of his cold professor father. At Oxford, his skill with language is trained and harnessed to power the magic that drives the British Empire. He forms a tight bond with three other students who are also outcast due to race or gender.

‘Because of your origins, you have the gift of languages those born in England cannot imitate. And you, like Psammetichus’s boys, are the tongues that will speak this vision of global harmony into being.’

This was, Robin thought, the kindest thing anyone


had ever had to say about his being foreign-born. And though the story made his gut squirm - for he had read the relevant passage of Herodotus, and recalled that the Egyptian boys were nevertheless slaves - he felt also a thrum of excitement at the thought that perhaps his unbelonging did not doom him to existing forever on the margins, that perhaps, instead, it made him special.

In Babel, Kuang writes about what she knows and loves. Her personal enchantment with Oxford, and her fascination with language, leap the page. Her descriptive writing is powerful and evocative, highlighting the everyday extraordinary beauty of libraries, books, and reading. The magic system in the book relies on complexities of translation and meaning, which gives her a lens to both explore and enjoy etymology for its own sake, as well as examine multiculturalism and colonialism. It’s not a reach to think that her own personal history also informs the story and gives her insights into the perspectives and motivations of the characters.

I think it is this very familiarity with her subject matter, and her desire to share it with the reader, to demonstrate that she has thought through, researched, imagined, and planned every word,

every reference, and every implication that is the weak point of the book for me. It is packed with footnotes, written as though an excellent student is presenting their thesis, meticulously walking you through every step of their reasoning. I personally wish she trusted the reader more, and allowed more space for ambiguity and interpretation.

‘But that’s precisely the devil’s trick,’ Robin insisted. ‘This is how colonialism works. It convinces us that the fallout from resistance is entirely our fault, that the immoral choice is resistance itself rather than the circumstances that demanded it.’

Despite the fact that it reads something like a book for young adults, with too much explanation and transparency, it does turn very dark as everyone follows their individual path to its natural conclusion. It is an exploration of outsider perspectives, and of the implications and complicity of wealth and power, within a world that is utterly irresistible to lovers of literature and academia.

Translation involves a spatial dimension - a literal transportation of texts across conquered territory, words delivered like spices from an alien land.

The central question of Babel is “How do we make change?” The characters debate about whether you change society from within or outside it; whether you employ persuasion or violence; whether change is even possible at all. The question is critically important, today or 200 years ago, in Kuang’s fictional world or in our present reality.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions for what I should read next? Let me know at

Book Review by Rebekah Villon

Setting vision and goals for 2023!

New Year, new beginnings, new life, new goals! The start of a new year is often an opportunity to revise and re-set our goals, strategies, and long-term vision.

I used to set goals every year, write them down and at the end of the year I would look back and check if I achieved my goals or not. I still do that, although the way I do it changed.

Now I set goals more purposefully. I have a vision of how I want to live my life, what my values are and what is important for me to feel fulfilled, and my yearly goals need to contribute to that vision. When I set goals, I ask myself the following questions:

• How does this goal bring me closer or contributes to my vision? If the answer is unclear, it might be that the goal I am chasing it not the right one, and I challenge myself to find a new one.

• What does need to happen or change for me to achieve this goal? Do I need to change behaviours, add skills, etc.?

• How will I make that change happen?

• What are the opportunities which this year might bring? Very often we forget that external factors will impact us or our goals, so thinking about opportunities (or threats) which might occur is an important part of setting goals.

• How flexible can I be and what is the impact of my flexibility?

• Who can support me and who can I support on the journey? Partnerships and support are a big part of our achievements as they help us stay on track and focus on what is important for us.

It is important to remember that setting goals should not mean losing sight of unforeseen opportunities. Life is what happens when we have other plans, so keep re-assessing, be flexible, embrace the challenge and changes. At times life might present you with opportunities which you don’t see or understand immediately, it can even happen that you might need to take a step back before you can take a step forward, don’t stay fixated on the goals; keep the big picture in mind, adapt and keep moving towards your vision.

Wishing you success with setting up your 2023 goals and vision.

If you need a sparring partner to work on your goals and vision, don’t hesitate to reach out! I am here to help!


• Team effective collaboration workshops

• 121 coaching

• Organizational culture assessments and advise

Ralu is a seasoned international internal auditor, trained in business coaching, NLP, applied neuroscience and positive psychology. More about Ralu and ERNL at:

Going through change and you need support, reach out:

Ralu Nistor-Lustermans, is the founder of ERNL, a business advisory and coaching company, that

Get Connected!

Eindhoven and the Brainport region are becoming more and more international. This diversity in cultures offers great opportunities to learn from one another and can also be the driving force for getting connected - and that is what we with InterCulturas want (you) to do: connect with others, connect schools with internationals, connect parents with other parents, connect different cultures, connect the diversity within teams - you just name it. In brief, move out of your comfort zone and get connected.

For this, InterCulturas creates workshops to learn more about yourself, your identity, your team identity, and the identity of others. InterCulturas organizes projects in schools with internationals and about the connections that humans make across countries and cultures.

But for creating content relevant to their community - for schools, teachers, parents, and students in Eindhoven - InterCulturas needs to know more about you. What are the topics your school is interested in when it comes to intercultural education and global citizenship? What do you struggle with as a teacher? Do your children come home with questions about diversity, or do you as a parent want to learn more about embracing intercultural identities? Maybe you simply want to share your story as an international living in the Netherlands.

Are you curious to know more about InterCulturas’s activities? Do you want to provide some input and

want to get connected? Do you want to be part of the continuously growing network of internationals who are sharing their experience firsthand with students?

Then let’s start a co-creation journey together

InterCulturas is not only working FOR the community, InterCulturas is working WITH the community, and therefore InterCulturas likes to work with YOU! Join us for an evening of brainstorming and storytelling at the Albert van Abbehuis as we start the adventure of developing a new project co-created with members of our community.

Who: everyone who is interested When: 9 February 2023, 7-8.30 pm Where: Albert van Abbehuis, Bilderdijklaan 19, Eindhoven

Please get in contact! •


New Year for Expat Kids in Eindhoven

Starting fresh is always exciting and New Year’s resolutions are even more so. The energy of new beginnings together with a list of goals to achieve is one of the driving forces to get going, so today we would like to tell you a bit about our goals as Expat Kids in Eindhoven for the coming year.

Before we show our goals we would like to invite you to do this activity with your children, as a family. Have objectives, dreams, goals for the new year, and how can you do it? Here are some tips to do it as a family.

1 Organize and plan your ideas as a family

2 Always keep your goals visible as a family

3 Be clear about the deadline as a family

4 Track progress as a family

5 Congratulate each other on your achievements as a family

Now we continue with Expat Kids in Eindhoven goals for this new year, 2023 is a year full of projects for our community.

Let’s Bring colour to our city

We will start the year with the emotive memory project. In this initiative we will have several omas and opas building the history, emotions and future of our city together with several of our children, the result of this project will be exhibited in the city and the residents of Eindhoven. This project was realized thanks to the support of DELA organization who are our partners in this.

News from Expat Kids in Eindhoven

It is a bilingual newspaper for young people between 8 and 14 years old. Expat Kids in Eindhoven is the only bilingual (English-Dutch) newspaper for 8-14 year olds covering big and small events in a way that makes them feel safe, confident and not overwhelmed by what they can perceive from the mainstream media and other, unfortunately not very recommendable, media.

Storytelling from Omas and Opas

Telling the story of Eindhoven through the eyes of our grandparents. To give value to the historical and


emotional memory of our grandparents in order to bring it into the homes of Expats families and our community at large.

Parents’ school initiative

A space to reflect on the education of children, based on the exchange of experiences and knowledge with other parents, educators and professionals from different areas. It is also an environment to develop parenting skills.

Family Festival

A space created for families where we expect the participation of educational institutions, private and community organizations, companies, our children with various projects and much more.

Thursdays with the expert: Talk Show

Every Thursday I have a live show where I bring topics of interest for families with expert guests on childhood and family issues. Topics such as finances, parenting, parenting, dyslexia, autism, family finances, the family as a tribe, healthy eating, education system, bullying, and many more. Don’t miss it, every Thursday at 21:00 CET in our Facebook group Expat Kids in Eindhoven.

Talent night

We are looking for children with different talents in the city for our ‘Talent Night’ competition. Riding the wave of virtual shows, we will hold the first edition of the event online.

The categories available for the competition are music, dance, poetry, photography, drawing, reading and comedy.

We want to continue to grow with our member families, currently we are approximately 1900 members, we hope to reach 2000 next year. We will

continue with our research on different topics to bring information to our families in our planner week consisting of Party time, shopping day, tips for parents, learning time, chill out and Hang out.

We will also continue with our family day meetings and activities in different areas for our children and their families.

All this as we always say focused on our 4 objectives:

1 To facilitate the children’s process of adapting to this new country.

2 Our activities aim to create a connection between the children and the Dutch city and culture.

3 To build and strengthen the connection between the children and their parents during this period.

4 Activities focused on intelligence, emotional and soft skills.

We invite you to take part in our activities and stay tuned.

Silvia Ardila Expat Kids in Eindhoven

To find out more about us, visit and check out our Facebook page Expat kids in Eindhoven or send an email to

Expat Kids

The Art of Designing a Career Abroad

The Expat Spouses Initiative (ESI) offers a variety of career programs to help relaunch the careers of internationals in Brabant. Previous programs have culminated in the collaborative creation of the Talent100 program with Huis Naar Werk and the LivingIn program of Holland Expat Center South. Yadira Yimmi joined the program’s second edition and has begun the process that will boost her network, skills, and confidence to restart her architecture career.

A Chance Encounter in Spain

Yadira is an experienced heritage-built architect from Colombia who met her Dutch partner in Spain. She moved to the Netherlands nine years ago after an unexpected invitation during Spain’s economic crisis. “He asked me, ‘why don’t you come to the Netherlands? And you can maybe find something here.” The proposal seemed “scary”, but also intriguing. “It was a really big chance. But I had nothing to lose.” In the end, it was worth the risk.

First Steps in the Dutch Labor Market

Yadira started working soon after arriving. “I had the opportunity to work with someone who had a small architecture office.” Despite the work being inconsistent, at least she was able to stay connected in her profession. “I like to learn new things and to have new knowledge. That’s very important for me in life.”

Volunteer Work to Use and Hone Skills

Yadira also volunteered. First with Doctors without Borders, making architectural drawings for hospitals in Africa. Then, at an architecture center in Haarlem and later the Maxima MC in Eindhoven. Through volunteering she was able to stay professionally active and practice Dutch. Learning Dutch was also important for Yadira. “I

Yadira Yimini

immediately started intensive Dutch courses so that in three or four months I got to level A1 and A2.” Later she switched to self-study and eventually passed the staatsexamen ‘Nederlands als tweede taal (Nt2)’, advancing her language skills to B2 level.

”Although in the beginning it was possible to work without speaking Dutch, over the years it became more and more difficult to practice my profession without the language.”

And Talent100 to Boost Confidence and Visibility

Yadira joined the Women for Women (WfW) edition IX of the Talent100 program after an acquaintance mentioned it.

Talent100 is an intensive three-month program designed to reintegrate local international professionals, called Talents, into the local labor market. There are three different tracks for Talents to follow depending on the stage of their professional journeys: Career Discoverers, Kickstarts or Women for Women. Talents from each track participate in workshops guided by career coaches and experts to learn and develop their market-ready materials before attending networking events and campaigns.

Thanks to the program’s help, Yadira is receiving better responses to her job applications. “Before I started the program, I applied for a job and I was rejected almost every time. Now I receive more opportunities to do interviews.”

Harnessing the Talent100 Network

The other Talents and her ambassador, Judith van

Kaathoven, have also had a very positive impact on Yadira. Of Judith, she said, “She’s a really enthusiastic and positive person... I really appreciate that.”

All the Talents support each other. “I felt that I had a good network in the time that I lived here, but it’s not true at all…But with the other Talents, we have our group…If we find somebody or some information, we are really happy to share it with everybody.” As the program draws to a close, Yadira’s goal is to find a job. But she also says, “what is more important in this moment is to increase my network and to change my mind regarding how to approach the Dutch job market.” She credits the ESI for the progress she has made. “I would really like to say thank you to the Expat Spouses Initiative and the Women for Women program.” Like Yadira, you can begin the new year with a fresh professional outlook with the Expat Spouses Initiative.

And we have big plans for 2023 too. We remain dedicated to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in Brainport and beyond! To do so, we will directly engage companies, similar to our ongoing collaboration with Huis Naar Werk and the Talent100 program. We will also strengthen our existing partnerships with the LivingIn program via the creation of a new onboarding initiative for internationals, as well as, expanding the reach of the Women for Women program nationally. Follow us on social media to stay up to date with all our exciting 2023 news!

If you are an international looking for support to get market ready, email ESI at They can help you find the job of your dreams.

Expat Spouses Initiative

The 55th anniversary of the International Women’s Club Eindhoven


Firstly, we would like to wish all readers of HOWDO a very Happy New Year. This year, the International Women’s Club Eindhoven celebrates its 55th anniversary. Fifty-five years ago, American expat Margaret van Mourik started inviting international ladies to her home in Eindhoven for coffee and piano concerts. They soon decided to create a group to support newcomers to the Eindhoven area.

From HOWDO-you-do to IWCE

In 1981, the club’s name changed to the International Women’s Club Eindhoven, bringing it recognition amongst similar established clubs within the Netherlands and abroad. Did you know that worldwide, in 32 countries, there are over 60 International Women’s Clubs who open their doors to each other? In 1980, IWC Stockholm member, Elisabeth Sammann, came up with the idea of the

Meetings were held at members’ homes, and everyone brought an item to share. As the women addressed one another with the greeting “How-doyou-do”, this soon became the first name of our club. From this visionary and kind gesture, making women feel welcome in their new environment, came a great name - just like this magazine for internationals in the Eindhoven region. It seems that we have a lot in common!

Open Door association, to help with inter-club contact and communication. Today, the Open Door network still exists and assists during the transition period of moving to another town in the Netherlands, or indeed to a new country. Each ‘sister’ club in the network has its own identity, but newcomers are welcomed with open arms, and they all ask the question that our very first members asked each other: How do you do?

The 55-challenge!

In May, we plan to hold a day’s celebration of the 55th anniversary. In the months prior to this, all members are invited to participate in a so-called ‘55-challenge’! We want to spur our members into action to take up a personal or group challenge based on the number 55. They can be as creative as they want with this, choosing whatever they would like to do, and they are highly encouraged to share their challenge in public. We are excited to hear about and see a lot of activity around the number 55 in the coming months. Plenty of ideas for the challenge are buzzing around in the club already: for

example, biking 55K, swimming 5,5K, finding 55 useful or nice things in the house to share with people in need, losing 5,5 kilos before the summer of 2023, collecting 55 (!) kilos of bottle caps (feel free to call us if you can help us with this as it’s for a charity). Our Special Interest Groups will join in too, perhaps by making 55 cards, baking 55 cup cakes, watching 55 films in the film group, or by 55 small acts of kindness in the neighborhood. We are sure that by the time you read this article, more ideas will have been suggested. With this 55-challenge, we aim to serve ourselves and others, but above all, we are sure to come together and have fun.


Celebration in May

On Saturday May 13th, we will hold a Heritage Day event for our members and their partners. Whilst living in the Netherlands, we plan to celebrate our roots and rich, diverse cultures. It will be a closed cultural event, but we will also discover the local area of the location where we are gathering for the occasion. We will recognize the richness and diversity of our club by being together as one. In the

Regular activities

Of course, we will continue to organize our regular activities for the rest of the club year. Our regular monthly meetings have already been planned and organized, with interesting guest speakers from the

end, we are all people enjoying each other - that’s what being a member of the IWCE is about. On this day, members will be asked to wear traditional clothes if possible, or to wear the colors of their home countries’ flag. Being together, sharing good food and having fun will be enjoyed in the tradition of how this club started 55 years ago, in the garden of one of our members. A party for and by our members.

Eindhoven area being invited to talk about various topics. And in April, like every year, we will enjoy our club outing - but, sorry, nothing can be revealed about that yet!

For information about the IWCE, please visit:

International Women’s Club Eindhoven

Summa College

The last edition of our magazine was presented at Summa College Zorg & Welzijn (Health and Welfare). Our host was English teacher Lizette Wouters.

Students told us more about their school and vocational training. We got to learn about the social worker study and the teacher’s assistant education and about their experiences on their internships. We spent the rest of the night enjoying each other’s company and enjoying some good food made especially for us by students of Summa Horeca, also located in Eindhoven.

Siep Arts (student Social work) and Pien Caris (student teacher assistant) told us a bit about two of the many educations under the roof of Summa.

What does social work exactly mean?

Siep Arts: ”As a social worker you help vulnerable people function well in society. This term ‘’ vulnerable people” can differentiate from age and backgrounds. For example, some are elderly, and some are still in their teens some are mentally challenged while others just need financial advice. You help them with their problems in their day-to-day life, for example you provide them with information, advice and educate them about laws, regulations, and procedures from different aspects of life.


My own social work experience.

At the moment I’m working at the salvation army with homeless people and people with addictions. While studying here I also got the opportunity to travel abroad, and I chose to do my internship in Ireland. I worked there as a youth worker in one of the most troubled areas in Dublin. And I was able to figuratively spread my wings and not only learned more about the work and live culture as a social worker in Ireland, but I also learned a lot about myself. These couple of months have been one of the best experiences of my life.”

Pien Caris: “A teacher assistant is a great help to the teacher but is not only there to help during class. They are also there outside of class. This can be in elementary, secondary, vocational and special education. A teacher assistant is there to ease the burden on teachers’ shoulders and make things run smoothly. After this course, there are an incredible number of possibilities. Many students go for further education, for example, the primary school teacher course or higher vocational education. Most teacher assistants focus on small groups of children that need extra assistance or are more challenging. The group I’m supporting is 4 till 6 years old.

The teacher assistant course has changed a lot since last year. Instead of teaching subjects separately like pedagogy and didactics, these subjects are now being taught in one class. This so that students actually learn to combine the information they learn and directly use it at their internships. School and internships used to feel like two separate things but are now very much connected. In our children’s development class, we learned about toddlers, how they develop themselves and how they perceive the world around them.“

Lizette Wouters continues:

“Our Teaching assistants and Pedagogic employees

Education would like to work together with Expats and Internationals and invite you to contact us if you are interested in co-creating with us or being critical friends in this process. We are thinking about all kinds of little projects where our students get more in contact with Internationals, Expats and their children. We could offer all kinds of things like:

• Reading Dutch books with kids from Expats and Internationals

• Tutoring children at home

• Doing activities with children to stimulate the Dutch language

• Offering a place for expats and Internationals to interact for example by organizing a high tea with students and Expats and Internationals

• Experiencing working in multicultural childcare services for students and training their language skills in real-life experiences.

If you’re interested in actively brainstorming with us or just get informed about everything, please contact Lizette Wouters

E: T 06-43046791

With more than 250 courses within 26 schools, Summa College trains professionals in the Brainport region that employers want. These sector-oriented schools provide vocational training in different learning pathways and at different levels.

Summa College

V-TEACH EdTech Company with Roots in Eindhoven

Education needs a relook…

It is no exaggeration to say that young children today need to be equipped with an entirely different set of skills than they did a generation ago. The education model is still primarily teacher and education-boardcentric; this model needs an overhaul right from the fundamentals to cater to imparting practical and future skills, thus knowledgecentric. Democratization is essential to how knowledge is acquired and put to use and calls for a paradigm shift in the education system. The future educational institutions and traditional universities need to become “PHYGITAL” - Partly physical, partly digital. The sector needs to move along with the times of digitization; for instance, today’s generation can consume information and knowledge via multiple sources and at a pace not seen before. The future of education is digitally enabled for any place, anytime, and anyone.

Segment of “One”

The skill needs of the future will need a very diverse skilled workforce, and rapid advancement in technology will call for our future citizens to contribute in multiple facets of development with multiple capabilities. This means that education can no longer be generalized at scale and needs to be contextual to the skill needs and core interests of children, thus the Segment of “One.” In this digital age, where the boundaries between information and education are blurring, we need to adapt how we educate our future citizens of the world. This realization, accompanied by an entrepreneurial spirit; two years ago, Ms. Supriya Vij (CEO and Founder V-Teach) instituted V-Teach as an EdTech company based in the High Tech Brainport region. V-Teach is an online coaching and teaching platform with the single purpose of making education accessible anytime, anywhere, and to everyone in society. Our mission is to bring fundamental change in the way knowledge is provided and acquired by


our future generations by leveraging digital capabilities–a change catalyst in the education sector.

It is a mission we are embarked upon

A little help can work wonders when given at the right time and in the right quantum through a suitable medium. Being avid believers in this fact, we started V-Teach as a platform to elevate students’ academic performance and, in turn, their confidence and

self-belief. As teachers ourselves at the very core, we understand the problems students go through in their studies and have tried (are trying continuously) to address each of them on a granular level with the help of our global, dynamic and diverse team. It is imperative at V-Teach for us to consider each child as a Segment of “One” and tend to their contextual need to learn. The online mode of teaching has enabled us to go truly beyond the boundaries of institutions, with expert teachers from different parts of the world

V-Teach 49

becoming part of our mission. Lastly, regardless of how fast the world might be changing, we stay committed to our mission with an acute focus on the quality of education for our next generation of thinkers and problem solvers.

The Setup

V-Teach offers online tutoring with interactive classes and a well-structured STEM (Science, Technology, Mathematics, and English) curriculum for primary and secondary grade students. Our teaching methodology is heavily focused on application-based learning, and we follow an all-around problem-solving practice model across our classes. Quality being paramount, teachers undergo an intense vetting process, ensuring they have excellent command over their subjects. Our passionate team of tutors emphasizes curiosity, personal growth, and helping children achieve their academic goals.

In addition to the regular courses, V-Teach has a sharp focus on building basic and advanced coding capabilities in the students. Coding is an essential skill today and in the future for inculcating problemsolving skills in the young generation. V-Teach offers comprehensive packages for Scratch, MIT App Inventor, Python, Java Programming, and Web Development courses (JavaScript, CSS, and HTML)

Our Passion and Future

At V-Teach, we firmly believe in the importance, and the societal impact education brings to our world. Therefore, we continue to strive hard, every day to improve the content, quality, and means by which we impart learning to our students. Our company strategy is built on these core foundational values and our unwavering desire to empower the future generation for the betterment of society at large. Starting with The Netherlands as the first border, we are excited to be expanding internationally to the UAE and India in the very near future. We are true to our passion for revolutionizing the education sector and are fortunate to be able to impact society in a positive way.

Supriya Vij

Supriya is an experienced entrepreneur having launched multiple start-up companies to contribute to the society at large. She moved from India more than a decade ago and her company V-Teach is driven by the purpose of enabling a paradigm shift in the education sector. Supriya is also passionate about connecting with communities and serving the interest of internationals here in the Netherlands via the talk show on Radio 4 Brainport. She also is part of the Eindhoven community and contributes to causes like women empowerment and education for the needs of the future.

If you want to find out how V-Teach can be of assistance, please reach out at or by calling us at +31657185949. You can book a no-obligatory free trial class via the website,

V-Teach V-Teach 50

House prices in the Netherlands fall for third month in a row

The most recent figures from Statistics Netherlands (CBS) show that the average cost of buying a house in the Netherlands has fallen for the third month in a row, dropping by 0,5 percent between September and October 2022.

Dutch house prices had been rising steadily for years before skyrocketing during the coronavirus pandemic, with prices doubling between 2013 and this summer. Over the past several months, however, there’s been a slight shift in the Dutch housing market, with both CBS and real estate association NVM recording notable drops in prices.

This trend has continued into the autumn, with the latest figures published by CBS revealing that, while the cost of buying a home has risen by 7,8 percent between October 2021 and last month, prices have in fact fallen by 0,5 percent since September 2022.

Average cost of buying a house in the Netherlands now

428.000 euros

This marks the third month in a row that house prices have fallen, with CBS reporting an average transaction value of 428.079 euros in October, down from 446.263 euros in August 2022.

But what’s changed since the summer? As recent forecasts published by both Rabobank and ABN AMRO explain, the falling prices can be attributed to a range of factors, most notably the high rate of inflation and rising cost of living, as well as the high cost of energy, and rising interest rates on mortgages.


If you need financial advice and professional purchase guidance, please call our financial
Marco Denis 06-11354579

Eindhoven Sport helps you find your sport in 2023

Eindhoven Sport is the place where Eindhoven residents can go with their sports and exercise questions. On the website you will find information about, for example, exercise options and sporting events in the city and renting a sports hall. But you can also get in touch with sports directors. They are active in the different neighborhoods of Eindhoven and can help you find a sport that matches your wishes and personality.

Ben Wiermans is one of the sports directors of Eindhoven Sport. We spoke to him about his work and Dutch sports culture. Ben says: “Together with my colleagues, I help residents with specific sports questions. For example, I inform internationals about sports and exercise options. To do this well, I work together with organizations such as the Holland Expat Center South. But I also help sports associations to ensure that their offer matches the various target groups as well as possible.”

Free trial lessons

Whether you want to do a sport you already know or want to try something new, it is always nice to first see if a sports club suits you. Fortunately, you can. Usually you get one or two free trial lessons at a club. Doesn’t it appeal to you? Then just go look elsewhere. There is plenty of choice. From the typical Dutch korfball to basketball, cricket, water polo, horse riding, athletics, badminton, swimming, table


tennis and dancing. In addition, there is a sports offer specifically for women, people with a disability and the over-55s. A complete overview can be found on Ben Wiermans: “You absolutely don’t need any experience or talent to participate. Everyone is welcome. It’s not just about performing, but also about having fun together. There are often different teams divided by level”. Too much information at once? Ben and his fellow sports directors from Eindhoven Sport are happy to give you advice. Fill in the form on sportvragen and they will contact you.

Connecting internationals and sports providers Wiermans continues: “If you recently moved to Eindhoven and your Dutch isn’t that good yet, it can be quite a step to start exercising. Cycling and jogging are easily accessible, but joining a sports club is often more difficult. We expeience that people really have to cross a threshold for this. Our main task is therefore to bring internationals into contact with sports providers. Commercial providers are often found, but associations with team sports such as football, hockey or basketball are much less likely to be found. That while team sports have a number of positive sides if you have only just moved somewhere. Your Dutch improves automatically and by doing voluntary work within the club, for example,

you increase your circle of acquaintances. At the same time, it is also nice for your Dutch teammate to get to know you and your culture. Working out together connects.”

More information

Would you like to know more about the difference between sports at an association and at a commercial sports club? Scan the QR code. This is explained for you in a video and you will immediately get to know the Eindhoven badminton club Sport N Socialize. At you will find more information about Eindhoven Sport itself and the work of the sports directors. Click on ‘translate’ in the right corner for the website in a language of your choice. If you have any questions, you can also contact sports director Ben Wiermans via or 06 18 34 78 25.

Eindhoven Sport
Eindhoven Sport is part of the municipality of Eindhoven.

In total there are 3 Spanish Honorary Consuls in the Netherlands in regions where many Spaniards work and live. The Honorary Consul of Spain in Brabant will be the point of contact for all Spaniards in Brabant.

All official matters such as passport applications, birth registration, etc. will still go through the Consulate in Amsterdam.

This volunteer position is fulfilled by Maria Montaña Nieweg-Montero Alvarez. Montaña is the daughter of one of the first labor migrants in Eindhoven. Her father came to work for Philips in the 1960s. What many people don’t know is that there was a very large Spanish community in Eindhoven in the 60s and 70s. In that time a lot of activities were organized with help from Philips and the Spanish government.

Montaña’s wish is to build a community just like before, so that Spaniards can meet each other at special moments, but also help each other in lesser times. Soon she will be calling on social media to build this community.

Montaña is 52 years old, married to Alex Nieweg, and has a daughter, Isabel. She works at the municipality of Eindhoven, Economy & Culture.

The HC Spain can be reached by mail:

On December 12, 2022 the Honorary Consul of Spain in Brabant was officially appointed in Eindhoven by the Spanish Embassy in The Hague.

For more information or contact, surf to

Happy new year!

Also looking forward to the new year? Start 2023 with resolutions! Check out our Dutch courses and English courses starting in January.

Dutch courses:

• Dutch level 1 - to A1 - superintensive: starts Monday, January 16, 9am - 11:15 am, 16 lessons

• Dutch level 2 - to A2 - twice a week (Tue-Sat) starts Tuesday, January 17, 7 pm - 8:30 pm, 24 lessons

• Dutch level 2 - to A2 - superintensive, starts Monday, January, 30, 7 pm - 9:15 pm, 16 lessons

• Nederlands niveau 3 - naar B1 - superintensief, starts, Tuesday, January, 31, 7 pm - 9:15 pm, 16 lessons

• Nederlands conversatie B1+, starts Thursday, January 19, 7 pm - 8:30 pm, 12 lessons

Limitless learning at Volksuniversiteit regio Eindhoven
English spoken course: Poetry Circle starts: Wednesday, January 18, 7 pm - 9 pm, 6 lessons Do you need more information? Please call: 040-7820810 (Mon-Thu 10.00-12.30) or sent us an email:, or visit our website:
flexible car subscription
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We wish everyone a healthy, happy and tasty 2023!

Healthy start of the new year

Do you also want to start the new year with tasty, healthy and naturally fresh food? Then VensZ is the right place for you! A while ago we made the switch from only chicken dishes to a wider choice. We also have meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan dishes now. All prepared in-house with fresh ingredients. The chicken runners have remained, such as chicken piri-piri from the BBQ, rendang, ‘kipsalon’ and chicken burger.


For beer lovers we have draft beer and specialty beers. Prefer a nice wine? You’re at the right place as well. Delicious with your dish or with a small bite.


Of course we also have tasty food for children with a little treat after dinner. Tel 040-2984000

In short, don’t hesitate and visit us soon if you want to enjoy yourself in a cozy restaurant!


We, Jochem & Yvette are the proud owners of this beautiful café with a rich history and a fantastic future. We are the hosts, always personally present and welcome all our guests with the motto “Life is a lot better with beer & bitterballen”.

Our range includes 40 beautiful bottled specialty beers and always 10 delicious draft beers. We hope to welcome you to enjoy our delicious specialty beers and snacks.

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The TurkishOttoman:cuisine at


Meat dishes from the charcoal grill are the basis of our Mediterranean cuisine.

The glowing coals immediately sear the meat and give a nice grill taste.

The Ottoman is not just a restaurant, but a complete and unforgettable experience in an atmospheric ambiance. Our restaurant can accommodate more than 50 people. The skilled and hospitable staff ensure that you will have a great time! Reservation is not necessary.


Having an event on location or at home and you want to serve delicious bites and dishes without being in the kitchen for hours yourself? Let us cater you. You can also contact us for on-site catering for small and large groups. We have already catered many parties and events with our delicacies.

Strijpsestraat 200 A (opposite AH, next to Kruidvat) 5616 GW Eindhoven T. 040 - 257 29 54 E.
Opening hours: Mon-Thu 11.00 - 22.00 / Fri 11.00 - 23.00 Sat 13.00 - 23.00 Sun 13.00 - 22.00
The Ottoman is a modern Turkish restaurant in Eindhoven. Whether you want to enjoy delicious Turkish delicacies or a tasty quick snack? The Ottoman offers endless delicious possibilities! On our extensive menu you will find delicious dishes that are freshly prepared daily with love, craftsmanship and quality. Lia: “ The food was delicious and the delivery person was also very friendly. This was my first order, but there will definitely be more to come!”
Manuela: “Nice place, good food and friendly staff.”
Friday 20 January Stevie Wonder Tribute Saturday 21 January QueerSalon Party Friday 27 January We All Love 80's 90's 00's 10's Friday 3 February DeWolff Thursday 9 February Pinhani Saturday 18 March 40UP Thursday 23 March Warhaus Thursday 6 April Rondé Friday 7 April Tommy Emmanuel Bridge Festival presents | location: Muziekgebouw Eindhoven Coming up in Effenaar
TUE 10 JAN Sona Jobarteh Kora-virtuoso & singer from Gambia world SUN 12 FEB Randy Newman An evening with pop MON 13 FEB Pop Quiz The international pop quiz of Eindhoven pop FRI 24 FEB Ahmet Aslan Masters of Anatolia world FRI 3 FEB András Schiff World famous master-pianist classical TUE 28 FEB Sweet Caroline The ultimate Neil Diamond tribute pop TUE 28 FEB David Oistrakh Quartet Russian passion and romance classical WED 8 MAR Barbara Pravi The French singer-song writer pop SAT 11 MAR Tallis Scholars 50th Anniversary concert classical SUN 5 FEB Sunday Funday Music, food, drinks & fun for all free entrance SAT 21 JAN Rufus Wainwright & Amsterdam Sinfonietta Beyond classical pop SUN 26 FEB Freiburger BarockConsort & Vox Luminis Biber’s Requiem classical THU 2 MAR Orchestre des ChampsÉlysées & Vilde Frang Mendelssohn Violin Concerto classical THU 26 JAN Christian Poltéra & Ronald Brautigam Brahms’ romantic cello sonatas classical SUN 29 JAN Berlage Saxophone Quartet Bachs Goldberg Variations classical SUN 15 JAN Mariza Soulful fadista world Mariza 61


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