HOWDO Magazine 33

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THE MAGAZINE FOR INTERNATIONALS | EINDHOVEN AREA 33 Tourism Special NEW COLUMNS: Valkenswaard Marketing Visit Brabant: 6x new things to do Van Gogh Monuments 2023 April / May photo: Frans Claassen Fotografie
We are an Apple Authorised Service Provider. Dillenburgstraat 11C | 5652 AM Eindhoven | | tel: 040-2870700 Our technicians are Apple-trained, so you can trust us with all your Apple devices. That means we use genuine Apple parts to deliver certified repairs. What’s more, we’re recognized by Apple for exceptional customer satisfaction.

colofon foreword

HOWDO Magazine is a bimonthly publication by Uitgeverij RAWN


Fred van Deurzen

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Thoros reclame en ontwerp

Magazine Launch

Karishma Vij Supriya Vij


Frans Claassen Fotografie


Tour de Ville, Flyerman


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All materials and content are protected under article 15 of the Copyright Act. Copying is prohibited

© 2023 HOWDO Magazine

HOWDO Magazine is not liable for the content of the columns and eventual inaccuracies and or typographical errors.

HOWDO Magazine is a title of Holi Media and published under license by Uitgeverij RAWN

Many thanks to the contributors of this edition:

Andrea Agudelo, Monique Arts, Silvia Ardila, Beena Arunraj, Monique van den Berg, Yolima van den Berkmortel, Olivia vanden Broek-Neri, Monique Coolen, Constance Deelen, Marco Denis, Tamara Ernst, Josine Frankhuizen, Justine de Jong, Peter Kentie, Lidy Lathouwers, Jean-Paul Linnartz, Heidi Los, Monique Mols, Saskia Reuhman, Rebekah, Villon,

Dear friends of HOWDO magazine, While I’m writing this foreword for you, I’m looking at a winter wonderland outside my window, although the meteorological spring already has begun. Once again “Maart roert zijn staart”, a Dutch saying, roughly translated: March is a transition month to spring but the weather in March can still be stormy and bring snowfall.

But we’re looking forward to longer days, sunshine and we start planning our leisure time. Therefore in this issue we present to you our “Tourism Special” with suggestions from our partners how and where to spend your leisure activities. Our region has so much to offer, in this edition you’ll find well known spots as well as hidden gems. Go into nature, visit the surprising cities, be culinary surprised and spend the night. Design enthusiasts can indulge themselves in Eindhoven, known worldwide for Philips and the Design Academy.

And if you’re looking for a souvenir after your stroll: you should definitely read the tip from Eindhoven365….

Enjoy your HOWDO magazine!

Vrenken. 6 Asperges op de velden 8 Eindhoven Airport 10 Regina Coeli 14 Eindhoven News 18 STE Languages 22 International Creative Women 25 Regio Radar 32 Valkenswaard Marketing 36 Land van de Peel 38 Holland Exapt Center South 44 Van Gogh Centrum 48 Expat Spouses Initiative 52 Book review by Rebekah Villou 58 Eindhoven Sport 7 Eindhoven365 9 ASML 13 Rabobank 16 Holland Expat Center 20 Financieel Adviescentrum 24 Tourism Special 29 Wonka Podia 34 De Groote Heide 37 Prehistorisch Dorp 40 Visit Brabant 46 International Women’s Club Eindhoven 50 Expat Kids 55 Radio4Brainport 5

Asparagus in the Fields

May 18th – June 4th


Starting from May 18th until June 4th, the seventh edition of Asparagus in the Fields will take place. A unique event where flavour and excellent service meet in good atmosphere in an extraordinary ambiance. During almost three weeks a stylish pop-up restaurant will arise in the middle of the asparagus fields in the rural area of Veldhoven. Every day top-chefs prepare gastronomic delights with fresh asparagus from the fields.


This year we introduce a new, refreshing and varied programme. We launch several new concepts amongst which are the Business Evening and the Afternoon Dinner Club. Only the best Chefs will make their presence; Michelin-star restaurants De Rozario and Restaurant Eden, and the recently opened Restaurant Reverie, whose chef has worked for Restaurant Geranium Kopenhagen, voted to be the best restaurant in the world!


Eindhoven’s souvenirs

This edition of HOWDO Magazine is all about exploring Eindhoven. A rather exciting theme, and as director of the city marketing organization of Eindhoven, I have some ideas about that. In fact, I could fill the entire magazine with tips about this unconventional city we live in. I could tell you about independent movie nights and inspiring exhibitions you should visit, or about that lovely restaurant where you have to try the saltimbocca alla Romana. I won’t do it, though; it’s all a matter of taste and what excites you when exploring a city.

Besides, that’s precisely why we founded last year. An overview of everything there is to do in Eindhoven and its surroundings tailored to your liking. From delightful nature walks to a moving performance of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake by candlelight, you’ll find it right away with the handy search function. For example, click on ‘something fun with the kids’ or ‘no Dutch required events’, and get some personal guidance.

No, if you are going to explore Eindhoven, I have only one wish. And that is for you to take home a lasting souvenir. In Eindhoven, it’s not the lighters, ‘I love ...’ T-shirts, or hats. Nor the Delft blue clogs or kitschy posters. Here we have a completely different souvenir: the people of Eindhoven. After all, what

defines a city more than its people? On we have given our souvenirs a stage. Intimate portraits of remarkable people who tell about what brought them here, what inspires them in this area, and what their favorite places are.

For example, check out the story of Yetunde, who left her home in London to start a vintage shop in Eindhoven. I believe these stories help you get to know a city better. It’s the local encounters that give lasting memories. I invite you to look for these souvenirs during your stay in Eindhoven. And who knows, you will become one yourself.

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photo Wouter Kooken

isn’t the flight to Lisbon….’


Alright, it can be confusing. Two entrances to an airfield? But in Eindhoven this is the case. However, there is a clear distinction between the passenger terminal of Eindhoven Airport and the one of our direct neighbor; the Eindhoven Air Base. Every now and then, the air base security staff politely redirects uninformed passengers, with their suitcases, towards the entrance of Eindhoven Airport only a few blocks away.

Eindhoven Airport actually operates on an air force base. We use their grounds and services to facilitate flights for civilians. While you might think of our airport as the start of business or pleasure, right beside our terminal military missions are thought out and prepared to be ready in times of need.

The Eindhoven air base is home to the Air Mobility Command, the center of military air transport for the Dutch Defence. International partners such as the European Air Transport Command, Multinational MRTT Unit, NATO’s aircraft pool - part of which is managed at Eindhoven - and the Movement Coordination Center Europe (MCCE) are also housed here.

On the air side of the base, the civil planes have to share the lanes with the air force. But all well-

coordinated. So you don’t have to be afraid of accidentally ending up on a military mission. We understand it’s a bit confusing: as a passenger you only see the civil part of the airport. Except for maybe some Herculeses above you if you live in or around Eindhoven. But those planes are often on their way to do good or are part of a training for an aid mission in the future.

It’s actually a big part of the traffic to and from the base. Like recently after the earthquake in Syria and Türkiye. In order to provide fast and good quality help in times of disaster and calamities, the air force needs to have regular training. During those trainings, residents of Eindhoven and the surrounding villages sometimes spot or hear low-flying planes. There is no need to be afraid: this is a regular part of the training. So, next time you feel a bit startled by a low-flying plane, realize it might save a life one day.

If you ask anyone anywhere in the world what they associate the Netherlands with, chances are high that ‘water’ is in the top ten. (To those tourists who immediately think of the Amsterdam red light district and drugs, I can only say: grow up and get a life).

So yes, water. In my primary school I heard about how the Dutch had always fought with water and had reclaimed land from the sea. I grew up in the southern, hilly part of the country, far away from the sea but I was impressed with the engineers who had managed to keep our land dry and safe. ‘We’ control the water. If you ever visited the Delta Works in Zeeland you have seen what ingenious engineering is required to live below sea level. It is a heroic project that has nothing to do with me and yet it has always been part of my identity.

Until recently I believed we had indeed managed to control water. Until the water came from the other side and the river flooded the hilly region that I know so well. I watched it on the news and felt cheated. So ‘we’ were not that clever after all. The water was teaching us a lesson in humility. Well, point taken. Water is something to be taken

extremely seriously. The Dutch know this and they teach their children how to swim at an early age. They want to make sure that if their children are older and do stupid things – like teenagers do – they at least will not drown if they fall into a canal in Amsterdam (which really happens a lot).

Deep down, the Dutch love water. We complain when it rains, but we complain even more when it hasn’t rained for a long time. There is nothing better than going for a walk on a sunny day after it has rained. Find a fresh pool of water, watch how it reflects the skies and just keep walking. This is as close as you can get to walking on clouds. Sheer happiness.

Eindhoven Airport
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Photo: Koninklijke Luchtmacht

Through any kind of weather Everyone on bikes

Being so flat, the Netherlands is ideal for cycling. And the Dutch do that a lot! When on holiday, at the weekend, but especially during the week.

rain gear is widely available. Besides that, sometimes all you need to do is wait a half an hour or so for the worst of the rain to pass. Anything is better than sitting in your car at the back of a traffic jam.

3. There are several fines for bicycle offences. The ones for drink-driving, driving through a red traffic light and cycling with a phone in your hand are the highest. And for good reason, since countless accidents happen because of these three things.

Special road signs

The traffic rules are often self-explanatory, but there are three road signs that may need some explanation for non-Dutch speakers.

Oh no, a wet seat!

Uitgezonderd fietsers (excludes cyclists)

The road sign does not apply to cyclists.

You know what we’re talking about, right? You want to hop on your bike, but your seat’s soaking wet. What do you do when that happens?

a. Dry it with your sleeve.

b. Dry with a tissue.

c. Just sit on it anyway. Those trousers will dry in time!

d. Take the cover off your bike seat and enjoy a nice, dry seat.

Dutch people go by bike to work, school, the pub, the sports club, you name it. And you’ll generally find them cycling through any kind of weather. Unlike in many other countries, the bicycle is a fully fledged means of transport here, and there are superb cycle paths in most places. In fact, many city centres are more accessible by bike than by car.

Whistling through the rain

Of course, it is nicer to cycle in the spring sunshine than through the pouring rain. But a heavy downpour doesn’t stop the Dutch (and the expats who have also adopted the habit) from hopping on their bikes.

With a little practice, you can cycle while holding an umbrella (note: it’s not particularly safe), and good

Top three tips for safe (and cheap) cycling in the Netherlands

Of course, as a cyclist, you’re obliged to obey traffic rules. If you’re not fully aware of what you may and may not do as a cyclist in the Netherlands, it’s useful to look it up.

Here, we’ve limited ourselves to the three things you really need to know when you get on your bike.

1. Lock your bike properly. Whether your bike is worth a fortune or a pittance, a bike that’s easy to steal is more likely to be stolen than one that’s properly locked.

2. Make sure you have good lights on your bike so others can see you well and so you have a good view of the road on dark stretches. Note that the white light goes in front and the red light on the back of your bike.

Fietsstraat, auto te gast (bicycle street, car is a guest)

This is a bike lane where cars are also allowed. Cyclists have right of way.

A bicycle seat cover? Yep, many Dutch people have a special cover for their bike seat to keep it dry. That way, they always have a dry place to sit when they get on their bikes. Incidentally, a plastic bag (without holes) also works great as a seat cover.

Request a free bicycle seat cover

Does the idea of always having a dry bike seat appeal to you? Then send an email to us at: We’ll send you an RPET (recycled PET) bicycle seat cover that you can use to your heart’s content!


voor fietsers

vrij (right turn on red permitted for cyclists)

As a cyclist, you may cycle through a red traffic light when turning right.


Regina Coeli
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With “Complete” we mean: with a full service and being ready for our customers at all times. We never let you down and charge reasonable prices. With good advisors and technicians, high-quality equipment and unparalleled service, we ensure that our customers never call on us in vain.

Because we are also brand-independent, we not only supply all makes of cars, but we can also provide honest and independent advice. For new and used cars and light commercial vehicles.

Rabobank: Comprehensive financial guidance, now and for the future

Rabobank has the Expat Desk especially for internationals. This desk consists of a team of 8 people, who are the direct point of contact for internationals in our region. Daniek van der Zanden and Els van Setten van der Meer are part of this team and are mainly involved in home financing, but they can also guide internationals in other banking areas.

Daniek: “We notice that internationals increasingly want to settle in our country for a longer period of time. The choice to rent or buy quickly comes into play, but internationals are often not aware of how this works in the Netherlands. That is what we as Expat Desk are for. We are happy to help internationals on their way to the Dutch housing market. This is of course possible in a 1-on-1 conversation, but we also organize information meetings, for example in collaboration with our partner, Holland Expat Center South. During such a meeting we explain home financing, but often we organize this together with an independent broker and a notary, so that the entire journey from purchase to finance to own is explained. In a no-obligation personal orientation meeting, physically at the office or via a video call, we zoom in on the personal situation and wishes and goals and discuss how this can be implemented. Els adds: “It is our goal to completely unburden the international financially, because most people who come to us are new to the Netherlands and still have to find their way in both work and private life. For the most part, these are private individuals, but entrepreneurs also come to us with their questions.”

Rabobank is emphatically working on the energy transition. A topic that internationals find important,

Daniek and Els notice, and where the desk can definitely offer added value. Daniek: “Once internationals have found a suitable home, a possible school for the children has been selected, etc., they don’t immediately think about the energy label of the home. We see it as our job to point that out.” Els: “At the moment, of course, the problems surrounding the high energy prices play a role, Rabobank expressly wants to demonstrate its social involvement in this. We can immediately make this concrete from the Expat Desk by discussing how our clients can make their homes even more sustainable and what the options are in terms of financing. That fits seamlessly with Rabobank’s mission of ‘Growing a better world together’: we want to provide comprehensive financial guidance, now and for the future.”

For more information, please contact:

Els van Setten van der Meer: 06 11 01 15 72 /

Daniek van der Zanden: 06 13 11 06 18 /

Autobedrijf Bos & Slegers complete in mobility! Steenoven 28 (Bedrijventerrein ‘Kapelbeemd’) • 5626 DK Eindhoven Telefoon: 040 252 24 25 • E-mail:
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The Dutch and the tulips

Patat, PiazzaParaplu, & PSV

Netherlands and tulips are almost metonyms. No tourist goes back without one of those tulip souvenirs. It’s simply a must-do! And with spring, tulips take over the Netherlands landscape. The Dutch have cultivated almost unrivaled amounts of flowers for centuries and currently produce around three billion tulip bulbs every year.

Tulips are bulbous plants that belong to the Lily family. Seventy-five species in all, the word tulip means turban in Persian. Despite their synonymity with the Netherlands and Dutch horticulture, tulips originated in the Middle East and only started appearing in western Europe after the end of the Medieval period. The Dutch gradually perfected Tulips into a highly marketable commodity.

Tulips were cultivated in Constantinople as early as 1055. By the 15th century, tulips were among the

most prized flowers, becoming the symbol of the Ottomans. These iconic flowers were introduced to the Netherlands during the mid-16th century. Western diplomats to the Ottoman court observed and reported on them, and they were rapidly introduced into Europe and became a much sought-after commodity during tulip mania. Tulips were frequently depicted in Dutch Golden Age paintings and have become associated with the Netherlands.

The story of Tulips is not complete without the role of botanist Carolus Clusius. He planted tulips in both a teaching garden and his private garden in late 1593. These tulips at Leiden would eventually lead to both the tulip mania and the tulip industry in the Netherlands. In 1596 his garden was robbed for the tulips.

Age when prices of tulips reached extraordinarily high levels. The popularity soared from 1596 to 1637. The major acceleration started in 1634 and then dramatically collapsed in February 1637. It is generally considered to have been the first recorded speculative bubble or asset bubble in history. At the peak of tulip mania, in February 1637, some single tulip bulbs sold for more than ten times the annual income of a skilled artisan. The two remarkable species of tulips sold for whopping figures during the tulip mania are recognised as Viceroy and Semper Augustus.

Semper Augustus” was the most expensive tulip during the 17th-century tulip mania. “The colour is white, with Carmine on a blue base, and with an unbroken flame right to the top” – wrote Nicolas van Wassenaer in 1624 after seeing the tulip in the garden of one Dr Adriaen Pauw, a director of the new East India Company. The Viceroy sold for 3000 to 4000 gilders at the peak of Tulip mania. These expensive variations were characteristic of a broken pattern. The flowers looked like their primary colour was streaked with white or yellow. Interestingly, a botanist Dorothy Cayley found the cause of this pattern to be a virus.


It’s a little-known fact that tulips are edible. The tradition of eating tulip bulbs and petals was born out of Dutch pragmatism during times of famine in the last year of World War II. During the German occupation, a harsh winter fell upon the Netherlands in 1944-45. Farming restrictions and strict food rations forced the Dutch to find nutrition in the tulip bulbs, which were both available and energy-rich. Thus tulip soup, tulip bread and tulip balls were found in recipes in local magazines.

cucumber pair well with tulips in a salad. You can also add tulips to foods like tuna salad. You can spruce up your cocktails with tulips. The wonder petals can be great ice cream garnishes too. Consider filling an opened bloom with ice cream! Sarah Buckley, a botanist and food blogger, recommends adding lavender honey or basil ice cream in the center of the tulip flower and sprinkling some candied tulip petals onto the ice cream scoops. Behold! A spring stunner at Easter or a mother’s day treat.

A note of caution

If you decide to chomp on the tulips, take care to remove the bitter and potentially poisonous yellow core. Tulip bulbs are usually heavily sprayed with pesticides, so make sure to buy organic bulbs. Occasionally, a Tulip itch or rash has been observed with mild allergic symptoms such as a runny nose and sometimes along with mild gastrointestinal allergic symptoms.


Tulip mania was a period during the Dutch Golden

Although the origins of eating tulips hark back to a dark time in history, today, eating tulip bulbs and their flowers is a way of celebrating the harvest season. The tulips are a member of the allium family, such as onion and garlic. Tulips can add a mild flavour and a crunchy texture to a dish. Celery and

Beena Arunraj is the editor-in-chief and director of Eindhoven News. She is a freelance writer, creates powerful web content and inks brand campaigns for her living. The most important principle in her life is «equality and fairness» so, a natural fit in the Netherlands.

Eindhoven News
Tulip mania
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The Living In Program is part of the Municipality of Eindhoven/ Holland Expat Center South. We help internationals to settle in and to feel more at home in the Eindhoven region. We work together with all kind of organizations in the region. This time I would like to give information about Nature and Recreation areas in the Eindhoven region!

For more information about the Living In Program, please contact Josine Frankhuizen of Holland Expat Center South:

Check our free events on our website eventpage: or follow us on Linkedin and Instagram.

The countryside in the Eindhoven region is surprisingly green, and is a lovely area for those who like to bike, walk, or simply drink a beer on a picturesque terrace on a small Brabant village market square. There are various nature and recreation areas in the vicinity of Eindhoven to go out and about. Have fun as I do with my photo camera in these areas!

Genneper Parken

think you see an immense plain of bush and heather, but nothing could be further from the truth. Around the fens - the Beuven is the largest fen in the Netherlands - special plants such as water spoon and carnivorous sundew grow.

Limburg. It is a varied landscape with impenetrable peat swamps, open heathlands, vast plains, various lakes and fens, groves and sandy ridges. Countless special plants grow in this paradise for nature lovers and hikers and there is a rich bird area.

The enormous diversity attracts over a hundred species of breeding and migratory birds, making De Peel one of the richest bird areas in Western Europe. Discover this beautiful nature reserve, surrounded by authentic Brabant municipalities such as Asten, Deurne, GemertBakel, Helmond and Laarbeek.

Groote Heide

Almost fifteen thousand (!) acres of gorgeous nature. Stretching from the green southern side of Eindhoven, past the Belgium-Dutch border and towards Hamont-Achel and Neerpelt. De Groote Heide is a diverse and varied area of natural beauty of exceptional importance on both sides of the Belgium-Dutch border. Due to its unique biodiversity, De Groote Heide ranks among the top 10 of nature reserves in Europe.

The Genneper Parken area is located in the south of Eindhoven along the rivers Dommel and Tongelreep, the latter of which in particular has managed to retain its natural character and meanders strongly. This stream valley area is part of the ecological main structure of the Netherlands. Various shorter walking routes have been plotted here and you can also walk along the Tongelreep to Aalst and further.

Strabrechtse Heide

The Strabrechtse Heide is approximately 1500 ha and is located in municipalities of Heeze-Leende, Someren and Geldrop-Mierlo. At first glance you

Visitors have access to most of the heath. The sandy paths are situated in such a way that animals and plants can lead an undisturbed existence. Due to the vulnerability of the area, only quiet forms of recreation are allowed. Also always nice to see how the shepherd and his inseparable sheepdog together tend the herd. heeze-leende

De Peel

De Peel is a largely excavated moor area on the border of the provinces of North Brabant and

Holland Expat Center South
All photos in this article are by: Josine Frankhuizen De Groote Heide
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Stabrechstse Heide De Peel

Learn Dutch and live like a local

Eindhoven is a global village. People come together from all corners of the world and work together on smart solutions that make a difference. Speaking English will help you get around, but speaking Dutch will allow you to blend in like a local. At STE Languages our highly-trained native speakers will make you feel at home and know exactly what you need to make big improvements in your progress. Attending our small group courses can help you take those first steps! Interested in joining?

Why STE Languages?

 Feel confident in speaking Dutch

Stop worrying and start enjoying

 Small groups

Learn from each other in a supportive atmosphere.

 Personal approach

Tailor-made training based on your personal needs

 Skilled trainers

Highly-qualified, experienced trainers who love to work with the world’s citizens

 Learn when it suits you

Before work, during lunch break, after work or even on Saturday and during summer

Speaking the language is one thing… The added value of being part of the STE Community

Speaking the language is one thing, but feeling at home in the Netherlands is a whole other challenge. With our mission Meet – Connect – Grow we contribute to more than just our students’ language skills.

At STE, we have created a vibrant intercultural meeting hub. Being part of our community means having a growing social and cultural network in Eindhoven, all while learning Dutch. STE hosts events and workshops to introduce our community to Dutch culture, but we also like to learn from others.

Want to know the difference between howdo and houdoe? Visit, mail to or just give us a call: +31 (0)40 - 245 28 60 19 18

First buy to live, then buy-to-let?

We get a lot of customers who buy a second house to live in and keep their first house as an investment to rent it out. Sometimes people move out of the country and keep their house as an investment or for future purposes.

Whenever you rent out your property, you always need permission from the bank or mortgage provider. Every mortgage deed in the Netherlands says you can’t rent out your property without prior permission. Because of new Basel regulations banks need to know exactly what is in their portfolio. When a bank points out that it’s an owner-occupied house and mortgage, they have to be sure that it is owner occupied.

There are multiple mortgage providers which provide so called buy-to-let mortgages. The rates are about 1% or 1,25% higher than regular mortgage rates and you can only borrow up to 75% or in some cases up to 90% of the market value. This market value however could be slightly lower in case of a sitting tenant.

If you have already moved abroad, you are no longer eligible to get a Dutch mortgage. So always make sure you arrange your mortgage before moving abroad and before your labour contract expires.

MERLIN SEAFOOD: The new seafood concept at Stationsplein Eindhoven!

Merlin Seafood

Bar & Shop: fish at its best

various cooking competitions. He was nominated for the ‘Zilveren Mossel’ and he came fourth at the Dutch championships for apprentice chefs. Challenged by the versatility of fish and seafood products, he puts together a menu where delicious lunch dishes and beautiful fine dining dishes go hand in hand. His personal favorite? The Eel Brioche. A signature dish that you must have tasted!

If you don’t have permission from the bank and you rent your property out anyway, the bank might call in the mortgage and force you to sell your property. The property might be worth less in case it is rented and the tennant has so-called rental protection. So you could get in serious trouble even if you are paying the mortgage.

So if you are planning to move out of the country in the future or you might want to change your regular mortgage into a so-called buy-to-let in the future, please think about these issues right at the start. The right choice for the right mortgage provider could be life saving!

If you want to buy a house, please give us a call and we could make an appointment for an introductory visit to our office free of charge.

Enjoy a delicious lunch and dinner in our Seafood Bar or visit our Seafood Shop and ‘fish’ the tastiest fresh products for home!

‘Merlin’ is derived from the French ‘Mer’ , combined with the Dutch name Linda. It is a reflection of French gastronomic quality, Brabant hospitality and the richness of the sea. Linda Rovers is at the helm, channeling no less than twenty years of experience into this brand new seafood concept.

She is supported by chef Ralf Smeulders. Since the start of his career, when he was still an apprentice chef, he has been very successful at

If you need financial advice and professional purchase guidance, please call our financial advisor Marco Denis


Choose a table in our restaurant, marvel at the navy blue and salmon pink interior and enjoy a delicious lunch or dinner. Or pop into our Shop! Here you can easily order a quick ‘dish on hand’ or fresh Seafood products for home.

Merlin – Seafood Shop: the new seafood shop in Eindhoven.

Our fishermen set out every day for the tastiest exclusive fresh fish. Oysters, halibut, mussels or scallops: these are just a few of the fresh range. In addition to our range of fresh fish and seafood, we also have tasty dishes for home, fish salads and the most delicious to-go meals and sandwiches.

A gem. The hotspot for the fish lover.
MERLIN SEAFOOD Stationsplein 26, 5611 BC Eindhoven
Merlin Seafood – Bar & Shop is all about beautiful products from the sea. Everything is absolutely fresh and of the highest quality.
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Why Internationals can be great entrepreneurs

try new things. This character trait is especially helpful when starting a business because it enables individuals to take risks on new endeavours, even if there is some degree of uncertainty. It also allows them to experiment and make bold decisions that others may shy away from. This advantage is particularly beneficial in the world of business, where taking calculated risks can make the difference between success and failure.

Yes, moving abroad and starting a business is both scary and exciting at the same time. When you move to a new country, you may not have a job, a home, or a support system. This can be frightful, but it also means that you have nothing to lose. You are free to take risks and pursue your passions. You can start a business that aligns with your values and goals.

Moving to a new country is a remarkable opportunity, one that can be truly lifechanging. It requires leaving the familiar behind and taking a step into the unknown. When you make such a move, you must choose a new language, learn to adapt to a different culture, navigate unfamiliar surroundings, and build a new life from scratch. Undertaking this experience teaches you how to be resourceful and creative. It builds your resilience and perseverance, making you stronger as a result.

Such a set of skills is highly valuable when starting a business. Indeed, the challenges of building a successful business are not unlike those of building a new life in a foreign land. Both require you to be flexible, innovative, creative and adaptable to new circumstances.

When launching a business, being an international can offer significant advantages. Internationals bring new ideas and perspectives that can challenge traditional ways of thinking and drive innovation. Additionally, their affinity for travelling, their ability to speak multiple languages and understand other cultures can be a major asset when establishing connections and communicating with customers and partners.

By leveraging their unique experiences and perspectives, internationals can set themselves apart in the competitive world of entrepreneurship. They

can draw upon their diverse cultural backgrounds to approach problems from different angles and develop solutions that are both creative and effective.

Furthermore, Internationals possess other valuable traits that make them strong candidates for entrepreneurship. Uncertainty and ambiguity are common in the entrepreneurial journey, and internationals are used to dealing with them. Living in a foreign country presents unpredictable situations that internationals must navigate, honing their adaptability skills. This helps entrepreneurs to handle unforeseen challenges and make quick pivots when necessary.

Relocating to a new country is a daunting task that requires a lot of courage and determination. Internationals consequently typically have a higher tolerance for taking risks and are often unafraid to

The journey may be tough, but the rewards are immense. The pride and satisfaction of building a business from the ground up and succeeding is a feeling like no other. You are not just starting a business for the sake of making money. You are building a new life for yourself and your family. You are creating something that will benefit your community. It’s the kind of emotion that fills you up from within and reminds you of the power of perseverance

Being an international does not, of course, guarantee success in business. They still require a strong business plan, a clear value proposition, commitment and hard work, just like any other entrepreneur. However, their distinct ideas and experiences might give them a competitive advantage and make them stand out in a crowded market.

If you’re considering starting a new business, the experience of moving to a new country is a great way to prepare for the challenges ahead. By building your resourcefulness and resilience, you’ll be better equipped to overcome the obstacles and setbacks that come with a new business.

We understand that taking the first steps can be scary and overwhelming. That’s why we have created a supportive community of women who are all striving to make their dreams a reality. Together, we can share our experiences, learn from one another, and provide the encouragement and support needed to keep moving forward.

So, if you’re ready to embrace your fears, follow your passion, and become a woman entrepreneur in the Netherlands, please reach out to us!

International Creative Women International Creative Women | ‘T College 22, 5611EH Eindhoven |
22 23

Imagine the Eindhoven Region through the eyes of a tourist. Where would you come up with then? Is it the vibrant life in Eindhoven and Helmond and the urban area around, or do you fall for the charms of De Brabantse Kempen, Land van de Peel and Groote Heide? Are you booking a weekend away or do you want to come and celebrate an entire holiday? Or is a PSV football match in the Philips Stadium the perfect solution for you? Prefer to visit the “forbidden city Strijp-S”? Everything is possible. Throughout brainport you will find high tech and design next to rustic village centers with lots of greenery. The brown pub and disco next to cultural-historical icons such as Van Gogh’s heritage, Evoluon, Philips Museum and countless other factories. You’ve come to the right place to relax, taste, enjoy, experience and be together.

Your trip will only be a real success with a visit

to the better concert venues, theaters and museums in Southeast Brabant, and nature lovers can map out a beautiful walking or cycling route in the beautiful nature reserves.

Versatile and always nearby Enjoy shopping and eating out, cycling, walking or an urban tour: the offer in the Eindhoven Region is versatile and always nearby. You go into nature, visit town and country, be culinary surprised and spend the night. This is the place to be!

For this Howdo Tourism Special we bring together the tourist offer in the Eindhoven Metropolitan Area, the brainport area. We received contributions from regional partners. A special role is reserved for, a handy website where you can find the highlights of events and locations that are worth visiting. What a lot to do!

Hospitable, authentic, adventurous, creative
24 Tourism Special Reg io RadarE in d h ove n .n l cu l t u r e a n d l eisu r e r e c o m m ended f o r yo u
photo Nick Bookelaar

Culture and leisure recommended for you

The Kempen, the Groote Heide, the Peel and the area around Eindhoven together form that special Eindhoven region in which so much is happening. Day in, day out. What will your next destination be?

Have a look at RegioRadar Eindhoven and discover the cultural , leisure and sports activities you would like to undertake. You can browse through an always-fresh stream of programs, use the ‘Guide Me’-button or look on the map. RegioRadar inspires and provides you with an overview. About hiking or biking in the area for example, about the museums and castles in our region or what you can do during the holidays. RegioRadar has a smart design and is especially suited for mobile use.

6x Tips from RegioRadar in Spring 2023

RegioRadar Eindhoven offers you six hand-picked must do’s in the region for spring 2023. What will be your next destination?

Comedy Festival until SA 18 April Wonka Comedy Festival Regio Eindhoven

This festival is the result of the successful collaboration between the six Wonka Podia from the South-East Brabant region: The Wonka Podia is welcoming comedy lovers and will show a variety of programming at their Podia. Check out

Festival WO 1 May Airborne Holidays Best

Are you a real hero who loves action and enjoys going into the woods? Then these Airborne Holidays in Museum Bevrijdende Vleugels are just the thing to do for you! Join us and go under the guidance of military personnel on a tough training course.

Festival WO 10 May - SUN 14 May Bridge Guitar festival Eindhoven

The Bridge Guitar Festival is unique of its kind. There is lots of live music to listen to and the festival will host a variety of workshops, masterclasses, concerts and online activities. Expect a fun program in the open air on several places in town. Check out bridgefestival com

Expo until SAT 13 May Jukka Mompó Midrigal Eersel

Admire the very latest paintings by Spanish painter Jukka Mompó Midrigal. His photorealistic portraits demonstrate an impressive mastery of painting technique and understanding of color. You will find paintings, bronze sculptures, glass objects and photography by renowned artists from all over Europe.

Festival FR 16 June - SUN 18 June Zinderend Oirschot Oirschot

The start of Zinderend Oirschot is celebrated with fantastic artists, the best (cover) bands and the best DJs. Dance your feet out from under your body, sing along to the fullest, experience the unique musical atmosphere.

Expo until SUN 9 July Exhibition The Toorop Line Valkenswaard

In Eindhoven Region we are convinced of the power of collaboration. Together with partners, we boost the visibility of the range of cultural and recreational activities in the region. Thanks to: Visit Bladel, Visit Reusel - De Mierden, Visit Bergeijk, Visit Eersel, Visit Oirschot, Beleef Best, Van Gogh Village Nuenen, Visit Geldrop-Mierlo, Uit in Eindhoven, Land van de Peel, Visit Helmond, Visit Valkenswaard, De Groote Heide, Wonka Podia, VisitBrabant, Gemeente Veldhoven, Gemeente Waalre, Gemeente Son en Breugel.

This exhibition highlights the lithographic oeuvre of the Toorop family of artists. The Toorop Line features exceptional works of art from the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Rijksmuseum Twente and Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven, among others

RegioRadar Eindhoven is offered to you by Uit in Eindhoven Regio: a network organisation that creates connections between the 21 regional municipalities and cultural organisations. The goal? Stimulating culture, tourism and facilities based on structural collaboration, in the interest of the nearly 800.000 residents and visitors. The platform is supported by a contribution from the Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven.
Cu lt u re and le is u re re com men d e d f or yo u




Cooperating Wonka Podia in Southeast Brabant organize the very first Wonka Comedy Festival. From Thursday, March 30 to Saturday, April 8, 2023, the very first Wonka Comedy Festival will take place.

This festival is the result of the successful collaboration between the six Wonka venues from the region of South-East Brabant: Theater de Hofnar Valkenswaard, Kattendans Bergeijk, Parktheater Eindhoven, Theater de Schalm Eindhoven, Het Speelhuis & De Cacaofabriek Helmond.

The festive 10-day comedy festival is packed with regional, national and international comedy acts in all Wonka stages. Organizing gurus from the comedy world and programmers from the venues involved have joined forces for a high quality and varied line up, with something for everyone.

The venues are proud to present this Comedy Festival to the (Brainport) region. The Wonka Podia look forward to welcoming comedy lovers and discoverers of the genre to their homes. Young, old, of any nationality or background. The complete Wonka Comedyfestival program (including all No Dutch Required shows) can be found at the bilingual website and tickets for all comedy shows are available via the websites of the venues.


*This promotion is valid based on availability
in 2023.
tourist tax and green fee of 4.95 p.p.p.n. Not valid in
with other
(including room upgrade)



The international line up is truly fantastic. For example comedienne Fern Brady will perform at the Wonka stages in Veldhoven and Helmond, and New York-based Tony Woods has been booked for Parktheater. Glenn Wool and Jamali Maddix can be admired in Valkenswaard. Comedy Club Haug - the stand-up stage in Rotterdam - will move to Kattendans. And in addition we also have to mention Comedy Vibe. Thus a great opportunity to see international comedy acts in our Brainport region!





In recent years Glenn has dominated the international comedy circuit, performing to huge crowds in Holland, Singapore, Dubai, Cape Town, Melbourne, Montreal, LA, New York, Auckland and Sydney. He is a hugely popular addition to many of the great summer music festivals in the UK, including Reading & Leeds, Download, Sonisphere and Glastonbury.

APRIL 1 & 2



One of the UK’s most exciting comedians, Fern Brady is coming to Brabant! This comes hot off the heels of her previous sell-out show Power & Chaos which was filmed as a special and broadcast on BBC One. Fern also co-hosts the hit BBC Podcast Wheel of Misfortune where she discovers and shares embarrassing moments from the general public and celebrity guests. As seen on Live at the Apollo, Frankie Boyle’s New World Order, Roast Battle,Russell Howard, Jonathan Ross’ Comedy Club.





Tony did his first stand-up at the Comedy Cafe in Washington D.C. when he was 23 years old. Much of his earliest comedy work was on international stages, touring Europe and the Middle East.

With an assured stage presence and considered material that comes from a sharp perspective, he already has the aura of a comic well beyond his years. His last tour sold-out shows across the globe, playing the UK, Europe, Asia, Australia, and North America.

One of the most exciting emerging acts on the Scottish comedy circuit in recent years. His meteoric rise through the comedy ranks since his first-ever open spot in October of 2017 has already seen him nominated for the Scottish Comedy Awards Best Newcomer 2 years as well as being a finalist in the Amused Moose new act competition.

Keith is currently in high demand around the UK & Europe headliningall the major clubs, theatres and festivals. His critically acclaimed solo shows have seen him gracing the stage of the prestigious Royal Festival Hall and at London’s Soho Theatre.


Parktheater Eindhoven



Parktheater Eindhoven



Speelhuis Helmond



Hofnar Valkenswaard



Parktheater Eindhoven



De Schalm Veldhoven



Hofnar Valkenswaard



Kattendans Bergeijk



Kattendans Bergeijk



De Schalm Veldhoven



31 30


Canoe down-stream the river ‘de Dommel’, from Belgium to Valkenswaard. A bus will take you from Valkenswaard to a starting point in Belgium. There are 3 different routes: diehards can canoe for 11 or 9 miles, families with small children often choose a shorter route of 5 miles. You can rent a Canadian canoe for 2 adults and 2 children or a canoe for 1 person.

The area is enchantingly beautiful because you sail through nature park ‘de Malpie’. You can make a stop at a local restaurant with terrace at the riverside or just stop anywhere for a picnic.

Check all the possibilities of canoe-suppliers ‘Rofra’, ‘Puur’ and ‘Tof’ at

Water skiing

Get your instructions, put on your water-skis and go! The cable car will drag you over the water at a speed of 18 miles per hour. Do your stunts, jumps or slalom. Or just try to stay on your skis or board….

Outdoor swimming and sunbathing on a nice lawn: what a beautiful combination!

Splashing around in swimming pool ‘de Wedert’. This tiled pool is shaped like a pond. It has various depths (1.20 – 4 meters) and 2 springboards. There is also a playground and a catering point with terras.

Catch your own fish at nature park ‘de Malpie’, or at the fish pond.

More watersports at ‘Kempervennen’: paddling (supping), diving, wakeboarding, obstacle-run or relax at the beach. Tourist information office Markt 19, 5554 CA Valkenswaard Tel. +31 40 201 5115 33 32

Happy to see you De Groote Heide!

I still enjoy when I see that I inspire you, from big to small. Whether you wander or muse with me, discover my paths with your four-legged friend or see me as a large playground to learn from. “Find me,” is what I think then. I think it’s great that I bring you new ideas and that you continue to develop. I hope it stays that way for a long time, that you can find yourself with me, that I can continue to inspire you and give you ideas. May my forests, heaths, streams, paths and fields remain a place for you to find. I promise you: you can always contact me. Welcome to me. Welcome to De Groote Heide

De Groote Heide, that’s outdoors at its best! No less than six thousand hectares of beautiful nature stretch from the south side of Eindhoven to the Belgian border. The Strabrechtse Heide, Leenderbos, De Malpie and Hageven - De Plateaux and the Beverbeekse Heide are all part of this fine nature border park. And there’s more…

Everywhere in ‘De Groote Heide Nature Border Park’, which stretches from the south side of Eindhoven, via Valkenswaard, Heeze-Leende and Cranendonck to the Belgian Hamont-Achel and Pelt, traces of smart residents from the past and present can be found. With the right glasses on you can see how our resourceful ancestors sometimes manipulated nature and then went looking for how they could live in balance with nature. This interplay creates a quirky mix of overwhelming nature and human

ingenuity. Around 1900, De Groote Heide was one large heathland. Even now you will find several vast heaths here, but they are interrupted in many places by forests, meadows, fields and watercourses. This has created a beautiful and varied natural landscape of almost 6000 hectares.

An extensive network of walking and cycling paths runs right through De Groote Heide. For a short trip, but certainly also for a full-day program, there are also bridle paths, MTB and cycling routes to be found here. All this in a setting of beautiful and varied nature with forests, farmland, many heaths and last but not least: water. Lots of water, which can also be experienced in all kinds of ways. How about a nice canoe trip on the Dommel? Start your adventure at one of our special gateways.

The landscape is further enriched by the picturesque village centers and dynamic city centers. As a start or end point of your route through nature, but also as an addition to your visit to the region. Whether you choose a cozy terrace or a visit to an interesting exhibition or museum or just enjoy shopping, you will be pleasantly surprised.

All this makes De Groote Heide a unique place to enjoy, relax and recharge. Smell, feel, taste and admire!

Welcome back! I know you, you were here before. Wandering over my heaths, wandering through my woods, bathing in my streams? You’re back...Nice! I am glad you are here.

De Groote Heide
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Bjorn Snelders

The preHistorisch Dorp opens its doors again!

Explore the mystery of Land van de Peel

Within half an hour of Eindhoven awaits a region full of surprises. Wander through the mysterious nature, let yourself be carried away along Castles and Museums and celebrate life in the Peel.

Hidden treasures of the Peel

Castles and museums capture your imagination and transport you back in time. Enter the world of knights in Kasteel Helmond and dive into the legends of the mysterious Peel and a history of clocks in Museum Klok & Peel in Asten. Take a guided tour at the castle ruins of Kasteel Asten and step back in the time of witch hunts and tribunals. For a full tour of the history of the witch hunts in Brabant, step on your bike and cycle the Witch Cyclingroute around Asten and the Strabrechtse Heide.

A taste of the Peel

In the Peel we live life to the fullest and this “Bourgondische” lifestyle can be tasted and experienced in many of the restaurants and cafes in the region. From Michelin Star restaurants like The Rozario in Helmond to traditional Pancake restaurant Herberghe de Coeckepanne in Lierop. Raise a toast with one of the locally dra ed beers such as the De ige Aap in Helmond or Rabauw bier in Gij&Ik in Gemert. Or visit the Brouwerijcafe from Bavaria in Lieshout.

Back to nature

Land van de Peel gives you the space to recharge yourself, feel freedom and find relaxation. Enjoy the excellent birdwatching and silence in National Park de Groote Peel. Do you want to get back to nature? Take o your shoes and walk the barefooted trail in Toon Kortoomspark in Deurne. What will you discover in Land van de Peel?

This April, the preHistorisch Dorp (prehistoric village) will open its doors again. In this open-air museum in Eindhoven you’ll experience the past: from prehistoric times to the late middle ages. Listen to the exciting stories of the villagers, let them teach you their crafts from bygone years, stroll around the numerous old farms, and discover history by experiencing it yourself.

Experience the past

The preHistorisch Dorp is a great day out for children and anyone else who wants to learn how to light a fire, walk on stilts, bake bread, or shoot with a bow and arrow. These are only a few of the historic activities you can try. If you’d like to learn more about the past at your own pace, you can follow the audio tour or grab the museum guide filled with interesting facts about history.

The preHistorisch Dorp is open from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Tuesday - Sunday.

Special events

Throughout the season, the preHistorisch Dorp organizes special events around various themes, such as Vikings or food. Visit the website for more information about the program on the day of your visit or check out the calendar below.

 1 & 2 April: Festive opening weekend

 8 to 10 April: Historisch Foodfest

 27 to 29 May: Vikingfest

 17 & 18 June: Beauty & Fashion across the ages

 1 & 2 July: Crafts from the past

 23 & 24 September: Heksia

Group outing

It’s also possible to visit the museum as a group: celebrate a children’s party, organize a team building event or go on a scavenger hunt.

More info:
← Eindhoven (18 min.) Foto: Rabauw bier
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It is time to exploreEindhoven!

Save the Date for these Upcoming Events from Holland Expat Center South:

• Expat Webinar Filing Your Tax Return in the Netherlands: Tuesday 21 March

The Netherlands is a great country to explore! It is home to world-renowned museums, beautiful parks and unique attractions that can fill the itinerary of any visitor. Since moving to the Netherlands, I have been fortunate to visit many of these places. As a result, I have learned a lot about Dutch society and have an even bigger appreciation for its rich culture and history. Plus, it gives me pleasure to share my knowledge with friends and family!

Have you gone on a tour of Eindhoven? If not, I highly recommend doing so! Although a tour may not sound exciting, going on a tour of a city like Eindhoven is almost essential because there is so much happening here. It can be difficult to keep up with all of the changes -- especially when you are new here -- which is why Holland Expat Center South organizes a Welcome Evening on the first Friday of every month!

The Welcome Evening begins with a short welcome and continues with participants going on a guided walking tour of Eindhoven’s city center, which is led by an official tour guide from the VVV Eindhoven tourist office. These professional guides know everything there is about Eindhoven and are happy to share their wealth of knowledge with you!

For instance, you may have noticed that there are a lot of construction projects in the works. These tour

guides can tell you all about them and the impact they will have on the future of the city. They will also introduce you to hidden gems that you might not discover on your own, so that you will have a list of places to visit during your free time!

There is no charge to participate in our Welcome Evening. More information is available on our website:

Holland Expat Center South is a nonprofit governmental agency. Contact us with any questions about settling into Brabant by sending an email to We also invite you to follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn!

• Expat Housing Lounge: Thursday 30 March

• Welcome Evening: Friday 7 April

• Welcome Evening: Friday 5 May More

Canoeing Valkenswaard

You start and end this beautiful canoe trip in Valkenswaard, located in the Kempen. Canoeing on the river Dommel is more than an ‘easy ride’. It is a special experience that takes you through the most beautiful nature reserve in Brabant: De Groote Heide.

Flowing from Peer in Belgium, the rustic river meanders through ‘t Hageven, the Plateaus and of course the Malpie in Valkenswaard, a very varied and valuable piece of Brabant nature. Discover the splendor of the Kempen landscape by canoe and come to places you would never get to by bike or on foot!

Every day you can take the free PUUR bus upstream from the terminus, the parking lot of the Venbergse Watermolen, Molenstraat 211 to the entry point in Borkel (8.5 km/approx. 2 hours). There are 1-person kayaks and 2-person Canadian canoes ready to take you back to Valkenswaard while sailing.

Book your canoe outing now at PUUR Kanoverhuur Valkenswaard online at:

Holland Expat Center South
Olivia van den Broek-Neri is Project Coordinator Communications & Events at Holland Expat Center South.
information is available on our website:
38 39

6x New things to do in Brabant in 2023

As the most hospitable region of the Netherlands, Brabant has some new novelties to offer in 2023: in Nuenen, the newly renovated and expanded Museum Vincentre reopens to visitors under the new name Van Gogh Village Museum; Safaripark Beekse Bergen brings a touch of Africa to Brabant and gets a new Safari Hotel. The cities of Breda, ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg also have some new highlights up their sleeves for 2023. What is on your bucketlist this year?

NEW Van Gogh Village Museum (Vincentre) expands with Vincent’s Lightlab, Nuenen – April 20th 2023

Around Van Gogh, Brabant has something new to offer almost every year. The Van Gogh Village Museum (before Museum Vincentre) will be featuring its upcoming exhibitions in a newly renovated space with more room for innovative and interactive facilities and more room for visitors. In addition to the permanent exhibition on Van Gogh’s time in Nuenen, the new building will also feature temporary programs and temporary exhibitions. For the reopening, the interactive exhibition “Vincent’s Light Lab” will be shown there in collaboration with ASML. The new Light Lab will be a way for young and old to explore and experience how light, color and human perception work. Just like Vincent did in his time.

onward, even more animal and nature lovers will be able to stay there. Around a new savannah 112 luxury rooms spread over 15 lodges will be built right next to the Safari Resort and the Lake Resort. The apartments have full hotel services and - this is also new - they now will be serving breakfast, lunch and dinner in a new central building. The building style is inspired by the Dogon culture, a West African ethnic group that lives on the steep cliffs (an UNESCO World Heritage Site) of the Bandiagara cliff in Mali. Whether you want a weekend with the whole family or (just) a romantic night for two - everything is possible! Guests will be able to check in as early as spring 2023.

NEW Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen in Hilvarenbeek –March 2023

For a long time now, Safaripark Beekse Bergen has been delighting young and old alike, and from 2023

Het Noordbrabants Museum in ’s-Hertogenbosch

NEW Brueghel exhibition at Het Noordbrabants Museum in ‘s-Hertogenbosch – fall & winter 2023

This year, apart from the permanent collection of Brabant’s famous Vincent van Gogh, Brabant pays tribute to the world-famous Belgian family of painters: the exhibition “Family Reunion” is dedicated to the Brueghel family of artists and presents all five generations as well as their strong family ties, innovative thinking, irrepressible ambition and, of course, masterful works of art. exhibition will be on view from September 30, 2023 to January 7, 2024.

New Safari Hotel Beekse Bergen with a view on the savannah from your hotel room Van Gogh Village Museum Nuenen
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Het Stedelijk Museum in Breda


NEW Two new permanent exhibitions at the Stedelijk Museum in Breda – may 2023

You can’t miss a visit to the redecorated Stedelijk Museum Breda reopening at the end of May 2023. The museum boasts not one but two new permanent exhibitions: “The Nassaus of Breda: Castle, City and Country” and “The New City.” These new permanent exhibitions will take a trip through time and learn all about Breda’s important history: how the city is closely linked to the House of (Orange) Nassau and how the city flourished in the 19th century. Not the museum type? No problem, the Explore Creative Breda walking route takes you along numerous creative hotspots.

brewpub where everything comes together for a pleasant stay - freshly tapped beer, interesting tours and delicious food!

NEW Van Gogh NP Walking Route in Helvoirt –spring 2023

This spring will see the launch of the last in a series of five Van Gogh Walking Routes in Van Gogh National Park; the Van Gogh NP Walking Route Helvoirt. Vincent van Gogh walked a lot throughout his life. A lot! These walks formed the root of Vincent’s love of nature. Van Gogh walked all over Brabant. What a special feeling it is to be able to follow in his footsteps. Almost literally! In Helvoirt you can walk past seven Van Gogh monuments and places that remind you of the time the Van Gogh family lived here. In the surroundings of the village you can enjoy the authentic countryside with beautiful fields, woods and the drifting sands of Loonse en Drunense Duinen National Park.

Hall of Fame in de Spoorzone in Tilburg

NEW Hall of Fame in the Spoorzone in Tilburg

In the heart of the hip Spoorzone near the train station, this unique industrial building-formerly occupied by a swimming pool-has been transformed into a fascinating cultural factory with plenty of space for curious visitors. The Hall of Fame also includes the Ladybird Skatepark which has a wooden competition park and a junior street park. This ensemble is complemented by a skate café and a concert hall with an active agenda. Another addition to the raw Spoorzone is the LOC Brewery, a craft beer

More inspiration at Brabant. Closer to unique experiences.
Noord-Brabantlaan Eindhoven McDonald’s Noord-Brabantlaan Eindhoven
Castle Zwijnsbergen in Helvoirt ©Karin Borghouts
photography: Frans Claassen 42 43
Completely renovated, new interior

Nine new Van Gogh monuments

Revealed after research into Vincent van Gogh’s time in brabant

A team of experts has conducted research into the places in Brabant where Vincent van Gogh grew up and developed as a painter. As a result of the research, nine new locations have been identified as Van Gogh Monuments. This brings the total number of Van Gogh Monuments in Brabant to 46, all of which can be visited by bike.

Ron Dirven: “The Brabant landscape was also a lasting source of inspiration for Van Gogh. Therefore, in the surroundings of Zundert, where the painter was born and grew up, we also examined estates in more detail for their significance for his life and work. The estates of De Moeren, Buisse Heide, and Wallsteijn are being added because of the walks Vincent took as a child in this area and the owners’ connection to the reformed community in Zundert.”

In Etten-Leur, the Marriage Church has been designated as a monument due to Vincent’s relationship with the family of the minister named Kam. In Nuenen, the carpentry workshop of Theo de Vries on the Berg and the textile factory and residence of Louis Begemann have been added to the already impressive list of Van Gogh heritage.

Discover the story of The potato eaters and explore Vincent’s Lightlab

Open from 20 April 2023

landscapes and visit the places that helped to shape Van Gogh. They will cycle where Vincent walked, stop at places that Vincent drew and painted, and visit places that played an important part in his life.

Over the past few months, Helewise Berger (Curator of the Het Noordbrabants Museum) and Ron Dirven (Curator of Van Gogh Brabant) conducted research into places of significance in Vincent van Gogh’s life in Brabant. This was done on behalf of Van Gogh Brabant and Het Noordbrabants Museum, who aim to contribute to the preservation of the monuments and promote the heritage of the iconic painter through this research and publication of the results.

In addition to Berger and Dirven, Teio Meedendorp and Louis van Tilborgh (Van Gogh Museum Amsterdam) also contributed to the research.

New Van Gogh Monuments in Nuenen, Helvoirt, Etten-Leur and Zundert

In the current list of 46 monuments, more importance was given to places related to the painter’s family and friends. They played a significant role in the life choices that led Van Gogh to follow his passion and become a painter. Helewise Berger: “We were particularly surprised in Helvoirt by the many authentic elements in the house of Vincent’s aunts and the friendly relationship with the Protestant noble family De Jonge van Zwijnsbergen, owners of Kasteel Zwijnsbergen where the Van Gogh family spent a lot of time. In addition, Huize Mariënhof and Jagtlust in Helvoirt are also being added.”

Van Gogh cycle routes connect the monuments

There are no fewer than 10 unique cycling routes, with a total length of 435 kilometers. The routes are linked together by Van Gogh connecting routes.

The Van Gogh cycle route takes you around the varied North-Brabant countryside. From woods to heathland, from ponds to sand dunes, and meadows to polders. Visitors will cycle past rivers, canals and ditches, beside swaying reeds, along rows of poplars and pollard willows, and past old farmhouses.

Van Gogh cycle routes

• Cycle maps and a general map (also available in a gift box)

• Descriptions in Dutch, English and German

• Routes in Brabant app for extra experiences along the way

• Route incorporated into the existing cycle route network system with Van Gogh cycle route signs at every intersection sign

Cultural heritage and beautiful countryside

While cycling, visitors can enjoy the varied Brabant

• Cycle maps available at Van Gogh heritage locations, Tourist Information Points and online at

Start your cycling tour at the Van Gogh Village Museum in Nuenen, near Eindhoven
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The perks of traveling

After a happy landing in the Netherlands, you’ll probably start thinking about traveling again. Simply because you want to explore your new country and want to discover the beauty of the Netherlands with its variety of landscapes and all the different cities with their own specific character. Probably, you will also soon feel the curiosity to explore the rest of the continent. There are so many amazing cities and countries available, all in the blink of an eye.There is so much to discover...

A new way of traveling arises!

Besides traveling for work -for some more than for others- we travel for our holidays: we go on family adventures, or we are simply searching for paradise, whatever that may be for you… Every now and then, we need to take a break from our day-to-day activities and work.

Maybe you are not aware of it, but after you’ve become an international working abroad a new way of traveling arises. The moment you live abroad you have to/want to/need to make trips back home.

There are differences between traveling back home and traveling for your vacation. Traveling back home is not quite like having a holiday in another country, with the activities you choose for yourself.

Besides your desire to travel back home, often there is a need. For some, it has been way too long that you’ve visited family and friends back home, or you simply want to be surrounded by the smells, food and nature of your home country. You feel reloaded by the hugs from your inner circle back home. You are filled with tasty food, the way you like it to be cooked or served. Most likely you also feel instantly reloaded by the smells, the buzz of the city or landscapes that you have missed for a long time.

Managing expectations

Firstly, the expectations you have for yourself. But you also have to deal with the expectations of your family and friends, as you are expected to touch base with all of them. But that is impossible and it takes up a lot of your energy. Those trips are both lovely and exhausting, because you have to use your vacation days for it. Days which were actually reserved for slowing down a bit. So, a trip back home is often far from that! Above all, these trips back

home are a bit more practical compared to your regular long or short vacations. But, you can combine visiting your home country with a true vacation. You have a dedicated period of time back home, and then the rest is for your own well deserved vacation.

More ways of traveling - inner journey

Inner journeys are the cheapest journeys, and the most sustainable too. You don’t have to go far to experience the most amazing things in and around you. For example, by walking in a forest (we have many here near Eindhoven). By feeling the energy of the spring sun, by looking at the birds that our city offers us for free, or by simply listening to the running water in the Dommel.

More ways of traveling - The International Women’s Club Eindhoven

At the International Women’s Club, we are actually constantly traveling without leaving the city! Also a way that is very caring for the earth. We gather every month, organize outings, we celebrate, we donate, we grow together each time we meet together. We have the world in our hands, as by doing things together we are traveling, because our stories and looking at things takes us all back to our home countries! What a priceless gift! In a friendly and open social setting, we are traveling and exploring new countries, behaviors, food, habits. And all of them are rich, very rich!

We learn each time we are doing fun things together. Our book and film groups are one of many great examples of those experiences. By discussing a movie or book together, we are developing ourselves without even knowing it. We are actually diving into each other’s home cultures, and of course, the way we look at things at that specific moment. New ways of looking at things instantly opens our eyes and makes us more humble and capable of looking at the world as a whole, with all the beautiful people living on it. You can’t imagine how much being together is worth. Join us at one of our monthly meetings, so you can check it out yourself.

Contact us on: for more information about our next event.

International Women’s Club Eindhoven For information about the IWCE, please visit:
47 46

For the love of Science and Research

“It was the beginning of the terrible war in my home country. As a result, here in Eindhoven appeared a community of Ukrainian people looking for jobs. There are two Ukrainian supervisors from the municipality. And one of them advised me at the end of summer 2022 to join this course.”

Alexander had low expectations for Talent100 having done something similar before which he described as “quite poor.” But Talent100 was different. “When I started, I realized that this program is really good.”

Alexander also created opportunities through his own initiative. “There was a kind of labor exchange market with a lot of companies and you could talk to them directly.” From this one job fair, he received multiple interviews and he is hopeful one will lead to something more. “At least one company already asked me to organize a trial period.” Although there isn’t an offer on the table yet, Alexander is thankful for all the help from the Talent100 program, the coaches, and fellow participants.

Recommendation for others

Transitioning from academia into a corporate setting has always been difficult, just ask Alexander Ledovskikh. He has been trying to make that career move with little success, but thanks to the Talent100 program, Alexander has made great strides that have propelled him closer than ever to his dream job.

An Education and Career in Research

Alexander from Ukraine has a fascinating background in science and research. He explains: “I started my education at the National Technical University, which is also called the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. I graduated with a specialty in chemical cybernetics...After graduating, I worked at the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.”

He also completed a PhD from the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine before seeking fresh opportunities abroad in the Netherlands in 2001. Since then, he has worked in a variety of academic

institutions including Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), the European Institute for Statistics and the Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), always in a research capacity.

Outside of the Classroom

He eventually hit a roadblock and felt it was no longer possible to continue working in the academic world: “After I left Delft University I started to apply for a job to various scientific institutes and universities [everywhere], but always with negative results.” This prompted him to focus on companies. “There are a lot of companies doing some kind of research…especially in fields close to my background in electrochemistry, chemistry or physics.”

He’s definitely in the right place! There are eight campuses, like the High Tech Campus, in North Brabant—more than any other province in the Netherlands. These campuses are centers of innovation with numerous research institutions and R&D companies.

Positive Change with Talent100

Alexander’s fortunes were about to change for the better with the Talent100 program although Ukraine would be plunged into war.

Talent100 is a career re-entry program that captures the unique education and professional experiences of internationals in the Brabant region to help integrate them into the Dutch labor market. It is a collaboration between three top organizations: the Expat Spouses Initiative, Living In program of Holland Expat Center South, and Huis Naar Werk and includes a series of workshops like branding, career coaching, CV writing and more to teach participants how to market their skills, ace interviews, and land jobs.

It was hard work but Alexander completely transformed his application materials based on the advice he received. “I changed my CV a lot since I joined the program. Now it’s really, really different.”

Alexander likes the program “because it offers meetings with employers. It’s directly talking to them, introducing myself and showing an interest in the company.” Three interventions are organized for every edition of the program where participants can meet companies face-to-face.

He advises others like himself who come from academic backgrounds to “not stick to academia too much.” There are many ways that professionals can use their background and work experience, so it’s important not to cling too tightly to only one.

Don’t let stumbling blocks hinder you whether from your education, experience, or other circumstances. Instead pause and refocus like Alexander. A bit of upheaval in the short term can clear the way for greater successes.

The Talent100 program will welcome more Ukrainian professionals in upcoming editions. With more than 80,000 refugees from Ukraine in the Netherlands, Talent100 will help them relaunch their careers in Brabant. Of course, the program will continue to welcome other nationalities and professions from all industries, so contact the Expat Spouses Initiative today.

If you are an international looking for support to get market ready, email ESI at They can help you find the job of your dreams.

Expat Spouses Initiative
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Aleksander Ledovskikh

Traveling with children from Eindhoven

As expatriate families it is interesting to think that when we arrive in Eindhoven we will have the opportunity with our children to travel and learn more about Holland and the European countries that surround it, so during their stay many families want to take advantage and travel around the old continent.

In Eindhoven and its surroundings you will find destinations for all tastes whether you are a family that loves rural tourism, urban, gastronomic in our city and its surroundings you can find different plans or you belong to families who like more tourism in big cities or towns, you can also do it.

Well, what about those expat couples who arrived in the city and were surprised to find that they are expecting a new member and feel that now they will have to give up their plans to travel around Eindhoven, Holland and/or Europe ... or they will have to postpone their trips ... I have good news for you, you do NOT have to cancel or postpone your trips, so keep reading.

Our city is located in a geographical way that allows us to travel quickly from one country to another.

Either by car or by plane since we have our own airport.

By car we can easily go to Belgium, Germany and if we add a few more hours we can easily go to France, Switzerland) depending on the city or town to visit we could be between 20, 30 minutes in Belgium. 40 minutes in Germany, 4 hours in Paris and 6 hours in Switzerland and what to say about going a little further we will be in Austria, Hungary traveling by car.

Having an airport in the city of Eindhoven makes it easier for us as parents to depart via area to nearby destinations and be accessible.

Here we remind you of some destinations in Europe cataloged as family friendly to visit with our babies and children (Black Forest in Germany, Algarve Portugal, Canary Islands, Nordic countries, Cyprus,

Croatia) easy to reach from our city by car and with direct flights from our airport.

For families with small babies here are two recommendations when traveling with a baby. The biggest recommendation for traveling with a baby for new parents is that you should keep in mind that the days of walking or sightseeing will be less strenuous giving priority to rest and feeding times of our baby.

packing with your children.

4 Toiletries;

4 first aid kit or essential products in case of an emergency with your baby or toddler;

4 a sling or baby carrier;

4 stroller;

4 toys and/ or board games;

4 crib (some hotels offer them);

4 inflatable bathtub that you can get in Bol or Amazon NL (this is optional) in my case my inflatable bathtub has helped me a lot on trips;

4 Also remember to pack enough clothes in your suitcase, babies and children stain or get dirty easily, it is better that you have enough clothes and not that during the trip you lack diapers. It is true that you can buy them anywhere but it is better to make sure you have some diapers in your suitcase;

4 Jackets for the cold, depending on the place of visit;

4 Cool clothes, hats and swimsuits if you go to the beach.

Something to keep in mind is that babies when they turn two years old are already included in the bill for payment of the ticket on the plane and the hotel.

It’s time to prepare and plan the next destination to visit...

Another recommendation for traveling with the baby is that at the beginning you travel or make plans for short distances and a few days and step by step you increase this to get used to your baby.

On every trip as parents the time to pack and think about what to put in them becomes a headache, so here are some general and essential ideas when

Expat Kids in Eindhoven

To find out more about us, visit and check out our Facebook page Expat kids in Eindhoven or send an email to

Expat Kids
51 50


Mental Horizons


For some people, tourism and travel is an essential part of life. It combines the excitement and anticipation of seeing, tasting, trying, and learning new things, with the relief of a restless desire to simply “get away” from home, from the ordinary, from a daily routine. People who love to travel take pleasure not just in the trip itself, but in planning and thinking about it beforehand, and reflecting on it afterward. In the past few years, for some people, thinking and reflecting has been the only type of travel possible, and many of us experienced a claustrophobic restlessness we can recognize in On Lighthouses.

Jazmina Barrera’s On Lighthouses is a remarkable book. Although it’s described as a “collection of essays,” it does not follow any particular format. While each section is ostensibly about a lighthouse she has visited, the actual experiences are brief and fragmentary. Instead, Barrera explores lighthouses

with her mind, skimming through memory, reflection, literature, symbolism, metaphor, myths and meanings of lighthouses, with a sharp, lucid writing style that is difficult to describe.

It’s perhaps true that I like lighthouses because I’m disoriented. I always feel as if I’m adrift, which is why the image of the sailor lost on the high seas is so deeply disturbing. And then the lighthouse appears like Jose Gorostiza’s “pale pastor of fishing boats,” that lights the path of the sailor, the seafarer who has spent the night on watch on the prow...

York apartment, and her vivid mental leaps out to the wild and liminal spaces of shorelines, lighthouses, water and wind and waves, found an avid readership in people suffering in lockdowns. As she briefly describes her small apartment, with no natural light and no view of the horizon, where the activities of her neighbors come to her like sounds underwater, she connected with an unexpected readership, and the book (and this translation) got rave reviews from Harper’s, The Paris Review, Publisher’s Weekly, and more.

On Lighthouses isn’t just a book for travelers: it’s also a book for readers. Barrera’s stream of consciousness seamlessly merges personal experiences and reflections with references to Robert Louis Stephenson, Virginia Woolf, Edgar Allen Poe, and James Joyce, while describing the history of lighthouses from ancient Egypt through the middle ages and the modern era. The design and architecture, technologies from Faraday to Fresnel, the work and traditions of lighthouse keepers are all seamlessly interwoven with the myths and the myth-making imagination: what lighthouses mean.

Lighthouses hold out against the weather and the sea in the same way that ships hold out against the waves. “The sea is so great, O Lord, and my boat is so small” is the prayer of French sailors

during a storm. Exiled in his lighthouse, the keeper is something akin to a shipwrecked man. A voluntary Crusoe. Just as the escapist flees from a dark past, a failed romance, or ideology, or a person might seek refuge in physical solitude for what he carries within him, for the lighthouse keeper, exile is a choice.

This book simultaneously heads in two directions: it reaches outward, toward the unknown, toward escape, toward a limitless horizon, and yet it also digs inward. It is, of course, ultimately a book about solitude, loneliness, isolation, from which there is no escape.

I understand the objections to the desire to escape from the world. I know it can be an egotistical, arrogant desire, the attitude of someone looking down from above, from a tower. That’s why I find lighthouses so attractive: they combine that disdain, that misanthropy, with the task of guiding, helping, rescuing others.

Reading On Lighthouses is an opportunity to learn about lighthouses, real and fictional, and contemplate their past and future. But it is also an insight into the keen, restless mind of Barrera, as she sends it leaping and skipping out over the world, over the horizon, to the limits of her memory and imagination. It’s a beautiful book, for those who like memoir and reflection, and for those seeking a momentary escape..

Barrera’s book is the type that is rarely translated into English. A book of personal thoughts and reflections, written by a Mexican woman in her native language isn’t the type of work usually made available to English-speaking readers. The English version, translated by Christina MacSweeney, just happened to be released in May of 2020, when Barrera’s claustrophobic confinement in her New

*For those who are interested, On Lighthouses has also been translated into Dutch by Uitgeverij Karaat

Questions? Comments?

Suggestions for what I should read next? Let me know at

Book Review by Rebekah Villon
53 52

The TurkishOttoman:cuisine at its best!

The Ottoman is a modern Turkish restaurant in Eindhoven. Whether you want to enjoy delicious Turkish delicacies or a tasty quick snack? The Ottoman offers endless delicious possibilities! On our extensive menu you will find delicious dishes that are freshly prepared daily with love, craftsmanship and quality.

Lia: “ The food was delicious and the delivery person was also very friendly. This was my first order, but there will definitely be more to come!”

Tulips on the radio

Manuela: “Nice place, good food and friendly staff.”

Meat dishes from the charcoal grill are the basis of our Mediterranean cuisine. The glowing coals immediately sear the meat and give a nice grill taste. The Ottoman is not just a restaurant, but a complete and unforgettable experience in an atmospheric ambiance. Our restaurant can accommodate more than 50 people. The skilled and hospitable staff ensure that you will have a great time! Reservation is not necessary.


Having an event on location or at home and you want to serve delicious bites and dishes without being in the kitchen for hours yourself? Let us cater you. You can also contact us for on-site catering for small and large groups. We have already catered many parties and events with our delicacies.

Radio 4 Brainport regularly gives the floor to listeners. A recurring topic is “where would you take your friends and family?” or “what is your favorite music?” Not surprisingly, Bollywood and other film music rates well among our internationals from India. Some Indians even know the Netherlands mostly from the tulips gardens that appear in their films. Take for instance the Tamil film ‘Anniyan’ from 2005. It features the classic hit song “Kumari”. A sea of flowers seamlessly blends in with the plot. Dutch flower fields in Spring, such as at the Keukenhof are a “must see” for many tourists.

Even students at TU/e appreciate the evergreen music from India’s films. Badri Jaganathan told us that when he was still at school in India, he saw the video of Kumari. A romantic setting amidst tulip fields. It almost seems as if the magnificent views of the endless tulip fields are a cure to any issue and makes the couple fall in love. Seeing that clip, he was deeply impressed, but mostly for the technology here: Such magnificent flower fields, stretching all the way to the horizon, that could not be for real. Nowhere in the world there could be such endless fields. He concluded that the Dutch technology in rendering computer graphics must be very advanced to computer render these millions of tulips. But there was more: Dutch windmills, and somewhere even a train seemed to all to be “photoshopped”.

Yet, this was more than 15 years ago. Since then, Badri remained intrigued by the innovation and technological power of the Netherlands. Many years

later, he came to Eindhoven to do his Masters. But after witnessing the tulip fields for himself (Photo), he knows that Holland is not only about technology. Nonetheless, now a couple of years later he works for that “relatively obscure company ASML”; a world player in accelerating the pace of computer graphics, by ever more powerful microelectronic chips.

Tune in via DAB+, 747 AM or Want to take part in the programs:

Jean-Paul Linnartz is an independent radio station for the international community in the high-tech region in and around Eindhoven.

Strijpsestraat 200 A (opposite AH,
to Kruidvat) 5616 GW Eindhoven T. 040 - 257 29 54 E. Opening hours: Mon-Thu 11.00 - 22.00 / Fri 11.00 - 23.00 Sat 13.00 - 23.00 Sun 13.00 - 22.00
54 55


Garden Stones & Basics:

your one stop garden developer

Does your garden need to be taken care of?

Are you looking for tips for laying paving?

Or do you just want to know the properties of ceramic tiles, types of wood, concrete products or something else? Verhoeven Garden Stones & Basics is the place to go! Current “Verhoeven Garden Stones & Basics” has been a family business for 95 years. Founded by grandfather, expanded by father Verhoeven and now led by Bas and Tom Verhoeven.

Bas Verhoeven: “We notice that more and more internationals are finding their way to us, not only from Helmond but also from Eindhoven and Veldhoven. Many of them originally came here as “expats”: people from all kinds of countries who came to work here for a period of 2 or 3 years and then left for the next location. Now, we have the “international”: they settle here for a longer period of time and often buy a house. A lot of money is often spent on a cozy interior and the garden is not forgotten either. The majority of internationals want quality, and are willing to pay for that, but they want to be unburdened.

Customers come to us with ideas, some more elaborate than others. We have one conversation (in English) and after that there’s only one contact person, who gives advice and then we get to work for them and take care of all the rest. I dare to say that we are one of the few here in the region that takes care of the total

landscaping from A to Z. Of course there are good gardening companies, but they do not have a showroom of 2,000 square meters like we have.

We continue to develop and closely follow the new trends and we have various example gardens to inspire customers. We even have a separate ‘dark room’ where we can show all kinds of light systems. A large part of our show garden is covered, so it is a good place to stay with us even in less pleasant weather.”

Tom: “I mainly do the design and sales and Bas deals with the administration and purchasing. I have also been working in the company for about ten years now, but Bas has more or less grown up in the company and has been with the company for about twenty years, first with our father, who stopped working a few years ago. In our consultation rooms we can help

customers with garden design. We do that in 3D, so the result is immediately visible.”

At Verhoeven Garden Stones & Basics, “one stop” really is “one stop”. In addition to the landscaping, consider for example, the paving, roofs and fences, the planning department ensures that everything is coordinated and that the garden is not open for weeks. Bas continues: “We regularly receive customers who have bought the garden tiles from one company and the fence from another. Then the planning goes wrong, so that the paving cannot be laid because the fence is not delivered in time.

Bas and Tom conclude: “Since the beginning, almost a century ago, Verhoeven family was always about quality. We’re proud that we were able to continue our family’s tradition, and more than ever we want to be the one stop garden developer”


Kanaaldijk Z.W. 3 - 5706 LD Helmond

T: 0492 - 52 34 68 - E:

VENRAY Beekweg 52a - 5815 CN Venray

T: 0478 - 57 90 92 - E:

57 56
Verhoeven Garden Stones & Basics Helmond – Venray.

Triathlon association Triotters: a club for both fanatic and recreational triathlon athletes

Triathlon: The most beautiful combination of sports! You can swim, bike, and run all together with a group of sport lovers, all at their own level. You can start with us as a beginner or join as a full learned triathlete. The group of triathletes at our club is a mix of younger and older adults with a variety of experiences and expertise in triathlon.

Five times a week we train at different times and locations in Eindhoven, and now and then we plan some longer bike rides in the weekend. We swim twice a week, run twice a week, in the cold winter season we offer a core-stability training, and in the spring and summer a bike training. Besides the weekly trainings we join each other for a coffee or another drink after a training, there is a yearly club weekend organised by the members, and we have some fun activities on the agenda. These activities are often a combination of active and relaxing. As part of the trainings we organise some small internal challenges and competitions once in a while, and we join races together. Some members are part of our men’s teams or women’s team in the Dutch triathlon competition, and other only occasionally participate in a race. Fun in sports is essential!

For more information please have a look at our website ,send a message to or give a call +31 6 15166892.

We love to welcome you at our trainings and club!


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We wish everyone a healthy, happy and tasty 2023!

Healthy start of the new year

Do you also want to start the new year with tasty, healthy and naturally fresh food? Then VensZ is the right place for you! A while ago we made the switch from only chicken dishes to a wider choice. We also have meat, fish, vegetarian and vegan dishes now. All prepared in-house with fresh ingredients. The chicken runners have remained, such as chicken piri-piri from the BBQ, rendang, ‘kipsalon’ and chicken burger.


For beer lovers we have draft beer and specialty beers. Prefer a nice wine? You’re at the right place as well. Delicious with your dish or with a small bite.


Of course we also have tasty food for children with a little treat after dinner.

In short, don’t hesitate and visit us soon if you want to enjoy yourself in a cozy restaurant!

This free and annual cultural festival is organized by the student culture associations in Eindhoven, where all cultural disciplines culture on the TU/e campus!




The beginnings of agriculture, the arrival of the Romans, trade with the Vikings, the discovery of the New World and the arrival of guest workers all have one thing in common: they brought




entrepreneurship’ you will learn about the basics of ideas into something tangible and how to convince people to invest in your idea!




Get ready for Kingsday on Wednesday evening by celebrating



urban dance in many forms: from battles to performances, Popping to House and from Streetdance to Experimental, all urban Tel 040-2984000 Be courageous, learn Dutch! Learn Dutch from skilled teachers Take a step further up your career ladder, have a chat with your Dutch colleagues and drink coffee with your Dutch neighbors. Dutch level 1 - to A1 - twice a week - intensive: Monday and Thursday evening, start: March 27, 7pm-9pm, 18 lessons. You can register until March 20 Limitless learning at Volksuniversiteit regio Eindhoven Do you need more information? Call: 040-7820810 (Mon-Thu 10.00-12.30) or email us:, or visit: A G E N D A TI P S E IN DH OV E N What to do in Eindhoven? Uit in Eindhoven presents a complete TU/E CAMPUS • FREE FESTIVAL

Coming up in Effenaar

Thursday 23 March | Altstadt

Thursday 23 March | ‘t Rozenknopje

John R. Miller & JP Harris feat. Chloe Edmonstone

Friday 24 March | Stroomhuis

New Candys + The Third Sound

Thursday 13 April

Thursday 20 April | Café WIlhelmina

Gumbo Kings

Sunday 20 April | Altstadt

Marble Sounds

SAT 1 APR Candlelight Concerts The best of Einaudi neo-classical MON 24 APR Dean Owens & The Sinners Americana Mondays pop THU 4 MAY Tomatito Flamenco Nuevo world THU 4 MAY BRIDGE Eindhoven Guitar Festival Thibaut García classical FRI 14 APR Fleetwood Mac The incredible story pop documentary SAT 15 APR Music form the Orient Turkish Greek Night world MON 20 MAR International Pop Quiz of Eindhoven pop SUN 30 APR Camerata Salzburg & Janine Jansen violin classical MON 17 APR International Pop Quiz of Eindhoven pop FRI 7 APR BRIDGE Festival presents Tommy Emmanuel pop MON 27 MAR St. Louis Symphony Orchestra & Víkingur Ólafsson piano classical FRI 17 MAR Marc Almond pop FRI 21 APR Hagen Quartett classical SAT 6 MAY Hiphop Tribute to: Fugees pop SUN 26 MAR Bach’s St. Matthew Passion classical THU 13 APR HAEVN pop SUN 16 APR Chad Lawson neo-classical Thibaut García
62 63
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