Houston Style Magazine Vol 34 No 40

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Houston Style Magazine NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Houston Grand Opera HAUTE SHOTS: Turner's Last State of The City HAUTE SHOTS: HHCC Leadership Conference & Business Expo Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTX Twitter: @HoustonStyle TAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine OCTOBER 5 - OCTOBER 11, 2023 Historic Shift In The US House Kevin McCarthy Jesse Jackson America's Public Education Is Vital to a Democracy Volume 34 | Number 40 Houston Style Magazine Rodney Ellis Harris County’s Bold Stand On Banned Books Week H ILLUMINE GALA + OCT 14 + BAYOU PLACE H WE HAVE A QUARTERBACK CJ STROUD AS TEXANS CRUSH STEELERS
October 5 - October 11, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 2


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CHAMPIONING LITERATURE In An Age of Censorship: Harris County’s Bold Stand On Banned Books Week!

With the dawn of October comes the fervent echo of Banned Books Week. It’s a potent reminder and a rallying cry, illuminating the sacred path to preserve our inherent freedom to read. This year, as we immerse ourselves in the sentiments of Banned Books Week, we face a tide that jeopardizes not just our esteemed institutions like public schools and libraries, but the very essence of our democratic values. As noted by Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis, we are amidst a time when orchestrated efforts are muffling voices, rewriting authentic narratives, and distorting undeniable truths.

Recent history bears witness to a concerning national drift: intensified endeavors to ban pivotal literature, recalibrate school curriculums, and destabilize the bedrock of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives. Such pursuits not only assail our expressive freedoms but also strike at the core pillars of equality, justice, and mutual respect.

A poignant reflection of this erosion is evident in the Houston Independent School District (HISD). Here, the war against our intrinsic rights and shared legacy has left deep scars. A staggering 28 librarians were abruptly relieved from their roles, and over 50 foundational school libraries were supplanted by detention facilities, predominantly in schools serving Black and Brown communities. This pivot, as analysts have pointed out, not only hampers the educational prospects but widens the inequality chasm for these communities.

Yet, resilience defines Harris County. In a defiant response at our recent Commissioners Court confluence, the Harris County Public Library (HCPL) was christened a “book sanctuary.” A testament to our unyielding resolve to foster an environment where every voice resonates, every tale holds significance, and every thought is accorded its due. In essence, our libraries stand as luminous sanctuaries of erudition and awakening, where intellectual diversity thrives, unhindered.

In the spirit of Banned Books Week, let’s renew our vow to resist those shadowy forces attempting to erase our legacy, mute our histories, and restrict our access to the vast spectrum of human sagas. Dive

Historic Shift in U.S. House Leadership: Kevin McCarthy’s Unprecedented Ousting As Speaker Of The House

into the rich tapestry of HCPL’s collection, and embrace the myriad voices that shape our societal fabric.

Bound by a shared purpose, we stand resolute in our quest to ensure our libraries perpetuate as guiding lights of wisdom, and our community thrives, undeterred by challenges.

Hand in hand, let’s fortify our pledge, ensuring our libraries shine as luminous pillars of wisdom and our community stays undaunted, even when tested.


proaches. Temporarily stepping into this power vacuum is Rep. Patrick McHenry of North Carolina, ensuring stability during this transitional phase.

This leadership shakeup not only signals potential fragmentation within House Republicans but also underscores increasing tensions within the House GOP conference, often plagued by internal conflicts. The timing is particularly poignant given McCarthy’s recent achievement in fostering bipartisan support, a move instrumental in preventing a government shutdown. In the annals of history, no House speaker has ever faced removal via a resolution, marking this as a truly unparalleled occurrence.

In an unexpected twist of events, Kevin McCarthy faced an ousting from his esteemed position as the Speaker of the House. In a historic vote on Tuesday, 216 members stood against him while 210 in his favor. Notably, eight Republicans diverged from party lines, siding with Democrats in this groundbreaking decision. This significant change comes hot on the heels

of McCarthy’s triumphant navigation of a potential government shutdown through a last-minute bipartisan maneuver.

The House now stands at the brink of electing a new speaker. With no clear contender rivaling McCarthy’s stature, the political realm buzzes with speculation. The upcoming week promises heightened anticipation as a vote for his successor ap-

During a press conference on Tuesday evening, McCarthy voiced his convictions, stating, “I don’t regret standing up for choosing governing over grievance. It is my responsibility. It is my job. I do not regret negotiating. Our government is designed to find compromise.” This profound statement sheds light on his unwavering commitment to bipartisan governance amidst times of unparalleled political tumult. www.StyleMagazine.com

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Harris County Comissioner – Rodney Ellis OUSTED Speaker of The House – Kevin McCarthy, (R- California)


America owes much of its prominence and prosperity to the fact that it has led the world in popular education. Even without a public school system, we had the highest literacy in the world in the 19th century. We were among the first to provide public school to the young through the 12th grade. We were the first to open the doors of colleges and universities – significantly through the GI Bill after World War II – to children from all levels of income.

Today, however, public education in the United States is under siege. Public school teachers and librarians have become punching bags in the political wars. Teachers are underpaid and overstressed. College is priced out of reach for more and more children, with administrators and facilities consuming ever more of the resources, while professors and graduate assistants fall behind. Schools are now battlefields in our partisan political wars. Job satisfaction for public school teachers is at a 50-year low. Thousands are leaving the profession and fewer and fewer college students are taking it up.

Florida offers a good example. Its governor, Ron DeSantis, has made the “war on wokeism” a centerpiece of his presidential political campaign. He has signed into law multiple “educational gag orders” – criminalizing classroom discussions on race, gender, and history that might make white students “feel guilt, anguish or any other form of psychological distress.” School libraries are purged of books, with librarians at risk if they don’t fall in line. Even the teaching of Shakespeare has been censored in some districts as too racy for children to hear (the same

children who too often share far more shocking material on social media).

Florida teacher salaries are ranked 48th in the country. Now teachers are not only unpaid but they are assailed, vilified and threatened – not only with the loss of a job but with potential criminal charges.

The result – not surprisingly – is that the brightest and best teachers are headed north. When DeSantis became governor in 2019, the Nation Magazine reports, Florida already had a teacher shortage in grades K through 12 of 2,217. When he began his second term four years later, that number had more than doubled. This August, the Florida Education Association reported the number of unfilled positions at an unimaginable 7,000. The destructiveness of DeSantis’ war on wokeism is likely to be felt for a generation.

As public institutions engaged with children, schools have always been centers of controversy. In the South, segregation enforced separate but unequal schools, dividing children by race. In the

North, as Jonathan Kozol detailed, public schools reflected the “savage inequality” of neighborhood disparities in wealth and race. Busing is routine across America, but it became a lightning rod when courts ordered busing to try to integrate schools in metropolitan areas.

In the countries that rank the highest in educational proficiency, teachers are treated with respect and paid well. In Finland, which ranks highest in international testing, gaining admission to a teacher’s college is fiercely competitive. Teachers are supplied with the resources, the teaching aides, the classroom sizes vital to doing their job well. In the U.S., teachers spend an average of about $700 out of their own pockets on school supplies, with those in the poorest neighborhoods spending the most.

Passionate debates about what is taught, what books are read, what history is imparted are inevitable. We want children to learn about America’s triumphs, but we also can’t whitewash our history and present it as a fairy tale. Children need to learn about our victories and our failures, our horrors, our

shameful chapters, as well. We can’t learn from our mistakes if we don’t admit them.

In these partisan times, when social issues – abortion, race, women’s rights, LGBTQ rights, immigration – are at the center of our political turmoil, it is inevitable that schools will be engaged in those debates.

Teachers inevitably will be at the center of such debates, not merely witnesses to them but active participants in them. Those with experience in the classroom are likely to have the best insights on what works and what doesn’t.

We surely don’t want partisan politicians using schools as a political football. We want teachers to be respected, free to express their views and share their expertise. We want parents to be involved, able to express their values, their hopes and their fears. Somehow these common sense ideas, which the vast majority would agree upon, too often get lost in the battles.

Even in the midst of the ongoing argument, we should not forget to honor and respect those who choose to teach our children. We should not forget that one teacher who can unleash a child’s imagination or feed his or her curiosity can transform a life. Thomas Jefferson believed that public education is vital to a democracy, that a well-educated citizenry would be happier, and better able to build a vibrant community. Surely that’s a lesson we should all remember.

You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this newspaper or by email at: jjackson@rainbowpush.org

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As the November 7th mayoral election approaches, seven candidates gathered on stage at Forest Brook Middle School in northeast Houston to make their case to lead the fourth-largest city in the United States. Each contender presented their vision for Houston's future, addressing critical issues such as federal funding, COVID-19 relief, infrastructure, public safety, and more.

Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, who has served 28 years in Congress and previously as an at-large Houston City Council Member, emphasized her track record of securing federal funding to support the city. During her tenure, she claimed to have brought millions of dollars in COVID-19 relief and other resources to Houston. Jackson Lee expressed her deep love for the city and its people, vowing to continue advocating for federal funds as mayor.

A Yale and University of Virginia graduate, Jackson Lee positioned herself as a wife, mother, and grandmother who would elevate Houston to greater heights. She criticized her leading opponent, State Senator John Whitmire, for what she saw as his failure to bring necessary state resources

to the city, particularly during times of crisis.

MJ Khan, a three-term city council member and accomplished businessman with engineering and MBA degrees from Rice University, highlighted his journey from humble beginnings to public service. He celebrated his wife's achievement as the first female cardiologist at Baylor College of Medicine and his own distinction as the first South Asian City Council Member in Houston's history. Khan pledged to leverage his executive experience to attract global business investments and young families to Houston.

Khan emphasized that his mayoral campaign relied on numerous small contributions from the community, in contrast to Whitmire's substantial finan-

cial backing from his lengthy tenure in state government.

Gilbert Garcia, a former Metro Chairman and businessman who relocated to Houston from South Texas after earning a degree from Yale, questioned Whitmire's sudden interest in the city after spending five decades in the legislature.

In response, Whitmire defended his legislative record, citing his efforts to establish an entertainment district downtown and his lifelong commitment to helping people. He recounted how, at the age of 22, he was focused on his political career while others were enjoying college life.

Robert Gallegos, who has served on the city council for ten years representing the east side where he grew

up, emphasized his deep ties to the community. He described his public service experience, including his role as Super Neighborhood Council President, as a strong foundation for mayoral leadership.

Lee Kaplan highlighted his campaign's financial support from grassroots donors and positioned himself as a "boy scout" who would uphold the moral integrity expected of a Houston Mayor. He contrasted this with his opponents, suggesting that previous leadership had made questionable decisions.

Jack Christie, with a history of 15 elections, including Spring Branch School Board and City Council at-large positions, emphasized his ability to unite people. He described his background as an Eagle Scout and Army Medic, emphasizing his potential to make Houston proud through effective leadership.

In the final stretch of the race for Houston Mayor, these candidates are vying for the opportunity to lead the city into a promising future, each offering their unique perspectives and qualifications to address Houston's pressing challenges.


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The The National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) holds its initial Building Black Wealth Tour event in Houston on Saturday, October 7, kicking off activities in more than 60 cities nationwide. The events, which include festive activities for youths, will empower Black communities with steps towards homeownership, property investment, starting a business, and other wealth- building opportunities.

Working with the African American Mayors Association and the National Bar Association, NAREB will sponsor the events in cities nationwide over the next two years. Each event will include classes, workshops, and one-on-one counseling on homebuying, investing, credit, and careers in real estate.

The tour will include Birmingham (11/11/23), Charlotte (3/2/24), Mt. Vernon (4/13/24), Little Rock 6/8/24), New Orleans (8/3/24), Atlanta (11/9/24), Miramar (3/25), Beverly Hills, MO (6/25) and Los Angeles (8/25).

“The time for action on Black Wealth is now,” exclaimed NA-

REB President Dr.Courtney Johnson

Rose. “NAREB is urging our Black communities to take the journey towards wealth.

Come to our events in your city and learn what you need to purchase a home. We are helping Black families overcome the biased public policies and private practices that created the vast wealth gap in America today.”

Dr. Rose noted that the Federal Reserve says, on average, Black families own about 24 cents for every $1 of White family wealth. Homeownership, a criti-

cal component of Black wealth, declined for Blacks every quarter since the pandemic, leaving Blacks with the lowest percentage of homeowners in America.

Despite the contributions of the 1968 Fair Housing Act, 55 years later, the racial homeownership gap has widened. In 1960, 38% of Blacks owned homes, while White homeownership was 65%, a 27-point gap. Today, the gap is nearly 30%, the most extensive spread since 1890. Yet, the NAREB State of Housing in Black America (SHIBA) report says there are more than

two million mortgage-ready Black Americans. These families and individuals have the credit and income to qualify for a home mortgage.

The NAREB Building Black Wealth Tour will go to communities nationwide, find these families and individuals, educate them, and inspire them to build wealth.

“Systematic racism has plagued our communities and impeded our ability to gain wealth,” Dr. Rose said. “but we can overcome these challenges by working together.”

NAREB hosted a Building Black Wealth Tour rally at the Congressional Black Caucus Annual Legislative Caucus last month. “When talking about owning a home and fighting for Black homeownership, you're not just owning a home. We're owning a part of the future,” Van Jones, author and political commentator, said at the rally. “We need to own the future in this totality.

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The New Red Book: A Guide to 50 of Houston’s Black Historical and Cultural Sites Tuesday, October 10 6:30 p.m. Join us for a free lecture from author and scholar Dr. Lindsay Gary highlighting the history of Houston through the stories of its iconic destinations.
Sponsor RSVP at hmh.org/RedBook


Hispanic/Latino health disparities in the United States are a complex and pressing issue that demands attention. In this article, we will explore the challenges faced by Hispanic/Latino Americans, shedding light on their unique healthcare needs and the factors contributing to health inequalities. Additionally, we will discuss the significance of National Hispanic Heritage Month and initiatives aimed at improving healthcare access for this vibrant and diverse community.

The Healthcare Divide:

1. High Uninsured Rates:

In 2022, Hispanic/Latino Americans grappled with the highest uninsured rates among racial and ethnic groups. A staggering 27.6 percent of Hispanic/Latino adults lacked health insurance, compared to 7.1 percent of non-Hispanic Asians, 7.4 percent of non-Hispanic whites, and 13.3 percent of non-Hispanic Black adults.

2. Obesity and Chronic Illness: Hispanics/Latinos face greater challenges with obesity compared to non-Hispanic whites. They also bear a significant burden of chronic lower respiratory diseases, liver disease, influenza and pneumonia, suicide, and kidney disease.

3. Leading Causes of Death:

Among the leading causes of death for Hispanics/Latinos are cancer, heart disease, unintentional injuries, stroke, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease.

4. Barriers to Healthcare Access:

Over 10 percent of Hispanic/Latino adults reported not receiving necessary medical care due to cost constraints in 2022, while only 5.2 percent of non-Hispanic white adults faced similar challenges.

Understanding Hispanic/Latino Health:

1. National Hispanic Heritage Month:

Celebrated from September 15 to October 15, National Hispanic Heritage Month honors the rich history, traditions, and cultural diversity of Hispanic/Latino Americans. This observance provides an opportunity to acknowledge their contributions to society.

2. The Role of HHS Office of Minority Health (OMH): The OMH is dedicated to enhancing Better Health Through Better Understanding for Hispanic/Latino individuals. By offering culturally and linguistically

competent healthcare services, information, and resources, patients are empowered to make informed decisions for healthier outcomes.

3. Health Disparities Factors: Hispanic/Latino Americans may have a longer life expectancy than their non-Hispanic white counterparts but often experience poorer health. Factors such as language and cultural barriers, limited access to preventative care, and lack of health insurance play a crucial role in shaping their health outcomes.

Unity in Diversity:

1. Todos Somos, Somos Uno:

This year's national theme, "Todos Somos, Somos Uno: We Are All, We Are One," highlights the diversity within the Hispanic/ Latino population and the strength that unity brings. Representing 18.8 percent of the U.S. population, Hispanic/Latino Americans have roots in Spanish-speaking countries across South and Central America, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Spain.

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Dr. Laura Murillo
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Cindy Clifford & Frazier Wilson
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Mayor Turner Final State of The City

HOUSTON TEXANS: C.J. Stroud Shines As TEXANS Triumph Over The Pittsburgh STEELERS In A Resounding 30-6 Victory

In a scintillating display of skill and prowess, rookie quarterback C.J. Stroud showcased why he’s considered one of the most promising talents in the NFL. Leading the Houston Texans to a resounding 30-6 win over the Pittsburgh Steelers, Stroud threw for an impressive 306 yards, completing two touchdown passes.

Texans fans at NRG Stadium were treated to a spectacle as the young quarterback connected seamlessly with Nico Collins, notching up touchdowns in both the first and fourth quarters. What was even more remarkable was Stroud’s ability to maintain composure and play flawlessly, even with the formidable Pittsburgh pass rush, led by T.J. Watt, breathing down his neck. Despite being behind an offensive line that had its challenges, Stroud stood tall, taking zero sacks and playing error-free football.

This win marks the Texans’ second consecutive victory, bringing their season record to 2-2. It’s also a celebratory return to form for the team, marking their first home win since their triumph over the Chargers in

late December 2021. With a winning margin of 24 points, it’s Houston’s most significant victory since their dominant performance against Tennessee back in October 2017. Stroud’s draft selection as the second overall pick is already showing dividends. The quarterback has been instrumental in building leads, as seen when the Texans went 16-0 in the first half. With

six touchdown passes and no interceptions in his first four games, Stroud’s confidence and momentum are palpable as the team looks ahead.

However, the game wasn’t without its challenges. The Steelers, under the leadership of Kenny Pickett, posed a formidable threat. Pickett managed 114 yards but had to leave the game due to a knee injury in the

third quarter. The pressure is now mounting on the Steelers’ offensive coordinator, Matt Canada, as the team grapples with consecutive losses.

The Texans’ defense was equally commendable, with Jonathan Greenard sacking Pickett, leading to a crucial turnover. The game also saw some notable plays, including a 32-yard catch by Najee Harris and Steven Nelson’s interception that set the stage for a Texans’ field goal.

As the Texans bask in the glory of this victory, their early lead in the game, marked by Stroud’s 2-yard touchdown pass to Collins, and subsequent scores by Kaʻimi Fairbairn, are a testament to their coordinated team effort.

Houston Style Magazine salutes the Texans for their outstanding performance and wishes them continued success in the season ahead. Here’s to more thrilling games and monumental victories!



October 5 - October 11, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 12 KNOW the signs RECOGNIZE the patterns END the cycle of DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Knowing the facts about domestic violence, recognizing the predictable patterns and talking about it can help end the cycle of domestic violence and abuse. If safe, call 1 (800) 799-SAFE (7233) or visit www.hawc.org
C.J. Stroud – Texans Rookie Quarterback

ENTERTAINMENT: Beyoncé's "Renaissance World Tour" Takes Center Stage in Cinemas this December - Tickets Now Available

Beyoncé the iconic Grammy-winning artist, is set to bring her extraordinary "Renaissance World Tour" to a movie theater near you, offering fans a unique cinematic experience like never before. "RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ" is slated to make its North American theatrical debut on December 1, with screenings scheduled at various Houston-area cinemas. Tickets for this highly anticipated event are now on sale.

The film offers an exclusive glimpse into Beyoncé's remarkable journey to execute the unparalleled 56-performance, 39-city "Renaissance World Tour," a record-breaking musical extravaganza that has taken the world by storm.

While the curtains fell on the live performances of the Renaissance World Tour in Kansas City, Missouri over the weekend, Parkwood Entertainment, the production and entertainment company helmed by Beyoncé, had been building anticipation for this exciting cinematic release.

According to a press release, "RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ" provides an intimate look into Beyoncé's intentions, her dedication as a creative force and producer, and the rigorous process she undertook to master her craft in order to bring the Renaissance World Tour to life.

The movie will be distributed by AMC Theatres, following a similar theatrical release strategy to that of Taylor Swift, who headlined

the culturally significant Eras Tour this summer. Swift's concert film is scheduled to hit theaters on October 13. Together, these two powerhouse artists have significantly boosted the U.S. economy this summer, with their combined tours estimated to have generated over $9 billion in economic activity—an achievement akin to the revenue generated by the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when adjusted for inflation.

"RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ" promises to transport audiences on a mesmerizing journey, from the electric opening night in Stockholm, Sweden, to the grand and unforgettable finale in Kansas City. The movie's trailer provides a tantalizing sneak peek into the life of the "Single Ladies" singer, featuring candid moments with her family and breathtaking performance montages.

In the trailer, Beyoncé shares her artistic vision, saying, "When I'm performing, I am nothing but free. The goal for this tour was to create a place where everyone is free. And no one is judged."

The film is set to premiere in the United States, Canada, and Mexico on December 1, with additional international cities to be announced in the near future. Moviegoers can catch screenings on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays for a minimum of four weeks, with multiple showtimes available throughout the day. Ticket prices start at just $22, ensuring that fans of all

backgrounds can relish this extraordinary cinematic event.

For those seeking an even more immersive experience, "RENAISSANCE: A FILM BY BEYONCÉ" will also be presented in IMAX at AMC and Dolby Cinema at AMC, as well as other premium large format screens under various brand


Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime cinematic journey with Beyoncé. Secure your tickets today for this groundbreaking event at BeyonceFilm.com, and be prepared to witness music, art, and history come to life on the big screen.

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Houston Grand Opera (HGO) is gearing up to kick off its 2023-24 season with an electrifying world premiere that promises to captivate audiences from October 20 to November 3 at the Wortham Theater Center. As the 75th company-commissioned original opera by HGO, "Intelligence" is set to make history as the very first world premiere to mark the beginning of a new season. Don't miss this extraordinary event—secure your tickets today at HGO.org.

The creative powerhouse behind "Intelligence" comprises composer Jake Heggie, librettist Gene Scheer, and director/choreographer Jawole Willa Jo Zollar. Together, they have woven a mesmerizing tapestry of music, prose, and dance, delivering an American epic that promises to redefine the boundaries of opera. Drawing upon meticulous historical research, this opera delves into a gripping, yet relatively unknown, narrative: the tale of two remarkable female spies operating in Richmond, Virginia, during the Civil War.

Elizabeth Van Lew, hailing from a prominent Confederate family, and Mary Jane Bowser, a remarkable

figure born into slavery who became a clandestine operative in Jefferson Davis's Confederate White House, are the central characters of this narrative. Their untold story is brought to life on the operatic stage, shedding light on their daring and courageous actions during a tumultuous era in American history. Composer Jake Heggie shares his enthusiasm for this groundbreaking production: "Together, Jawole, Gene, and I have sought to move forward in this enormously flexible art form. We're exploring a new possibility for opera where words, music, and movement are essential. In service of that concept, the score is fresh, rhythmic, and lyrical; the language is contemporary, and the movement and dance are bold, inhabiting every corner of the story."

Jawole Willa Jo Zollar, founder of the renowned New York dance ensemble Urban Bush Women, embarks on her first operatic venture with "Intelligence." She expresses her excitement for this new artistic horizon: "This is my first opera, but not my last. The art form provides an opportunity to go forward into these big, sustained emotional places, which is very exciting for me. I

feel Jake's music on a visceral level, in the heart, the gut, and the mind. That is a match for the style that I create, the physicality that I bring, as we share this complex story, this American story, that must be told."

Librettist Gene Scheer underlines the significance of opera in illuminating historical narratives: "The real story behind 'Intelligence' is one that scholars are continuing to uncover. In fact, we learned of the discovery of new source materials in the middle of writing the opera. As historians probe the details of what happened in the past, opera infuses it with life, providing a kind of emotional archaeology that allows us

to explore the human experience. What did it feel like for these two women to risk their lives to help the Union? And what might have been the nature of the relationship between these two women?

This is something we all thought an opera could illuminate brilliantly." Be part of this historical moment in Houston's cultural landscape. Join Houston Grand Opera for the world premiere of "Intelligence" on October 20, and witness the magic of opera, history, and artistry converge in a mesmerizing spectacle that will leave you spellbound.

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Nominate a deserving teacher, principal, counselor, early childhood learning center, school board or school district.

Created in 2002, the H‑E‑B Excellence in Education Awards was designed to honor and thank outstanding public school professionals. Through this program, H‑E‑B awards over $700,000 annually to deserving educators who go the extra mile to serve their students and communities.

To submit a nomination or application, go to heb.com/nominate.

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