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ii. During 1800s, especially after 1848 – Europe and West politics more representative a. Bureaucracies and parliamentary bodies becoming increasingly important b. More important than arbitrary will of rulers/monarchs iii. Other parts of the world slower in moving from traditional monarchies/oligarchies a. Japan/Ottoman Empire developed parliamentary monarchies by 20th century b. Latin America had parliamentary monarchies in theory i. But usually slipped into dictatorship or military rule iv. Much of the non-Western world spent the 19th century under European colonial domination c. Middle class representation i. Through revolt and reform were able to gain more political and economic rights d. Working class radicalism i. Most desperate option – radical forms of agitation – socialism, communism, anarchism a. Radicalized workers led by intellectuals ii. Trade unions a. At first, illegal – in danger of arrest, injury – especially if went on strike b. Government oftentimes supported corporation c. Left leaning, but not as far as socialism, communism C. Social D. Cultural a. Starting in West, scientific, secular worldview became paramount i. Technological/scientific advancements of Industrial Revolution accelerated process ii. Theories of Charles Darwin accelerated process 1. Evolution is a random process – physical changes that increase survival passed on 2. Common ancestor of humans and apes 3. Erode faith in traditional religion and encourage more secular view of the world b. Greater access to public education increased through 1800s i. Literacy rates rose c. Tremendous movement of peoples i. Massive waves of emigration from Europe and China > N. and S. America ii. United States preferred destination, but also to Canada, Argentina, Chile d. Nationalism became an incredibly powerful cultural attitude in Europe ii. By end of 1800s nationalist movements more prevalent in non-Western parts of the world a. Especially those dominated by Europeans, and educated by Europeans e. Modernist thought and culture – late 1800s/early 1900s i. Diversity and innovation ii. Artists broke rules of traditional culture and experimented with variety of styles a. Expressionism, Cubism, abstraction iii. Time of crisis and uncertainty in art iv. Fridrich Nietzche a. “God is Dead” b. All systems of morality valueless in the materialistic modern age v. Science of psychology to understand human mind f. Adopted Western behavior i. Japan adopted – fashion, manners, calendar, metric system E. Artistic a. Non-Western world began to adopt many of the artistic and literary forms of the West i. Especially the print culture and writing styles, but also architecture ii. Styles from Asia, Africa, and the Middle East had influence on West a. Especially painting, sculpture, decor b. Europe and Americas, pace of cultural change sped up considerably i. End of the 1800s, new artistic and literary trends were emerging at rapid rate ii. New artistic and literary trends were breaking rules and defying conventions c. Romanticism i. Originated with German authors and French philosopher Rousseau ii. Backlash/reaction to logic/reason-oriented outlook of Enlightenment iii. Most important – emotion/passion a. Self-realization of the individual, heroism, love of the natural world d. Realism i. Rejected Romanticism’s idealized dramatic outlook ii. Focused on sober, critical view of life iii. Details of everyday existence a. Social problems – poverty, social hypocrisy, class injustice iv. Looked at psychological workings of charaters’ minds

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