Dan Simons, is running for Harris County District Attorney Against Sean Teare

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Congressman Al Green earned his law degree from Thurgood Marshall
Amber Boyd-Cora is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Velda R Faulkner is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
State Rep Thompson is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Judge Erica Hughes is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Lillian Alexander is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Brendetta Scott is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Takasha Francis
Thurgood Marshall
Judge Fran Watson is
proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Judge Tami Pierce is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Judge DaSean Jones is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Judge Dawn Rogers is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Judge Te’iva Bell is a proud graduate of Thurgood Marshall
Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia earned her law degree from Thurgood Marshall
Judge Robert Johnson is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Houston’s historic Third Ward
Judge Jeralynn Manor (left), and Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton (right), both earned their law degrees from the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law in Third Ward


TThe citizens of Harris County, Texas can trust County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth to do her best to get things right on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, when Republicans and Democrats face off Sure, Hudspeth is a Democrat, but she is serious about her job According to her website, she has been with the Harris County Clerk’s Office for nearly two decades and has served under four County Clerks.

County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth began her career as a Mickey Leland Congressional Intern, and from there, she started her career in the County Clerk’s Office as a public Affairs Administrative Assistant and moved up the ladder through six positions, and now serves as our Harris County Clerk Harris County Clerk Teneshia Hudspeth has made my life and the lives of my investigative team

considerably easier since she took office

“Clerk Hudspeth earned her degree in Communications at Texas Southern University She is also a graduate of the Leadership Houston (Class 34) and the Women’s Campaign School at Yale Uni sity,” her website states I don’t say this that often about local elected officials, but I am very proud of Co Clerk Teneshia H speth “Clerk Hu is currently the 1 Vice President o Houston Chapte Women Profess als in Government and Serves as 2nd

Vice President for the Executive Board he International Association of Government Officials; however, these are only a few of the many community organizations she supports ”

“Clerk Hudspeth’s innate desire to serve the community through volunteer work and adership positions has taught that service to the community is not a chore but a way of life,” her website states “As County Clerk, her primary goal is to provide the public with tomer service She is comimproving government servough new technology to hem readily available and sible ”

County Clerk Teneshia Hudeth is one of the best County ks in Harris County’s history




“It’s very disheartening, in 2024, I receive letters like this calling me an animal, calling me by my first name. Democracy is what this country was built on. I served in the military, so I can run as a judicial candidate in a free country, as long as I’m qualified.”



Attorney Ben Aderholt (right), and his ex-husband Daniel LatrelCharles




Judge Israel B Garcia, Jr was born and raised in Austin, Texas His father was an emigrant from Mexico who became a United States citizen when Judge Garci ́ a was 10 years old This remains a very proud moment for the Garcia Family Judge Garcia's mother was born and raised in Austin, Texas

Austin, Dallas and Houston Judge Garci ́ a worked on cases ranging from traffic tickets, divorces, commercial litigation, criminal cases and serious personal injury cases For over 28 years as a practicing Attorney, Judge Garcia was a true general practitioner


Judge Garci ́ a attended public schools and attended The University of Texas at Austin where he majored in Government and earned his Bachelor's Degree Upon graduation, Judge Garci ́ a attended Thurgood Marshall School of Law where he earned his Juris Doctorate Judge Garcia was the first member of his family to graduate from a University and obtain a professional license

Judge Garcia began his legal career as a sole practitioner with offices in

Judge Garcia is active in several community groups and civic clubs, including serving as legal counsel to LULAC Council 402 LULAC Council 402 is known as the "Education" Council and has awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarships to deserving Harris County area students Assisting young students and working with children remains a passion of Judge Garci ́ a

Judge Garcia ran as a first-time candidate for and was elected as Justice of the

Peace Precinct 5, Place 1 in the 2020 Presidential election

Judge Garcia’s focus is on providing 21st Century customer service to the citizens of Harris County through stateof-the-art technology and a highly experienced staff to deliver the best possible service in a timely and efficient manner

2,400 years ago, Socrates aptly described the essential qualities of a good judge: "Four things belong to a judge: To hear courteously; to answer wisely; to consider soberly; and to decide impartially " These words remain as true today as they were when Socrates first spoke them Judge Garcia strives daily to employ these ideals







JOIN THE MOVEMENT: All open-minded Houston Business Connections Newspaper readers in Precinct 5, can start voting of Judge Israel Garcia on Monday, October 21, 2024, when early voting begins Election Day is on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County
JOIN THE MOVEMENT: Early voting for the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election will begin on Monday, October 21, 2024, and end on Friday, November 1, 2024 Judge Israel Garcia is the right choice in the race for Justice of the Peace, Precinct 5, Place 1
“...It is high time public safety is priority number one in Harris County and that will be my mission as Harris County Sheriff."


I PROMISE to be the People’s Voice for Public Safety at Commissioners’ Court

I PROMISE to clean Up and Certify the Jail

I PROMISE to Reinstate 287(g)

I PROMISE to Prioritize Tackling Human Trafficking/Drug Smuggling



Mike Knox has a long history of honorable public service He served in the United States Air Force from 1975 to 1979 Upon completion of his commitment to the USAF Mike returned to Houston where he began his career with the Houston Police Department graduating out of HPD Class 90 in 1980 During his career with HPD Mike served as a Patrol Officer, Dispatcher, Juvenile Investigator and as a General Investigator and Gang Investigator at the Westside Command Station

While assigned to the Westside Command Station, Mike saw a need to create a specialized unit to deal with street gangs He researched and presented a plan of action to the Houston Police Department which approved the creation of the first Divisional Gang Unit in the Houston Police Department in 1988

Mike Knox served his fellow Police Officers as a Director of the Houston Police Union In this capacity he served as the Chairman of the Legislative Committee and represented the interests of the HPPU with local, state and federal elected officials Mike Knox also became the editor of the HPPU monthly newspaper, “The Sentinel”

Mike Knox continued his education through HPD in-service training and by attending both the Houston Community College and the University of HoustonDowntown While working and raising a family, Mike obtained an Associate of Arts degree and later obtained a Baccalaureate degree Mike possesses a Master Peace Officer Certification from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Mike Knox used his experience and observations as a gang investigator to write a book on the subject, “Gangsta in the House”, in 1995 This book led him to opportunities to share his knowledge of gangs with a wider audience and he subsequently left HPD to begin a career as an independent

JOIN THE MOVEMENT: Mike Knox and his family are pictured in the photo above Please vote for Mike Knox in the race for Sheriff

consultant to schools, law enforcement agencies, juvenile detention and adult prisons, hospitals and general communities throughout North America

Mike Knox was a full-time operator of this consultant business from 1995 to 2015 when he was elected to the Houston City Council Mike still consults on a part-time basis

Mike Knox ran in 2015 and was elected to the Houston City Council where he holds the office of At-Large Position One Mike was re-elected in 2019 to the same position and will “term out” on January 3, 2024 During his tenure as a Houston Council Member, Mike has de-

veloped a reputation of being both fair and tough He often confronts the mayor when he believes the mayor overextends his authority However, Mike maintains a professional and respectful relationship with Mayor Turner by arguing salient points and policy while avoiding personal attacks

Mike Knox has the trust of many influencers and residents in every part of the city because he does what he says he will do He is always ready to help overcome whatever problems are presented to him by the citizens of Houston They know he will listen, regardless of their political affiliation, and take appropri-

ate action when necessary

Mike Knox is a native Houstonian He attended Westbury High School where he met and subsequently married his High School Sweetheart in 1977

Mike and Helen raised a son who followed his father into the Houston Police Officer where he served with distinction until his death in the line of duty on May 2, 2020 Mike and Helen are also the proud grandparents of two Mike Knox is running for Sheriff of Harris County in 2024

He will listen He will act His decisions will be fair, and based in reason, logic, and fact He will do his best to protect the safety of the people of Harris County



PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Dan Simons, and many other local leaders who will be on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot in Harris County, Texas earned their law degrees from the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law, located in Third Ward, Texas


Meet Dan Simons and a Host of other Thurgood Marshall Law School Graduates in Politics


I’ve identified a “VOTING BLOCK” uniquely positioned in the heart of Third Ward, Texas, that’s fertile ground for candidates who are seeking to make inroads into the Black community during the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election cycle that could ultimately go down in history as the most consequential election of our lifetime

Many local candidates overlook Texas Southern University as a “VOTING BLOCK ” However, TSU should be very familiar to candidates like Con-

gressman Al Green, Congresswoman Sylvia Garcia, State Rep. Senfronia Thompson, Judge Jeralynn Manor, Judge Erica Hughes, Judge Dawn Dashea Rogers, Judge Cheryl Elliott Thornton, Judge Nikita V. Harmon, Judge Robert Johnson, Judge Te’Iva Bell, Judge DaSean Jones, Attorney Dan Simons, Attorney Brendetta Scott, Attorney Amber Boyd-Cora, Attorney Velda Renita Faulkner, Attorney TaKasha Francis, Attorney Lillian Henny Alexander, Attorney Tami C. Pierce, and Judge Fransheneka “Fran” Watson

Why? All of the aforementioned local leaders obtained their law degrees from the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law on the campus of Texas Southern University


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Attorney Dan Simons is a proud graduated of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Attorney Dan Simons is running for Harris County District Attorney on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election against Sean Teare.




PEOPLE IN POLITICS: United States Congressman Al Green (9th District of Texas) is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Congressman Al Green is running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.



A new “POLITICAL MOVEMENT” is coming to Harris County, Texas. This influential “VOTER EMPOWERMENT INITIATIVE” is being launched by Aubrey R Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Houston Newspaper, to mobilize, inform, and empower Americans from The Silent Generation (Born 1928-1945), The Baby Boomer Generation (Born 19461964), Generation X (Born 1965-1980), Millennials (Born-1981-1996), Generation Z (Born 1996-2012), and Gen Alpha (Born-2013-2025), members, who are America’s hope and future

It’s becoming increasingly tricky for “AFRICAN AMERICANS” to avoid being played for fools by candidates running for public office in cities all across the United States of America The lack of independently owned Black media outlets is part of the problem It has placed ‘Black’ Silent Generation Members, ‘Black’ Baby Boomers, ‘Black’ Generation X’ers, ‘Black’ Millennials, ‘Black’ Generation Z’ers, and ‘Black’ Gen Alpha’s in a position where it’s next to impossible for them to get “UNFILTERED” information that can assist them in their quest to make a quality decision at the ballot box I don’t mean any harm, but it’s a slap in the face to “BLACK PEOPLE” for President Joe Biden, who recently set a June 2024 budget of $50 million for “MARKETING AND OUTREACH” to force Black, Hispanic, and Asian media companies to split a measly $1 million of the $50 million marketing allocation, between them, when that’s crumbs off the pie – not even a slice of the pie


African Americans all across the United States of America are stuck in a time warp and at a severe disadvantage when it comes to getting “UNFILTERED NEWS” from some of these mainstream media outlets, who don’t give a damn about my people, and President Joe Biden and his marketing team are fully aware of this fact

You must understand that the four most prominent media companies own most of America’s news networks That’s why when you see a story break, all articles related to a given topic appear to be the same and have a similar narrative and theme written into the storyline

When it comes to traditional Black-owned news outlets, many of them are taking the facts of what has already been gathered and written by white reporters/journalists and then doing what’s called a “rewrite” of the white reporter ’s storyline Then, the white person’s storyline is peddled to “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” under the guise of it being original reporting

Most African American newspapers are members of the National Newspapers Association of America (NNPA), which relies heavily on advertising revenue from corporations to survive Therefore, many have to con-


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Attorney Tami Pierce is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Attorney Pierce will face off against Judge DaSean Jones in 2025, in the race for the 180th Criminal District Court after winning her lawsuit against him.





PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Dawn Dashea Rogers is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas. Judge Rogers is the presiding judge 334th Civil District Court She’s running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election

PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Fransheneka “Fran” Watson (left), Judge Te’Iva Bell (Center), and Attorney TaKasha Francis are all proud Thurgood Marshall School of Law graduates who will be on the Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot in Harris County, Texas in judicial races.


form or risk the prospects of going out of business if they dare to publish investigative reports similar to what you see published by my company, Aubrey R Taylor Communications, the publisher of Houston Business Connections Newspaper

The major players in the media industry are Comcast, The Walt Disney Company, AT&T, and News Corporation. These four news outlets (cooperatively) own nearly every television network, newspaper, website, and radio station in America.

The four companies I’ve mentioned are, for the most part, filtering the news that’s finding its way onto our newsfeeds, news apps, and social media pages and disseminating it into our “AFRICAN AMERICAN HOMES” to influence how we vote at the ballot box


What about us? When is someone going to do something specifically for my people? To hell with lumping minorities into one big group When is America going to recognize the impact African Americans as a “VOTING BLOCK” have made to electing people to public office on the local, statewide, and national levels in this country?

If you remember, during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle, President Joe Biden, a United States Senator at the time, is quoted as saying, “If you have a problem figuring out


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge DaSean Jones is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Judge Jones is running for Justice, Supreme Court, Place 2, on Tuesday, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the upcoming Presidential Election.





whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black ” Well, between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” needs to closely monitor Biden, Trump, and local Democrats and Republicans to see which political party values “BLACK PEOPLE” through their spending with African American consultants, marketing firms, sign printers, newspapers, canvassers, card pushers and radio stations

You might not know this, but politics is “BIG BUSINESS,” and Black-owned businesses are getting left out of the mix as the disparity gap in campaign spending expenditures continues to increase exponentially

According to “OPEN SECRETS,” political spending for the 2020 Presidential Election totaled $14 4 billion, more than double the 2016 Election cycle

How much of the $14 4 billion spent during the 2020 Presidential Election cycle was spent to uplift AfricanAmerican-owned churches, businesses, and civic organizations? Or better yet, how much of that $14 4 billion did African Americans get?

Listen The time for lip service has passed; we need to see some action between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024 As the “GOOD BOOK” says in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ”

From what I can see, neither of these two major political parties has a heart for Black people; if you look purely at the campaign finance reports of top candidates from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party and go to their expenditures, you’ll get a better picture of what I’m talking about, strictly based on the facts

In the state of Texas, for instance, one of the biggest races on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Presidential Election ballot is the race for the United States Senate between U S Senator Ted Cruz (Republican) and Congressman Colin Allred, a Democrat who claims to have spent his time in Congress working with both parties to do what’s right for the State of Texas and has stated publicly that Senator Ted Cruz only cares about himself

But how much has Colin Allred, an African American male, done to uplift the Black community, based on his campaign expenditures? “It’s time Texas had a Senator we can count on,” states his campaign website However, he’s not doing any substantial business with Black-owned media outlets

A c c o r d i n g

So, how much of the $27.9 million Collin Alred had in his coffers a few months ago got allocated to be spent with local radio stations like KTSU 90 9FM and KCOH 1230AM to mobilize the Black community and empower local “MEDIA OUTLETS” to influence “BLACK PEOPLE” to vote?

Closer to home, Commissioner Rodney Ellis, the Democrat (PRECINCT ONE), Harris County Commissioner, had $5,241,377 00 sitting inside his campaign coffers the


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Erica Hughes is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Judge Hughes unseated Judge Mike Engelhart back on Super Tuesday. She’s running uncontested on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.


Character, Excellence, and Experience You Can Trust in the Cour thouse

Since being elected in 2020, I have served as the presiding Judge of the 164th Civil District Court in Harris County Previously, I was a Senior Assistant County Attorney for Harris County, a role that placed me at the forefront of legal matters shaping our region Throughout my distinguished career, I have also held pivotal positions such as General Counsel for Texas Southern University, an Administrative Law Judge, and Assistant Attorney General IV for the State of Texas Guiding the next generation of leaders, I've had the privilege of imparting knowledge at Lone Star and Houston Community College

Embracing the belief that genuine public service extends to community enrichment, I have engaged in volunteer work spanning various echelons of society From holding the role of Precinct Chair for Precinct 228 to assuming a position on my civic club's board, my commitment runs deep Notable among my contributions are my role as Co-Chair for the Houston Bar Association’s Gender Fairness Committee, service on the Executive Board of the Houston Lawyer Referral Service Board, and leadership as Senate District 13’s General Counsel and Chair of the Houston Police Advisory Board My efforts have garnered recognition, including the 2018 Top 50 Black Professionals and Entrepreneurs of Texas Award, the esteemed Houston Bar Association’s President Award, and the distinguished Alex Award for Legal Excellence


last time I checked earlier this year, which is more than the Harris County Democratic Party has in its coffers From what I understand, people believe that Commissioner Rodney Ellis is some “KING-MAKER” in local Harris County politics. But who is Commissioner Ellis empowering and enriching besides himself? His campaign reports do not reveal that Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis gives a damn about the Black community in any way, shape, or form

So, let me get this right While Americans are becoming lifelong enemies over who they don’t like anymore because of their political affiliations and preferences, the people at the top, like President Joe Biden and former President Donald J Trump, are divvying up $14 4 billion However, neither of the presidential campaigns, the (DNC) Democratic National Committee or the (RNC) Republican National Committee, is allocating anything to uplifting “BLACK PEOPLE” or African American entrepreneurs


Finding ties that bind our elected leaders to “BLACK PEOPLE” is virtually impossible these days America is struggling through one of the most divisive political climates our beloved nation has ever seen, and all the “BLACK COMMUNITY” is getting is lip service from what I can see

All the while, brothers turn against brothers, mothers against daughters, sons against fathers, and business associates against longtime business allies Neighbors who have lived in peace and harmony for years are walking by one another and no longer speaking to each other because of politics

But all is not lost

On the local front, my investigative team and I may have discovered a “FEEL GOOD STORY” in the heart of historic Third Ward, Texas We’ve found a man named Dan Simons, who has stepped up to the plate and desires to be a change agent.

Dan Simons is running for Harris County District Attorney He also has a compelling story that could change the political game in the third-largest county in America between now and November 5, 2024

While political pundits, prognosticators, and party bosses debate what percentage of

“THE BLACK VOTE” will go to former President Donald J Trump, in the race for president of the United States, the race for Harris County District Attorney on the local front is shaping up to be one for the ages

Will Trump get 28% of “THE BLACK VOTE,” or 20%, or maybe 15%? The number of votes a presidential candidate receives isn’t as significant as where the presidential candidate wins votes The race for president isn’t won or lost by the number of people who vote or don’t vote for them

The Electoral College is a process of selecting electors who cast votes for the president and vice president



PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Jeralynn Manor is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Judge Manor is the presiding judge 80th Civil District Court She’s running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.



PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Nikita V Harmon is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas. Judge Harmon is the presiding judge 176th Criminal District Court She’s running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election

PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Attorney Brendetta Scott (left), and Attorney Amber Boyd-Cora (right), are both proud Thurgood Marshall School of Law graduates who will be on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot seeking to make history in Appellate Court races, in the state of Texas.


based on the allocation of votes allotted to each state in the union. However, in our local state and countywide races, “THE PEOPLE” of Harris County have all the power and can determine the outcome of political contests up and down the ballot

Do you realize that as little as 267 votes can decide a countywide race in Harris County, Texas, with more than 1 million votes cast?

On Tuesday, November 8, 2022, in the “2022 MIDTERM ELECTION,” in Harris County, Texas, the race for Judge, County Criminal Court at Law No 3, between Leslie Johnson, a Republican, who earned her Law Degree from the South Texas College of Law and Porscha Natasha Brown, a Democrat, who earned her Law Degree from the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law, was decided by 267 votes, with 1,059,031 votes cast, in the hotly contested race

As a refresher, Leslie Johnson (Republican) received 529,649 votes for 50 01% of the vote, and Porscha Natasha Brown (Democrat) received 529,382 votes for 49 99%, which ended up being a 267 vote differential, with 1,059,031 votes cast

In another hotly contested race, a sitting Democrat judge named Judge DaSean Jones, also a Thurgood Marshall School of Law Graduate, came within 449 votes of losing his bench, with 1,068,471 votes cast, in a hotly contested race against Tami C Pierce, who also received her law degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law

As a refresher, Judge DaSean Jones (Democrat) received 534,460 votes for 50.02% of the vote, and Tami C. Pierce (Republican) received 534,011 votes for 49 98% in the 180th Criminal District Court race

After losing her race by such a close margin, Tami C Pierce sued Judge DaSean Jones, alleging he gained an unfair advantage; a visiting judge named Judge David Peeples agreed with Pierce and ordered a new election between the two Thurgood Marshall School of Law graduates, scheduled to take place on May 3, 2025, pending Judge DaSean Jones’s appeal of Judge Peeples’s ruling

According to Judge David Peeples, over 1,400 votes were cast illegally Another hotly contested race on the Tuesday, November 8, 2022, Midterm Election ballot involved a “SITTING DEMOCRAT JUDGE” named Ronnisha Bowman, who obtained her law degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law

Judge Ronnisha Bowman (Democrat), challenged by former Judge Paula Goodhart (Republican), who ob-

tained her law degree from the University of Houston Law School, lost her bench by 4,889 votes.

As a refresher, Judge Ronnisha Bowman received 526,909 votes, for 49 77% of the vote, and former Judge Paula Goodhart received 531,798 votes, for 50 23%, with 1,058,909 votes cast

What am I trying to say?

Votes count more in local and state political contests when the voter turnout is low. And with the new voter


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Judge Robert Johnson is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Judge Johnson is the presiding judge 177th Criminal District Court. He’s running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.



PEOPLE IN POLITICS: State Representative Senfronia Thompson (HD-141) is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas State Rep Senfronia Thompson is running for reelection on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election.


laws put in place to protect the sanctity of our elections in Texas, each vote will count even more on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in what is shaping up to be the most consequential presidential election in American history Many political candidates who sign up to run for public office in Harris County, Texas, don’t know what they’re doing when marketing themselves in a general election, which is much different from winning a low voter turnout primary election.

On top of not understanding the value of “OUTREACH CAMPAIGNS” to the Black community, candidates from both major political parties are falling victim to washed-up, played-out strategies that worked back in the 1940s, 1950s, 1960s, and following the advice of older career politicians who are out of touch with the Black community

In close elections, the candidates who understand their base have a decided advantage You have to look at Houston’s historic Third Ward as fertile ground Many Texas Southern University students are registered to vote in Harris County elections

“The university’s enrollment has grown from 2,303 students to more than 8,400 undergraduate and graduate students from across the world,” says the Texas Southern University website “Although initially established to educate African Americans, Texas Southern University has become one of the most diverse institutions in Texas ”

s i v e d o c t o r a l u n i v e r -

s i t y c o m m i t t e d t o e n s u r i n g e q u a l i t y, o ff e r i n g i n n o v a -

t i v e p r o g r a m s t h a t a r e r e s p o n s i v e t o i t s u r b a n

s e t t i n g , a n d t r a n s f o r m


And why aren’t Thurgood Marshall School of Law graduates targeting future generations of leaders and encouraging them to become involved in local politics? Many candidates don’t even realize that Texas Southern University has its radio station, KTSU 90 9 FM, which candidates can use to target students and potential voters

Candidates also have the option to advertise on KCOH 1230 AM, which has a listening audience that could undoubtedly influence close elections like what we’re about to see play out on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas

Radio personalities like Hall of Fame broadcaster Ralph Cooper, Don Samuel, Michael Harris, Jerri P Beasley, and Paris

Eley are just as influential as radio personalities at MAJIC 102 FM and conservative talk stations like KTRH 740 AM News Radio in many regards

To connect with “BLACK VOTERS,” Democratic and Republican nominees must take matters into their own hands and become creative with their marketing and outreach efforts to African Americans

Suppose Mike Doyle and the local Harris County Democratic Party continue to ignore “BLACK PUBLISHERS” and “BLACK-OWNED MEDIA OUTLETS,” like the Houston Defender newspaper, the Houston Forward Times Newspaper, the African American News & Issues Newspaper, and the D-Mars Business Journal. In that case, it will be next to impossible for Democratic candidates running for office

The Harris County Republican Party Chairman (Cindy Siegel) must also expand her line of thinking and


PEOPLE IN POLITICS: Attorney Velda Renita Faulkner is a proud graduate of the Thurgood Marshall School of Law, in Third Ward, Texas Attorney Faulkner will be on the upcoming Tuesday, November 5, 2024, ballot running for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3, in Texas.




capitalize on Mike Doyle’s failure to connect with “BLACK VOTERS” or show any level of respect for “BLACKOWNED MEDIA OUTLETS” in the Houston area


For starters, the Harris County Republican Party has a unique candidate running for District Attorney named Dan Simons, who has a unique connection to Texas Southern University and the University of Houston, which is undeniable

In December 2011, Dan Simons earned his Doctor of Jurisprudence/Juris Doctor (J D ) A degree from the Thurgood Marshall School of Law gives him a unique connection to “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” that his opponent (Sean Teare) doesn’t have

Dan Simons (Republican) and Sean Teare (Democrat) earned their Master of Laws Degrees from the University of Houston Law School, which is impressive.

After taking a long, hard look at both men running for Harris County District Attorney on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the most consequential election of our lifetime, Dan Simons appears to be the most relatable to Black people

I was overjoyed when I learned that Dan Simons earned his law degree from the prestigious Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University in Third Ward, Texas

From what I understand, Dan’s family was impoverished when he was growing up Dan lived through many struggles growing up, just like my childhood friends and I did.

I might add that it can be tough out here in these streets growing up poor There were times when Dan was homeless when he was growing up Can you believe that?

To survive, Dan Simons often slept in cars and under

a tent, from what I understand The way I see it, Dan Simons is a man whom man “BLACK MEN” should be able to relate to if he’s effective at getting his messaging right between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024


There are over 2.5 million registered voters in Harris County, Texas However, as few as 200 votes may decide the countywide races That said, local radio stations like KTSU 90 9 FM and KCOH 1230 AM must be considered by Democrat and Republican candidates expecting to garner the lion’s share of “THE BLACK VOTE” on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the most consequential election of our lifetimes.

Finally, it’s a slap in the face to “BLACK PEOPLE” for President Joe Biden to set a budget of $50 million for “MARKETING AND OUTREACH” and force Black, Hispanic, and Asian media companies to split $1 million of the $50 million allocation, which is nothing but crumbs During the 2020 Presidential Election cycle, President Joe Biden, a United States Senator at the time, is quoted as saying, “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black ” Well, between now and Tuesday, November 5, 2024, “THE BLACK COMMUNITY” needs to watch Biden, Trump, and local Democrats and Republicans to see which side truly values us through their spending with African American consultants, newspapers, and radio stations

Finally, the time for lip service has passed; we need to see some action As the “GOOD BOOK” says in Matthew 6:21, “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also ” Democrats and Republicans who claim to have a heart for us should be able to show a campaign balance sheet that reflects how much they care about us and our vote



PEOPLE: Famous Boxing Promoter Don King, and former prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr


Former Prizefighter Turned Businessman Eric Carr Isn’t

Afraid to Put in The Work...


There was a time when Black men ruled labor industry and used their hard-earned money to provide for their families and uplift their community However, these days, you’d be hard-pressed to find a Black man working on a construction site, let alone owning a bonafide construction company

Young Black men need to understand that it is challenging to make it as a professional athlete, and college isn’t for everybody However, learning a trade and not being afraid to work hard can be a great equalizer and provide freedom that others can only dream about

“ What does freedom mean to me? Let me see what freedom truly means to me FREEDOM is when you can have the resources to meet your needs and satisfy your wants,” said former prizefighter turned entrepreneur Eric Carr, who owns E&E Construction





“As an amateur prizefighter, Eric

scored 56 wins with only six losses And along the way, he spared with the likes of Tommy “Hit Man” Hearns

the former WBC Continental Middleweight Champion Kid Fire Parks, and 1984 Olympic medal winner Frank Tate, who went on to win a World Middleweight Championship ”

Carr (left)



“In my situation, FREEDOM means being your boss, calling your shots, and determining your destiny FREEDOM to me is having stability in my life,” explains Carr “There’s a passage of scripture that says, “A feast is made with laughter, and wine makes the heart merry, but “money” it answers all things.”

For the record, I’ve been watching former prizefighter Eric Carr for many years He first came on my radar several years ago when I saw a report that aired on FOX 26, titled, “Angel in a hard hat a blessing for the collapsed church ” The first thing I thought was, who are they talking about?

“Angels don’t always come with wings – sometimes they wear hard hats,” said Fox 26 News Reporter John Donnelly in his opening paragraph “I don’t go to church here, but I believe in what Pastor Boudreaux is talking about,” explained Eric Carr

Eric Carr said, “I believe he’s a straight guy, a fair guy, and I think he’s for the people ”

“He’s giving us mercy,” said Pastor Johnny Boudreaux, speaking of businessman Eric Carr You see, Carr was answering a call to service, as he’s been doing for many decades

Long story short, Eric Carr, back in 2016, Pastor Boudreaux had just left his church when disaster struck The devil is always busy – isn’t he? The Truth Faith Missionary Baptist worship center’s main roof caved in, leaving Pastor Boudreaux bewildered

According to the FOX 26 report, “The pastor says he had paid the insurance premiums, but also says the insurance company didn’t want to pay up until they in-

PEOPLE: Former prizefighter turned businessman Eric Carr (Center), with famous film director Spike Lee (left), and Mohammad Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai (right), the former president of Afghanistan, talking to Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee.

vestigated ” Pastor Boudreaux explained, “They couldn’t believe it was so unprofessionally structured, lasting just 24 to 25 years ”


Pastor Boudreaux was at his wit’s end after not receiving much money from the insurance company However, with the bit of money the insurance company gave and a handful of donors, he was ready to demolish the old structure

Thanks to Eric Carr, doing the demolition for less than half the price some others were estimating, the job got done Yep Eric Carr did all of the work for a fraction of the cost “I just want to help,” says Carr


After the sudden passing of his beloved mother, Gwendolyn Carr, back on March 22, 2023, Eric Carr paused things for a moment, but he’s hitting a full stride now “Eric, you make sure you make a lot of money be-

cause you like to run things,” he fondly remembers his mother telling him when he was only 14 “I think that’s what inspired me to go to work at Kroger,” explains Carr

As God would have it, Gwendolyn lived long enough to witness her son (Eric Carr) pull things together and mature into a highly successful business person after a rocket start and a few hiccups


Owning your own business isn’t easy, and some days, the temptation to give up and quit can be overwhelming However, fighting through adversity, obstacles, and challenges can be difficult But the reward that comes with being your own boss is what being free is all about

“As an amateur prizefighter, Eric Carr scored 56 wins with only six losses And along the way, he spared with the likes of Tommy “Hit Man” Hearns, the former WBC Continental Middleweight Champion Kid Fire Parks, and 1984 Olympic medal

winner Frank Tate, who went on to win a World Middleweight Championship ”


Since meeting former prizefighter Eric Carr a few years ago, my views of him and his success have evolved Unlike many local leaders, Eric Carr doesn’t like the limelight He does not like receiving awards and recognitions, and many of Carr’s good deeds happen secretly, which is something I admire Whether it’s demolishing a local church for little or nothing or donating to causes, Eric Carr, from my perspective, has demonstrated himself to be a man who truly cares about people



ceiving awards or recognition, which he’s received plenty of

TRecently, while sitting in Mr Carr ’s office on the north side of Houston, I saw many accolades on his wall But when asked if I could share them with my readers, the answer was an emphatic NO

When asked why, he explained how he doesn’t like to show out or brag about re-

Instead of bragging about his toys and recognitions or turkey drives and bicycle giveaways, Mr Carr keeps his mouth closed and puts in the work Mr Carr seems more comfortable slipping on his uniform, steel-toe boots and being on his job sites nationwide with his workers

Mr Carr seems to care about his people and funding efforts to help young men get jobs at the Port of Houston

Aside from serving as the CEO of E&E Construction, Mr Carr has served on the Board of the NAACP and the Northeast YMCA Board, to name a few

I’m looking for great things out of Mr Carr as he continues to put in the work



“The Honorable Judge Jeralynn Manor has done a fabulous job as the presiding judge over the 80th Civil District Courts since she won the seat during the 2020 Presidential Election. Judge Manor needs our vote, prayers and support to remain on the bench. That said, please cast your vote for Judge Jeralynn Manor on November 5, 2024.”



JJeralynn Manor was born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana Her mother was a nurse, and her father a career officer with the New Orleans Police Department. There he set the bar high for his daughter He attained numerous awards and accommodations, including various achievements, such as becoming the first African American counter-sniper for the SWAT department and the first African American diver on the dive team Manor ’s hard work and high goal standards are certainly founded in her bloodline Manor ’s “service to all mankind” mantra and dedication to her craft is evidenced in her career achievements

Manor studied philosophy at Xavier University in New Orleans before finishing her undergraduate studies in Administration of Justice at Texas Southern University She went on to Thurgood Marshall School of Law, where she earned the American Juris Prudence Award in Bankruptcy under the tutelage of the Honorable Justice Manual Leal of the Southern District of Texas Bankruptcy Court and won 1st place in the Mock Trial competition In 2001 Manor earned her Juris Doctorate and became a licensed attorney by the Texas Supreme Court In her 20 years of practicing law, Attorney Manor has worked in several areas She concentrated her early career as a fee attorney for 3 major title companies Throughout her fee attorney and escrow practice, Manor closed and played an integral role in helping thousands of Texas to achieve home ownership

Judge Manor resides in Houston, where she raises her children and continues serving the community on and off the bench



Fredericka Phillips is a native of Beaumont, Texas Fredericka attended college at Lamar University Beaumont where she received a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice graduating cum laude in 1996 Fredericka relocated to Houston in 1997 to attend South Texas College of Law where she was a member of law review Fredericka received her Juris Doctorate in May 2000 and practiced law for over 16 years representing clients in state and federal courts across the country Fredericka was elected judge of the 61st District Court in November 2016 and sworn in January 1, 2017

Fredericka Phillips and her two daughters, Ashley and Amber, live in Houston


The 61st Civil District Court is a court of general jurisdiction for resolving civil disputes in which the amount in controversy is $200 or more involving property, contract disputes, and other civil matters in which jurisdiction is not placed in another trial court Examples of cases this court hears are contract disputes, personal injury matters, wrongful death cases, medical malpractice, tax appraisal appeals, and property disputes




JUDGE FREDERICKA PHILLIPS will be representing the Democratic Party in the race for District Judge, 61st Civil District Court on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in Harris County, Texas Judge Frederica Phillips must defeat (Attorney Lee Kathryn Shuchart) her Republican challenger to retain her judicial bench Judge Phillips has done a magnificent job serving the people of Texas and must be reelected

A Letter to My District

I write this letter not just as a congressional hopeful, but as a mother of two, a loving wife, daughter, immigrant, and concerned citizen

This is my letter to you.

Reflecting on our nation's history, we find moments that have defined us, moments that have demonstrated our unity and strength When President Kennedy declared that America would land a man on the moon, it seemed an impossible dream Yet, in 1969, Neil Armstrong's "one small step" became a giant leap for mankind, proving that when Americans set their minds to something, nothing is beyond our reach Here in Houston, the home of NASA's Johnson Space Center, we played a pivotal role in that historical achievement

Houston has always been a city of progress and resilience From the development of the Texas Medical Center, the largest medical complex in the world, to the energy industry

boom that has fueled not just Texas, but the entire nation, Houston has been at the forefront of innovation and growth

We are a community that knows how to overcome challenges and build a better future

Today, however, we face different challenges Our community is grappling with issues that need urgent attention outdated infrastructure that leaves us vulnerable to hurricanes and flooding, an immigration system

in dire need of reform, and families struggling to make ends meet in a faltering economy It is clear that after more than 20 years under the same leadership, we need new solutions and fresh perspectives I am Lana Centonze, and I am running for Congress because I believe in the power of change I believe in a future where our community thrives, where our families are protected, and where every citizen

has the opportunity to achieve their own American Dream

Throughout my journey, I have remained committed to advocating for and defending the values that make our country great life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

It’s time to ask ourselves if we want more of the same or if we are ready to try something new I believe in moving forward, in building greatness together We bleed red, white, and blue, and together, we are stronger

Let us embrace the essence of what makes America exceptional and continue to pursue the American Dream With your support, I am confident that we can bring real change to our district, create a thriving economy, protect our families, and ensure that our community is prepared for the challenges of the future

Thank you for considering this journey with me Together, we can make great things happen


Lana Centonze and her family.





“I’m from this community; I live in this community; and I will always fight for and protect this community.” [xÜáv{xÄ


Three-Term Waller County

Precinct #3 Constable (2013-Present)

CEO of Miracles in Motion (Drug

Treatment Rehab Facility — served hundreds of men and women (1980-2000)

Owner, Holy Smoke BBQ

Native of Waller County, Resident of PV

Community Activist/Organizer(35-years)



FIGHTING THE GOOD FIGHT: State Rep Jolanda Jones (HD-147), stood in the gap for Velda Renita Faulkner, Ysidra “Sissy” Kyles, Brendetta Scott, and Amber Boyd-Cora With the help of State Rep Jones, Velda, Brendetta and Amber made it through the 2024 Democratic Party Primaries
Justice Gordon Goodman was defeated by Attorney Brendetta Scott, in the race for Justice 1st Court of Appeals Place 2
Justice Peter Kelly was defeated by Attorney Amber Boyd-Cora, in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District Place 9
Justice Jerry Zimmerer was defeated by Velda Renita Faulkner, in the race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District Place 3



ATTENTION TEXAS VOTERS: “No Black person has ever been elected to the 1st Court of Appeals or 14th Court of Appeals in history On Tuesday, November 5, 2024, Brendetta Scott, Amber Boyd Cora, and Velda Renita Faulkner could all make history if they win their 10-County races However, to do so, all three will need to beat their opponents by huge margins in Harris County, Texas

HISTORY IN THE MAKING: Attorney Brendetta Scott (center), defeated Justice Gordon Goodman in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 2 Attorney Amber Boyd-Cora (left) defeated Justice Peter Kelly in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals District, Place 9 Attorney Lloyd E Kelley (right), held a press conference to bring attention to the unfair treatment these women were receiving To make history Brendetta Scott must now defeat a more difficult Republican opponent by the name of Jennifer Caughey on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election
HISTORY IN THE MAKING: Attorney Amber Boyd-Cora (center) speaks as Brendetta Scott, looks on at the press conference after the Texas Supreme Court forced the Democratic Party allow Boyd-Cora to stay on the ballot to face off against Justice Peter Kelly in the race for Justice, 1st Court of Appeals, Place 9 To make history Amber BoyCora must defeat a Republican opponent by the name of Susanna Dokupil on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the Presidential Election
HISTORY IN THE MAKING: Attorney Velda Renita Faulkner (center), speaks as Attorney Ysidra “Sissy” Kyles (left), and Attorney Brendetta Scott (right), looks on at the press conference Attorney Velda Renita Faulkner defeated Justice Jerry Zimmerer on Tuesday, May 28, 2024, in the Democratic Party Primary runoff race for Justice, 14th Court of Appeals District, Place 3 Velda Renita Faulkner must will face off against a Republican named Chad Bridges, on November 5, 2024


BBruce Bain is an accomplished trial attorney with over three decades of civil trial experience He has practiced in both state and federal courts His legal affiliations include the State Bar of Texas, The United States District Court for the Southern District, Eastern and Western Districts of Texas, the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, and the Houston Bar Association Bruce has handled cases before civil district courts throughout Texas, before the Texas Courts of Appeals, and the Federal Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals En Banc He has been recognized in Strathmore’s Who’s Who of Professionals He has been lead counsel in hundreds of cases He is also a certified mediator with over 120 hours of mediation training He performs at least four pro bono mediations per month as a community service He has been recognized by HTown and Houstonia magazines

Bruce is a member of The State Bar College and the Pro Bono College He is a member of the H B A and sits on the Fee Dispute and Elder Law Committees He is a past chair of the Texas Supreme Court Unauthorized Practice of Law Committee for Houston

Bruce Bain’s distinguished career en-

compasses many areas of the law His diverse experience includes commercial, toxic tort, insurance defense and subrogation, constitutional, personal injury, partnership, business, condemnation and real estate law This broad base of experience will enable him to rule quickly on the wide variety of matters that come before a Civil District Court Judge

Bruce has also been a businessman since 1992 Bruce is currently a managing shareholder in Bain & Bain, PLLC, and formerly a shareholder/ partner in Soape, Brown, McDermott, P C

Bruce carries strong credentials in his community, as well as in the courtroom He served on former President Bush’s staff from 1988-1992, and on his Vice Presidential staff from 1984-1988 He also served as a staff member at the 1992 Republican National Convention

Bruce represented the United States as a staff member at the 1990 Economic Summit of Industrialized Nations

Bruce has served as a registered Boy Scout Leader for twenty years, as the Troop Assistant Scout Master and a Cub Scout Pack Den Leader

Bruce’s community service also includes service as a Committeeman for the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo 100 Club

from 1986-1990 and currently in the Chairman's Club from 1998 to the present He was "Rookie of the year" in 1989 He is also a former president of his former Homeowner ’s Association

Bruce is a devoted husband and father Married for nearly four decades, he and his wife, Joanie Lucci Bain, have four wonderful sons: Major Bruce Bain II, USAF , Nick (Texas A&M graduate), Michael (University of Texas graduate), and Cameron (Texas A&M graduate) All of his son's are B S A Eagle Scouts and Black Belts He and his family are members of St Cecilia’s Church

Bruce attended the University of Texas at Austin and graduated in 1981 with a B A in Government At U T , Bruce served as a Student Union representative, an Interfraternity Council Member, and as President of his Fraternity He was also a member of the U T Young Republicans He and his wife, Joanie, met while attending U T They married one week after graduation, and moved to Houston where both attended law school

Bruce obtained his J D from South Texas College of Law in 1985 While attending law school, Bruce earned the prestigious American Jurisprudence Award Bruce was also on the Dean’s List, and selected by Who’s Who of American Law Students

About Bruce









“Politics must be set aside on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the race for the 165th Civil District Court race between Judge Ursula A. Hall and Attorney Bruce Bain This “PUBLIC REPRIMAND” proves that Judge Ursula A Hall is a horrible member of the judiciary and should be removed from office at the ballot box to protect the public and restore confidence in our judicial system.



Black Support for the GOP is Growing in Texas

African Americans were one group of Texans that would consistently support the Republican Party in Texas in those early years. In fact, throughout Reconstruction, African Americans comprised about 90% of GOP membership, and 44 African Americans served in the Texas legislature as Republicans according to: www texasgop org It was through the hard work of a number of dedicated African American men and women that the earliest foundations of the Republican Party of Texas were laid The first-ever state Republican convention that met in Houston on July 4, 1867 was predominantly African American in composition, with about 150 African American Texans attending, and 20 Anglos.

The second State GOP Chairman, Norris Wright Cuney, an African-American from Galveston who led the Republican Party from 1883 to 1897, is said by State historians to have held “the most important political position given to a black man of the South in the nineteenth century.”


Investigative Reporter, Aubrey R Taylor, and thirty-time Emmy Award Winning Investigative Reporter Wayne Dolcefino at the Tuesday, August 22, 2022, Protest Against Corrupt Judges in Harris County, Texas

Dear Fellow Texan,

Please understand that we are embroiled in a fight for the heart and soul of our nation Crime, Corruption, and Cronyism is running rampant right now So, we must band together and commit ourselves to “PUTTING PEOPLE OVER POLITICS” on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, in the upcoming Presidential Election, in Harris County, Texas

In case you haven’t heard, the GOP “GREATER OPPORTUNITY PARTY” has put together a very diverse field of duly-qualified judicial nominees under the direction of Cindy Siegel, the current HCRP Chairman And on the Democratic side, there’s a historic field of African American “JUDICIAL INCUMBENTS” and candidates running for office up and down the ballot

So, as we endeavor to elect the “BEST QUALIFIED JUDGES” who value our vote, prayers, and support, this time around And we must also place substance, qualifications, judicial temperament, and job readiness above “SYMBOLISM” and “EMOTIONAL TIES” to people who do not value our community


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