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How much sun is too much ? By: Shana Jawahir

spots are commonly called age spots as they come about after some years well spent in the sun. Skin generally tends to age prematurely in severe conditions like extreme cold and hot weather. And persons with already aggravated skin having a condition or disorder, does not fair any better under heat. In fact these conditions are made worse overtime under sun exposure.

So we are in the tropics and no matter where we go there will always be hot sun. Right? Nice excuse for basking in this big ball of delight... But sun lovers we have news for you, that big gaseous globe does not only give you beautiful sun kissed skin. But can also be life threatening. In fact statistics can show you how prevalent skin cancer has become in this generation; proof that our ozone layer is gradually weakening. This green house gas effect is fast becoming a real global crisis. The sun is needed on our planet life for flora and fauna, a good and natural source of energy, it fuels the eco-system and in turn keeps us in the balance, but too much of it can turn the ecological tables to disaster. This body of gas is estimated to be about 93 million miles away from planet earth, yet its UV and infrared rays can reach us with such intensity.

For example; acne vulgaris , seborrhea, rosacea or psoriasis.These are just a few among many other skin related problems that can get worse under the sun. Skin sensitivity is heightened as areas that get constantly flushed become a network of hundreds of tiny broken blood vessels giving the skin red, pink or purple patches. This heat causes the skin to release much moisture, causing the skin to purge oil unto the surface in excessive amounts, in an attempt to seal in what ever moisture it has left. Also to protect it from bacterial invasion and environmental damage.

Let's narrow this problem down to just the human body, and how it is able to cope with the sun. In light of the problems that are associated with the sun, it is our body's main source of vitamin D, along with the many other wonderful benefits. Which effects can be both desirable and undesirable. Of course it gives us that healthy glow and color once we expose ourselves to it in moderation but the flip side to that is the thin line that separates just the right amount of sun from too much. One of the most common effects is the unsightly sun burn. This takes effect when the suns heat dehydrates our cells causing it to age at a rapid pace, inducing the over production of melanin in the skin which gives us that brown or dark crusted look. The body does this to protect the younger cells bellow and to keep in whatever moisture is left in the skin to salvage. In some cases if the sun burn is not too serious the old cells just gradually shed of in a matter of days, some cases being more noticeable than others. Sun burns that are serious can first cause the skin to become red and inflamed leading to a persistent burning sensation that can be quit sensitive to the touch.

A severe condition that is acquired after years of intense sun exposure coupled with a lack of care is called the “Hayflick Limit�. This is marked by the thickening of the skin, leather like to the touch with deep lines and discoloration. Once the skin has reached this state it is labeled irreparable. Another skin terror is the dreaded skin cancer, with the worse of them being malignant melanoma or basil cell carcinoma. It starts of as a tiny mole like blemish on the skin which before too long, takes over your entire system. It is noted as one of the world's most common cancers affecting persons mostly in the tropical and temperate zones.

Constant sun exposure of this magnitude can lead to Hyper or hypo-pigmentation a condition that comes about, after years of sun exposure. It is the discoloration of the skin on affected areas more noticeable on the cheeks, forehead and chest, appearing like brown spots or freckled like dots, some can be wider in diameter. For some the skin is discolored with a pigment lighter than the skins natural color usually whitish in appearance. These


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