HotPott Christmas 2016

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On the buildings side, there were a few issues to report. Ian Malyan has reported that the architects are still waiting for a decision from Peak Park planning department on the church room application. Meanwhile, Ian Clarke has obtained a quotation for the emergency light in the ringing chamber, but because there is no emergency lighting system in place the contractor has given a price for a system for the whole church. Other solutions, just involving the ringing chamber, are being investigated. David has been getting to grips with the audio system: a contractor found the source of faults with the mikes that has enabled a fix to be done; he is also sending a quotation for further equipment. We were asked by the diocese to devote part of the PCC meeting to discuss the topic ‘Giving for Life’. Sally gave the background for this

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second phase of an exercise to review the parish strategy on giving, as set in the context of church life in general. A survey of parishes has resulted in a list of good practice points and members were asked to prioritise three future actions in the light of these. After discussion we decided our priorities as follows: Develop and publicise a legacy policy. Ensure there is a means to thank planned givers and give information on how donations are used. Ensure there is regular communication and preaching on the subject of giving – with the message that it is not just about money, but also about the giving of service and time as part of a Christian life.

HotPott - Christmas 2016

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