Hospital News April 2019

Page 35

LONG-TERM CARE NEWS sodium, little vitamin D, diet poor in magnesium, vitamin K, zinc and other minerals that have an impact on bone strength. Inadequate caloric and/or protein intake also negatively affects bone health Dairy products such as milk, yogurt and cheese are most well known for supplying calcium in the diet. Other foods high in calcium are soybeans, tofu and leafy green vegetables. Calcium fortified orange juice and milk alternatives, made from soy, rice and almonds are other options. Vitamin D is provided as a supplement because there are few food sources. Liquid milk does contain added vitamin D. In the LTC setting, each resident undergoes a comprehensive nutrition assessment by a registered Dietitian upon admission and is reviewed at a minimum each quarter. An individualized plan is developed in collaboration with the resident and their family or Power of Attorney as appropriate.

This plan will include individualized strategies that address all of a resident’s nutrition needs including bone health. In LTC, the focus is on preventing fragility fractures. All care team members play a role in keeping residents safe with their functional movement, and help residents to participate in their own care as much as possible. This provides an integrated approach to individualized care and treatment decisions. Osteoporosis Canada offers a set of short videos that focus on the roles of staff in LTC, specifically personal support workers, physiotherapists and restorative care teams. Osteoporosis Canada will be releasing updated Osteoporosis Management Clinical H Guidelines in the fall of 2019. ■


Dale Mayerson, BSc, RD, CDE, and Karen Thompson, BA Sc, RD are Registered Dietitians with extensive experience in Long-term care. They are co-authors of “Menu Planning in Long Term Care and Retirement Homes: A Comprehensive Guide” and have participated for many years on the Ontario Long Term Care Action Group, an advocacy group of Dietitians in Canada.

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