Fall 2023 eNewsletter

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No Regrets Diane Fasselius, BA, RN, Community Education Specialist When someone receives the diagnosis of a “terminal illness” their whole world is turned upside down. It is a time when the most important things in life come center stage. Life takes on a new look as patients begin to review their past. Many questions about life’s purpose and meaning may surface. Obviously, a concern is physical comfort and well-being. Along with physical comfort, other aspects of life begin to take on greater meaning. Do I have personal goals I would like to accomplish? What do I fear most at this time in my life? What do I cherish most? Is it comfort, control, abilities, connections, relationships, activities? Whom do I need to spend more time with? What in my life is most important to me? Who or what is the source of my strength and support? If my life expectancy is limited, how do I want to spend the time I have? These questions are all valid at any time in life, however they become more important when faced with illness and especially difficult when time becomes limited. Addressing these important questions is part of the support that comes with hospice care. Having hospice to help address these issues with patients and their support system can bring some relief and decrease the stress of facing a terminal illness. Even though the reality of a shortened life expectancy comes into full view, there can be much fullness of life in the days ahead. Hospice makes every effort to provide the best quality of days, including addressing goals, and if possible, making those goals a priority. Early referral is essential to helping with comfort, quality of life, and making goals happen for a person, as well as offering the support needed to face some of these daunting questions.

Book Suggestion: Handbook for Mortals, Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness, by Joanne Lynn, M.D. and Joan Harrold, M.D. This book provides guidance for approaching the final years of life with greater awareness and confidence so this can be a time of growth, comfort, and meaningful reflection. From down-to-earth advice on how to talk to your doctor to inspiring quotes, Handbook for Mortals encompasses the needs of both the body and the spirit in our final years.

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