In & Around Horse Country Holiday 2016

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Casanova Hunt Opening Meet


Casanova Green, Casanova, Virginia, October 15, 2016

Douglas Lees Photos

Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Club Opening Meet Arrington, Virginia November 6, 2016 Sonia Johnson Photos

Dr. Rita Mae Brown, MFH, welcomes members and guests to Opening Day of formal season, held on the Sunday closest to St. Hubert's Day (Nov. 3).

Joyce Fendley, MFH, Casanova Opening Meet, hounds were drawing a cornfield near the end of the day and were on a run.

The Reverend James H. Cirillo, Grace Episcopal Church, Casanova, Virginia, blessed the Casanova Hounds at the Opening Meet.

Riders gather on the lawn of Oak Ridge, home of the Holland family, before moving off for formal season’s first day of hunting. (l-r) Cole Clark; Haylee Choby; Jeanne Fendley Clark, MFH; Amanda Fendley Choby, Honorary Hunt Secretary.

Limestone Creek Hunt Parade of Horses & Hounds Through Cazenovia, New York Opening Meet, Joint with Beaver Meadow Foxhounds (CN) & Blessing of the Hounds, September 11, 2016 Matt Spitzmueller photos Yvonne Smith, LCH Honorary Whipper-in. John Anderson, Limestone Creek Hunt, MFH, (front center); Barbara Lindberg, LCH Jt. MFH (far left); Renee Eddy, LCH Jt. MFH; Nelson Eddy, LCH Jt. MFH (far right).

Lorraine Gronau, LCH Professional Huntsman, riding Dublin, surrounded by her hounds.

Gerald Barney, LCH Steward, Hunt Chair, mounted on Decker; Marion Castleton, Beaver Meadow Foxhounds Jt. MFH (left front standing); and Beverly Stephenson, BMFH President.




Genesee Valley Hunt Opening Meet Geneseo, New York, September 24, 2016

Howard County-Iron Bridge Hounds Opening Meet and Blessing of the Hounds Harwood Farm November 5, 2016 Karen Kandra Wenzel Photos

Junior Foxhunter William Cohen Uziel, age 8, riding Bella. Marion Thorne, MFH and Huntsman, Genesee Valley Hunt, leads the parade down Main St., Geneseo, New York. Karen Kandra Wenzel photo

Live Oak Hounds 43rd Opening Meet Live Oak, Florida, October 15, 2016

Huntsman Spencer Allen leads the pack aided by Joint Master John Reynolds (left front) and Whippers-In Autumn Clarke (right front), Piper Parrish (far left), and Aleigh Taber (right, behind Autumn). Joint Master Daphne Wood is behind Spencer (partially visible), and following behind are LOH members (l-r) Leta Stalnaker and Gage Ogden. David Reid photo

Howard County-Iron Bridge Huntsman Kelly Burdge leads hounds to the blessing at Harwood Farm with honorary whippers-in Dale Proctor & Trae Reuwer, and Professional whipper-in Emily Melton.

Old Dominion Hounds Opening Meet & Blessing of the Hounds Blue Dog Farm, Hume, Virginia October 29, 2016 Michelle Arnold (LuMa Images) Photos Gus Forbush, MFH, Old Dominion Hounds.

Huntsman Jeff Woodall with hounds.

Professional whippers-in Emily Melton and Matt Lanigan move off from Harwood Farm with Huntsman Kelly Burge and the pack.

Old Dominion “Feather” gets a whiff of the action to come.

Rev. Justin McIntosh of Leeds Episcopal Church performs the traditional Blessing of the Hounds.



HUNTING FASHION Covering Your Parts: Rita Mae Brown and Horse Country Saddlery Present Hunting Fashion Through the Ages An enthusiast crowd of hunters, hunt supporters, country folk, and families were well informed and pleasantly entertained at a special event hosted by Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Club and Horse Country Saddlery. The event was held at the historic and beautifully restored Paramount Theater in downtown Charlottesville, Virginia, on November 13, 2016. A string quartet from the Waynesboro Symphony Orchestra provided a charming musical background as guests gathered for the noon kickoff with drinks and hors d’oeuvres aplenty. Then at 1:00 Dr. Rita Mae Brown, MFH, ORFHC, launched into her presentation, “Covering Your Parts,” a lively, informative, and amusing talk on the history of hunting attire from Greco/Roman days to modern times. As anyone who has heard Dr. Brown expound on any topic knows, she is a master at blending Dr. Rita Mae Brown, MFH, Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Club, interesting details with entertaining touches. Aided by a gave an entertaining, informslide show, the audience learned how riding attire in gen- ative, and amusing presentaeral, and hunting kit in particular, has evolved detail-by- tion on riding attire from the detail over multiple millennia from little more than bare Greco/Roman era to modern times. Samantha Swann photo bodies to where all “parts” are now finely clothed. With Rita Mae’s talk concluded to rousing applause, the program moved to the next act—a live show of today’s foxhunting fashion. 26 models presented 76 outfits as they paraded down the runway, enlivened with whip cracking, horn blowing, and a couple of “View Halloas.” Well known catalog models, friends of Horse Country Saddlery, and members of Oak Ridge Hunt strutted their stuff before a crowd of hunting enthusiasts. From tweeds, sporting ensembles and hunting attire, show and schooling clothing, unusual fashion ensembles and accessories, Horse Country style was on display. For the dazzling finale, Fred Root walked out in scarlet drinking pinks and gold bullion embroidered evening pumps. When his dance partner, Martha Kelly, stepped on the catwalk in hunt ball finery, the two twirled and do-si-do’d to “Puttin’ on the Ritz.” Jean Roberts, ex-MFH, gave a thrilling “End of Day” horn call to close out the show. The guests then gathered at the bar to resume the pre-show camaraderie, catch up with old friends, and make new ones. While Rita Mae Brown and Marc Catron, events coordinator for the hunt, were the driving force behind this event, it would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of a huge team that pulled it all together. Although only the models appeared before the audience, it took nearly as many helpers to organize all the details necessary for the show to go on. Many thanks go out to Marion Maggiolo and the staff of Horse Country Saddlery, members of Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Club, all Bob Satterfield, MFH, Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Club, VA and Hally the friends who volunteered their time and efforts, Woodbury, Whipper-in, Casanova and the crew of the Paramount Theater. Hunt, VA. Samantha Swann photo PHOTOGRAPHERS: Daphne Alcock Michelle Arnold Audibertphoto Jake Carle Claudia Coleman Ellie Debenham Sandra Forbush Kathy Glockner R. Haschart Sonia Johnson Nancy Milburn Kleck

“Helter Skelter.” Scene from the T.A. Randolph North American Field Hunter Championship Finals, Glenwood Park, Middleburg, Virginia, October 8, 2016. COVER PHOTOGRAPHER: Nancy Milburn Kleck

Isabel J. Kurek Douglas Lees Joanne Maisano Jim Meads 011-44-1686-420436 Dave & Ginny Reardon David Reid Eric Schneider Bill Sigafoos Matt Spitzmueller Rick Stillings Cathy Summers Samantha Swann David Traxler Karen Kandra Wenzel

An eager team of models—professionals, friends, and family—showed off Horse Country Saddlery’s wide-ranging line of hunting attire and country clothing. Samantha Swann photo Regular subscription 5 issues $25.00, U.S.A. First Class subscription $35.00, Europe, Canada, etc. $45.00

is published 5 times a year. Editorial and Advertising Address: 60 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton, VA 20186 For information and advertising rates, please call (540) 347-3141, fax (540) 347-7141 Space Deadline for the Winter issue is January 22, 2017. Payment in full due with copy. Publisher: Marion Maggiolo Managing Editor: J. Harris Anderson Advertising: Kim Gray (540) 347-3141, (800) 882-4868, Email: Contributors: Aga; J. Harris Anderson; John J. Carle, II ex-MFH; Jim Meads; Will O’Keefe; Barclay Rives; Virginia Equine Alliance; Jenny Young LAYOUT & DESIGN: Kate Houchin Copyright © 2016 In & Around Horse Country®. All Rights Reserved. Volume XXVIII, No.5 POSTMASTER: CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED


OPENING MEETS Rappahannock Hunt


Snickersville Hounds Opening Meet Creekside, Middleburg, Virginia, November 13, 2016 Joanne Maisano Photos

Opening Meet & Blessing of the Hounds Red Hill Farm, Amissville, Virginia • October 29, 2016 Dave & Ginny Reardon Photos

Huntsman and Joint Master Michael Brown brings hounds in at the close of a successful Opening Meet, followed by honorary whippers-in Laura Hitchcock (on the gray) and Barton Hitchcock.

Joint-Master Gregg Ryan and his son John are all thumbs-up on Opening Day.

Honorary Whipper-In Barton Hitchcock.

Snickersville hounds are eager to be off for the day’s first run.

Goshen Hounds Opening Meet Tusculum Farm, Maryland, November 6, 2016 Karen Kandra Wenzel Photos

Robert Taylor, MFH and Huntsman, Goshen Hounds.

Young friends of Goshen Hounds came out to enjoy hounds and see the hunt off.




Shakerag Visits Blue Ridge By John J. Carle II, ex-MFH

John and Kelly Eaton and the Shakerag pack leave Swift Shoals.

Graham Buston explains the next draw to Kelly Eaton, Shakerag whipper-in.

Blue Ridge Joint Masters Anne McIntosh and Brian Ferrell.

Blue Ridge Whipper-in Sherri Buston.

Former Blue Ridge Master Linda Armbrust.

When Graham Buston hunted the Bear Creek pack near Moreland, Georgia, he became friends with John Eaton, Huntsman at the Shakerag, kenneled nearby in Hull, and the two packs enjoyed joint meets frequently. Then in 2015, when Guy Allman departed Clarke County, Virginia, to hunt the Bicester in England, the Blue Ridge Hunt hired Graham as his replacement. This season, arrangements were made for Shakerag to have a sporting tour in northern Virginia, using the Blue Ridge kennels as their base of operations. Many years ago, Shakerag had a strong Virginia connection through the three foxhunting Branham brothers from around Orange. Youngest brother, Boley, hunted the pack under George Chase, MFH, for many years, and is renowned today for the many youngsters he introduced to the hunting field. Andrew Branham, who made quite a name for himself at Keswick before moving to Fairfax, where he finished his long career, helped out in later years, before returning to Orange. The third Branham, Burton, fit into the mix as well, but not prominently. On October 14, Shakerag met at Richard and Kelly Smith’s “Lakeville Farm” near the Shenandoah River to sample a taste of Virginia cub-hunting. John Eaton, with whipper-in wife, Kelly, brought 13½ couple of Penn-Marydel and Crossbred hounds to the meet, and a happy, relaxed pack they are. John has kept up the lines of the PMDs bred, hunted, and shown by his predecessor, the late Rodney Swanson, who had his own private pack, the Grandfather Mountain Hounds, for years before coming to Shakerag. The introduction of a touch of English blood—an expected move for a huntsman from “’cross the pond”—seems to have nicked well. Among the Georgia faithful were Joint Masters Daryl Buffenstein and Dr. West Hamryka, who joined a field of twenty-five early-morning enthusiasts which, led by Blue Ridge Masters Anne McIntosh and Brian Ferrell, moved off briskly at 9:00 a.m. Drawing roughly westward paralleling Swift Shoals Road, which meanders along the river, the pack apparently found the strange country somewhat intimidating, so John dismounted and went afoot through several coverts until his hounds settled. Along the way, a whipper-in far ahead viewed a fox crossing the bottomland, but word didn’t get back to John, now mounted, and he quite fortuitously drew northward into “Swift Shoals Farm,” where hounds found a willing playmate. Unfortunately, under the highest of skies and quickly warming air, scenting conditions were far from ideal, but this pack is used to adversity, scenting-wise, and went about the job with iron-willed determination. They gave the field an interesting morning. In a series of large, overlapping circles, hounds pursued their pilot all through “Swift Shoals” to “Mount Prospect” and back, where a loss in a dense pine woods seemed insolvable until hounds determined that their pilot had gone to ground. The members of the Field were able to enjoy some lovely work, but for the

cadre of car-followers, it was all hunting by ear. Leaving “Swift Shoals,” John hacked back toward the river, throwing in the Gilpin’s “Troutbeck” and hunting in a large, right-handed loop northwestward, generally in the direction of Bethel Church. As is usual during nights of a nearly full moon, foxes had gone out early and stayed late; but by the waning of the morning, most had retired for the day, and hounds had tough work ahead. One particularly reluctant red reveler must have only recently returned home, for hounds found what remained of his line but could own it only in 50-yard bursts followed by long checks, until the rising heat eliminated all traces, and heads came up. Meanwhile, among the car-followers clustered at Bethel Church was Keswick Huntsman Tony Gammell, and when on urgent business, had slipped for a moment into the woods, a young red fox ran right by him. But no one knew, nor could we determine, where hounds were, so Charlie’s passing was kept quiet. Forty minutes later, with equal urgency, Tony returned to the same spot, and the same fox ran by again. Talk about the luck o’ the Irish! This time, as the notes of the hunting horn drifted over the high hill, Tony let loose a banshee yell that brought John at a gallop, grinning from ear to ear. Laid on along the deep, cool creek bottom, the pack burst instantly into song and drove hard in a small, complete circle—spun round like a whirlpool, their cry like joy bells from a wildwood chapel—then shot uphill along a recently bushhogged powerline. Everyone’s expectations rode merrily in their wake, but sadly, success was not to be had, for the higher hounds ran, the warmer became the air and the less scent remained; so by the time they reached the summit, it had vanished entirely. By now it was noon, and it became painfully obvious that our day was done. John dismounted and rained lavish praise on his beloved pack that had, under trying conditions, done so proud the Shakerag name. After a long, refreshing drink, they went hacking happily back to the Blue Ridge kennel for lunch and a well-deserved siesta. The following week, Rappahannock and Bull Run beckoned, and this pack proved to be up to the challenge.

Shakerag Whipper-in Tim Maloney on “Howie.”



OPENING MEETS Green Mountain Hounds Opening Meet at Quiet Valley Shoreham, Vermont, September 25, 2016


Huntsman Kate Selby. Eric Schneider photo

Wentworth Hunt Opening Meet Yorkfield Farm, Kensington, New Hampshire, October 1, 2016

Huntsman and Joint-MFH Kami Wolk with hounds at Wentworth Hunt’s Opening Meet, Yorkfield Farm, Kensington, New Hampshire, October 1, 2016. Eric Schneider photo

Wentworth Hunt’s Joint-MFH Daun DeFrance and Sue Levy enjoyed the day when they participated in the All New England hunt hosted by Myopia on November 12 from Appleton Farm, Ipswich, Massachusetts. Eric Schneider photo



OPENING MEETS Deep Run Hunt Opening Meet

Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds Opening Meet Brooklawn, West Marlborough Township, PA November 5, 2016 Ellie Debenham Photos

Full Stream Farm, Manakin-Sabot, Virginia October 29, 2016 Bill Sigafoos Photos

Barry Manger prepares to move off with hounds for his first Opening Meet as Huntsman for Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds. The meet was held at Brooklawn, home of the late Nancy Penn-Smith Hannum, legendary Master and land preservation pioneer. Brooklawn is currently owned by Mrs. Hannum’s granddaughter, Nancy, and her husband Crosby Wood. Deep Run Huntsman Richard Roberts moves off from Full Stream Farm, home of the Shields family, as the 2016 formal season gets underway.

Maggie Buchanan shows how it’s done over the first element of the infamous “Brooklawn Double.”

New members of Deep Run Hunt, the Ford family enjoyed their first hunt all together. (l-r) Ethan, 15; Layla, 12; Kim (Mrs. Ford); Quinn, 6; Cooper, 8; and Dr. Tyler Ford. Eldest son Wyatt is not in the picture as he was serving as a whip.

Mrs. Phoebe Driscoll, age 82, is all smiles at Mr. Stewart’s Opening Meet.

Deep Run hounds enjoy a pond break on Opening Day.

Wendy Ledyard Powell (right) with her granddaughter Haven Arms.



Middleburg Hunt Opening Meet

OPENING MEETS Loudoun Fairfax Hunt Opening Meet

Spring Glade, Middleburg, Virginia, November 5, 2016 Nancy Milburn Kleck Photos

Overbrook, Hamilton, Virginia November 6, 2016 Joanne Maisano Photos

Brandy Greenwell.

Donna Rogers, Loudoun Fairfax Hunt jointmaster and field leader.

Loudoun Fairfax Hunt joint-master David Moyes.

Hugh Robards, Huntsman. Aria Venezia.



Piedmont Fox Hounds Opening Meet


Oakley, Upperville, Virginia, November 3, 2016

Marlborough Hunt Club Opening Meet Mt. Airy, Rosaryville, Maryland, October 23, 2016

Huntsman James Faber. Isabel Kurek photo

Piedmont Fox Hounds professional Whipper-in Neil Amatt and Huntsman Jordan Hicks move off with hounds for Opening Meet from Oakley. Joanne Maisano photo

Piedmont Fox Hounds hot on the line on Opening Day. Douglas Lees photo Max Tufts, whose mother Sally recently passed away after an impressive tenure as Warrenton’s senior master, has returned to the hunt field following a long absence. Max’s grandfather was an instrumental figure in the early days of Warrenton Hunt and his granddaughters (triplets!) are now beginning their riding careers. Douglas Lees photo

Moore County Hounds Southern Pines, NC • November 8, 2016

Miss Montgomery Maiello, age 7, on DC, prepares to move off for her first fox hunt, from the Moore County Hounds Kennels, Southern Pines, NC , November 8, 2016. She is accompanied by Richard D. Webb, MFH, and Claudia Coleman. Photo courtesy Moore County Hounds



FIELD HUNTERS T.A. Randolph North American Field Hunter Championship Glenwood Park, Middleburg, Virginia, October 8, 2016 Nancy Milburn Kleck Photos

Results Owner-Rider Division: Champion - Cameron Sadler, MFH, Battalion, Moore County Reserve - Jennifer Nesbit, VA Grace, Keswick 3rd - Devon Zebrovious, Barrister, Middleburg 4th - Heather Allison Heider, Everclene, Loudoun Fairfax 5th - Rosie Cambell, MFH, Dylan, Bull Run 6th - Glenn Epstein, Marqo, Piedmont 7th - Mary Ann Ghadban, Maggie Mae, Orange County 8th - Eleanor Morison, Smart Dreamer, Piedmont

Cameron Sadler, MFH, Moore County Hounds, and Battalion, Grand Champions of the North American Field Hunter Championship in the Owner Rider Division with judges and officials (l-r) Robert Taylor, MFH, Goshen Hounds; Leah Palmer; Snowden Clark; Karyn Wilson; and Rick Laimbeer, ex-MFH, Warrenton Hunt.

Non-Owner-Rider Division: Champion - Teresa Croce/Karen Martz, Grayland Woods, Middleburg Reserve - Laura Sloan/Dennis Foster, Strutt, Blue Ridge 3rd - Karen Nutt/Mary Looney, Windy Day Sparkler, Piedmont 4th - Kathleen O'Keefe/Kathleen Lyons, Prince of Diamonds, Casanova 5th - Michelle Craig/Marcia Brody, Magnific Daisy, New Market-Middletown Valley 6th - Camila Coria/Full Cry Farm, Tarabina Von Castell, Arapahoe Most Suitable Pair: Rachel Wilkowski, McGowan, Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Sportsmanship: Glenn Epstein, Piedmont Best Turned Out Champion: George Kuk, King Of Hearts, Middleburg Best Turned Out Reserve: Kathleen O’Keefe, Prince Of Diamonds, Casanova Teresa Croce, Middleburg Hunt, and Grayland Woods, owned by Karen Martz, show the winning form that led to their being named Grand Champions of the North American Field Hunter Championship in the Non-Owner Rider Division.

Virginia Field Hunter Championship Hosted by Farmington Hunt Club Held at Hunt Club Kennels, Free Union, Virginia, November 6, 2016 R. Haschart Photos

Ellie Wood Baxter congratulates William Coleman Sr., Keswick Hunt Club, and “Flying Ace” on winning the Virginia Field Hunter Championship 2016.

William Coleman, Sr., Keswick Hunt Club, and “Flying Ace” show off their winning form in the hack class

Teresa Croce of Middleburg Hunt and “Grayland Woods” won Reserve Champion.




Kentucky’s Iroquois Hunt Hosts the Junior Field Hunter Finals

Following qualifying meets hosted by 33 hunts in 13 states, 65 young competitors, along with their parents and many volunteers, met in Lexington, Kentucky, over the weekend of October 21-23 for the Junior North American Field Hunter Championship Finals. The Iroquois Hunt, under the leadership of MFHA President Dr. John R. (Jack) van Nagell, MFH, honored these juniors with special parties, dancing, horn blowing and whip cracking contests, tours of Thoroughbred farms, and stabling at the Kentucky Horse Park. Many local families opened their homes and farms to the children and their families, many of whom traveled long distances to participate in this increasingly popular event. Ultimately, of course, the focus was on riding, particularly the skills and horsemanship needed for the foxhunting field. The event is designed for junior riders, 18 and under, on foxhunting ponies or appropriate hunting horses. The goal is to stress the connection between the junior rider and the pony or horse. The foxhunting mount and its proper turnout are important, but suitability for the young rider is foremost. The major aim of the JNAFHC is to make the children aware of how important it is to preserve our countryside. In addition, the event provides an opportunity for them to meet new friends who also enjoy foxhunting while offering a bit of competition. The finals on Sunday, October 23, consisted of a cross-country venue of about 6.5 miles with 15 coops or stone walls, and another second course for the top 10 riders in each of the three divisions: 13 & Over Jumping, 12 & Under Jumping, and Hilltoppers. Next year’s finals will be held at Belle Meade Hunt in Georgia. A Former Participant, Now a Judge, Recounts Her JNAFHC Experience [Editor’s Note: Who better to explain the benefits of this program than someone who participated in it for several years and is now serving as a judge? We’re pleased to present this short essay as a firsthand testament to the merits of this program.] My name is Rachel Wilkoski, I am 19 years old, and I am from Morgantown, Pennsylvania. I graduated from high school in 2015 and spent my freshman year at Hollins University and am now currently taking a gap year. My family and I are now members of both Mr. Stewart’s Cheshire Foxhounds and Radnor Hunt, but I grew up Rachel Wilkowski, a competitor in the hunting with PickJNAFHC for nine years and now a ering before they judge, hunting with Mr. Stewart’s closed down. I Chesire Foxhounds. Ellie Debenham photo competed in the JNAFHC for nine years, qualifying for and attending the championship every year. Throughout those nine years, I qualified on six different horses and had four different mounts for the championships. This year I competed in my first T.A. Randolph Field Hunter Championship, the adult version of the JNAFHC. My horse and I received Best Turned Out at Orange County, we qualified at Bull Run, and won Most Suitable Pair at the finals. This year was my first year judging the JNAFHC. I believe that the JNAFHC is extremely important to the future of foxhunting. This competition teaches our juniors how to become successful foxhunters in all aspects of the sport. It is a big confidence booster. It is so important to allow juniors to have the opportunity to showcase not only their riding, but also their knowledge of hunting, the countryside, the hounds, and hunting etiquette. I think it really is wonderful to step away from the idea that juniors should ride in the back of the field and es-

sentially be seen and not heard. It is so much easier for a junior to be invested and interested in the hounds and the sport of foxhunting when their presence in the hunt field is celebrated and not seen as an inconvenience. In a matter of years, our juniors of today will be tomorrow’s landowners, subscribers, masters, and hunt staff, but today we need to make it fun for them so that they are still interested in being there tomorrow and I wholeheartedly believe the JNAFHC is the way to do that. It is so crucial for juniors to travel to different hunts and watch how different packs work. It is so valuable for them to not only diversify their riding in different country, but also to be able to identify different hound breeds and hunting style. The reason we hunt is because of the hounds and it is so vital for kids to be able to identify the type of hound in each pack and their traits that will help them successfully navigate the countryside and hunt the quarry properly. I grew up hunting with Wes Bennett at Pickering. Our country was small and was being overtaken by suburbia, therefore Pickering was a PMD pack. I loved watching hounds with such a great voice work every inch of what limited covert they had. As I competed in the JNAFHC, I was also able to watch different types of hounds hunt differently. Even though I am a PMD girl at heart, I still very much appreciate a big, fast English hound running open country and the JNAFHC really gave me that opportunity to experience hunting everywhere and that is invaluable to me. Being able to fly down to Lexington and judge the JNAFHC was an extremely gratifying experience. After nine years of being on the other side, it was a great feeling to be able to give back to an event that has given me so much. Even though I was judging, it was still such a great learning experience. I had so much fun and met so many great people. I was fortunate enough to borrow a fabulous horse for hunting on Saturday and go coyote hunting for the first time, something I have wanted to do for a very long time. It was tough judging all those kids because all of them were kids I would want to hunt with on ponies and horses that I would keep in my own barn! I really would like to thank Marion Chungo for giving me this opportunity and seeing me as capable of judging, even though I am young and not that far removed from the competition. I want to see the JNAFHC grow and continue so that these kids can continue hunting and become better horsemen, better houndsmen, and keep the sport going. I really hope to see these competitors become judges for it as they age out. Juniors are the future of foxhunting and the future starts with the JNAFHC.

Dr. John R. van Nagell, MFH, Iroquois Hunt, and MFHA President, presented a talk to the juniors at the Iroquois kennels. David Traxler photo

Ainsley Colgan, Reserve Champion, 12 & Under, Jumping: Old Dominion Hounds, riding Empress Hermione. Ainsley also won Best Turned Out and was the highest placing Pony Clubber. David Traxler photo

Claire Goff, Champion, 13 & Over, Jumping: Iroquois Hunt, riding Miss Congeniality. David Traxler photo

[Editor’s Note #2: Indeed they are, and indeed it does! Our thanks to everyone who makes this program possible and has built it into such an expansive opportunity for our juniors across the country. JHA]

Ashley Johnson, Reserve Champion, 13 & Over, Jumping: Iroquois Hunt, riding AJ. David Traxler photo

(l-r) Marion Chungo and M. Douglas Wise-Stuart, ex-MFH, who, along with Iona Pillion, have been the driving force behind the inception and success of the JNAFHC, presented a $1,000 check to Dr. Jack van Nagell, MFHA President, for the association’s building fund to renovate the new headquarters in Middleburg, Virginia. David Traxler photo

Kenley Batts, Champion, 12 & Under, Jumping: Red Mountain Foxhounds, riding Brooks. David Traxler photo



Mary Katherine Leveridge, Hilltopper Champion, Iroquois Hunt, with (l-r) Dr. Jack van Nagell, MFH, Iroquois Hunt and the Hilltopper Judges: Heather Heider, Jennifer Queen, Trena Kerr, and Lisa Heider Eifler. David Traxler photo

The Results

Just some of the 65 junior competitors, representing 33 hunts in 13 states, along with their parents, organizers, and supporters who gathered in Lexington, Kentucky, for the JNAFHC finals. David Traxler photo

Spirit Award: Cooper Batts, Red Mountain Hounds Best Turned Out: Ainsley Colgan, Old Dominion Horn Blowing Winner: Liza Sautter, Woodford Whip Cracking Winner: Lee Dozier, Belle Meade 13 & Over, Jumping: Champion: Claire Goff - Iroquois, Miss Congeniality Reserve Champion: Ashley Johnson, Iroquois, AJ 3rd: Allison Nicely - Loudoun Fairfax, Meadow Fox Jubilation 4th: Emma Bittle - Farmington, Finny 5th: Josa Comstock - Fox River Valley, El Dorado 6th: Carissa Duncan - Live Oak, Hootie 7th: Isabelle Powers - Midland, Bandit 8th: Abigail Murphy- Midland, Brave Prospect 9th: Ashleigh Currier - Belle Meade, Luna 10th: Kathleen Moloney - Iroquois, Millstone 12 & Under, Jumping: Champion: Kenley Batts - Red Mountain, Brooks Reserve Champion: Ainsley Colgan - Old Dominion, Empress Hermione 3rd: Sophie Bell - Old Dominion, Magical Trail 4th: Gabriela Sacco - Live Oak, Rosie 5th: Lydia Eifler - Long Run, Bugsy 6th: Sarah Leannardo - Carrollton, PL Zadie 7th: Tate Northrop - Long Run, Rudy 8th: Gavin Sacco- Live Oak, Toffee 9th: Neilly Dozier - Belle Meade, Kachina 10th: Emalaine Cooper - Bell Meade, Chance Hilltoppers: Champion: Mary Katherine Leveridge - Iroquois, Rio Reserve Champion: Cian Yorba - Long Run, Clines Holly Freckle 3rd: Trey Batts - Red Mountain, April Blessing 4th: Grayson Yorba - Long Run, Gunsmoke 5th: Madison Elliott - Moore County, Sydney 6th: Bella Hodge - Woodford, Alexie 7th: Alden Yorba - Long Run, Prince Leonardo 8th: Lee Dozier - Belle Meade - Sweet Pea 9th: Liza Sautter- Woodford, Maisie 10th: Samantha Homeyer - Old Dominion, Point Blanc




Saxon Speaks By Barclay Rives An old white-faced hound named Saxon trotted up screen took more time than hunting conditions and stood next to my horse on a hot September would allow. I emailed the photographer that it morning. We both listened to the fierce roaring cry might be the Loch Ness Monster. A careful examof hounds in the cornfield to our left. Instead of racination made me conclude it was a coyote, because ing to join them, as I expected, Saxon turned and its tail appears smaller in proportion to its body trotted the opposite way. Was he going deaf? Minthan the voluminous and lengthy brush of a red utes later he stood beside Keswick Huntsman Tony fox. Some said the animal in the photo looks like Gammell as the rest of the pack ran past. Saxon was a gray fox. No matter what it looks like, Saxon and telling Tony something. What he was saying was his companions told us it did not smell like a red different from previous messages. fox. During last year’s 2015-2016 season, Saxon I have also been mistaken. Ten years ago, was essential in helping Tony train the rest to run at a Keswick fixture called The Chimneys, named only red foxes and disregard coyotes. When Saxon for nearby remnants of slave dwellings, Tony spoke, Tony knew he was running a fox. When brought hounds up to my holloa. I thought I had Saxon withdrew, the others were suspect. Saxon viewed a fox running through woods where I had was the only hound to drop out of an early cubviewed foxes before. Coyotes were unfamiliar rehunting run near Somerset. Everyone thought we cent arrivals to the area. Hounds settled on the line were after a wide-circling fox, until Saxon aroused except for a bitch, Nectar (Saxon’s aunt), and a Tony’s suspicions. Tony instructed field and staff to dog, Warcry, two of the best I have ever known. line the edge of a cornfield. A coyote appeared not Tony noticed their non-participation and hustled far in front of the pack. Hounds halted at the sound ahead. He was not sure what animal he saw in of Tony’s voice. Tony praised Saxon and advised front of his pack until Andy Lynn, MFH, told him the rest to be more like him. it was a coyote. The question about whether or not to hunt I have subsequently tried to be more careKeswick “Saxon.” AudibertPhoto coyotes generates strong opinions. I respect huntsful. In those first years we encountered coyotes, if men who choose to run coyotes, and I respect those who do not. Tony’s approach someone said they had seen something, but were unsure what it was, it turned simplifies the matter for hounds: run only red foxes; do not run coyotes, deer, out to be a coyote. livestock, or any other animals, including gray foxes. Keswick hounds encounter Years later at Rocklands, near Gordonsville, a coyote colored exactly like few gray foxes in our country nowadays, though they were far more numerous a red fox ran out of a swampy thicket across an open field. Someone in the field decades ago. Some argue that preventing foxhounds from running coyotes is too holloaed. I was much closer to the animal and yelled to Tony that it was a coydifficult. The countless difficulties and challenges of hunting a pack of foxote. A distinguished gentleman guest, who had hunted coyotes with Arapahoe for hounds are what make the sport interesting and rewarding. If it were easy, it many years, commented that he had never seen a coyote of that color. Was I mismight grow dull. taken? Was it a fox? At the time, Tony had a dependable black and tan hound In the weeks after that Somerset day, more hounds began following Saxon’s named Biker, who would run to his side at the first whiff of a coyote. I told the example and running to Tony when a hound spoke on a coyote. Total conversion guest, “If you don’t believe me, ask Biker.” I pointed to the hound, whose disseemed particularly difficult and lengthy last season. Tony and staff had to ride gusted expression said he was certain it was a coyote. hard numerous times to stop those who persisted in running coyotes. Tony On another occasion, Warcry and the rest of the pack quickly dropped out drafted a few hounds he deemed beyond redemption. The pack was steady by of a run that had started with a photographer’s Tally-ho. The photographer raced December. on foot after Tony to confess his mistake and show him a digital image of the Keswick hosted another hunt at a joint meet on a frigid January morning. coyote on his camera. He atoned for the error with a twelve-pack of beer. Early in the day, Tony brought hounds to a field where visiting car followers had This past September morning, Saxon’s dropping out of the pack was not beholloaed. Hounds put their noses down, then turned to look up at Tony. Training cause of coyotes. Tony had viewed the hunted fox. Saxon dropped out because hounds not to run coyotes involves testing: putting them on the line where somehe was feeling effects of age. He was saying he could no longer keep up with the one has seen a coyote and reprimanding any who speak. Hounds behaved as if younger hounds. The late Eddie Coles, a born foxhunter and childhood friend, this were another test. Tony asked the visitors, “Are you sure it was a red fox?” told me that a good old hound can cause more harm than any foolish young one. Friends told me the visitors were offended by Tony’s question. Of course Possible old-age-related vices include jealousy-inspired overrunning, skirting, it was a red fox. Every re-telling I heard magnified the visitors’ indignation and dwelling, and babbling. The rest of the pack might be inclined to hark to the fathe outrageousness of Tony’s behavior. miliar inspiring old voice leading to trouble. The previous week, Tony noticed I was standing next to Tony when he asked the question, in a calm voice. I Saxon lagging behind the rest and wondered if they were wrong, until he viewed have seen huntsmen, including Tony, be less polite. He did not say anything a fox in front of them. Saxon had to go before he started causing problems. The more. He took hounds to the next field. There was a clear depression in the grass, working lives of good hounds and good horses are too brief. a game trail, which the animal in question had followed. Again, hounds were Huntsmen have told me that making a good pack is difficult, but keeping not interested. Saxon put his nose down, looked up at Tony, and lifted his hind a pack in top form is even more difficult. As an amateur whipper-in, I only catch leg. That settled the matter. Any huntsman in that circumstance would trust glimpses of the constant adjustments involved in selecting hounds for each day, Saxon over human eyewitness. entering new hounds every season and drafting out old ones. Tony’s bond with Although I did not realize it until we had moved off, I had seen in the his hounds progresses from the day they are whelped. It cannot be easy to let a woods the same animal the visitors saw. It was the size of a fox. I thought it was good one go. Other huntsmen ask Tony for reliable old hounds, and Tony had a a fox until I saw it move. It had the comparatively choppy gait of a coyote. Foxes new home in mind for Saxon that morning. People from other hunts have given are more graceful, and seem to float over the ground. The animal ran from the me glowing reports of what former Keswick hounds have done for their packs. woods out into the field where the people saw it. One of the visitors was an old Casanova Huntsman Tommy Lee Jones wrote years ago that a good second friend, who told me a photographer had captured its image. The photographer year hound knows more about foxhunting than any human ever will. Saxon knew emailed me the photo the next day with an apology that it was a hasty long dismore than most, and generously shared his knowledge. tance shot. The photo was ambiguous. Deciphering the image on my computer

CHECKED. Marilyn Newmark, (1928-2013, American) very rare porcelain, 1950s. #9336-001. (HC1A) $1995.00

INKWELL. Crystal hooves as double inkwell. Hunting crops hold the pens. Silver plate, 1900s.

A Christmas Visit to Horse Country

#2517-001. (HC1D) $2250.00

Do you remember how it felt in December, When you went to your favorite store? Coming in from the weather, the warm scent of leather Brought a smile as you stepped through the door.

CECIL ALDEN VASE. Royal Doulton. Repaired condition. 1900s. 12”t x 6”w. (HC1E) $600.00

FOX DEMITASSE SPOONS. Velvet lined case. Set of six. #9330-003. (HC1B) $495.00 Two sets available.

AMERICAN FOX HOUND. Royal Doulton. Rare. 7.5"L x 5.5"H. #9330-006 (HC1C) $1500.00

H O R S E C O U N T RY ®

(540) 347-3141 800-882-HUNT (4868) 60 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton, Virginia 20186 Store Hours: Monday–Friday 9AM - 6PM, Saturday 9AM - 5PM (ET) OPEN SUNDAY 12-4 FROM THANKSGIVING UNTIL CHRISTMAS

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TWO FOXES. Painting on handmade paper. Contemporary artist Paula Lincoln. 39”w x 30”h. #5201-002 (HC1F) $995.00 Also available, FOX FAMILY, in the same style by Paula Lincoln. Photos can be emailed.

Shop online! SIDESADDLE. Watercolor. C.A. Fesch (active late 19th century, British). 1890. #2516-004. (HC2A) $1995.00

MINTON CUP AND SAUCER. Pink. 1850. #1245-027. (HC2B) $325.00

A Horse Country visit for something exquisite Is the clearly reliable reason For fully assuring that this Christmas morning Will be your best holiday season!

DOORSTOP. Horse hoof with silver plate shoe and fittings. 22” t x 4.25”w. #9240-014. (HC2C) $995.00 STANGL HORSE HEAD. Terra Rose Green. 1942/1944. 13” tall. Turquoise and Tan. #5000-1116. (HC2E) $995.00

EMPRESS OF AUSTRIA. Made in Austria. 18”x17”. #4260-001. (HC2F) $875.00

CARVED FRENCH PLAQUES. One of a fox, the other a hare in natural setting. Set of two. French. #5201-088. (HC2D) $995.00/pair AU BUT! Pau Rigual ( 1863-1917, Spain, France) Figural piece, spelter. 20”Lx17”H. #999-1114-002. (HC2G) $1900.00

CRYSTAL JUG. Hand-painted horses and hounds. Mouth blown. 12” H. #2517003. (HC2H) $325.00

BRONZE GILT HORSE. Shadow box frame. 18”x15”. #5100-02016. (HC2J) $2950.00. Two others available, smaller size. Framed.

HC2 H O R SE C O U NTRY ® 800 882 HUNT Visit us online! All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. IAHC 11-2016

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ENAMEL FOX GLASSES. Water Goblets. Set of four. #5100-1114-009 (HC3A) $395.00 Set of six. #5100-1114-007. (HC3B) $595.00 Old Fashioned. Set of four. #5100-1114-010 (HC3C) $395.00 Decanter and Set of five Sherry Glasses. #5100-1114-006 (HC3D) $795.00 FOX BRONZE. Art deco style. For garden or gated entrance. 30”l x 12”w x 22.5” t. Placement ready with bolt diagram. Approx. 135 lbs. Enquire with store. (HC3G)

FOX LAMP. Brunschwig et fils design. Shown in green jar, also available in yellow jar. 23” tall, shade included. #5201-10. (HC3E) $495.00

ORIGINAL FORE’S lithograph in wooden frame, as matt for small photograph. Artist: Havell. 1910. Approx 13”t -14.5”w. #2118-1008-002. (HC3F) $1200.00

SITTING HOUND. Royal Worcester. Artist Doris Linder. 1950s. 7” t. #4207-001. (HC3J) $695.00

OVAL FOX SIGN. Wooden. 59"W x 41.5"H. #3026-mm-014 (HC3H) $1750.00 GRAY HUNTER. Marilyn Newmark, (1928-2013, American) very rare porcelain, 1950s. #9336-002. (HC3K) $1795.00

TOBACCO JAR. Royal Doulton. Comical scene with the master in the rough. Lid formed to hold aromatic spice. 8”t. #2516-005. (HC3M) $550.00

JOY AND GRIEF. Arts and Crafts copper frames with Surtees quotes. Frank Gillete p prints. 19.5”l x 16.75”t. # #2118-010014. (HC3L) $ $2450.00/pair

H OR SE C OUNT RY ® 800 882 HUNT HC3

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Grand gifts and small ones for wee folks or tall ones The choices seem never to end. Whatever s desired you ll find what s required For every loved one and friend.

FOX AND CROP PIN. 14k. Diamond eyes. 3.5”. #9345-004.(HC4C) $1200.00

HORSE CRYSTAL WATCH Two horseshead crystals. 14k. Bits and stirrups embellish the links. 7” in length. #9341-001. (HC4A) $4900.00

FOX MASK MEDALLION PIN. 14k with ruby eyes. 1.5” diameter. #9345-010. (HC4G) $1600.00

HORSE HEAD CRYSTAL STICK PIN. 2.5”. #9345011. (HC4B) $1200.00

DIAMOND HORSE SHOE PIN. 14k. 1.25”L x 1.25”W. #9345-013. (HC4E) $3700.00

CRYSTAL HORSE HEAD RING. 14k yellow gold. 1970s. #9335-002. (HC4H) $1900.00

14k and 1.25” wide cuff embellished with diamond and precious stone ornaments including a coach, jockey cap, Belmont Park race program, race horse, sailboat, dog, champagne bucket, elephant and others. (9200-002) (HC4F) Enquire with store.

TALLY HO CRYSTAL BRACELET. 14k. 1924. Unusual, hand-painted crystals. Detailed loose ring bit links. 7”L. #420-111301. (HC4J) $2995.00

HC4 H O R SE C O U NTRY ® 800 882 HUNT Visit us online! All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. IAHC 11-2016

HUNTER CRYSTAL EARRINGS. 14k. Hand-painted hunt scenes. Post backs. #9335-003. (HC4K) $3895.00

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FOUR LEAF CLOVER PIN 14k with four crystals, 1950s #813-008. (HC5A) $2995.00

NOW & FOREVER CRYSTAL PIN. 14K, hand-painted, square crystal, 1960s. #2015-NFCPMF.#9324-001. (HC5B) $1400.00

PRANCING HORSE PIN 18k and diamonds #4701-0414. (HC5C) $2100.00

CRYSTAL FOX PIN. 14K. Oval crystal with fox mask. Chain edging. (HC5H) $4500.00

ROOSTER PIN. 14K. Edwardian. Diamonds. #9341-005. (HC5F) $3900.00

14k with diamonds and horse crystal. 3” t by 2.5” w. (9200-001)(HC5G) Enquire with store.

STAG STICK PIN. 14K. #9341-004. (HC5E) $495.00


14K AND CRYSTAL FOX MASK PENDANT #1025-001 (HC5J) $2400.00

CRYSTAL FOX MASK RING 14k yellow gold. 1970s. Stirrup detail. #9335-001. (HC5D) $1900.00

14k racehorse with large diamond eye. (9200-003) (HC5L) $2200.00

ERTE FOX RING Pavé diamonds and emerald eyes. #5100-1212-01 (HC5M) $3695.00

FOX MASK EARRINGS. 14K with ruby eyes. Post backs. #9345-010. (HC5N) $1600.00

SADDLE AND CROP STOCK PIN. 14K. 3.25”L. #9345-005. (HC5P) $995.00

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A bounty of wonder, up high and down under, Of presents for those on your list. In every direction, gift-giving perfection. Not a name on your list would be missed.

RUANA Made in England. Lambswool. New assorted Plaids. One Size. #3585LWRR084. $175.00 Stole size. #3585LWMR016. (HC6A) $145.00

ASHLEY QUILTED VESTS By Ariat®. Wind and water-resistant chevron-quilted shell, insulated. Sizes : XS-XL. (HC6B) $69.95 A. Amazon Green. #315-10017837 B. Rouge Red. #315-10017839

INTARSIA SWEATERS Soft Pima cotton, long sleeve. Stylized horse design. Sizes : SM-XL. (HC6C) $168.00 A. Navy. # 1771-3754NY B. Oatmeal. #1771-3754OM C. Black. #1771-3754BK B BEADNELL P POLARQUILT B By Barbour®. Quilted w with a 280g fleece llining, elegant shaped ffit, tartan lining. Navy B Blue. US4-US16. # #4-LQ0471NY. ((HC6D) $275.00

VIXEN Oversized fur poncho with fox tails. Mocha. One size. #1782-LP01. (HC6E) $345.00

HC6 H O R SE C O U NTRY ® 800 882 HUNT Visit us online! All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. IAHC 11-2016

RANNOCH BEADNELL. By Barbour. Midweight waxed cotton. Olive with wildflower print. Sizes : US6-US14. #4-LW0654OL. (HC6F) $399.00

LADIES' LAVENHAM HARKSTEAD Made in England. Waxed cotton, quilted covert coat. Light quilted lining. Waterproof. Dark Sage. Sizes US4- US24. #1717-LCHG. (HC6G) $450.00

Shop online! LADIES' JENNY W Quilted coat with English wool tweed accents. Nice details including back pleat that snaps and hidden pockets. Sizes XS-XXL. #1747-X800. (HC7D) $345.00

FUR VEST Knitted rabbit fur vest with Fox fur collar. Two large front pockets. One size. (HC7A) $268.00 A. Mocha. Shown. #1782-LV03 B. Black. #1782-LV01. C. Chocolate. #1782-LV02

RANCH TOUGH Canvas vest with faux fur collar. Olive. XS-XXL. (HC7E) $99.95 A. Olive (shown). #1652-28004B B. Bronze. #1652-28004A ue #1652 ue. #1652-28004C 28004C C. Blue.

LADIES' CHRYSALIS A. Chrysalis Bloomsbury. Made in England. Warm and waterproof. Charcoal gray with Purple and Blue windowpane. Sizes. US2-US14. #559-BJ12X. (HC7B) $995.00 B. Chrysalis Hampton. Made in England. Warm and waterproof. Tan with green, orange and red windowpane (shown). Sizes : US2-US12. $995.00; Brown with Lilac and purple windowpane. Sizes : US2-US14. (HC7C) $995.00

TAYLOR TRENCH JACKET Softshell fabric embossed with a houndstooth design. Wind and water resistant. Cozy fleece lined. Detailed with toggle hood and split tail back. Sizes : SM- XL. (HC7F) $119.00 A. Chocolate Brown. #1773-40588BR B. Plum #1773-40588PL

LADIES' LAVENHAM RAYDON Made in England. Quilted, water resistant jacket. Black. Sizes: US6-US14. #1717-LJRB. (HC7G) $258.00 Also available in Olive. #1717-LJRS. $258.00

H OR SE C OUNT RY ® 800 882 HUNT HC7

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Shop online! MEN'S BARBOUR® LANGDALE FLEECE VEST Olive. Sizes M-XXL. #4-MF0079OL. (HC8A) $129.00

There s country attir e that all will desire For warmth through the wintertime chill. And jewelry exclusive that s sur ely conducive To sparking a Christmas day thrill. MEN'S RAYDON JACKET Made in England. Quilted and Waterproof. Brown. Sizes: 38-48 #1717-MJRC. (HC8B) $289.00 MEN'S DUNMOR JACKET By Barbour®. Windblock fleece with a Tartan waterproof lining. Dark Olive. Sizes MD, LG, XL. #4-A387. (HC8C) $329.00

MEN'S QUILTED VEST Made in England. (HC8D) $225.00 Army Green. Sizes 40"-46". #1761-Q12GRN Pumpkin. Sizes 40"-46". #1761-Q12ORG

BARBOUR NELSON ELSON SWEATER SWEATER. L Lambswool, b l 1/2 zip, i funnel neck sweater. Sizes: SM-XXL (HC8F) $149.00 Charcoal Gray / Red #4-MK0863CH Dark Olive / Orange #4-MK0863GN

MEN'S PIPER MATT JACKET Quilted with tweed trim. Navy. Sizes: SM-3XL. #1747-Z800. (HC8E) $295.00

HC8 H O R SE C O U NTRY ® 800 882 HUNT Visit us online! All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. IAHC 11-2016

Shop online! MEN'S MICKFIELD VESTS Made in England. Classic slim fit quilted waistcoat. Water resistant. Available in Navy. #1717MVMN. Sizes 38-46. Chocolate. #1717MVMC. Sizes 40-46. (HC9A) $212.00

BARBOUR DANBY SWEATER Lambswool, 1/2 zip, waterproof lining. Olive with leather recoil patches. #4-MK0864OL Sizes : SM-XL (HC9C) $299.00

B BARBOUR AYTON SWEATER Lambswool, 1/2 zip, waterproof lining. Navy with Tartan. #4-MK0865NY Sizes : SM-XL (HC9D) $269.00

MEN'S BARDON POLARQUILT By Barbour®. Quilted with a 280g polyfil. Navy. #4-MQ0068NY. Sizes : M-XXL. (HC9B) $299.00

VIYELLA SHIRTS FOR MEN. The famous 80% cotton/20% wool washable shirt. Button down collar, nice buttons, smart details. A Horse Country staple. (HC9E) $139.00 A. V34 #1615-455V34 MD-XL B. V40 #1615-455V40 SM-XL C. V33 #1615-255V33 MD-XL D. V35 #1615-455V35 SM-XL

E. V38 #1615-455V38 MD-XL F. V37 #1615-455V37 MD-XL G. V39 #1615-453V39 MD-XL





SWEATERS. TERS. Your choice. Round neck or V neck. Either looks great with any off our Viyella shirts. Merino wool. A. CREW NECK. Green. Sizes MD-XL #1615-61205 (HC9F) $179.00 B. V-NECK. Sage (shown), Indigo Blue and Beige Melange also available. Sizes MD-XL. #1615-611S02. (HC9G) $179.00


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New books and old ones, scarves that are bold ones In colors and patterns quite brightful. Tack for your horses, plus stable resources, And hats that are truly delightful.

FARM MENAGERIE COLLECTION Matches. 4” long, box of 50. #1789-MPM01. (HC10A) $3.50 Soap. 6.6 oz., Fresh Willow scent. #1789MPS01. (HC10B) $8.25 Candle. 4 oz., Fresh Willow scent. #1789MPC01 (HC10C)

“THE FOX” Framed print. #3041-1001189. (HC10D) $24.95 “THE HOUND” Framed print. #3041-1001188. (HC10E) $24.95

W WOODLAND FOX DOORMAT C Coir fiber. 30”x18”. #1575-204716. (H (HC10F) $34.95

MR. & MRS. FOX Wine tumblers. Set of two, holds 17oz. #1416-MMFWINE. (HC10G) $31.95

HORSE COUNTRY® BOUNCING FOX Signature Collection. Etched, set of four. (HC10H) $49.00 A. White wine, holds 19oz. #471-HCWGS B. Red wine, holds 16oz. #471-HCRGS

SLEEPY FOXES Glass coasters, 4” diameter. #1793-JD02. (HC10J) $7.95 A. Dark Pink B. Blue C. Yellow D. Light Pink E. Gray F. Purple

HC10 H O R SE C O U NTRY ® 800 882 HUNT Visit us online! All prices subject to change without notice. All items subject to availability. IAHC 11-2016

FRENCH CAVALIER COASTERS Acrylic. Set of six, different scenes. 4”x4”. #1753-DRACS. (HC10K) $59.00

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HOUNDSTOOTH MUGS Enjoy coffe, tea or soup with these dapper houndstooth mugs. Holds up to 15oz. #389-MUGLHT. (HC11A) $24.95 A. Welsh Corgi. B. Welsh Corgi Tri-color. C. Fox Mask

D. Fox Hound E. Hunt Scene F. Basset

HOUNDSTOOTH COASTERS Protect your table surfaces with style. Rubber coasters, highly absorbent and hand-washable. Set of four. 4”x4”. #389-HT0404. (HC11B) $14.95. A. Foxhunt (shown) Also available. B. Welsh Corgi C. Welsh Corgi Tri-color D. Fox Mask E. Foxhound F. Basset

SOLOGNE DESSERT PLATES Made in France. Motifs reminiscent of the French Countryside. Fine China. 9.25” diameter. (HC11C) $45.00 A. Foxhound. #1753-HNDDP B. Red Fox. #1753-FOXDP C. Basset. #1753-BASDP

STIRRUP CANDLE HOLDERS Antiqued brass, holds standard tapered candles. Sold as individuals A. Large. 5”x8”x2.5”. #368351376L. (HC11D) $60.00 B. Small. 3.5”x7”x2”. #368351376S. (HC11E) $50.00

CHESHIRE HUNT COLLECTION A. Tablecloth. a. 55” x 55”. #770-CHTC-06. (HC11F) $98.00 b. 52” x 94”. #770-CHT-01. (HC11G) $139.00 B. Table Runner. 18” x 72”. #770-CHTC-05. (HC11H) $98.00 C. Ice Bucket. a. 5 quart size. #1661-H251. (HC11J) $99.95 b. 3 quart size, Green fabric (not shown). (HC11K) $89.95

JUMPING FENCES Framed silhouette. 10” x 10”. #3041-1005991. (HC11L) $45.00

ARTISTIC FOX HEAD AND BRUSH DOOR KNOCKERS Hand-crafted designs by using the age-old art of sand casting. Mounting hardware included. A. Solid brass. Large. 5”H x 4”W x 2.5”D. (HC11M) $135.00 B. Nickel Silver. Standard. 3.75”H x 3”W x 3”D. (HC11N) $69.00 C. Solid Brass. Standard. 3.75”H x 3”W x 3”D. (HC11P) $69.00 D. Oiled Bronze. Standard. 3.75”H x 3”W x 3”D. (HC11Q) $69.00

SOPHISTICATED MUGS Fine bone china. Hand-decorated. Holds up to 10oz. (HC11R) $16.95 A. Hare & Seed. #1792-MUG02 B. Hold Your Horses. #1792-MUG1A C. Show Jumping. #1792-MUG1C D. Trot On. #1792-MUG1B

H OR SE C OUNT RY ® 800 882 HUNT HC11

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It s wonderful to be able to do

FOXY COLLECTION Knitted Cotton/Acrylic blend. Orange and black. 9 95 Foxy Knit Hat. One Size. #1686-H001ORG (HC12A) $22.95 Foxy Muffler. 6" x 64" #1686-S002ORG (HC12B) $29.00 95 Foxy Mittens. One Size. #1686-M001ORG (HC12C) $22.95

something we love and to serve people who are truly friends and not just customers. So to all of you, from the entire Horse Country team, Aga and Bunsen, may you have

CASHMERE TOSS Cashmere Toss, perfect over the head piece. Wear instead of a sweater, for the car, plane, office. One size. Colors top to bottom: Red, Green, Lt. Pink, Pink, wine, Lilac, Lt. Blue, Teal, Navy, Natural, Chocolate, Gray, Black. #1023-ls134601 (HC12D) $149.00

a fabulous Christmas and a happy New Year full of merry times and exciting chases. Sincerely, Marion

CASHMERE MUFFLERS 12" x 72". Colors: Berry, Claret, Bisque, Chocolate, Leaf, Spruce, Airforce Blue, Navy, Chocolate. (HC12E) $135.00

WINTER PERFORMANCE GLOVE PERFORMAN Softshell. Waterproof, Wa Downtouch fiberfil fiberfill lining. Reflective piping. Black Black. Unisex sizing SM-XL #203 #2039-304129 (HC12G) $37 $37.95

ROSE SE O'LEARY HAT Wool knit hat with rose embellishment. Easy to wear, light to pack. Black, Wine, Blue, Natural and Rust. #2063-LW616AS (HC12F) $29.95

LADIES' VORTEX GLOVE Waterproof softshell, thinsulate lining, extended knitted cuff. Olive and Black. Sizes: SM-XL #2039-470014O (HC12H) $34.95

Horse Country® (540) 347-3141 • 800-882-HUNT (4868)

To WINCHESTER, I-66 & I-81

60 Alexandria Pike • Warrenton, Virginia 20186 CUSTOMER SERVICE AND INQUIRIES: (540) 347-3141 24 HOUR FAX: (540) 347-7141 For Orders Only: 800-882-HUNT(4868)








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Store Hours: Monday–Friday 9AM - 6PM, Saturday 9AM - 5PM (ET)

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Farmington Hunt Opening Meet

Blue Ridge Hunt Opening Meet

Millington, Albemarle County, Virginia November 12, 2016 Cathy Summers Photos

Ellerslie, Home of Joint-Master Brian Ferrell, October 29, 2016

(l to r) W. Pat Butterfield, MFH; Elizabeth King, MFH; Joy Crompton; MFH; Tom Bishop, ex-MFH, honorary whip; Carolyn Chapman, honorary whip; Deborah Wray, honorary whip; Matthew Cook, Huntsman. (l-r) Blue Ridge Huntsman Graham Buston confers with professional Whipper-In Tommy Sheehy at the den. Nancy Milburn Kleck photo

Hounds of Maryland’s Potomac Hunt eagerly await the start of the 2016 formal season. Huntsman Matthew Cook, WhippersIn Tom Bishop and Deborah Wray riding home with hounds at day’s end.

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!!

Mark Thompson, Farmington Hunt Club President.

Potomac Hunt Opening Meet Dickerson, Maryland, October 29, 2016 Karen Kandra Wenzel Photos

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2016 Fall Races By Will O’Keefe ginia-Bred or Sired training flat race. Owner-trainer, John E. Teas, Jr.’s A Zoo Society (Darren Nagle) set the pace with Manown Kisor’s Dream Voyage (Gerard Galligan) close behind. Dream Voyage made a run at the leader on the final turn but could not sustain his bid and missed winning by 2¾ lengths. A Zoo Society was pulling away in the stretch.

Foxfield Fall Races, Maiden Claiming Hurdle (l-r) Storyville (Brendan Crowley, up) – 1st; Rocket Star Red (Gerard Galligan, up) – 2nd. Rick Stillings photo

Foxfield Fall Races, Filly & Mare Maiden Hurdle (l-r) Pure Deal (Barry Foley, up) – 2nd; McDonald’s Diva (Willie McCarthy, up) – 1st. Rick Stillings photo

Foxfield Fall Races, Training Flat Show King (Willie McCarthy, up) – 1st. Rick Stillings photo

Foxfield Fall Races, Virginia Bred or Sired Training Flat (l-r) Marvey Marley (Barry Foley, up) – 3rd; A Zoo Society (Darren Nagle, st up) – 1 ; Dream Voyage (hidden behind A Zoo Society, Gerard Galligan, up) – 2nd. Rick Stillings photo

Foxfield Fall Races, Allowance Optional Claiming Hurdle Orchestra Leader (Keri Brion, up) – 1st. Rick Stillings photo

Foxfield Fall Races 9-25-2016 In April at the Foxfield Spring Races, Randolph D. Rouse’s Hishi Soar narrowly defeated S. Bruce Smart, Jr.’s Orchestra Leader in the featured race. These two, along with five others, were on hand to continue their rivalry at the Foxfield Fall Races near Charlottesville on Sunday, September 25, in the $25,000 allowance optional claiming hurdle race. At the drop of the starter’s flag, Keri Brion sent Orchestra Leader to the front. Barry Foley settled Hishi Soar in a stalking position, and that’s the way they ran until Hishi Soar tired with a quarter of a mile to run. The Elkstone Group LLC’s Bodie Island (Kieran Norris) took up the chase but could not reach Orchestra Leader nor could he hold off Noble Stables’ Kingofalldiamonds (Darren Nagle) who finished second with Bodie Island third. The winning margin was 5¼ lengths, and the winner was trained by Jimmy Day. This was Day’s second winner on the card having won the training flat race with Shannon Hill Farm’s Show King (Willie McCarthy). Thomas Hulfish, III’s Formidable Heart (Darren Nagle) set the pace with Show King and Any Given Royal (Ross Geraghty) close behind. These three were tightly bunched around the final turn where Show King found another gear and won going away by 4½ lengths over Wendy Hendriks’ Any Given Royal. Formidable Heart was third. Willie McCarthy also won the filly and mare maiden hurdle race with Mrs. S. K. Johnston, Jr.’s McDonald’s Diva for trainer Jazz Napravnik. McDonald’s Diva rallied from off the pace to share the lead with Beverly Steinman’s Pure Deal (Barry Foley) at the second last fence. These two battled over the last fence and to the finish where McDonald’s Diva was narrowly best by ¾ of a length. The other hurdle race on the card was for maidens running for a claiming price, and in this race the final result was determined by the Stewards. Lana Wright’s Dreamin of Betty (Kieran Norris) opened a commanding lead the first time around. Betsy B. Mead’s Storyville (Brendan Crowly) rallied in the final quarter mile and matched strides with Dreamin of Betty, who finished first on the nod. Dreamin of Betty was subsequently disqualified and placed last for interference at the second fence. Doug Fout was the winning trainer. Only three horses went to the post in the Vir-

Virginia Fall Races, Steeplethon Saluda Sam (Willie McCarthy, up) – 1st; Lemony Bay (Sean McDermott, up) – 2nd. Douglas Lees photo

Virginia Fall Races 10-8-2016 In spite of light rain, the racing was excellent with good fields at the Virginia Fall Races on Saturday, October 8, at Glenwood Park near Middleburg. Trainer Jack Fisher brought eight runners and went home to Maryland with three wins, two seconds, a third, and a fourth. The biggest of these was the $40,000 National Sporting Library & Museum Cup Timber Stakes. He saddled Bruton Street-US’s Two’s Company (Sean McDermott) to face six others, which included last season’s timber champion Michael Wharton’s Grinding Speed (Mark Beecher). In the race Two’s Company raced in the middle of the field while Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.’s Puller (Willie McCarthy) set the pace with Grinding Speed close behind. Approaching the last fence Two’s Company joined the leaders, and he took the lead shortly after landing. He came through the stretch under a hand ride while the others were driving and finished 6¾ lengths ahead of Grinding Speed. Fisher’s other wins were in a division of the maiden hurdle with Rather Be Racing’s True To Form (Jeff Murphy), and the maiden claiming hurdle race with Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.’s Doc Cebu (Willie McCarthy). In the maiden race True To Form, Woodslane Farm’s Other Cheek (Sean McDermott), and Sharon Sheppard’s Khafaya were three abreast for the lead over the last fence. Khafaya tired entering the stretch, but Other Cheek and True To Form battled through the stretch to the finish where True Form arrived first by 1 length. Other Cheek was also trained by Fisher.


where Rodriguez put De Chera away upon landing. Caves Farm’s Surf Classic (Jody Petty) made a run at the leader in the stretch but to no avail as Rodriguez held him off by ¾ length. The last race on the card was for horses bred or sired in Virginia, and it attracted eight starters. Sara E. Collette’s Balistes (Kieran Norris) rallied to take the lead with less than a quarter mile to run. At the same time Magalen O. Bryant’s Cryptos’ Holiday (Brendan Crowley) was rallying and had moved to within striking distance at the head of the stretch. Cryptos’ Holiday came flying and just got up in the final strides to win by a nose over Balistes. The winner is trained by the Clerk of the Glenwood Park Course, Doug Fout.

Virginia Fall Races, Theodora A. Randolph Cup Maiden Hurdle (l-r) Formidable Heart (Kieran Norris, up) – 1st; Only Charity (Willie McCarthy, up). Douglas Lees photo

Virginia Fall Races, Bon Nouvel Ratings Handicap Hurdle (l-r) Tubal (Carol-Ann Sloan, up) – 3rd; Second Amendment (Gerard Galligan, up) – 1st; Officer Sydney (Ross Geraghty, up). Douglas Lees photo

The maiden claiming race was won in front running manner. Doc Cebu was on the pace throughout and with three furlongs to run was joined by Buckshot Racing Stable’s Longing To Travel (Kieran Norris) and Leslie Young’s Green Lazer (Paddy Young). These three ran as a team and jumped the last fence together. In the stretch Doc Cebu proved best putting the others away before arriving at the finish first by 2¼ lengths. Longing To Travel was second and Green Lazer was third. Willie McCarthy, Irvin S. Naylor’s Saluda Sam, and the Alfred Hunt Steeplechase Course fit together like a glove. McCarthy sent Saluda Sam to the front, made the sharp turns look easy and jumped the brush fences brilliantly. Bruton Street-US’s Lemony Bay (Sean McDermott) raced in Saluda Sam’s shadow most of the way and in a great effort just missed by a neck. This was Saluda Sam’s fourth win over this course for trainer William Meister. McCarthy wrapped up his day completing a hat trick when he won the training flat race on Rodman W. Moorhead, III’s hurdle stakes winner All the Way Jose. In the race All the Way Jose was one of six horses who had a chance entering the stretch. He emerged from the pack and finished best of all to get up and win by 1¼ lengths for Hall of Fame trainer Jonathan Sheppard. There was a fiveway photo for second with Rosbrian Farm’s Hisaabaat (Ross Geraghty) and Robert A. Kinsley’s Tempt Me Alex (Bethany Baumgardner) finishing second and third. A full field of 14 runners went to the start for the ratings handicap hurdle race. Noble Stables’ Kingofalldiamonds took the lead approaching the last fence and appeared on his way to victory at the head of the stretch, but Welcome Here Farm’s Second Amendment (Gerard Galligan) came flying and got up in the final strides to win by a head. Elizabeth Merryman saddled the winner and Neil Morris the runner-up. The maiden timber race was won by Kiplin Hall’s Rodriguez (Ire) with Mark Beecher up for trainer Willie Dowling. In the race Rodriguez and H. Bruce Fenwick’s De Chera (Kieran Norris) set the pace until the last fence

International Gold Cup Races 10-22-2016 Grand Manan Led From Start to Finish in the $90,000 International Gold Cup Timber Stakes Top Striker Rallied From Off the Pace to Win the $75,000 David L. “Zeke” Ferguson Memorial Hurdle Stakes Jockey Kieran Norris Wins Five of the Ten Races at The International Gold Cup. Any of these headlines would have been sufficient to be used to introduce an article about the International Gold Cup Race Meet run at Great Meadow near The Plains on Saturday, October 22. Let’s start with the feature race, the International Gold Cup. Five horses went to the post for the richest of the 33 runnings of this classic timber race. Handicappers narrowed the field to Donald R. Reuwer, Jr.’s Grand Manan (Darren Nagle) and Bruton Street-US’ Two’s Company (Sean McDermott). Both horses won timber stakes on October 8 and were coming into this race at the top of their games. Grand Manan won the Genesee Valley Hunt Cup and Two’s Company the National Sporting Library & Museum Cup at the Virginia Fall Races. The betting public favored Two’s Company, but the lack of another speed horse in the race gave Grand Manan a great chance. In the race Darren Nagle sent Grand Manan to the front at the drop of starter Graham Alcock’s flag. Two’s Company assumed a stalking role and was still second after he almost lost his rider at the third fence. McDermott had a miraculous recovery to only trail by about six lengths. With a half mile to run, Two’s Company started to move closer to Grand Manan; and by the time the field turned for home, the margin had been cut to two lengths. Up to this stage Grand Manan had had it his own way and had not been pressured. Now he was going to be asked for more, and when challenged he was equal to the task and won going away by 7¼ lengths. Two’s Company finished second, and Peter A. Jay’s Prime Prospector (Paddy Young) finished third but was never a threat to the top two. This was the third fastest International Gold Cup in the history of the race since first being run over timber in 1984. William “Billy” Meister was the winning trainer.


Robert Bonnie (left), grandson of Theodora A. Randolph, presents the Maiden Hurdle trophy to Thomas Hulfish, owner of Formidable Heart, at the Virginia Fall Races. Douglas Lees photo

Virginia Fall Races, National Sporting Library and Museum Cup Timber Stakes (l-r) Two’s Company (Sean McDermott, up) – 1st; Pured It (Gerard Galligan, up). Douglas Lees photo

Virginia Fall Races, James P. McCormick Memorial Maiden Timber Rodriguez (Mark Beecher, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

The 79th International Gold Cup Timber Stakes Grand Manan (Darren Nagle, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

Virginia Fall Races, Training Flat All The Way Jose (Willie McCarthy, up, third from right) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo



International Gold Cup, David L. “Zeke” Ferguson Memorial Hurdle Stakes (l-r) Charminster (Carol-Ann Sloan, up) – 2nd; Diplomat (Bernie Dalton, up); Top Striker (Paddy Young, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

International Gold Cup, Maiden Hurdle Ack Feisty (on far left) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

International Gold Cup, Maiden Hurdle, First Division (l-r) Surprising Soul (Ross Geraghty, up) – 2nd; Canadian Gold (Barry Foley, up) – 1st; Rocket Star Red (Gerard Galligan, up); Enuff Alex (Mark Watts, up). Douglas Lees photo

International Gold Cup, Maiden Hurdle, Second Division (l-r) Woodfield Springs (Carol-Ann Sloan, up); Ack Feisty (Kieran Norris, up) – 1st; Dapper Dan (Ross Geraghty, up) – 3rd; Aflutter (Gerard Galligan, up); Alcazar De Maram (Darren Nagle, up). Douglas Lees photo

At most hunt meets a $75,000 hurdle stakes would be the headliner, but the David L. “Zeke” Ferguson Memorial Hurdle Stakes at Great Meadow could only get second billing on this card. In the race Mrs. George M. Sensor’s Top Striker raced near the back of the field the first time around while The Fields Stable’s Portrade (Ross Geraghty) set the pace with Stonelea Stables LLC’s Balance the Budget (Mark Watts) in his shadow. With five furlongs to run Paddy Young let out a notch on Top Striker, and he started to make up ground with Irvin S. Naylor’s Charminster rallying nearby. When the field turned for home these four vied for the lead, but it was clear that Top Striker and Charminster were moving best of all. With a fence to go Top Striker took the lead with Charminster close to follow. In the run to the finish Top Striker finished better than Charminster and won by 2½ lengths. Portrade and Balance the Budget finished third and fourth. Arch Kingsley, Jr., a former champion steeplechase rider who grew up in Virginia, trains Top Striker. Jockey Kieran Norris started his parade to the winners’ circle following the second division of the maiden hurdle race. Mrs. S. K. Johnston, Jr.’s Ack Feisty took Norris to the front at the start, and that’s where he stayed throughout the race. The betting favorite, Woodslane Farm’s Wild Dynaformer rallied in the stretch but it was a case of too little too late as Ack Feisty won by 1¾ lengths. Neil Morris saddled the winner as well as the first placed finishers in the next two races.

used different tactics waiting to make his move around the inside of the final turn. He took the lead in the straightaway and held off Jonathan Sheppard’s As You Like It (Gerard Galligan) to win by ¾ of a length. After the two stakes on the card, Norris reignited his fire by winning the first division of the allowance flat race for horses that had never won a race other than maiden, claiming or starter with Timber Town Stables’ New Saloon, who is trained by Madison Meyers. New Saloon was making his first start under rules after winning a training flat race at Shawan Downs in late September. At Great Meadow he was far off the early pace but rallied on the backside to take the lead at the head of the stretch. He won by 3¼ lengths over Rosbrian Farm’s Winter House (Ross Geraghty). The second division of this race went to Gregory S. Bentley’s Irish-bred Hoppala for trainer Edward L. Graham. Paddy Young was in the saddle looking for his second win as he rallied Hoppala down the backside to take the lead on the turn for home. He won easily by 4 lengths under mild urging. Johnny Eason and Rafael A. Fernandez LLC’s Quiet Prediction (Keri Brion) finished second. The Norris/Morris team was in the winners’ circle again following the $45,000 open flat race, which was won by Pathfinder Racing’s Mutasaawy. He was far back in the beginning but launched a rally with a half-mile to run and made a run at Robert Kinsley’s Unsinkable, who had set the pace under Paddy Young. The two hottest riders on the grounds battled in the stretch with Mutasaawy proving best by 1¼ lengths. Neil Morris and Madison Meyers were not the only local trainers to celebrate in the winners’ circle. They were joined by Doug Fout, who provided bookends to the card by winning the first and last races. The first was in a division of the maiden hurdle race that went to Virginia Lazenby Racing Stable LLC’s Canadian Gold (Barry Foley). He rallied from slightly off the pace and joined the leaders with two fences remaining but it wasn’t until deep in the stretch that he got up to overtake Wendy W. Hendrik’s Surprising Soul (Ross Geraghty). The final margin was a neck. Doug Fout also won the nightcap, the Old Dominon Turf Championship for horses bred or sired in Virginia. Magalen O. Bryant’s Cryptos’ Holiday (Brendan Crowley) also left his best to the final sixteenth. He raced in the middle of the field until the final turn where he rallied on the International Gold Cup, Steeplethon outside. He then came flying in the stretch and Zanclus (Kieran Norris, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo caught Debra E. Kachel’s Hooping (Ross GerThe first of these races was The aghty) in shadow of the finish line to win by a Steeplethon, and this time it was Sara E. Col- neck. lette’s Zanclus’s turn to pull an upset. Irvin S. Naylor’s Saluda Sam (Willie McCarthy) was the favorite, and he quickly assumed his usual role as the pacemaker. Zanclus was close behind, and at the sixth fence he jumped to the lead opening a clear advantage, which widened as the race progressed. He won by 15¼ lengths with Ivy Hill Stable LLC’s On the Corner (Mark Beecher) getting up to take second, and Saluda Sam was third. A full field of twelve starters went to the post in the allowance hurdle race, and the Norris/Morris team did their magic once again. This International Gold Cup, time Thomas A. Hulfish, III’s Formidable Heart Old Dominion Turf Championship got the job done. He had just broken his maiden (l-r) Precisely (Richard Boucher, up) – 4th; Cryptos’ at the Virginia Fall Races two weeks earlier, and Holiday (Brendan Crowley, up) – 1st; Hooping (Ross in this race he was being tested for class. Norris Geraghty, up) – 2nd; Balistes (Kieran Norris, up) – 3rd. Douglas Lees photo



Montpelier Hunt Races, The Liberty Cup Training Flat (l-r) Any Given Royal (Bernie Dalton, up) – 1st; Jesse O (Darren Nagle, up) – 2nd. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races 11-5-2016 No sooner had the confetti been cleared away at Great Meadow following rider, Kieran Norris’ five win celebration, then another ticker tape parade to the winners’ circle took place at the Montpelier Hunt Races on Saturday, November 5, at Montpelier Station. This time it was rider Paddy Young and owner Michael A. Smith’s turn in the spotlight. Paddy Young has won multiple riding championships in his career and his talent was on display, winning four of the five races over fences at Montpelier. He capped his day winning the featured Noel Laing Memorial Brush Stakes with Smith’s Irish-bred Cul Baire. For trainer Jimmy Day this race demonstrated the highs and lows of the steeplechase sport. In addition to the winner, Cul Baire, he saddled S. Bruce Smart, Jr.’s Orchestra Leader, who set the pace under Keri Brion until losing his rider at the seventh fence. When this happened Irvin S. Naylor’s Saluda Sam inherited the lead, but it was not long before Young rode Cul Baire into contention approaching the third fence from the finish. He went to the front and steadily drew away from the field to win handily by 4 lengths. Hudson River Farm’s Parker’s Project (Gerard Galligan) rallied to no avail and finished second with William L. Pape’s Martini Brother (Darren Nagle) third. Young and Smith won both of the maiden hurdle races on the card with horses trained by Paddy’s wife, Leslie. In the maiden claiming race Smith’s Baumer rallied from off the pace to follow Sara E. Collette’s Balistes (Bernard Dalton) and Crossed Sabres Farm’s Ohthgift (Gerard Galligan) over the last fence. He split those two entering the stretch, put Ohthgift away and battled Balistes to the finish where he prevailed by a head. The maiden hurdle race went to Mercouer, who was rated in second place right behind the early leader, Move Up Stable’s Analyst (Barry Foley). Two fences from home Analyst started to retreat, and Mercouer went to the front and won handily by 2½ lengths over Shannon Hill Farm’s Show King (Darren Nagle). Show King rallied from far back in a good effort but was not a threat to the winner. Three wins at the final race meet in Virginia crowned Michael A. Smith as the VSA’s leading owner. Young’s lone winner for another owner was in the ratings handicap hurdle race when he came home first with Charles C. Fenwick, Jr.’s Doc Cebu for NSA leading trainer Jack Fisher. Doc Cebu raced far off the pace but rallied the second time around. With two fences to jump he was second to Irvin S. Naylor’s Tubal, who had made most of the running under Keith Dalton. They remained in that order over the last fence and into the stretch where Doc Cebu proved best by ½ length. Jack Fisher was at Callaway Gardens in Georgia where he was enjoying his own celebration after winning all four races over fences. It’s always enjoyable when a local owner has a winner at a race meet, and that was the case for Betsy B. Mead, who is from nearby Orange. Her So Far Away won the filly and mare allowance hurdle race with Brendan Crowley up for leading VSA trainer Doug Fout. In the race So Far Away was reserved in the second flight as The Fields Stable’s Sarah Joyce (Bethany Baumgardner) and Beverly R. Steinman’s Pure Deal (Barry Foley) shared the

lead. So Far Away made her move approaching the last fence where she jumped to the lead and prevailed in the stretch by 3 lengths over Sarah Joyce with Pure Deal finishing third. Rider Bernie Dalton won both training flat races on the card. His first win was in the Virginia bred or sired flat race on the dirt training track with Pathfinder Racing’s Brindabella for trainer Neil Morris. Brindabella was second behind Lazy Lane Farm’s Life’s Fortune (Barry Foley) until the final three furlongs where he quickly showed his superiority. He romped home alone by 17 lengths with Renee Bourke’s Virginia Rose overtaking Life’s Fortune for second. Dalton rode Wendy Hendriks’ Any Given Royal to victory for trainer Ricky Hendriks in the flat race on the turf. Darren Nagle sent Flying Horse Farm LLC’s Jesse O to the lead at the drop of the starter’s flag, and he was still leading when the field turned for home. Any Given Royal moved to him at the head of the stretch and they dueled up the hill to the finish where Any Given Royal eased away to win by 1 length.

Montpelier Hunt Races, The Constitution Maiden Hurdle (l-r) Mercoeur (Paddy Young, up) – 1st; Giza (Gerard Galligan) – 3rd. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races, The Battleship Maiden Claiming Hurdle Baumer (Paddy Young, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races, Madison Plate Ratings Handicap Hurdle Doc Cebu (Paddy Young, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races, Foundation Cup, Virginia Bred or Sired Training Flat Brindabella (Bernie Dalton, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo Montpelier Hunt Races, Montpelier Cup Filly & Mare Allowance Hurdle (l-r) Sarah Joyce (Bethany Baumgardner, up) – 2nd; So Far Away (#7, Brendan Crowley, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races, Noel Laing Hurdle Handicap Cul Baire (Paddy Young, up) – 1st. Douglas Lees photo

Montpelier Hunt Races, Noel Laing Hurdle Handicap Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Smith, owners of Cul Baire, winner of the Noel Laing Stakes, holding their trophies and surrounded by friends with the winning horse and jockey Paddy Young. This was Young’s fourth win on the day. Douglas Lees photo




It’s All About the Balance

Is she awake yet?

Clever perhaps. Although her brother seemed less than thrilled with his 30 pound ceramic pumpkin.

No, Bunsen, I think she overdid it yesterday with all that housecleaning. When she gets into one of these decluttering frenzies, there’s just no stopping her.

Oh, he was just jealous because it was bigger than any that came out of his garden. Remember that funny orange vase she gave her sister? I saw one just like it at the church flea market near her house. Funny, the coincidence, isn’t it? My Marion told me the vase was a one off by a famous artist she found in a New York gallery.

Ach! And here I thought it was the effect of that Super Moon that put her in a tizzy. The darn thing had me awake half the night, as bright as it was. And I had the strangest urge to howl. Verra unbecoming for a refined Scottish gentleman such as m’self.

As for myself, color isn’t as important as smell. Give me something that rouses my sense of smell, and I’ll be a happy puppy.

Best leave the howling to the real hounds, Bunsen. I’m sure, though, that the moon was a contributing factor to Marion’s mood. After all, the root of “lunacy” is “lunar.” The other day, our Marion was acting all agitated and exclaimed, “We’re throwing everything out of no use to us! Bunsen, if you’re not playing with the toys in your box, they are going in the trash. And Aga, you don’t need more than one bed in a room.”

Bejabbers, all this talk of activity and gift giving is tiring me out. I think I’ll take my ninesy nap in the hall today. And Bunsen, don’t nap in either of my beds in the hall. You have two of your own there. Lassie, it seems odd how quick ye are to point out what’s mine and what’s yours when it comes to napping beds, chew things, and the like, but that doesn’t keep yer lovely snout out of my food bowl.

She obviously doesn’t understand the importance of bed position. It’s all about balancing the energy in the room. And the more beds there are, the better the balance. Poor humans. They just don’t have the ability to sense that sort of thing. Besides, beds take time to get properly broken in. There’s a rotation cycle that must be observed. And why does she think I need toys? Have ye ever seen me playing with toys? Nae, ye ha’ not! I’d sooner howl at the Super Moon than debase m’self with dog toys. What that box is full of is Pandore’s old toys. But she’ll nae get a rise out of me.

Well, those bowls look so much alike! I do get confused. Ach! My bowl is blue and yours is pink! Illustration by Claudia Coleman

Didn’t I just say colors aren’t important to me? And besides, ’tis the season for sharing!

Well, as you’re in the mood for sharing—YAWN!— I’ll just tootle off and share m’self with one of your beds.

She really is sentimental, keeping Pandore’s toys, all these 15 years. If she does decide to get rid of them, maybe she can donate them to the Fauquier SPCA. Don’t they have a museum called “Chewtoys of the Rich and Famous?”

No, wait, Bunsen! The balance! You’ll upset the balance.

Anyway, she seems serious about getting rid of stuff this time. Do you think she’s embracing a life philosophy of Minimalism?

Oh, all right. It’s a deal. [Just between us, I may not be able to make crossed fingers behind my back, but that’s sure what I was thinking!]

[Bunsen and I looked at each other for a moment, then we rolled on our backs and laughed like hyenas on helium.]

At this time of year, Bunsen and I ask that you think of the dogs and cats who are still looking for their furever homes. We hope you all have the best of days with your companions and Santa Paws leaves lots of yummy things under your tree.

“Marion the Minimalist!” I snorted, almost choking as I said it. Slowly regaining my composure, I said, “Shh! Don’t wake her up! She needs a clear mind to make these decluttering decisions. I don’t want her tossing out some of my beds in a groggy haze.” If she were to get rid of all that stuff in the pantry—y’know, all those cans and boxes that hold nothing for us—there would be more room for kibbles and treats. I saw that she’s using some how-to-declutter book as her blueprint. Here it is, on the coffee table. Let’s see…it says to divide everything into three boxes; the definitely keep, the definitely throw away, and the definitely maybe keep. I think that last one is the box that gives her the most trouble. On top of all this, she’s been in a flurry of activity preparing for the Oak Ridge Fox Hunt Fashion Show, which, thanks to all her hard work and the dozens of others who pitched in, went flawlessly. In fact, Marion was so proud, you would have thought she produced the Super Moon herself. [Our editor says there’s more about this on page 2.] But, still, poor Marion! So busy with the new hunting catalog; the next issue of In & Around Horse Country; Harks, Larks & Livery; e-blasts. There’s certainly nothing “minimal” about her to-do list. As if all that wasn’t enough, she’s been hinting at getting the Christmas tree up and trimmed earlier this year. And with all new decorations! I know for a fact she hasn’t yet come up with a theme for Christmas gifts for friends and family. I would love a new line of puppy perfume. Maybe Kennel [pronounced “KennEL”] No. 1 or something from Vivian Woofdard. Remember last year’s decision to give everyone something in a shade of orange? How clever!

Balance is it, then, lassie? Okay, tell ye what. I’ll balance m’self away from all your beds, and you balance your wee self away from my food dish.

Happy Howlidays! Aga and Bunsen


JENNY’S PICKS First, some new books: three new novels for you to try, a new foxhunting memoir, and two guides to tying neck accessories. Francis, Felix. Triple Crown. Jeff Hinkley, an investigator for the British Horseracing Authority, has been asked to help the Federal Anti-Corruption in Sports Agency in the US uncover an informant within the agency who is passing on warnings to those under suspicion of illegal activities in the racing business. As always, it turns out to be a dangerous situation; the morning of the Kentucky Derby, three favorites become ill and someone is killed. Jeff goes undercover as a stable groom for the Belmont. Hardcover, 370pp. $28.00


HORSE COUNTRY BOOKSELLERS Specialists in New, Old & Rare Books on Horses, Foxhunting, Eventing, Polo, Racing, Steeplechasing & Sporting Art 60 Alexandria Pike, Warrenton, VA 20186 • 800-882-HUNT • 540-347-3141

We have received several boxes of used books recently Caprilli, Capt. Federico. The Caprilli Papers. J. A. that may be of interest to our readers, including a num- Allen & Co., London, 1967. Translated and edited by ber of foxhunting books. Check out the following! Maj. Piero Santini. Very good condition, dj age-disMackay-Smith, Alexander. Foxhunting in North colored, light fraying top but no tears. Interior sound America. American Foxhound Club, Millwood, VA, and clean. Caprilli was instrumental in establishing the 1985. Autographed, inscribed to previous owner. #67. forward seat for cross-country riding, as opposed to the Good condition, dj worn with small tears. A classic his- classical dressage seat then in use. Hardcover, 40pp. Livesey, Margot. Mercury. When a talented young tory about foxhunting on this side of the Atlantic. A $45.00 (6397) Thoroughbred arrives to board at the Windy Hill stable great bargain; new copies are priced more than four Wheeler, Guy. The Year ’Round. Robert B. Luce, where Viv works, she becomes obsessed with the times this and of course are not autographed. Hard- Washington, DC, 1968. Very good condition, cloththought of re-entering the show world that she gave up cover, 263pp. $10.00 (6389) bound in slipcase, clean and sound, slipcase a little when she married, and she begins treating the horse as Mackay-Smith, Alexander. American Foxhunting: An faded. Wonderful foxhunting recollections by an Engif it were her own. Her husband Donald is slow to reAnthology. American Foxhound Club, Millwood, VA, lishman who has spent a great deal of time hunting in alize that her infatuation with the horse, Mercury, is 1970. Autographed, inscribed to previous owner. #926 Virginia and Maryland, illus. by Peter Biegel. Hardeating away at their happy marriage. Because this is of 2500. No dj as issued. Very good condition though cover, 112pp. $10.00 (6399) written in first person from the eyes of both Donald a little edgeworn, and inside cover paper has two-inch Herring, J. F. The Hunt – Famous Hunting Scenes on and Viv in different chapters, careful reading is necestear. A great collection of fragments of memoirs and Spode China. W. T. Copeland & Sons, Stoke-on-Trent, sary to follow the action. Hardcover, $26.99 fiction pertaining to foxhunting in America. Hardcover, nd. Fair cond., spine torn and cover battered but holdRashid, Mark. Out of the Wild. When cattle rancher 212pp. $40.00 (6391) ing together. Gift inscription inside front cover. This Henry McBride loses his beloved wife and son in an Mackay-Smith, Alexander. The Songs of Foxhunting. little volume not only discusses the works of the British accident, his entire life spirals down out of control as he 1974. Autographed, inscribed to previous owner. #232 artist John Frederick Herring but also gives a picture begins to drink to forget his loss and guilt. He drifts of 1500. No dj as issued. Very good condition though of his life; the inside page is entitled “The Artist Coachfrom job to job, town to town, until one day he winds a little edgeworn, clean and sound. Words and music man John Frederick Herring.” Contains color & b&w up at the Lazy K Guest Ranch, run by Jessie as well as a number of illustrations featuring foxhunt- pictures of the Spodeware and some of Herring’s illusKing…and something makes him stay on, in spite of ing songs. Do you know the words to “John Peel”? trations. Hardcover, no dj, 28pp. $15.00 (6401) his growing friction with the head wrangler, Chad. EnHardcover, 185pp. $40.00 (6392) Littauer. How a Horse Jumps. J. A. Allen & Co., Lontwined with his story at the Lazy K is an injured young don, 1972. Limited edition, scarce. Two books in one mustang that gets brought up with a herd of the ranch Reeves, Richard Stone. Thoroughbreds I Have slipcase, very good condition all around with only a lithorses. Rashid has written a number of books on horse Known. A. S. Barnes & Co., S. Brunswick & New tle wear on the slipcase. One book is a verbal discuscommunication and handling; this is his first novel. Pa- York, 1973. Book very good condition, dj has tears and sion of the mechanics of jumping, the other consists of discoloration on back. Reproductions of many of the perback, 424pp. $15.95 noted artist’s equine portraits plus information about a series of photos from movies shot of a horse canterMurtagh, Joseph T. Jr. Born to be Master of a Dying the horses themselves. Hardcover, 304pp. $65.00 ing, trotting, and jumping. Hardcover, 83pp. in text and Sport. Every once in a while a Master or Huntsman deunpaginated photo book. $125.00 (6402) (6393) cides he/she has enough interesting experiences to Littauer. Common Sense Horsemanship. Van Noswrite a book. “Jody” Murtagh has done just that this Slater, Kitty. The Hunt Country of America. A. S. trand Reinhold, New York etc., 1963. Second ed. Very year, producing his memoirs of a lifetime of hunting Barnes & Co., S. Brunswick & New York, 1967. Book good cond, dj edgeworn & a little soiled, interior sound with several different packs (he’s obviously a PMD very good w/bumped corners, discoloration inside back and clean. Littauer instructs readers on the forward seat fan!), and moreover had them illustrated with not just cover and 1” tear on front cover inside paper. Dj poor in three levels: beginning/weekend riders, intermedibut more or less intact, quite worn with tears & tatters. old photographs but also a host of charming cartoons First of three books Slater wrote featuring stately ate riders, and those who wish to go on to be profesby Kaitlyn McCulley. Hardcover, 288pp. $50.00 houses in the northern Virginia hunt country. Hard- sional horsemen. Hardcover, 370pp. $20.00 (6403) Potter Style. How to Tie a Tie/a Gentleman’s Guide cover, 247pp. $25.00 (6394) Littauer. Schooling Your Horse. Van Nostrand Reinto Getting Dressed. A handy little guide that offers hold, New York etc.,1956. Good condition, no dj., American Foxhound Club. Hunting the Fox. Amerimuch more information than just various ways to tie a cover has small bleached spots and back is wrinkled. tie. Yes, there is more than one way to tie a tie, and you can Foxhound Club, Millwood, VA, 1974. Good conClean and sound interior. Littauer discusses schooling too can learn to tie a bow tie neatly! Scattered through- dition, cover and some interior pages soiled but sound. methods for forward seat training. Hardcover, 177pp. out are etiquette tips, suggestions on what type of tie to This is a transcription of a foxhunting forum held at $15.00 (6404) Oatlands in 1971 with a panel of Capt. R. E. Wallace, use for different knots, and two chapters on associated attire information: types of collars on shirts, cufflinks, MFH Heythrop; Thaddeus F. Ryan, MFH Scarteen; British Horse Society. Mounted Games and jacket styles, shoe styles, pocket squares (and how to and William P. Wadsworth, MFH Genessee Valley and Gymkhanas. British Horse Society, Kenilworth, Warfold them), and more. Diagrams are easy to follow. President, MFHA. Paperback, 66pp. plus several blank wickshire, 1972 reprint. John Tickner, illustrator. for notes. $5.00 (6395) Glossy cardboard cover, light bumping of corners and Fabric-covered cardboard cover, 127pp. $12.95 lower spine. Light foxing on endpapers. Contains a Potter Style. How to Tie a Scarf. We women have even American Foxhound Club. Breeding a Pack of Foxnumber of games not found in current books. Hardmore choices for the tying of scarves than men have hounds. American Foxhound Club, Millwood, VA, cover, 112pp. $10.00 (6405) 1974. This is a transcript of a discussion on breeding a for tying ties. Maybe it’s because we have a larger vapack of foxhounds, held at the Union Club in New York Collins, R. W. Grooming Horses. Blood-Horse, Lexriety of scarves to tie! And Horse Country has a large variety for you to buy! If you’re thinking of buying a City in 1974 and featuring Capt. R. E. Wallace, MFH ington, KY, 1959. Hardcover, no dj. Good condition, scarf as a gift, consider adding one of these little books Heythrop and President of the Masters of Foxhounds foxing around edges of front and back inside cover. Not to the package and make it really special. 33 styles are Association (UK), and William W. Brainard, Jr., MFH. just physical grooming of the horse is covered here; illustrated herein step-by-step. Includes a couple of In attendance were a number of American Masters, this includes information on handling, saddling, bandpages regarding scarf cleaning and care. Fabric-cov- who occasionally asked questions. Paperback, 38pp. aging, and such management as all professional racing $10.00 (6396) stable grooms are expected to do. Hardcover, 122pp. ered cardboard cover, 128pp. $12.95 $10.00 (6407)




Sherman P. Haight, Jr., Ex-MFH By John J. Carle II, ex-MFH

On October 17, 2016, in Leesburg, Virginia, Sherman P. 1980s a second committee was formed that included SherHaight, Jr., ex-MFH quietly left us to open new hunting man; William W. Brainard, MFH; Benjamin H. Hardaway country up yonder. Patriot, businessman, and a true giant III, MFH; and John J. Carle II, MFH. The standard that they in the foxhunting world, Sherman was born on November devised, redefined and refined stands today. From the 1950s 7, 1922 in Brooklyn, New York, to Sherman P. and Anne until the mid-1980s Sherman judged every major hound Lyon Haight. When he was very young his parents moved show in the country, becoming one of the most respected to Litchfield, Connecticut, where he grew up hunting with men of his time in center ring. He and Peggy also organthe Watertown Hunt, following Huntsman Edward Greaves. ized the highly successful Litchfield County Hounds’ Sherman’s hunting was somewhat interrupted by attenHound Show in July of 1950, which they ran until 1962. dance at the Hotchkiss School in nearby Lakeville, ConFrom its early days, Sherman was very active in the necticut, but, to paraphrase Robert Ruark, “Sherman did Pony Club. He and Peggy both served on the Board of Dinot lean kindly toward education, and education did not rectors and, from 1961-1964, Sherman sat in the President’s consider Sherman a likely candidate for distinction.” Howchair. He always emphasized hunting as a stellar activity for ever, he was accepted at and attended Trinity College. His USPC members. college experience was cut short when America entered In 1978 Sherman was elected President of the World War II, and Sherman, a man to whom the dictates of MFHA, and the three years of his presidency were notable duty were always paramount, enlisted immediately. As a for strong but quiet leadership, harmony and unity within member of the 7th Cavalry Reconnaissance Platoon of the 1st the foxhunting world. His common sense and gentlemanly Cavalry Division, he saw extensive duty in the South Paapproach to problems were highly valued qualities. One of Sherman P. Haight Jr., Ex-MFH. cific, attaining the rank of Sergeant. On February 7, 1945, the proudest achievements of his tenure was the establishCourtesy Museum of Hounds & Hunting NA, Inc. he received a field commission as First Lieutenant; but three ment of the Foxhunting Study Weekend, to bring together days later his war ended when he was severely wounded. After an agonizing Masters, their hunt staff, and members countrywide for educational seminars, year in hospital, he was pronounced fit. The Army awarded him an honorable discussions and exhibitions of all facets of hunting life, including hound shows. discharge with the rank of First Lieutenant, in honor of meritorious service; and His concept still thrives. he returned to Litchfield. The idea of a museum dedicated to maintaining North America’s heritage The Watertown Hunt had disbanded during the war, but Walter Howe, of hunting with hounds was first broached by Sherman in the early 1980s. Other MFH, had kept a nucleus of good hounds and presented them to Sherman and leaders of the sport took up the challenge and in 1985 the Museum of Hounds his brother Freddie, who in 1948 became Joint Masters of the Litchfield County and Hunting North America, Inc. became a reality at Leesburg’s Morven Park. Hounds (often referred to as Mr. Haight’s Hounds). Sherman P. Haight, Jr., MFH, Mr. Haight also founded the Huntsmen’s Room at the Museum and drew up the carried the horn with enthusiasm, style and distinction until 1981. With his wife standards necessary for induction. In May of 2015 he was honored to be inPeggy as Whipper-In and Jack Morrison as Kennel Huntsman, Sherman hunted cluded among his peers in that esteemed group. the Connecticut country every year until Boxing Day, then moved the entire esSherman was preceded in death by his parents and one brother, Frederic E. tablishment to Aiken, South Carolina, to complete the season. Kenneled with Haight II, ex-MFH. He is survived by his beloved wife and partner in all things, the Woodside Hounds, where his friend Johnny Hosang was Huntsman, the comMargaret Grahame Haight of Hamilton, Virginia; one sister, Tracy Haight bined packs showed riotously good sport. Griswald of Litchfield, Connecticut; three daughters: Nancy Hall Haight of Cen1981 marked a landmark year for the Haights. Sherman had established terville, Georgia, Katherine Graham Haight of Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, and Haight’s Vineyard, the first in Connecticut, in 1980 and, upon stepping down as Mary Haight Armstrong and her husband Allen of Kennett Square, PennsylvaMaster of Foxhounds, determined that he and Peggy would move to Hamilton, nia, as well as two grandsons and two great-grandsons. Donations in Sherman’s Virginia, in order to hunt with their good friend, Dr. Joseph M. Rogers, Master memory may be made to the charity of one’s choice. and Huntsman of the Loudoun (soon to be Loudoun West) Hunt. Peggy moved A quiet, unassuming gentleman of diverse talents, Sherman P. Haight, Jr. permanently, while Sherman commuted for weekend hunting until the early will long be remembered as a fitting role model, unselfish mentor, and cherished 2000s, when the winery was sold. friend. Indeed, to be greeted as “my friend” by Sherman was the highest of honThroughout his life, Sherman’s contributions to his beloved sport were ors. Sherman was truly one of the few sportsmen to whom the foxhunters’ ultimonumental. In 1969 he served on the Foxhound Standards Committee for the mate tribute can be fittingly bestowed: Masters of Foxhounds Association of America with Wilbur Ross Hubbard, MFH; “A rum ‘un to follow, Fletcher Harper, MFH; and William “Bunny” Almy, ex-MFH (MFHA President A tough ‘un to beat!” at the time) that established the MFHA’s foxhound judging standard. In the early


OCH Team Chase

River Hills Foxhounds (PA), Best Hunt Team, (l-r) Tiffany Catledge on Kilkelly All’s Well, Cameron Rouse on Rummy, and Collin Reynolds on Good Fortune. (Not shown: Lana Polito on Midas.) Joanne Maisano photo

Orange County Hounds Team Chase, Best Hilltopper Pair, Van Vixen’s “Galloping Giggles,” Carlee Cox and Ellie Hastings, Loudoun Fairfax Hunt. Joanne Maisano photo




Horses and People to Watch Virginia Equine Alliance

First Season of Pari-Mutuel Harness Racing at Shenandoah Downs a Success The Virginia Equine Alliance (VEA) recently completed a successful inaugural pari-mutuel harness racing meet at Shenandoah Downs, located at the Shenandoah County Fairgrounds in Woodstock. The meet was held over five consecutive weekends from September 10th - October 9th. Earlier this year, the VEA conducted an $800,000 track renovation project over Shenandoah’s existing track surface with the goal of creating a top notch, first class half-mile oval for Standardbreds. Track Superintendent J.D. Thomas, Perry Engineering, and their respective crews dealt with obstacles like an unusually wet spring followed by a hot summer, but they were able to deliver the project on time. Horses first competed over the track during the fourday Shenandoah County Fair races in late August, then during the pari-mutuel season that followed. The renovations included widening the track to accommodate eight horses behind the starter’s car, banking the turns, relocating what had been a permanent concert stage, and moving the tractor pull strip. Fencing was added around the outer perimeter of the oval for safety reasons and camera towers were built and installed. “It was a challenging job,” said Thomas. “We brought in Greg and Dan Coon, the top racetrack design specialists in the country, to help us throughout the entire process. All in all, I was very pleased with the results.” Horsemen, racing officials, and fans alike praised the track. On opening weekend, a 3-year-old pacing colt named John’s Dream won a $40,000 Virginia-bred stakes race in a remarkable time of 1:52 1/5. Nobody, including Racing Secretary Mike Wandishin, ever expected to see that fast a mile over a half-mile track with a brand new racing surface. Though entries were a bit light that first weekend, horse population increased dramatically in weekends that followed as more horsemen heard positive feedback about the track. The deeper fields translated into more betting handle and when the meet was complete, over $105,000 had been wagered. The ambitious project could not have been accomplished without the cooperation of Shenandoah County Fairgrounds GM Tom Eshelman and his Board of Directors and staff. They embraced this project and had to change the way their successful County Fair was laid out. And the Virginia Harness Horsemen, led by Dr. Scott Woogen, were most instrumental in moving this project forward from the very start. Shenandoah Downs is the new home for Standardbreds in the Commonwealth, and has been secured with a 20 year lease. The 2017 season will run five weeks again and will begin shortly after Labor Day. For updates, visit VEA Opens Its First Off Track Betting Center In Richmond In another step forward in growing the state’s horse racing industry, the VEA opened its first Off Track Betting (OTB) Center in the state November 2nd at Breakers Sports Grille in Richmond’s West End. Breakers features 55 televisions, all of which have the ability to show either horse races or sports. The site will offer signals from 20 different tracks around the country seven days and evenings per week. It has

Irish-bred Hoppala (#9, inside) won the $30,000 VHBPA Allowance Flat at Great Meadow. The 3-year-old son of Acclamation beat 10 others including Virginia-bred Free Union, who finished third. Paddy Young guided the effort up top in the 1¼ miles race. Douglas Lees photo

79th running of the International Gold Cup card at Great Meadow, October 22nd. The afternoon featured five steeplechase races including the $90,000 Gold Cup and $75,000 David L. “Zeke” Ferguson Memorial Hurdle Stakes.

The VEA’s first Off Track Betting (OTB) Center in the state opened November 2nd at Breakers Sports Grille in Richmond. The OTB will be open 7 days a week from 12 Noon - 11 PM. Breakers features 55 televisions, which can accommodate either horse racing or sports. A large video wall greets customers as they enter. VEA photo

both smoking and non-smoking areas along with seven self- and two manned-betting terminals. A program kiosk will dispense past performance information from Equibase, Brisnet, and Daily Racing Form. The OTB is located in the TJ Maxx Plaza at 9127 W. Broad St. between Parham and Gaskins Road. A second OTB is scheduled to open January 9th in downtown Richmond’s Shockoe Bottom area. This one will be called “Ponies ‘N Pints” and it is more than double the size of Breakers. The building was the site of Tiki Bob’s Cantina for 12 years, but has been dormant for the last two. Once open, it will have a full restaurant menu, 60 craft beers on tap, and an outdoor patio. In 2017, the VEA hopes to expand the network of OTBs in areas where pari-mutuel referendums are in place, such as Hampton, Chesapeake, and in southwest Virginia. A monthly simulcast schedule for the OTBs is available at A Look Back at Four Pari-Mutuel Flat Races During the International Gold Cup The HBPA and VEA sponsored four flat races at the

Cryptos’ Holiday (#5, outside) edged past Hooping in deep stretch to win the $35,000 Old Dominion Turf Championship, restricted to Virginia-bred or sires horses. The 3-year-old Doug Fout trainee earned his first lifetime win. Bred by the Lazy Lane Farms LLC, the victor is by Harlan’s Holiday out of Cryptos’ Best by Cryptoclearance. Douglas Lees photo

Mutasaawy captured the $45,000 VHBPA Open Flat with a hot rider/trainer combo on Gold Cup Day. Trainer Neil Morris had four wins including three straight steeplechase race scores, while rider Kieran Norris had five wins up top—three in jump races and two in flat events. The victory pushed Mutasaawy’s bankroll over the $200,000 mark. Douglas Lees photo




Virginia Polo: The Fall Invitational Tournament By John J. Carle II, ex-MFH

Cornell’s Dan Shaw gets the jump on UVA’s Felipe Gomez.

From a thow-in, (l-r), Nacho Masias (CU), Kamran Pirasteh (UVA), Dan Shaw (CU), Felipe Gomez (UVA), LoLo Masias (CU).

Cornell’s Dan Shaw and UVA’s Kamran Pirasteh.

UVA’s Merrall Echezarreta turns the ball to goal to score.

On the foggy Sunday morning of October 16, I caught a ride with Dick Riemenschneider, and we headed south to the Virginia Polo Center outside of Charlottesville, Virginia, where in the finals of Virginia Polo’s Fall Invitational Tournament, the University of Virginia’s men’s team was to play Cornell, and the women faced Texas A & M. Dick—or Remo as he is universally known—has long been a driving force in the world of polo. He was an early captain and star player of the Virginia team (founded in 1954), and introduced me to the game when I entered school in 1957. He has been an outstanding ambassador for the sport, playing on American teams worldwide. He is also a past president of the United States Polo Association and, just this year, was inducted into the Polo Hall of Fame. He is currently co-chairman of the Endowment Committee of the Virginia Polo Center, Inc. In a somewhat unusual situation, the Virginia teams, although they carry the University name, receive no financing from the college. All funding is done through the Virginia Polo Center, Inc., which is dependent upon donations, mainly from the Board of Directors, former players, family and friends. It should be emphasized that the Virginia Polo Center is not a polo club, but a polo training facility, which supports the University teams as well as a diversity of programs ranging from instructive clinics and summer programs for both high school students and adults, to United States Polo Association-sponsored tournaments. Fortuitously, for both Virginia Polo and generous donors from the general public at large, all donations are tax-exempt. The polo complex is indeed impressive, with outdoor and indoor facilities for arena polo,

two stables and extensive paddocks for what is arguably the best collegiate string of polo ponies in the country, and a just-completed clubhouse overlooking the outdoor arena. Adjacent to these facilities is a regulation grass field, used primarily by local teams during the summer. Remarkably, everything is kept pristine by the students, who somehow make time in their hectic academic schedules. Virginia, who had advanced to the finals by beating the Universities of Kentucky and Miami, and Cornell, who had outplayed Texas A & M and SMU, are both strong teams, seemingly evenly matched. The Virginia team’s makeup has a definitely international flavor. Playing the #1 position, Kamran Pirasteh is a Canadian citizen, born of Iranian parents. Merrall Echezarreta, at #2, was born in America and is a second-generation Virginia polo player: his mother, Clarissa Cantecuzene, a childhood foxhunter whose mother, Melissa Cantecuzene, was long-time Master of Foxhounds at Middleburg, played on the women’s team. Team leader, Costa Rica’s Felipe Gomez, filled the #3 slot. For Cornell, American Dan Shaw joined the Masias brothers from Peru, LoLo at #2, Nacho at #3. From the 10 a.m. throw-in, Virginia attacked furiously, with #3 Felipe Gomez poking in the game’s first goal out of a “snake-killing” goal-mouth pileup. Then, from a throw-in following the ball being blasted out of bounds, the Costa Rican star successfully dribbled the ball to the goal again. A #3 penalty shot went wide for Cornell, but LoLo Masias soon put them on the scoreboard with a goal-mouth poke. Felipe then responded for Virginia, but later missed a #4 penalty shot.


Virginia’s foul troubles then began in earnest. A #4 penalty shot went fractionally wide for Cornell’s Nacho Masias, but was kicked in by his pony. The orange-and-blue then incurred a #5 penalty (a mid-field shot) that missed; but Virginia’s frantic defensive maneuvers cost them a #2 which, fortunately, went wide at the bell. At chukka’s end, Virginia held its last lead, 3-2. UVA had its chances at the beginning of the second period, but couldn’t capitalize on either a #2 from the initial lineup or a #5-B for rough riding. However, quickly and confidently, Felipe ran the length of the arena to score. Cornell followed with a shot that changed the momentum of the game. Nacho Masias hit a spectacular, towering nearside backshot from almost midfield that caught the very top of the goal. According to a recent rule change, a clean shot on goal from beyond 25 yards (without hitting a horse or player) is worth 2 points. Formerly it was a hit from midfield, which seems more appropriate because of its difficulty. To local players from days-bye, Nacho’s shot was reminiscent of those hit by the late Rodger Rinehart: the nearside back was his polo trademark. Cornell then went on a roll, and UVA’s fortunes plummeted. Nacho scored on a #3, followed quickly by another pony-goal. Felipe tallied on a #3, but was immediately answered by Dan Shaw for Cornell. Merrall then picked the ball out of a throw-in and carried it to goal, where a strong offside forehand raised the Cavaliers’ hopes. But they then went on a fouling spree that killed their momentum: two #3s in a row (both Cornell shots went wide) and a #2 that LoLo Masias slammed home with five seconds left on the clock. Half-time score: Cornell 7, UVA 6. Although the second half was all Cornell, UVA began the third chukka by scoring in the first 30 seconds, when Kamran snuck one in out of a pileup as frantic as a rugby scrum. But Nacho quickly answered, working the ball through traffic; and seconds later, Dan Shaw stole the ball from two Virginia players and raced untouched to score. Virginia had a chance on a #3, but Nacho deftly deflected it; which led to UVA incurring a #3, capitalized upon by LoLo Masias for the Big Red. A #2 foul against Cornell gave Felipe a 15 yard shot at an undefended goal, and he slammed it home. Then Virginia committed the ultimate sin, a blatant cross at goal mouth brought with it a #1 penalty: a free point for the Ithica invaders and a 15-yard shot at an open goal. As is so often the case, this seemingly “gimme-shot” proved anything but, and went wide. Seemingly enamored of fouling by now, UVA committed a #3 that LoLo easily converted, to leave the score Cornell 14, UVA 8 to begin the final seven and a half minutes. The fourth chukka began with Virginia trying to capitalize on a #5 foul; however, a hard bump along the boards during the follow-up saw Felipe Gomez unhorsed, which ended the opportunity. Kamran then rallied the homeboys, picking up a nifty offside backshot pass from Felipe to tally his team’s

last goal. Unfortunately Virginia failed to connect on either a #3 or #4. Meanwhile, in a race between Nacho Masias and Felipe Gomez, the visiting player’s pony had more turbo power, resulting in a Cornell score. A rough riding #5 penalty against UVA was converted by LoLo Masias with a powerful offside blast, ending the game. The scoreboard read, “Cornell 16, Virginia 9.” Although hard-fought, it had been a very sloppy contest, with repeated fouls by both teams killing the flow of the game. As Channel Five sportscasters John Lynch and Kenny Albert said of the Philadelphia Eagles’ 104 yards’ worth of penalties, which led to their loss to the Redskins later in the day, UVA “suffered too many self-inflicted wounds” by fouling at crucial moments. But ultimately, fouls aside, it was Cornell’s better teamwork and swarming defense that sank the home team. The Big Red players anticipated, while the Cavaliers reacted. They also hit cleaner shots. One disadvantage for Virginia was at coaching level: Cornell’s David Eldridge, on the muscle all day, was free to shout instructions to his team; Lou Lopez, forced to assume the announcer’s role, had to bite his tongue until the mid-chukka “walk breaks” (to rest the horses). However, by the last period, with his team out of the running, he abandoned decorum and yelled advice— it didn’t help! But Lou knows what needs to be done, and the training sessions at “Forest Lodge” between now and when these two teams again meet promise to be intense. Overall, it was a poor sports weekend for Charlottesvillians, with UVA’s gridiron hopes being dashed by Pittsburg. However, the women’s team salvaged some Virginia pride, prevailing by three goals over Texas A & M in the finals of their round-robin tournament. A family crisis called Dick back to Bluemont, and we missed their game; but we will be back for sure. Wahoo-wa!


Cornell’s LoLo Masias turns the ball in front of UVa’s Merrall Echezarreta and Kamran Pirasteh. Cornell’s Nacho Masias trails.

Cornell’s LoLo Masias and UVa’s Felipe Gomez in a race for the ball.

UVa’s Merrall Echezarreta drives to goal to score.

Cornell’s Nacho Masias backs a ball despite a bump by UVa’s Merrall Echezarreta.




Rydal Hound Show By Jim Meads Rydal Hound Show, in the Lake District of northwest England, had classes for Fell Foxhounds, Harriers and Beagles on an unusually dry day. The day began at 10:30, with the Coniston Foxhounds having their own show, where the champion was “Dazzle,” shown by Alan Cummings. The open classes then began, with the Melbreak taking the Best Group of Five Fell Hounds. The top couple came from the Eskdale and Ennerdale, as did the unentered dog “Tramper.” Blencathra “Saddler” headed the Entered Dogs, while the Young Bitch Class went to Melbreak “Damsel,” with the huge Entered Class being won by Coniston “Lyric.” In an exciting championship, Blencathra “Saddler” took the trophy. There were good entries of Harriers, with the Holcombe dominating, while High Peak Huntsman Nigel Cox had a very “blue” day, by coming 2nd in six classes. [Ed. Note: In Britain, the red ribbon signifies first place and blue second.] Holcombe “Daystar” was named Champion. Among the Beagle packs showing were the Sunnyland, from Ireland. The Blackcombe, Palmer and Marlborough, and Derby Notts & Staffs won classes, with the last-cited pack’s “Wagtail” named Champion. At the end of the day, the three breed champions were shown against each other, with a neutral judge, who named Blencathra “Saddler” as the Supreme Champion Hound. He was shown by Diana TodhunterRobinson, former whipper-in to Mark Powell at the Toronto & North York Hounds in Canada.

Rydal Hound Show, August 11, 2016. Phtographer Jim Meads with smartly turned out staff George Wilkinson (Eskdale & Ennerdale), Edward Liddle (Melbreak), Barry Todhunter (Blencathra), John Weller (Ullswater), David Mallett (north Lonsdale), Michael Nicholson (Coniston).

Champion Beagle Derby Notts & Staffs “Wagtail.” Champion Fell Hound and Supreme Champion Blencathra “Saddler” shown by Diane Todhunter-Robinson, daughter of Huntsman Barry Todhunter (behind).

OPENING MEETS Orange County Hounds Opening Meet

De La Brooke Foxhounds W Opening Meet Mt. Victoria, Maryland, November 5, 2016 Kathy Glockner Photos

Meredyth, The Plains, Virginia, November 5, 2016 Joanne Maisano photo (l-r) Malcolm Matheson, joint-MFH, and Maryalice Larkin Matheson Thomas.

Rose Tree-Blue Mountain Hunt New Park, Pennsylvania November 13, 2016

Joint-MFH and Huntsman Sean Cully, aided by his son and whipper-in Brady Cully, leads hounds and followers. Eric Schneider photo

De La Brooke Whipper-In Caroline Hurry.

Joint Master Tom Attick awards well-deserved colors to his wife, Donna, at the De La Brooke Foxhounds W Opening Meet.


(540) 347-3141 CLASSIFIEDS REAL ESTATE HORSEFARMSANDCOUNTRYHOMES.COM Cindy Polk, 703.966.9480, David O’Flaherty Realtor specializing in country properties from cottages, land and hobby farms to fine estates and professional equestrian facilities. Washington Fine Properties. 204 E. Washington St., Middleburg, VA.

Piedmont Fox Hounds Hunter Trials October 2, 2016, held at Salem Farm, Upperville, Virginia. Beverly Alcock and Billy the Kidd, Junior Hunter Champion and Grand Champion. Daphne Alcock photo

Myopia Hunt Opening Meet Hamilton, Massachusetts, September 24, 2016

Myopia Hunt’s joint-MFH Kim Cutler.

Huntsman Phillip Headdon.

Eric Schneider photo

Eric Schneider photo

Myopia Huntsman Phillip Headdon and staff led the day when the All New England Hunt met at Appleton Farm, Ipswich, Massachusetts, on November 12, 2016. Eric Schneider photo

Piedmont Fox Hounds Opening Meet

Orange County Hounds Opening Meet

Oakley, Upperville, Virginia, November 3, 2016

Meredyth, The Plains, Virginia, November 5, 2016

Piedmont Fox Hounds Huntsman Jordan Hicks followed by (l-r) Dr. Vas Devan; Shelby Bonnie, joint-MFH; Tad Zimmerman, joint-MFH; and Will Coleman. Douglas Lees photo

Orange County Hounds Huntsman Reg Spreadborough, aided by Natalie Wales, moves off for the start of the 2016 formal season. Joanne Maisano photo

Bull Run Hunt Opening Meet

Warrenton Hunt Opening Meet

Locust Hill • October 15, 2016

Clovercroft, Warrenton, Virginia • November 5, 2016

Bull Run Huntsman Charles Montgomery at Opening Meet, October 15, 2016, held at Locust Hill, home of joint-master Mike Long and his wife Betty. Sandra Forbush photo

Matt van der Woude, Warrenton Huntsman, and Whipper-in K.T. Atkins moving off from Opening Meet at Clovercroft. Douglas Lees photo

Loudoun Fairfax Hunt Opening Meet

Blue Ridge Hunt Opening Meet

Overbrook, Hamilton, Virginia • November 6, 2016

Ellerslie, Home of Joint-Master Brian Ferrell, October 29, 2016

Loudoun Fairfax Huntsman Andy Bozdan moves toward a coop with his hounds as the 2016 formal season begins. Joanne Maisano Photo

(l-r) Giel Millner; Anne McIntosh, MFH; Jeff LeHew; Marina Williams; Brian Ferrell, MFH. Joanne Maisano photo

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