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Susan Williams windhorseOne

Your partner “must love horses.” What else must they love besides you? My partner in life and windhorseOne, Brad, loves and understands how horses are my muses. He also has learned to love that I live life in the flow and that my creative spirit is not so linear and logical.

Dogs or children? Both! Children and dogs enhance and add so much to life. Dogs teach us to love unconditionally and children teach us to embrace our inner child and play.

Greatest regret? Having to let go of some of my first horses due to life’s circumstances. Greatest fear? My greatest fear is that I can’t do enough for the horses in this lifetime.

Number one on your bucket list? My number one bucket list is to learn how to dance and be in un ity with my horses.

Who would you most like to have dinner with? Johnny Depp. Pure imagination and creativity!

What is your motto? My motto and mantra is I embrace the powerful and magical essence of the horse! Don’t you? What’s on the horizon for Susan Williams? On my horizon is a dream where we all live like horses and embrace their essence, beauty, harmony, heart, intuition, community, personal power and grace. I will continue to educate people about the healing power of horses as well as use my artwork as a vehicle to conserve and preserve our precious resources— the horses, wild and domestic.

Contact Information: email— Studio 303 697 5665


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