Horse Connection Magazine

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Publisher’s Page

business invested in print marketing, they must be competent and professional. This increases their trust level on the business. Shelf Life: Magazine ads don’t whizz by. In fact, they stick around for a while. This makes magazines attractive to advertisers with long product cycles, such as durable goods, financial advertising and luxury products. A horse magazine is still the best way for horsepeople to stay connected and informed. After all, your iPad or iPhone won’t survive being dropped in the mud and stepped on by a horse. But a copy of Horse Connection magazine can handle mud, horses, and, rolled up, keep the barn flies away. It is disheartening to see so many free horses advertised online. I don’t have to tell you that there is no such thing as a free horse. The problem is that people who are not knowledgeable think that a free horse is just that, only to find that the cost of taking care of a horse is substantial. Offering a horse for free is the worst thing you can do for the horse. Things that are free are not as well taken care of as things that are earned. A horse advertised as free is basically a horse that has had its value taken away, and that tends to lead to a substandard level of care if not outright neglect of the horse. And I don’t have to mention the possibility that a free horse is likely to be shipped to a Canadian or Mexican slaughterhouse. Horses have value and deserve value! Horse Connection has expanded its operations and has opened a satellite office in the Pacific Northwest. We are thrilled that HC will have a higher profile on the west coast and look forward to getting more involved with the equestrian communities in Washington, Oregon, and California. We are still headquartered in Colorado but plan on being more mobile in 2013 and attending more horse shows and equestrian events. Let’s make 2013 the best year ever—for ourselves, those less fortunate, and our horses. Especially our horses.

Let’s all give more than we take in 2013 and make it a memorable year.

Geoff Young Publisher

We’ve Moved!!

Jennifer Rhodes and her clients are happy to be settled into their new location at Woodrun Farms in Castle Rock, Colo.

And we have a new Website! Achieve your personal riding goals with customized training programs for all levels of riders. (303) 929-7856


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