Issue 7 -December 5, 2012

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E m b r y - R i d d l e A e r o n a u t i c a l Un i v e r s i t y Dec. 5, 2012 Issue 7 Volume 29

Prescott, Arizona Since 1984 First Copy Free

Prescott Community, Embry-Riddle Remember

Juergen Tank

Colleague, Friend, Teacher and Craftsman


Juergen Tank was born in the summer of 1944. He was preceded in death by his parents, Kaete and Ernst Tank. Juergen passed away on Nov. 25, 2012, surrounded by his family. Juergen is survived by his wife, Rowena, and their beloved son, Erik. Juergen joined the German Navy when he was 22 years old. He was trained to pilot the F-104 Starfighter at Luke Air Force Base in Glendale, Ariz. During that time, he met Rowena. Two years later, Rowena joined Juergen in Germany. They were married in Schleswig. Juergen and Rowena’s son, Erik, was born in Germany two years later. Subsequent to piloting the Starfighter in the German Navy and nearing retirement, the Tank family made a decision to move to the United States. Juergen was stationed at Sheppard Air Force Base in the EURO-NATO Flight Training Program in Wichita Falls, Texas. Juergen had a career in the German Navy for 22-years and retired from the military in 1986 with the rank of Commander. The Tank family resided in Phoenix, Ariz. for many years before moving to Prescott in 1999. Juergen was employed with Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott as an instructor pilot and later was promoted to the position of Director of Flight Safety and Security. Additionally, Juergen earned his Masters of Safety Science at ERAU. In 2009, he retired from ERAU. During his time at ERAU, Juergen influenced many young aviation professionals by instilling within them the true nature of a vibrant safety culture. These informed and talented graduates have taken their knowledge and culture to their chosen organizations, such as Air Wis-

consin, Boeing, Condor, and Sky West, to name a few. Juergen was the embodiment of safety at the flightline. He had an uncanny ability to see through the complexities of an issue and tell it like it is. During his leadership tenure, his deep, accented voice could be heard echoing many sayings about safety that we can all remember to this day. Here are a few:

“Safety is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking.” “Flexible as a crowbar.” “Safety is a judgment about the acceptability of risk.” “It’s all about culture.” “Actions speak louder than words.” “So what did you do about it?” Juergen was a talented carpenter and very creative. He was well known for his handmade, unique birdhouses, which currently hang in trees all over Prescott because he donated them to nonprofits for silent auctions and raffles. According to Juergen’s wishes, there will be no services. In lieu of f lowers, donations may be made to The Good Samaritan Society – Prescott Hospice or The Yavapai County Jeep Posse Search and Rescue. -Yavapai County Jeep Posse, addressed in care of Jerry Kimmet 7463 Pinnacle Pass Dr., Prescott Valley, AZ 86315-3015 -Good Samaritan Society – Prescott Hospice, Marley House 928-778-5655 1065 Ruth St., Prescott, AZ 86301

ERAU Aviation Program Employees Receive FAA Awards PRESS RELEASE Max Sandoval

Both Recipients of the 2012 General Aviation Industry Awards for the State of Arizona advance to the Western Pacific Regional competition.

What’s Inside News


Guest Speak Lecture: Internet Profiling Airlines Face Acute Shortage of Pilots Directed Study Group Test Rocket Engine





Central AZ Concert Band Visits ERAU Students See Shuttle Up Close

Embry-Riddle Wipes CALPAC Conference NASCAR’s Brad Keselowski

PRESCOTT, Ariz. Nov. 13, 2012 – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s employees Ken Fukayama and Allen Hedgepeth have been awarded aviation honors from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the State of Arizona. Fukayama, flight check instructor, has been awarded Flight Instructor of the Year and Hedgepeth, maintenance technician, has been awarded Maintenance Technician of the Year. The annual awards were presented by Randall Prine, FAASTeam Program Manager, of the Federal Aviation Administration Flight Standards District Office of Scottsdale, Ariz. “The awards recognize aviation professionals on a local, regional, and national level,” said Prine. “These few select individuals exemplify the best in the industry by their contributions to aviation safety, flight instruction, education, and professionalism.” The rigorous selection process begins when managers nominate candidates. Embry-Riddle then selects the top candidates and submits them to the local Flight Standards District Office. Once submitted, judges endlessly sift

through nominees until deciding on the most deserving candidates. “It is a privilege to be nominated by my peers for this award”, stated Fukayama, “It is validation that I am doing the right things and building professional relationships with my students, peers and the community.” In addition, Hedgepeth, who has worked for Embry-Riddle since 1996, received the Maintenance Technician of The Year Award. “I feel that I could not have achieved this goal if it was not for the support and dedication of the maintenance team here at Embry-Riddle,” stated Hedgepeth. “This award is for everyone in the department.” For more information please visit [] or [http://].

Max Sandoval for Horizons Newspaper Ken Fukayama and Allen Hedgepeth receive aviation honors.

To see ERAU Students and Gary Northam being interviewed by local Fox News, follow this QR code.

D1 What Have Your Seniors Been Working on all Semester?



Smart Holiday Shopping Tips Crazy: the Good the Bad and the Weird Why I Hate Winter: The Despair of a Flight Student

See Section D



Dec. 5, 2012

Guest Speaker Lectures on Internet Profiling Carsen Cooper Copy Editor

Austin Troya/ Horizons Newspaper Michele Stuart speaks to students about online safety.

Every semester, the Honors Student Association (HSA) brings in an exciting speaker to brief students, faculty, and the general public on a topic pertaining to one of the programs at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Prescott campus. This year’s Fall speaker was Michele Stuart, an open source intelligence specialist who is the owner of JAG Investigations, an adjunct professor at the University of Virginia, and an instructor at Marine Corps Base Quantico. Her short lecture on internet profiling proved to be extremely informative and eye-opening for everyone in attendance. Stuart began by giving a definition of open source intelligence (OSI). “OSI is an information processing discipline that involves finding, selecting,

and acquiring information from publicly available sources and analyzing the data to produce actionable intelligence,” she explained. Stuart also said OSI is a “way of understanding the behaviorism of people.” Just finding a single written word on the internet has the power to affect the entire reputation of the person in question. This information can prove to be vital when trying to prosecute a criminal. Stuart went on to discuss ways to protect your information against bad people. She noticed that the HSA President, Austin Troya, had an Android phone and asked him to go to the Google Play Market. While this was being done, Stuart explained that Android’s application (app) market is completely unregulated. Any person can upload any app to be downloaded. Once opened, Stuart read off what a user allows the flashlight

app, the most popular app in the entire market, to do once downloaded. A program that should only shine light can also access, read, and write on the SD card, prevent the phone from sleeping, give the location of the device to an outside source 24/7, keep a toll record of who calls the phone and when, allow internet access, and make use of the camera and microphone at any time. Suddenly, the phone is not just a flashlight anymore but a device which can be used at any time to track a person’s whereabouts and information. While Stuart made sure to not praise Apple too much, she explained that Apple’s operating software and app store is much more secure. All of the apps in the Apple app store are screened and are thus virus and malware free. Therefore, Stuart would recommend the iPhone before any Android device. Stuart went on to list of a mul-

tiple amount of ways through which a typical internet and phone user is constantly endangering their personal information. Google Images has facial profiling software which can search for other photos of a user if the URL of a picture with one person’s face is entered. Facebook keeps all photos ever uploaded. The location of where a person tweets can be tracked through an application on Bing Maps. QR codes can turn into URLs which lead to unsafe sites. There is a bad path in almost all directions on the internet. However, Stuart did try to reassure the audience that the internet is still a useful tool in the modern age. “As long as you are smart and don’t do stupid things, you will be ok,” she declared. But this news did not help those in attendance from still feeling weary about their online safety as they left the incredibly eye-opening lecture.

French Court Overturns Concorde Chat With SGA: Crash Conviction Housing Selection PRESS RELEASE Greg Keller

VERSAILLES, France (AP) — In a surprise ruling in one of the most highprofile disasters in aviation history, a French appeals court Thursday overturned manslaughter convictions against Continental Airlines and a mechanic for the 2000 crash of an Air France Concorde that killed 113 people. The crash hastened the end for the already-faltering supersonic Concorde, synonymous with high-tech luxury but a commercial failure. The program, jointly operated by Air France and British Airways, was taken out of service in 2003. In the accident, which occurred on July 25, 2000, the jet crashed into a hotel near Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport soon after taking off, killing all 109 people aboard and four on the ground. Most of the victims were Germans heading to a cruise in the Caribbean. A mistake made weeks earlier and thousands of miles away by a Continental mechanic in Houston played a crucial role in the crash, the court found. According to the original ruling, mechanic John Taylor fitted the wrong metal strip on a Continental DC-10. The piece ultimately fell off on the runway in Paris, puncturing the Concorde’s tire. The burst tire sent bits of rubber flying, puncturing the fuel tanks, which started the fire that brought down the plane. On Thursday, Nov. 29, Judge Michele Luga overturned the 2010 manslaughter conviction of Continental and the mechanic, saying their mistakes didn’t make them criminally responsible for the deaths. Even if Taylor knew that the metal strip could become detached, “he could never have imagined a scenario where this simple titanium blade could cause such a disaster,” Luga said in court. Part of the problem was that the Concorde’s design left it vulnerable to shock, according to judicial investigators who said officials had known about the problem for more than 20 years. The lower

court ruled that though French officials had missed opportunities to improve the Concorde over the years, they could “be accused of no serious misconduct.” Outside the courtroom, Continental Airlines lawyer Olivier Metzner called the decision “historic” and finally put an end “to 12 years of wrongful accusations” against Continental. “What caused the crash was a plane that shouldn’t have been flying,” Metzner said of the Concorde, which he claimed was only being kept in service for “economic and symbolic reasons.” Crash victims’ families, however, expressed disappointment with the ruling. Stephane Gicquel, head of a group of victims’ families, said Thursday’s ruling left them with “a sense of powerlessness.” “The court says the plane shouldn’t have flown. It did fly, but no conclusion is drawn,” he said. Attempts to reach Taylor for comment were unsuccessful. The French court that convicted Continental and the mechanic in 2010 for the crash imposed about €2 million ($2.7 million) in damages and fines on the carrier. The appeals court upheld Continental’s civil responsibility and ordered it to pay Air France €1 million ($1.3 million) in damages and interests. Parties including Air France and Continental compensated the families of most victims years ago, so financial claims were not the trial’s focus — the main goal was to assign responsibility. In France, unlike in many other countries, plane crashes routinely lead to trials to assign criminal responsibility — cases that often drag on for years. “This was a tragic accident and we support the court’s decision that Continental did not bear fault,” Megan McCarthy, a spokeswoman for Chicagobased United Continental Holdings Inc., said in a written statement. Continental merged with United in 2010. The Flight Safety Foundation, an organization that monitors aviation safety, applauded the decision. “We’re very pleased that courts are recognizing that professional human

error does not amount to criminal conduct, even where it can lead to catastrophic consequences,” said Kenneth Quinn, general counsel for the FSF, based in Alexandria, Va. At the time it was launched, the Concorde supersonic jet was the height of luxury, flying between New York and the European capitals of London and Paris in less than four hours, instead of a standard flight of over seven hours. Flying west, British Airways boasted, the flight’s well-heeled travelers could effectively arrive at their destinations before they left. The Concorde “was the culmination of a belief in the aviation industry that aircraft would always get faster,” said Jeremy Kinney, curator in the Smithsonian Institution’s aeronautics division in Washington, D.C. “It was the ultimate fast airplane.” Twenty of the aircraft were built and 14 entered commercial operation, Kinney said. In the years it took French judicial investigators to work their way to trial, amassing 80,000 pages of court documents, the Concordes were revamped, retired and finally sent to museums. The Concorde wasn’t the first supersonic jet to crash in Paris. The Soviet Union’s equivalent, the Tupolev 144, made its debut in December 1968, just days before the first flight of the Concorde. They were mothballed after one crashed at the 1973 Paris Air Show. ___ Lori Hinnant in Paris and Josh Freed in Minneapolis contributed to this report. For more information about this story, use the QR Code below.

David Krantz Sports Editor

On Tuesday, Nov. 27, students gathered for a student lead discussion, headed by the Resident Hall Association (RHA), to discuss the topic of housing selection for the 2013 – 2014 school year. It was made clear that the purpose of this meeting was not to complain about last year’s selection process, but to brainstorm how students would like to see the selection process work for this next school year. The first topic for discussion was the selection order. Many students found last year confusing and frustrating. Students felt uninformed and even cheated in the selection process. Many topics were discussed regarding how to make the selection process easier, ranging from whether or not to keep the lottery, where priority should be given in the lottery process and even designating halls by contract type was brought up. In the end two conclusions were reached for the selection order. The first was that more information would be given out as to when each particular section of students is supposed to register. The second was that class standing would take priority over contract type in the lottery drawing. However, information about renovations and which hall will be closed for parts of the summer will also be given out before room selection so that those with 12 month contracts can avoid moving around too much. As far as being able to bring others into your room selection, a vote was made that you may fill either your room or your en-

tire suite but no partial fills. This was based on the idea that picking your roommates, and being comfortable with those in your dorm, is paramount. As far as transfer housing was concerned, a vote that current students should take priority over transfers was made, however consideration would be given to international students coming in from other countries. A vote was passed against squatting because with renovations happening in a few halls it vastly complicates the selection process and generally defeats the purpose of the lottery. A vote for single rooms and the amount that would be available was generally undecided so the administration is still looking at what is feasible and what student opinions are. Throughout the whole meeting housing administration was present to help with information on the situation and guide the discussion on what would be feasible or on what has worked in the past. Housing found the meeting to be very productive and would like to continue working with RHA to bridge the gap to continue receiving constructive input from students. The administration is also planning to start sending out information on housing this winter break to both students and parents to help ease the process of room selection and frustrations. Housing is working hard to make the selection process easier and fairer toward students. If you missed these meetings but would still like to give your input, you can email questions or comments to []. Housing would love to continue to receive feedback.


Dec. 5, 2012


Airlines Face Acute Shortage Of Pilots U.S. airlines are facing what threatens to be their most serious pilot shortage since the 1960s, with higher experience requirements for new hires about to take hold just as the industry braces for a wave of retirements. press reLease Susan Carey Jack Nicas Andy Pasztor

Federal mandates taking effect next summer will require all newly hired pilots to have at least 1,500 hours of prior flight experience— six times the current minimum— raising the cost and time to train new fliers in an era when pay cuts and more-demanding schedules already have made the profession less attractive. Meanwhile, thousands of senior pilots at major airlines soon will start hitting the mandatory retirement age of 65. Another federal safety rule, to take effect in early 2014, also will squeeze the supply, by giving pilots more daily rest time. This change is expected to force passenger airlines to increase their pilot ranks by at least five percent. Adding to the problem is a small but steady stream of U.S. pilots moving to overseas carriers, many of which already face an acute shortage of aviators and pay handsomely to land well-trained U.S. captains. “This is going to come to a crisis,” said Bob Reding, recently retired executive vice president of operations at AMR Corp.’s American Airlines and now a consultant to FlightSafety International Inc., an aviation training provider. Kit Darby, a consultant on pilot-hiring trends added: “We are about four years from a solution,

but we are only about six months away from a problem.” Estimates differ on the problem’s magnitude. Airlines for America, a trade group of the largest carriers that collectively employ 50,800 pilots now, cites a study by the University of North Dakota’s aviation department that indicates major airlines will need to hire 60,000 pilots by 2025 to replace departures and cover expansion. Darby’s firm calculates that all U.S. airlines, including cargo, charter and regional carriers, together employ nearly 96,000 pilots, and will need to find more than 65,000 over the next eight years. In the past eight years, not quite 36,000 pilots have passed the Federal Aviation Administration’s highest test, the Air Transport Pilot exam, which all pilots would have to pass under the congressionally imposed rules. For passengers, the biggest impact is expected to be at smaller, regional carriers. They have traditionally been a training ground feeding pilots to the bigger airlines, which are expected to step up their poaching. “Absent a game-changing shift in the supply of” pilots, small to midsize communities “are in jeopardy of losing some, if not all, their scheduled flights,” Roger Cohen, president of the Regional Airline Association, said in a July speech. More than half of U.S. airline pilots are over 50, said Mr. Darby, the consultant, reflecting a bulge in new hires in the 1980s and scant hiring over the past decade. In 2007, to bring the U.S. into alignment with some other countries, regulators extended the mandatory retirement age to 65 from

60. By some estimates, 80 percent of 60-year-old U.S. pilots now are staying on longer. But in December, the first of those who extended their careers will start turning 65. Captain John Silverman, a 64-year-old US Airways Group Inc. pilot, stuck around when the law changed but must retire in April. “I’m extremely healthy,” he said. “I could do more time. But 65 is plenty.” The FAA’s head of flight standards, John Allen, said at an industry conference this summer that the projected retirement numbers are “astounding and dramatic” and “we don’t have a system to address this issue.” A spokeswoman for the FAA said its official position is “to obtain data to determine long-term pilot staffing needs and solutions.” After a decade of consolidation and restructuring, some large carriers are planning to start hiring again. Delta Air Lines Inc. estimates it will need 3,500 new pilots over the next decade to maintain its ranks at 12,000, not including any growth. American Airlines recently said it plans to add 2,500 pilots over the next five years.United Continental Holdings Inc. has begun taking applications for a few positions in its Continental subsidiary. Dave Barger, chief executive of JetBlue Airways Corp., said in an October speech that the industry is “facing an exodus of talent in the next few years” and could “wake up one day and find we have no one to operate or maintain those planes.” There are limits to the ability of airlines, especially the regional carriers, to attract more pilots by raising wages. While the industry’s health has improved in recent years, many carriers still operate on thin prof-

it margins, with the airlines sand- tions and safety. “Working collaborawiched between rising costs for fuel tively with the FAA, hundreds of first and unsteady demand from price- officers have already received their new certificates and the rest are on sensitive consumers. Dan Garton, chief executive of track to obtain theirs,” Foose said. AMR’s regional American Eagle The military hasn’t been a maunit, said the issue “is going to be- jor source of commercial pilots for come much more visible when re- years, and the supply of new pilots gionals have to decrease their flying” has been dwindling. Among the for lack of pilots, and some smaller reasons is that would-be fliers face cities lose air service. expensive training with no guarGarton said he has beaten the antee of being hired by an airline drum about the problem on Capitol once they complete it. Hill and at the FAA without success. Third Coast Aviation, a flight The FAA said it has been encourag- school in Kalamazoo, Mich., said ing discussions among industry offi- business is down 30 percent to 40 cials to come up with solutions. percent over the past five years. At Some regulators and industry ex- California Flight Academy in El Caperts worry about the safety implica- jon, Calif., the rolls are full, but almost tions of having a smaller pool of ap- entirely with foreign students who plicants at a time when demand for will soon return to their home counpilots is rising. They fret that some tries. “We don’t have locals learning smaller airlines could be forced to to fly anymore,” said Ash Dakwar, the lower internal criteria and hire ap- academy’s operations chief. plicants with questionable skills or While no one tracks overall atspotty training records. tendance at the nation’s 3,400 flight “It certainly will result in chal- schools, FAA data show annual prilenges to mainvate and comtain quality,” mercial pilot said John Marcertificates— shall, an indeboth required pendent avito become an ation- safet y airline pilot— consultant who are down 41 spent 26 years percent and in the Air Force 30 percent, rebefore overseespectively, in ing Delta’s safe- Scan QR code for video link the past dety. “Regional carriers will be cre- cade. The National Association ative and have to take shortcuts” to of Flight Instructors, in a research fill their cockpits, he said. paper published this year, said that Ahead of the new 1,500-hour “there is no feasible way…to conrule, the Regional Airline Associa- tinuously supply qualified pilots tion has been testing its first officers for the demand of air carriers.” regularly in preparation for meeting Congress’s 2010 vote to require the standards, said Scott Foose, the 1,500 hours of experience in August trade group’s vice president of opera- 2013 came in the wake of several re-

Astrophysics Articles By Carsen Cooper

IceCube: High Energy Neutrinos The final Astrophysics Colloquium of 2012 welcomed Professor Katherine Rawlings to the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University-Prescott campus. Her short lecture’s topic on Tuesday, Nov. 20 was “IceCube: High Energy Neutrino and Cosmic Ray Astrophysics”. Rawlings waited to begin her presentation during the noon hour in AC-1 until after all of the students and faculty had picked up their free pizza and sat down. Rawlings began her lecture by explaining what a neutrino is. Hypothesized first in the 1930s by Wolfgang Pauli, neutrinos are subatomic particles which are neutral members of the electron family. They interact with matter via the “weak interaction”. If adjectives are used to describe them, they could be called anti-social, elusive, invisible, and ghostly. Neutrinos simply fly through almost all matter without any effect and, to date, are not known to be faster than light. Rawlings then went on to talk about how to define what a cosmic ray is. Discovered centuries ago, cosmic rays are particles travelling quickly through space which arrive

at the top of Earth’s atmosphere from all directions. Cosmic rays consist of atomic nuclei and their sources can vary from supernovae to extragalactic sources and huge explosions. Measuring cosmic rays can be done two different ways. The first is to send up satellites with measuring devices on them. However, satellites can be hard pressed to pick up cosmic rays and neutrinos are far and few between in space. Instead, it is more practical to build enormous ground-based conductors which can catch the debris of collisions between cosmic ray particles and the atmosphere. This is where Rawlings has a great deal of experience. Rawlings worked as part of a team of scientists at the South Pole at a neutrino detector called IceCube. The IceCube observatory, located literally on the South Pole itself, has 5,160 optical sensors buried kilometers down into the ice. These sensors detect neutrinos by seeing the flash of light muons create as cosmic ray particles collide with the atmosphere and go through the ice. During the summer season, there are typically 200 people living at the station. However, Rawl-

ings stayed six months during the dark, cold winter when only 51 people were present at IceCube. While only a couple of hundred neutrinos were detected each day, she was able to do a multitude of research with the data she received. The IceCube observatory has a five part mission. The first two parts are to detect neutrinos and neutrino oscillation. The third part is to detect supernovae and the particles they emit. Another key piece of IceCube’s mission is to determine the composition of cosmic rays. Finally, IceCube is also tasked with dark matter detection, along with other exotic, unknown particles. “So far, IceCube is producing excellent results for the scientific community,” Rawlings stated. IceCube will continue to create highquality data and interesting discussions among astrophysicists for many years to come. Professor Katherine obtained her undergraduate degree from Yale University and her graduate and doctorate degrees from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is now a professor at the University of Alaska-Anchorage.

gional-airline accidents, although none had been due to pilots having fewer than 1,500 hours. Regional carriers now are racing to make sure their pilots have 1,500 hours by next summer, while also trying to bolster their ranks. But prospects with close to the required number of hours aren’t numerous. “These people just don’t exist,” said Mr. Garton of American Eagle. The FAA is trying to soften the blow. It has proposed a rule that would lower the requirement to 750 hours for military aviators and 1,000 hours for graduates of fouryear aviation universities. But the exemption, if it goes through, may come too late, and it isn’t expected to help most aviators in training anyway, because they come from other types of flight schools. For them, the challenge of meeting the new requirements is uncharted and costly. “I’m stuck being a flight instructor for another year,” said John Adkins, a 27-yearold pilot at California Flight Academy. He achieved the current minimum for being a co-pilot, but the new rule has delayed his dream to join an airline. “You don’t make a lot of money as an instructor,” he said. The 1,500-hour mandate “has only discouraged a future generation of prospective pilots to pursue this career,” said Cohen, from the regional airline group. Those who persevere “will try to get the 1,500 hours the fastest and cheapest way possible,” he said. “Flying around in empty airspace or towing banners doesn’t give you the training you need to fly a complex airplane.” The mandate applies to regularly scheduled passenger and cargo see PILOTS page A4

Colloquium Exoplanet Detection

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University’s Prescott campus was pleased to host another astrophysics colloquium on Tuesday, Nov. 13. This specific talk welcomed professor Konstantin Batygin, a professor at the California Institute of Technology (Cal Tech). His topic for the afternoon was “The Origins of Orbital Obliquity and Near-Resonances in Hot Exoplanetary Systems.” Before Batygin began his presentation, students trickled into the smaller AC-1 auditorium. They signed their names on a piece of paper saying they were present and there was free pizza available. Shortly after noon, the lecture began. Batygin first explained that he would be splitting his talk into three parts. The first would be an overview of observational data dealing with exoplanets. The second point would discuss the evolution of proplanetary disks in stellar binaries. His final part would deal with the near-resonances among close-in planets. The detection of exoplanets, or planets outside of our solar system, began very recently. The first exoplanet was discovered just 17 years

ago in 1995. However, scientists and astronomers predicted their existence for centuries. In 1952, Otto Struve believed that giant exoplanets could be discovered through two different means of detection: the radial velocity method and the transit method. The first radial velocity detection came with the discovery of 51 Pegasus B in 1995. The first transit method detection was of HD 209459B in 2000. The transit method detection was truly revolutionary because weather and atmospheric conditions of the exoplanet could be detected. “There are two types of exoplanets being discovered,” Batygin said. One is a large, Jupiter-sized planet very close to its star (nicknamed “hot Jupiters”) and the other type are even larger planets at a good distance from their sun. But why do hot Jupiters exist? This is one question that Batygin and his team at Cal Tech are contemplating. Why do so many stars have such large planets so close to them? The first part of the answer is simple. The number of stars with plan-

ets orbiting around them is increasing. “A few years ago it was believed to be that 33 percent of stars had planets,” Batygin said. “Today we are now at 60 percent. Before we know it, the number will be 100 percent. Chances are, if you’re looking up into the night sky at a star, you’re also looking at several planets as well.” However, this does not explain how planets the size of Jupiter can exist in a stable environment very close to their host stars. Batygin’s team believes that Jupiter-sized planets form far away from the sun in a cool environment. Then, the enormous planets slowly migrate towards the sun over the course of millions of years, sweeping any terrestrial matter between them and their star into the sun itself. The students and faculty present enjoyed the lecture. Batygin kept the briefing informative and interesting. Batygin recently earned his doctorate from Cal Tech and now teaches there. His research specialty is the application of numerical chaos theory to solar system formation. He is only 26 years old and has great plans for future research in his field.



Dec. 5, 2012

Student-Directed Study Conducts Rocket Engine Tests BranDon LeaDBeTTer Correspondent

Throughout the fall semester, the sound of rocket engines and the smell of smoke permeated the campus. Jacob Alder, under the direction of Dr. Michael Fabian, led a team in designing, building, and firing rocket engines. The team, led by Alder, consisted of Mat Bianco, Brandon Wagner, and Brandon Leadbetter. This was a directed study under Dr. Fabian who was very impressed with the outcome of the tests. The initial plan in August had been to create a solid, hy-

brid, and liquid engines to test at the rocket test site next to the RC runway. However, due to immediate setbacks, the team decided that liquid would not get done before December. Accepting this, the team began focusing on a test stand and set up that would exceed expectations. By the end of September, the test stand was completed and the area at the rocket engine test site was ready for testing. The first engine to be completed was the solid engine. The engine itself was a four piece segmented engine with a fuel composition of potassium nitrate (stump remover) and sugar. This was a very sur-

prising combination for rocket fuel especially in the process of boiling to a wet layup. With the help of Dr. Brian Nordstrom in the chemistry lab and Machinist Patrick David in the machine shop, the group was able to complete the solid rocket engine by mid-November. The engine was fired with the supervision of Safety. The exhaust was very sporadic which was determined to be caused by air pockets within the wet layup. With congratulations from Dr. Fabian, the team moved to the next phase, hybrids. The hybrid rocket was a lot easier to construct. This was due to the need of a solid piece of pipe and nozzles. The fuel was much

easier to cast as it required a couple pounds of paraffin wax melted into the pipe. With most of the parts accessible at local hardware stores, the assembly of this engine took little time. On Nov. 29, the team launched the hybrid. The result was completely different from the solid. For a hybrid, there is a mixture of both solid and liquid fuel. For this experiment the team used liquid oxygen. Using this combination, the team’s test resulted in a beautiful sight of fire and smoke as the engine fired perfectly. “This independent study was to see in an undergraduate level,” Dr, Fabian said, “They did a

ERAU Prescott

great job with the tools at their disposal and what they could acquire at the local hardware stores.” The team was very happy with the results as this has opened many opportunities on and off campus. This independent study has caught the eye of many students and employers because this is a viable skill to have. The idea of being able to create real rocket engines from scratch with sugar and stump remover makes learning a new kind of fun. The project has been completed for this semester, but a new batch of students has already accepted continuing this project.

Calendar of Events

Pilots Continued from A3 airlines flying jets and larger turboprops. Cargo airlines could also end up struggling to recruit sufficient pilots. Smaller planes, on-demand charters and business jets aren’t covered by the new requirements. The last big pilot shortage, in the 1960s, occurred because “everybody who was of a trainable age was in Vietnam,” said Randy Babbitt, a former FAA administrator who was hired as a pilot in that era. Meanwhile, airlines were expanding as jets shortened trips and boosted traffic. Once the military pilots finished their tours, many joined airlines and the shortage problem receded.

December 5 - December 18

Wed 5 Hazy Library Extended Hours 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Fall 2012 Graduation Fair @ AC-1 * 6:30 p.m. The Muppet Movie @ Yavapai College Performing Arts Center * 4:30 p.m. Zumba Class @ Adult Center

Wed 12

Thu 6 Last Day of Classes and Hazy Library Extended Hours 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Fall 2012 Graduation Fair @ AC-1 9 p.m. - 11 p.m. Finals Breakfast @ Earharts 9:30 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. Senior Night Out @ Dean of Students Office Building 18A

Thu 13

Fri 7

Sat 8

Study Day

Final Exams

12 p.m. - 2 p.m. Polar Bear Plunge @ Pool

* 2 p.m. Tchaikovsky’s Classic Holiday Ballet “The Nutcracker” @ Prescott Gateway Mall

12 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. Pearl Habor Survivors Recognition Lunch @ Earharts * 7:30 p.m. - 10 p.m. Ballroom Dance Party @ Adult Center

Fri 14

10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Holiday Open House @ Miller Valley Indoor Art Market

Sun 9 * 1 p.m. and 5 p.m. “The Nutcracker” at Yavapai College Performing Arts Center * 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Santa with the Animals @ Heritage Park Zoo

Mon 10 Final Exams

Final Exams

2 p.m. - 3 p.m. WEQC Holiday Cookie Exchange @ Lower Hangar

National Noodle Ring Day!

* 4:30 p.m. Zumba Class @ Adult Center

* 3 p.m. Prescott Women’s Chamber Choir @ Trinity Presbyterian Church

This Day In History: 1994 – Rwandan Genocide

Sun 16

Mon 17

Sat 15

Tue 11

Moon Phase: Waining Cresent This Day In History: 1972 – Apollo 17 becomes the sixth and last Apollo mission to land on the Moon.

Tue 18

Final Exams

Final Exams

Winter Break

Winter Break

Winter Break

Winter Break

Winter Break

* 6:30 p.m. Prescott Film Festival Monthly Series @ Yavapai College Performing Arts Center

National Ice Cream Day

2 p.m - 3 p.m. Graduation Rehearsal @ Activity Center

10 p.m - 12 p.m. Commencement - Class of 2012 @ Activity Center

* 3 p.m. - 8 p.m. Prescott Jazz Society Birthday-Christmas Show @ Hassayampa Inn

National Maple Syrup Day

Bake Cookies Day

* 7 p.m. Blue Christmas - A Salute to the King @ The Elks Opera House

This Day In History: 1950 – The F-86 Sabre’s first mission over Korea.

* 7:30 p.m. thrifTheatre @ First Congregational Church

Violin Day * 7:30 p.m. thrifTheatre @ First Congregational Church This Day In History: NASA Relay 1 launch, first active repeater communications satellite in orbit.

3 p.m. - 4 p.m. Honors Awards Recognition Ceremony @ Lowar Hangar * 7 p.m. Christmas Variety Show @ Grace Baptist Church

12 p.m. - 1 p.m. Graduation Reception @ Lowar Hangar * 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. Last-Minute NonProfit Stocking-Stuffer Bazaar @ Grace Sparkes Activity Center

Moon Phase: Waxing Cresent

National Suckling Pig Day Moon Phase: Cresent This Day In History: 1999 – NASA launches into orbit the Terra platform carrying five Earth Observation instruments.

* Event from


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Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Section B


Central Arizona Concert Band Brings Music to ERAU CARSEN COOPER Correspondent

As 3 p.m. approached on Sunday, Nov. 18, the DLC quickly filled up with people. Spread out over the entire stage was the 44 member Central Arizona Concert Band, ready to perform their annual Late Autumn concert. Clydene Dechert, the conductor of the band, had put together a robust program filled with 11 pieces from many time periods and of contrasting styles. After everyone was seated, the performance began. First up was "Cyrus the Great" by Karl L. King. The march was short and sweet and served as a great opener. Immediately it was clear that the wind ensemble had a very large sound for a group of its size. The second piece was Peter Tchaikovsky's "Valse" from Swan Lake. The first clarinets began the famous melody softly and the second and thirds joined in soon after. The terraced dynamics of the piece were performed well by the ensemble and the balance between sections was outstanding. Tuning in the flute section was not perfect, but group's intonation overall was good. "Canciones Mexicanas" by Leonard Duarte was played next and featured trumpet soloist Dean Holbrook. The four movement piece, each based on a different Mexican folk song, was fun and entertaining. The saxophones, doubled by the xylophone, held the melody for the majority of the song. The fourth song was entitled "Jump, Jive, an' Swing" and was

composed by Paul Murth. A combination of old jazz hits, the older audience members got into the piece by bouncing in their seats and tapping their feet. "Jump, Jive, an' Swing" highlighted the brass section and saxophones, each screaming out the energetic notes. Dechert kept the tempo up and the piece really swung. W.H. Boorn's "Queen City March" was the final piece before the intermission. This piece has a special connection to the Central Arizona Concert Band. W.H. Boorn, the composer, is father of the band's founder and current euphonium player, Bob Boorn. The piece followed a typical march format. It was not technically difficult or long, but was well rehearsed and exciting. After "Queen City March," an intermission began so that the wind players could rest their lips. Audience and band members intermingled and chatted, making it clear that each concert is somewhat of a reunion for families to catch up on recent events. After about 15 minutes, the band settled back into their seats and the concert continued. First up was "Big Brass Band March" by Paul Lavalle and Frank Ventre. This piece was special, featuring four male vocalists. Rich Congfield, Dave Morefield, Rick Denney, and Dennis Houser created impressive harmonies, stealing the thunder from the band for a short time. The audience loved the singers. Leon Jessel's "Parade of the Wooden Soldiers" kept the melody mostly in the flute section. It was short and sweet, and the younger kids present enjoyed the tune. Right after was something of great contrast, Jack Bullock's

Photos by Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper Members of the Central Arizona Concert Band perform at Embry-Riddle.

"Big Band Spectacular." This piece was another crowd pleaser, featuring six big band songs from the early twentieth-century, such as "It Don't Mean a Thing." The next song was "When You Wish Upon a Star," the famous Disney theme song composed by Leigh Harline. First written for the animated film "Pinocchio," the song became so popular that Disney adopted it to be played at the beginning of each of its movies. The piece was slow and melodic with the famous melody passing from solo trumpet to flute to clarinet. The penultimate piece of the Central Arizona Concert Band's

Late Autumn concert was "Star Wars Medley" by John Williams. Beginning triumphantly with the Main Theme, the music of Williams swept through the DLC. But the sound quickly dampened as the medley transitioned softly to Princess Leia's theme before ending. The final piece of the afternoon was Henry Mancini's "Toy Tiger," a goofy song which used all of the percussion instruments including wood block, tambourine, and others. After the song wrapped up, the audience stood and clapped to congratulate the band on a job well done.

Blacklight Bowling Brings Colleges and Community Together ROBB COWAN Correspondent

Antelope Lanes in Prescott Valley was the place to be on Nov. 15, 2012 as it was the night of the Second Annual Tri-College Bowling Tournament. Nearly 100 students from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott College and Yavapai College were in attendance for the event and were split up into teams of four. The entry fee for each team was a minimum of four non-perishable food items to be donated to the Yavapai Food Bank for

the upcoming holiday season; and the spirit of giving and friendly competition was in full swing from the beginning. Black lights, lasers, and club-style music added to the atmosphere and enticed a lot of bowlers from every skill level to participate. Compared to traditional bowling, the tournament was 9-pin, no-tap and consisted of three games per team. According to the encyclopedia “About,” 9-pin notap bowling “awards any bowler who knocks down nine or more pins on his or her first ball a strike. No-tap bowling is often used to help less talented individuals

bowl with more talented bowlers on a level playing field.” The other premise behind the no-tap tournament was to ensure higher scores among all participants. Players of all skill levels, from amateur to members of the Embry-Riddle Bowling Club, were in attendance and participants wanted to add some flair to the event by putting up various nicknames on the screen to distinguish themselves. Examples include Ghostsniper to Boobi3 Ninja and many others. Lisa Ferguson emphasized that the event was a “great time that benefits the community.” The event brought in 308 articles

of food to benefit the food bank. ERAU brought in the most donations with 184 items overall. Competition is all well and good, but having a worthy cause to support also helps. Jim Sheridan, one of the leading Tri-College Committee Members, said “the Department of Student Life discussed the idea of collaboration between the three college campuses in Prescott and the Tri-College Bowling Tournament was proposed by Prescott College last year.” Along with the tournament, the committee also organizes club leadership conferences where members of

see BOWLING page B3

Dear Santa, Seriously Please... LYNDA ROBERTS

Student Life Correspondent

Dearest Santa, I am pretty darn sure that I speak for nearly all of us human beings here on the planet. Santa, seriously, this year for Christmas we would like to have peace on earth and goodwill towards men. Really. We mean it. Please think about it. Like the song says, all we are saying is give peace a chance. It would be just the right size to fit in your bag with room left over for some toys for all the good little girls and boys. Any little girl or boy for that matter. You see all we need here in

the world is kindness. Kindness would fit in your bag easy, dude! If all the people in all the countries in the entire world were kind to each other, we could use all our energy and brains to focus on real problems. Problems like disease, famine, and pollution. You know, all that other more important stuff than hate. Hate is just plain dumb. Harmony, benevolence and compassion just sounds like a grand idea, doesn’t it? In all the households across the world you could bring hope to the holiday dinner table and we all could dine on the sweet possibilities of a future free of fear and hostilities. see SANTA page B3



DEC. 5, 2012

Iron King Trail

Are you a fan of mountain biking, rolling hills, and history? If so, then the Iron King Trail is the trail for you. To get to the trailhead, take Willow Creek to Highway 89. Take 89 towards Prescott Valley and exit at Glassford Hill Road. After you exit, take Glassford Hill Road South until you reach Santa Fe Loop. There is a stoplight at the intersection that you will almost certainly get stuck at-as you most likely have in the past. There is parking on either side of Glassford Hill Road. The trail starts out next to an old rail car from when the trail was used as a path for an ancient Prescottonian railroad.

Half the fun of this trail is reading all of the neat, old historic signs that will teach you about everything from its original use, to how there used to be a grand “water park” resort on Watson Lake. The history lesson alone makes this four-mile long hike or bike worth your while. The terrain along this trail isn’t much to get excited about. There are lots of rolling hills and desert shrubbery, but other than that it looks very similar to open prairie lands. Near the last portion of the trail, you will come across more old rail cars and, eventually, make your way into the Wat-

son Lake Dells. At this point in the trail, you can continue down three separate paths and choose your own adventure among the very different scenery that Watson Lake has to offer. To get back to the trailhead, simply turn around and come back the way you came. Although I mostly enjoy more scenic loop hikes, this straight shot has much to offer in terms of Prescott history and that alone makes this a fun trail to conquer. There is absolutely no water along this route and the sun really bakes down on this shade-less hike, so remember to bring your camelback. Have fun and be safe.

ASK AREA 51 Q: What are some of your holiday tips? Area 51: Glad you asked! There are so many ways to make holidays more enjoyable and even less stressful – not everything has to be heavy, deep, and real! For instance, who doesn’t love cookies? To make the best cookies, use AirBake or air-insulated cookie sheets. See, that wasn’t hard. What else? If you are traveling, consider ordering your gifts to be shipped directly to your destination. You can wrap them when you arrive! That way you won’t run out of space in your suitcase or have to carry an extra bag. Speaking of gifts, consider something a little non-traditional. Most of us don’t really need more stuff, so consider giving something you make, or an IOU for a service (cooking a special dinner, washing

the car, date night, etc.). Also, experiences, like movies, visiting state and national parks, plus skydiving/scuba diving/hang gliding/ etc. (we ARE Embry-Riddle, after all) are fun and pretty “green.” Some of our favorite gifts are donations made in the name of the recipient. These have a high quotient of cool and social responsibility. Kiva [] is a “microlender,” providing small loans to borrowers around the world. You can invest as little as $25, and when it is repaid (99% repayment rate!), you can continue to reinvest. Heifer International ( is another organization fighting poverty on a global scale. You can literally give everything from a heifer, sheep, goat, or even a camel, to the gift of education for a young girl. We forget how little it takes to make a difference throughout the world.

by Mitch Rasmussen

Q: Any tips for finals? Area 51: Dear Geniuses: eat regularly and well, sleep when you need to, have trust and confidence that your academic preparation will pay off. Q: What’s up with Area 51 in the Spring? Area 51: We will host a Collaboration Forum to explore the many ways we can work with various groups on campus to produce events of all types. The middle-schoolers shall descend in February for Girls RockIt Day. We will commemorate Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Black History Month, and Women’s Herstory Month, among other things. The Diversity Dinner will highlight student, faculty and staff experiences with various Study Abroad and international programs, and we will present the Annual Women of Excellence Dinner.. Be Safe!





4 6 8 10 10





Ruger SR-556FB

by Dayton Burchfield Sturm, Ruger & Co in the past was never known as a tactical gun maker. In fact, most of their preWorld War II weapons fit the sporting market, but during the second World War, Ruger started to produce machine guns. Post-World War II, Ruger came out with the Ruger Standard, otherwise known as the Ruger Mk1, a .22 pistol that cost half of what an equivalent Colt. They also continued to focus on the sporting and hunting markets, failing in the area of defensive firearms. Recently though, Ruger has jumped into the defensive market with the SR9, LCP, and SR556. After the unveiling of the SR556, the AR crowd was blown away. The weapon was completely Ruger made, not a rebranded rifle. To start off, it is a piston driven AR with a 16.12 inch barrel, built for 5.56 millimeter NATO rounds. After firing four 30

round magazines through it, we removed the bolt and it was only slightly warm to the touch. It was fantastic. The piston system is a short stroke, non-venting internal piston. It comes from the factory with a synthetic black collapsible stock and folding iron sights. With the stock extended, the rifle comes in at 36 inches exactly, and 7.75 inches tall. The rifle arrives in a cardboard carton with three Magpul PMag 30s with the rifle in a black synthetic bag with the Ruger logo bonded in red on the case. It does not include some frilly cleaning kit or a sling, but that’s Ruger. They also produce a California legal model with 10 round magazines, a fixed stock, and no flash hider. Firing the rifle out of the box was interesting. It has a rubber pistol grip, a non-ambidextrous trigger, and a respectably heavy trigger pull. Firing it early on, it was slightly heavy, but a few weeks later, after putting nearly 1000 rounds through it, the trigger pull became noticeably lighter

and much easier. All said, the lower is not all that notable. The upper is a post forging machined flat top A3 upper with a Troy Industries freefloat hand guard which is actually pinned to the upper. The sights are folding Troy sights, marked with Ruger’s logo. The cartridges are ejected very consistently at a 45 degree angle, enough that while on a bi-pod, I could put a small box out and the spent cartridges would land in the box every time. The barrels are hammer forged, chrome lined 41V45 steel with a 1:7 twist. All told, I loved this AR. It was smooth, elegant, and had all the features that I wanted in an AR. Best of all, it is made in the USA, which is becoming a rarity these days. The only reason that I couldn’t give the rifle a full 5 stars is simply that the Ruger SR556 comes with a very hefty price tag at $1995.00. It’s worth it for the quality, but there are other AR’s for less that are similar quality.

by Sara Miles Dough: 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1/2 cup powdered sugar 1/4 tsp. salt 1 stick, plus 1 Tbsp. (9 Tbsp. in all) cold unsalted butter 1 large egg yolk, stirred Combine the dry ingredients. Coarsely chop the butter and add it to the mix; use a food processor (or your hands) to combine the mixture until it resembles flaky crumbs. Add the egg yolk, and knead the dough lightly until all the ingredients are incorporated. Butter a nine inch tart pan, and press the dough into it evenly. Freeze the pan for 30 minutes. Preheat the oven to 375 F, then butter the shiny sides of a piece of aluminum foil and press the foil into the tart pan so it is tight

against the dough. Bake for 25 minutes or until the crust is golden brown. Chocolate Filling 1 cup, plus 6 Tbsp. heavy cream 2 Tbsp. sugar a tiny pinch of salt About 1/2 cup butter, soft ened (I used about 7 Tbsp.) 14.5 oz. bittersweet chocolate, broken up (I used a combina tion of 70% dark chocolate and semi-sweet chocolate chips) 1/2 cup just-taken-from-therefrigerator milk unsweetened cocoa powder, for dusting Place the cream, sugar and pinch of salt in a saucepan and bring to a boil, then remove from the heat and add the butter and chocolate. Stir until it

has completely melted. Stir in the cold milk. Scrape the mixture into the baked and cooled tart shell, then dust the tart with unsweetened cocoa powder. Put the tart in the refrigerator until it is solid. This recipe is a simplified version of the one found here: [http://dining w ithdusty.] If you love chocolate and rich desserts, this will probably be the most delicious thing you ever make. It is actually worth going out and buying a tart pan, trust me. The only downside is that this tart is full of heavy cream and butter, you can almost feel it making you fat. Occasionally though, it’s worth indulging.


Arrick, Dillion

Patterson, Nicholas

Baird, Justin

Robertson, Garrett

Gregg, Jacob

Skoczylas, Michael Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger Rating: PG Production Company: Twentieth Century Fox Director: Brian Levant Length: 94 Minutes Release Date: 22 November 1996

La Combe, William C Mistchenko, Nolan P Olea, Erik D Piecewicz, Sawyer M Rafter, Colin M Sebenius, Justin W

This time of year we are always looking for a good Christmas movie to watch that we haven’t already seen a million times. I racked my brain trying to come up with a great film that would fill your hearts with nostalgia, and this is it: “Jingle All The Way”. What could be better than the classic Arnold Schwarzenegger you know and

Santa Continued from B1 We could open gifts of promise and potential of clean air and golden harvests of food to share with all the hungry people. We could take long walks and not worry about landmines crippling and blinding innocents. Each little girl around the world could go to school and not worry about getting shot in the face for just wanting to learn. We could fi x that insane practice of butchering babies simply because they are born female. Climate change is a biggie also St. Nick. Work on that little snag too, please. Get Rudolph and the boys some extra oats and kick it in gear. You can do it, Santa. I know you can. Because you see Santa, I believe. I believe there is goodness in all of us. I believe there is hope for the world. We kind of took a bum turn in the beginning but now with all the hate that is going to vanish, we can all move in

Bowling Continued from B1

Lynda Roberts / Horizons Newspaper

the right direction and have time to save a few endangered species. You know, Komodo Dragons need love too! Seriously, Santa, it is going to be cool. Kindness is cool. Just

rock it, Santa; we are depending you. We only have a few weeks left before Christmas. Peace and love. Wow, what a concept. Just do it, please. Thank you from Lynda


by Mitch Rasmussen

Pi Kappa Phi Barakat, Osama I Berg, Shawn M Brodkey, Spencer Bronowski, Timothy P Callo, Caleb M Daugherty, Jacob R Kibler, Chad D




Theta Xi





DEC. 5, 2012

clubs from the colleges meet and collaborate in regards to how club organizations should function and the types of leadership qualities every member should possess. “We plan to continue having these tournaments and even plan on holding them every semester; the next one is planned for February or early March of next year. This is a great way for all three campuses to work together toward a common goal.” At the end of the night, the

love rampaging his way around Manhattan to find the perfect gift for his son? If such a movie exists, I do not know of it. This movie was one of my absolute childhood favorites and, if it wasn’t one of yours already, after watching it I am sure you will wish it were. Cheesy, silly, hilarious, and surprisingly violent, this film has everything a 90’s kid craves in a Christmas movie. Sure there are some other great classics you could and probably should watch over

data was collected from the computer and compiled to show the results of the tournament. Prizes went to the Best Overall Team, Best Individual Bowler, Best Team from each college, and Best Costumed Team. Best Overall Team was awarded to ERAU and was comprised of Alexander Kimball, Victoria Walker, Andrew Gracianette, and Peter Dipasquale; Best Individual Bowler went to Peter Dipasquale of ERAU; Best ERAU team was Dgafstfugfogu and was comprised of Terry Sprague, Ryan Schmelzer, Dusty Batter, and Jennifer; Best Prescott College team was Floppy Marbles comprised of

the holiday season, “Fargo”; “Die Hard”; and “Gremlins” to name a few, those movies just don’t have the same pizzazz and whimsy that a nice movie with the Governator can bring to the table. Yes, the acting is a little bad. Yes, the plot is absolutely crazy and pretty unrealistic. But, who cares? It’s Christmas time for goodness sake. I strongly recommend that you pick up a copy of “Jingle All The Way” and have a great laugh this Holiday break. I’m sure this movie will pull at your heartstrings and give you a warm, delicious feeling that only hot chocolate can replicate. And, you never know, “Jingle All The Way” may just make your Holiday top-ten list.

Galen Taylor, Daniel Roca, Kyle Angelozzi, and Eden Wynd; and the Best Yavapai College team was made up of Brittany Reese, Tamara Tso, Angela Williams, and Meagan Trio. Finally, Best Costumed team went to two Yavapai College teams who were awarded a free game of bowling for each member, courtesy of Antelope Lanes, a major sponsor for the event. Even though not every participant walked away with a prize, everybody who took part in the tournament left the lanes a winner knowing that they played a small part in brightening the holiday season for needy families in Yavapai County.



DEC. 5, 2012

Embry-Riddle Students Get Thrill of a Lifetime PRESS RELEASE Richard Sedivy

Update From SGA SAVANNAH BEGISHIE Special to Horizons

Hello, Students! The Student Government Association would like to announce the beginning of a Student Guide to Professors. This will offer current and future students a chance to learn about their professors and their teaching styles, so they are more apt to succeed in the classroom. The survey is available online at [ erau/sgacoursereview] or feel free to pick up a survey packet in the SGA office. All submissions will remain anonymous. We hope to have the guide available by spring registration. SGA is also very excited of all the suggestions we have received from the students this semester. The members of the council are eager to put forth all feasible suggestions. Examples include: Dy-

son hand dryers in the student union restrooms, and we are looking into expanding them to AC-1, music in the student union, all food suggestions, storage for motorcycle helmets, and plenty others. We welcome all suggestions from students on how we can enhance the environment of our campus. As all should know, SGA provides free beverage services of coffee, tea, hot cocoa, apple cider, etc. We would like to inform all students that we will be open during finals week 7:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Friday, Dec. 7 and 7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 8, Monday, Dec. 10 – Thursday Dec. 13. Please feel free to visit. With the semester coming to a close, we want to wish everyone well on their finals and congratulations to all graduates. Have a wonderful Winter break, and we are all looking forward to an exciting Spring semester.

Inglewood, Calif. – DoorKing, Inc was proud to be the host for three aeronautical university college students who wanted to get a glimpse of the space shuttle Endeavor as it was moved to its new home at the California Science Center on October 12th. Endeavor’s route took the shuttle directly past one of DoorKing’s buildings located on Manchester Boulevard in Inglewood, Calif. Not only did

Special to Horizons

On Friday, Nov. 30, the Student Alumni Association held a Holiday Bash in the Lower Hangar. The purpose of the party was to get everyone together and get in the holiday spirit. There were several alumni attending the event with over 100 students. The party featured the Embry-Riddle Jazz Band as the primary choice of musical entertainment. They played a set of cheery holiday tunes such as “Feliz Navidad,” “Let it Snow,” “Carol of the Bells,” and many others. Some activities that were held were Pin the Flame on the Menorah, a cookie decorating booth, and a Shop with a Cop bag decorating booth. Shop with a Cop was brought to the party by alumna Mary Catherine Tennant, who has been bringing the bags to SAA events this time of year for several years now. The biggest activity that drew a good amount of people to the bash was the petting zoo. The petting zoo featured a cow, two sheep, a pig, and a rabbit. Food was provided by Bill Thompson, Director of Alumni Relations for the ERAU Prescott campus. He made a delicious chili that was completely gone by the end of the night. There was also a hot chocolate station with marshmallows, cinnamon, and other delicious additives. One thing the SAA had people doing when they entered was make a link for a chain that went around

the Christmas tree outside. At the end of the evening, there were 109 links in the chain despite many students having not made one. Outside near the petting zoo was a Christmas tree and an inflatable Menorah being lit up in the amphitheater. The chain was placed on the tree and stayed there over the weekend. Students are encouraged to check out the tree and find their links before it’s dismantled. When asked about how he thought the event went, Thompson quickly replied, “It was a complete success. I thought the turnout was fantastic and we kept it lively until the end.” Overall, the officers and planning committee members of the SAA thought it was an awesome night. Director of Events Sam Sedivy proclaimed, “This night was awesome. I was so happy when the petting zoo got here. So much more people came than I thought

Riddle Aeronautical University, the world’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious university specializing in aviation and aerospace. It is the only fully accredited, aviation-oriented university in the world. She, and two of her college classmates, Kevin Ducharme and Sam Sedivy, both Aeronautical Science majors and private pilots (Sam with an Instrument rating), made the seven hour trek from Prescott , Ariz. to Inglewood, Calif. to see the shuttle. Richard Sedivy, DoorKing’s marketing director (and Sam’s dad) said, “Since the shuttle would be parked direct-

ly in front of our training center for several hours, we knew the photo ops would be great. And they were breathtaking.” When asked what he thought of history being right in front of his eyes, Ducharme simply said, “Awesome! That’s the only word that comes to my mind - just awesome!” Sam added, “This was absolutely worth the drive to get here. Thanks, Dad, for getting us so close to the shuttle!” Richard Sedivy added, “It’s nice to know that DoorKing was able to help three college students see this thrilling piece of American history up close, not to mention their bragging rights back on campus.” To view a short video of Endeavor’s move, visit DoorKing’s You Tube page at [www.] or visit their Facebook page at []. DoorKing, Inc. is one of the largest and oldest manufacturers of access control and vehicular gate operator products in the country. To access the youtube video of the Endeavor, use this QR Code:

Richard Sedivy for Horizons Newspaper Sam Sedivy, Kevin Ducharme, and Katelynn McClure pose in front of the shuttle.

SAA Holiday Bash a Blast ANDREW MCINTYRE

these three students, DoorKing employees, families, and friends get to view the shuttle as it made its way East, Endeavor was parked directly in front of DoorKing’s training center for over five hours as technicians transferred the vehicle to a different carrier so it could be pulled across a freeway bridge. “This is one of the most incredible sites I have ever seen. We were so close that you could read the serial numbers off the heat tiles. It’s really very inspiring;” said Katelynn McClure, a Global Security and Intelligence Studies major at Embry-

would. I think we did good.” The crowd seemed pleased as well, since every time an announcement was made and they were asked how they were doing they screamed in unison about how happy they were. Also, many of the officers and volunteers were complimented after the event winded down at the end of the evening. Overall, the event was an allaround success as shown by the opinions of the volunteers and attendees. Near the end of the event, Thompson stood up and gave the final announcement. During this announcement he hinted at the possibility of making this event an annual event. If you were at the party or weren’t able to make it and would like to see it again next year, make your way to Building 37 on Friday for some free cookies and to let the SAA know you want to see it again.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Students paint and decorate festive holiday bags.

International Information Fair MICAELA STEWART Copy Editor

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University has many international students each year from countries all over the world. They add to the rich diversity of the campus. During International Week on Nov. 11, the Lower Hangar hosted an International Program and Information Fair, focused on spreading the word about the many study abroad opportunities available through ERAU and private companies. Debi Parris, the International Student Coordinator at the Center for International Programs and Services (CIPS) was available to talk to about past travels and hopes for future adventures. Kelly O’Brien, Director of Study Abroad, was there to talk about the many study abroad available through ERAU. The newest programs are trips to Jordan, India, Singapore, and Ireland. O’Brien was more than happy to talk about the program and asked students to fill out a form about countries where they had been and where they would like to go. She is always looking for ideas for new study abroad programs. A program she is thinking about for the future is a trip to the Amazon. The engineering trip to Germany and the Global Security and Intelligence Studies trip to China are available again this summer. The trip to Switzerland for meteorology is also coming back. Dr. Melanie Wilson, Director of the Women’s and Diversity Center,

Jason Chong / Horizons Newspaper Students learn about a semester overseas.

had a table setup to display information about the program A Semester at Sea. This program is hosted on a ship and each trip has different destinations. Dr. Wilson participated in one and said it was a wonderful opportunity to see and learn about many different countries. She displayed mementos and pictures from her adventures including an impressive collection of foreign currency. There are semester long voyages for both Fall and Spring and summer voyages that only extend from a few weeks to a few months. The voyages are very diverse. Most of the voyages span nine to 14 countries on their itinerary. While there was plenty of information to go around, there were a few activities available to test your knowledge about the world. Three quizzes were set up on the computer. A Continent IQ test that tested your knowledge of geography and

gave you a rank like Secretary of State depending on how well you did. In the Cultural Geography IQ test, the students were tested on cultures and practices of different countries and could earn a rank of Worldly Wiz. The final quiz was the Physical and Cultural Geography IQ test that was a combination of both previous quizzes. Several international students were in attendance and offered to write people’s names in their native language. Chancellor Dr. Frank Ayers is now the proud owner of his name in Hindi. There are many international programs available for students to expand their horizons and many people available at CIPS to answer your questions. They are always willing to talk about opportunities available and are open to suggestions for programs. Come by CIPS if you have any questions. You will be opened up to a whole new world.


Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Section c

Embry-Riddle Wipes the CALPAC Conference BranDOn LEaDBETTER Correspondent

With Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University moving into the CALPAC conference there were huge expectations, but they were underrated. Embry-Riddle shined more than anyone would have expected in the first year of joining this conference. Whether it was soccer, golf, or volleyball, Embry-Riddle athletes had a phenomenal year. The men and women’s soccer teams each achieved high praise by becoming the CALPAC Soccer champions. The women’s team had a final record of 13-53 with a conference record of 4-0. Going into the championship, they defeated Menlo College 2-0 advancing them to the NAIA Championship. The men’s team fared just as well

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Goalie Brenna Quinn slides in for the save.

as the Lady Eagles. Ending with a season 14-3-3 and 2-0-2 conference record the men were also CALPAC champions. Both the men and women teams went to the NAIA Championship. The men went to Portland, Ore. to face Concordia University where they fell to a 3-1 loss. The women did not fare much

Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper Issac Sanchez winding up a power kick on the bear’s goal.

better as they went to California and got swept in a 3-0 game against Vanguard. These were tough matchups, but they performed better than anyone would have guessed in the first year of Embry-Riddle joining the CALPAC conference. However, they were not the only ones to have success this year.

The volleyball team had a rough start this season with the change in coaching staffs. Assistant Coach Jill Blasczyk was named interim coach, but soon became head coach for the Lady Eagles. With a rough start to the season, they quickly changed pace and Blasczyk even said, “They are playing better than I have ever seen this team play.” With an overall record of 13-15 and a conference record of 6-3 the volleyball team also made it to the CALPAC championships. After a tough set of matches, the team placed second in the conference. Many would have written off the team after the changes through the summer and rough start, but their coach stuck by them and coached through it all. This team knows how to take a loss and use it to secure a later victory. This team is going to go far in the coming years under the new coaching staff.

Kim Haddow For Horizons Newspaper Freshmen Elen Springs after hitting a hole in one!

Ice Eagles Defeated By Knights

Ryan O’Hara



On Monday, Nov. 26, a small crowd of Ice Eagles fans cheered from the stands. An Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University pep band played to support the Embry-Riddle Ice Eagles as they joined the Knights on ice to start the hockey game. The game began quickly, leaving little time to spare. After only a few minutes of the game, the Knights took a shot on the Ice Eagles, but number 20, John Brightbill saved the shot from entering the goal. This didn’t stop the Knights, who took hold of the puck again. After a good five minutes of rallying back and forth, Ice Eagles mostly playing defense, Brightbill made another block on the goal. This wasn’t enough though, and only one minute later the Knights scored. The rallying started back up, the teams moving back and forth on

After completely annihilating the Knights on Nov. 5, the Ice Eagles had their second test of the season following a lineup change by Coach Bill O’Hara. The Ice Eagles faced the Rams for the second time this regular season on Monday, Nov. 12th, and the game turned out to be one of the most competitive we have seen all season. Coach

the rink and continued for a few minutes. With five minutes left in the first period, the Knights scored again and just a minute later, made their third goal. Finally, the Ice Eagles seem to pull it together and started getting the puck into their possession. Eventually, with two minutes left, number 19, Luc Coulier scored assisted by number 4, Devon

Dundore. With only a minute and a half left, goalie number 75, Sean Moore blocked, saving a point against the Knights. An amazing shot by number 9, Zach Bissonnette, was made in the last thirty seconds. The buzzer ended with the pep band playing, the score: 3-2, Knights, leaving only hope for the Ice Eagles. see KNIGHTS page C3

conference and other divisions across the country. This season, Embry-Riddle saw many long favorite athletes play their final games, but they will not be forgotten. Freshmen in all sports have stepped up to fill the spots and new sports are on the way for future fall semesters. Men and women’s cross country has started to take shape along with the naming of a softball coach. This was Embry-Riddle’s first season in the CALPAC conference and the school has made a huge name for itself.

Jake Suss / Horizons Newspaper Senior Mahlet Lee winding up for a spike.

Ice Eagles Get Revenge


Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Ice Eagles overpower the Knights goalie for a point.

The golf teams were phenomenal under the direction of Coach Kim Haddow. The men’s team welcomed a new crop of freshmen that turned to be the best freshmen team in the country. The men and women teams each performed fantastic throughout the year. This is only the second year that Embry-Riddle has had golf teams, but they were phenomenal. With first place finishes at home and a hole-in-one, the golf teams have become a force to be recognized within the CALPAC

O’Hara said before the game, “Now, we aren’t going to win 11-1 against these guys. This is the best team in the league, but it is possible if we stick together as one team.” O’Hara was correct. The Ice Eagles did not get off to a terrific start offensively, but stellar goaltending from Luc Coulier kept the score tied during the first period of play. The Rams were not firing off as many shots as the much speedier Ice Eagles. They knew their speed

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Luc Coulier will not let anything pass through the goal.

could not be matched with such a younger group of men, but they knew if they were able to pass the puck with precision, they might have a chance. Coulier saved the first 19 shots he faced before allowing a rebound goal to tie the game up at 1. The Ice Eagles had some difficulty keeping the Rams out of the slot. The problem with the no-check rule once again came into play as Doug Foery, 47, often would hook other Ice Eagles players trying to gain possession of the puck as the USA Hockey referees were not looking. Foery finally was noticed by one of the referees and was sent to the penalty box for two minutes. The referee threatened to give Foery a delay of game penalty if he continued to argue, but wisely went into the box without a word. The Rams looked really winded at this point, and see RAMS page C3



Player Profile:




Brenton Woodruff / Horizons Newspaper

BranDOn LEaDBETTER Correspondent

Coming from Tuscon, Ariz., Austin Sverdrup has made a name for himself in the world of college golf. Sverdrup is one of four members on the Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University men’s golf team that is currently ranked number one in the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) throughout the na-

tion. He was brought into the sport by his father and aunt. His aunt bought him his first set of clubs, which is what sparked his interest in golf. Playing every day on his own, Sverdrup did not start playing competitive golf until freshman year of high school. He chose ERAU because he wanted to golf and study electrical engineering. There were many schools that Sverdrup could have chosen, but ERAU stood out. “In college I put more work into golf, but still more into school,” he said on the difference between high school and college, “Everything else is normal. I used to play for fun every day, but now I call it practice.” He enjoys the time on course as it gets him away from class

Ice Eagles Battle the Frogmen MELEa RHODES Correspondent

Another game for the EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University Ice Eagles occurred on the night of Nov. 19. A crowd of about 50 were already gathered and cheering for their team. Soon, both teams rushed onto the ice for a quick warm up, Ice Eagles in their normal blue and gold clad jerseys and the Frogmen in their green jerseys. The game started quickly. The Ice Eagles started with the puck, taking it quickly to the side of the Frogmen. It didn’t last long though as the Frogmen swiftly got hold of the puck. For a good four minutes the teams rallied back and forth. The Ice Eagles had a close shot on the goal, but the Frogmen kept it out. Soon after, the Frogmen scored, the puck just sliding into the goal. Just a minute later, number 20, Goalie John Brightbill, made an impressive save. The Frogmen continued to shoot but missed the goal with the Ice Eagles defense close behind followed by another great block by Brightbill. This didn’t stop the Ice Eagles though, as they got hold of the puck again and sent it down to the other end of the ice rink where number 14, Bill Thompson, made a powerful shot at the goal. Unfortunately the Frogmen goalie blocked it. The Frogmen once again got hold of the puck. In the two minutes that followed, Brightbill continued to save two shots on the goal. Six minutes into the game, the Frogmen scored once again. Along with battling the defense, the Ice Eagles fought the referees on penalties regarding rules in the no-contact league. With two minutes left in the game, Brightbill makes a double block, letting the Ice Eagles take the puck down the rink. Quickly, number 9, Zach Bisson-

nette attempted a shot on the goal. However, it wasn’t enough for the Ice Eagles as the first period ended. The score was 2-0, Frogmen. Only two minutes into the second period the Frogmen scored. A few minutes later, number 19, the goalie, Luc Coulier made an outstanding save and continued to block again and again. This eventually lead the Ice Eagles to take the puck down the ice, and Thompson scored four minutes in with the assist from number 4, Devon Dundore, and number 33, Garrison Robertson. The Ice Eagles played offensively, rallying with the Frogmen and preventing the team from shaking them. Seven minutes into the game, Captain Brett Young, shot and scored. The Frogmen didn’t take this lightly and with four minutes left to the game Coulier blocked multiple shots, including a very impressive block with only thirty seconds left of the second period. The buzzer roared, leaving the score 3-2, Frogmen. In the third period, the Frogmen struck back. Only 30 seconds in the Frogmen scored. But soon after, the Ice Eagles returned to their impressive defense. The teams rallied six minutes into the last period before a double block was made by Coulier, keeping the puck out of the goal. The defense and goalie took block after block once again. The last five minutes of the game were remarkable. The teams rallied, but Ice Eagles kept the puck on the Frogmen side. There were many shots fired at the Frogmen but the Ice Eagles just weren’t successful in scoring another goal as the buzzer went off, signaling the end of the game. The score was 4-2, Frogmen. Although it wasn’t a win, the Ice Eagles played well, keeping up a tough defense and taking hit after hit from the Frogmen.

Dec. 5, 2012


and school work, but he would be okay with getting rid of the technical parts of every swing. Sverdrup looks to Rory Mcilroy as his role model. “He has the best swing on tour. It is smooth and perfect as if there is no technical steps he follows,” he says trying to achieve the same swing. His parents have been a great support as they took him to every tournament when he was younger and came to his home tournament this season. They have also come to multiple practices to see his skill at work. Embry-Riddle welcomes a great player that is one of four that holds a great ranking in the NAIA and looks forward to where this group of freshmen will take the men’s golf team.

DEC. 7

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JAN. 4

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JAN. 18

SAT., JAN. 19

e t a d p u CHRIS LaRSEn Special to Horizons

Now approaching the end of her rookie season as the new EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University Jet Dragster Driver, we sat down with Marisha Falk to ask her some questions.

1. How do you train to be a jet dragster driver?

Larsen Motorsports, who conducted my entire training, has an outlined driver curriculum. Licensing consists of many hours in the shop, getting to know the dragster and it’s systems before stepping into the car. After completing classroom training, you learn about starting the dragster and conducting the smoke and fire show before even going to the track. Once it’s time to go to the track you learn the entire sequence of starting, smoke and fire, burner pops, and staging. Before completing the licensing passes, required for certification, you will complete approximately 40-50 passes; which include engine only and full afterburner passes. Your first passes are engine only to the 330-foot, then 1/8th mile, 1,000-foot, then the full quarter mile. After completing all of the engine-only passes, it’s time to light the afterburner and the process starts over. It is important that you feel comfortable in the dragster and understand where you are on the track before you proceed to greater distances and speeds.

2. Did you have prior racing experience?

Before training in the Jet Dragster with Larsen Motorsports I had no drag racing experience; my background was entirely in aviation. Over the past few years Elaine and Chris took the time to teach me everything about drag racing from track etiquette to the dynamics of driving the jet dragster.

3. What is your favorite part of the job?

Getting in the driver’s seat of the Jet Dragster is always an adrenaline rush but my favorite part of racing is interacting with the fans, especially the younger generations. I love getting the opportunity to travel to drag strips around the United States meeting young adults, telling them my story and hopefully inspiring them to pursue their life goals.

4. What is the most difficult part of the job?

I am a very competitive person, so for me the most difficult part of the job is returning to the pits immediately after a loss and interacting with the fans; especially when it was my mistake that cost our team the win.

5. How long will you drive for Larsen Motorsports?

I have a five year driver’s contract with Larsen Motorsports and don’t know what my future holds for me beyond that.

6. What does it feel like to drive the dragster?

Driving the Embry-Riddle Jet Dragster is an indescribable adrenaline rush. Each time I run the team prays for safety, looks over the dragster for the final time, and I begin to suit up. Then its time to get serious and the pre-race butterflies begin. Once I am strapped in, there is no longer any nervousness and I am extremely focused on the dragster and the pass. As I approach the staging line beams on the starting line, it is like the anticipation of a roller coaster, the big climb before the drop. My adrenaline is so high throughout the pass and at the end of the track I don’t even feel the G force my body is undergoing.

7. We understand that a large part of your team is made up of Embry-Riddle student interns and volunteers. How does that make you feel? Is that safe? Are they really any good?

My team is comprised of Embry-Riddle students at the shop and at the track. Each student is briefed and taught a specific job by a full time crew chief and all the work is overseen by team owner Chris Larsen. I feel completely confident each time I step into the dragster that the work performed by the students is of professional quality and has been double checked by Chris. I feel completely safe and have never doubted any of their abilities or performance.

8. Tell us about your career at Embry-Riddle.

Embry-Riddle has opened up many opportunities in my career. I have been a flight instructor for the University since 2007. During that time, I have had the opportunity to continue my education and obtain a Masters Degree in Business Administration, represent Embry-Riddle in three Air Race Classic races and at EAA air shows several times. In May 2011 I was promoted within the flight department to Flight Training Manager where I am currently employed.

9. How did you meet the Larsen’s?

I met Chris and Elaine Larsen at an EAA air show in Oshkosh Wisconsin in June 2008 after competing in my first Air Race Classic for the University. My co-pilot and I won the collegiate division of the race and were sent to EAA’s Airventure Air-show to represent the Flight Department. That year at the show, Elaine ran 336 mph in the Embry-Riddle Jet Dragster and it was love at first sight. Instantly, I was eager to learn more about the Jet Dragster Program and to get to know the Larsen’s.

10. How can we watch your progress as you continue your racing career? My progress can be tracked through our team website: [] or on Facebook: [].


Dec. 5, 2012

Sports Column

Brad Keselowski The People’s Champion Ryan O’Hara Correspondent

Brad Keselowski didn’t have it easy starting in NASCAR. He was a brash young kid raised in a very old school environment and everyone thought he lacked manners. This style used to be rampant throughout the NASCAR circuit, but the breed has slowly and slowly started to deteriorate. In 2007, the fans began to notice that Keselowski had a very old school racing style. Denny Hamlin took offense to it during a Nationwide race in 2007, and retaliated by slamming into his right-front fender under the caution flag. This led to a brawl in the pits involving both of the teams, and the drivers. Hamlin said, “He drove really close to my door and that pisses other drivers off. He doesn’t know how to race.” Hamlin was a relatively new driver and was more used to the new school style. Keselowski responded, “I’m a racecar driver. I race hard. And that’s what I do.” After a couple of successful seasons with J.R. Motorsports, Keselowski left for Penske Racing. He won the Nationwide Se-

ries championship in his first season with the team, but struggled on the Sprint Cup side as Penske Racing struggled with economic woes. Keselowski wound up outside the Top 20 in the final points. The team saw a huge improvement in 2011 as Keselowski won three races and finished tenth in the final standings. Keselowski was caught up in many chainreaction accidents to begin the season, which put them behind in the points. It wasn’t until the mid-point in the season until Keselowski and crew chief Paul Wolfe finally clicked. The 2012 season didn’t start off too well either, but Keselowski kept team morale up. Throughout his career, Keselowski has been very consistent in thanking his crew each and every time they come to the track. That includes the guys that work on the car back at the shop. Despite five wins, Keselowski found himself down by 19 points with just two races remaining. The prior two races were both won by his rival and two-time series champion, Jimmie Johnson. While in Phoenix, Johnson cut a tire and slammed into the wall. The crowd cheered as Johnson went to the garage. Keselows-

ki went on to finish in sixth, and took an eight point lead to the final race of the season. Johnson finished thirty-second. When the week started, Johnson tried to play the psychological card to rattle Keselowski, but Keselowski naturally liked the pressure as an old school driver. Keselowski needed to finish fifteenth or better to win the title, but he was struggling and badly. Johnson was not and took the lead. Keselowski urged his team not to look down, but then the tide changed as Johnson’s crew left a lugnut off the right-rear tire. Crew Chief Paul Wolfe urged Keselowski to stay focused. Johnson’s cockpit began to fill up with smoke. “We have smoke in the cockpit. This isn’t good, guys. The engine is laying down. It’s over.” As soon as those words left Johnson’s mouth, Keselowski knew he was officially the 2012 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series Champion. NASCAR fans will be treated well from this night. The fans have complained that they need to revert back to how the racing was in the old days. The old racing will be back with faster equipment, and they have an old school driver as their champion.


Rams Continued from C1 it seemed as if Foery was putting on an acting show to distract the referee so his players could get valuable resting time.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Devon Dondore edges out one of the Rams.

and do anything to regain control of the puck. Devon Dundore voiced his displeasure with Foery stating, “He’s the dirtiest player out here. He hooks you so hard. And the ref barely calls him for anything.” Dundore knew very well that Foery would do something right from the drop of the puck. W hen the puck dropped, Foery dumped it into the Ice Eagles zone, but Foery literally flew in there without stopping, slamming into another player, and then flopping onto the rink. The Ice Eagles received a two-minute penalty despite the fact that it was merely Foery pretending to be tripped. On the penalty kill, Dundore took control of the puck and dumped the puck three times to secure another Ice Eagles victory. With the victory, the Ice Eagles are now 2-0 since moving Luc Coulier to goalie, and Dundore from defenseman to center.

Are you HIV aware? Stop by the Student Union for free information and testing Thursday, Dec. 6 11:00-12:00 PM

The Wellness Center will be at the Student Union Thursday, December 6th, 11-2pm with the Yavapai County Health Department. They will be providing prevention information and Free HIV testing,

Knights Continued from C1

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By this point, the Ice Eagles had just gained a 3-2 lead thanks to another Devon Dundore goal, and the Rams had to re-think their strategy. With their best shooter in the box and running low on stamina, they decided to call a timeout. The Rams were prepared to come out with a vengeance

In the first three minutes of the second period, Moore blocked two more shots on the goal. The Ice Eagles quickly got the puck back. Within thirty seconds of getting the puck Dundore scored, tying the score 3-3. After minutes of rallying and eight minutes left in the second period, Moore blocked the goal once again. Just seconds later, he made another impressive block after recovering from a double shot at the goal. The Knights still held onto the puck as the Ice Eagles fought on defense. But with five minutes left, the Knights scored. The last minutes of the second period passed quickly, and it ends with the Knights ahead, 4-3. Dundore started off the third

period, a minute in, scoring. But only one minute later, the Knights took over and scored on the Ice Eagles. Moore took block after block in the next five minutes of the period. It wasn’t enough and the Knights score twice within two minutes, leaving four minutes left in the game. The Ice Eagles didn’t stop there, and again Moore took another harsh block at the goal,

blocking it. Dundore moved down the ice with three minutes left and scored again. The Knights score one last time with thirty seconds left in the game. The game against the Knights was rigorous, the Ice Eagles working to score against them. But in the end, the Knights got ahead, leaving the score at the end of the game 8-5.

Dayton Burchfield / Horizons Newspaper Team Captain Brett Young prepares for a pass on the goal.

Thank you, Embry-Riddle As we reviewed our blessings, we noticed how much Embry-Riddle contributed to our company. For many years Embry-Riddle has been the direct and indirect cause of tens of thousands of dollars of business supporting our company. Faculty members have purchased new flooring, as they remodel their home. Parents have bought flooring, for homes they have purchased for students attending ERAU. The purchasing department has purchased flooring for remodel projects on campus. Thank you. Everyday, every year, year after year, Embry-Riddle is the catalyst for millions of dollars supporting local businesses. ERAU is a huge blessing to the local business community! Thank you, Embry-Riddle. Adam Campbell Dan Hussey Owners

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Bryan Rhodes Final Approach Editor

Layout By: Austin Troya, Julia Howlind Photos By: Austin Troya, Brenton Woodruff Graphics By: Austin Troya

Section D [34p4]

Close Air Support Aircraft Teams Two Aerospace Engineering Detail teams this semester are working on a design for a close air support airplane which could be used by all of the U.S. military branches. It would serve in the same role as the A-10 Thunderbolt. Its purpose would be to provide air support for ground troops in hostile areas. The aircraft had to be able to land on aircraft carriers and achieve a range of 300 nautical miles. It also needed to execute maneuvers at three, four, and five G’s, dependent on altitude. Lastly, it had to have a maximum takeoff and landing distance of 8,000 feet, and have a larger range of speeds than the A-10.


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent The design made by Team Advanced Air Combat Industries (ADACOM) “has swept wings. It’s very similar to an F-22 and an F-35 if you mixed them together.” It has a bubble canopy, main cannon, and about a 15,000 pound payload, so it meets the requirements of bringing a lot of offensive power to the

front lines. Their wind tunnel model was successful in achieving the results they had predicted in Prelim, and when they built a scaled down section of a wing to structurally test, their test article did something that most of the professors there had never seen: it failed exactly where the team predicted. Usually the articles fail either slightly above or below what was predicted, but this time the prediction of the force needed to bend the wing was exactly correct.



The Aves Aerospace team tested a scaled down version of their “Skyclaw” aircraft in the wind tunnel, and compared that to their preliminary design predictions. They created a test article after being satisfied with the results. The team

created an ANSYS model to predict the failure points of the test article. They built the test model to withstand these failures. Unfortunately, their test article failed because their model was flawed and had a lack of computing power.


Team Members: Left to Right: Gabe Pioux, Nick Walton, Wes Lindebrekke, Bryce Ockerman, Jonathan Perez, Sean Reese, Bahhaj Hockley, Professor Jim Helbling, Dr. Angela Beck Not Pictured (helped with testing): Chris Smith, Dr. David Lanning, Dr. Wahyu Lestari

Bryan Rhodes Final Approach Editor

Instructor: Professor Jim Helbling Degree Program: AE-Aero

Preliminary Design Detail Design


Instructor: Professor Jim Helbling Degree Program: AE-Aero


Team Members: Rear to Front, Left to Right: Jacob Alder, Benjamin Asher, Isaac Beattie, Mathew Bianco, Mathew Downey, Ryan Budge, Colton Ryan, Ryan Mauren, Brandon Leadbetter, Julia Flom, Brandon Wagner, Melanie Chatham, Timothy Park, Kean Tan, Brian Bell, Cody Folgmann Instructor: Dr. Julio Benavides Degree Program: AE-Astro

Preliminary Design Detail Design

The Mechanical Engineering Preliminary Design Team is working on a project called HIGBEE (Heuristic Imaging Ground-Based Environmental Explorer). This project will have the objective of navigating a large field to seek out predetermined “samples,” and then load them into a separate compartment for each sample. The robot will be completely autonomous. They have faced many challenges and have many more to come. The main challenge of this semester has been to figure out how to pick up the samples. The main goal is to keep the “arm” from being very heavy, while allowing it to open wide enough for the object to fit into the “claw.” The major challenge facing them is to design the vision aspect of the robot, so that it can locate and identify obstacles and samples. This vision aspect also has to keep track of its location on the field and navigate the course. Keeping track of its location is very important since the robot will have to return to the starting position, and in the most optimal route rather than backtrack-

ing, since their task will be timed. So far the team has gone through many redesigns to accommodate for several complications. These have varied from the number of wheels to the shape of containers for holding the samples, to different styles of loading the samples. While no design is perfect, the team is trying to optimize their robot to fit the way they want to attack the challenge. The team is competing in the NASA Centennial Challenge, where they will be competing against many other teams across the nation, in Worcester, Mass. The team will be participating in two challenges, one will last 15 minutes, while the second will last 2 hours.

Project Name: HIGBEE Team Members: Rear to Front, Left to Right: Chris Swofford, Chris Howe, George Sopp, Chris Correia, Jeff Bennett, Austin Troya, Kelsey Anderson, Steven Ishida, Antony Robertson, Caitlin Grace Instructor: Dr. Doug Isenberg Degree Program: EE/ME


Tyrus Kirby Correspondent

Project Name: Bright Apparel Detection and Suppression System Team Members: Left to Right: Joshua Chang, Carlos Gaxiola, Ben Degn, Randall Smith Not Pictured: Jet Jet Nazareno Instructor: Dr. Brian Davis Preliminary Design Detail Design



Preliminary Design Detail Design

tion of everything surrounding the robot. Here is the major mission of the project, to design a mobile turret system that can identify and track a specific target, i.e. someone wearing a brightly colored shirt, via a vision processing system. In a sense this will be an autonomous soldier. The usage of this robot is intended for a large variety of uses from on the battlefield in combat, to domestic use by police forces firing suppressants instead of live ammunition, to a combat training tool. Remote control robots have been used in these situations for a long time so it is only natural that designs for automated robots would soon follow. This design will have many real life applications enhancing robotics in combat situations.

Degree Program: EE

more difficult since the satellite will be having light hitting it from all sides. The next most difficult thing is for the integration team, since they have to deal with everyone’s different coding styles and make everything fit together. With the semester coming to an end, the team is in a very strong position for getting all their parts together and in complete working order.

Project Name: Team ADACOM

Team Members: Left to Right: Daniel Sekijima, Emilio Botero, Dustin Gurley, Libin Daniel, Noah Russell, Eric Christensen, Matt Kamp

Every year a new batch of engineers step up to the plate to tackle their senior prelim projects here at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Many of whom work on projects that remain fairly similar year to year, however there are a few that choose a special project of their own. Ben Degn found the inspiration for this particular project from the video game “Portal”. While the portal gun itself is still out of our technological leap, the portal turret is decidedly not. Team members Ben Degn, Carlos Gaxiola, Jet Jet Nazareno, Joshua Chang, and Randall Smith are designing a life size portal turret that will fire Nerf Darts. Now there are a few modifications to the concept in order to make the idea more practical. First off, while it is easy to program seemingly unlimited ammo into a video game, real life puts a limit on ammo in the form of volume and weight. Naturally a better targeting system is needed to prevent overuse of ammo, and lower general destruc-

Project Name: Eagles Astronautics


Project Name: Aves Aerospace

David Krantz Sports Editor

Eagles Astronautics is designing a Cube Satellite, called EagleSat, which will be focusing on attitude determination as well as command and data handling. This is a very interesting group since the prelim project they worked on last spring was different than the detail project they are working on now. While every Cube Satellite has more than three subsystems the team doesn’t have the people to get more completed this semester. The team’s attitude determination is based on how the satellite is oriented via the sun’s position. While the structure will only be a skeleton, it will still be able to withstand the forces they predict it to be going through. The Command and Data handling is in control of taking the data received and converting it into the position. The Integration team needs to make sure that all the other sub systems can work together. The most difficult part of the project for this team has been compiling the code for all of this since the team is bringing in so much data and must convert it into the position. This requires the command and data team to have a very strong background in programming. This becomes exceptionally

Right now, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, precious metals are being mined to fuel conflicts in the region. The United States has recently adopted legislation that is aimed at stopping the trade of these “conflict minerals.” This new legislation is the focus of senior student Scott Small, who is analyzing the environmental impact of these laws in his senior thesis. Small started off his semester-long project by choosing two advisors on his project. He chose Dr. Archie Dickey [14p2]

and Dr. Phil Jones to help him in his research on the environmental and political conditions in the area. Under their guidance, he began to build his case on the environmental impact of mining these conflict minerals. To find information on the Congo, Small used documents drafted by the United Nations, as well as analysis from non-governmental organizations focused on Africa. Through his analysis, he determined that there are three likely scenarios that will occur in the region once the legislation goes through. At first he believed that since the conflict would grow less severe, there would be more opportunity to mine in the area,

which would lead to greater destruction of the environment. In his thesis, he now argues that there will most likely be no major effect on the rate at which the environment is being damaged in the Congo. He provides two possible ways in which it can happen. The third scenario will actually show a reduction in the rate of destruction.

Preliminary Design Detail Design

To complete his thesis, Small will have to defend his findings in a public forum, where his advisors will try and pick apart his thesis. This event will happen on campus Friday, Dec. 7, and any student or member of the community can show up to listen to his defense and ask him questions about his thesis.

Project Name: Conflict Minerals in the Congo Team Members: Scott Small Instructor: Dr. Archie Dickey, Dr. Philip Jones Degree Program: GSIS

Senior Thesis


Dec. 5, 2012


Justin Gorman Special to Horizons There is a lot of buzz on campus these days about rockets. This semester, there were several rocket teams competing for funds from the Eagle Prize committee. Research into rocket propulsion is a hot topic for engineering and space physics students. One of the teams is building a rocket as part of their engineering capstone courses. Team Hybrid Ballistics is composed of three aerospace engineers and two mechanical engineering, propulsion students. Team Hybrid Ballistics is building a 14-ft hybrid rocket to compete in the upcoming 8th Intercollegiate Rocket

Engineering Competition (IREC) in Green River, Utah. The competition doesn’t take place until June 20th, 2013, but the team is already hard at work designing their entry. The rocket is a hybrid, which combines characteristics of solid and liquid rockets but is its own unique animal. The team will be using a hybrid of both solid and liquid state fuel to allow them to reach the altitude required. In the competition, the team must reach a height of 25,000 feet, but not exceed 27,500 feet. This is a very narrow window when sending up a rocket to a specific altitude. But to overcome this they are using a throttle control, which has to know its altitude and velocity. Another really cool feature is the

movement in the structure. The team will not be going with a standard tube style, but rather a tube with stringers and bulkheads to help carry the immense loads.

While a lot of work lies ahead of them, they have already made a very strong start by building and testing the altitude determination package as well as a few other components.


Project Name: Hybrid Ballistics Team Members: Left to Right: Greg Nedell, Laura Seymour, Ted Sharp, Danita Baghdasarin, Justin Gorman Instructor: Dr. Brenda Haven Preliminary Design Detail Design

Degree Program: AE/ME


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent The Southwestern United States had a very active fire season last summer, and the aging air tankers used in fighting these fires will have to be replaced within a few years. Due to this, one aerospace engineering team decided to design an air tanker that would be required to carry at least 30,000 pounds of fire retardant for at least 500 miles, be able to fly up to at least 15,000 feet and be able to take off and land in 8,000 feet up to an altitude of 10,000 feet. They were able to meet all these requirements, and exceed on landing distance and range. The plane itself turned out looking very much like a typical air tanker-type plane, with one significant difference; the last requirement was that this tanker had to be able to pull a 4-G maneuver at any of its operating speeds. The team met this requirement exactly, and this caused the tanker to have a very large wing compared to others of its type, and a lot of horsepower. They

built a small wind tunnel test model, and using that data and their other calculations, determined the load necessary on the wing. The team then built a scaled-down version of the wing, which they calculated would need to withstand a loading of 4,300 pounds in order for the aircraft to be able to execute its 4 G maneuvers. They fabricated a wing with this goal in mind, and simulated their wing with an ANSYS model, which predicted that the wing would fail between 2,750 and 3,000 pounds. When tested, the wing failed at 3,000 pounds, which means that their model was very accurate, but unfortunately the plane will not be able to execute the desired 4 G maneuvers.

Project Name: Umbrella Air Tankers Team Members: Left to Right: Professor Jim Helbling, Richard Hermann, Neena DeSilva, Ryan Schmelzer, Felipe Garcia, Tedrick Mealy, Dustin Mosher Instructor: Professor Jim Helbling Preliminary Design Detail Design

Degree Program: AE-Aero



David Krantz Sports Editor Working with Dr. Darrel Smith, seniors Courtney Linn and Austin Goe have been conducting research on the lifetime of muons. Muons are particles created when cosmic rays hit the atmosphere. These particles are incredibly unstable and quickly decay into electrons/protons/neutrinos/anti-neutrinos. An indica[14p2]

tor can be used to detect the resulting particles from which the lifetime, averaging 2.2 microseconds, can be found. Most of the experiment has been set up by previous students, so Linn and Goe have been working on finalizing the experiment to obtain accurate and meaningful data. They plan to add another sensor to verify data. They hope that by comparing data collected to the characteristics of the experimental scintillator fluid, that a

spread of the polarity of muons created could be found through variations in the lifetimes of the particles. This experiment will then be available

to future generations of students at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, making further research into the study of muons possible.

Project Name: Muon Lifetime Team Members: Courtney Linn, Austin Goe Instructor: Dr. Darrell Smith Degree Program: SP

Senior Thesis


Dec. 5, 2012


Sara Miles News Editor Aquilon Aeronautics has designed a vehicle that may someday be the go-to platform for launching satellites into space. Aquilon Aeronautics has dubbed their dual fuselage, unmanned plane Stargazer II. The team originally named the craft Stargazer, but ironically an aircraft with a very similar mission already exists under that name. They were challenged with a unique request for proposal, requiring the team to construct a first stage to orbit vehicle, capable of carrying a 30,000 pound second stage vehicle to 60,000 feet, which will then launch a satellite or similar device into low earth orbit. The aircraft must be controlled by a computer and a land based data link, capable of taking off on a conventional 10,000 foot runway, and weigh less than 500,000 pounds, making it a practical first stage to orbit vehicle for future use. The project is further complicated by the requirement that the finished aircraft be cost effective enough

to buy three units, and at a current estimated cost of one to two billion dollars, the Stargazer II is stretching the definition of “affordable,” but it’s an issue the team is working to address. This is a design, build, break project, and they will be building a portion of the vertical tail to prove the structural integrity of their design. The Stargazer II will have two, low bypass turbofan engines designed by the Mechanical Engineering team, Unlimited Propulsion. Aquilon Aeronautics is currently in Phase IV of their design, and is conducting detailed analysis on their aircraft and gathering as much information as possible before entering their building stage next semester.

Project Name: Aquilon Aeronautics Team Members: Rear to Front, Left to Right: Mitch Mannering, Jeff Gibson, Ryan Mueller, Ian Carlberg, Derrick Tsoi, Jeff Ackerman, Alexander Winton, Rodrigo Dorres Instructor: Dr. Jeff Ashworth


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent Unlimited Propulsions is a mechanical engineering propulsion team that was approached by Aquilon Aeronau-

Preliminary Design Detail Design

Degree Program: AE-Aero


tics, an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Aerospace Engineering team, for help to design airplane engines that will be able to fly up to 60,000 feet. It would then launch a 30,000 pound payload satellite into a low earth orbit. The airplane was also required to take off


on a 10,000-foot runway and weigh less than 500,000 pounds. The plane was originally designed to weigh 350,000 pounds, and the mechanical engineering team designed an engine that would accomplish the mission goals with four engines installed on the aircraft. The aircraft weighed has now been lowered to around 170,000 pounds, and so only two engines, each producing 42,000 pounds of thrust, will be able to complete the mission. Unlimited Propul-

sions decided to use low bypass turbofan engines, and will utilize an afterburner in order to achieve the necessary thrust. In order to be able to use an afterburner with their engine, they will be using a convergent-divergent nozzle with variable geometry. The ultimate goal is that this method will be used for future satellite delivery, in an effort to save money on rockets to launch satellites. The team plans to construct an afterburner next semester for their detail design project.

Project Name: Unlimited Propulsion Team Members: Left to Right: Jake Sleyster, Becklyn Maguire, Mahlet Lee, Kayla Billings, Tyler Buss Instructor: Dr. Brenda Haven Degree Program: ME-Prop


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent Dr. Ashworth tasked High G Industries with designing a close-base-defense fighter aircraft, which is a need in the military. “We do not have an aircraft in the military currently that is designated for that mission. Right now they are using F-18’s that have been modified for base defense,” he said. It was required to be capable of landing on aircraft carriers or airbase runways, and the ability to be loaded at 9 G’s for a minute up to 30,000 ft. It also had to have a maximum munitions carry of two heat seeking missiles, two radar missiles, and a gun, and be “lightweight,” with a weight ceiling of 28,000 pounds. “Based on our aspect ratio, it looks very much like a delta wing,” said Bertic, “but it is a typical configuration with a single wing, a vertical tail, and a horizontal stabilizer.” The team designed it to be a single engine jet with a single seat, equipped with a catapult launch bar and [14p2]

Preliminary Design Detail Design

a hook. Bertic specifically requested this project over the summer, and she and Dr. Ashworth worked out the requirements ahead of time. Although this project does not answer a direct request from a company or the military, the requirements were designed in a way that answers perceived needs that the military has, both now and in the future. The designed aircraft is planned to be around 24,000 pounds, but it will not be able to meet its requirement to be loaded at 9 G’s up to 30,000 feet due to the huge amounts of thrust that it would require. Currently they are able to be loaded up to 18,000 feet and have met all of their other requirements, so they will be using this design next semester in Detail.

Project Name: High G Industries Team Members: Left to Right: Geoff Gloceri, Chris Eriksson, Alison Irish, Sara Vertic, Oliver Ngayan, Jesse Creason Not Pictured:Carlos Diaz, Zack Namestnik Instructor: Dr. Jeff Ashworth Degree Program:AE-Aero

Preliminary Design Detail Design


Dec. 5, 2012

BORDERS Small Unmanned Aircraft System Competition Teams The Department of Homeland Security BORDERS program released a request for proposal (RFP) for an unmanned aerial system (UAS) that weighs less than 55 pounds, uses at least one nine inch ducted fan, has a sensor package that includes infrared cameras, and is capable of surveilling an area autonomously on battery power for 30 minutes. The purpose of this system is to provide surveillance, particularly against drug smuggling, on America’s borders, and to be able to integrate the UAS system into the national airspace. There are two Aerospace Engineering teams from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University entering this competition.


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent Pegasus Aviation is running a more powerful UAS, utilizing two ducted fan engines mounted behind the wings and using conventional landing and takeoff. They have also been dedicating a lot of time into researching battery power for running their system during surveillance time, so that the UAS will be silent. Both teams have a weight ceiling of 55 pounds, in order to be integrated into

the national airspace, and both will be cooperating with an Electrical and Computer Engineering Prelim team who is designing their avionics. They will submit their final proposal to the BORDERS Small Unmanned Aircraft System Competition, along with the design from the EE/CE team, on Dec. 14, with the results of the competition released in early January. If chosen, the winning team will receive $30,000 in funding in order to design a system which will be sold for no more than $28,750, and plans to produce about 1,000 systems.


Project Name: Pegasus Aviation Team Members: Rear to Front, Left to Right: Scott Loney, Donnie Dotchkov, Chad Cornwell, Treavor Arias, Guadalupe Bracamontes, Greg Marxer, Fernando Dos Santos Instructor: Dr. Jeff Ashworth Preliminary Design Detail Design


Degree Program:AE-Aero

Team Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance (ARAS) Innovations is considering a catapult launch system for their UAS design, and will be making use of a single ducted fan engine in their design, with conventional landing gear. Another unique feature about this design

is that the ducted fan will be inside the fuselage of the aircraft, with vents directing air into the fan, instead of having the fan mounted on the outside. The gimbal containing the sensor package with the infrared camera is located on the bottom of the nose facing downward.


Project Name:ARAS Innovations Team Members: Rear to Front, Left to Right: Robert Rippe, Brett Young, Devin Jensen, Melissa Barnett, Skyler Brooks, Chris Piedra, Samer Shaghoury Instructor: Dr. Jeff Ashworth Degree Program:AE-Aero


Sara Miles News Editor Synch Tech is a team of electrical engineering students that has been tasked with designing the onboard computer, communication systems, and power condition systems for an unmanned aerial system. The components Synch Tech designs will be used by their aerospace engineering counterparts in Aerial Reconnaissance and Surveillance Innovations and Pegasus Aviation Systems. The request for proposal for this project was provided by the Department of Homeland Security’s Borders program, and involve building an unmanned aircraft that can be used in border protection, specifically in surveillance missions against drug smugglers. Teams nationwide will have the opportunity to use this request for proposal, and the top three teams selected by the Department of Homeland Security will be given $30,000 to build their design. Synch Tech and its Aerospace Engineering partners hope to win the grant, in which case they’ll be able to build [14p2]

their entire unmanned aerial system. The team currently plans on building at least the onboard computer. After their design is complete, the team’s work will be primarily on integrating the systems they’ll be using. When finished, Synch Tech’s technology will enable the unmanned aircraft to fly autonomously, basing its route off points set in its GPS, although there will be an option for manual flight. The onboard systems will not only be able to store video of its route, but send it back to its operators in real time. Right now, the members of Synch Tech are developing their own individual plans of how their design should be built. Their reports will be analyzed by a team of professors, who will select the writer of the best proposal as the Design Team Lead for Synch Tech next semester.

Preliminary Design Detail Design

Project Name: Synch Tech Team Members: Left to Right: Ryan Opat, Sarah Van Leeuwen, Marco Malanche, Brad Clancy, Taylor Morreale Instructor: Dr. Dennis Kodimer Degree Program:EE

Preliminary Design Detail Design


Dec. 5, 2012


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent The goal of Hi-Ho Industries is to design a square platform maneuverable by thrusters that will be fixed to a test stand. This platform is meant to simulate the attitude control system of a spacecraft using thrusters in a manner similar to spacecraft, like the one used on Apollo 13. The platform must react to outside forces, such as being pushed, and level itself out within plus or minus two degrees in roll and pitch. Although yaw accuracy was not specifically required, the current design plans to control yaw within ten degrees. This effort is split between two teams, both working on separate aspects of the project. The Propulsion Team is led by Nicole Eichholz, and includes Jessica Smith, Keegan Kirkpatrick, and Bryan Winterling. The propulsion team’s primary duty is to design the thrusters that will maneuver the platform. “I would call [propulsion] the dirty part,” said Nicole. “There’s really no pretty way of doing it.” Most of their work thus far has been choosing tanks, pipes, and nozzles based on MATLAB code and their best assumptions. They have also been using Fluent, a fluid mechanics simulation program through ANSYS, which has been a learning experience for the team. The Attitude Control Team is led by Dominic Macchiaroli, and includes Allen

Fletcher, Kallie Glover, and Eduardo Silva. The attitude control team is responsible for designing the onboard computer that drives the thrusters, along with communications and software design. They have also had to research sensors, which has been an entirely new field for most of the team members. “There’s been a lot of [Electrical Engineering] stuff involved, which we usually wouldn’t get our hands dirty with,” said Dominic, and that has made it an interesting challenge for them. For the first time, the Astro Prelim group was able to get a head start on Prelim, so that they will ideally be able to build something in Detail Design, where in the past they designed an entire mission that could not be implemented.

Project Name: Hi-Ho Industries Team Members: Left to Right: Dominic Macchiaroli, Nicole Eichholz, Brian Rookaird, Kallie Glover, Bryan Winterling, Jessica Smith, Jake Weisshaupt, Allen Fletcher, Keegan Kirkpatrick Instructor: Dr. Brad Wall Preliminary Design Detail Design

Degree Program: AE-Astro



Brandon Leadbetter Correspondent For the electrical engineering students, there was a catch for this semester’s prelim groups. This year, the school was approached to work with the company COBHAM or Cobham OnBoard Head Action Monitor. The professors in charge of prelim had to choose from three groups. The team selected would need to sign a nondisclosure agreement and would represent Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Between the three teams, the group led by James Fernando was selected as the best group to represent the school. After the nondisclosure was signed, the HPASS project was revealed. The project consisted of a head position of an attitude sensor. This device would allow the tracking of someone’s position in an aircraft. This type of device has been seen on the Apache helicopter. As the pilot looks at something, the guns follow but do not lock-on. The project HPASS is working on is an actual lock-on device. Compared to the Aerospace Engineering students and Mechanical Engineering students, Computer Engineering students and Electrical Engineering

students have a different layout of prelim and detail. Instead of starting a project in prelim and continuing in detail, the EE groups start with a design idea and individually present the plan to their professors. The professors then take these designs, pick them apart, and take the best of all of them to create a project. However, as this has fallen into EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University’s lap, things are a little different. With COBHAM saying this project is for educational purposes, there are a lot of dead ends because of the nondisclosure agreement. The team knew this would be difficult. The device they will be working with in detail is unknown to them. They have no idea how it works and it will be very hard to get solutions. The payoffs are that the team gets to work with professional engineers and gain important industry experience. As the team prepares for their final defenses, Fernando said, “Riddle has never before taken a project of this magnitude before, but it’s pretty cool they chose us over the other two. It will be tough, but we will see this through to the end.” This sounds like a daunting task, but will open more company projects like this to other prelim and detail design classes.

Project Name: Cobham Team Members: Left to Right: David Martinez, Anthony Simonetti, Mark Van Hoven, James Fernando Instructor: Dr. Brian Davis Degree Program: EE

Preliminary Design Detail Design



David Krantz Sports Editor Space physics seniors Rachael Wagner and Colin Wells have taken an interest into the area of exotic propulsion. Therefore, their senior thesis paper is focused on researching and building an arcjet rocket motor. An arcjet works by an anode and cathode electrically heating nitrogen to a plasma state. This process rapidly accelerates the nitrogen out of the [14p2]

rocket, producing thrust which will be measured in the form of kinetic energy. For Wells, this area of study has fascinated him his whole life. He said, “[I] spent the first three years of my life watching every shuttle launch on NASA TV and then running out my front door to see it rise above the tree line. This is the kind of stuff that I have always wanted to do.” For Wagner, the thrill of doing something brand new and out of the ordinary was well worth it, as well as the need for non-traditional forms of propulsion

that is more efficient for space exploration. This is important if the United States is ever going to make progress in space exploration. Wagner and Wells are currently working on the building phase of their

arcjet rocket. They plan to be finished with it and test it early next March. This research rivals graduate level research and definitely helps place Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in the top universities researching this area.

Project Name: Arcjet Rocket Motor Team Members: Colin Wells, Rachel Wagner Instructor: Dr. Darrell Smith Degree Program:SP

Senior Thesis


Dec. 5, 2012


Brad Clancy Senior Correspondent The goal of Millennium Engineering is to design a general-purpose lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) that can be integrated into the national airspace system. Their vehicle would have space for future modifications and user payloads, allowing it to be used by several different entities. The UAV is designed to weigh less than 30 pounds, which is necessary because under current FAA regulations, UAVs may only fly in the national airspace if they weigh less than 55 pounds. Dr. Gally originally suggested this idea, and now the group has also started participating in a contest put forth by the FAA to design a UAV that can be integrated with the airspace, and car-

ries a million dollar prize for the winner. The team’s aircraft is conventional, with a single gas-powered propeller in the back of the aircraft, and a standard rectangular wing. It is fairly large with an 11-foot wingspan and is almost 7 feet in length from nose to tail. The takeoff and landing will be controlled by a line-of-sight radio piloting system, similar to RC planes, but will be able to accomplish its missions autonomously, and alter its missions in flight. Currently the flight endurance is one hour, but that can be increased with different quantities of fuel in the future. One unique feature of this aircraft is the addition of a parachute for emergency use, which is designed to be deployed when the aircraft loses control and is going to crash. This does a better job of preventing injury, property damage, and damage to the airframe and its payload.

Applications have already been established for local law enforcement, and Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Global Security and Intelligence Studies and Meteorology professors have expressed an interest in poten-

tially using the craft, due to the user customizable payload space. Millenium Engineering is being funded by an IGNITE grant through the College of Engineering, and will be able to build the UAV next semester.


Project Name: Millenium Engineering Team Members: Left to Right: Scott Parks, John Guidotti, Jose Edid Garcia, Raj Rajvaidya, Katlin Johnson, John Miller, Shaun Baghott-Salmon Instructor: Dr. Thomas Gally Degree Program:AE-Aero


Bryan Rhodes Final Approach Editor Team Kodiak has been working hard on improving upon an existing design of a bear-proof residential trash can for a local Prescott company. The reason for the redesign is because of an unreliable mechanical unlocking mechanism in the current version of trash cans used. They are working on exchanging the current mechanical locks with a new electronic user interface that is powered by household batteries. Finally they will be adding accelerometers that are commonly found in cell phones to tell the difference between humans and bears. This will make it easier for the owner and garbage company to access the trash cans, but keep the bears out of them. The team has been faced with several difficult challenges put ahead of them. One of the major challenges is not having the necessary knowledge in coding, electronics, and mechanical designs that is necessary. The [14p2]

Preliminary Design Detail Design

knowledge the team needs comes with time and experience rather than being taught in a classroom. The other major challenge the team has faced is working with a very strict and important deadline that isn’t aligned with the end date of the Detail class. The team must provide an actual product within the timeframe of a semester. To help with some of the challenges, the company has donated a working model of a bear-tested trash can to the school to help them work around some of the current features and challenges put in front of them this semester. The team is working to finish this up and present it to the members for the final Detail presentation, and to the local company. If all goes well the company will be using their design for future trash cans around Prescott.

Project Name: Team Kodiak Team Members: Left to Right: Toft Bragg, Laura Grant, Nicholas Poleshaj, Martell Davis Instructor: Dr. Dennis Kodimer Degree Program:EE/CE

Preliminary Design Detail Design

Great Job Seniors! Keep up the Hard Work Good Luck Next Semester

The Glob al In tel l igen ce Monitorin g Cen ter

Eagle Eye Intel - Horizons Edition -

An analytical intelligence wire prepared by the students of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona SITUATION REPORTS


RUSSIA: Former FSB Department Head Escapes Custody

On Nov. 29, the former head of the Federal Security Service (FSB) Department of Anti-Extremism, Pyotr Samarsky, escaped from a military investigation facility. Samarsky had previously escaped in 2009 and had evaded authorities until giving himself up in May this year. Samarsky is accused of fraud and accepting bribes worth an estimated USD 120,000.


BAHRAIN: Halts Opposition March

On Nov. 26, security forces broke up a march headed towards the Pearl Roundabout, a site of many Shia protests in the past year. Although witnesses indicated several hundred demonstrators participated in the march, other reports said there were over 1,000 participants. Security forces used teargas and stun grenades to break up the group, and the interior ministry stated a group of protesters blocked off a main street and wielded fire bombs. Bahrain has temporarily banned demonstrations while the government writes new rules for peaceful demonstrations.


VENEZUELA: Re-emerging Concerns for Chavez

Summary: President Hugo Chavez’s return to Cuba for further post-cancer treatment sparked concerns over his health and the future of Venezuela’s leadership. Development: Chavez has returned to Cuba for post-radiation treatment less than two months after his victory in the presiden-


KOSOVO: Former Prime Minister Cleared of War Crimes


PARAGUAY: Judicial Workers Strike


PAPAU NEW GUINEA: Pirates Strike off Northern Coast

On Nov. 29, the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) of the United Nations ruled in favor of former Prime Minister of Kosovo, Ramush Haradinaj, clearing him of charges of war crimes during the Kosovo War in 1999. The ICTY upheld a prior decision from The Hague, which also cleared Haradinaj of war crimes charges. Haradinaj returned to Kosovo upon being released.

On Nov. 27, judicial workers began a nationwide strike. The judicial workers’ union called the strike in response to the Senate’s refusal to honor a previous contract for bonus and debt payments, and the union stated demonstrations will continue until the Senate decision is overturned. The Supreme Court has declared the strike illegal, which prevents workers from striking at their workplaces and from receiving pay

On Nov. 27, a passenger ferry was robbed near Morobe in a coordinated pirate attack. One team of pirates, armed with firearms and knives, boarded the ferry pretending to be the passengers, and they escaped with a second team that arrived in inflatable boats. Approximately USD 3,700 was stolen, along with food and an undisclosed amount of goods belonging to passengers. There were about 200 people on the ship, none of whom were seriously injured.


Summary: Although the agreement will likely boost South Korea’s defense exports, it could be perceived negatively by other South American nations as a sign of political support for Colombia. Development: On Nov. 26, South Korea’s TradeInvestment Promotion Agency and LIG Nex 1 signed a missile contract with Colombia’s Defense Ministry that states 16 ship-to-ship missiles will be exported to

Colombia worth USD 100 million. South Korea’s shipto-ship missile technology has an effective range of 250300 miles when fired from a warship. Colombia plans to arm four of its ships with four missiles each. Analysis: South Korea’s new missile agreement with Colombia marks the first time South Korea has exported one of its missile systems to a foreign country. This could likely lead to increased missile sales with other countries within the Latin American region. Colombia likely decided to boost its naval power because of territorial tensions with Nicaragua caused by a dispute in the International Court of Justice (ICJ) between the two countries. The United States has called on Ni-

caragua and Colombia to resolve their disputes in the ICJ, but because South Korea is a close ally of the United States, this missile agreement will likely cause Nicaragua to view the missile agreement as a sign of support from South Korea and the United States for Colombia. This deal follows other recent cooperative efforts between South Korea and Colombia, including a smaller defense equipment deal and a newly signed free trade agreement. If Korea continues to do business with Colombia, it will almost certainly boost its exports and become the only Asian country to have a trade agreement in South America. [Ben Brudnicki]

tial election, causing widespread speculation about his health. In a letter to the National Assembly, Chavez requested authority to make another trip to Cuba for hyperbaric oxygenation therapy (HBOT) treatment, a process which involves the inhalation of pure oxygen within a pressurized chamber. Some possible side effects of radiation therapy, which Chavez underwent when fighting his cancer, include a weakening of the bones, which is often treated using

HBOT. Chavez has said that he hopes to return at least in time for the start of his new term in January, if not sooner. Analysis: Many Venezuelans believed Chavez’s treatments to be over, and the letter he sent to the National Assembly came as a total surprise. Others, such as members of the opposition, claim his cancer was never cured, as evidenced by a recent lack of public appearances. Chavez has long been known for his

large public presence, which has been significantly reduced recently. Chavez’s vice president is a new appointee, leaving many speculating whether he would be capable of running the nation without Chavez. The next few weeks, as Chavez goes through treatment and Vice President Nicolas Maduro leads the nation, will likely be indicative of the rest of Chavez’s fourth term as president. [Kyle Parent]


SOUTH KOREA: Signs Landmark Missile Agreement with Colombia

Graphic by Horizons Newspaper

This is a Global Intelligence Briefing prepared by the students of the Global Security and Intelligence Studies program at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. The views expressed in this briefing are those of the students, not the university. For questions and comments, contact Dr. Phillip E. Jones, 928.777.6992 or the Eagle Eye Editing Board: Scott Small, [] Christopher Tomas, [] Kevin Moss, [] Kyle Parent, []



Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Section E


Aviation Safety Program BRIAN ROGGOW Special to Horizons

Over the past year, the flight department’s aviation safety office has been increasing its outreach and visibility to students enrolled in flight courses. The goal was twofold: to increase students’ understanding of the aviation safety program and to increase students’ participation in the reporting system. The indicators from surveys, an audit, and reporting system data reveal that these goals were successfully met. While most students have learned about the safety program through an initial orientation session or a ground school briefing, this article reviews some of the key components of the program and likely introduces many of you to a new resource. Perhaps most fundamentally important for safe flight operations is the need for open and free-flowing communications. Quoting our university president, Dr. John Johnson, “I encourage open participation and sharing of information, knowledge, intelligence, wisdom, and whatever other resources are at our disposal to make our workplace safer for all.” To support this key component of our safety culture, we have a hazard reporting system titled S.M.A.R.T – safety management and reporting tracker – available at [http://]. This tool provides a means to confidentially report both observed and per-

ceived hazards as well as general safety concerns. Each report is reviewed by a trained aviation safety office investigator and recommendations for risk mitigation or hazard elimination are developed as appropriate. The purpose of this system is to reveal deficiencies or operational trends that would otherwise be unnoticeable until a critical and potentially life-threatening incident were to occur. Therefore, the reporting program’s strength relies heavily upon each participant’s willingness to share information. In an effort to promote participation, no disciplinary action will be taken against any person reporting a hazard or concern. To further encourage participation, individuals making significant contributions will be rewarded for their efforts. Another key component of our safety program is the analysis of flight data, referred to as flight data monitoring (FDM). Since this program’s inception in 2011, over 35,000 hours of flight data have been analyzed. The data is downloaded from the aircraft each time an aircraft is due for an inspection. Our current software program analyzes each flight for about eighty different event types. Such events include excessively slow or fast approaches, excessive positive or negative g-loads, excessively high taxi speeds, and excessively high RPM settings, to name a few. If an event is detected, the safety office may interview the crewmembers – depending upon the exceedance amount and duration – to

determine the cause of the event. The data collected from the aircraft is handled in the same confidential manner as that from the hazard reporting system. However, there are six event types in which information collected by the safety office, through either FDM or the reporting system, is not kept confidential. These six event types are those which involve: 1) intentional violation of regulations or a willful disregard for flight safety, 2) alcohol use, 3) use of controlled substances, 4) substance abuse, 5) criminal activity, and 6) intentional falsification of records. A resource that is likely new to most readers is the website []. I highly encourage any pilot that has yet to have created an account with FAA safety to do so. There are too many great benefits to describe concisely so I’ll just discuss a few. When you register with FAA safety, you can select the type of notifications you would like to receive. These notices include information such as upcoming NOTAMs and TFRs, FAA safety seminars, safety bulletins, and general publications. Once you have completed the registration

Graphic by Mark Tverskoy

Finish that Checkride! CHRIS DOLLY Special to Horizons

As the end of the semester approaches, it’s easy to look forward to finals and all the fun we’ll be having during the holidays. However, many flight students have an additional hurdle to overcome before vacation: the dreaded end of course checkride. With classes, finals, and project deadlines looming, it can be easy to push flying to the back burner in order to focus on other tasks, but this has consistently led to students not being able to finish their checkrides before leaving for home. Although this is an exceptionally busy time of year, there are a few simple steps you can take to maximize your chances of finishing your flight course before vacation begins.

If you plan to travel home for the break, consider leaving a few days after classes end to be available for flights. Winter weather in Prescott often brings gusty winds and low clouds, both of which can cancel your plans for flight activities and checkrides. Having a few extra days available for flying gives us a better chance to schedule your checkride, and reduces the pressure on you to go flying on a day with marginal weather. Changing your airline tickets home may cost a few dollars, but retraining for a checkride has the potential to be much more expensive, especially if you plan to be gone for several weeks. After you finish your normal course activities, filling out course completion paperwork is the next step. Do not delay this! It can take a day or two for everything to be processed here at the flightline, so you

Graphic by Mark Tverskoy

process, you will have access to many more facets of the website. Another great resource on this website is the “activities, courses, and seminars” tab found on the homepage. To view free seminars that you can attend in-person, select “seminars.” You can explore upcoming seminars by topic or geographic location, I recommend the latter. If you prefer an online and often interactive experience, check out the “courses” tab. Under “courses,” select “show WINGS courses.” Many of these courses provide a great interactive experience that challenges you to think critically and build upon your knowledge gained from FAA handbooks. Most of the courses also provide WINGS credits that can be used toward the completion of a phase of the WINGS pilot proficiency program. I hope this short review of our aviation safety program and brief insight into the FAA’s safety website has been of value. I encourage everyone to continue to enhance their commitment to our strong safety culture. I challenge you all to keep your senses alert and to report any hazards you believe are a threat to our safety. Stay Safe!

should plan to fill out all paperwork as soon as possible to get the process started. Your Stage Check Request Card (SCRC) specifies that your checkride availability must include a minimum of 10 days with 4-hour blocks of availability. This is a minimum requirement, and any additional availability greatly increases your chances of being scheduled sooner. Consider giving morning and evening availability, regardless of your course and flight block, as this gives us the flexibility to schedule oral checks and FTD checks at times of peak aircraft use, and vice versa. Lastly, being prepared for your checkride is probably the single most important thing you can do to ensure timely course completion. Try to complete your course as early as possible to minimize the stress and difficulty of finishing a checkride with limited availability. Make sure you have adequate rest and nourishment to perform at the peak of your abilities. Study, study, study, and pass that checkride on the first attempt! Remember that your IP, Training Manager, Records Office, and Scheduling Office are here to help you succeed, so don’t hesitate to contact us for any help you may need.

AF301 to Substitute BA201 MITCH MCKENZIE Correspondent

When I showed up to EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University in the Fall of 2010, I was briefed on requirements for graduation. I had the flow chart and everything in my hands. I looked it over and thought, “This should be interesting.” Every year I would cross out what I had taken and what I still needed to take, but it finally dawned on me this semester as I am rounding the final laps to graduate that I actually need 122 credits to fulfill my degree requirements. How could this be? I don’t want to spend $2,000 extra dollars out of my own pocket when a Bachelors in Aeronautics only requires 120 credits. Where did the system malfunction? It wasn’t until I started adding up my total AFROTC credits when I realized what happened. To graduate with a Bachelors Degree in anything and complete all AFROTC classes, which count as a minor in Defense Studies, one needs 122 credits. This is because the AFROTC courses are 3 credits a piece starting your junior year, ergo you end up with more credits in your minor area of study than needed. My question is why can’t Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University adjust the flow chart and maybe drop a “required” Business course so that AFROTC cadets can graduate with exactly 120 credits. Unfortunately, the Air Force has cut down on scholarships, and getting a scholarship with a non-technical degree is a pretty tough thing to do, next to im-

possible. So, every dollar towards our education is coming from our own pockets or another outside scholarship. This makes an extra $2,000 dollars in order to graduate an unwanted purchase. Our AFROTC classes are based on leadership and management type skills. It’s essentially a lower level business course with the added emphasis on taking care of your people. Why can’t these classes also count for a low level business course like BA 201 (Business Management)? Any Air Force cadet will tell you that they learn the same information from both courses. They are identical in many ways, both courses cover Management, Self Assessments, Stress Management, Critical Thinking, Team Building, Problem Solving, Motivation, Followership, Sexual Harassment, and Leadership! I mean come on, AF 301 it titled “Air Force Leadership and Management.” It is actually a more in depth course than BA 201 and teaches cadets how “the Air Force business runs.” My proposition is that Air Force ROTC cadets be exempt from taking BA 201, a 3 credit course, and instead have it be replaced by one of their Required Air Force Classes. Which, by the way, they are not allowed to get lower than an 80%. This would put them at 119 credits total if they still followed their flow charts and would require them to take only a 1 credit class to achieve 120 credits right on the money. Do what makes sense right? Isn’t that what college is suppose to teach you anyway? Be a critical thinker and fix a problem. So, here is the problem, and here is the solution.

Family and The Holidays BRANDON LEADBETTER Correspondent

Lately, many people have been complaining how as soon as Halloween is over, Christmas decorations start appearing, bypassing Thanksgiving. This has never bothered me as no matter what the corporations do, it does not stop my family from celebrating Thanksgiving and Christmas individually. I have been at this school for almost six years. I have been blessed to be home for every Christmas and taken care of by friends and family for Thanksgiving. In the past I have spoken of honor, integrity, and the like, but there is something more important to me and that is family. Anyone that knows me knows that if I get a phone call from home, I am gone for an hour at the very least. I am very close to my family from my parents and sisters to grandparents and cousins. My family has stood with me through every triumph and defeat that I have come across.

My family is very religious and it means everything to me. When I come home for Christmas, I want to see all my family. Whether it is Christmas dinner at my house or playing cards at Grandpa’s, we stand together. The holiday season is about something more than presents and food, well maybe not food, but it’s about remembering where you came from. I would not be where I am without them. I have talked to many people through the years and the idea of family has varied. Some say they cannot wait to go home and see everyone or they loathe the very idea. I understand that not everyone came from a family like mine. They are crazy, do not get me wrong, but if you are close with your friends, it’s the same thing. Just because you are not blood related to someone does not mean they are not family. I know many who are closer to friends than their own family. I am not here to judge anyone. This holiday is about being together and reflecting upon the year that has come and gone.

I feel that once we graduate high school, many turn their backs on where they came from. But why would you? I talk to my mom and dad three or four times a week looking for advice from cooking instructions to fantasy football and everything in between. I talk to my grandparents just to let them know that I miss them and enjoy them, even though I know more about their friends over my own. Between my grandparents I have 227 years of experience and knowledge to gain just by talking with them. My family may be crazy at times, but this is my family. I cannot wait to see them in just a few days because this is where I came from. Whether you look forward to this coming holiday season with family or friends, I wish you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Cherish those that are close to you as we go on break and welcome in another year. We were brought into this world surrounded by family and God willing, we go out the same way. We never know how much time we have left. I shall see you in 2013.



DEC. 5, 2012

Crazy: The Good, The Don’t Let the Grinch Bad, and the Weird Steal Your Holiday Fun ROBB COWAN Correspondent

In today’s modern society, there are many words people use in a very loose manner since some do not know the exact meaning. A couple of examples include “dope”, “gangsta”, and “ghetto”; however, the primary word in question is “crazy”. According to, the word “crazy” was first used in 1566 to mean “diseased or sickly” and was derived from the word “craze”. The modern definition, according to Webster’s New Dictionary of the English Language, circa 2001, is “mentally disordered” or “wildly impractical”. However, gives the same definition and an informal definition of the term as “intensely enthusiastic” or “passionately excited”. Furthermore, there are slang definitions; defines the slang version of “crazy” as “an unpredictable, non-conforming person; oddball.” So it is exceedingly clear that many definitions can come about from a very simple term. In the end, it all boils down to the context of the sentence that “crazy” is used; caution must be exercised as some people may interpret the term in a fashion that was not originally intended.

There are occasions where being crazy is a good thing. One instance is in regards to balancing an insane amount of work that would drive another person up the proverbial wall and initiate severe hair removal. For example, a student who is trying to graduate on a reasonable timetable will attempt to fill as many course slots as possible, even if it means taking two mathematics courses with one that is a prerequisite for the other. Further evidence is provided of this act when the head of the math department states that doing the two courses in concert is “not impossible, but is also not recommended.” If one can accomplish such a feat and still maintain a modicum of sanity, then he deserves a medal. On the other hand, “crazy” can have negative connotations. Typically, “crazy” means that a person is mentally unstable and should be placed in the “loony bin”. “Crazies” are a group of people who are “ill in the head”, mentally deranged; case and point, the Joker from Batman. What he sees as exceedingly hilarious is seen by many others as demented and psychotic. Misunderstood is sometimes the claim, but “crazy” can be very loosely used to describe people with abnormal lifestyle choices be they

Watch Coffee mug Game console Newest game for their video Tickets to favorite sports team Favorite sports team t shirt or hat

If you sign up with “my. erau” email you can get a six month trial of Amazon prime, with two-day free shipping reward perks. Has a holiday store within the site. In the holiday store they have categories: “For Him,” “For Her,” “For Kids,” and “For Everyone”.

BARBARA CHEARNEY Special to Horizons

Black Friday and Cyber Monday have recently come and gone, signifying that the holiday shopping frenzy is officially here. Because of this, I wanted to take an opportunity to raise awareness about a growing and serious security concern: cyber thieves and online shopping. Did you know that consumers were scammed out of nearly $300 million last year due to cyber-related crimes? Since holiday shopping creates a significant upswing in consumers making online purchases, now is as good of a time as ever to offer a few tips that may help you from becoming a victim of online fraud and identity scams. The first thing you can do to protect yourself and your personal information is to take precautions when using wireless Internet. If you don’t think twice about which wireless networks you’re jumping onto during your holiday travels, whether you’re in an airport, a coffee shop, or even connecting to your neighbor’s unsecured wireless network, there’s something you should consider: if you’re easily connecting to an “unsecured wireless network,” there’s a high likelihood that a po-

Graphic by Mark Tverskoy

tential data thief is, too. Since unsecured wireless connections aren’t encrypted, scammers could easily be logging the sensitive information you send over the network, such as logins, passwords, or credit card numbers. Plus, in public places, someone could also “shoulder surf,” which means that they could watch over your shoulder as you key in critical data. If you are safely using a secure network, there are a few other things you should do to protect your personal information. When making purchases online, always be sure to check for URLs that start with, “https” and include a “lock” icon in your browser. Doing this every time you enter private information, such as logins and credit card information is the best way to ensure that the site is secure, and therefore, your information is less likely to be compromised. Another action item you can

‘Tis the season to be jolly! Hanukkah, Christmas, and Kwanzaa are right around the corner but with finals coming up, searching for gifts for loved ones may seem like an impossible task. It is not impossible right now though. As college students, finals come with what seems like endless studying but everyone needs a break from writing essays and taking and reviewing notes. During these study breaks, what typically happens is students wander on to Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Pinterest, and Netflix. Instead of exploring these sites, knock out your holiday shopping travel to sites such as Amazon, Etsy, and Overstock.

For Him

heavy drinking or playing cruel jokes on others. For a few people in that category, it may be a good idea to keep a straight jacket on standby. Now there is another form of “crazy”, but this version is nonstandard. A main example is when a person chooses not to conform to normal standards given by society. Case and point, one can choose to don a kilt when it is a brisk 29 degrees fahrenheit because he “feels like it”. Granted he is going to receive a lot of skeptical and shocked glances when he passes by. Others may do a double-take when his pleats whisk by in the chilly breeze. Some may approach the crazy fool and ask, “Are you daft, man? It’s below freezing and you’re strutting about with bare legs.” Grinning, he responds, “No, I’m just too lazy to put on trousers.” Knowledge of the English language is vital to understanding the nuances of several different words that are widely used in today’s edition of grammar and syntax. Loose usage of words can lead to confused reactions; however, there are those in the world that delight in upholding their reputations for being as “crazy” as possible. After all, in today’s world, normal is boring; everyone is trying to stand out from the crowd. Typically has the same brands as the major retail companies but normally at a lesser price. Overstock also offers free shipping on your first order. If searching for sports related things, Eastbay should have what you want and for a lesser price than going to your local sporting goods store.

take to protect yourself is to monitor your banking and credit card information regularly to confirm that any purchases made on them were authorized. If you see any suspicious transactions on your account, contact your bank immediately. Finally, look carefully at “confirmation” emails. If you’ve recently made a purchase and are receiving a confirmation email, review the information contained in the email carefully to make sure that the amount charged to your account is correct. If you have not made a purchase, or if the email looks suspicious, be careful – it may be a phishing attempt at tricking you into providing personal information to scammers. By using the tips that were recommended in this article, you are less likely to become a victim of an identity thief or scam artist. Best wishes for a safe and fun holiday season!

Shoes Wristlet Handbag Decorative tumbler cup Necklace, bracelet, earrings DVD seasons of her favorite T.V. Drama

For Her Wide selection of reasonably priced accessories. Here you can find numerous key chains, phone and eReader covers, hats, bags and a whole lot more. Provides “geeky” t-shirts, toys, gadgers, computer accessories, and books. This is just what you need for your family “geek.” & Contains resonably unique handmade items from jewelry to art.

What Happened Being Thankful at Thanksgiving? BRAD CLANCY Senior Correspondent

Thanksgiving is a uniquely American holiday, although the concept is universal in giving thanks to God for the gifts He has given us every year. But this year, it really seems as if Americans forgot Thanksgiving, or wanted to skip it. In most stores, Christmas songs (oh, I’m sorry “Holiday” songs) had begun playing. The day after Thanksgiving, I was walking down the street in my hometown with my little brother Brett, who is eight years old. As we were walking,

one of our neighbors was unpacking his lights and starting to put out a plastic reindeer. He looked up at me and asked, “Brad, why are they setting out those lights?” I answered very factually, “because they want to prepare for Christmas.” He replied, “But Thanksgiving was yesterday. Why are they greedy for another holiday?” Why is it that Americans this year couldn’t seem to appreciate Thanksgiving? Why is it that we as a society cannot allow Thanksgiving to have at least a couple of days for people to reflect on the time spent and give thanks for their families? I noticed online that in the days

leading up to Thanksgiving, several national store chains, such as Wal-Mart and Target, had ceased to even recognize Thanksgiving as its own day, calling it instead “Black Thursday”, and beginning their Black Friday sales many times as early as 8:00 p.m. I also read a couple articles on how, in some cities, there were protests about this policy. It’s striking that so many people seemed to be in a hurry for Thanksgiving to come, just so that the sales would come with it. Furthermore, it seems that for those protestors, they were considering how they should save what they saw as opportunities for themselves to

buy cheap goods, and instead should have been preparing to spend time with their families. At its core, I think Americans have lost a sense of respect for their history and their identity as a people, and instead have simply assumed the identity of an avaricious all-consuming society entirely focused on trying to achieve shallow pleasure through material goods. I think part of this can be seen in how President Obama decided to pardon this year’s turkey, as tradition dictates. Rather than present himself with the decorum of Presidents past, but still joyfully, he decided that he was going to use the terms and mo-

tions of a religion he is persecuting. This was wildly offensive to faithful Catholics all over the United States, to whom the sign of the cross is a sacred symbol. It is also un-American, because not only should Thanksgiving not be about mocking others, it should be about recognizing that religion played a massive role in the formation of our country as one of its primary freedoms. It was not just Catholicism, not even just Christianity, but the peaceful cooperation of Americans of all religious beliefs, putting their differences aside and working together, that made and makes this country strong.

Americans need to learn to appreciate Thanksgiving again, and more so what it represents, which is a day we as Americans set aside to celebrate the union and cooperation that makes our country strong, and the united bonds of our families, which are the foundation of our country’s strength. But a country whose only goal is greed and only desire is material goods cannot sustain itself forever, because it has no foundation and no appreciation for what it has. Let Thanksgiving have a few days, celebrate Christmas later, and not focus on the sales and the cheap garbage being sold.


DEC. 5, 2012


Why I Hate Winter: The Despair of a Flight Student MITCH RA SMUSSEN Senior Correspondent

It’s that time of year again. The time of year when all the flight students have to don their winter coats and attempt to do a proper pre-flight in near freezing temperatures. While the poor souls who choose to deice our planes leave their warm beds at four in the morning to go sit in what can only be described as a sad

little shack and play with hazardous chemicals. Winter, I missed you so. The brisk chill of wind on the ramp and the sharp pain in my fingertips serves to remind me why I vowed to never fly a morning flight-block again as long as I should live. However, with class schedules that seem to defy all of our hopes and dreams, some of us flight students end up drawing the short end of the pitot tube, condemning us to a frosty hell we all know too well. With

the nice slap-on-the-face of a winter storm we got over the long weekend, I am sure many of you fell victim to high winds, low ceilings, and even lower visibility that Prescott offers so graciously to us this time of year; forcing cancellations or, even worse, go-decisions when you really didn’t want to; shaking and shivering your way to the plane as your flight instructor watches, mug of hot chocolate in hand, from the comfort of his cozy and warm office.

But not to worry, there is only about three months of this nonsense left before we can all be comfortable again. I know that may seem cumbersome to all you privileged folk from California - but, believe me, it is a relief to those of us from the Midwest. Yes, have no fear, for you wont have Av-gas freezing to your face as you sump the fuel for much longer. Keep faith in the fact that we do still live in Arizona, despite what Mother Nature may lead you to believe.

E m b r y - R i d d l e A e r o n a u t i c a l Un i v e r s i t y

Staff Information Editor in Chief

Managing Editor/Operations

Special to Horizons

With final exams approaching and preparations being made to return home for the holidays, the workload for many ERAU students is steadily increasing. Stress, anxiety, and pressure frequently accompany the final round of exams, papers, projects, and presentations. How do we best cope? A wise person once asked, “If I gave you chalk and asked you to jump as high as you can against a wall, and then draw a line on the wall at the high-

David Krantz

Final Approach Editor Graphics Editor Graphic Designer


Brenton Woodruff


Bryan Rhodes


Austin Troya


Mark Tverskoy


Nicole Bender


Julien Sero

Chief Copy Editor

End of Semester Stress... est point of your jump, how would you optimize your score if you have a day to accomplish this task and only the highest line on the wall will be graded? Would you keep jumping as fast and as hard as you can in an attempt to jump higher in order to maximize your score? Would you plan your jumps with strategies such as taking a break after a jump, allowing your muscles to learn from the previous jumps, and then adjust accordingly, and even consult with others who did well on the jump?” The answer should be obvious. The first strategy will only wear us out and make it harder to get a good score,


Sports Editor Diversions Editor

Copy Editor

whereas the second strategy insures that we will continue to improve our score. When there is a lot going on and many aspects of life seem beyond our control, we begin to feel stress. For each of us stress manifests itself in different ways. In general, moderate stress motivates us to study. Too much stress, however, diminishes our performance. Be aware of what stress does to you, then step back and think of some action you can take to reduce it. Make a list of what you believe needs to be done. Prioritize the list and be realistic about how much time it will take. Examine what really needs to stay on the

Copy Editor Copy Editor

list and eliminate the rest. Make another list of what helps you relax and integrate it with the first list. And…don’t forget to ask for help! Use the campus resources available to you. For more information on stress or anxiety, or to make an appointment for one-on-one counseling, call the Wellness Center 928.777.6653 and indicate that you would like to set an appointment with a counselor. Counseling Services is committed to helping you make the most out of your college career!

Photographer Photographer Senior Correspondent Senior Correspondent Correspondent Correspondent Correspondent Faculty Advisor

Sarah Shuler

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Carsen Cooper


Parag Kikla


Garrett Krosse


Micaela Stewart


Student Life Correspondent


Nerd Bird


Copy Editor Copy Editor

Zachary Beard


Sara Miles

News Editor

Assistant Editor


Julia Howlind


Lynda Roberts


Dayton Burchfield


Jake Suss


Brad Clancy


Mitch Rasmussen


Robb Cowan


Tyrus Kirby


Brandon Leadbetter


Allison Read


Dr. Alan J. Malnar []

Attributions Savannah Begishie, Barbara Chearney, Jason Chong, Chris Dolly, Justin Gorman, Kim Haddow, Greg Keller, Chris Larsen, Andrew McIntyre, Mitch McKenzie, Ryan O’Hara, Melea Rhodes, Debbie Ritterbush, Brian Roggow, Max Sandoval, Richard Sedivy, Sarah Shuler Distribution Off-Campus On-Campus

The Pony Express

David Krantz

Correction to: IEEE Lecture: Electricity, Magnetism, and Relativity In the Oct. 31 issue of Horizons Newspaper, an article was run titled “IEEE Lecture: Electricity, Magnetism, and Relativity,” about a lecture given by professor Dennis Kodimer for the student chapter of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Horizons Newspaper published the quote “when one nears the speed of light and matter shrinks before the object travelling

Mystery Plane ??? Congratulations to Peter Davidson for being the first to guess the Heinkel He-111 from Issue 6!

Austin Troya / Horizons Newspaper

at that speed, expanding behind.” This is incorrect, as Kodimer pointed out, because when one travels near the speed of light, “the entire universe shrinks in the direction of your travel, (and time slows down) whether you are looking in front or behind.” Horizons Newspaper would like to apologize for any misunderstandings caused by this error.

Mitch Rasmussen


Austin Troya


Legal Disclaimer The opinions expressed in this paper are solely the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Horizons Newspaper or the opinions of Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Advertising/Submission Information All submissions/insertions must be received by their respective deadline. Copy must be spell-checked and single-spaced. Send submissions via e-mail to [] or [], or drop them off at our office in Building 16 , the Student Union, Room 128. Advertising information may be obtained by calling 928.777.3891 or emailing []. Subscriptions Subscriptions are available for $20 per semester or $35 per academic year. International rates vary. Visit our web site at [] or contact us at 928.777.3891 for more information. Deadlines

Can you guess this plane? Send your guesses to [horizons.erau@gmail. com] before January 15. If you are the first person to guess the plane correctly, your name will be placed in the next issue.

Next Submission Deadline: Thurs., Jan. 17, 2013 Next Advertisement Deadline: Fri., Jan. 18, 2013 Next Publication Date: Wed., Jan. 23, 2013

Horizons Newspaper

ERAU Box 9157 / 3700 Willow Creek Rd. Prescott, Arizona 86301 Telephone 928.777.3891 Fax 928.777.3830 [] [] Since 1984


Layout by: Mark Tverskoy

Safety Science Erik Ryan Anderson Sarah Christine Bowen Josh Lee Donaldson Toni Cassandra Lacey Kristen Nichole McTee Abel Musangu Cesar Augusto Sala Benitez Janet Lee Stassen

Aeronautical Science

Daniel F Bayer Hankyul Cha Oluwadamilola Olukunle Coker Daniel Dubois Jean Paula Roasa Ella Cameron William Forsberg Levi Pierce Fox Joshua Michael Gerhardt Wang To Hui Alexander Ragen Maharaj Jose Cipriano Masiclat Tyler Alan McMahon Christopher Allen Riddle Karan Sharma Joseph Charles Soter Cesar Ortega Villicana Marlene Wessel Patrick Cody Wright

Aviation Business Administration Eric Clayton Estes Alexander Ragen Maharaj Adam Daniel Strombeck Thiago Caetano Goncalves Xavier


Thomas Gilbert An Jessica Marie Bayne Pamela Suanne Crossland Cody Lee Eigelbach Jacob A Elsdon Olivia Anne Graham Matthew Ellef Johnson Peter Alden Kassing Edmond Alexander Lehuta Jolessa Ann Moore Nathaniel Joseph Moore Eleazar Betalero Nepomuceno Clyde Eliot Overmier Krishneel Akshay Prakash Lars Ludwig Leopold Renner Zachary Michael Sacchette David Jason Segrest Lee Eugene Taylor Paul Daniel Wagner Jeffrey Donald Wampler Brendon Scott Winslow

Applied Meteorology Angela Patrice Boyd Robb E Cowan Jessie Morrison Navia

Aerospace Studies Rolland David Hartwick

Interdisciplinary Studies Taylor Matthew Bayford Kelsi Lisa Bufton Kendra Lea Eiker Andrew Gregory Gracianette

Computer Engineering Peter J Di Pasquale Laura Kathryn Grant Timothy D Park

Mechanical Engineering Nicholas Paul Poleshaj

Global Security and Intelligence Studies Andrea Elizabeth Barry Chyvonne Marie Cruz Robert James Lunsford Nathaniel Sol Martinez Derek James Perna Scott Graham Small

Electrical Engineering Martell Vernard Davis Richard Renzo McMurry Samantha Lee Zywusko

Space Physics Gregory Bertram Finn James Christopher Veil

Aerospace Engineering Jacob James Alder Benjamin Wayne Asher Isaac Alexander Beattie Brian Charles Bell Ryan Lee Budge Melanie Anne Chatham Libin Daniel Matthew Ross Downey Alex Fahrenbruch Julia Christine Flom Cody Alan Folgmann Christina Irene Gouker Dustin Wayne Gurley Richard Charles Hermann Bahhaj Johnathan Hockley Anh Vy Thuy Huynh Wesley Austin Lindebrekke Ryan Wheeler Maurer Tedrick Joseph Mealy Dustin Tyler Mosher Bryce J Ockerman Jonathan Philip Perez Gabriel Antoine Pioux Lyle Thomas Ratcliffe Sean Michael Reese Felipe Garcia Rodriguez Noah Keolaokalani Nalua’I Russell Colton Richard Ryan Ryan Matthew Schmelzer Daniel Braden Sekijima Kean Leong Tan Rajmohan Waghela Brandon Michael Wagner Nicholas Charles Walton

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