Horan's Healthstore March 2019 Magazine

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Hay Fever Hell?

RELIEF IS AT HAND What’s that? Itchy eyes, sniffling, sinus problems? But it’s only early spring – surely it can’t be hay fever season already?

Unfortunately for some of us the answer is yes. What’s more it’s only the ‘first’ hay fever (allergic rhinitis) season. It turns out there’s three of them – tree, grass and weed. Tree comes first, from early spring to mid-May, and an estimated 25% of hay fever sufferers are susceptible. Next comes grass, which effects the majority of sufferers and delightfully manages to have two peaks, one in May and then later in July. Weed season then runs into September. Fiendishly, they also overlap. Not everyone is affected by every season, but for some, half the year can be one long sniffly nightmare. How does hay fever work? Pollen is the tiny, dry male sex organs of plants. When inhaled, some people’s immune systems react excessively, releasing chemicals including histamine. The result is the swelling and itching of hay fever or the throat and lung tightening of asthma – hay fever and asthma often appear together. Laryngitis – voice loss – is another common reaction. Warm winters mean plants regenerate sooner and hay fever season starts even earlier. Dry, windy days mean there is even more pollen in the air and misery ensures. What about solutions? Reducing exposure is the best bet. You can easily check the daily pollen count on your phone – if it’s over 50, ask yourself if you really need to go out? Chances are you do, so try putting some Vaseline around your nostrils to trap the pollen before it gets into your system. As soon as you get back home, throw your ‘contaminated’ clothing into the washing machine and hop in the shower, after checking that all windows are closed – can’t be too careful with that pesky pollen! Humidifiers are also an enemy of dry pollen.

Irish Botanica All Seasons Complex is available in your local Horans Health Store.

And if you need an extra helping hand - Irish Botanica All Seasons Complex is a herbal tincture that has been specially formulated for this time of year. It contains concentrates of magnolia flower, peppermint leaf, liquorice and of various roots, including Dahurian Angelica. Meanwhile if you wait long enough, relief might come along all by itself. While hayfever can appear at any age, most people suffer most while young. With age, the immune system changes and symptoms ease or even disappear.

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The opinions expressed in Horans Newsletter are not necessarily those of the publisher, but of individual writers. Advice is for information only and should not replace medical care. Check with your GP before trying any remedies. Due to the current legislation in the Republic of Ireland some products mentioned in Horans Newsletter may not be available in all Horans Health Food Stores.

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