Donor Impact Report 2021-2022

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Dear St. Paul parishioners, benefactors, parents, alumni, and friends, ST. PAUL’S: BY THE NUMBERS2,000students served annually737numberhouseholdsparishionerregisteredof 20 men churchreceivedwomen&intothe 12 people who have entered religious life or the seminary in the past 7 years 45 lastbaptismsyear 5 servepriestsDominicanwhotheparish 307 students who StudyparticipatedregularlyinaBiblelastyear150+StudentsatSundaySuppers

In the year ahead, we have even more plans to evangelize campus and to form more students as missionary disciples. I pray you will continue to be our mission partners on the front lines of the New Evangelization. The future leaders of our Church and of your parishes are hearing the Good News, being served and accompanied, and growing in virtue and community here at St. Paul Catholic Center.

Thank you for your support and God bless you, Fr. Patrick Hyde, O.P., VF | Pastor & Director of Campus Ministry

Thank you for your generous spiritual and financial support which made all of this possible. Your support makes it possible for us not only to run our daily operations it also provides us the additional resources we need to reach more students on campus. From our Sunday suppers to grabbing a cup of coffee to bringing in the Sisters of Life and other top-notch speakers for our men’s and women’s nights, your support makes it possible for us to engage students personally and intimately in a variety of ways.

The 2021-2022 school year and fiscal year was one of the best years we have ever had as a Newman Center and parish. Our campus ministry programming continued to grow on almost every level. Students began to flock to St. Paul’s every night of the week to study and socialize. Our residents, as the year went on, got more involved in the parish, especially in our student ministry.

student-led Bible study groups!

Through authentic friendships and engagement in this faith community at St. Paul’s, students have come to meet our Lord and believe in ThroughHim.allof the ministries at St. Paul’s, we strive to care for each other in a Christ-like way, and show the love of Christ to all on the campus of Indiana University. Your steadfast and faithful support allows St. Paul’s to continue its mission now and in years to come! Please pray with us as we seek to prepare our students to continue through college, graduate, and go “on to mission” in their parishes and dioceses for the rest of their lives.

Your support forms faith-filled communities on campus!

We know that our students hunger to encounter Christ; as such, we offer daily Holy Hour with Eucharistic Adoration, daily Masses, and the sacrament of

In light of this, we form communities that worship, eat, study, pray and celebrate Mass together. St. Paul’s Dominican Friars collaborate with student and resident parishioners, FOCUS Missionaries, Pastoral Interns, and student leaders to form disciples of Jesus Christ.

Reconciliation on a regular basis. Knowing that healthy, safe, and faith-filled communities bring students closer to Christ, we make sure to have a lot of fun too! This includes ice skating, dances, movie nights, a volleyball tournament, and Pancake Fling. Our ever popular Sunday Supper brings in an average of 150 students weekly!

In Mark 12:20, we hear, “and you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength.’ The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

With your support, St. Paul’s impacts students from all walks in their faith journey—some who are leading Bible studies of their own and others who are just getting their feet wet with Christianity. Some students who joined the mission trip last fall had no faith at all!

Students also need a space to reflect and grow personally. This includes events like retreats, Women's Night, Men's Night, keynote speakers, and the Thomistic Institute Lectures.

Your continued support has allowed St. Paul’s to partner with FOCUS (Fellowship of Catholic University Students) to bring missionaries to campus who focus on one-on-one formation with students and lead Bible studies. In fact, this year, 44 men and women said ‘yes’ to participating in one-on-one formation and we had over 300 students participate in 37

St. Paul Catholic Center is a place of love and light! With your support, the ministry team is dedicated to connecting people to Jesus Christ and to strengthening our community.

Student Sunday Suppers, IU Welcome Week, and Hoosier Catholic week. They created a welcoming environment for our graduate students and young adults, leading and providing support for our faith formation classes. They coordinated student retreats including Connection Retreat, Hoosier Awakening, and the Silent Retreat. Lastly, our interns produced print and electronic communication, creating an environment of encounter, outreach, and connection.

Our interns played a critical role in both the work of pre-evangelization—building trust, asking deep questions, calling people to a deeper connection with God —and the pivotal moment of sharing the Gospel with others.

converted was a day I will never forget. I was born into a new life, and I knew that this was a life worth living. A life of serving others and serving the Lord. I had finally found the piece that was missing in my life, which consisted of: helping others, fellowship, conviction of sins, and courage to face my adversities. This is just to name a few, as I know there will be many more changes to uncover as I continue my faith journey. (Aiden Budd, sophomore)

“I was born into a new life, and I knew that this was a life worth living.”

Our interns coordinated community service activities. This included Habitat for Humanity, food drives, the Christmas Sharing Program, and parish clean-ups. They managed events designed to grow gathering and fellowship, including

When I finally decided to start a new life as a

Catholic, I was entered into the RCIA program. Everything was structured so perfectly, while also being very easy to attend. When my second semester had begun, I realized that I would not be able to make it to RCIA, as I had a class at the same time. However, that did not stop the priests from assisting me in my faith journey and making sure I was ready for

IU Student Joins the Catholic Church at St. Paul’s

St. Paul’s Pastoral Internship Program brought together five recent graduates to develop and implement programs throughout the parish. Each intern brought unique skill sets to the parish, with the intent of growing the spirituality of our student and resident parishioners.

As a new university freshman I didn’t really know what club to join or what community I should be a part of. When I first heard about St. Paul’s, it was through a family member who encouraged me to get involved. I was reluctant at first until I was on campus and some of the parish’s Hoosier Catholic students were trying to get others involved for Rush Roman Week.

I finally decided to attend the taco truck night and met my future roommate and many other amazing people. It started to feel like a community that fit so naturally together and was full of love. The community provided me with everything I needed. St. Paul’s pushed me to be my best self, provided shoulders to lean on, and most importantly assisted me with my faith journey.

Program Spotlight: Pastoral Internship Program

St. Paul’s interns truly helped us grow our apostolate and brought so many closer to Jesus. Their work allowed us to extend our outreach, inspire and grow our student and resident parishioners in our Faith, and helped them devote their daily lives to the words of the Gospel.


When I first said “yes” to going on a 10day pilgrimage to Medjugorje, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, I was unsure what I would be getting myself into. I did not know the exact reason why I wanted to go, but I knew something deep down was tugging on my heart. After the loss of my father to brain cancer in February of this year, I knew I needed more clarity and internal peace.

This pilgrimage was no small feat. With a mixture of intense heat and rocky, uneven mountains, I was challenged more than once to let myself trust in what was in store for me during thisThepilgrimage.internalpeace

I experienced during those ten days is something I will never truly be able to describe. The phrase “some people are better for you in Heaven than they are for you on Earth” was something Fr. Patrick told me while eating breakfast one morning; a phrase I will never forget. I knew that this was the reason I came to Medjugorje - I needed to learn the why behind Heaven and the why behind my dad’s journey with cancer.

Lima, Peru by Fr. Dennis Woerter, O.P.

March 12, 2022 was a long day for 26 members of the St. Paul Catholic Center community. We left at 4am to get to the Indianapolis airport in time for a flight to Lima, Peru. Despite the early hour, there was a palpable energy to the group, as they looked forward to serving others and learning about another culture. The group arrived in Lima shortly after midnight and, after a relatively brief rest, began a week of ministry to the people of Pamplona, a village outside of Lima.

Medjugorje by Sophia Sciaudone, Student

The pilgrimage consisted of 16 IU students and missionaries, many of which I did not know well or at all. While apprehensive, I knew this would most likely be my only opportunity in life to experience this Holy place across the world.

The residents of Pamplona easily engaged the group in conversation and play. The children, especially, attached themselves to the few who spoke Spanish. The women of the community prepared home cooked meals for lunch. Even though the primary mission was to build stairs to make the area more accessible, the time spent with the children and adults was just as important.

The week was physically demanding yet spiritually fulfilling. Every morning the group climbed a mountain, and after a long day of work and sharing God’s love, every evening they walked down. Daily Mass, adoration, and opportunities for relationship building contributed to the students’ ongoing conversion as they continue to learn how to live as disciples of Jesus Christ by being vessels of God’s mercy and love.

Students encounter Christ on trips around the world On Mission:

2021-22 Financials TOTAL$1,258,024REVENUE TOTAL$1,246,526EXPENSES FOCUS $91,080Program Building & Grounds $204,584Campus$78,713MinistryLiturgy$119,564 $752,585Operations Sunday $274,289Fundraising$741,659CollectionsOtherIncome$83,872FOCUSFunding$93,900PastoralInternIncome$36,522Income Archdiocese Grants $27,782 Your faithful support has led to an overall 18% increase in revenue. Thank you for advancing the mission of St. Paul’s! 0 200000 400000 600000 800000 1000000 1200000 20-21 21-22 Collections Fundraising KNOW?YOUDID You are what makes it possible for St. Paul’s to thrive! 936 individual donors 175 of our supporters make a monthly recurring gift 583 of our supporters gave more than one gift over the course of the year Figures listed on these pages are for July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022.

The easiest way to make a planned gift is through a bequest in your will, which could be a specific amount or percentage of your estate. This is attractive to donors because they have the option to take care of their loved ones while also contributing a portion of their estate to charitable causes.

I first came to St. Paul Catholic Center in 1970 when I was a freshman living at ResidenceBriscoeCenter. In those days the dining halls didn’t serve supper on Sunday evenings, but at least once per month there was a spaghetti supper for students after the 5:30 PM Mass. More than 50 years later, St. Paul’s parishioners are still providing these suppers after this Mass. I have been a part of this since Father Stan Dombrowski “volunteered” me to help make the spaghetti supper. I can now give back to St. Paul what was given to me when I was a student.

When I returned to St. Paul’s, I gradually integrated into parish life. I have made dear friends and had the opportunity to work with many parishioners and students over the years. Believe it or not, it is fun to make a spaghetti supper for 250 hungry students! The students now are just a grateful as we were 50 years ago.

You can also designate St. Paul’s as the primary or secondary beneficiary of your 401(k), life insurance policy, annuity, trust, or other planned account.

I left Bloomington in 1980 and returned in 2006. It has been a real treat for me to get to know the Dominican priests and brothers over the years. Most parishes I have belonged to have one priest. We are blessed with five. The Dominicans are ever present on campus and beyond.

A planned gift is a contribution that is arranged in the present and allocated at a future date. Many times, donors choose these types of giving opportunities because they can have tax advantages as well as an opportunity to make a larger impact at St. Paul’s.

Talk to your lawyer or financial advisor to see how you can maximize your giving while reducing the tax burden on you and your heirs. For more information, contact Tom Recker, Director of Mission Advancement, by calling 812.668.2249 or by

Appreciated Stock

Perry J. Maull, Parishioner Have you considered making a planned gift to St. Paul’s?

It is important that IU students have access to St. Paul’s. By the time I was in graduate school, I was a regular lector for the 8:30 AM Mass which I also do now.

If aged 70 ½ or older, you can make a gift of your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your retirement account through a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). Whether you itemize or not, this direct transfer to St. Paul’s is tax free. Talk to your plan custodian for details.

When you gift appreciated stock, you pay no capital gains tax on the stock’s appreciated value. If you itemize your tax return, the gift qualifies for a deduction equal to the stock’s current value.

Beneficiary Designations

Qualified Charitable Distribution


It is important to support St. Paul’s financially and, more importantly, spiritually. And volunteering in the ministries, if local! We have the opportunity to help develop the next generation of laity that will carry on the work of St. Paul Catholic Center for the next 50 years. Let’s get to work!

WHY I GIVE 1413 E 17th Bloomington,St IN 47408 BLOOMINGTON,ORGANIZATIONNON-PROFITU.S.POSTAGEPAIDINPERMITNO.171 Your faithful support allows thousands of students each year to encounter Christ on campus!

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