Hoofbeats February 2010

Page 1

Sleeping in for a change

‘Houn helps Haiti relief

by Gina Gallo Staff Writer

It was a night (and early morning) of music and fundraising for the Senior Experience Sleep-In. The group organized the second annual event, which was preceded by a “Concert for a Change,” raising about $5,000 and spreading awareness for the Invisible Children. After sending one senior to

by Sam Sachs Contributing Writer

In order to help those affected by the earthquake in Haiti, Calhoun has stepped up and raised over $3,000 so far. The disaster relief fund, ‘Houn for Haiti, is asking the community to donate money, food, and supplies to save lives. Containers to donate are available in the main office, the attendance office, and in classrooms throughout the building. Students got comfortable for the cause in their pajamas as the Junior Class hosted the first fundraiser at Calhoun for Haiti. “I think it’s really great that the Junior Class was able to organize such a nice event that goes to a great cause; it unified the school and had all of Calhoun come together to help the people of Haiti,”said Jessica Arnone, junior. The school is accepting foods and supplies in the main office. Non-perishable foods, baby food, medical supplies, and new and gently used clothes and blankets. This year’s Battle of the Classes will have a unique twist as well in order to lend a hand to those in need. The Greeks vs. the Gladiators, along with a special faculty team, will be dueling it out for a cause, $3 for all those participating and $5 for all spectators. In an effort to encourage students to donate, various teachers have volunteered to dye their hair, wear roller skates to school, or shave their beards.

Uganda last year, Senior Experience has earned the right to send two students this year through their fundraising efforts. Local band “Through My Passion,” and the pop-punk band “Patent Pending,” performed an exciting, riveting show for all who attended. Before the bands played, a 30-minute video was played increasing awareness about the devastating situation in Northern

(photos by Gina Gallo)

Uganda. Through the organization Invisible Children, safety has increased dramatically in Uganda for residents and visitors. However, Uganda still has an unstable government, and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) is still affecting the residents of Uganda each day. Tickets were $20 at the door and students were able to buy water and t-shirts designed by senior Gabriella Long. The motto of the night was to “Rock out the LRA.” After the concert, senior Kaitlin Gallo, organizer of the sleep-in, be(continued on page 12)

Seniors enjoyed the evening and were able to raise money for the Invisible Children.

Will post-prom be a success? by Sarika Singh Staff Writer

With the 2010 prom steadily approaching, many seniors are becoming increasingly impatient as to what the night holds in store for them. For the past three years, “Midnight Madness” has been a unique and affordable post-prom choice for students. The question is: will seniors attend this year?

Detectives continue arson investigation page 2

Hosted by the Wellness Council of the Bellmores and Merricks, the event is planned immediately after the June 24 prom, from 12:00 a.m. till 5:00 a.m. at Zachary’s in East Meadow. The Council holds a lot in store for the graduating class, including free giveaways, electronic prizes, food, DJ music, dancing, and more. “One of the reasons this event was organized was hearing stories from seniors who had experienced

How does parent pressure affect student-athletes? page 3

constant problems with after prom events, such as renting Hampton houses, Manhattan nightclubs overbooking, comedy shops having fraudulent tickets, and last minute cancellations with no place to go,” said Phyllis Guttilla, parent and coordinator of the event. However, students are often turned off by school-sponsored events, especially with parent involvement. Many seniors had ei(continued on page 4)

Two perspectives on MTV’s “Jersey Shore” page 13



February 2010

Arson attacks

Crimes under investigation by Naomi Volk and Philippa Boyes Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor

Arson detectives are investigating a string of six fires set in the girls’ bathrooms from October to December. Principal David Seinfeld said he could not comment on the possible suspects of the incidents due to the ongoing police investigation but stressed his displeasure about the situation in a serious series of announcements after the fires. “Nassau County arson detectives were at [Calhoun] and continue to investigate the crimes. The fire marshal will prosecute as arson,” Mr. Seinfeld announced to the student body. Calhoun’s fire attacks led to the complete evacuation of students three of the six times. Evacuations were carried out on November 19, November 30 and December 3. Mr. Seinfeld said three fires had happened even before the first evacuation but were as small as a charred toilet tissue. “They were so small, actually, that they were not reported by stu-

dents nor were they smoky enough to create an odor to be recognized by any of the building’s faculty or staff,” he said. “The toilet tissues self-extinguished on the tile floor and were discovered later by custodial workers.” The school administration’s handling of the fires came under attack from a story reported on News 12. North Merrick Fire Chief James Allen told News 12 that, “I think the school administrators at Calhoun High School aren’t taking it seriously enough.” “They deemed that we didn’t need to know about it, that they were too small. It’s getting so frustrating. We’re getting to the point now that we have [fire department] members’ children that are in the building, they’re calling us on their cell phones before the administrator’s pulling the alarms,” Chief Allen told News 12, The North Merrick Fire Department did not respond to several phone calls and e-mails from Hoof-

(photo by Tatianna Flores)

beats. However, Mr. Seinfeld said, “On the afternoon of November 30, the second waste paper basket fire was discovered. The fire was immediately extinguished by Mr. Swier, one of our assistant principals, and the fire department was called immediately upon the discovery of the fire. With the fire extinguished, the fire department only minutes away, and with a pretty steady


rain outside, I made the decision to keep the students inside until the fire department arrived. It was my belief that evacuating the students and staff into the rain could have caused greater danger than leaving the occupants in the building. Again, this is with the understanding that the fire department was just minutes from arriving. If the department had recommended the evacuation of the building, the school administrators would have complied.” The Merrick Herald quoted Detective Lt. Kevin Power, the commanding officer of the Nassau County Police Department’s Arson and Bomb Squad, as saying, “We are getting great cooperation from the district.” “We, as a school community, need to continue to work together to do the right thing,” Mr. Seinfeld said. “Many schools have prevention efforts in place, such as additional security guards, internal video surveillance cameras, metal detectors, alarmed doors, closed campus, computerized ID cards, sign-in procedures at places like the bathrooms, library, cafeteria, etc. All of these cost money and, I believe, create an environment more like a jail than a school. I be(continued on page 5)

Battling it out for a worthy cause by Amanda Glickman Staff Writer

Over 200 people cheered on five unique bands as they battled for a worthy cause. Calhoun Instrumental Program

director Ed Tuminelli said simply, “It was all Wind Ensemble’s idea. They convinced me to let them have a go at it, and hey, ” he gestured towards the auditorium, “we actually have a pretty good turn out tonight!”

The true motivation behind this concert came from the Wind Ensemble’s need for funding their spring tour to Disney World, where they will be one of many bands in the Music in the Parks competition. In addition to those

(photo by Joseph Reda)

“Spiderbyte” was just one of the talented bands that helped raise funds for the Wind Ensemble.

competing (“The Third Packing,” “Spiderbyte,” “Max and the Funky Monkeys,” “Red Bird Burning,” and “Azariah”), Mr. Tuminelli’s band, “Artificial Flavor” surprised the audience with a high-energy opening act that certainly riled up the crowd for a full-on battle. As emcees Chris Heading and Joe Mutarelli put it, airfare and hotel rates are hardly cheap, and what better way to raise money for this musical venture than to do it through what the band kids know best? Profits won’t just be placed into the Disney fund - part of each ticket’s cost will be donated to the Smile Train, a renowned charity that pays for cleft-lip and palate correctional surgeries in 77 of the world’s poorest countries. Attending this event meant the world to both the Wind Ensemble and, in turn, the kids around the world suffering from clefts. Backstage, the talk among the musical groups all had one thing in common: gratitude for this gig. Members of “The Third Packing” were having trouble finding places to play their music, and wanted desperately “to let everyone know how good we are.” Guest vocalist (continued on page 4)


February 2010



Adopting to a new culture

Adopted students learn two histories

Cambodian girl, she finds it incredibly difficult to maintain a connection with her biological family and cultural roots. “I really hope that I will keep in touch with my Cambodian fam-

tain her Cambodian ties. Sanders recalls how she used to attend traditional Cambodian dance classes with other children adopted from Cambodia. She even danced in a Cambodian Water Festival in Massachusetts a few years ago. Sanders described the event enthusiastically. “It was so much fun; the food was amazing! It was a great experience! I’ve met many friends who were adopted from Cambodia.” Nonetheless, Sanders explained that living in America has caused Cambodian culture is slowly fade away from her. She remembers very little of “khmer,” Cambodia’s native language, and no longer eats the traditional food. “The closet food to Cambodian is Thai,” Sanders noted, “but that’s good enough for me!” Although the tangible elements of her culture are dissipating, aspects of her earlier upbringing

by Emily Wrynn Managing Editor

Many of us have grown up in Merrick our whole lives, knowing every part of our family history. For two adoptees with Calhoun connections, their roots are very much a part of who they are and what they hope to become. Seven years ago, at the age of 8, freshman Lea Sanders was adopted from Cambodia, a small country in Southeast Asia. While most adoptees are welcomed into their homes as babies, Sanders had a different experience, and had to adjust to a very different culture in America. “It’s hard to forget who I was and where I was from because I was adopted at an older age,” Sanders explained, “I will always remember my family and my Cambodia. I still consider myself to be a Buddhist.” Although Sanders spent the first few years of her life a full-fledged

ily, but it’s hard because they live in a jungle on the other side of the world,” she said. For years after she arrived here, Sanders and her new family looked for opportunities to main-

(photo courtesy of MCT)

Haitian babies are up for adoption so that they, too, can get the same fresh start that many in the Merrick community have enjoyed.

(continued on page 5)

Parent pressure can tackle athletes by Tessa Patti Sports Editor

Even the average high school athlete has to put up with his or her parents’ sideline criticism. Parent encouragement can swing two ways in the life of an athlete, so where should parents draw the line? Everyone knows that parent who is constantly screaming at their child from the bleachers, or the one who thinks they’re the coach. For the son or daughter of these parents, life as an athlete is not as an enjoyable and, to a point, embarrassing. The life of this child is often a 24/7 athlete with only a few minutes to spare every week. Every day this kid is chauffeured to another practice, training session, or tryout just so they can work with the best coaches and play with the best teams, all in hopes of a coveted college scholarship. In the 2007-2008 high school seasons the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) reported that a record high, almost 8 million kids, or 54.8 percent of students, participated on their school teams. On the other hand, in college, only about 400,000 of those athletes end up participating at the NCAA level. With the ratio of high school to college athletes being about 20:1 is it right for the over-involved parent to push their

high school athlete? Former tennis great Andre Agassi spoke on “60 Minutes” about his recently published book about how his dad forced him into his tennis career. Though he was successful in the sport, the book includes mention of habitual drug problem. Then there is the most recent example, Tiger Woods. By the age of 8, Tiger was put on TV by his dad showing off his early skills. Could this early spotlight be what led up to the 2009 breakdown? While both Agassi and Woods are extreme examples, kids deal with the pressures of their parents on a day to day basis. There are many ways that parents of student-athletes can be a positive influence on their child. According to dailyme.com, it is important for parents to let their child know that they expect effort and preparation and will be happy with any result. For the kids whose parents are not living vicariously through their child’s success and are more just the quiet watchers who occasionally throw in a “way to go,” life as an athlete may be much more enjoyable than one with overly involved parents. For any kid, coming home after a game and hearing your parent point out your good plays in a game is a rewarding experience. It lets you know that your parents are proud of not only you being on the team, but your contribution as

well. Also, the “not over-involved” parent will almost always offer their kid choice. The child will not be forced to focus all their time in one sport that they may not even like, but they get the option of which sports they want to play and what other hobbies they are interested in pursuing. Baseball Hall of Famer Cal Ripken, Jr., who wrote a book focusing on parenting young athletes, told CNN that children are too pressured when it comes to sports. “It’s all about being a kid, and even if a kid is physically mature, emotionally, they’re still learning

and grasping,” Ripken said. “I’m of the opinion to let them have fun, let them play, let them enjoy the sport, and I go out of my way to alleviate the pressure instead of adding things that can apply the pressure.” It is important for kids to lead balanced lives, mixing in friends and other interests as well. It is one thing to show excitement and enjoyment in your son or daughters athletic career, but over involvement can turn an athlete off from sports and cause lifelong resentment for being forced into youth athletics. (Source: Clint Newlin, NCAA, Oct. 2009)

Athletics beyond high school StudentAthletes

Men's Basketball

Women's Basketball



High School Athletes





High School Senior Athletes





NCAA Student Athletes





NCAA Freshman Roster Positions





NCAA Athletes Drafted





Percent High School to NCAA





Percent NCAA to Professional





Percent High School to Pros






4 by Emily Freeman Asst. Colture Editor

Emily Freeman spent part of her summer in Poland and Israel. Here is the third part of her account: We were pulled over by our guide Sherrill and taken to a picture of people playing instruments. A band, a Jewish band. This is something the Germans did. You played an instrument and you were forced to play for their entertainment. This was normally a good thing for the Jews. If they were in the band, they were saved from death, for now. Sherrill told us a story of a brother and sister who both played instruments and got into the band at Auschwitz; they were able to survive. She told us this would be the only happy ending we would hear. As we moved on we found ourselves in a “courtyard.” This “courtyard” was the site of the role calls where numbers would be called out, people would die, and humiliation would occur. As we looked around this area, I noticed something staring back at me. Just sitting there: the Gallows. This is where the Germans would hang the Jews, to warn others away from actions they deemed as bad (i.e. not following their directions.

We moved on from that place, and went into block number 14. This would be the toughest thing for me to face. Pictures, huge pictures blown up of the Holocaust. The pictures were taken from an album found by a patient in a “hospital.” Horrible pictures, pictures of the mass killings, of Jews leaving their homes, the numbers they became. Sherrill told us it was just going to get harder from here. How much harder could it get? I already had tears streaming down my face. But I moved into the room across the hall, one huge display case. This one was the hardest yet. Prosthetics, wheel chairs, crutches hundreds of them piled up. Little wooden hands and legs, wheel chairs that carried the disabled. The Germans wouldn’t even deal with them, they just tossed them aside and sent them to their death. This is the one thing they could do with dignity; die for what they believed in. In the display table nearby was baby clothes - bloody, torn, burned. They had no choice, no life, no identity, but here were the clothes they left behind. And if that wasn’t enough, the display case that took up the whole wall, was filled from top to bottom

Bands battle it out (continued from page 2)

Joe Villafane was also glad to have an opportunity to “jam with new people. Something you don’t get to do often when you’re in separate bands.” Spiderbyte was the youngest band participating in the battle, but surely one of the most enthusiastic, with their pop-rock flair and highlighter-hued duct-taped instruments and clothing, they put a smile on people’s faces from the moment that they walked on stage.

These guys take all the chances offered to them; anything to showcase their talent and expand their fan-base is a step forward in their paths to success. Other bands, like “Max and the Funky Monkeys,” do it purely for fun. With a band composed of different CIP and CCP students, they stood out from the rest with a throw-back sound and the advantage of being the only competing group with a horn section and female lead vocalist.

February 2010

with hair. Human hair, blonde, and grey. Piles of it. The Germans took it from them, they took something so precious to them and just shaved it off, and saved it.


I wept like I never knew I could. I cried for those who had died and of those who never got a chance to live. We had to leave this place, I had to get out of here.

Trapped in the past, Part III

In another world

(photo by Emily Freeman)

The train tracks that lead into Aushwitz Birkenau brought in thousands of Jews, who wouldn’t be able to exit out the same way.

“Red Bird Burning” is an offshoot of the well-known Merrickbased rock band, “Through My Passion.” Citing their influences as Coheed and Cambria, Envy on the Coast, and Queen, guitarist Chris Mackin said that their competition seemed “pretty sweet...wildly different, which is a good thing”. RBB’s performance later on in the night consisted of trippy guitar riffs and animal masks (“the Drama kid in me, what can I say” confessed singer and Calhoun alum, Jay Figueredo). Last to perform, “Azariah” took the energy in the place to a whole other level. This screamo/rock hy-

brid of a band commanded attention with their small ensemble of four guys, all incredibly synced to one another. Good head-banging hair seemed to be an “Azariah” requirement. In the end, the Battle of the Bands second place went to “Azariah,” and the lively “Spiderbyte” won, receiving a $150 gift certificate to Guitar Center. The crowd seemed to agree with the judge’s choice. As for what the winning band might do with their earnings? Lucas, front-man of “Spiderbyte,” just grinned and asked, “Do you know if Guitar Center sells neon duct tape?”

Post-prom party planned for seniors (continued from page 1)

ther not heard of the event or started making their own plans. “It’s a waste of money because everyone just does their own thing,” said senior Vinny Pacheco. Senior Lauren Levin added, “I haven’t heard of it. I don’t even know anyone who is going.” The Council hopes that the free admission and giveaways will attract students. “We are committed to offering a safe, fun, alcohol and drug-free alternative for all graduating seniors and their dates, whether

they attend the prom or not,” said inform student what they have Fran Licausi, executive director of to offer, including free admission. the Council. All giveaways are free, but stuDespite what many students dents must be present to win. believed, parent “Last year presence at the “It’s a waste of money be- over 200 attendevent will be min- cause everyone just does their ed and we gave imal and will not own thing.” away iPods, TVs - Vinny Pacheco with an internal include parents player, of seniors. Senior DVD digital cameras, “We have a few parents present who help at the Visa cards, laptops, and more,” door with check- in only,” Mrs. Mrs. Guttilla said. Some students agreed that the Guttilla said. The Council will be speaking event is a way for kids to hang out at the senior prom meetings to after four tedious and gratifying

years at Calhoun, and enjoy themselves with each other for one last time. “The school-run post prom is a good idea for people who don’t know what to do. I’ve heard it’s pretty cheap to go to and post prom can be really expensive,” said Matthew Callman. After experiencing the event before, Mrs. Guttilla urged students who may attend to add the Zachary location to their limo contracts. “We are still open to any suggestions from students, faculty and parents,” she said.


February 2010



Bathroom fires

(photo by Tatianna Flores)

One of the girls’ bathrooms where a fire was lit, setting off the alarm. (continued from page 2) dents and staff to consider

lieve the money is better spent on supplying the schools with educational materials and strong instructional programs. I welcome the opportunity to sit with stu-

what we can do with the resources we presently have in place. “Keeping our vision on what is best for our program and not jumping to conclusions is impor-

tant whenever dealing with such room; it was just a little weird.” While the students feel safer as a important matters,” he said. After the third evacuation, Mr. result of the implemented policies, Seinfeld announced that girls some feel it was unfair that girls would be denied access to bath- were the only targets. Junior Class President Jeff Caso rooms between periods. Girls were required to sign in before using the articulated, “I believe that whatbathroom and could only spend a ever happens to the girls should happen to the guys.” limited time in the facility. The adminMany students was questioned all “Keeping our vision on what istration said they felt safe is best for our program and able to resume at Calhoun. not jumping to conclusions the normal bathpolicy Junior Amanda is important whenever deal- room Phillips, said, “I ing with such important mat- when students returned from thought it was a ters” really good idea,. - David Seinfeld winter break. Mr. Seinfeld said the This way they Principal return to pre-fire could take neceslife came from sary precautions. We should’ve had bathroom sign- newfound “trust in students.” The storm of fires has ended, ins after the first fire, not the third. but Mr. Seinfeld warned students One fire’s enough.” Junior LeeAnn Monteverde that, “the police and the fire marjoined in, commenting that the shal will continue their investiganew regulations didn’t inhibit her tion and if an alleged perpetrator everyday bathroom practices “be- is found, they will prosecute to the cause I could still go to the bath- fullest extent of the law.”

Students adopt to new cultures (continued from page 3)

memory of my biological parents, remain part of her character. so I saw no reason for their pity. “I always respect my parents Looking back I guess there was and older relatives. In Cambodia, still the idea of adopted people the elders are the most knowledge- being from an orphanage, but my able and important, so sometimes adoption was an arranged adopwhen I walk past an older person tion—it was planned before I was I would bend down low walking even born.” by them showing respect,” she In the past year, Greco has made said. “Also, I always have to take strides to try to connect with her off my shoes every time I enter my biological family, and has always house, and other people’s houses been interested in the heritage just like in Camof her biological bodia, because “If I would tell people that family. you don’t want I was adopted, they would “Ever since I to bring them give me their condolences, was little, knowbad luck or dirty which would confuse me ing I was a quarup the owner’s since I was very loved by my ter Native Amerihouse.” can led me to a adoptive parents.” While Sandfascination with - Anne Marie Greco ers hopes to Native American Calhoun Alumna culture, especially reconnect with her family in the Inuit culture,” future, Calhoun Greco describes, “I still have a alumna Anne Marie Greco is in the strong sense of pride, and I like process of discovering her heritage to visit pow-wows on the Island and cultural roots. Greco was born whenever I can.” in Bakersfield, California, and was Although Greco was recently adopted soon after, but her biolog- formally recognized as a member ical family was originally from the of her Native American tribe, her Native American village of Teller, biological family is unfortunately Alaska. not part of her life at the moment. Greco grew up knowing that she “I do hope to track down my was adopted. biological mother when I get out “If I would tell people that I was of college. I also hope to meet my adopted they would give me their older half sister and younger half condolences, which would con- brother as well,” added Greco. fuse me since I was very loved by Greco has high hopes for future my adoptive parents, and had no contact with the native commu-

nity, stating, “I do hope to stay in touch with my tribe in the future, and I am even considering living in Alaska for a few years to learn the culture and teach at a school. I’m happy that applying for recognition with my tribe has opened up a path of communication for me, and that I might be able to help improve the lives of the children living there in the same way that growing up in a privileged community has blessed my life.” Sanders would love to maintain a connection with her Cambodian

family. “No matter what, my family and I will try the very best to stay connected with them, and I would love to visit them very soon.” While these two girls live apparently normal lives within our community, each will always have a special connection to a very different culture, one that forms part of her identity and will continue to enrich her life. As Sanders noted, “Cambodia will always be within me; I will always be a Cambodian girl.”

Adoption statistics • Teens who were adopted at birth are more likely than children born into intact families to live with two parents in a middle-class family. • Adopted children score higher than their middle-class counterparts on indicators of school performance, social competency, optimism, and volunteerism. • Adopted adolescents generally are less depressed than children of single parents and less involved in alcohol abuse, vandalism, group fighting, police trouble, weapon use, and theft. • Seven percent of children adopted in infancy repeated a grade, while 12 percent of children living with both biological parents repeated a grade. (source: www.americanadoptions.com)



February 2010

Songs of the decade

(photo courtesy of MCT)

Jay Z and Alicia Keys joined forces for “Empire State a Mind,” a hit that coincided with the Yankees’ 2009 championship.

by Tessa Patti Sports Editor

The last decade was an era of music and creativity. With breakout stars like Lady Gaga, the new millennium changed music in the eyes of the public. These are the top pop songs of the decade. 10. Jay-Z & Alicia Keys - “Empire State of Mind” (2009). Jay-Z released his new album “The Blueprint 3,” and with the New York Yankees winning the World Series, the popularity of the song jumped tremendously, making this song an anthem for not only New Yorkers, but Yankee fans around the world. 9. Britney Spears - “Toxic” (2004). Britney Spears, a once iconic pop idol, added to her list of hits with “Toxic.” At the 2005 Grammys, this single won the award for Best Dance Recording and to this day is Britney’s only Grammy.

“Toxic” won six other awards out of 12 nominations. 8. OutKast “Hey Ya!” - (2003). OutKast received incredibly positive reviews for this single, recorded for their “The Love Below” album. The song is a combination of funk and pop, which makes it a great dance song. The song’s success could be measured based on the nine weeks it remained on the Billboard Top 100. 7. Kelly Clarkson - “Since U Been Gone” (2005). The first American Idol winner, Clarkson already topped the charts with singles like “Miss Independent” and “A Moment Like This” But “Since U Been Gone” was her most successful single. The song became second on the U.S digital download list selling over 1 million copies. Clarkson received a Grammy for Best Female Pop Vocal Performance. 6. Alicia Keys - “Fallin’” (2001).

Keys, a singer-songwriter from Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan, released “Fallin’” on her debut album, “Songs in A Minor.” It is considered Alicia’s signature song, winning three highly acclaimed Grammy Awards including Song of the Year, and Best R&B song. Keys recalls that this song is incredibly representative to who she is as an artist. 5. U2 - “Beautiful Day” (2000). Since 1997 U2 hadn’t reached the Billboard Top 100 list. “Beautiful Day” reached 21 within a few weeks and helped launch U2’s new album “All That You Can’t Leave Behind.” The song reached No. 1 on over five country’s charts and won three Grammys, including 2001 Song of the Year. 4. Lady Gaga - “Bad Romance” (2009). Phenomenon Lady Gaga gained her popularity last year and has been a pop music icon


since the release of her first album, “The Fame.” The song made its debut on the Billboard list at No. 9 and later made it to No. 2. 3. *NSYNC - “Bye Bye Bye”(2000). This song was the first single released on the group’s second album, “No Strings Attached.” The hit received two Grammy nominations, including one for Record of the Year and won the most VMA awards at the 2000 VMAs. 2. Beyoncé - “Single Ladies” (2008). “Single Ladies (Put a Ring On It)” was a hit single on Beyoncé’s third solo album, “I Am… Sasha Fierce.” This song became her fifth single to reach No. 1 on the Billboard Top 100. Rolling Stone named “Single Ladies” the No. 2 song of the decade, as well. The song won 10 awards, including Video of the Year at the MTV Video Awards. With three nominations still pending “Single Ladies” is up for Song of the Year, Best Female R&B Vocal Performance and Best R&B Song. 1. Cold Play - “Viva La Vida” (2008). “Viva La Vida” was written by the four-man British rock band Cold Play and is the hit single off their fourth album of the same name. The hit reached the top spots on the US and UK top 100 lists and earned the Grammy Award for Song of the Year at the 51st Grammy Awards. It is the sixth song in history to reach over 4 million downloads and that number is still increasing.

(photo courtesy of MCT)

Lady Gaga’s hit debuted in the Top 10.


February 2010



Good TV goes bad by Philippa Boyes Managing Editor

It’s a Wednesday night. You’ve finished your homework early (lucky!), and now you’re bored. Oh sure, you can get started on your science project due Friday, but instead you turn to your best friend, the one who’s always there for you: your beloved television. There’s only one problem - there’s nothing on. Wait, I forgot. Ms. Banks, my apologies. There’s the billionth cycle of “America’s Next Top Model” on. With nothing else to entertain you, you flip to the CW and get sucked in to the same old same old: models crying and backstabbing each other. Here’s a tip to all reality television shows: replacing a judge every couple years with a different one who says the exact same things does not make the show anymore innovative or interesting than it was before. Studio producers need to learn when their shows lose originality, and instead by Lauren Hershbein Staff Writer

Even as a self-proclaimed avid reader, happy to devour the most legible things put in front of me, I do hold a list of books I absolutely cannot stand. Whether the reason be the plotline, narration style, or tone, I absolutely cannot even bear to read the first page of these deeply detested books. Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck) - This is my least favorite book of all time. Forced to read it in ninth grade English, I very nearly blew my own brains out. This tiny book, written in simple,

Bradbury’s sci-fi novel, Fahrenheit 451

start to decrease their viewership’s IQ points - for the sake of good television. By allowing the show to go on and on, the image of the show worsens, and people resent it. Tyra and her Bankable Productions (How many times have we seen that vault close at the end of every episode? Too many.) should wisen up, get over her wanna-be mogul persona, and take a hint from “Friends,” “Seinfeld,” and “The Sopranos.” Quit while you’re ahead so people will remember it as the show that amused and captivated its audience rather than continually bored them. When it began, the pathetic “One Tree Hill” gave clever, though somewhat shallow insight to Southern teenage life, but it’s time to get real. It’s almost seven years later; they’ve lost four major cast members, incorporated God knows how many new ones with whom the audience has no loyalty or personal relationship with, and have reduced a high school drama to a pitiable saga about a

dozen or so young adults with cliché issues. Now is the time to cancel the series, have a nice bon voyage party, and leave with your dignity. I suppose head honchos at the big television networks, you know, the ones to whom “recession” is just a mystical word that the annoying middle class keeps on yapping on about, (photo by Julia Martinez) don’t care about their show’s repu- Where have all the good television shows gone? tation as long as but because it ended at the peak they’re profiting from it. of its success and fame, with an Friends, which has now been enormous legacy for future genover for almost six years, as well erations to discover and enjoy. as Seinfeld, over now for almost Trash TV has its place. We 12 years, are still some of the top need our dose of “Jersey Shore” sellers for comedies on iTunes. and “The Bachelor,” but come on. Why? Not because it continued Enough is enough. Good TV’s gorelentlessly until the world re- ing bad quicker than the girls in sented its monotonous storylines, Cobra Starship’s song.

Books I hate childish sentences, was so boring that I would rather do anything else (math homework included) just to escape the endless torture of reading it. Why that book is even assigned is beyond me. The writing is atrocious, and the lessons implied are painfully obvious. The ttyl series (Lauren Myracle) - Although I have never read these awful things in their entirety, I have attempted the feat. When shopping in Border’s, I would often accumulate a stack of books, plop down in a random aisle, then proceed to read the first chapter of each in effort to narrow down a selection to purchase. Among the Harry Potters and Cirque Du Freaks, it was inevitable that those “Talk to You Later” books would end up in my pile. So many of my friends loved them, having all the copies of the series in their two-shelf bookshelves at home. Regardless, every attempt simply left me annoyed and suffering from a headache, probably because the font is written like an inane instant message. These dreadful excuses for novels make me want to puke; everything is written in that annoying IM language that I can barely stand on AIM, let alone an entire novel. And that’s not even mentioning the ob-

noxious storylines that serve as nothing more than an utter waste of time. Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury) - This horrible piece of literature may very well be my second least favorite book ever. This book has the potential to bore a reader to tears, that is if your head doesn’t explode from trying to understand the garbled, overly extravagant diction that left my eighth grade brain wanting to set the entire story on fire. Though the premise is good (a society where books are burned in a Fascist-controlled land, reminiscent of 1984) and the title rather clever (the temperature at which books burn), I was excited to read this when it was handed out by my English teacher, but upon starting the first chapter I was immediately dumbfounded by the obnoxious array of gaudy word choice The story may have been good, but the manner in which it was told absolutely ruined it. Before I Die (Jenny Downham) - This book is a slight exception to the rule; I do not hate this book, it is actually rather good and wellwritten. What I can’t stand about this novel (which follows the last days of a terminally-ill teen) is how depressing scary and real it is. This book was probably not meant

Lauren Myracle’s ttyl, which is Internet jargon for “talk to you later.”

to frighten, but it scared the bejesus out of me. While the author paints a real and vivid picture of what a teenager would do if told they were to die in a few months, as a teenager myself I became insanely, although not completely irrationally, terrified that I had brain cancer. I wanted to keep reading this book, yet I forced myself to put it down before I became scared of my own shadow. However, I do recommend this book if you are not scared of dying or don’t want to sleep for the next 10 years. I’m sorry if I sound harsh, but if you think about these books enough, you may discover that these things annoy you too.



February 2010


Decade’s Top 10 televised moments by Tatianna Flores Colture Editor

No matter how old you are, you remember where you were when Barack Obama gave his victory speech on election night. And whether you saw it live or watched it on YouTube, everyone has seen the infamous Janet Jackson Super Bowl mishap. These and other moments made the list for the top televised moments of the decade. 1. Janet Jackson’s “wardrobe malfunction” at the Super Bowl (2004). Who could possibly forget the biggest publicity stunt of the decade? Live at the 2004 Super Bowl, Jackson and Justin Timberlake were performing during halftime when the least expected happened. Justin and Janet were singing to “Rock Your Body” and as he began the last line “I’m gonna have you naked by the end of

this song,” Justin ripped off a part of Jackson’s costume revealing her right breast. At least Janet attempted to keep some decency by donning a decorative pasty. 2. Kanye West steals Taylor Swift’s moment (2009). At the ‘09 VMA’s teen country singer Taylor Swift won the award for Best Female Video for “You Belong With Me.” As she began her acceptance speech, West ran onto the stage, grabbing the microphone out of Taylor’s hand. He belted out, “Taylor, no disrespect to you...but Beyonce had one of the best videos of all time!” Taylor stood on stage stunned and unable to finish her speech while Beyonce sat in the audience horrifically embarrassed. Despite Kanye stealing Taylor’s moment, when Beyonce an award later in the night, she made Taylor come back on stage to give her speech. Not only did this

cause tension at the award show but it led to a lot of hatred toward Kanye. He apologized on his Twitter multiple times but never face to face with Taylor. 3. Obama’s victory speech (2008). Barack Obama was elected the 44th president, becoming the first African American president ever (photo courtesy of MCT) to be elected. On Taylor Swift had her moment in the spotlight stolen. November 4, in than someone lip syncing to a prehis home town of Chicago, Obama gave his vic- recorded song on NBC’s “Saturday tory speech as he set out to bring Night Live.” Yet in 2004 Jessica Simpson’s little sister Ashlee did change to America. 4. Ashlee Simpson lip-syncs on just that. Ashlee was supposed to SNL (2004). Nothing is more ironic (continued on page 14)

Obsessions of the decade by Alex Topper Staff Writer

People’s lives revolve around their latest obsession, from movies to fashion to Internet sensations. Here’s a list of the top obsessions from 2000 to 2009: 10. Xbox, Gamecube, PS2. The year 2001 was a significant year in the lives of video-game junkies. Microsoft came out with the Xbox, and Sony spit out the new Gamecube, two incredibly popular gam-

ing consoles. Just a year before, the second version of the already popular Play Station was created. At that time, it was more common for boys to play, but new graphics attracted older men, and even women. Almost every household in middle and upper class towns have at least one of these systems, if not both. 9. “Mean Girls” (2004). Not a day goes by when I don’t hear at least one “Mean Girls” quote. This movie, featuring a young, healthy

“Twilight” was an easy selection for one of the decade’s top obsessions.

Lindsay Lohan and written by SNL star Tina Fey, created tons of laughs for viewers. Every single girl between the ages of 10 and 20 has seen the movie at least five times. While it’s supposed to show the back-stabbing, social-climbing lives of popular high school students, it ends with a lesson in just being who you are. But the hilarious lines such as, “You don’t even go here” and the almost spot-on portrayal of the stereotypes of a typical high school make this movie unforgettable and likable. 8. “Twilight” Saga (2005). While I personally refuse to watch, read, or even look at anything “Twilight,” it cannot be excluded from the list. The four books written by Stephanie Meyer describe the lives of werewolves and vampires living amongst humans. The movie version of the first book was released in 2008, expanding the audience of the books and attracting new comers to the movies. Once the second book was turned into movie in November 2009, the craze only continued to evolve into a deeper, more widespread obsession. (photo courtesy of MCT) 7. Reality TV (2000-2009).

The 2000-2009 decade marked a revolution in television: reality TV. This popular genre followed real people rather than hired actors given scripts. Shows such as “The Bachelor,” “Survivor,” “The Real World,” “America’s Next Top Model” have been viewed by people all over America, and the world. A separate brand of reality TV, dating shows, have also sprung up on our channel guides like “Flavor of Love,” “I Love New York,” “Rock of Love,” and “The Bachelorette.” Other branches include fashion, cooking, and following self-proclaimed socialites as they hop from club to club spreading rumors and updating each other on pointless drama 6. YouTube (2005). Are you in search of a quick laugh watching two overweight men jumping on a trampoline? Do you want a second watch of Obama’s inauguration speech? Well then, YouTube is the place for you. The website, which started back in ‘05, is an online video sharing website where people can post any videos they want (with a tiny bit of censorship of course). You can see music videos of your favorite artist, or watch a wannabe actor put on a puppet show. It’s easy to get caught up for hours just clicking on featured (continued on page 13)


February 2010



Snowy glow Winter make-up trends for your look by Caroline Davis Staff Writer

This winter season five new makeup trends have become popular. Though some may seem “out there,” if you are brave enough to try them they can really make your outfit and are perfect for work, a party, or going out with friends. The first new style is bright blush. In the winter, tans fade and pale skin is in. This is the perfect timing to give your skin an extra pop of color. To maximize this look, layer the blush right on the apples of your cheeks. To achieve a festive and edgy look, blend the blush outwards along your temples. Blush comes in various forms, so to find the best blush for your skin, it is a good idea to test out each kind. The forms of blush are powder, cream, tint, cheek pencils, or shimmers. Powder blush is a great blush to use for all skin types. But, if you have oily skin or you want longlasting color, powder blush is the way to go. It is best if it is applied after your face powder; it will lie

on your skin and add a translucent glow on it. Compared to the liquid and cream blush, powder blush is easier to put on. If you want more of an intense shade, cream blush is better than powder blush. It is better to use it sparingly and blend it well. Start at the apples of your cheeks with your fingers and blend upward. Cream blush contains rich moisturizing or oil ingredients and should be applied over foundation, but before powder. This is ideal for the evening. If you are thinking about using tint blush, you must know to blend it fast and well. It can look streaky over foundation, but once you put it on, it will not move/rub off until you wash your face. Tint blush is fast drying as well. Shimmers are not to be used if you want a rich color. It is there to just add a light gleam to your face. Hence, nighttime is an optimal time to use shimmers. A good thing about shimmers also is that you can use them on other parts of your face. You can dab the shimmers on your forehead, in the bow

of your upper lip or in the inner corners of your eyes. Another new trend is opaque lip-gloss. Just a light swipe of lipgloss is what is recommended, but neatly layering it on can have a seriously surprising impact. This trend is used best in wearing barely-there nude and pink shades. Glittery Nail Polish is making a comeback. You may think I remember wearing glittery nail polish when I was eight or nine years old, and that’s true. But, glittery nail polish is now being worn all around Hollywood and it is perfect for the holiday season. Even though cheery, slate, and burgundy are the classic holiday staples, this is also the only time of year you can get away with wearing full-on sparkly polish. OPI just came out with a Holiday collection; all of the nail

polishes in this collection include darks colors with sparkles in it. There are many products on the market women can use to grow and lengthen their eyelashes. An easy way to fake long eyelashes is with fake eyelashes. Fake eyelashes can be fun; they really make your eyes pop and look larger than they really are. Now you can buy fake eyelashes in full strips or just individual clusters. If you want your eyes to really pop and be noticeable then opt for the fake eyelashes in a full strip. But if you want eyelashes that look longer and fuller then individual clusters are the right way to go. Eva Longoria Parker is the perfect example to show how fake eyelashes are the perfect look for women that want their eyes to be noticed. The last hot new trend for the holiday season is colored eye shadow. When wearing this trend you need to skip the heavy liner and go with a subtle wash of a bright hue for a daring look. Some bright colors are lavender, blue, and green shades. (photo by Meghan Walsh)

The skinny on fashion’s latest craze by Tatianna Flores Colture Editor

Even though America is the most obese country in the world, we seem to have become obsessed with more than just fast food. Ironically, the newest trend in fashion is the skinny jean. Skinny jeans are jeans that progressively get skinnier from the waist downward until they taper off at the ankle. Skinny jeans can range from “cut your circulation off tight” to the “ever-so body hugging fit.” The best part about the skinny jean is that even men can sport the saran wrap-esque pants. Although teens view their parents’ old wardrobe as archaic, skinny jeans go way back to when Elvis was crooning and Audrey Hepburn was eating breakfast at Tiffany’s. Now that it’s back in fashion, it seems to be the only kind of jeans you find teens wearing these days. Some people try to pull off the skinny jean, and after catching a glimpse of them, little is left to the imagination. In the nauseating case, some people spill out of their jeans, having the classic “muffin

top” while simultaneously exposing some unnecessary skin from behind. Others seemingly barely seem to be wearing them due to the fact that their scrawny legs drown in the denim. Despite all the improper uses of the skinny jean, with the right fit most people can successfully wear them. Admittedly, on any given day skinny

jeans are a savior to my very own wardrobe. For most women, skinny jeans can be worn with almost any type of foot wear and still look fashionable, whether they are paired with high heeled booties or a regular old pair of flip flops. The same goes with tops; if a woman chooses to don anything from a cardigan to

a t-shirt they can still look in style. What did the fashion world do without the wondrously versatile skinny jean? Even the manliest of men can adorn skinny jeans. European men have been wearing them for a while now; however the fashionably slow American men have finally caught onto the trend.

(photo by Tatianna Flores)

Skinny jeans are jeans that progressively get skinnier from the waist downward to the ankle.



February 2010


Give up your cookie & donate

The recent destruction in Haiti due to the earthquakes has triggered support efforts throughout the world, from the celebrity telethon to our local community. But are the students of Calhoun doing all that we can to help the people of Haiti? Calhoun is often lauded for offering help and donations to charities. For the past few years, Senior Experience classes have conducted massive support efforts, like the Senior Sleep-In and Fashion Show, all for the Invisible Children foundation. St. Baldrick’s events have raised tens of thousands of dollars in the name of childhood cancer. Yet, when it comes to the recent disaster, the fundraisers Calhoun has come up with so far could be more creative and produce more money for the people who desperately need it. And we should make sure the money gets to the right place. Wyclef Jean needed to publicly defend his foundation, Yéle Haiti, after controversy

surrounded his relief efforts. Are now. Sure, any donation is a nice charities really giving enough of their gesture, and should always be enprofit directly to the Haitian people in couraged, but what people truly and need? The Washington Post reported desperately need right now is food, that about $10,000 worth of Yéle Haiti water, and medical care. So thanks, profits, which the public believed was but no thanks for your ever so gengoing to help the suffering people in erous donation of old, smelly coats. Haiti, went to pay for a concert giv- Give up your cookies for the next en by Jean. Although Jean’s celebrity month and send a donation instead. While Calstatus helped the houn students foundation raise Staff Editorial have been a little over $1.5 million aflethargic in their ter the disaster, the concert and other factors raise ques- response to this disaster, the few tions about the integrity of the charity. things that Calhoun students and What ever happened to donating to faculty have organized were pretty the Red Cross, known for their good successful. Although students tend to pass them by, the donation boxes deeds and reliability? Some of the ideas circulating the in classrooms were a decent effort to school didn’t all sound so spectacular try to encourage students to donate. to begin with. Clothing drives have The “Pajama Day” fundraiser seemed regularly been a charitable act in and to be productive, despite being orgaaround the Calhoun community, but nized in a rush. And Student Governlet’s hold up and think a bit. Heavy ment is doing their part once again by coats and pajamas are not exactly charging admission to “Battle of the what the Haitian people need right Classes” with donations going to the

relief fund. Still, there remains a big problem. Why are students so unwilling to donate a few precious dollars for a cause much bigger than themselves? Is it because it doesn’t directly affect them? Would they be lining up to donate if New York were hit? Are these few feeble attempts at fundraising really going to cut it? Probably not. Soon the whole hype surrounding the earthquake will die down. We’ll forget all about Haiti for a while - like we forgot about the Tsunami that hit nations on the Indian Ocean coast. But the Haitians will still need supplies a few months from now. Calhoun needs to step up and act while we still can—we need to be a little less self-absorbed and start considering the hardships of life outside the bubble of Merrick, New York. It’s clear that Calhoun has shown our fundraising skills many times before, and it’s time for us to do it again.

Put a cap on spending by Kara Iskenderian Staff Writer

Recognized by Columbia University, ASPA, NYPA, LIPA, and Newsday for journalistic excellence Editors-in-Chief Kelsey Lee Naomi Volk Managing Editors Philippa Boyes Emily Wrynn Editorial Editor Leah Sobel Colture Editor Tatianna Flores Asst. Colture Editor Emily Freeman Sports Editors Rachel Tyson Tessa Patti Faculty Adviser Jason Boland Staff Members: Emily Begin, Amanda Breivogel, Ashley Cohen, Maria DiMatteo, John Eyerman, Michael Falbo, Jenee Gaccione, Lauren Herschbein, Arooj Iqbal, Kara Iskenderian, Julia Martinez, Shannon Matzen, Tessa Patti, Michelle Prussen, Rebecca RoodGoldman, Nicole Simmons, Kushhali Singh, Sarika Singh, Nina Thomas, Taylor Thomas, Alex Topper, Meghan Walsh Hoofbeats Sanford H. Calhoun High School 1786 State Street Merrick, NY 11566 (516) 992-1300 e-mail: hoofbeatseditor@yahoo.com Volume LII No. 3

February 2010

Hoofbeats is the official student newspaper of Calhoun High School. Hoofbeats serves to inform its readers of news and events, and as a forum for the students of Calhoun to express their ideas and opinions. Hoofbeats accepts letters to the editor, but reserves the right to edit or refuse the publication of submissions. Letters should be sent to the school or placed in the Hoofbeats mailbox. All letters must be signed and include a contact number for the writer. Some visual material courtesy of the American Society of News Editors High School Newspaper Service. The paper also accepts advertisements for a fee, but reserves the right to refuse advertisements for any or no reason. The views expressed in Hoofbeats do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the administrators, teachers, editors, or faculty adviser.

Limitless campaign spending is tearing our politically monopolized country apart. America is never going to experience another true democracy until ridiculous campaign spending is capped. The political parties have a strangling control of the government based on their ability to monopolize all things political. In the 2004 election, the congressional candidate who spent the most won 95 percent of the time, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. Our government is not controlled by popular vote, but by whomever can raise the most money; meaning that the candidate who is liked by large donors and special interests can outraise and defeat a candidate whose views may be closer to the voters, but who is unable to respond to bitter attack ads. In one month alone presidential candidate Barack Obama spent $55 million compared to McCain’s $32 million. These numbers are ridiculous and in every way atrocious; the money spent could have been placed in so many worthier causes than propaganda ads. Now if this trend of limitless spending continues up, up, and away, our prized democracy will be more like a lobbyist-filled, money run, town controlled by greedy men (if it isn’t already). To restore our government to the purpose our founding fathers had intended

when they wrote “We the people of the Untied States” and not “ We the wealthy of the United States,” universal campaign funding regulations must be instilled in the government. The monopolizing parties of today’s politics are juts too scared of competition, politicians to greedy and lobbyists to strong. There are other ways to express one’s opinions outside of dumping thousands into campaign ads. Sources like the media, debates, speeches and most recently the internet exists to aid in spreading and interpreting candidates’ positions. Politicians should win elections by standing for the beliefs of the population, not for who can waste the most. Even more discouraging is the fact that Washington is monopolized by powerful parties – parties which would never give up their re-election for the good of the people. These people were elected by special interests and will serve as puppets for them. The American public is also at fault for not carefully educating themselves on the history and positions of a candidate. People must stop believing line for line what the television tells them and educate themselves on the candidates that might one day serve them in office. After all, the key to a functional democracy is an educated public. This crazy limitless spending is ruining our precious American democracy, but can anyone stop it?


February 2010

by Kelsey Lee Editor-in-Chief

I used to think that the voting age should be lowered. That was before I learned that most of you can name all of the “Jersey Shore” cast members but not all seven continents. (Yes, there are seven). Calhoun, we are under attack, and some of you are the perpetrators of this war. Now you won’t find news of this war in the papers, though obviously most of you don’t read the newspaper, and though there are no physical weapons, it is serious. We have a grave issue facing the youth of America. The problem? You don’t know anything. A survey was given to a several junior English classes, asking some pop culture questions, and some important, necessary questions. First, let me clear some things up. The North Pole is not a continent. Ahmadinejad is the president of Iran, not the “guy who took over the plane,” and there were no WMD’s found in Iraq. Now some of these questions were difficult, true. But “who cares” is an unacceptable question for “What is Obama’s new plan for the war in Afghanistan?” How can you not care? This survey was supposed to spark your interest, motivate you to read a newspaper. But of course, the future of this country would rather watch “Kendra” or “Spongebob Squarepants” than learn who Rahm Emanuel is (he’s Obama’s chief of staff ). Be aware of what’s going on in this country. I rarely overhear a conversation about the current



The ignorance of apathy Supreme Court, but rather about “Jersey Shore.” A lot of you seem to like “The Soup.” Joel McHale uses his wit to spoof current celebrity issues and put his own spin on these important topics. Instead, read The Onion. It’s funny, sarcastic, witty, and can help you understand real issues in America. At Calhoun there seems to be a general apathy toward awareness of current issues. Sure, you know your views on the war (they’re your parents’ views), but do you actually understand them? You can say you’re in favor of universal healthcare, but why? While the survey results were terrifying, it’s not entirely your fault. The American education system has decided that instead of learning about the current issues at hand, we should learn about China’s biggest exports in the 19th century. When do students have time to read the newspaper when they have hours of homework on Chester A. Arthur, America’s forgotten president? And speaking of education, the word “elitist” has been tossed around lately in association with the Ivy League schools. One of the issues some voters had with President Obama was that he was an “elitist” because he went to Columbia University, and therefore couldn’t relate to “real America.” It was President Nixon who said, “I’ll never let those sons-of-b-----in the White House again. Never,

Survey says? There were few students who passed the pop culture/news survey given out earlier this month. Here are some of the questions on the survey:

1. Who is Rahm Emanuel? 2. Who is Paris Hilton? 3. Who lives at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.? 4. Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? 5. Name the seven continents. 6. Name the cast of “Jersey Shore.” 7. Name the last five presidents. 8. Name the last five “American Idol” winners. 9. Who is Ahmadinejad? 10. Who is Brangelina?

never, never. They’re finished. The Ivy League schools are finished.” Since when has an Ivy League education been a bad thing? It’s true you can get a solid education anywhere you go, but it’s also true that Ivy League schools are extremely difficult to get into for a reason: they’re academically advanced. So, students of Calhoun, I’m not

saying you have to go to an Ivy League school to be a functioning member of society. I’m not even saying that you should stop getting your daily fix of Snookie and The Situation to only watch CNN. Turn on CNN occasionally. Open the New York Times intermittently. And, for the love of God, don’t look to E! for your daily news.

Volk Tales Fatty fast foods by Naomi Volk Editor-in-Chief

From childhood obesity to eating disorders, one thing is clear: teens don’t have great eating habits. I’m not saying we have to become health nuts, but we have to stop the cycle of body problems by taking control of what we eat. Poor eating habits as a teen can cause problems later in life. The foundation for strong bones is continually created until around age 30, according to mealsmatter. org. We’re building the foundation right now. Because teens tend not to get enough calcium, bone problems, including osteoporoses, can be right on the horizon. Teen eating habits can last a lifetime, possibly leading to obesity. This obesity can cause type2 diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. We’ve all heard the rise in childhood obesity; we all know what disgusting stuff goes into the food that we eat. Yet, we continue to eat it. It’s the teen mentality, after all; all that bad stuff can’t possibly happen to me. But adolescence is a fleeting stage – just wait until our metabolisms slow down. Unless eating habits change, our bodies will grow to match our appetites. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 17.4 percent of adolescents ages 12 to 19 are obese. Not overweight - clinically obese. You may be saying that 17.4 percent isn’t that bad – it may still not be you. And that’s true, but who’s to say it won’t be. One in three American adults is considered to be obese. What makes you any different from those obese people? Teenagers typically visit a fast food restaurant a little over two times a week. Think about all the fast food and grease that we put in our mouths every day – the

same fast food and grease that is eating up the health of our nation. I’m certainly not exempt from this. I love eating greasy food after a long week or when I’m out with friends. Those fries make me forget all the troubles of the week and are the perfect window to the weekend. But those same fries may also be a window to health problems. There has to be a balance. Why not, instead of having a bag of chips with a candy bar and a can of soda, have that same bag of chips with an apple and water? You’re still getting the feeling of eating the greasy chips, but you’re also giving your body some of the nutrients it needs. On the other end of the spectrum, unhealthy eating can also be found by eating too little. Women’s Health Care Topics reported that up to 50 percent of teens skip breakfast. The website goes on to say that, “dieting can lead to dangerous eating habits including eating disorders in teens.” These habits, however, may cause the opposite of the desired effect. The answer is to just be smart: eat when you’re hungry, don’t eat when you aren’t. Most of all, think about what you’re putting in your mouth. There’s no need to go crazy, but next time you’re about to order your fries and milkshake, think about whether you really need the large. Think about whether you need the large problems that may arise down the road from your actions today.



February 2010


She’s a mean one

Shameless Ann Coulter is at it again

is bluntly offensive. One of her latest columns is a piece defending Fox News anchor Brit Hume, There are respectable news me- who urged Tiger Woods to leave dia leaders and then there is Ann his Buddhist faith and turn to the Coulter. Christian religion. Coulter wrote, She is in some crazy league of “With Christianity, your sins are her own where logic and human forgiven, the slate is wiped clean kindness mean nothing and opin- and your eternal life is guaranteed ions give one the ability to abuse through nothing you did yourself, those who disagree. Where does even though you don’t deserve it. she find all of this hate? It’s the best deal in the universe.” It’s not her rabid conservative Who died and made her preachviews that truly push my buttons, er? Coulter has a horrible habit but her way of communicating of combining religion with her them (if you can views. She clearly call screaming, “She loves to brag about expresses that yelling, and in- America and how wonder- anyone who dissulting every- ful it is, yet she has insulted agrees with her is thing that moves almost all of the people that damned to hell. c o m m u n i c a t - populate the country.” According to ing). There is no her, liberals are doubt that the Godless creapolitical commentator is a well- tures, unable to comprehend her educated woman (she graduated religion. She often uses “Jew” and from Cornell in 1984), but she “Muslim” as an insult. Her selflacks the “grown-up” factor – she righteousness is disturbing. She never matured past those middle still thinks that calling someone school days. names is the way to solve all probHer way of spreading opinions lems - an anti-gay slur (to John by Kara Iskenderian Staff Writer

(photo courtesy of MCT)

Tiger Woods should change his religion, according to Coulter and other talkies.

Edwards), “Godless” (to all liberals), “imperfect” (Jews), “Jihad monkeys” (to Muslim Americans), “self-obsessed harpies” (to September 11th widows), and her favorite go-to line: “unpatriotic”(to everything and anything that disagrees). My 10-year-old brothers know better. She is shameless. In the wake of 9/11 she wrote the following when describing the widows of the attacks, “These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by

Sleeping in for a change (continued from page 1)

Gallo, organizer of the sleep-in, began the midnight event, welcoming in about 55 attendees. Before entering the gym, a midnight buffet was held in the east cafeteria. Food donations from Souper Fry, Outback, Smith Street Deli, La Piazza, Piccolos, and Pantanos filled the cafeteria.

Each student had to donate 10 books, and raise a minimum of $50 in order to participate in the sleep in. The night was filled with activities and Red Bull. Activities included relay games, musical chairs, and more. The game caused a lot of laughs and competitive personalities showed

Senior Gabby Long (left) leads the seniors in a fierce battle of musical chairs.

through. About thirty participants joined a volleyball game, while the effects of Red Bull were definitely visible. Laughs were shared while the effects of lack of sleep started to sneak in. At 5 a.m., Mr. Jason Elias, English and Senior Experience teacher, suggested that everyone needed to get at least an hour of sleep. When Kaitlin Gallo’s voice was heard soon after on the announcement speakers telling everyone it was time to get up, sluggish sleep-in participants crawled out of their sleeping bags. People went outside into the hall where, thanks to the donations from Merrick Bagel Café, three bags of bagels awaited everyone. The Senior Experience class could not be more excited to be able to send two students to visit the school they have been building in (photo by Gina Gallo) Northern Uganda.

grief-arazzies. I have never seen people enjoying their husbands’ death so much.” Being a daughter of one of these widows, I feel as though I have the ethos to say there was nothing remotely enjoyable about the death of my father. I would have never thought that another human being could go so far as to insult those who had recently lost their loved ones, but Ann Coulter did. She is, in fact, disturbing and disgusting. The insanity did not end there! Like a little child, she did not learn her lesson in humanity. Coulter added, “[The widows] should go appear in Playboy before their fame runs out.” These are women who just lost their husbands, who are grieving and attempting to heal. Even if you don’t like them, they should be allowed a little respect. Her perpetual attack on liberals incessantly violates the freedom of speech that she enjoys. She deems their opinions useless and unpatriotic, and has denied their right to voice their “inferior” opinions. Coulter has said, “Liberals love America like O.J. loved Nicole.” If liberals are “Godless,” then Ann Coulter is soulless. She loves to brag about America and how wonderful it is, yet she has insulted almost all of the people that populate the country. It’s as if democracy is some weird, twisted form in which only people she likes should be allowed to exercise their freedom of speech. She must have been absent from school on the day that the lesson on the Constitution was taught. One of her favorite attack points is independent swing-voters, referring to them as “idiot voters” because they don’t have set philosophical principles. “You’re either a liberal or you’re a conservative if you have an IQ above a toaster, she said.” Please do us all a favor and stick to the facts Ann. If you can’t stick to the facts, just shut up.


February 2010



Point/Counterpoint: Is “Jersey Shore” offensive? This show fist-pumps your brain cells away by Leah Sobel Editorial Editor

Do you like fake orange tans, bulging muscles, fist pumping, stereotyped Italian-Americans, and hair poofs? Then “Jersey Shore” is the right show for you! MTV’s newest “reality” show takes viewers on a trip to the glamorous Seaside Heights in New Jersey where tempers flare and sexual tension is imminent. They are all Italian-Americans, who call themselves “guidos” and “guidettes.” Is America that desperate for new celebrities? I mean, it’s not like the drunks from “Jersey Shore” are great role models. They are regular people, with irregular tans. The behavior and conversations the cast members have are embarrassing to them, their families, and the rest of the Italian community. . To add more stupidity to the show, they have mediocre nicknames. There’s “Snooki,” the girl with the basketball sized poof on her head, and “J-WOWW,” the girl who sometimes has a boyfriend, depending on her mood. Mike “The Situation” is the oldest in the house and believes he can “creep” on any girl he pleases. Don’t forget Pauly D, a D.J. with greasy hair, Vinny, the confessed mama’s boy, Sammi “Sweetheart,” (who does not seem so sweet), and Ronnie, who said “Don’t fall in love at the Jersey shore,” but proceeds to admire Sammi with his irritating, ear-shattering laugh. Of course, there’s also Angelina, who most viewers don’t care about since she was kicked off for not working. Does the show sound more ap-

pealing now? Many say the show gives ItalianAmericans a bad reputation. The New Jersey Italian American Legislative Caucus, Order of the Sons of Italy in America, and National Italian American Foundation have all voiced their opinions want MTV to pull the plug on the show. “It’s a fabrication that damages our state and cultural reputa-

“The Situation” is under control on the shore by Rachel Safford Staff Writer

MTV’s new hit “ Jersey Shore” has taken America by storm. These self-proclaimed “guidos” and “guidettes” have introduced us into their world on New Jersey coast, where the cast fist pumps the nights away and battles on the dance floor.

(photo courtesy of MCT)

A snowy view of the house in Seaside Heights, NJ, where “Jersey Shore” was filmed.

tions,” New Jersey Senator Joseph Vitale said in a recent interview. And he’s right. In addition to the ethnic terms, there are other disturbing things about the show. The cast members get into countless fights, Mike and the boys bring home girls every week, and the guys refer to women as ugly “grenades” and “hippos.” The only suspense is who’s going to get arrested next? Take advantage of every episode next season, because hopefully it will be the last.

It’s become a phenomenon that feeds our pop culture hunger. What could surpass the blooming relationship of Sammi and Ronnie, J-WOWW’s struggle with her home-town boyfriend while becoming rather close with Paulie D., Mike’s six-pack “Situation,” Vinny’s angst of being the youngest of the men in the house, and the infamous Snooki bar punch, which was edited out for viewers the night it aired. The show presents quite a controversy among the Italian-Amer-

ican population, but these people are the ones bringing attention to themselves in a manner that may be offensive to Italians in the country. There’s been talk of the National Italian American Foundation suing MTV for the discrimination shown in the reality show. Donald Tricarico, professor of sociology at the City University of New York/Queensborough told Time magazine, “Guido is a slur, but Italian kids have embraced it just as black kids have embraced the ‘N word.’ In the same way that radical gays call themselves ‘queer.’” Along with the organization, there are many Italian Americans that are offended personally. They feel it is demeaning to their nationality and these kids are bringing a bad name to the Italians. However, there are many Italians that embrace the criticism, or just laugh it off. T.V. shows are meant to be leisurely activities, and this is no exception. “Jersey Shore” is the reality of these kids’ lives; it is allegedly not scripted, and there is no force for their actions in the house. And now, according to TMZ, the cast is making $10,000 an episode per cast member for the next season. Obviously the show has been doing something right, for MTV to crack and offer up the money. The “Jersey Shore” is MTV’s great commodity and nothing could replace it, as much as some might wish it. The “Jersey Shore” is pure entertainment and should be treated as such. So stop worrying and fistpump it up!

Top obsessions of the decade (continued from page 8)

videos and watching new ew “s ““stars” sta tars ta ars rs”” trying to make their big break. break. 5. iPods (2001). Apple pple ple ca pl ccame mee out with what is potentially ttiial ally lly their tthe heir irr greatest invention of alll time: timee: the time ti t e th iPod. This tiny devicee ((ranging rang ra ngin i g in color, storage space, aand nd d ssize), ize) iz e, holds mp3s and allows ws you yo ou to listen to it anywhere. It It allowed allo al lowe lo wed we d you to ditch CDs and b buy uy y sson songs ongs on g gs online. Twenty-seven m million illli lion lion n iiPPods were estimated to ha have ave b been een sold between 2007 and 2008. 200088. With W th Wi th more than six generations on off iiPons on Pods, ranging from classicc tto o touch touchhscreen, it’s easy to say Apple’s pp plee’ss n nift ifty creation was groundbreaking. ki

4. Harry Potter Movies (2001). While W Wh ile J.K. ile il J.K J. K. Rowling published the first fi rst Harr Harry ry Potter novel in 1997, the fi firs rst rst movie rs mo ovi vie and released until 2001. vie This This m movie, ov ovi vi starring newly famous actors D Daniel an Radcliffe and Rupert an Grint, and and actress Emma Watson, swept swep pt the th he world as children, teens, aand an d ad adults dul ult rushed into theaters. Rowling R Ro wlin ng even e became the second rrichest ri chest w wo woman o in the world (just behind be d Oprah, Op O p of course). Texting 3. Text xttin (2007). Starting out the x off a b brick with a 5-inch antensize si ize o phones did little more than na, cell ll p h make m ake a ccall. al Today phones can call, al ttext, te text extt, surf surf su rf the t web, listen to music, watch share pictures, and h videos, id

more. But the most incredible feature has to be texting. By the middle of the decade, 74 percent of all cell phone owners had some type of texting plan. Everyone I know, from kids as young as 10 to adults as old as 70, send texts to friends and family. 2. Facebook.com (2005). Facebook started as an experiment by Harvard student Marc Zuckerberg. In 2005, he perfected his social networking site and opened it to the world. Originally intended as a means for high school seniors to talk to college students and find out more about their school, it has branched out to 200 million active

users. What would many of us do without it? 1. “American Idol” (2002). One of the first shows of its kind, “American Idol” allowed everyday people to audition in front of three celebrity judges, Simon, Paula, and Randy, and move up to the next round or be “out” of the competition. With more than seven seasons, Idol has been watched by millions viewers, who call or text in to vote for their favorites. Many famous names such as Kelly Clarkson, Carrie Underwood, Clay Aiken, and Chris Daughtry were discovered on the show. (photo courtesy of MCT)



February 2010


For runners, preparation is key 55-meter hurdles and the 1000-meter run. He does a track work-out two days a week, and a hurdle workout one day a week. Behnke said it’s hard to be a sprinter at first, but that you get better at it over time. The glue that keeps the track team together is Coach David Hendler, who has a great deal of confidence in his team. He emphasized that Calhoun has a very strong team and that it excels in long distance runs. He keeps the team in shape by having them exercise and train every day. Coach Hendler is not just a dedicated math teacher, but an influential coach, as well. Many teams have a strong work

by Tzvi Lewisohn Contributing Writer

For many on the winter track team, it is all about preparation. Matthew Callman, a senior in his fourth year of track, is a long distance runner who participates in many events, including the twomile run and the 3000 meter steeple chase. To train for these events and to keep in shape, Callman runs every day and lifts weights. James Panetta also runs in many different events, including the onemile distance run and the five-mile run. Like Callman, he works hard to prepare for these events. He runs 60 mile each week, and he maintains a healthy diet - no candy but lots of fruits. Panetta said as a long distance runner, it can be hard to pace himself and that sometimes he has to push himself. Chris Behnke likes to run as a sprinter and participates in the

ethic, but Calhoun has a team that makes sure they are consistently ready to compete at a high level. Their determination is strong, and they run with heart and passion. Because of their positive experiences on the team, many runners are considering joining their college track teams. A few members said they are even considering trying out for the Olympics some day. One thing that can be learned from the team is that if you want to do something, work hard and put your mind to it. With leadership like Coach Hendler and players who take the game seriously, this is a team that is going to be good for years to come.

To submit a letter to the editor, e-mail the staff at hoofbeatseditor@yahoo.com. (photo by Kara Iskenderian)

Senior Robert McGetrick

Top televised moments of the decade (continued from page 8)

be doing a live performance of her song “Autobiography.” However, as the music started, her recording of the song “Pieces of Me” began to play. Her band went along with it while Ashlee looked around more confused than ever. Simpson began to dance a hoedown jig despite the fact that her lips weren’t moving while the track kept on playing. 5. Tom Cruise jumps onto Oprah Winfrey’s couch (2005). One kid and wedding later and everyone can still recall Cruise jumping onto Oprah’s couch. Throughout Tom’s appearance on the show, he seemed as if someone had shot him out of a canon. Multiple times, he got off the sofa to kneel down, and was constantly chuckling to himself. Tom was proclaiming his love to his girlfriend as the time (Katie Holmes) when Oprah began to ask the question “Have you ever felt this way before?” Cruise jumped right onto her mustardcolored sofa. He couldn’t just do it once though. Minutes after Oprah asked the question he hopped right back onto the couch with even more energy. 6. Britney and Madonna’s VMA kiss (2003). Everyone knows Britney Spears as the crazy party girl, but during the ‘03 VMAs she locked lips with Madonna leaving everyone shocked. Madonna was performing her famous song “Like a Virgin” with Spears and Christina Aguilera by her side when she

paused and gave a kiss to Britney. What most people don’t know is that seconds after she kissed Britney she smooched Christina as well. 7. Saddam Hussein’s statue is knocked down (2003). On April 9, a defining moment in Iraqi and American history occurred with the news capturing every moment. With the help of America, the Iraqi people overthrew tyrant Saddam Hussein. As a symbol of their freedom, the citizens of Iraq took down the 40-foot statue of Hussein that stood in the country’s capital. They tied a noose around the statue’s neck as hundreds yanked it down in celebration. 8. Captain Chesley Sullenberger’s “Miracle on the Hudson” (2009). It was January 15, and Flight 1549 was flying from LaGuardia Airport to Charlotte, North Carolina, when the unthinkable happened. The plane flew into a flock of geese, blowing out both engines. Captain Sullenberger decided to ditch the plane into the Hudson River as he told passengers to “prepare for impact.” Every one of the 155 passengers, both captains, and the crew survived the landing. The landing was videotaped by a bystander and sent to news stations. “Sully” was awarded the Master’s Medal from the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators. The award citation read, “This emergency ditching and evacuation, with the loss of no lives, is a heroic and unique aviation achievement.”

9. Halle Berry wins Oscar (2001). Berry made history, receiving the Oscar for Best Leading Actress at the Academy Awards. Berry was the first black woman ever to win the award in the 74 years of the award show. 10. Kelly Clarkson wins the first American Idol (2002). Millions of

voters called in to the television sensation to vote for their favorite contestant. It came down to the wire between Justin Guarini and Clarkson. An estimated 15.5 million phone votes were cast for the show, bringing the total to more than 100 million during the series run that began in early June.

Cozying up to charity

(photo by Arielle Bloom)

Juniors Kevin Amatulli, Elise Meade, Michaela Buckley, and Erin Cardinal support PJ Day for Haitian relief.


February 2010



Young team shoots for future by Rachel Tyson Sports Editor

The boys’ varsity basketball team has hit a rough patch after a strong opening to the season. However, with hard work, two new players, and determination, the Colts have already begun to make a comeback in hopes of looking to the future. The boys started off the season with wins over Mineola, Island Trees and Divison. However, tough competitors Syosset, Bellmore JFK, and Oceanside threw the Colts into a slump they couldn’t seem to get themselves out of. The players understand the need to get back to what they once were, and worked hard everyday to improve upon their 1-11 record (4-13 overall). “Every team has their highs and their lows,” Captain Andrew Lief said. “We are improving daily, and fixing our mistakes to try and get some wins in conference before the season ends.” Many players on the team agreed that defense is the main focus of improvement. Clearly of-

(photo by Rachel Tyson)

Sophomore Chad Fuschillo

fense isn’t an issue, with Lief lead- things to help the team out” said ing the team with 129 points, and Lief. “Chad has also been playing John Wigand and very physical Devin Pazmino foland his conlowing closely after stant scoring with 127 for Wigand has been a nice and 100 for Pazmino. addition.” Wigand has alHaving such most been a valua young team able asset to the and starting team when it comes line up will to rebounds, having definitely help 10 against Mineola the team for and 12 against Isnext season. land Trees. The boys will Although not have more exseniors, Lief and perience playWigand are captains ing with each of team, and their other, and teammates have no know their (photo by Rachel Tyson) complaints. team mates Junior captain Andrew Lief “They really set a strong positive tone as far as their inten- and weak points. However sity level,” said sophomore Danny even with higher expectaTrepel. “They always make an ef- tions for next season, the fort to talk to us after the game and boys haven’t forgotten help us out in fixing a mistake to the rest of the season lyhelp improve our game.” ing ahead of them. In addition to the young capThis is the last seatains, and other significant junior son of Calhoun Basplayers including Kyle Foy and ketball for seniors like Chris Murphy, Coach Jay Kruetz- Kevin Correa and Alex berger had sophomores Trepel and Morra. Though it may Chad Fuschillo pulled up from JV not show in the win to Varsity mid-season. Both under- column, the team imclassman are doing a great job in proved as the season following in their older brothers’ wore on. When the footsteps (both graduated seniors Colts played Bellfrom last season). more JFK on DeTrepel and Fuschillo are both cember 17th, they competing with the team’s lead lost by a gap of 30 scorers, even with their disadvan- points. However, tage of starting late into the season. only a little over These two sophomores’ dedication a month later on and effort has enabled them to re- January 19th, the ceive a substantial amount of play- Colts decreased that number to ing time in every game. 18. This is also true with Syosset, “Dan has been a nice spark as the number of points decreased on the both ends doing the little from 40 to 33. Although it only ap-

pears as a minor improvement, small steps like this one is what the boys varsity team needs to bring them back to the original victorious position in their conference. Fuschillo summed it up well when he said, “Our team may of struggled once they got into the season, but if we continue to practice as hard as we’ve been, commit more then ever, and give in 110 percent, I’m confident we’ll come out on top.” “Execution is key. If we don’t execute we won’t ever win,” said Lief, who scored 13 points against Mepham. With this type of enthusiasm, achieving their goal seems extremely likely.

(photo by Rachel Tyson)

Andrew Lief and Danny Trepel bond during practice.

Girls’ bball starting over (continued from page 16)

to victory. The team’s next game ended in a win as well, defeating Plainview JFK 54-39. “After we figured out our weak points, we strengthened them and put it all together,” said sophomore Carley Singer. The girls have a different make up than they did last season. Returning players, like O’Sullivan, do not see this as a disadvantage. “Since we have a new coach and basically a new team, we are able to start off fresh and build the program,” O’Sullivan said. Building the program is exactly what Calhoun is doing. Sophomore Danielle Losee, a returning

varsity player, is bringing a lot to the table offensively. In only eight games Losee already had 74 points, and is the second highest scorer. The team features new sophomores like Jessica Parascandola and even a freshman, Maggie Kavanah. “Competing at a higher level as a sophomore has challenged me to step up,” said sophomore Jaime Berghorn. “It is helping me develop as a player and learn so much more about basketball.” For the girls that were on the team last year, this season is different than it has been in the past. Players like senior captain Katie Berghorn and junior Ellie Rosen-

blum share playing time in the guard position on the court and are both bring a lot to the team both offensively and defensively. Though the two are not always high scorers they put up key points when the team needs them. Sophomores Dana Silvester, Jessica Ruggiero and Talia Charidah were among the four freshmen to make varsity last year and are continuously building the strength of the team this season and for the future.

(photo by Rachel Tyson)

Senior captains Katie Berghorn and Erin Green

Starting over New coach, roster for girls’ bball by Tessa Patti Sports Editor

The girls’ varsity basketball team has a new look to it this season. With four new players, a new coach, and new competition, the Lady Colts are hoping to be just as successful as they have been for the last few seasons. For any team, starting off the season is not easy. Everyone has to learn to play together, communicate, and build to get into and go far in playoffs. As far as expectations for the Colts this year, senior captain Erin Green said, “We

will grow as the season continues, and definitely have success in the future. I wouldn’t want to be the team to play us when everything falls into place.” The season started off for the girls a little rough. In their first six games, not all regular season, the girls came out strong and battled, keeping scores close but ultimately losing. The team came up with a big win in the third game of a tournament beating Freeport, 59-28. Junior Meghan O’Sullivan had a career high 33 points in the Freeport game leading the Colts (continued on page 15)

(photo courtesy of Jessica Ruggiero)

Meghan O’Sullivan goes up for two in a home game against East Meadow.

Raw talent Wrestling team stays strong

(photo by Amanda Breivogel)

Sophomore Anthony Abidin pins down an opponent at Calhoun’s tournament.

by John Eyerman Staff Writer

Despite many setbacks due to injuries, the wrestling team has shown resilience and is beginning to turn the season around. “The team was off to a shaky start, but we got back in the groove as the season progressed,” said ju-

nior Ryan Leimbach. “I think we will do well this season.” At the start of the season, all the pieces were in place for the boys to have a great season, until some of the team’s top wrestlers suffered serious injuries. “We have had a lot of season ending injuries that we had to deal with as a team,” said Coach Gregg

Muscarella. Now unable to wrestle, seniors Carlos Navas, Sean Clifford, and Wes Paladino are contributing to the team in any way possible. The seniors provide leadership, and are able to mentor the young wrestlers who are looking to develop their skills. Last year, the team was adversely affected by

losing seniors. This year, seniors are the bulk of the team. “Graduating or injured seniors have always had an impact since they lead the team. This year we have so many returning seniors that it makes up for the few that we had last year, “ said Leimbach. Another important component to the team are the captains who also display leadership qualities. Coach Muscarella put a lot of faith in his captains to lead by example, and to help out the other wrestlers. Muscarella stated,” My three captains are very tough. Mac Maldarelli, Hunter Spector and Jesse Bader are very successful.” As of now, the team is 16-9, but according to Coach Muscarella, there are still problems that need to be worked out. Although they are doing well, certain factors have gotten in the way of having an even better season. “We have had too many setbacks this season, due to injuries and discipline problems,” stated Coach Muscarella. With a few matches before the County Championship, the boys need to remain focused if they want to achieve their goals. “We just need to stay focused and train a lot in the upcoming weeks since we want to peak during the qualifiers and counties to do the best as possible, “Leimbach said.

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