Gianguan sept2017 catalog

Page 105

197 战国 铜鎏金嵌宝猛虎带钩 带钩铜鎏金嵌绿松石与玛瑙。虎尾为龙纹带钩,工艺精美,神态自然,壮丽威猛,不失为猛虎之势也。

Warring States, A Rare Gilt Bronze Tiger Garment Hook, Daigou

The hook superbly cast as a tiger striding on clawed feet, its mouth agape, revealing fearsome teeth, the tail extended and terminating in a dragon head, the contours further highlighted with turquoise agate set flush with the bronze, the reverse cast with a round knob inlaid same. Length: 8¾ in (22.2 cm) Weight: 287 g $2,000 - $4,000

198 战国 铜胎金银错两兽鸟头带钩 此带钩为双头一件造型,并有长形鸟头为鈎。此鈎有凸起的 圆形旋转纹,形态生动,背后之钮错银丝卷云纹,为战国稀有杰作。

Warring States, Gold and Silver inlaid-bronze Mythical Beasts Garment Hook, Daigou The complex and highly decorative inlay pattern of a mythical beast tapering to a Bird headed hook, the concave underside with a circular button decorated with silver scrolls. Length: 5 in (12.7 cm) Weight: 134 g $1,500 - $3,000

199 战国 铜胎金银错嵌白玉凤首带钩 钩体弧形,构面宏阔,以错金银工艺勾勒出细纹繁密的凤纹, 并嵌镶白玉三组,气势雄壮华丽,工艺精绝,为稀有的可贵国宝。

Warring States, Gilt Silver Inlaid with Jade Bronze Garment Hook, Daigou The ‘S’-curved body surmounted by a small phoenix head gracefully curving to a widening contours highlighted with intricate phoenix-zoomorphic patterns in gold and silver inlay set between three jade cabochons, the reverse cast with a round knob. Scattered traces encrustation found in dense patches on the reverse. Length: 8 in (20.3 cm) Weight: 277 g $1,500 - $3,000


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