Gianguan dec2017 catalog

Page 47


周 白玉精雕龙头鸟身凤钮盖尊 此凤鸟尊器形仿自青铜器,兽俯卧状。双足伏地,龙首平视,方形盖钮,上为凤钮; 器体雕两凤鸟为双翅,器身等雕古蟠虺纹,阴线刻毛羽层次,细密繁复。凤鸟与龙 代表了权力与神圣,为西周玉鸟之代表性形象。

Zhou, A Very Rare Mythical Beast Jade Zun Vessel

In the form of a legendary mythical bird form, combining a dragon head and phoenix body with spread tail, the squat flattened hollow body has a rectangular cover with a bird finial. Resting on low stepped feet, the body is carved with swirling boss motifs and delineated feathers. Height: 6⅞ in (17.5 cm) Length: 9¾ in (24.8 cm) Weight: 2,117 g $30,000 - $40,000


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