HWFC Coop Scoop September/October 2021

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September/October 2021

Coop Scoop

Partnerships to Help Protect Farms for Farmers Amplified Voices Make Their Mark! B is for Benefit

is and A committed to providing our with foods and products for healthy living. To promote more

of living. ways to who choose to participate in a community that embraces cooperative principles in an atmosphere of and

90 WA TE









Store Hours: Open to All












8am-9pm Daily

Heal ∙ June/July 2021 2021 September/October Features

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Let’s Cooperate, Not Consolidate Healing From October is National Co-op Month! Read all about how Heartburn supporting Honest Lorem ipsum dolorWeight sit brings much-needed change amet, consectetuer adipiin the monopoly-controlled scing elit, sed diam food industry.

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By AnnAngel Smalley By Ruth Rebecca

11 10

5 5

DIY Magical Hair Rinse Joy during Using local ingredients of COVID apple cider vinegar and honey, Meet you canStephanie, easily makeCaleb, a hair and their babyforNora! rinse that isnew excellent scalp

health, and leaves tresses By Rebecca Angel shiny and strong.

By Rebecca Angel

Partnerships to Help Protect Farms forAgriculture Farmers Can Regenerative What is a conservation easement, and how does it Heal Our Food System? protect our local farms for generations to come? Read Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing all about local organizations that are working hard to elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut protect our precious land and food! laoreet Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer By Susanelit, Petrie adipiscing sed diam nonummy nibh euismod

By Ruth Ann Smalley Happenings at the Co-op

3 3

Good Bye Happenings at theEnviro Co-op Tokens, Hello Be the Change! Incredible Honest to Goodness Edible Gardens By Deanna Beyer Fresh News! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

4 4

B IsBeyer By Deanna

for Benefit

Co-op 101

What is a Co-op

By Ruth Ann Smalley Co-op 101 Lorem ipsum dolor sit Cover Photo: UNKNOWN amet, consectetuer

4 4

Amplified Voices Make Their Mark! What’s Fresh

Fresh News

By Deanna Beyer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

9 9

By Deanna Beyer

The Farm at Miller’s Crossing

ProducerSkin Profile Deep

By Pat Sahr


Producer Profile Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

ISSN 2473-6155 (print) • ISSN 2473-6163 (online)

By Deanna Beyer By Pat Sahr The Coop Scoop is for informational purposes only, and not intended as medical or health advice. Always consult your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. The views of our guest writers do not necessarily reflect those of Honest Weight, and we do not take responsibility for them.

Coop Scoop

13 13

Pitta-Friendly West African Style Stew

Recipie Corner Melanie’s


By MelanieDate-Sweetened Pores

Fruit Smoothie

Recipie Corner Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

14 14

What’s Fresh

By Melanie Pores

By DeannaDouble Beyer

Up Food Bucks!

Fresh News! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer

By Deanna Beyer

Glass Recycling Pilo Zero Waste Capital ambitious Glass Recy the Co-op, to ensure t recycled rather than make it successful, w 2 glass i throwing clear home, bring it to the C

Honest Editors Rebecca Angel has been a part of Honest Weight for eighteen years, and is Managing Editor Coop Scoop of the Coop Scoop. When not at the Editorsco-op, Rebecca is a teacher, musician, and writer, currently working on a memoir about her experience with Cushing’s syndrome. www.RebeccaAngel.com Deanna Beyer is the Education & Engagement Coordinator at Honest Weight. A long-time teacher and practitioner of Rebecca Angel yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, she focuses on helping to make these practices accessible to people in all kinds of situations. You can reach her at deannab@honestweight.coop Carol Reid, our Assistant Editor, is a retired cataloger at the New York State Library, where she worked for over 35 Carol Reid years. She wrote a 10-year blog called “Typo of the Day for Librarians” and has been a Co-op member since the 1980s. Ruth Ann Smalley PhD, is our Content Editor. An educator and writer, with a 4-digit Co-op member number from the early 90s, Ruth Ann offers wellness, writing, Ruth Ann Smalley and creativity coaching through her practice at www.vibrant-energies.com or www.ruthannsmalley.com. Mathew Bradely is our Layout Editor. He has been the Lead Designer at Honest Weight since the new store. Outside the co-op, he enjoys writing music with his band, tending to his and training Deanna garden, Beyer his English Cocker Spaniel, Cricket, for field work.

Letter Letter from an from Editoran Editor T T By Carol Reid

his has beenBradley a rather fraught year By Mathew for me and not just for the obvious Covid-related reasons. I’ve also his time I moved 30 learned that I havelast twoyear different physical minutes down Route 9, from disorders, one fairly common for people Hudson to Red Hook. I felt my my age and the other one far less common. earth shake when the time came and the I made the first discovery right at the boxes were stacked. When you live somebeginning of the years, pandemic and the other where for some the departure can one just after getting my second leave you homesick and nostalgic. vaccine Caught dose. of the anxiety isolation up onOn thetop differences, whichand were small, and surely fears of leaving the house general but noticed. Instead of theinfarmland (just likebetween everybody else), peppered attempting to rolling ponds with simultaneously all the uncertainreeds tucking indeal thewith sunset, I would now

Fresh Honest to News! Goodness!

Incredible Edible Gardens! By Human Soandso

With the help of a new team of member-owners, we’ve officially launched our first ever Edible Gardens! You might be wondering, 3

land my head near the Hudson River as it reflects the visits sunset between the ty and doctor andcast various new health Catskill range. newtobeginning was regimens I’ve A had adopt due toahead. these This reflection is ahas flicker of moments, sudden revelations greatly intensifieda step back into what I’ve seen over the five my personal yearlong ordeal. years since moving back to the Hudson Valley. Although thenot orangish pinks But obviously, I’m the only one meldwho’s ing with the blue now land atop rippling been struggling with such issues—whethwaters, on view is the patience and cooperer for oneself or one’s family members, ation displayed across this new home. At friends, or colleagues; whether Covid-rethe small estate that surrounds me, I see latedpeople or not; serious or routine. the fillwhether in the gaps and pick up the It’s enough to make you downright sick, pieces for their neighbors. I see new small and often quite desperate and depressed farms take deep breaths as they figure out to boot. People have been afraid to make or new solutions to combat the unexpected keep their medical appointments, to go in flooding. I see gleaning programs push for testing, or to even be around other through the pandemic to supply “seconds” afflicted emotional to humanspeople. withoutMental access. and I see communiillnesses beentoexacerbated and are ties comehave together enhance their parks and make them places abundance once more. sadly on the rise. Butofthere are also a lot of Everything I see, I’ve right experienced, resources available online now, and beacons of hope in can this finally newly beat formed there’s hope that we the reality. In this you’ll readelse about many Virus and deal issue with whatever might be similar moments, currently ailing us.mirroring my reflection. Susan Petrie reflects on the efforts of local organizations striving to protect to In this issue of the Coop Scoop, lands entitled be farmed for generations to come, in her “Heal,” Rebecca Angel writes about her article titled “Partnerships to Help Protect own experience with healing heartburn; Farms for Farmers.” We take a trip to my Melanie Pores makes what’s good for you neck of the woods and catch up with The also taste good with her delicious Farm at Miller’s Crossing. Ruth Ann Date-Sweetened recipe; Ruth Smalley inspires Smoothie us in “Let’s Cooperate, Ann Smalley gets to the root of things Not Consolidate,” by highlighting with how an article on Regenerative Agriculture; supporting Honest Weight can bring a and [etc.]. hoping that all of food the change to We’re the monopoly-controlled articles and information contained herein industry. And Rebecca Maxwell offers us a will contribute to helping us on our “DIY Magical Hair Rinse” all to of nurture the personal toward renewed health scalp andjourneys soul. and healing. Just as the reflections in the water did to me, may these pieces inspire you to grow.

“What exactly IS an “edible garden?” Whenever I try to explainI’m explain this to someone, I inevitably hear Gene Wilder in Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory saying, “Everything inside is eatable, I mean edible, I mean you can eat everything.” Basically, it’s a garden that everyone is invited to harvest from. If By Deanna Beyer you’re hungry and you want to try something, go ahead and pick it! a total of $55,651 Inspiredfter by6 years, various urban gardens nonprofit that aredonated poppingtouplocal around the world organizations (as of May 2021) and in an effort to address food insecurity, 1,112,862 paper bags saved,on Honest Honest Weight is working cultivatWeight is tossing in the wooden coin. ing an edible landscape that anyone We retiring our and veryenjoy successful can are harvest, share, for free. Enviro Tokens run and launching It’s part of our ongoing missiona to new program! makeround-up-your-change good, fresh food accessible to all.

Good Bye Enviro Tokens, Hello Be the Change!



We’ve October started with a modest Starting 1st, when you’replan that includes some of theyou’ll “easier” finishing up at the register, plantsthe to opportunity grow (including: lettuces, have to round up tomatoes, squash, your change zucchini to help make a differ-pole beans,in our peppers, and various herbs) ence community. Each month and feature hope toa different expand local our organiplanting we’ll based on (orofdoesn’t) this zation andwhat give works them all the year. Any surplus used donations receivedharvest duringwill thatbetime. to “I'm supplement our on-going excited about the launchfills of at Freenew Foodprogram. Fridge’s Albany locations. this It will allow all of for thetoEdible Gardens in the ourLook shoppers participate if they beautifulallowing raised wooden created choose, them to beds give when by our friends ADK Rustica and and what they at can, to support smallthe stainless trough tubs on the doing exterior local nonprofit organizations wall of thework patio. Andhere if you’re incredible right in ourinterested in beingsays a part ofEllis, this project in community,” Amy the future, pleaseCommunity reach out to me at Honest Weight’s deannab@honestweight.coop. Relations Specialist.



What is a communi- establishes credible standards for the benefit of companies and ty-owned co-op? It’s a consumers. It also helps companies set benchmarks for their grocery store owned by its own improvement. As Vincent Stanley, Patagonia’s chief storymembers, usually the teller explains, it “creates a kind of virtuous competition. We people who shop here. look at the impact assessment each time and say, ‘OK, where These are the people who are we falling short? What can we do?’ And we see other compacooperatively manage and nies’ scores and we say, ‘What are they doing that we’re not control the business. The doing?’ That is valuable in itself. It gives us an idea where we By Deanna Beyer membership makes all are and motivation to improve.” (Christopher Marquis, 5/28/20, https://bkinds of decisions, includ- t h e c h a n g e . c o m / h o w - t h e - b - c o r p - c o m m u n i t y - m o t i v a t e s - p a ing what foods and tagonia-yes-even-patagonia-to-improve-its-impact-strategies-7031fe398a18) You can find out more about the standards, and compare the products are on the shelf, Salad, Hot Bar, and what standards those impact scores for your favorite brands, at the directory By Ruth Ann Smalley and Cafe are products and their produc- at https://bcorporation.net. Back, with If you’re new to Honest Weight, you ers have to meet (think might be wondering what makes growing practices, clean a New Option! etc.). At us different from any other grocery ingredients, store. There are lots of things, but Honest Weight, we’ve got After what has seemed like forever, the Honest probably the biggest is that we’re a about 14,000 members. Weight Kitchen is excited to have re-opened both the community-owned co-op! SSalad Bar and& HHot Bar, including daily soup offerings. AndAlso in other big news: they have also Who can shop here? launched the brand-new Build-Your-Own Burger & Everyone is welcome: anyone can shop at the co-op. If you decide Fries Bar, available from from 11am to -7pm dailyeach to become a member, you’ll purchase a “share” of the co-op, from those of us who’ve been lucky become eligible for lots of additional discounts on products, and Food day. Take itBeverages Wellness enough to sample them, (including meat, vegetarian, have voting rights on decisions that affect the store. Honest • Organicthis India • Herb and vegan options), is a MUST TRYPharm for all! After • Tierra Farm Weight member-owners choose to invest at it, the Ever noticed a label with can a circled capital B withtheir a linetime under • Stash • Garden Life your grabbing your food,Teas you are welcome to of enjoy • Navitas store, serve on one of our committees, or work with a program, in and wondered what it meant? The label indicates that the Guayaki • Country meal in our •newly reopenedre-opened Café space, or Superfoods order toisreceive a bigger discount (up party to 24%) on their groceries. company a B Corporation. This third certification shows Yerba Mate Life/Desert sunny patio with lots of comfort• Tofurkyout on our beautiful, Essences the brand is meeting stringent requirements for beneficial able seating.• Traditional • Sir Kensington’s What is on We believe everyoneworkers, in our community Medicinals Tea • Good interactions withoffer? customers, community, and the • Lake Champlain should have Brands access to affordable, high-quality, natural foods and • REBBL Clean Love environment. achieving B Corp status have committed to Chocolates products for healthy living. So we offer things like Co+op Basics (a • Dean’s Beans • Herbalist Glass Recycling • Alter Eco transparency and fairness, as well as the concept of interdepen& Alchemist line of high-quality are foods and household • King Arthur dence, in over which450 all stakeholders considered, not justitems) share-at Piolt Project • Charlotte’s Web Everyday Low Prices. We have biweekly Great Deals Flour holders. They have also incorporated those values legallydiscounts, into the Z e r o• Inesscents Wa s t e C a p i t a l Housewares • Purely Elizabeth weekly Fresh Flyer sales, and Manager’s Specials. We also accept DNA of their company structure. District• EO hasproducts launched an • Lotus Foods SNAP benefits. • 7th Generation B Corp certification requires a lengthy review process by the ambitious Glass Recycling • Badger • Patagonia • Klean Kanteen nonprofit organization B Lab. Businesses must attain a verified Pilot Project here at the • Dr. Bronner’s Howonisan Honest Weight of the local system? score in-depth impactpart assessment. This isfood not easy: onlyIf Co-op, to ensure that the buying localofisthose important to you, we’retoone of the best places glass is truly being about a third who apply manage achieve it. Maintainaround to shop. Co-opsupdates form strong relationships recycled rather headDo you have a question about how thethan co-op ing certification requires every three years. with local, small-scale producers, means you”can findcertification products that works, or what a certain food ingor to the landfill. is To for? make product Striking a blow againstwhich “green-washing, B Corp we need your aren’t typically available at traditional supermarkets. At Honest We may use your inquiry foritasuccessful, future column! help! Instead of throwing Weight, we work with over 285 local farms and 319 local producCoopScoop@HonestWeight.coop clear glass in your single ers; that list is always growing. And because we get daily deliverstream bin at home, bring ies, it means fresher, lower-impact food that hasn’t travelled it to the Co-op. across the country for days. wall. This colorful, imaginayouth was made possible in

What is a Co-op?

B is for Benefit


When you choose these brands, you boost the benefits of B

Justoffollow these simple with steps: tive piece tells the story a partnership Albany

Shopping for special dietary needs? We get it. It’s easy to • Locate collection binsAlbany near our bike lockers Barn, Center Gallery, young girl’s journey to the bring find tasty food alternatives in every department at the co-op. Our • Only place clear, clean glass in the bins Free Food Fridge Albany, and the precious resource of friendly staff can also make suggestions if you’re feeling • Make sure to remove both the lids and little Youth FX. With special overwhelmed by the choices, as many of them are on special water to her community. The plastic rings (labels are ok) thanks to our generous collaborative mural project diets, too!

sponsors: Nordic Naturals, to amplify the voices and RAD Soap Co., and Nine Pin Cider. How does Honest Weight support the local com- creativity of local BIPOC munity? Most co-ops devote significant time and resources to educational programming, community develSeasonal opment, and outreach initiatives. We donate 5% of our net Local Produce profits to local not-for-profit organizations, run free and What could be fresher than all of your favorite low-cost educational programs that are open to all, and By Deanna Beyer produce arriving daily from local farms? (could we are always looking for ways to collaborate with partners in include a couple of relevant farm names here?It’s the community. We offer many opportunities for memgrowing season and we’ve got farm-fresh fruits and West Hill Refugee Welcome Led by local artists, Jade ber-owners to help with this community engagement. veggies from all over the area. So, whether you’re Center spent a week at the Warrick and Eugene O’Neil, looking for nNon-GMO sweet corn, crisp cucumbers, Co-op creating a 100 ft. long students from Edmund J. or super juicy, tiny strawberries, we’ve got you What other co-ops are in the area? You can find work of art on the retaining O’Neal Middle School and covered! Be sure to check out all the beautiful new

Double Up Food Bucks!

arrivals next time you’re here.



Partnerships to Help Protect Farms for Farmers By Susan Petrie


A view from the trails of Strawberry Fields Nature Preserve Coop Scoop

yriad forces pressure small farmers, among them weather, pests, and certification requirements. Additionally, commercial developers may be hovering, seeking to take advantage of financially squeezed farmers. For farmland in jeopardy, land conservancies/trusts may be able to help. Land trusts are nonprofit organizations helping farmers and other landowners protect land by placing limits on how it may be used. Generally known as conservation easements, these legally binding agreements can prohibit commercial development, while still preserving farmers’ property rights. More than 90 land trusts operate in cities, towns, and counties in New York. These organizations are crucial, collaborative partners, linking farmers t o l ocal , s ta te, a n d fed er a l re sources , a n d pr ov i d i n g a supportive community of SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2021

like-minded individuals. In the Greater Capital Region, the Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy (MHLC), located in Delmar, is joined by Saratoga P.L.A.N., Rensselaer Land Trust, Rensselaer Plateau Alliance, and Scenic Hudson. These are complemented by three statewide trusts, and more than a dozen national entities, including the American Farmland Trust and The Nature Conservancy. Landowner Rights Landowner rights are monetized, such as the right to develop, mine, or subdivide. A farmer wishing to donate or sell rights to a conservancy—such as development or subdividing—must make a serious decision to preserve land for farming in perpetuity. It can take three or more years to finalize the easement: intent must be carefully researched, discussed with owners and families to establish clear current and 6

generational expectations, and then legally formalized. If the trust is buying rights, it must raise money, apply for loans or grants, seek philanthropic donations, or initiate private fund-raising efforts. Mohawk Hudson Land Conservancy (MHLC) The MHLC is small but mighty, with a full-time staff of five people. Since 1992, it has helped protect more than 12,500 acres in Albany, Montgomery, and Schenectady Counties. The Capital Region’s truly special location—in a fertile river valley, at the convergence of the Hudson and Mohawk Rivers, between the Adirondacks and

Catskill Mountains, and bordered by t he Hel d er ber g Es c a r pment—means that MHLC plays a critical role as a corridor organization. It has unique opportunities to connect the area’s world-class natural features with protected open space and farmland in perpetuity. Farmland Successes Lansing Farm in the Town of Colonie operates as a CSA. Originally a 1000-acre farm that had dwindled to 19.8, those valuable acres are preserved from future commercial development. With a roadside farm stand providing local food, Lansing partners with Capital Roots, supplying food pantries

Bins of Apples at Indian Ladder Farms 7


for the Squash Hunger campaign. MHLC facilitated conservation in two ways: by helping grant-fund the project to ensure the farm could be passed on to the next generation, and ensuring that the farm, located in a densely developed landscape, can be sold to a farmer in the future. Indian Ladder Farms, at the base of the Helderberg Escarpment, is 300+ acres of beautiful orchards, pastures, berry patches, and fields, with a century-long history as a family farm. This desirable location needed protection from development and suburban sprawl, and its prime soils needed preservation for agricultural production. MHLC

People can observe, participate in, and be inspired by the valuable process of growing food.

erty owned by the Leon family. Wishing to conserve agricultural access for the next generation, the Leons also wanted to add a public preserve. MHLC’s easement allows the family to build a home and greenhouse for Lovin’

Land Stewardship: Q/A with Open Space Institute

Papscanee Island Nature Preserve has a history as winding as some of its trails: once inhabited by Mohican people; named for a former Mohican chief, Sachem Papsickene; “purchased” by Killian Van Rensselaer in the 1630s; owned by the Open Space Institute since the 1990s; and managed by Rensselaer County and the Rensselaer Land Trust. In May 2021, the preserve was returned to the Stockbridge-Munsee Community, descendants of the aboriginal Mohicans, or “People of the Waters That Are Never Still.” We reached out to Charlie Burgess, Stewardship Manager for Open Space (OSI) Institute, to learn about the transfer.

Q: What (or who) inspired the idea of transferring the preserve back to the Stockbridge-Munsee descendants?

Papscanee Island Nature Preserve from the south worked with The Open Space Institute (OSI) [see sidebar] to develop a conservation easement that was flexible for the owners, protected the farmland, and gave the business room to grow for future viability. The easement legally placed development rights with trusts held by the two organizations, to prevent purchase by commercial interests in perpetuity. In 2003, Indian Ladder Farms became the first farm in Albany County to receive the state’s grant to retire the development rights. Because the land and farm are so well known, it is considered a catalyst project. People can observe, participate in, and be inspired by the valuable process of growing food. Strawberry Fields, home to Lovin’ Mama Farms in Amsterdam, is an unusual private propCoop Scoop

Mama, but also includes a public-use nature preserve. The Leons donated the easement to MHLC, m ea n i n g the fa m i ly received no funds. Bender Melon Farm: MHLC was recently successful in conserving this historic Slingerlands property. Check out the story at https://mohawkhudson.org/bender/ Preserving farmland is a critical-infrastructure mission that motivates thousands of people across the country. Skilled teams of compassionate people are ready to help with the complex easement process. Their efforts to aid family farmers and their land will benefit countless more who depend on good food and good farms for years to come. Susan Petrie is a freelance writer and artist who lives in Albany, NY. Her book, Hundred-Mile Home: A Story Map of Albany, Troy, & the Hudson River, was published by SUNY Press in April 2021.


A: When OSI originally purchased the property to protect it from development, a major motivating factor was the rich cultural significance to the Mohican people. At that time, the Stockbridge-Munsee Community was entirely based in Wisconsin. In recent years, OSI was interested in improving interpretive signage and was increasingly engaging and deferring to the Community on management decisions. As we considered the best long-term plan for the future of the land, OSI approached the tribe’s leadership, and is very proud to have returned Papscanee Island to the Mohican Nation. Q: OSI has been active since 1974. Has it helped facilitate the transfer of other lands to indigenous or pre-colonial societies? A: The primary focus of OSI’s land protection efforts is transactional, having protected more than 2.3 million acres throughout the eastern United States and Canada. There are very few properties of which we maintain ownership. While this is our first time transferring land to an indigenous nation, we are working on projects with the Wabanaki Commission on Land and Stewardship in Maine and the Muskogee Nation at Ocmulgee National Park in Georgia. For a fascinating digital story map, visit openspaceinstitute.org or click here: h t t p s : //s t o r y m a p s . a r c g i s . c o m /s t o ries/4b5d61785b064ff49ceff158e05e89fb Charlie Burgess manages OSI lands from the Catskills to the Adirondacks. With an MA in Archaeology and American Indian Studies from Cornell University, he studied Mohican history, culture, and land management practices. He was born and raised in the Mohican homeland.


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ile of Pr Profile By Pat Sahr

The Farm at Skin Deep

Miller’s Crossing Naturals Hudson, Troy, NY NY


ctavia Maxwell has always enjoyed he Farm at Miller’s Crossing is a creating skin and hair care prod200-acre, certified organic farm ucts for near her friends andNew family. In located Hudson, York. 2014, she Skin Deep Naturals Chris andlaunched Katie Cashen produce organic and introduced her first commercial fruits and vegetables, maple syrup and brand, syrup The Body Butter.and Made of shea maple products, grass-fed butter, coconut oil, olive oil, by andChris’s arrowbeef. Originally purchased root powder, it remains her most popular, grandparents in 1951, it was not until “most loved” offering. Over the past 1994 that the Cashen family began five to years, Maxwell’s homebased business has make their livingeverywhere! from farming. co-ops In addition to expanded inis many other directions. The farm protected an easement Honest Weight, by there are several Featuringothers natural, raw, and organic ingreyou can check out: Niskayuna from the Columbia Land Conservancy, dients and only natural preservatives, her Consumers Chatham Real and in 2018, workingCo-op, along with Scenic line now includes soaps, lotions, deodorants, Food Market Co-op, Mohawk Harvest Hudson Land Trust, they were also able to hair cream, hair growth serum, scrubs, Cooperative Market, andbody Cambridge acquire and protect an additional 70 acres, FoodMany Co-op.of these items can be and makeup. which had been formerly operated as a found in the Co-op’s Wellness Department. dairy farm. Their property is has also home to While every co-op its own According to Maxwell, what started off five members of the extended Cashen distinctive vibe, we are all founded on almost accidentally has grown into a busithehave samebuilt basic houses principles: family who in at designated ness selling products online and more than · voluntary and open membership areas on the land. These aunts and uncles ten different locations throughout the Capidemocratic member and control lend a hand with childcare many of the tal District. Men and women love her prod· member economic participation chores that keep the high operation running. ucts because of their quality, and · autonomy and independence The farm’s name has an historic connecbecause they producetraining, fast results improv· education, and in information. The rail bed the old Albany-Boston ing the health andof appearance of skin and tion rail crosses the corner, · cooperation among“My cooperatives hair.line Frequently, she northwest hears, skin feels so · concern for community hence the name Miller’s Crossing. Once much softer,” and, “My hair is fuller and upon a time this wasthe thehair name of theserum.” train healthier since using growth in original being a member Through collaborations with estheticians, stop, andInterested the farm’s address.of our co-op? We’d love to have you join us! spa owners, andmarket hair dressers, Maxwell The Cashens their goods through Contact the Service Desk at continues to expand her product line. CSAs, participate in the Hudson Farmers 518.482.2667 to sign up for an availMost recently, she has partnered a Market, and their products on with site in able sell orientation to get the process hemp farm to introduce a healing CBD their 250-year-old In addition rolling, andDutch visit barn. our website at

to their own goods, the store offers locally sourced breads, baked goods, and coffee. Chris and Katie also do business with numerous area ingredient into lotions, soap, and body oil. In retailers, and their greenhouse yields abundant addition, Maxwell plans to collaborate with other bedding plants and for sale. small businesses andtransplants entrepreneurs through The Co-op has workedDistrict with The Farm at participation in Central Management. Miller’s Crossing for several years. variety of This is an Albany-based initiative of A S.T.E.A.M. Garden, an innovative, multi-use tech start-up their vegetables can be found in the Produce and learning lab. is particularly interested in Department, andShe hardy working with local black women who operate herb and vegetable similar businesses. transplants are availSkin Deep Naturals has grown to the extent able throughout the that Maxwell now has an employee, and she growing season. interns. Asked recruits summer what she feels is the secret of her Look for this label success, she replies, “High quality when you shop, ingredients and greatand find out more at: customer service.”


For more information about this business, go to: Pat Sahr has been a member of the Co-op since 2005. She contributes to the

Coop Scoop as the writer of the Producer Profiles. Sahr says, "Its a pleasure being part of the Honest Weight family, and I've especially enjoyed communicating with the various producers whose products are sold at the Co-op!"


www.honestweight.coop for all the details on the membership process. 9


Joy Let’s During Cooperate, COVID Not

Consolidate C A Meet Stephanie, Caleb, and their new baby Nora! By Rebecca Angel By Ruth Ann Smalley

aleb and his family have been with the Honest Weight family for many years; his grandmother joined in 1990! Caleb tagged along with his grandmother for member as a toddler, and was hiredfeature in 2015. s noted in work our regenerative agriculture He is currently the buyer for theextreme wellness consolidation department andofis (July/August 2021), a personal fitness trainer as well. Stephanie is a nanny for agricultural companies narrows farmers’ two small children and has worked with kids for as long as options, and increases corporate control of our food she can remember. In her free time she loves hiking and system. Food and Water Watch and the Guardian News writing. are reporting on the same process in Big Food in general: I have known of Caleb he wasfood a little boy and and met smaller numbers meatsince producers, companies, Stephanie when they were dating as teenagers. What a joy to grocery store brands increasingly call the shots on what see them grow into adults, and now parents! During COVID, farmers grow, and what ends up on the shelves and in Stephanie and Caleb shared photos of their pregnancy and shoppers’ carts. new baby on social media, which brought joy to many people We’ve seen our favorite “small fry” indie brands get in their community. They kindly agreed to answer some swallowed up bywhat corporate before. But such thesea questions about it wasKrakens like to go through recent food chain developments merit our attention, momentous life event during a pandemic.

especially given the Covid19-induced disruptions we’ve witnessed supply lines. Strikingly, to an Rebecca: in When did you find out aboutaccording your pregnancy? April 2021 study, “65% of consumer grocery market share What were some expectations you had? Were these impactisedheld bypandemic? just four retailers.” Farmers get squeezed on by the both ends when competition is limited for both their Steph: We found out of 2020. seed purchases and I was theirpregnant harvest.in March As Food and I didn’t have too many specific expectations, but I assumed I’d Water Watch points out, “today’s median farm be surrounded by family and Caleb would be able to be there income is negative $1,840.” (https://www.foodandwaterfor my prenatal appointments. watch.org/2021/04/19/well-fed-a-roadmap/#part1) Market consolidation is a bad deal all around for Caleb: Unfortunately I missed the first ultrasound because cash-strapped consumers and farmers. Local stores can’t of the restrictions. After that, we called different offices compete, and their demise leads to less food accessuntil for we found Overall, one thatthe at least let me“found in for the We shoppers. Guardian thatultrasounds. for 85% of the ended up going with Albany Obstetrics and Gynecology at groceries analyzed, four firms or fewer controlled more St. Peter’s. than 40% of market share.” Without competition, Big Food can raise prices limit shelf small, Rebecca: Do you mind and sharing who you space trustedfor with your (https://www.theguardian.com/environment/ng-inlocal producers. pregnancy and birth care? (doctor, midwife, doula?)


At Honest we placemidwives a high priority on pregour Steph: I sawWeight, several different during the relationships farmerswith andaproducers. Shoppers nancy. I had awith greatlocal experience midwife named Sarah in our aisles have a chance to make delicious and socially Prior who delivered Nora. Coop Scoop

positive choices, supporting local, regional, and B Corp businesses (see “B is for Benefit” in this issue). Monopoly-Bust With the Best: Dip, Bread, and Chocolate For example, a single company dominates the dip market at 88%. Our deli shelves overflow with house-made favorites such as Bomb Diggity Dill, and a spinach artichoke dip that rivals the best homemade. Plus, we’ve got NY-made hummus galore. You can even choose a seasoning blend from Healthy Gourmet Kitchen in Glenville, and whip up your own Kraken-defying dip. Our area is incredibly rich in artisanal bakers, boasting strong European traditions and French brick hearths!

At Honest Weight, we place a high priority Rebecca: When was Nora born? Were there unexpected on and/or ourgifts?relationships challenges with local farmers Steph: Nora was born on November 27th. During labor we had a slight birth complication called shoulder dystocia producers. which wasand quickly remedied. We had so many people offer-

ing to help us after we brought her home. From watching herchoosing so we could for a such few hours to dropping off home By localsleep bakeries as Bread Alone, Rock Hill, cooked meals. Berkshire Mountain, Heidelberg, and Our Daily Bread,

you can help reverse the trend of 60% of the fresh bread Caleb: All three of us caught coronavirus when Nora was a market belonging to just four companies. month old. [They all came through fine.] We’ve also got you covered in one of the most monopolized categories: Chocolate. According to are the you Guardian, Rebecca: What is your focus now? What looking just three companies dominate 80% of the market for forward to in the future? “chocolate confectionery.” Among our offerings are the ultra-local Troy Primo Botanica; Steph: Our focuscraft nowchocolate, is working towards a balance Woodof work and home life, and in every second with Chocolate our daughstock’s Oliver Kitasoaking Chocolates; and Fruition ter as we watch her grow. Works in Shokan. Regionally, Vermont’s Lake Champlain Chocolates Rebecca: Any certified advice foroption. expecting parents? offers a B Corp With their locally sourced maple syrup, hard cider, honey, heavy cream, and more, Caleb: My advice is to be reasonably careful, but not allow this chocolate company is a beautiful model of the mutufear to stop you from doing what’s best for your family. Enjoy ally beneficial partnerships local companies can build every moment that you can. (see https:/ /www.lakechamplainchocolates.com/local-partners). Steph: My advice would be to try not to compare your child to anyone else’s. Being a parent humbles you and gives you a strong desire to be the best version of yourself that you can be. Practice patience. This is easier when you make time for yourself. Remember when they’re fussy that they aren’t giving you a hard time, they are having a hard time. You’ll make mistakes along the way. Forgive yourself as well. Thank you, Caleb and Stephanie for sharing your story. Hugs and best wishes to baby Nora from the Honest Weight family!



Healing From Heartburn By Rebecca Angel

DIY Magical Hair Rinse By Rebecca Angel




found a recipeAt forthis apple point in cider vinegar hair the rinse commerHeartburn completlooking cial, for aInatural is while serious ed the thought, alternative to dandruff shamif you "a day?" But poos. It worked for the dandruff, the announcer suffer but also lefttwo my hairfinished shinier than with " orItthree usual. turns out that the acidic a week." I was nature of apple vinegar Only times a...ciderstunned. a fewof times breaks down the “gunk” hair a week was bad? Then what would products, dirt, and oils. That you call what I had? acidic side also helps balance the I had heartburn if I didn't eat PH of scalp skin: healthier scalp EXACTLY on schedule. If I ate too alwaysorleads to healthier much, too fast. It hit firsthair. thing in Finally, apple cider the morning andvinegar again isevery evening. I would wake up in the anti-inflammatory and anti-bacnight to the pain, and clench terial, which is why it works to my chest randomly the day. It prevent and healduring dandruff. always felt like I had a lump in my When my daughter started throat.I was always clearing my using honey throat,aand myrinse, voice her felthair raw.was It is full of bounce and shine. Raw also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux honey has disease.) all the vitamins and At every doctor's from my minerals needed forvisit, healthy hair primary care to even my foot doctor, and scalp, plus those antibacterial I complained about heartburn qualities that keep dandruff away. because it was ruining my life. After It alsoof hasnot thereceiving added benefit of or years any help strengthening which even advice on hair how follicles, to manage it, I stopped bringing it up. daughter is important when youMy want to was training to long become herbalist grow your hair andanthick. and she asked her teachers for help Honey can also bring out natural for her mama. This is what was highlights. passed on to me: I created my Magical Hair Rinse, by combining these two PREVENTION: First effective thing in the morning, I was highly ingredients, and to sip 1 Tbls of apple cider vinegar adding some aloe juice for condi-in warm I needed to avoid: tioningwater. and healing. Essential oils peppermint, dairy, alcohol, caffeine, bring more antibacterial qualities citrus, hot (temperature) or spicy and smell great! All of these ingredifoods. Some cause the stomach to ents can be found Honest react, while othersatrelax theWeight. sphinc-

was a healing experience. I sighed in relief for the first time in years. My daughter created an herbal blend with aloe juice to heal the esophageal lining, which included slippery elm bark. I also used slippery elm lozenges to soothe my throat, which was raw from constant acid.

can be caused by anxiety, and meditation is proven to lower anxiety, this I created my makes sense. Eventually, I was diagnosed Magical Hair with Rinse an illness called Cushing’s (hypercortwo tisolism.)by Thiscombining is when the body produces an excess of effective cortisol, the highly stress hormone. Over time, Cushingredients. ing’s breaks down every body system EXTRA HELP: and leads to death. Heartburn is a An acquaintance suggested DGL common initial symptom. (Deglycyrrhizinated licorice) tablets. By the time I was diagnosed with A metal water may be was They worked amazingly well during Cushing's, my bottle heartburn used, but use up rinse within a 2 Cups an attack, and water helped prevention manageable. After a life-saving week to prevent any corrosion when eaten before a meal. My son surgery, it went away almost ½ Cup raw honey from the vinegar. found out¼that left side sleeping at completely;attacks these days are Tbsp apple cider vinegar night could reduce heartburn--he rare. Yet, I have kept up my habits ¼ Cups aloe juice (optional) In the Shower: Useare after was right! and supplements, as they benefi3 Drops of essential oil or inof place Shake cial shampoo for healing myof. digestive FINALLY: system during before use.recovery. Close your eyes and (rosemary, peppermint, I started meditating daily for other For anyone from heartkeep themsuffering closed until rinsed thyme, lavender, and reasons, but after a month of no burn,out. take it seriously, and I Pour at least a ½ cup ofhope geranium are all good chioces!) other changes, noticed my heartburn thesemixture tips helponyou, too! your head, or more was cut in half again. Since heartburn for thick and long hair. Rub all over the scalp very well, Jane Welsh is a registered nurse and member of the Co-op. She loves to swim, and is passionate about art. DISCLAIMER: Not intended as medical advice. We encourage shoppers scrubbing to consult their health care provider and/ordo vigorously if you Tobeginning Make: research before any Combine new regimen. honey not brush or comb hair on a with warm (not hot) water daily basis. Finger comb until completely dissolved. Add through hair. Wait at least 30 remaining ingredients and seconds before rinsing off, shake. Store in a glass mason breathing slowly and enjoying jar, and decant an appropriate the experience. Try to rinse amount into something using as cool a temperature as unbreakable, like an enamel you can. Rinse very well. cup, silicone bottle, or recycled Use conditioner if needed. shampoo bottle for use.

Products Rebecca uses:

Lily of the Desert Aloe Juice

Although it’s good for all hair types, usage depends on how naturally oily your hair is. For example, I have dry, coarse hair and use this rinse 3x a week, shamBragg’s pooing myApple hair only once a month. My daughter, with oily and fine straight hair, Cider Vinegar alternates using shampoo and this rinse daily.

Desert Essence

Fennel Toothpaste NOTE: Intended for teens and adults.

ter in the throat, allowing the acid up. Luckily, the co-op has a selection of toothpastes that don’t Dental Wellness of contain Albany peppermint. Smaller meals throughout the day worked best. I needed to eat slowly, well,amalgam and, removal after Mercury-free,chew Mercury-safe by IAOMT Laseran assisted eating, wait protocol. at least hourperiodontal before treatments, Ozone Therapy, Biocompatible materials, lying down. Implant placement, Extractions using L-PRF These changes cut my Robert Herzog, DDS, FAGD, IBDM symptoms in half. Laser Dentistry

Biologic Dentistry

Thayers Slippery Elm Lozenges Planetary Herbs DGL


DURING AN ATTACK: & HOLISTIC DENTISTRY 651 Delaware Ave. Aloe juice is better. Water is good. Not intended as medical advice. We encourage shoppers to consult their health care provider and/or Fax: 518.427.7346 Albany, NY 12209 651Dental.Com DISCLAIMER: Sipping aloe juice during an attack research before beginning any new regime. Coop Coop Scoop Scoop



Corner Corner

Pitta-Friendly Melanie’s Favorite West African Date-Sweetened Style Stew Fruit Smoothie Serves: 6 • Total Time : About 45 minutes


By Melanie Pores By Melanie Pores

s Coop Scoop readers may have n Ayurveda, 5000observed, the I frequently share items to Ayurveda, the yearoldrelated “science of 5000-year-old Science of Knowledge, life,”, the emerging originating from of thethe Indian heat and humidity early subcontinent. Ayurvedic cooking is predicated summer can be challenging, not only on consuming foods that help especially individuals with a balance to individual constitutions, but “Pitta” constitution like myself, also on eating locally, seasonally, and who tend to overheat and dehysustainably grown foods. drate easily. Rohit Sahu’s Ayurveda Cookbook For Beginners: Pitta: A Sattvic As the temperature andAyurvedic Cookbook by the Timeless humidity riseBacked in the surroundWisdom of Indianthe Heritage ing environment, body isto Balance and Heal Your Pitta Dosha, highlights also experiencesing a surge in healthy recipes to support a balanced temperature and beginsning to constituPitta constitution, my personal accumulate internaltion. One’s moisture constitution or “dosha” helps ly.determine People of all constitutions in which foods “foster inner harmony. this season” need to be mindful Ayurveda six tastes: sour, of fluid intakerecognizes and electrolyte salty, pungent, sweet, bitter, astringent. balance. These three benefit Pitta To thislast end, I thought you constitutions. My Pitta Friendly West African might enjoy here is a healthy Style Stew includes locally grown blended fruitsquash, recipe, red thatpeppers, you butternut and can eitherpotatoes, enjoy as a to yummy sweet satisfy the drink or easily “sweet” taste. pour it into an A bitter to your eastern North ice pop trayfood, and native place in America, arekeep Jerusalem artichokes, or freezer to help you hydrat” These are the roots ed.“Sunchokes. It’s a healthy, andtubers delicious of sunflowers that thrive in our climate. way to attend to your body's Sunchokes possess a sweet, nutty flavor thirst, as sooninulin, as it aarises, andprebiotic. and contain powerful toBitter restore your body’s electrogreens, such as dandelion, are lyte balance.and artichoke hearts, which included, Iarehope you astringent, will enjoy and my cooling. bitter, Another astringent, chickpeas, simple recipe for a date sweet- provide stick-to-your-ribs ened fruit smoothie.protein. Melanie Pores Melanie Pores is a retired bilingual educator, and HWFC member since 1978, facilitating the Spanish Conversation Group since 2015. It will be held Fridays 10 am-12, check website.

1 Cup sweet onions, chopped 1 Cup redgreens pepper, chopped, or 2 cups fresh 2 roasted sweet peppers (e.g, kale, spinach, or red a mixture of greens) 2 Tbsp ghee or avocado oil Cupscoconut sweet potatoes, 1 1/23cups water orcut into 1-inch cubes coconut milk Cup butternut other 1 cup1winter almond milk inor squash, 1-inch cubes

1 cup1 clove pitted,garlic, chopped dates, minced soaked overnight 1 Tsp ground cumin 1 cup1/2 fresh frozen cooling Tsp or turmeric summer fruit 1 Tsp ground fennel (e.g, blueberries, blackberries, 1 Tsp ground cinnamon chunks of mango) 1/4ground Tsp ground cardamom 1 Tbsp flaxseed 1/2 Tsp Himalayan pink salt 1-2 scoops protein powder Tsp freshly (pea 1/4 protein powderground for vegans) black pepper 1/4 tsp ground cardamom 1/2 Cup dates, soaked in 1 1 tspcup cinnamon water overnight Cup almond 1 tsp¾vanilla extractbutter 2 Cups sliced fat 1 -2 Tbsp healthy Jerusalem artichokes (e.g, coconut butter, coconut oil, 1 Cup avocado orcanned, almond artichoke butter or hearts, rinsed and drained other nut or seed butter) 2 Cups bitter greens, chopped 1 Cup cooked chickpeas 1. Pour coconut water/ or 1 Tbsp chopped fresh cilantro (optional) coconut milk, and unsweetened almond milk, filling a high-speed blender to the 2 1/21.cup 2 quarts of In amark largefor soup pot, sauté onions in ghee avocado oil smoothie. Add theorgreens. until translucent, 5-10 2. Start blending on low and, minutes. as 2. greens start to break down, Add red pepper, sweet potatoes, squash, garlic, increase to medium speedand spices; sauté, covered, 5 until completely broken for down minutes. and smooth, approximately 45-60 seconds. 3. Add salt, dates, and water. Bring to a boil, dates reduceand heat, 3. Add in soaked simmer for 10 minutes. cooling summer fruit.

4. Remove ½ flaxseed, to 1 cup of hot 4. Add ground liquid, and combine with protein powder, and cardaalmond butter, forming a mom, creamy paste. cinnamon, and vanilla extract. 5. Add the thinned almond 5. Add 1 to 2 Tbsp healthy fat. butter mixture, Jerusalem Blend until smooth. artichokes, artichoke hearts, 6. Serve or pour to bitter immediately greens and chickpeas theice pot,pop simmering minutes, in an tray and5freeze. until vegetables are tender. Enjoy! 6. Add more liquid if stew is too thick. Garnish with cilantro.

Fresh News!

Although we had hoped to have in-perDoublepractitioner Up Food Bucks is a nationson classes, services, and wide ot h er ed ufruit c a t i and on a lvegetable p rog ra mincentive up a n d running this fall, we have had to of put those program, servicing millions SNAP plans on active hold. in Please stayattuned for users, 20+ states over 800 updated information our next farmers markets, in CSAs, farmissue. stands, mobile markets, and grocery stores. The program gives shoppers $1 for every $1 spent with SNAP, so you can purchase even more produce. A match of up to $20 a day could Check out this new product mean $40 for healthy foods. Why is from a great Certified B Corp. this important? Because too many working to uplift vulnerable people don’t have access, even with communities around the government aid, to the amount of world. They donate 2.5% of (Love of Vegan) healthy food needed to support famieach purchase to NOT FOR SALE to end modern slavery, lies. Sign up is free and the dollars and through impact sourcing never expire. they help communities thrive In New York State, Double Up has and help prevent vulnerability By Deanna Beyer October rd from pmof contributed to 1.1 million -pounds to human trafficking in the healthy food sales to over 24,000 HWFC Community Room first place. tion of SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition customers, at more than 130 sites Hunger Free America estimates • 45.8 million people worldJoin usthat for this much-loved event! This is a good some form of Assistance Program) benefits spanning 23 counties. that this past year has seen awide 67%experience old-fashioned so make sure to bring vegan modern slavery we’ve seen in a single year. Which is potluck, Visit our Service Desk ato signdish up increase in food- insecure New York• 2 8 0 , 0why 0 0 we’re p e o p so l e excited are to share! Then and while you sample to participate in relax and go tovisit honestweight.coop forvegan more ers. And here at Honest Weight we’re trafficked in the US each year in the Co-op community, Double Up Food Bucks! recipes from others information on the program.as well as on track to have the highest redemp• 80% of them are women favorites provided by the Kitchen at Honest Weight.

And…Not Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming…

Rebbl Keto

Double Up Food Bucks!

LoV Potluck

and children

CoopScoop Scoop Coop


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