HWFC Coop Scoop September/October 2019

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ISSUE #430



Help Local Fauna

Fill Your Yard With Native Plants

Commune With Trees Read The Overstory

Let's Learn This Fall

Kids' Classes at Honest Weight

Co-Managing Editors

global warming, global deforestation, flooding and air pollution. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), an estimated “one in eight [human] deaths globally is caused by air pollution, making it the world’s largest single environmental health risk. [Air pollution] is also damaging plant and tree life needed to help regulate air quality.”

Welcome to the SUSTAIN issue. What is sustainability and how are we ourselves sustained? Who are we? We are not only writers, cooks, poets, artists, teachers, master gardeners, librarians, volunteers, etc. “We” are you, too. And “we” would also be trees and plants and the rest of the natural world if only “they” could speak, and if we would listen closely.

It is not just we huma ns who cause environmental degradation. Yes, we are one of the primar y contributors, but we are also the creators of sustainable solutions. What we do and how we live has an impact on the planet, for better or for worse. If for worse, then the earth becomes unsustainable. What of the future for children, animals, and the natural environment?

This issue is in part on environmental degradation, the destruction and depletion of the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we sow. Entire ecosystems that have adapted and sustained our planet since the beginning are under threat; think

In this issue, we consider the health of our own backyard. We discuss sustainable economies and habits that we can develop to move towards more sustainable lifestyles. As in all our issues, we discuss how good



Warm Regards, Susan Metcalf & Linda Coolen Susan Metcalf & Linda Coolen are Co-op

Member-Owners and Co-Managing Editors of the Coop Scoop.

You don't have to Be a member to shop!





























We’ve also included a book review of The Overstory by Richard Powers, winner of the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction. What is happening to our planet, however, is not fiction, and it is not fake news. It is our current reality. Our future and our children’s future depends on our becoming more aware, opening our eyes and ears and taking steps to save this planet for future generations of all living things. The Overstory is a superb narrative which, in reading, increases our awareness not just about trees but about sustaining life. In the end, Powers’ story leaves us hopeful. Fitting since our next Coop Scoop issue theme is JOY!



100 Watervliet Avenue, Albany, NY 12206 (518) 482-2667 [COOP]


Letter from Our Editors

Linda Coolen and Susan Metcalf

food sustains us. There is poetry, a sustainability crossword puzzle, and projects for children and adults to learn more about sustainability.


8am TO 10pm EVERY DAY

Honest Weight Food Co-op is a memberowned and -operated consumer cooperative that is committed to providing the community with affordable, high quality natural foods and products for healthy living. Our mission is to promote more equitable, participatory, and

Ecologically sustainable ways of living. Honest weight is open to the public, seven days a week. The Coop Scoop is produced bimonthly by our Education Department and offered free of charge as part of our mission. To view online, Please visit www.honestweight.coop/coopscoop.

Contributors EDITORS: Heather Bonikowski, our Content Editor, is a lexicographer for dictionary.com and a foreign language instructor. She relocated from Austin in 2017, after triple-checking that there was a Co-op here for her to join.

Carol Reid, our Assistant Editor, is a retired cataloger at the New York

State Library, where she worked for over 35 years. She wrote a 10-year blog called “Typo of the Day for Librarians” and has been a Co-op member since the 1980s.

Writers: Mecca Andrades, Loren Brown, Sharon Bruce, Erin Donahue, Ben Goldberg, Georgia Julius, Melanie Pores, and Pat Sahr

Visuals: Mathew Bradley, Holley Davis, Jane Welch, and Jordan White

DISTRIBUTION Assistant: Donna Eastman

Interested in Contributing TO THE COOP SCOOP? Contact:

• contests and giveaways • great deals flyers • fresh deals flyers • exclusive promotions and sales • special event notices

CoopScoopEditors@ googlegroups.com

ADVERTISE WITH US! Contact: Kim Morton (518) 330-3262 kim.a.morton@gmail.com Printed with soy ink on recycled paper in Albany, NY

ISSN 2473-6155 (print) ISSN 2473-6163 (online) The Coop Scoop is for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing medical or health advice. Always seek the advice of a physician or other qualified health provider. We are not responsible for errors or omissions. Honest Weight is not responsible for, and does not necessarily agree with, our guest writers' articles. Cover photo by Monika Grabkowska on Unsplash

sustain 5 6






Sharon Bruce




Pat Sahr







Loren Brown

Mecca Andrades

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Melanie Pores

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What's Fresh at Honest Weight! We’re always working to improve your shopping experience, along with our store’s social and environmental impacts. We regularly assess and update our product offerings, educational programs, policies, and store infrastructure. We seek suggestions from our Member-Owners, staff, and shoppers and consider every single one. It’s a lot of work, but it’s totally worth it. Here’s what’s fresh for you this month at Honest Weight.

HWFC Iced Tea We’re now making freshly-brewed iced tea in house for you to enjoy on-the-go! You’ll find it in our deli cooler with other grab ‘n’ go treats. We use locally-produced SerendipiTea for great flavors and ethically and sustainably sourced botanicals. Currently available in three flavors: Strictly Strawberry, Moroccan Mint & Assam Black.

Califia Farms Ubermilk This new oat milk from Califia Farms is made with extra protein and micronutrients, with the intention of serving as a healthy, vegan substitute for cow’s milk. Made with oat milk, pea protein, sunflower oil and seeds, flaxseed oil, vitamins and minerals for extra protein, essential aminos, and time saved on your morning smoothie routine!

Savannah Bee Company We’re so excited to welcome Savannah Bee Company to our Wellness Department’s face and body offerings. They’re a business with an admirable ethos: to live as bees live; symbiotically with nature and in a manner that contributes positively to the world around us.Their products are use honeybee-made products like beeswax, royal jelly, propolis, and honey to benefit skin, hair, and body. We carry a wide assortment of their products, including lip balms, hand soaps, body washes, hand cream, heel balm, face scrub, night cream, shampoo and conditioner.

Willie’s Superbrew Hard seltzer in fruity and floral flavors was the unofficial drink of summer 2019, and Willie’s brings all natural hard seltzer flavored with real fruit to the game. Fruity, fizzy, and naturally flavored, Willie’s are gluten-free, 4.5% ABV, and made with as few as four ingredients, which, unlike most other alcoholic drink companies, they list on the packaging! We have Pomegranate & Acai, Mango & Passionfruit, and Ginger & Lemon flavors.

Book Review: The Overstory by Richard Powers by Linda Coolen and Susan Metcalf

“Trees cool and moisten our air and fill it with oxygen. They calm the winds and shade the land from sunlight. They shelter countless species, anchor the soil, and slow the movement of water. They provide food, fuel, medicines, and building materials for human activity.” -NASA The Overstory is Richard Powers’ twelfth novel. He has received accolades for his writing, and with The Overstory he won the 2019 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction. My sister and I both recently finished The Overstory. We love trees and we loved this 500-page ode to trees. We grew up amongst trees, on a dead-end street surrounded by forest. That was our playground. Most of our family vacations were spent hiking and camping with the Appalachian Mountain Club. As children, we took trees for granted. We climbed them, hid behind them, sat under them, threw their acorns at each other, and gathered their fallen branches for firewood and forts. We loved them, but not until reading this novel could I, for one, say why. What do we really know about trees? Picture Earth from space. The earth’s surface is 70% covered in water. The remaining land is 30% covered by trees, with 8% of those trees in the United States and 63% of them privately owned. While there are more trees today than there were 100 years ago, that can mainly be attributed to young forests. It is the old-growth forests that are in danger of becoming extinct.

In The Overstory, Powers tells a story about nine Americans, their lives intertwining and paralleling the growth and de s t r uc t ion of trees. Recurring elements include sense perception, time and space, abilities and disabilities, falling and being caught, ownership, protection, and responsibilities. His characters provide a cross section of vocations and experiences: farmer/artist, renegade student, wounded soldier, proper t y law yer, cour t recorder, engineer, psychologist, computer whiz, and brilliant botanist. This botanist has a degree of hearing loss and a speech impediment, but is finally heard. If you read this book, you will hear her too. We follow an artist who carries the memory of a family chestnut tree down through the centuries. A college student almost dies but wakes to follow spirits westward to do something, but she is not certain of what. A soldier in the Far East falls and is saved by a tree and a young Indian boy falls from a tree and is badly injured. A botanist proposes that trees can communicate but is mocked and retreats to the woods.

Imagine standing under a canopy of those few remaining giants: What do you hear, see, and smell? What do you feel?

The story blends these lives together in a beautiful tale that quietly increases our awareness of trees and the natural world with an underlying message of hope. After reading The Overstory, you may never look at a tree the same way again.

Imagine standing under a canopy of those few remaining giants: What do you hear, see, and smell? What do you feel?

Linda Coolen & Susan Metcalf are Co-op Member-Owners and Co-Managing Editors of the Coop Scoop.



Is Your Yard Healthy? Ask the Birds! Native plants for a healthier ecosystem by Sharon Bruce illustrations by Jane Welch

“Wow, is this place green!” exclaimed my sister back in May, during her first-ever visit to the Capital Region. We were standing in the parking lot of a busy steakhouse in downtown Albany. I looked up and around, perplexed by the sight of concrete and glass all around us. “Well, I mean on the drive here,” she explained, “it was really green. Like, you must have a ton of animals running around and stuff. Lots of birds,” she smiled and poked me in the rib.

bird watching has expanded my entire understanding of the natural world It’s true, we do have lots of birds in upstate New York. My sister knows this because I’ve become a “birder,” or bird watcher, over the last few years—otherwise known as “that person who can’t have a normal conversation in SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019

the outdoors anymore because… Ahhhh stop! Look! There’s a bird!” Apart from teaching me how to embrace distracted personalities, bird watching has expanded my entire understanding of the natural world. I don’t just see birds everywhere, I see the incredible variety of places they need— from beach dunes to forest edge, wetlands to dead tree trunks. In our backyards, they need flowers, bushes, grasses, and trees. But it’s even more complex than that. Birds depend on native plants to thrive. Unfortunately, the modern obsession with highly manicured grass law ns has created a monoculture carpet across the country, and that’s not good news for birds, bees, or insects.

THE MYTH OF GREEN “The chemicals we use in our yards are one of the largest sources of pollution contaminating our drinking water today,” states

marsh wren

flowering dogwood Diane Lewis, M.D., in her book The Great Healthy Yard Project. The chemicals used to keep our yards, parks, and public spaces green “wash with rain and storm water into our streams, lakes, 7

reservoirs…” all in the name of keeping up appearances.

Birds that live year-round in our state...depend on high-fat and high-protein diets You can avoid the need for harmful chemicals by planting native trees and flowers, rather than ornamental non-natives or invasives. Instead of tulip flowers, try tulip poplar, a tree celebrated for its bright yelloworange blooms. Use trumpet honeysuckle twines in place of Japanese honeysuckle. Plant wild strawberry and mountain mint fields in place of traditional lawns. This will produce a wide variety of birds darting in and about your garden, landing on woody stems to pick at flower seeds and catch the now-thriving variety of insects zooming and crawling around. C ont r a s t t h at w it h a r e a s dominated by non-native plants, where productivity drops—not just for lack of food, but lack of nutritious options. Our pristine green yards and non-native trees and shrubs do grow “food,” but they’re more factory-farmed than farm-to-table.

Not All That Glitters Is Gold Why do so many non-native, exotic plants dominate our landscapes? Three easy answers: either they’re pretty, they’re invasive, or they’re

planting Native plants preserves and improves our state’s incredible biodiversity 8

some combination of both—like exotic bush honeysuckle. This invasive species can be spotted along forest edges and roadsides, although it was originally used in ornamental gardens. They outcompete native plants for soil moisture, light, and nutrients, and while they are favored by pollinators, you might think of them more like delicious junk food. Berries of the exotic honeysuckles lack the high-fat content migratory birds need for long flights.

big, yellow-gold leafed shrub that produces green berries. Longdistance migrants like the wood thrush, getting ready to fly 100 miles the next evening, will spend all day refueling at this “Spicebush Station.” Congratulations, you’ve provided at least one threatened bird with a critical place to rest and rejuvenate before a long journey to Central America!

Need More Reasons for Native plants?

Birds that live year-round in our state, as well as those that migrate through, depend on high-fat and high-protein diets, and that comes from the berries, nuts, and seeds of native plants. It also comes

Native plants are adapted to local precipitation and soil conditions, so they save time, water, and money on upkeep. They require less fertilization and less pesticide application, and they don’t require mowing.

Wherever you live, whether on ten acres or a tenth of an acre, you can make an impact

“Native insects are specialists that have co-evolved with native plants for thousands of years. They cannot survive without them.

from insects—which native plants “host” in far greater numbers than non-native ones. It can take hundreds of insects a day to feed just one family of birds. Research by the entomologist Doug Tallamy has shown that native oak trees support over 500 species of caterpillars, whereas ginkgos, a commonly planted landscape tree from Asia, host only five species of caterpillars. Add native trees to your yard, like the American basswood or northern white oak, and you’ll provide essential, healthy food for birds. Wherever you live, whether on ten acres or a tenth of an acre, you can make an impact. Imagine a single spicebush in your yard this fall; a

Allegheny Serviceberry

flowering dogwood COOP SCOOP

Native birds and amphibians depend on specific insects, so they, too, are threatened, and so on up the food chain,” says Lewis.

June to October. Attracts birds for its seeds and pollinating insects for its nectar, and is resistant to browsing by deer.

Adding native plants to your garden can help preserve and improve our state’s incredible biodiversity. Now that you know, grow!

Red Columbine

Native Plants for New Yorkers TREES

Bring hummingbirds to your yard with this perennial’s uniquely bell-shaped red f lowers. Also known as Eastern red columbine and wild columbine.

Black-Eyed Susan

Wreath (Bluestem) Goldenrod and Wrinkle-Leaf Goldenrod

Allegheny Serviceberry Blooms and fruits in early summer, producing white flowers followed by red, purple, or black berries. Popular with fruit-eating birds. Flowering Dogwood White flowers bloom from spring to fall, bright red fruits mature in late summer to early fall and may persist until late in the year. It is resistant to browsing by deer and attracts caterpillars, butterflies, orioles, warblers, waxwings, and more.

ANNUALS AND PERENNIALS Black-Eyed Susan Daisy-like f lowers are yellow with a brownish-purple center, and bloom on rough stalks from

Brightly colored yellow flowers make wreath goldenrod a popular stop for butterflies, while the tiny yellow f lowers of wrinkle-leaf goldenrod offer a valuable source of food for honeybees.


Red Columbine

A searchable database—enter your ZIP code to find native plants that will thrive in your area: audubon.org/plantsforbirds. Lewis, Diane. The Great Healthy Yard Project. She Writes Press, 2014. Sharon Bruce is a gardener, cookie baker, and nonprofit communicator.

Jane Welch is a registered nurse and new member of the Co-op. She loves to swim and is passionate about art.

Wreath Goldenrod (L) & Wrinkle-Leaf Goldenrod (R)

Toddler Program



A Montessori Toddler program for children ages 18 months through 3 years old. Designed for the family that enjoys mornings at home or has other morning activities.

Program Hours and oPTIons 12:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. 3, 4 or 5 days a week More info at woodlandhill.org or ask for Kris at 518.283.5400 SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019


Producer Profiles by Pat Sahr

We truly value the small businesses and dedicated individuals who work hard to create the exceptional goods and products we carry here at Honest Weight Food Co-op. We think these inspirational stories demonstrate the importance of supporting local, and why we’re so committed to it!


Nothing forces a parent to ex a m i ne t he fa m i ly ’s d iet and then to explore safe food alternatives more urgently than the development of a food allergy. This is exactly what Vicki Brignati did when her son Alexander had an allergic reaction after eating one bite of peanut butter. Testing showed that he was allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, and peas.

8 foods account for 90% of all food allergy reactions: peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, eggs, gluten, fish, and shellfish According to the Food Allergy Research and Education’s website ( foodallergy.org), “Food allergy is a serious and potentially lifethreatening medical condition affecting 32 million Americans.” It is estimated that 1 in 10 adults 10

(approximately 26 million adults) and 1 in 13 children (approximately 5.6 million children) have been diagnosed with food allergies. In February 2017, Vicki joined with her sister Kristen Poulin to create Alexander’s Bakery, a home-based business located in Halfmoon, New York, to provide allergy-friendly baked goods that everyone can enjoy together. There are 8 foods that account for 90% of all food allergy reactions: peanuts, tree nuts, dairy, soy, eggs, gluten, fish, and shellfish. Vicki says, “Alexander’s Bakery was created with one simple premise— everyone should be able to enjoy delicious baked goods safely.” All their products are vegan and free of the top eight allergens. The Bakery offers a wide variety of del ic iou s ba ke d go od s, including muf f ins, cook ies, brownies, granola, cupcakes, and whoopie pies. You may purchase

Alexander's Bakery products online, at farmers markets, and at several retail stores. Look for their banana-chocolate chip and morning glory muffins at the Co-op in the Bakery section and watch for additional products coming later this summer.

The Bakery offers a wide variety of delicious baked goods, including muffins, cookies, brownies, granola, cupcakes, and whoopie pies For more information, visit alexandersbakeryny.com. Vicki Brignati and Kristen Poulin are happy to answer questions at alexandersbakeryny@outlook.com. You can also follow them on social media: @AlexandersBakeryNY on Facebook and @alexandersbakeryny1 on Instagram. COOP SCOOP

PETE’S EXTRAORDINARY GRANOLA Found in our Bulk department

For more than 20 years, Peter Michelman lived in the Albany area where he owned and operated a business. But his life was radically changed in October of 2013, when he was injured in a car accident. His recovery was slow, and it became apparent that he would live with a permanent disability that would make it impossible for him to do the work required by his contracting business. Consequently, within 6 months of his accident, he sold the business, and in January of 2015, he moved to North Carolina to be near his brother and a good friend.

Pete's Granola is vegan, non-GMO, and contains no refined sugar Once he was settled in an apartment near Asheville, he began experimenting with making his own granola. Somehow store-bought granola never quite met his standards. When he finally came up with a combination of ingredients that satisfied him, he asked his landlord, a notoriously picky eater, to try it. The landlord loved Pete’s granola and promptly got his own family hooked on it. Word spread about this special product, and before long Pete was giving it away to 50 or 60 people. At this point, friends SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019

Pete says his granola is “the best in the known universe!” convinced him to market it. Thus, in May of 2017, Pete’s Extraordinary Granola, LLC, was born!

The granola is now made in two locations: in a commercial kitchen just outside of Asheville and at a larger, SQF (Safe Quality Foods) rated facility in Indiana. It is vegan, non-GMO, and contains no refined sugar. It features rolled oats, organic maple syrup, extra virgin olive oil, dried Bing cherries, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, coconut chips, and organic coconut sugar. Currently, Pete has only one recipe on the market, but he hopes to have another “flavor” available by the end of the year. Pete says his granola is “the best in the known universe.” Try it in the Co-op’s Bulk Department and see if you agree! Pat Sahr has been a member of the Co-op since 2005. She contributes to the Coop Scoop as the writer of the Producer Profiles. Sahr says, “It’s a pleasure being part of the Honest Weight family, and I’ve especially enjoyed communicating with the various producers whose products are sold at the Co-op!” 11

Sustainable Economics: Toward a Livable Future Re-evaluating Growth by Ben Goldberg

"Anyone who thinks consumption can expand forever on a finite planet is either insane or an economist" -E. F. Schumacher

WHEN ENOUGH IS NOT ENOUGH It is true that economic growth has resulted in higher standards of living for some parts of the world. However, it is also true that our structural dependence on economic growth is no longer rational or possible. Additionally, for our “developed world”, unbridled growth and toxically materialistic lifestyles have not resulted in greater happiness. In fact, just the opposite appears to be true. Key variables that support a sense of well-being include: income (within a modest range), healthy life expectancy, social support, freedom, trust, a nd generosit y. Wel l-being ultimately depends on the nature 12

of the social fabric. What appears to result in greater happiness is “…a more balanced set of social and institutional supports for better lives” (World Happiness Report, 2018). Yes, sometimes less really is more. The need for economic systems and lifestyles that are more consistent with the finite resources of our planet has been apparent for decades (viz. Small Is Beautiful: A Study of Economics as if People Mattered, E. F. Schumacher, 1973). Yet, fueled by deception, greed, and a lack of political integrity, we entered the 21st century cloaked in denial that our climate has been and continues to be altered in ways that threaten the survival of humankind, of our non-human companions, and of the planet we call home. Consider rising temperatures; ecosystem degradation and species annihilation; increasingly destructive weather events and patterns and widespread heat waves, droughts, loss of farmland and general land degradation; rainforest decimation; food

shortages and famine; rising atmospheric CO 2 levels; ocean warming, acidification, plastic pollution, and the depletion of fish stocks; rapidly melting glaciers and rising sea levels; et cetera. It has been apparent for some time that: 1. We are close to depleting critical finite resources (e.g., peak oil, essential minerals) 2. We a re approaching a n environmental tipping point on the irreversible and destructive effects of climate change (i.e., 2% global temperature rise) 3. The 19th-century economic theories still dominating that field—which are critically hinged on continuous growth and polluting methodologies, and measured pr imar ily by Gross Domestic Product (GDP)—are no longer valid or useful (if they ever truly were). (See “The Economist Has No Clothes” by Robert Nadeau in Scientific American, April 1, 2008, and books and articles by Tim Jackson, among others) COOP SCOOP

"Growth as a metaphor for prosperity has become deeply embedded through language. We like to see our children grow, or our gardens. But there is another side to the metaphor: that growth can be cancerous." (See Richard Partington, “Is it time to end our fixation with GDP and growth?” The Guardian, June 17, 2019) Sustainability: the ability to continue a defined behavior indefinitely. (thwink.org) A “sustainable lifestyle” typically implies a high quality of life, based on at least three essential aspects or components—environmental (a clean, healthful environment), socia l (socia l c on nec t ion s, relationships, and fulfillment), and economic (the ability to meet basic needs throughout one’s life; a comfortable, responsible standard of living). S u s ta i n a b l e e c on omy: A n economic system that “meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” (The United Nations World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987) A lthough this def inition is commonly accepted, the clear question is how and by whom will the “needs of the present” be defined? The current economic system that dominates most of the (developed and developing) earth is: 1. Dependent on continuous growth that—in the developed world—is driven primarily by materialism, novelty, and a consumer lifestyle, rather than on actual need (e.g., In 2016 businesses in the United States SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019

We are living on borrowed time as a species and as stewards of the Earth spent more than $190 billion on advertising) 2. D r i v e n b y c omp e t i t io n rather than cooperation and utilization of “zero sum” (I win, you lose) strategies and tactics at most levels of transaction, which has resulted in drastic social and economic inequities at both the global and national levels 3. Reliant on narrow, short-term thinking and the immediate satisfaction of desires without much regard for the well-being of future generations Meanwhile, as we know (or at least hope), every crisis—including this one—presents opportunities.

WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH: UTOPIA OR OBLIVION "An economic utopia is not wishful thinking but in some substantial degree, the necessary alternative to self-destruction" (Alan Watts, "Money vs. Wealth"). We have the wherewithal to… give every human on Earth a chance. Whether it is to be Utopia or Oblivion will be a touch-andgo relay race right up to the final moment (R. Buckminster Fuller, Utopia or Oblivion, the Prospects for Humanity, 1973). Some say that what is required for a genuine and relatively accelerated shift to sustainable

e c onom ic s—t he aw a r ene s s, commitment, competence, and levels of cooperation required—is antithetical to “human nature,” a nd may t herefore be too difficult, if not impossible, for non-authoritarian democracies to accomplish. And some have begun to say that it is already too late to save the human species, if not the Earth itself. The range of elements, facets, and structures that must be addressed in order to have sustainable economic systems are daunting, particularly since the transformation will require far greater global cooperation, coord inat ion, a nd sha r ing, and a fundamental cultural t r a n sfor mat ion aw ay f r om materialism, consumerism, and commodification (of insentient things and sentient beings), in those parts of the world in which wealth and power are currently concentrated. "We are not going to be able to operate our Spaceship Earth successfully nor for much longer unless we see it as a whole spaceship and our fate as common. It has to be everybody or nobody." —R. Buckminster Fuller A partial list of the basic elements needed for transformation to a sustainable economy might include:

ENVIRONMENTAL ●● Global stewardship, environmental consciousness, and environmental practices ●● Elimination of environmental pollutants ●● Nontoxic air ●● Water—fresh and oceanic 13

the climate of our planet has been and continues to be altered in ways that threaten the survival of humankind


by Loren Brown

●● Food/regenerative agriculture ●● Energy—amounts, sources ●● Nurturance of biodiversity in all forms ●● Mass transportation ●● Circularity to reduce waste ●● Design and use durability, and/or capacity to be repaired, refurbished, reused, recycled.

SOCIAL ●● Shelter/housing ●● Education ●● Population management and/ or population control ●● Social equality

ECONOMIC ●● Economic equality and justice ●● People before profits ●● Ethical, collaborative, and s h a r i n g- b a s e d bu s i ne s s practices and economics ●● Reapplication of global military budgets ($1.7 trillion in 2017)

●● Cooperative and sharing-based living and governance (e.g., some blend of ethical capitalism and democratic socialism) ●● R a t e s o f g r o w t h a n d development (from slower or f lat growth to reductions in growth)

Coda We are living on borrowed time as a species and as stewards of the Earth, time borrowed from our children and theirs, and from the many life forms that share our planet. At this point, our local and regional efforts, combined with large-scale transformations in human vision, consciousness, and ways of doing things cooperatively might save us and our home, and might even, in fact, result in more than mere survival. Ben Goldberg lives, gardens, and tries to live responsibly in Albany.

Homeownership Center www.ahphome.org 14

Sustainability Crossword Answers:

We’ll help you take the first step to a greener and more comfortable building with lower utility bills.

Across: 3-vegan, 4-cotton, 6-food, 8 - co m p o s te d , 10 -A m e r i c a n s , 13-paper, 14-trees

Get a free Home Performance Energy Assessment which can qualify you for incentives and low interest financing to make home improvements. Have an expert show you where you may be wasting energy- and how to fix it.

Down: 1-heat, 2-decompose, 5-toilet, 7-Germany, 9-water, 11-ink, 12-LEDs

Stop Energy Waste and Save!

"V" is for vanilla and for vase and for elm trees whose branches form v-line vases. The "v" in you and i was born so long ago that, while indelible, it is lost to our upper-reaches where consciousness plays. If time dissolved as easily as dropping an alka seltzer into water we would know we are one and two and infinity. But for now we do our own thing, moving with the breezes and turning life into green. Loren Brown identifies most with being a person, learning, growing, seeking, and trying to capture the aesthetic of thoughts in writing so she can share with others. She has been a member of the Co-op since the days of the Quail Street start-up. Which means she is getting old. COOP SCOOP

End-of-Life Planning: A Short Guide By Mecca Andrades

There are many meanings for the verb “sustain:” to make a continuous effort; to support a structural load; to keep living things fed and hydrated. From a medical point of view, it’s about sustaining human life, from its inception through its conclusion. In this article, we will take a brief look at end-of-life care, some terminology, rules in New York State as they pertain to life-sustaining equipment, and six important steps to ensure that you and your loved ones are properly represented in the event of terminal illness. An individual is usually expected to die within days or even hours after the removal of life support; such a task must be thought through carefully, planned strategically, and performed humanely and with dignity.

brain, cells, and organs, all body functions cease. Although her condition didn’t improve after several years, the hospital did not agree with her family’s wishes to remove her life support. A court of law became involved. The family spent hours submitting evidence that indicated that if Nancy had had the ability to speak, she would say she would not want to live this way. The court ruled in favor of her family. There are times when the process may not be as quick, once life support is removed. Some individuals who are unable to eat are supplied with artificial nutrition via a tube which sends liquid formula to the person’s stomach in order to supply the recommended daily amount of calories necessary in order to not lose weight and waste away.

Two devices responsible for helping an individual to breathe when they are unable to do so on their own include a respirator and a ventilator. A ventilator is an electrical device, with a tube that runs from the device to the person’s lungs and provides air to maintain their lung function and help them breathe. A respirator is another machine that is used when the lungs are not functioning at all; it is essentially breathing for the patient (NIH.gov).

One name that I will always remember is Terri Schiavo. Ms. Schiavo suffered a heart attack, which caused vital nutrients, vitamins, electrolytes, etc. to be depleted. A tube was surgically inserted into her stomach in order to give her liquid food to maintain the daily recommended intake requirements. Her husband believed that Terri would not have wanted to have her life sustained this way, but her parents thought an injustice would be done if the tube was removed. Once again, the courts became involved.

In the high-profile case of Nancy Cruzan, the patient was in a persistent vegetative state, which was the result of an accident that had left her oxygen-deprived for much longer than the brain and body can accommodate. Without oxygen to the

One major concern in the Schiavo case, after 15 years, was quality of life (QOL). We generally think of quality of life as doing what is enjoyable, working toward goals, and participating in activities that make us the best we can be. At the time this was



GLOSSARY OF TERMS End of life care: Support and medical care given during the time surrounding death. Physician-assisted suicide: The voluntary

termination of one's own life by administration of a lethal substance, with the direct or indirect assistance of a doctor.

Assisted suicide: The suicide of a patient suffering from an incurable disease with lethal drugs provided by a doctor for this purpose.

occurring in 1990, QOL may not have been at the forefront of conversations, but it was a consideration in this case. When the judge decided in favor of the husband’s argument, the feeding tube was removed. This action was an example of passive euthanasia. It may be beneficial to have someone familiar with your requests who will advocate for you and ensure your directives are kept. How you plan this is all up to you. Some steps you might take while approaching this sensitive subject are as follows:

1. “Take your time and hurry up”

about by an omission of care such as not providing nutrition via tube feedings.

This is one of my personal favorites as far as quotes go. You should keep in mind that this topic of conversation is extremely important, but don’t let it make you so anxious that nothing is discussed or completed at all. You yourself have the best information regarding your health status, so if it is something you want to revisit in six months or a year, then you should do so. Likewise, if you want to get the conversation done and over with so you can move on, then you could do that too.

Power/letter of Attorney: A written

2. Talk to friends and family

Active euthanasia: When death is

brought about by an act such as being given an overdose of pain pills.

Passive euthanasia: When death is brought

authorization to represent or act on another's behalf in private affairs, business, or some other legal matter, such as life-sustaining treatment decisions. It should specify length of time to be in effect, as it can otherwise expire.

Living will: Advanced care directive/written

statement of a person’s health care and medical wishes without appointing a specific individual to make decisions for them.

Health care proxy: An individual may charge

someone that they trust with the task of making important decisions regarding their health care when they are not able to do so themselves. This is called assigning an agent. Per NYS health law, the individual must be over 18 years of age, of sound mind and body, and either a close friend or family member. A living will outlines instructions to be followed when such a situation occurs and applies to life-sustaining equipment.

Sources: medicinenet.com and nhpco.org 16

Maybe people you know have started their own discussions, or maybe they know someone who has some vital information or advice. Discussions about death mean that we are willingly acknowledging our own mortality. Granted this is not the best dinner table topic, but it is a very necessary and vital conversation. Documents are worth creating and agents are worth appointing because we want our instructions acknowledged and respected.

3. Do your research Read stories of other real-life individuals like Terri Schiavo and Nancy Cruzan. It helps ground your decisions in reality. Research regulations and guidelines for your specific state. In New York, the law grants an individual the right to accept or reject treatment such as life-sustaining procedures as long as you are able to verbalize these requests to your medical provider and family members. On the other hand, if you are incapacitated, the only way your request can be honored is if you have previously planned for your future medical care. COOP SCOOP

4. Get a health care proxy Try to get a responsible, reliable friend or family member that you want to designate to make your wishes known and or to make decisions based on what they know of your wishes.

5. Document your wishes It is always the right of the patient to refuse treatment that would sustain their life. However, if the chances are great that the patient will recover, and the treatment options are minimally invasive, this decision could be contested. The patient would have to institute one of the advanced care directives, while still of sound mind and body, to ensure that their instructions are followed. Advanced care directives include health care proxy, living will, and power of attorney. An individual may specify on the proxy document which life-sustaining interventions they want implemented or omitted, bearing in mind that euthanasia is not one of the options. Thirty-two states have made assisted suicide a statutory offense. In states without statutes prohibiting suicide

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assistance, the persons involved in helping may be subject to prosecution for murder or manslaughter. This is regardless of verbal or written permission from the patient (bbc.com).

6. Take a deep breath It is not an easy topic and this task is very difficult, but you need to be able to enjoy the life that you have in the way that you want it, without vacillating over the decision.

7. Carry on You have many wonderful things to do in life, but consider helping others to understand the importance of this task as well. And in the meantime, do not forget to make sure that your own documentation is updated, corrected, and/or modified any time you change your mind, or want to make something more specific. Mecca Andrades, aka Majick, is a Nurse by profession, caring for the elderly and the developmentally disabled. Majick enjoys being a member of HWFC and a writer for the Coop Scoop. When she’s not working or writing she is out enjoying time with her family. She is a mother of two girls and a granddaughter completes the trio. You can find Majick on Facebook. Artwork by Dana Sela

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Sustainability Crossword! 1





6 7










3. Agricultural Emissions could be reduced by as much as 70% by adopting a _____ diet and 63% by adopting a vegetarian diet.

1. An incandescent light bulb provides 10% of the electricity to provide light. The rest is wasted as ____.

4. It takes around 2,700 liters of water to make a single ______ t-shirt. 6. ____ waste and yard waste account for 27% of our annual waste, of which 14% is wasted groceries. 8. On average, two-thirds of our household waste can be _________. 10. _________ make up 5% of the world’s population, but consume 26% of the world’s energy. 13. _____ and packaging materials make up approximately 31% of all waste Americans send to the landfill. 14. Recycling one ton of paper saves 17 _____. 18

2. Plastic bags and Styrofoam containers can take up to thousands of years to _________, leading to marine animal death and the contamination of soil and water. 5. 2.3 billion people (1 in 3) lack access to a ______. 7. _______ has the best recycling rate in the world followed by Austria, South Korea, and Wales. 9. 844 million people (1 in 9) lack access to safe _____. 11. Switching from the font ‘Arial’ to ‘Century Gothic’ saves 30% of the ___ required for printing. 12. Switching to ____ will use 90% less energy and last far longer than with the use of incandescent lights.

Answers on page 14


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Back to School with Homemade Granola Bars! by Erin Donahue

Servings ●● Makes about 12 granola bars

Sustain your little ones (and not-so-little ones!) throughout the school day with these homemade granola bars!



●● 2 cups rolled oats

You can switch up the dry ingredients in these granola bars, making them a perfect clear-out-the-pantry recipe. Make sure to keep the total amount of dry ingredients the same. I usually use almonds, pecans, dried cherries, and dried cranberries. Get creative by trying different nuts, seeds, dried fruits, and chocolate chips. For the binding ingredients, I find that agave syrup helps the granola bars stay together best, but honey or maple syrup also works!

●● ½ cup sliced almonds ●● ½ cup pecan pieces ●● 1 cup shredded coconut You can find Tierra Farm's Organic Maple-Toasted Coconut in Honest Weight's Bulk Department. It is sweet, crunchy, and perfect in this recepie

●● ½ cup dried cranberries ●● ½ cup dried cherries ●● ½ cup chocolate chips ●● 3 tablespoons butter (or coconut oil) ●● ½ cup agave syrup (or maple syrup or honey) ●● ¼ cup light brown sugar ●● 1 ½ teaspoons vanilla extract ●● 3 tablespoons salted peanut butter Erin Donahue lives and works in Albany. With a lifelong passion for cooking that began before she could even reach the counter in her parents' kitchen, Erin is most happy preparing food with family and sharing home-cooked meals.

This recipe is based on a combination of Ina Garten’s recipe in her book Back to Basics, and the Portland, Maine-based The Standard Pastry’s granola bars, with lots of trial (and error!) batches made at home.


1. Preheat oven to 350°F. 2. Melt 3 tablespoons butter in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Add agave syrup, brown sugar, and vanilla to butter. Bring to a boil, then turn off heat. Add peanut butter and whisk quickly. Let the mixture cool (so that it won’t melt the chocolate chips when you stir them in!) 3. Toss the oats, nuts, and coconut on a sheet pan and bake for 10-12 minutes until lightly toasted, stirring occasionally. Transfer to a large mixing bowl. 4. Butter a 9 by 12 inch pan and line it with parchment paper. 5. Add the other dry ingredients (dried fruits, chocolate chips, anything pre-toasted) to the bowl and mix well. Let cool. 6. Add peanut butter mixture to the bowl and stir well to combine. 7. Pour into the prepared pan. Wet your fingers and press the mixture evenly into the pan. 8. Bake for 25-30 minutes until golden brown. Cool for at least three hours before cutting.



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Recipe Corner by Melanie Pores

Barley and Broccoli Salad with Raisins and Sunflower Seeds Servings


●● 6 servings; serving size: about ½ cup

●● Combine oil, juice, maple syrup, coriander, and salt in a large bowl, stirring with a whisk.

Ingredients ●● 3 cups cooked, hulled barley ◊ Boil 1 cup hulled barley in 3 cups water for about 40 minutes, drain and rinse ●● 5 cups fresh or lightly steamed broccoli florets (about 1 medium head of broccoli) ●● ¼ teaspoon Himalayan pink salt ●● 3 tablespoons sunflower seeds (toasted or raw) ●● 2 tablespoons olive oil

●● Add cooked barley, broccoli florets, and raisins; stir well to combine. Let stand for 20 minutes or until cooled to room temperature. ●● Add sunflower seeds and cilantro to barley mixture. ●● Transfer to a serving bowl, and garnish with goat cheese crumbles and chopped chives, if using. Melanie Pores is presently retired after having served a 30+ year career as a bilingual teacher, teacher-trainer, resource specialist, school board member, adjunct professor, educational researcher, and policy analyst. She facilitates the Co-op's Spanish Conversation Group on Mondays at 10 a.m.

●● 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice ●● 2 teaspoons maple syrup ●● ½ teaspoon ground coriander ●● ½ cup raisins, soaked ●● 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro ●● ½ cup (2 ounces) crumbled goat cheese (optional) ●● ¼ cup minced chives (optional) SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019


Kids’ Classes at Honest Weight Our Education Coordinator, Deanna Beyer, has been working hard to increase our in-store educational programming for kids and young adults. Check out these fun classes coming up in the next few months and visit our website at honestweight.coop/education for the most up-to-date information on our monthly class offerings! What’s the Story? A preschool story time for ages 2-4 will run every Friday (following the school calendar) beginning in September right after ¡Bebé Spanish!, with Castle Island Montessori, which is for ages 18-36 months. We now have monthly classes for ages 4-7 and 7-11 with Selena (these will be held on Sundays from 12:30-2:00pm). Along with Outreach Coordinator Amy Ellis, Deanna hosted our first ever four-day Stir it Up! Cooking Immersion for Kids Series (for children ages 8-12) in July and it was a blast! We plan on running single Stir It Up! cooking classes for ages 8-12 in October, November, January, February, March, April, and May (some on Saturdays, some Thursdays late afternoon), and possibly adding a couple during the February and April school breaks. We’ve included supervised children in Cosmetics Made Easy! classes, invited ages 8 and up to Nina Stanley’s art classes, and are adding new offerings like Plant-Based Living for Young Adults to the calendar. We are also currently piloting Breathe. Balance. Have Fun! Repeat. Yoga for Kids (ages 7-12). If all goes well, we’re hoping to make this a weekly class!

DID YOU KNOW? Our Outreach Coordinator, Amy Ellis, and her team of Outreach Member-Owners, visit schools, libraries, and community organizations to offer free cooking and nutrition classes for kids and adults year round! Interested in hosting us? Reach out to Amy at amy@honestweight.coop to schedule an event in your community!

There’s a lot more in store for the upcoming year! We’re looking forward to having you and your family join us as we learn and grow together!

Sign up to get class and event updates right in your email inbox at honestweight.coop/newsletter!

Amy Ellis

Outreach Coordinator 22

Deanna Beyer

Education Coordinator


Kids Corner Sustainability!

It’s a big word and a big idea! Sustainability means that what we do has an impact on our planet and how we leave Earth for future generations of people. Try some of the activities listed below to be a more sustainable citizen of planet Earth!

Plant a Garden! Grow your own fruits and vegetables in pots or in your yard. G rowing your own healthy food helps sustain your body and shortens the distance food has to travel to get to you, which is important because trucks and planes use fossil fuels, which are limited.

Conserve Water! There are lots of ways to conserve water. Collect rain water in a bucket under your gutters or just out in your yard to use on your garden. Turn off the water when you brush your teeth. Take shorter showers or don’t fill the bathtub too high.

Make a Rain Gauge! You can also make a rain gauge to see how much it’s been raining. Use a clear container or have an adult help you cut the top off of a clear plastic jug or bottle. Use a marker to copy measurement SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2019

lines from a ruler onto your rain gauge. Place the gauge outside and keep track of daily rainfall. Does your garden need to be watered today?

Compost! There are many ways to compost. The easiest way to see how composting works is to make a pile of leaves in the fall. When spring comes take a look underneath the pile and see what has happened to the leaves. They will have decomposed into usable soil. The leaves will have been recycled for you to reuse!

Studies show that kids who participate in gardening activities also grow a preference for eating fruits and vegetables!

Make a mini greenhouse! Ask an adult to cut the bottom off a clear or foggy plastic jug and put it over a new plant in your garden. See how doing this changes how the plant grows. This is best to do in the spring and fall, when the sun isn’t so hot that it will cook your plant!

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Help your family save and sort your recyclables. Think of ways to reduce what you buy. Look for alternatives to plastic by helping your parents choose foods in glass jars and bring containers to use in the Bulk Department.

Go outside and enjoy nature! Take a sketch pad or camera with you and explore a nearby park or even just the trees around your house! Notice the little plants, the medium sized plants, and the trees. Look closely at the leaves, the bark, the bugs, the flowers, and the dirt. What animals or birds do you see? How are they interacting with the plants?

Learn more! Our library has lots of great books for kids about the environment. Try one of these, some of which are available in the Upper Hudson Library System: I Am Earth: An Earth Day Book for Kids by James McDonald and Rebecca McDonald Not for Me, Please! I Choose to Act Green by Maria Godsey T h e R u n a wa y D a n d e l i o n: Adventures In SustainAbility by Jill Regensburg 23



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