Uniform or not 2

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This is the next article in the series of school uniforms. This time we look at violence, bullying and als affordability as these are all inter-linked. Bullying Bullying is one of the biggest problems in the school environment. It has been a widely discussed and

campaigned issue across the world. It has been spoken about by well-known people like Justin Bieber (who was also bullied) through his wonderful song: never say never. And who could ever forget "Karate Kid" starring Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan. These platforms all expressed the pain that many bullied learners faced on the school premises. The so-called "school environment" that has school uniform which apparently should reduce the rate of bullying and discrimination is what we are looking

at today. If you remember "Soul Buddyz" – the alltime favorite drama series that dealt with almost all the issues including bullying you will know what the theme is. Although every child was wearing uniform; some children were still bullied. 'Initiation' is the usual practical way of welcoming the Grade 8's– the newbies to the school. It has happened to some boy that studied at my school several years ago. He was told to sing a certain' song' that made him look and feel stupid on the first day . . . Some learners also said they were flushed down the toilet, and others were told to tickle a tree until it 'laughed'. The unfortunate thing is that all these initiations are part of bullying. According to one of my teachers, these ' initiations' have not happened recently in my school but she often hears of them, maybe from other schools. I then asked some of my classmates about how they feel about school uniform in terms of bullying. One learner described this in terms of affordability and then in bullying. She said that although we might be wearing the same uniform, it is evident that we are not all the same because a learner wearing a blazer shows that his/her family is well off and the other ' not so well off' is belittled and often bullied. She really does believe that uniform doesn't make a difference in stopping bullying.

Most teachers beg to differ. They believe that uniform rapidly reduces bullying. Not only does it do that but it makes teaching and learning effective in the classrooms. It also brings dignity to the child and the school. The words were: Brings order thus bringing neatness and respect. Makes education easier for learners to access regardless of their background. Increase learner's confidence. Prefer and favour are two very different words. Majority of learners ' prefer' uniform just because they don't have enough clothes but they favour Noschool uniform. They said that uniform rapidly reduces their beauty compared to the casual clothes, and the school uniform also makes them feel very tired but they really have no choice but to wear school uniform. Even though uniform brings equality in the eye, it does not stop bullying because behind those blazers and pull overs–we are not all the same. Bullying is above the concept of school uniform as it happens to any learner whether he\she is wearing uniform or not. It is shocking and disrupting that although the uniform is there – many learners still experience the taunting experience of being initiated; basically being bullied. Affordability Economics is a broad subject. To some it can be boring but to some it can be a medium to make sure that millions and millions of learners in South Africa can go to school and so much more. Have you ever heard people in suits and ties on the news say "the rand is weakening or strengthening" or "inflation" ; "exports and imports" etc. ?. Well, trust me; the value of school uniform in South Africa is way cheaper than in other countries because of the basis of the subject of economics. South Africa produces its own school uniform. This makes uniform slightly

cheaper. A blazer is an exception as it is one school uniform item that is expensive in South Africa although items like trousers and shoes (yearly) are cheaper. Parents are the ones that face financial problems. After the festive season January is knocking on the door— that comes with stationery, school fees and school uniform. This is the time where most parents make ends meet. "School uniform should always be bought first" says a mother of two. She believes that uniform does not only keep learners tidy and giving them a clear identification but also helps economically. She buys uniform every 3 years depending on how fast her children grow. If the child grows slowly in size then it can last long enough like a period of 5 years. She further said that it is of importance that uniform be bought beforehand. As the festive season comes with visitors and more food (which means more spending) you can spend with a clear conscience that you have subtracted one of the problems of January. She said that uniform decreases the expenses, teaching learners responsibility to be neat and tidy so that they can make good first impressions whether it's in the work place, an interview or formal and informal presentation(s). Main conclusion Advocates of school uniform believe that school uniform lowers student victimization but bullying still exists. They further add on that it decreases gang activity and fights– probably in the school environment not in the Cape flats or at Hilbrow. School uniform will remain a highly debated topic. I believe, just as everything in this world, school uniform will have its disadvantages and advantages but whether you have to wash it twice a week or put some buttons on or simply #schooluniform_must_ fall— it is your absolute choice and right. As long as the uniform increases the commitment to learning, increases the attendance rates and helps to bridge the inequalities of the past then I'm with it!!. I am Masiziba and I am on a roll!

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