SGA - Agenda of the 84th Senate - September 19, 2019

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Agenda of the 84th Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association September 19, 2019 Student Center Greenhouse I.






Quorum Call A. Meeting called to order at 6:37 B. Quorum set at 20 Special Business A. National Society of Black Engineers Club Recognition B. Hofstra Hedge Fund Association Club Recognition Approval of Senate Minutes September 12, 2019 Approval of Cabinet Minutes September 18, 2019 New Business A. S.A.2019.84.003 B. S.A.2019.84.004 C. S.A.2019.84.005 D. Student Services Presentation Executive Board Report A. President - K.Harley B. Vice President - K.Dimes C. Comptroller- Bathija D. Secretary - M. Merinuk Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations- N. Cote B. Club Relations- J. Alameda C. Public Relations- R. Rielly D. Rules- Z. Farooqui E. Spirit- D. Firooz F. Student Services- A. Osner For Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup





THE CONSTITUTION OF THE NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS PREAMBLE: Under Article I, section two, of the Student Government Association Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization shall be defined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions if it extends equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to Protected Characteristics. Qualified individuals are defined as those who meet the expectations and standards of the organizations’ inherent purpose. ARTICLE I: NAME A. The name of this organization shall be the National Society of Black Engineers. The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as NSBE. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE A. The purpose of this organization is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally, and positively impact the community and to create a safe space for marginalized groups of people in the STEM fields. The National Society of Black Engineers shall volunteer academic services to the Hempstead community. ARTICLE III: CLUB ADVISOR A. The Club Advisor for this organization must be a non-student Hofstra University employee. B. The Club Advisor must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this organization. C. The duties of the Club Advisor will be the following: a. Mentor and advise the organization on how best to fulfill its purpose. b. Hold members and officers of the organization accountable. c. Provide structure for the meetings of the organization and serve as a resource for all members and officers during meetings. d. Attend at least two events being held by the organization. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP A. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a member. B. Status of Members: a. To be considered an active member, potential members must attend at least three quarters of the meetings held within a semester. b. Members who miss more than three (3) consecutive meetings each month within a semester will be considered inactive. c. An inactive member may be reinstated as an active member by two-thirds(⅔) of the active membership present and voting at the meeting.


d. In order for a member to be recognized on a national level the member must pay dues to NSBE. e. Active members are required to participate in at least three events that are hosted by the organization (fundraising, volunteering etc.). ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTIONS A. The titles of the E-board officers and their duties shall be: a. President: i. Preside at full meetings of the club, communicate with board members and advisor on a regular basis ii. Act as a member ex-officio of all club committees. iii. Represent the club where such representation is required, requested, or deemed appropriate and/or acceptable. iv. Carry out or delegate all duties not specifically vested in any other officer of the club. v. Update GetInvolved HU to ensure that the member roster is active and complete by updating adviser information. vi. Create a schedule or order of events for each meeting. vii. Handle all external club relations with NSBE on a national level viii.Ensure each officer is maintaining the order of their committee: Programs Chair will be responsible for social committee, Torch Chair will be responsible for volunteer committee, Treasurer will be responsible for the Fundraising Committee b. Vice President: i. Assume the duty of the President in the event of resignation, removal or in the event that the President cannot for any reason fulfill their duties until an emergency election can be held ii. In the event that a chairperson of any committee is unable to fulfill their duties, the Vice President will act as a temporary chairperson until a new one is appointed. iii. Communicate with secretary on a daily basis, assist each committee as needed. iv. Handle all internal club relations c. Treasurer: i. Keep track of all records concerning club funds. ii. Preside over the fundraising committee. iii. Collect dues. iv. Prepare financial reports of all expenses spent on the organization. v. Maintain a permanent file of all club expenses. vi. Prepare the organization's budget and present it to members of the e-board for approval. vii. Complete the chapter partnership packet with help from the president viii.Will be responsible for the Fundraising committee ix. Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.


d. Secretary: i. Records all minutes during each general meeting and E-board meeting and emails them to members of the organization after each meeting. ii. Maintain a permanent file of all agendas, minutes, and meeting handouts. iii. Book the room for general and e-board meetings. iv. Schedule general and e-board meetings. v. Keep attendance at all club meetings and events. vi. Send out emails to members of the organization informing them of events and to also communicate with other clubs via email or letter. vii. Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President. e. Programs Chair: i. Create programs both professional and non-professional to be hosted by NSBE. ii. Contact Campus catering if there will be catering at the event. iii. Book rooms for events. iv. Manage the administration side of events. v. Preside over the social committee. f. Senator/Parliamentarian: i. Vote for the upcoming REB (Regional Executive Board members) at the National conventions. ii. Attend the national conventions. iii. Maintain possession of the club constitution. iv. Make sure NSBE executive board is following all the rules of the NSBE both on a national level and chapter level according to constitution by-laws. g. Academic Excellence Chair: i. Will be in charge of keeping all NSBE members in good academic standing by planning study sessions, tutoring, etc. h. Torch Chair: i. Responsible for organizing volunteering opportunities for the organization. ii. Ensure that members are active in volunteer projects. iii. Work with the volunteer committee when needed. iv. Perform other tasks delegated by the president. B. Committees : a. Social Committee: i. Responsible for keeping the chapter’s social media( facebook, instagram etc.) up-to-date. Responsible for taking pictures at any event that involves the organization. b. Fundraising Committee: i. Responsible for organizing ways to help raise funds for the chapter. ii. The members of this committee shall plan and organize fundraising events on campus and in the local community. iii. Work with the volunteer committee when needed. iv. Perform other tasks delegated by the president. c. Professional Committee:



Responsible for reaching out to other professional organizations for collaborations. ii. Responsible for contacting NSBE professionals for events C. Volunteer Committee a. Will be in charge of coming up with volunteer opportunities and sharing volunteer opportunities D. Elections a. Elections shall be held at the last meeting before the culmination of the Spring semester on a need be basis. b. A representative of Student Government Association’s Rules Committee must be present in order for the election proceedings to occur. c. The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any other active member for any office. d. There shall be a closed ballot; election of a candidate to a position shall be constituted by a simple majority of the active members present and voting. i. If any one candidate does not obtain a majority, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes will participate in a runoff election. ii. If there is a tie in the percentage of votes cast in the first election, all of the candidates will re-introduce themselves and proceed with another election until there is either a clear majority or two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes. e. All ballots must be cast in person. No voting by proxy will be permitted at any election. However, if any active member cannot attend the elections, they may hand in a signed, written ballot to the advisor before the election. f. The order of elections shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Vice President shall be elected, followed by the Treasurer, and so forth. g. Elected officials shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the elections. h. Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy: i. Any vacancy in the Presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice President to the Presidency until an emergency election is held. ii. If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume the presidency, an election shall take place as soon as possible to elect a new President. ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS A. Meetings shall be held at least once every two weeks while classes are in session. The exact time and date shall be determined by a common agreement of the members. B. Special Meetings a. If one-third (1/3) of the club’s active members present a petition in writing to the President, they are required to call a special meeting within 48 hours. b. During a special meeting, no removal of officers shall take place. c. A quorum of a majority of the active members will be required for any business actions at a meeting. d. Only active members may be permitted to vote at meetings.


ARTICLE VII: REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of their position or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, they shall be removed from office or could be removed from the club in the following manner: a. A concerned member shall collect and bring charges against the officer. b. The said member shall send a letter to the officer notifying him/her of the date of the impeachment vote. c. They shall present his/her/their findings to the club. d. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges. e. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all active members is required to remove the officer. B. A member of Student Government Association’s Judicial Panel must be present for impeachment proceedings to occur. ARTICLE VIII: METHOD OF AMENDMENT A. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any regular meeting and shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present and voting at the following regular meeting. B. Any amendments made to this constitution must be presented to and approved by the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee before going into effect. ARTICLE IX: FUNDRAISING A. It shall be the duty of all members and officers to be involved with this organization’s fundraising opportunities. B. Members and officers shall never be required to contribute money to fundraisers; however, contributions made by members or officers for the execution of fundraising events shall be allowed. C. The Executive Board shall set a contribution limit for individuals before each fundraiser. D. Any amount contributed above such limit by an individual shall be refunded when deemed necessary by a majority vote of all active members. E. All money contributions, even those under the contribution limit, are subject to review and refund by the Executive Board. ARTICLE X: LOGISTICS A. Blackness/ Diversity in the workplace a. The president shall be the presiding figure in this event. b. Each semester there will be a different focus (i.e. microaggressions). B. Professional Alumni event a. The President shall be the presiding figure in this event. b. This event shall be hosted annually in the Spring semester at a time to be determined by the present voting members of the National Society of Black Engineers. C. Collaboration with other multicultural clubs on campus


a. The President shall be the presiding figure in this event, if president is unavailable then Vice president shall preside. b. Collaboration may include community service work, mixers, and leadership workshops.


The Constitution of the Hofstra Hedge Fund Association PREAMBLE: Under Article I, section two, of the Student Government Association Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization shall be defined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions if it extends equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to Protected Characteristics. Qualified individuals are defined as those who meet the expectations and standards of the organizations’ inherent purpose.

ARTICLE I: NAME a. The name of this organization shall be the Hofstra Hedge Fund Association. b. The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as Hardline Capital.

ARTICLE II: PURPOSE a. The purpose of Hardline Capital is to provide a hands-on learning experience to introduce people of all backgrounds to finance. b. It will be the goal of Hardline Capital to create an environment of interactive learning and professional development.

ARTICLE III: CLUB ADVISOR a. The Club Advisor for this organization must be a non-student Hofstra University employee. b. The advisor must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this organization. c. The duties of the Club Advisor will be the following: i. Mentor and advise this organization on how best to fulfill its purpose. ii. Hold members and officers of this organization accountable. iii. Provide structure for the meetings of this organization and serve as a resource for all members and officers during meetings. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP a. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a member. b. Status of Members: i. Members shall be recognized as active after attending four (4) meetings. ii. Members will become inactive members after missing three (3) meetings in a row. ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTIONS


a. The titles of the officers and their duties shall be to: i. President 1. Preside at full meetings of the club. 2. Act as a member ex-officio of all club committees. 3. Represent the club where such representation is required, requested, or deemed appropriate and/or acceptable. 4. Carry out or delegate all duties not specifically vested in any other officer of the club. 5. Ensure that the member roster is active and complete by updating Collegiate Link. ii. Vice President 1. Assume the duty of the President in the event of resignation, removal or in the event that the President cannot for any reason fulfill their duties until an emergency election can be held. 2. Act as temporary chairperson in the event that the chairperson of any committee is unable to fulfill their duties until a new one is appointed. iii. Treasurer 1. Keep track of all records concerning club funds. 2. Attend Appropriations Committee meetings when necessary. 3. Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President. iv. Secretary 1. Record all minutes during each general meeting and E-board meeting. 2. Maintain a permanent file of all agendas, minutes, and meeting handouts. 3. Keep attendance at all club meetings and events. 4. Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President. b. Elections i. Elections shall be held at the last meeting before the culmination of the Spring semester. ii. A representative of Student Government Association’s Rules Committee must be present in order for the election proceedings to occur. iii. The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any other active member for any office. iv. There shall be a closed ballot; election of a candidate to a position shall be constituted by a simple majority of the active members present and voting. v. If any one candidate does not obtain a majority, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes will participate in a run-off election. vi. If there is a tie in the percentage of votes cast in the first election, all of the candidates will reintroduce themselves and proceed with another election until there is either a clear majority or two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes. vii. All ballots must be cast in person. No voting by proxy will be permitted at any election. However, if any active member cannot attend the elections, they may hand in a signed, written ballot to the advisor before the election. viii.The order of elections shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Vice President shall be elected, followed by the Treasurer, and so forth.


ix. Elected officials shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the elections. x. Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy: 1. Any vacancy in the Presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice President to the Presidency until an emergency election can be held 2. If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume the presidency, an election shall take place as soon as possible to elect a new President. ARTICLE VI: MEETINGS A. Meetings shall be held at least once a week while classes are in session. The exact time and date shall be determined by a common agreement of the members. B. Special Meetings a. If one-third (1/3) of the club’s active members present a petition in writing to the President, they are required to call a special meeting within 48 hours. b. During a special meeting, no removal of officers shall take place. C. A quorum of a majority of the active members will be required for any business actions at a meeting. D. Only active members may be permitted to vote at meetings. ARTICLE VII: REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of their position or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, they shall be removed from office or could be removed from the club in the following manner: a. A concerned member shall collect and bring charges against the officer. b. Said member shall send a letter to the officer notifying him/her of the date of the impeachment vote. c. They shall present their findings to the club. d. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges. e. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all active members is required to remove the officer. f. A member of Student Government Association’s Rules Committee must be present for impeachment proceedings to occur. ARTICLE VIII: METHOD OF AMENDMENT A. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any regular meeting and shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present and voting at the following regular meeting. B. Any amendments made to this constitution must be presented to and approved by the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee before going into effect. ARTICLE IX: FUNDRAISING A. All members and officers shall be involved with the organization’s fundraising opportunities.


B. Members and officers will never be required to contribute money to fundraisers; however, contributions made by members or officers for the execution of fundraising events will be allowed. a. The Executive Board shall set a contribution limit for individuals before each fundraiser. b. Any amount contributed above such limit by an individual will be refunded when deemed necessary by a majority vote of all active members. c. All money contributions, even those under the contribution limit, are subject to review and refund by the Executive Board.


Agenda of the 84th Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association September 12, 2019 Student Center Greenhouse Call to order at 6:43 pm. XII. XIII.

Quorum Call A. Quorum set at 19 Special Business A. HofBeats Constitution Review & Review of Recognition Procedure Facilitated by Rules Chair Farooqui B. HofBeats Club Recognition 1. Presentation a) Peter O’Malley, President and Natalia Antkowiak, member come to present to become an SGA recognized club. Worked with past president Abby Normandin to figure out how they can get recognized. b) They are consistently performing on campus for campus events like open houses and admissions events. Explains that the acapella community gives opportunities to students to find their passion and wants to take their group to the next level. c) Two years ago, they won the ICCA competition and with all of the fees that go into that would have been nice to have been covered. d) They released a studio EP last week, and they had to do all of the fundraising themselves. It was a good experience and bonded them a lot, but would like to see some support in the future. OSLE has been very kind to all of the acapella groups and has provided them mics, but it would be nice to have a few more for each group and incorporate more students into the groups. e) They want to create a good environment in the Hofstra community, and want to provide students who are interested in opportunities in the acapella community to feel appreciated and welcomed. They also put on invitationals, and that brings more members from outside schools into the hofstra community. Last year, they even had a concert that involved every acapella group on campus, which was a great event. 2. Questions a) Senator Farooqui asks about fundraisers (1) O’Malley says they had a rock climbing day, chipotle, jersey mikes, letter campaign to send letters to family, 50/50 raffles when allowed b) Comptroller Bathija asks how many members they take in per semester





(1) This semester, they took members, but in the past, they’ve taken as many as 10. Anyone can come to rehearsals and sing with them at an open rehearsal, but when it comes to ICCAs it gets a little more time restrictive c) Chair Firooz asks about working with other acapella groups and if they're willing (1) O’Malley says absolutely. They want to work with other organizations on campus to collaborate and do events together. 3. Deliberation a) Senator Khandelwal moves to recognize the Hofbeats (1) Motion seconded (a) Vote is unanimous, 19-0-0, and motion passes for Hofbeats to be recognized by SGA. Approval of Senate Minutes May 2, 2019 A. Motion to pass senate minutes 1. Motion seconded a) Motion passes with a vote 17-0-2. Approval of Cabinet Minutes September 11, 2019 A. Chair Farooqui moves to pass Cabinet minutes 1. Motion seconded a) Motion passes New Business A. S.A.2019.84.001 1. Over the summer, after realizing the senate body has shrunk, Chairman Farooqui thought it may be better to run 2 elections or attend club events instead of sitting in the office for an hour. It will be a replacement for that hour. a) Senator O’Brien asks if it has to be an SGA recognized club event (1) That isn’t specified, so Farooqui says to take the rules as you will b) Senator McDonough asks why he picked two club elections per week (1) You never know how long elections will take, so two elections are in place to be safe c) Kathryn Harley explains how the process of passing a senatorial action works. 2. Chair Farooqui moves to amend section five a) Motion seconded (1) Motion is passed with a vote of 18-1-0 3. Senator Rose moves to add a separate section to make committee chairs fulfill their office hour requirement in office a) Motion seconded b) Motion objected by Chair Farooqui and moves for a 2 minute unmoderated caucus to discuss wording (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes




(b) Senator Rose moves to amend the policy update to state in between section 5 and 6, all cabinet and e-board members must complete their office hour requirements (i) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes with a 18-0-1 vote. c) Chairperson Osner moves to strike “SGA Recognized” from section 5 (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion does not pass with a vote of 1-17-1. d) Senator O’Brien moves to pass S.A.2019.84.001 (1) Motion passes with a vote of 19-0-0 B. S.A.2019.84.002 1. Chair Farooqui presents a policy update from OSLE, clubs that put flyers on their door in their offices still have to get approved by OSLE a) Chairperson Alameda moves to pass S.A.2019.84.002 (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes with a vote of 19-0-0 Executive Board Report A. President - K.Harley 1. OSAPA - signups are live for food charity event, this is a really great way for us to give back to the community and would be a good bonding event. OSAPA is also doing a Hurricane Dorian Relief Drive if anyone is interested in donating, she will send info about both in the chat 2. If anyone would like President Harley and VP Dimes to say anything to Houston in their meeting tomorrow, shoot them a message 3. Encourage all people running in the election to get their signatures, and help anyone who needs help. Also make sure you’re helping your committee chairs if they need anything done. B. Vice President - K.Dimes 1. Diversity Advisory Board starts meeting soon, but her and Denise think it would be a great idea for Senators to sit on this board to get more campus involvement opportunities. C. Comptroller- Bathija 1. All clubs have received compass vouchers. 2. The access to Microsoft that is needed to complete allocations is being retrieved 3. All SGA internal allocations have been done 4. Every week, she signs paperwork and invites anyone to come watch if they are interested D. Secretary - M. Merinuk 1. Sent out application for Social Chair. Will be picked by next Senate Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations- N. Cote 1. Appropriations has seen 5 clubs so far. They will be seeing 7 more clubs this upcoming week. Asks if anyone has questions about his formatting in the minutes


a) Chair Farooqui moves to pass Appropriations allocations (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes b) Chair Firooz moves to pass Appropriations minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes B. Club Relations- J. Alameda 1. Talked about figuring out what they want this committee to be 2. Email will go out to all clubs introducing Club Relations 3. Put in room reservation for club training for October 4 from 7-8, and they will all get a packet that will include info about being an SGA recognized club a) Chair Firooz asks how he expects one member from each club to come (1) Alameda says that “required” is just a strongly encouraged word, not necessarily mandatory, just wants as much participation as possible b) Chair Osner moves to pass Club Relations minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes C. Public Relations- R. Rielly 1. Went over brief canva instruction, a set template to promote events will be made for all committee members to use 2. Newsletter will be sent out every month, so they will start working on it next week during committee meeting 3. Needs pictures!!!! From SGA members!!!!! 4. Wants to really work on promoting Hofstra clubs to make them feel more welcome and noticed on campus and for SGA members to get a better understanding of what clubs we represent 5. SGA members can do instagram takeovers. 6. Live tweeting during Senate will continue until it proves to be not successful, which it has proved to be in the past. 7. Open House is coming up, so we'll have to get some people to sign up to table and attend 8. Working on updating website and adding a “contact your senators” page 9. Would like to see recruitment video happen this semester. 10. Might want to reach out to local SGAs to see if anyone would like to collaborate and build better relationships with off campus people a) Motion to pass Public Relations minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes D. Rules- Z. Farooqui 1. Saw HofBeats and Makin’ Treble. Makin’Ttreble was not passed based on their contradictory purpose to our preamble.




2. Senator Khandelwal is the new archivist, and Senator McDonough is the new Ethics Chair. If you have to leave senate for whatever reason pass a note to Senator McDonough a) Chair Alameda moves to pass Rules minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes E. Spirit- D. Firooz 1. Pride expo is coming up at the end of the month (September 28th), and ideas will be submitted for SGA’s booth soon. People will need to sign up to help build the carnival game we will be hosting, a sign up will be going out soon. SGA cannot win pride expo but any other participating organization can 2. Shirts have been ordered, so those will be coming in soon. 3. Different clubs and greek organizations are participating. 4. Student mural is in the works. This may go in place of the pride blocks, seeing as only 6/120 clubs responded to the idea of pride blocks. More info to come in the future. 5. Pride unleashed week is coming. There will be a pep rally that wednesday, so just have Nov. 6th in your mind a) Senator Hotaling moves to pass Spirit minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes F. Student Services- A. Osner 1. Chair Osner has a list of contacts of offices on campus, so let her know if you want that contact. 2. Student Appreciation Week is coming up soon and they are working on getting sponsors. They will be contacting 25 offices on campus for this. Once new senators come in, we will start brainstorming more ideas 3. Brainstorming committee topics, but next week a presentation will be brought to Senate see more ideas for this committee so they can go back and discuss. 4. It’s On Us ambassador application is up, feel free to apply if you want to be elected. a) Senator Stark moves to pass student services minutes (1) Motion seconded (a) Motion passes For Good of the Order A. Senator McDonough says there was no office hour sheet so just let him know that you did your office hour. Sheets will be up monday. 1. Chair Farooqui explains that it was his fault that sheets were not up Announcements A. Senator Stark and Chair Alameda have been working on the library initiative, and administrators are excited about the library “facelift” as well. They will present their proposal to more Hofstra administrators and they may be putting out a survey to students about the library. Bill Caniano will also come to Senate to discuss these renovations and



talk to senators about it. There needs to be more of a team to really see this initiative through, so please reach out to Stark and Alameda if interested. B. Chair Firooz explains that Spirit will be bringing a resolution about the pride blocks to senate. Also she would like to discuss working on Day of Dialogue with her let her know. C. Senator Rose sits on USenate and is also working with Bill, and they are closely working on an accessibility initiative. She wants people to contact her if you are interested in the initiative at all. D. Chair Farooqui explains that we will all be taking the constitutional benchmark on October 24th. Snap Cup

Chair Osner moves to adjourn meeting Motion seconded Motion passes Adjournment at 7:48


Cabinet Agenda Dean of Students Conference Room September 18th, 2019


Call to Order A. President Harley calls the meeting to order at 8:06 PM

II. Pres & VP Updates A. Retreat Ideas/Planning 1. Need to start buckling down about planning retreat. Spend a significant portion of retreat doing technical things, talking about GroupMe, Robert’s rules, SGA rules, etc. Wants to make retreat more effective and beneficial for Senate. a. Chairman Alameda says that he thinks this is a good idea, more useful than just some “abstract leadership training” b. VP Dimes also agrees. Thinks leadership training is important but doesn’t want it to be redundant, however connecting people and making friendships is important c. Harley says activities will be spaced out appropriately so that nothing feels too repetitive


d. Chairwoman Rielly says her committee suggested more bonding between returning members and old members. Really getting to know everyone in SGA is more important. 1. President Harley is counting on returners to go up to people and be a friendly face 2. VP Dimes wants to get to know people more through ice breakers and “camp games� e. Comptroller Bathija agrees that bonding should happen. She has lots of game ideas that will be comfortable for everyone because of her prior experience with her RA staff and being an OL. Also believes that each Cabinet should give a brief presentation about what their plans for the year are so everyone in SGA is aware of what's going on. f.

Chairman Farooqui believes that we should do a small session about elections and j-panel. 1. President Harley says we can add this to the more technical sessions

g. Chairman Alameda believes there’s a big distinction between Cabinet and Senate, and he thinks in order to remedy this, each Cabinet member should have a small station where Senate members can come up to them and bond with them in different ways h. VP Dimes thinks it's especially important for first years and new members to be able to make friends at retreat


1. Chairwomen Firooz thinks that games, where answers may have to be personal, could give people anxiety, so perhaps steer away from them i.

Chairwoman Rielly asks if associates are allowed to come to retreat 1. Denise says no


Chairwoman Rielly thinks the social and bonding activities should be active 1. Chairwoman Osner says it's important to take accessibility into account

k. President Harley proposes that, if there are spots open for retreat, we open it up to associates on a first come first serve basis 1. Most cabinet members disagree l.

President Harley says we will leave for retreat around 4 pm from Hofstra, and we will leave the next day around 5

m. Comptroller Bathija asks if Harley wants the full cost of retreat 1. President Harley says not yet B. Associate Applications 1. VP Dimes wants to set a cap for the number of associates that can sit on a committee. She suggests 5 as the cap a. Chairwoman Firooz says that the issue is that some members don't speak b. VP Dimes feels like certain committees need more members than others, but there should still be a cap. Suggests doing a crash course for committee meetings so new members can learn more about it and get an idea if that is the committee they want to sit on.


c. President Harley wants to make sure associates are taking committee seriously and wants to ensure that people who genuinely want to be on certain committees aren't having that opportunity taken from them III. Matters at Hand A. Donia: Pride expo 1. Chairwoman Firooz is unclear what we will be doing with the money she was allocated for pride expo. Has no clue how we’re getting materials to build, etc. Will talk to Denise about it on Friday to find out more information and they will be able to come to conclusions. Would like to have senators do 2 hours of building next week in place of their office hours a. Chairman Farooqui moves to make two hours of building a replacement for office hours 1. Motion seconded a. Motion passes 7-0-1 B. Rosaria: How to handle media 1. Drafted a tweet back to the man who responded to Hofstra’s anti-semitism Chronicle story. Hofstra tweeted a statement in response to the Chronicle article, and SGA twitter responded that we are taking action and that we don't condone that kind of behavior. 2. Anything that is said through Hofstra could be asked about to SGA because we are the voice of the students so be prepared to respond appropriately 3. SGA also received an email about SGA not being a strong force in keeping the Debate on campus. Again, anything the Chronicle says, we could be asked about because we are the voice of the students.


4. President Harley says that we should always be adjusting and keeping aware of how we speak as SGA members. Be sure that you are being appropriate and respectful. VP Dimes says students look at us as representation and that we have to keep that in mind. 5. Hofstra Today wants to interview us and film us at Senate tomorrow night. They just want b-roll of senate. a. President Harley says it's okay that they come in and film at 8 pm after the clubs are recognized. President Harley wants Chairwoman Rielly to send a message to make sure all Senate members are okay with being filmed. IV. Committee Reports A. Appropriations 1. Saw 5 clubs this week. There were some issues with clubs getting frustrated with not being able to get into sign-ups. More to come on a special meeting for clubs to talk to Appropriations 2. Funded â…” of what was requested 3. There is an issue with the powerlifting club. The space that they use to practice is run by a professor, and he said that the club being there wasn't going to be feasible. They tried to go to the fitness center and there was no room for them. They decided to go off campus, which is where the policy issue came into play because they wanted some funds to move into a space off-campus. Denise suggested maybe student services could look into these issues as a club advocacy thing. a. Chair Alameda asks why they can't just use the regular lifting pad


b. Comptroller Bathija says that they can’t use the gym because their old equipment is in the gym and their space there is used for storage. Also agrees that this could be a great thing for club relations to do and would be a good avenue to look into 1. President Harley suggests contacting the professor, and would like if the club were looped in on that beforehand 2. Chairwoman Firooz says it's important to figure out why the space was taken away, but says she can talk to someone to see if there's space in the athletic department. a. President Harley says it can’t hurt to ask 4. Chairman Cote says that this club is not the only club that has had this issue so he thinks it's something that we need to look into for other clubs B. Club Relations 1. Put in the room request for the club leadership training. Talked about ordering folders for new clubs. Also looked at club relations policy series and talked about making changes. First thing is the inclusion ambassador position. Club Relations wants to get rid of it. SGA should be doing that as a whole. Instead, will incorporate the duties of that position into the committee policy as a whole a. Chairman Farooqui explains that as long as they explain that the duties of the position are still utilized even though the position is getting thrown away they will still be okay 2. Club relations wants to get rid of office hours for clubs and have it be one hour per e-board member


a. Comptroller Bathija likes the idea of only doing one office hour per person but doesn't know how we would keep track of that b. Chairman Farooqui says clubs are supposed to submit hours to club relations chair c. Chairman Alameda says that there is no record of that in the drive, but that he thinks having a paper that goes on the door that each member signs would be easier to keep track of 1. VP Dimes confirms that no one is keeping track of club office hours 2. Chairman Farooqui says that clubs are supposed to put a calendar of office hours on their door anyway so members of their club can know who will be in the office at what time. We also could do a swipe report if we wanted to be aggressive a. Chairman Alameda says he doesnt think that's a good idea C. Public Relations 1. Had a very productive meeting. Talked about what they want for this year’s goals. Wants to work more as a unit and work more with other committees. 2. Should be posting club events happening during the week, and doing “missed it” Mondays and “what's next” Wednesday and “flyer” Fridays. People will know to look for it if it becomes a regular occurrence 3. Also talked about doing giveaways on Instagram and scavenger hunts where students will have to look for certain things on social media and such.


4. Make a google form for submitting language and she will ask Denise for specific language for the portal box. 5. Talked about how SGA can be more visible on campus and came up with the idea of doing SGA stickers or possibly fans so people know that we are SGA members. D. Rules 1. National Society of Black Engineers and Hardline Capital sought out recognition. Three senatorial actions will take place at senate E. Spirit 1. SGA will be doing Monsters Inc for the theme for Pride Expo. Senator Petruzzi came up with a good idea, throwing socks at doors, so that will most likely be the game we will be doing. Could also be doing two games, but more info to come on that. 2. Talk of overturning policy about appointing the Programming Deputy by the Spirit Chair. Only have to bring it to committee, not senate as it is in the Policy Series and not the Constitution. 3. Hoping that 500 shirts can be ordered for pride unleashed week and Friday is free for an EU movie night. Also wants to do coffee and donuts. Needs more ideas by next week latest. F. Student Services 1. Got two new members/ visitors. 2. Student Appreciation Week: October 17th is when all orders have to be placed by. Will give all offices a deadline for donations. We will be getting tote bags as well.


3. Details of the presentation are being finalized for Senate tomorrow night. a. VP Dimes allocates 10 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questioning, and senate members also will be able to send Chairwoman Osner questions until Friday. 4. Referendum questions will be an important conversation in the next coming days due to elections and will be brought to Senate tomorrow by certain Cabinet members. V. For Good of the Order VI. Adjournment A. Chairman Alameda moves to adjourn the meeting 1. Motion seconded a. Meeting adjourned at 9:48 pm


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Nineteen

S.A.2019.84.003 Definition of Veto Power

Taken from Page 3, Article II, Section Five of the Student Government Association Constitution. ARTICLE II. Section Five.​ The Senate shall have the power to approve minutes, monetary appropriations, resolutions, amendments, and other such documents requiring its consideration. The President ​shall​ may, ​ ​ in written form,​ confirm ​ or​ veto Senatorial Action before the adjournment of that Senate meeting,​ notwithstanding except when considering ​amendments to the Constitution. If the Senate overturns said objections of the President by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, the matter in question shall stand approved,​ ​ without ​ regard to ​the objections of the President notwithstanding. ​ ​

Respectfully Submitted,

Antonella Colon Senator

Jack McDonough Senator

Zain Farooqui Rules Chairman


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Nineteen

S.A.2019.84.004 Amendments to the Judicial Panel Constitution

Taken from Page 25, Article VII, Section Three of the Student Government Association Judicial Panel Constitution.

ARTICLE VII. Section Three:​ All Amendments to this Constitution shall be added in addendum form to the end of this document.

Respectfully Submitted,

Rhea Bathija

Zain Farooqui


Rules Chairman

Alexa Osner Student Services Chairwoman


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Nineteen

S.A.2019.84.005 A Resolution to Support Library Renovations

Whereas, ​between the hours of nine o’clock in the morning and five o’clock in the evening between the dates of March eleventh and fifteenth, the Hofstra University Student Government Association polled undergraduate students at an event known as ​Spring Into Action Week.​

Whereas,​ one thousand five hundred (1500) students were polled and feedback was collected.

Whereas,​ one of the questions asked “ What changes would best help improve your study experience in the Axinn Library?”

Whereas, ​39.54% answered with “Wi-Fi in all study rooms” and 33.88% answered with “updated comfortable furniture on floors 4-10”. This indicates that one thousand ninety-five (1,095) students would like to see updated renovations inside the Axinn library.

Whereas, ​members of the Student Government Association have been working with directors of the Axinn Library and the Board of Trustees to relay the students voice and concern.

Let it be resolved, that ​ the Student Government Association supports and recommends updated renovations to the Axinn Library to address student concerns and aid in the student study experience.


Respectfully submitted,

Wiley Fletcher

Tara Stark

Joey Alameda



Club Relations Chairman


Appropriations Committee Minutes F19 Weekly Meeting 2 9/17/18 Meeting Commenced 6:23 PM Attendance ​ Attended Chairman Nick Cote Comptroller Rhea Bathija Senator Khandelwal Senator McCluskey


Men’s Ultimate Frisbee A. Item One: Fully funded

II. Women’s Rugby A. Item One: Fully funded B. Item Two: Maximum funded 1. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile C. Item Three: Maximum Funded 1. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile D. Item Four: Maximum Funded 1. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile E. Item Five: Maximum Funded 1. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile 2. Can Only fund $120.00/night for hotels F. Item Six: Maximum Funded 1. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile 2. Can Only fund $120.00/night for hotels


G. Item Seven: Not funded due to budgetary restraints H. Item Eight: Not funded due to budgetary restraints III. FORM Gallery A. Item One: Fully funded IV. Circle K International A. Item One: Not funded 1. SGA does not fund for membership fees B. Item Two: Maximally Funded V. Phi Alpha Delta A. Item One: Maximally amount funded 1. Can only fund up to $100.00/person to attend conferences 2. Can only fund up to $120.00/room for a night’s stay in a hotel 3. Can only fund for 5 vehicles at $0.58/mile 4. Cannot fund for gas expenses

A. Item Two: Maximally funded 1. Can only fund $15.00/person for apparel in an academic year. B. Item Three: Not Funded 1. No Quote C. Item Four: Not Funded 1. No Quote D. Item Five: Not Funded 1. No Quote


Week 2

Club Name:





Men’s Ultimate Frisbee

Coaching Fees

$ 1250.000

$ 1250.00


$ 1250.00

Ciunci 7s

$ 2,998.56

$ 2,188.80

NY 7s

$ 646.97

$ 614.14

Tri State Conference

$ 600.00

$ 600.00


$ 444.00

$ 370.04


$ 359.80

$ 299.86

Stony Brook

$ 256.10

$ 213.44


$ 460.00

$ 0.00

New Haven

$ 460.00

$ 0.00


$ 4,286.28

$ 185.00

$ 185.00


$ 185.00

Women’s Rugby

FORM Gallery

Circle K International

LIRR Tickets

Circle K International Dues $ 600.00

$ 0.00

NY Speaking Conference

$ 309.00

$ 289.00


$ 289.00

Percent Allocated






Week 2 (Cont’d)

Club Name:





Phi Alpha Delta

PAD Conference Fees

$ 2,200.00

$ 800.00

PAD Conference Travel

$ 573.44

$ 593.92

PAD Conference Hotel

$ 1,277.46

$ 960.00

Apparel T-Shirts

$ 521.00

$ 450.00


$ 30.00

$ 0.00

Bake Sale

$ 30.00

$ 0.00

Clothing drive

$ 20.00

$ 0.00


$ 2,803.92


Total Requested

Total Allocated

Percentage Funded

$ 13,221.33

$ 8,814.20


Meeting Adjourned

Percent Allocated

9:13 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Chairman Nick Cote


Club Relations Minutes F19 Weekly Meeting 2 9/16/19 Meeting ​ Commenced​ Attendance ​ Attended ​ ​

6:40 ​ PM Senator ​ Wiley Fletcher

​ Senator Tara Stark ​ Senator Gisselle Ortiz-Jimenez ​ Chair Joey Alameda Absent


Intro (Watched Lana Del Rey’s version of “Breakup with your Girlfriend, because I’m bored”)


Went over the email we sent out to clubs which included a small intro to the committee and

important upcoming dates -

Talked about and wrote potential policy series changes to the duties and tasks of the Club

Relations Committee

Meeting Adjourned​

7:56 ​ PM

Respectfully Submitted, Joey Alameda


Public Relations Minutes Fall 2019 Weekly Meeting 2 9/17/19 Meeting ​ Commenced​ 6:30 pm SGA Conference Room Attendance ​ Attended ​ Senator Antonella Colon Senator Maria Mobley Senator David O’Brien ​ Chairwoman Rosaria Rielly 1. Goals for SGA as a whole/ PR Committee/ Self a. David i. We are all still students and do not need to be stuck in the rules ii. Get involved with more on campus and learn more techniques/ network iii. “Do the whole PR thing” “Lets PRRR” b. Maria i. Continue to work more as a cohesive unit ii. Make some changes around campus 1. Working with Student Services Committee 2. Gentrification throughout the community iii. Hone her skills with PR and learn to be a better professional c. Antonella i. Last year was a lot bigger/ just thrown into it, more a learn by doing situation ii. Get creative with how we promote our events/ ourselves iii. Wants a leadership position/ to show her creative side of PR 2. Retreat Ideas a. Mix together between returners and new senators i. Bonding specific ii. Less about SGA and more about getting to know the people b. More technical about learning how SGA runs c. Casual social events throughout the week not just after senate 3. Always Recognized on Campus a. Responding to Tweet/ Hofstra’s Response b. Chronicle features 4. Post-Instagrams Weekly a. We need pictures of everyone to post on our feed b. Flyer Fridays i. Overall events, a preview of this week’s events c. What’s Next? Wednesday i. Coming up this week d. Missed it? Monday


i. Recaps from past weeks for Instagram highlights e. Language for the portal corresponding to this f. Hofcast specifications with the cohesive flyer designs we create 5. “Ask me, I’m a senator!” a. Show we are visible on the campus, we don’t just sit in meetings b. Stickers or pins given to members c. “I’m a fan of SGA”- with personal fans 6. Social Media Scavenger Hunt/ Giveaways on Instagram a. Go through the different parts of social media, go to all the different platforms/ portal, hidden in the minutes i. Interactive campaign/ enter to win b. Leftover materials from our tabling prizes etc. c. Tag the clubs and get them to follow each other/ giveaways from other events 7. Sponsor an Event to Meet the SGA a. Have something interactive/ welcoming with the Meet the SGA dinner i. Organize a cornhole tournament at the fitness center/ Karaoke night/ Themed night? ii. Ice Cream social ice breaker iii. “What’s Up Dawg”- having Therapy Dogs

Meeting Adjourned​ 7:45PM ​ Respectfully Submitted, Rosaria Rielly Public Relations Chairwoman


Rules Committee Minutes F19 Weekly Meeting #2 9/16/19

Meeting Commenced 6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Associate Manni Doan Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Jack McDonough Chairman Zain Farooqui


Senator Gopal Khandelwal


I. National Society of Black Engineers seeks SGA Recognition A. Associate Doan moves to pass NSBE’s constitution 1. By a vote of 3-0-1, that motion passes II. S.A.2019.84.003 - Veto Power A. Senator Battipaglia moves to pass S.A.2019.84.003 1. By a vote of 2-0-1, that motion passes III. S.A.2019.84.004 - Addendum Form A. Associate Doan moves to pass S.A.2019.84.004 1. By a vote of 2-0-2, that motion passes IV. S.A.2019.84.005 - Library Renovations Resolution A. Senator Battipaglia moves to pass S.A.2019.84.005 1. By a vote of 3-0-1, that motion passes V. Hardline Capital seeks SGA Recognition


A. Senator McDonough moves to pass Hardline Capital’s Constitution 1. By a vote of 2-0-1, that motion passes VI. Adjournment A. Associate Doan moves to adjourn the meeting 1. By a vote of 2-0-1, that motion passes

Meeting Adjourned

8:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Zain Farooqui Rules Chairman


Spirit Minutes F19 Weekly Meeting #2 09/17/19 Meeting Commenced Attendance ​ Attended ​

6:36​ PM Senator Alexa Paturzo Senator Michael Hotaling Senator Nadine Khalaf Associate Chelsea Tomasso Associate Makayla Bullard Associate Palak Maniani Associate Olivia Kearse Chair Donia Firooz Associate Joshua Linsenberg ​(excused)


1. Introductions a. Names, major, year, favorite song ever b. Music video: Babysitter by DaBaby 2. Pride Expo a. Throw sock at velcro door/monster b. Guessing game with the doors? c. Knocking down doors with balls? d. Pin the pigtails on the boo? e. Popping green and blue balloons? f.

Beer pong-ish game?

3. Programming Deputy 4. Pride Unleashed a. Movie in the arena


b. Donuts and coffee on Monday c. Blowup maze 5.TEA

Meeting Adjourned

7:37 ​PM

Respectfully Submitted,

Donia Firooz Spirit Chair


Student Services Committee Minutes Weekly Meeting #2 9/16/19 Meeting Commenced 6:34 PM Attendance ​ Attended

Senator Maria Mobley Chair Alexa Osner


Caleb Allison Ben Welch Senator Kelly Rose

Excused 1. High low butterfly 2. Week debrief

a. How was first senate? i.

language -parli pro (basics)

ii. How to phrase things (live tweets) 3. Club elections sign up a. Counts towards office hours, but is still a part of your senatorial duties so you have to do them anyway i.

Can you do half an hour in the office and one election?

4. SAW a. Sponsors i.

Look over email drafts

b. Bags i.

Look over styles 1. 2 and 4

5. Committee Initiatives


a. Accessibility b. Sustainability i.

Promote using plates in the dining

ii. Actual silverware iii. Add on to recycling (more bins, educate on what you can recycle) c. Gentrification- need to narrow down 6. Presentation for senate on initiatives

Meeting Adjourned

7:10 ​ pm

Respectfully Submitted, Alexa Osner Student Services Chair


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