SGA Agenda - April 25, 2019

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Agenda of the 83rd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

April 25, 2019

Student Center Greenhouse Call to order A. Quorum Call B. Special Business a. End of Year Reports C. New Business a. SGA Club Recognition Hearing i. Hofstra Asian and Pacific Islander Alliance (HAPIA) ii. Sigma’cappella b. S.A.2019.83.031 c. S.A.2019.83.032 d. S.A.2019.83.033 e. S.A.2019.83.034 f. S.A.2019.83.035 g. S.A.2019.83.036 D. Approval of the Senate Minutes from April 18, 2019 E. Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from April 24, 2019 F. Executive Board Reports a. President - A.Normandin b. Vice President - D.Denton c. Comptroller - M.Kutsch d. Secretary - M.Nijjer G. Committee Chair Reports a. Appropriations - T. Grief b. Club Relations - B.Crofts c. Public Relations - A.Labrie d. Rules - C.Ramirez e. Spirit - C.Tomasso 1


I. J. K. L. M.

f. Student Services - I.Schmidt Special Reports a. Election Commission Report b. University board/task force updates For Good of the Order Announcements Senior/Farewell Speeches Snap Cup Swearing in of President and Vice President of the 84th Senate





T he Student Government Association's 83'd Senate End o f Year Report Abby Normandin and Deandra Den ton Ap ril 2 5 th, 2019

Th e 83'd Senate, in augura ted on A pril 25 th, 2018, is concluding following a yea r of advocacy, education, p rogra mming, and civic eng agement. Last yea r, Vice President Deandra Denton and I ran a six-point, ca mp us-wide cam paign outlining our visio n for the 83'd Senate. Within this fra mework, we provide up dates on successes from this year, as we ll as our hop es for 9 4 th Senate.


amplify the student uoice

Th e Student Governm ent Assoc iation (SGA) a t Ho fstra Unive rsity believes that students should be empowered as t he cata lysts fo r change in their loca l comm unit ies. Re presentation is key to empowering stud ents. At the beginning of the f all 20 1 8 se mes ter, SGA's Ru les Com mittee , chaired by Carissa Ramirez, co mmissioned our fal l elections. T his elections cyc le brought 14 new Senators. and one new Justice into SGA, enabling us to hit our mem bership ce iling for t he first time. SGA is comprised of one Senator for every 150 students, and we work alongside our active Judicial Panel. Th is large po pulation proved to ease student access to SGA representa tives and services throughout t he yea r.

During the f all semes ter, SGA part icipated in Univers ity Relation 's #Ho f straVo tes campaign, aimed a t increasing vo ter turn out in the Ho fstra Comm unity. In co njunc tion with the Nassau County Board o f Elec tions , Univers ity Relations, and various students from the Poli tica l Science Department, we comple ted fo ur full days o f vote r registra tion ta bling in the Student Center Atrium. Th roughou t this perio d, ap proxima tely 700 Hof stra students and comm unity


members registered to vote. SGA also co llaborated wit h Ha Ha Ho fstra, an undergraduate student organiza tion t hat performs stand -up comedy, to bring co median Mik e Birbiglia to ca mpus as part o f his Stand Up and Vo te tour. During Ho f stra 's annual Fall Fes t Pride Expo, we tabled again to enco urage civic engagement and to ask students why they vo te. We co nc lu d e d t his vote r e n gage m e n t initia tive w it h t h e Elec tio ns N ig h t Wa tc h Pa rty o n Novem b e r

6th, where we lives treamed elec tion results as they occ urred and co llaborated with students from the School o f Com munication.

Following cam pus-wide pro tes ts reg ardin g the T homas Jeff erso n statue on campus, Deandra Dento n has represented SGA and undergraduate students on t he President's T ask Force for Re prese ntation in Public Spaces. The tas k force has discussed student f eedback, reviewe d the histo ry o f statues and monuments on cam pus, and is wo rking to stream line the process o f bringing future statues to cam pus. A dditionally, the task force hopes to inves t in new ways to rep resent diverse voices in art on cam pu s.

Deandra and I co ntinued to represent Ho fstra 's student body a t Boa rd of Trustees meetings this yea r. Af ter co nve rsations wit h various student lea ders, we rea lized t hat students are curious about Board members, t heir role in the Ho fstra com munity, and how t hey may be accessed. T o init iate a stronger relationship betwee n t he student body and Boa rd o f Trustees, Deandra and I were are excite d to invite them to t he President 's Leadership Reception in Nove mb er. A t this reception, the Presidents and Vice Pres id ents o f student-led org aniza tions were able to mee t Boa rd memb ers, ask ques tions, and raise co nce rn s. On a similar note, we began having mont hly mee ting s with President Stuart Rabinowitz to discuss student issues and cam pus culture on a regular basis.

D ean dra a nd I see im p o rta nce in inc reas ing th e con n ec tio n between H o f st ra a lum n i a nd

current students. We are grate ful to have begun a stronger relationship w ith A lumni A ff airs. We had t he honor o f sp eaking to alumni about our experiences a t the Donor App reciation Rece ption in Oc tober. Rece ntly, we welco med Vice President A lan Kell ey and Alumni Association President Ka thleen Stanley to Ca binet to discuss future co llabora tion between Hof stra alumni and SGA. In t he f uture, an SGA mem ber may become a pe rmanent rep resenta tive on the A lumni Association Execut ive Board.


Our pass ion fo r bringing community voices into t he Sen ate C hamber has led us to me et w ith va rious students an d administrators t his year. Th ese include Cam pus Facilit ies an d Op erations, Je ff erso n Ha s Gotta Go! campaign leaders, Compass Group, t he At hletics Department, the Career Cen ter, University Relat ions, the Student Hea lth and Counse ling Center, new Dean o f Students Gaby St. Leger, Vice President for Info rma tion T echnology Steve Fabiani, Direc tor o f Residen ce Li fe Beth McGuire, the Senior Gift Commit tee, Alumni A ff airs, and repres en tative o f Ho fstra's incom ing INTO p rogram. Senator Kathryn Harley propose d a new T own Hall meet ing to be held each semest er, for studen ts and by students , in conjunc tion with a we ekly SGA Senate mee ting . We enjoyed ho sting two such mee ting s in Nove mb er and April in co njunction with Student App reciation Wee k and Spring Into Action W eek.

SGA cont inued its po lling initiatives , surveying 2,500 student s in the f all semes ter and 1,600 in the sp rin g. T his fee dback stemme d into student-ce nt ered init iative s, resolut ions, and program ming on cam pus. Our Public Relations Comm ittee, chaired by A lex Labrie, redefined SGA's onlin e and on­ campus presence this yea r. Our social media p latforms have gained t rac tion like never before, and we we re eag er to increase online interact ions with students t hrough live twe et ing a t Senate. Add itionally, Cabinet decided to open our semest erly Bu dget A pp eals mee ting - one that has t raditionally been closed to non-SGA members- to all members o f t he Ho f stra Comm unity. We believe that t his change emp hasize d the 83'd's int ent to have a strong er an d more t ransparen t relationship wit h our peers.

Under a new initiative conduc t ed by Senator Zain Faroo qui to create an Ad Hoc Committee on Social Justic e, three so cial-justice based subcommittees we re formed. T hes e included a com mittee t o continue wo rk with t he Jeffers on Has Go tta Go! Campaign, a comm ittee on accessibility, and a comm ittee to empow er advo cacy on campu s.

W e op ened the sp ring se mester w ith an inau gural Comm unity Governan ce Summit. Th is event, co-spo nso red by the Offi ce o f Student Lea dership and Engagem en t, brought fifty studen t leaders fro m eight different gove rn ance organiza tions toge ther for a day o f work shops, training s, an d op portunit ies for co llaborat ion. Peers fro m t he Residence Hall A ssociat ion, Com mu ter Student Assoc iation, and Fraternity and Sorority Li fe Governan ce


Council s attended, and this eve nt enabl ed SGA to make new co nnec tions w ith o ther student leaders on ca mpus. In an effort to elevate student vo ices f u rther beyo nd the Division o f Student Affa irs, Vice President Dento n and I have ut ilized new connec tions w ith membe rs of the Pres ident 's Cabinet to push student wo rk forward . We me t with Vice President for Digita l Innova tion and In fo rmation Technology Steve Fabiani f,o r the first time and we re able to elevate¡ co nve rsations re garding t he need for accessible onlin e sys tems, student opinion s on cam pus technology, and hopes for technologica l innova tion efforts in t he fu ture. We we re also able to initiate our first co llaboration with Institut ional Research w it h Vice President Stephanie Bushey in order to discuss best prac tices for stu dent polling initiatives on cam pus. We concluded the year with SGA's annu al What's Happening Ho fstra sta te o f t he univers ity add ress, which included updates from President Rabinowitz, Vice President for Student Affa irs Houston Dough arty, and SGA. We fo und t hat amplification of the student voice manifes ts in many cap acities, b ut this va lue is the fo undation for our wo rk on cam pus. We believe t hat students should be in th e room fo r every major unive rsity decision, t hat students should be at the hea rt o f policy ch ang es, and that sys tems and struc tures that empower student s to make chang e themselve¡s are far more powe rful t han a rep resenta tive bo dy ca n eve r be.

improue mental health counseling seruices

Deandra and I recognized a nee d for more access ible healt hcare on campus. We we re elated to wo rk towards the Student Hea lth and Co unse ling Center's (SHACC's) re mova l of the $30 fee for counse ling sessions during the summer o f 20 18. From t here, we believe d this initiat ive nee ded further ac tion with listening and understanding . In Septem ber, we attended a mental hea lthca re talk back hos ted by the Young Democratic Socialists Association at Ho fstra. We also had conversa tions w ith various stu dents w ho see k services at t he SHA CC ¡t o learn about areas for further imp rove ment.


We me t with Dr. John Guthman in late Oct ober, and host ed him at Senate in early Novemb er to better understand current policies. These meeting s led to the crea tion o f a new SHACC Advisory Board. Student Services Chair Isabelle Schmidt and Senator Emanuelle Souffrant w ere app oint ed to sit on the board. We hope that this stru cture continues to listen to students and produces more t angible ac tion in co ming years.

During the spring semes ter, the Office o f Stud ent Advocacy and Prevention Awareness asked for support on a new cam paign to support co nversations regarding mental health in cam pu s com munities. Senators Gisse lle Ortiz-Jimenez and Alexa Osner attended the cam paign's mee tings as SGA representatives and voiced student f ee dback on the viability o f cam paign co ntent. SGA has continued to support OSAPA prog ra mming initiatives , and we hope that cultivating co nsent on cam pus w ill remain a priority for fUlture senates .


increase campus safety

SGA reco gnizes that, to f eel at home at Hof stra, student s must feel saf e at Ho fstra. We also understand that ca mpus sa fety is experienced differently by different students. This year, SGA attended meetings with representatives from Public Sa fety to discuss poli cies and initiatives. Out o f this meeting , w e realize d the need f or an intern al SGA task force on cam pus sa fety. We implemented a Public Saf ety Ad Hoc Committee and charged this t eam w ith working alongside Public Sa fety to prom ote saf ety on cam pus. This co llaboration led to resolutions being writte n, programming occ urring, and am plification o f learn ed co nce rn s to senior administration. Specifically, resolutions regarding the creation of an online reporting system and an additional night shuttle service on the w eekends were passed.

SGA's Cabinet spent time w ith the Public Saf e ty Assess ment Team that evaluated sa fety on Hof stra's cam pus. The main top ics that came up - and those that w ill guide subsequent initiatives - included active shoot er training, clarifica tion on emergency transport policies, o f f. campus sa fety, on-campus solicitation, and avenues for int erac tion w ith Public Sa fety o ffice rs.


continue renouoting campus spaces

As our student bo dy grows and evolves, we beli eve our cam pus spaces should follow suit in pursuit o f cohes ive comm unity. Early on in the f all se mes ter, we met w ith rep resenta tives from Facilit ies and Op erat ions to discu ss pe nding re nova tions to the Student Center Quad. We are excited to see this space renova t ed to be more use r-friendly to clubs and organizations w it h technological additions, acc essib le structures, and enviro nmentally-friendly materials.

Our Sp irit Com mittee , ch aired by Chelsea T omasso, wo rked diligently to bring a Pride Block to campus. T his struc ture w ill allow c lubs and organiza tions to adve rtise upcom ing events by pa inting t he sid es o f the block, and is being insta lled soon.

Las t year, SGA's focus on renovating com muter student spaces led to a n ew focus t his year on improveme nts to res idential housing . We have increasingly heard co ncerns o f the co nditions in resident ial towers and wo rked wit h Residence Lif e and Fac ilities and Operations to discuss these in bo th meeting s w ith administrators and meeting s at Senate. Many of the co nce rn s brought forth have already been resolve d, and students have a much better idea of future p lans in Residence Li fe .


cultiuate a culture of consent

We beli eve t hat crea ting a culture at Ho fstra in which students f eel we lcome to part icipate requires having difficult conve rsa l ions about respect and co nsent. Over th e pas t fou r yea rs, SGA has built a re lationship w it h t he Of fice o f Student A dvocacy and Prevention Aware ness (OSAPA) in pu rsuit o f t his culture. This yea r, our Student Services Committee, chaired by Isabelle Schmidt, increase d collabo ration w ith the It 's On Us Comm ittee . Senator Tara Stark serve d as t he It's On Us Am bassa dor for the 83'd Senate. Additionally, various SGA Senators have taken p art in SAPA's search! com mittee to hire their new Director.


Ove r the sum mer, Rules Ch airwo man Ca rissa Ram irez wor ked on an ind ependent initiative to extend t he period during w hich students ca n re port Tit le IX cases on campus. Her hard wo rk led to the extension o f t he prev ious six month reporting time to a year-long p eriod in w hich students can report instances o f sexual assault. We be lieve that po licy chang es like t his are importa nt in promo ting the righ ts o f survivors on our ca mpus and are gra tef ul to Ramirez for her hard work.

In order to crea te a better system for justice under w hich s tudents are empowered to re port incidents o f bias, student activists from the Je fferso n Has Gotta Go! Cam paign raised the nee d for an online sys tem for bias reporting . T his topic was elevated in mee tin gs with Pres ident Rabinow itz, Vice Pres ident Steve Fabiani, Public Saf ety leade rship , and w ith various student groups. We are excite d to hear that t his online rep orting system w ill beco me a rea lity in the fall.

restructure Sc;A's

allocation process

While cam p aigning and inte rac ting wit h over 1,000 studen-ts last yea r- involved in co ­ curriculars and not- the need for a more transpare nt and accessible SGA beca me clear. This platform point bega n as a goal to ease the res traints o f our allocation policies for club leaders, and t hen expanded to include res truc turing SGA in o ther arenas as we ll. T he initial progress on this fro nt included starting a culture change that values dis.cuss ion and dialogue as much as debate during Senate and reexamining our guiding documents.

Long -t ime efforts to exp and access to fundin g for currentlly non-recognized clubs we re achieve d as t he Ap propriat ions Committee , chaired by T im my Grief, p assed policy changing our exclusivity clause. Clubs who have historically been barred from f unding under SGA ­ recognit ion now have exp anded access to monetary resources.

Deandra and I entered into this year de termined to push SGA to move as fas t as t he students w hom we rep rese nt. Vice Pres ident Denton and I presente d a proposal f or a restructure o f the Senate Body in February. This discuss ion led to draf ts o f le gislation being w ritte n by va rious


co horts of Senators, raised the need for co nt inue d conversa tions regarding Sena te com mittee struc ture, and a com mittee co nve ntion which was held in March. While we learned that t his initiative is larger and long er t han our te rm , we emphasize the importance o f an SGA ­ wid e res truc ture to the 84 th Sena te.

Th ese highligh ts ca nno t even do justice to the hard wo rk each o f our sena tors pu t into additional individual initiat ives . We learned toge ther, debated each other and wo rked to rep resent our comm unity better every day. T he 93 rd Senate was larg e, opinionated, passionate, and engage d on ca mpus in ways that I had never seen SGAs eng ag e before. We wa nt to close t his re port by acknow ledging th e themes we see within studen t advocacy on ca mpus t his yea r, and by leaving our hop es and vision fo r the 94th Student Government Association wit h you.

Firs t, in terms o f t hemes from this year, Dea ndra and I have rea lized t he importa nce o f expanding student p resence on t his ca mpus, even outside o f t he Division of Student Affairs. We beli eve t hat stu dents should be a t the center ,o f every co nve rsation, w he ther it 's one being held in the Dea n o f Student's Of fice , or the office o f A lumni A ffa irs, the Depart me nt o f In formation Technology or Facilities and Operatio ns; we have pushed for increased student presence in co nve1rsations across ca mpus.

Second, we have made strides in creating a student government that f eels more like a reso urce for all students than a club for some. This chang e has come from increased visibili ty on ca mpus, more SGA presence in va rious student spaces, and having students ac tive ly involve d in our mee tings w ith administrators an d writing of legislation.

A nd t hird, Dea ndra and I va lue a grassroots -based SGA. We believe t hat student advocacy is a group e ffort, and SGA is better when we include and co llaborate wit h student s re presenta tive of our ca mpus. We've had p eers sit on ad hoc co mmittees, educate us on ca mpu s iss ues, an d bring conce rn s to t he ta ble more frequen tly than ever before.

While we are very p roud of the p rogress t hat the 83'd Senate has ma de in these regards, we kn ow there is still g reat wo rk to be done. We hop e that t he

94 th

Senate w ill focus on ensuring


that every student knows what SGA is, w here to access it , and how to fi nd out lets for advocacy on ca mpus. We hope t hat SGA is an even better re prese ntation o f all studen ts on Hof stra 's cam pus. We hop e that, as Comptroller Kutsc h says, SGA is more of an advoca te for clubs than an obs tac le. And, we urge that SGA move away from fea r surrounding co nve rsations o f soc ial jus tice a t the ta ble. Hard co nve rsat ions lead to change.

Deandra and I were honored to re prese nt the 5 5 powe rful individuals in SGA, t he 6,700 underg raduate studen ts that com prise our underg rad uate body, and we have high expecta tions for w hat comes next in t he 84 1h.

Hand in hand,

A bby Normandin and Deandra Denton Pres ident and Vice Pres ident

ab by deandra pres & vp •hand in hand

93rd Student Govern ment Association


,. End of Semester Report of t he Compt roller April 25, 20 19

Breakdown of transactions per Club Category (Spring 2019 to date): ($387,467.80 Allocated) ($254,804.12 Spent) (65.76%) Spending by Club Category 5140,000.00

90.00!6 80.00!6


70.00!6 Sl00,00000





40.00!6 30.00!6


~l. _ La..L ._

S20,000.00 S0.00

• ABoa<ed

• spent

20.00!6 10.00!6 0.00%


Spring 2019 Weekly Allocatio ns to date: ($46,139.1 9 Requested) ($33,612.49 Allocated) (72.85%) Weekly Meeting Totals uo.oo%

S16,000.00 $14,084.73



s12,ooo.oo ao.00% s101000.oo





$4,000.00 S2,000.oo

ssoomooo 0.00%


week OM

week TWo


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week Thr@t Tools:

week !leur

week five

WHl Six

wffk swe-n

week e:i~t



Toti ls:

Toti ls:



Categ®'.'.._ Social Media S_£_orts Multicultural Academic SGA Rel!_g!ous Greek Pre-Prof Service Performance P/S Active Governance Total

Allocated iJ-1 22,924.24 $ 17,296.85 [S 86,964.21 ~ 39,458.61 8,404.85 $ ~$ 41 ,929.74 ~$ 23,682.72 1,598.14 $ $ 16,335.64 "'-$ 10,213.88 $ 13, 182.64 5,081 .33 $ $ 394.95 $ 387,467.80

Spent r:s:.t~, 191.99

$ [S ~$

$ $


12,635.96 61,454.78 25,263.20 5,055.95 21 ,580.66 11 ,621 .50 606.00 5,025.53 2,862.93 3,559.77 345.85

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ 254,804.12

%S_£_ent 85.25% 73.05% 70.67% 64.02% 60.16% 51.47% ....._ 49.07% 37.92% 30.76% 28.03% ~ 27.00% 6.81 % 0.00% 65.76% ~

N on-Comptroller Initiatives/Projects: S.A.2019.83.014 - A Resolution to Establish a Bias Reporting System at Hofstra University • Worked with several othe r SGA me mbers a nd constituents to d raft la nguage s upporting some of the platform items of the JGG ca mpaign - foll ow-up from last semester

S.A.2019.83.019 - Appropriations Com mittee Policy Update • Worked with the Appropriations Chair a nd Committee to update o ur policies for g reate r tra nspare ncy, o rga nization, and fairness S.A.2019.83.030 - Update to Executive Sessio n Procedu re • Sig ned on to s upport Chair Ramirez's push for mo re tra nsparency Supporting Student Ad vocacy - Ad-Hoc Subcommittee Chair • Elected to chair the subcommittee on e mpowering stude nt activists at Hofstra. The goals are as follows: o Lo ng-Te rm Goals: o Fo r next semester, have a n event that brings togethe r cu rrent, forme r, and hopeful student activists - "State of Advocacy" - that would idea lly become a reg ula r event . It would have three main sections (this is obviously only a rough idea a nd we can work throug h specifics together): • Student sha ring : in th is sectio n, curre nt student activists would s ha re their work (be it in a panel o r mo re informally) a nd then hopefu lly find ways to help each othe r/stop doing red unda nt research. Stude nts hoping to get into activism would also benefit from this pa rt. • Ad min Questioning: during th is time, we would have re levant g roups of administrators answer q uestions about how to best go about current student initiatives. • Student Org workshopping: activism-oriented e rgs would use this time to workshop collaboration an d/or d iscuss new projects to concentrate on. o Short-Te rm Goa ls:


• • •

Generate a list of students and administrato rs sorted by project area to invite to collaborate and attend the event next semester. These key actors may be doing para llel work, so if we find that o ut in the course of our resea rch we should put the m in contact and aid where we can. Fo r this sem ester, create a starter guide to student advocacy (not just SGA-focused, but for any project) with examples of past projects and a much mo re involv,e d fra mework of the process, common obstacles, and formatting to know to make a successfu l proposa l.

Transition Checklist • Wrote up a small list of essential meetings, contacts, and steps to be used for the next Com ptroll er Hopes for Next Comptrolle r • Some things I had hoped to improve that could still be better: o Bette r communication to clubs o n d eadlines o Ma king Access more user-friendly o Accountability o n internal allocations o Fo rmalizing rules on signing income expenditu res - preferably no authority on the issue, would save t ime . Overall Takeaways: As always, it has been a pleasure to serve you all and the student body for not only this year but also

last as your Com ptroll er. I have t ried to improve relatio nships with club leaders and offices, push SGA to be a force to be reckoned with on this campus, and always seek to advocate for my peers in any way and in any space that I can. It has not been a perfect term, b ut I cannot tha nk everyone in this room enoug h for the work that you all do for this community. I leave with what I only could have dreamed of my fresh man year - both the knowledge that I have d one all I ca n to make Hofstra the better place, and also the absolute certainty that the people he re will do an even better job. Thank you all.

Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch


Appropriations Committee 2018-2019

Fall Team: Chairperson Timothy Grief Comptroller Max Kutsch Senator Donovan Harvey Senator Richard Caldwell Senator Manni Doan Senator Mana Tadbiri Senator Janet Narain Senator Hannah Shepherd Senator Rana Ismail

Spring Team: Chairperson Timothy Grief Comptroller Max Kutsch Senator Leona Tomy Senator Donovan Harvey Senator Richard Caldwell Senator Manni Doan Senator Jack McDonough Senator Nick Cote Senator Angelina Ottavio Associate Ryan Young
















Completed Initiatives: ● Going Paperless Physical copies of the budgets are no longer required ● Saves paper and promotes sustainability ● ● Meeting with Club Leaders Encourage committee members to schedule meetings with club leaders to ● discuss budgets and policies Over half of the committee has participated in this ● ● Passing Monetary Allocations Changed the way we pass allocations and minutes at Senate ● Done to increase transparency and follow our Constitution ● ● Treasurer Training 1 September 21st ● 17 Clubs Attended ●


● Treasurer Training 2 October 17th ● 29 Clubs Attended ● Treasurer Training 3 ● February 22nd ● 14 Clubs Attended ● Treasurer Training 4 ● March 13th ● 21 Clubs Attended ● Budget Review Event ● October 23rd ● 5 Clubs Attended ● Fall Budget Weekend ● 30.5 Hours ● Paperless ● Spring Budget Weekend ● 28.33 Hours ● Paperless ● Instituted the 28% budgetary cap for all club categories ● Fall and Spring Budget Appeals and Passed Allocations ● Spring Policy Series Updates ● Brought four pieces of legislation to correct the entire Appropriations Committee ● section of the Policy Series Spring Constitution Update ● Brought legislation to clarify and define our non-exclusivity policies ●


Timothy Grief

Appropriations Chairperson 16

Club Relations End of Year Report 83rd Senate: April 25th Members of the Club Relations Committee Chair Brandon Crofts Senator Rhea Bathija Senator Desarae Cotton Senator Courtney Fegley Senator Rana Ismail ● Associate Nick Carrion ● Associate John McCluskey ● Associate Angela Sierra ● ● ● ● ●

Accomplishments ●

● ●

SGA Storage Space ● We have continued to allocate storage spaces to clubs who request it. ● We have also been able to begin renovations to the new space. We have given some of the space to Hofstra, and in return, Vice President Barkwill is fixing up the space. Club Audits ● We successfully audited 85 clubs this semester via a Google Form. ● All clubs who submitted properly were given the Office Space Allocation form. This was the incentive for the clubs we recognize to complete the audit. Office Space Allocations ● We completed our Office Space Allocations on March 29th, 2019. ● 34 clubs were given office spaces. ● We have informed all clubs of move-in and move-out schedules. ● At the end of May, Denise Boneta will wipe out all office space swipe access, which will clean things up in Hofstra’s electronic swipe database. ● We have also coordinated new signs for the offices be ordered, as well as remove older signs that are no longer relevant. When we have heard of issues within office spaces, we refer them to Denise Boneta and submit the appropriate work orders. We brought a Senatorial Action to update our policy regarding the University Registration Committee (it passed).

Respectfully submitted, Brandon Crofts Club Relations Chair 17

Public Relations End of Semester Report

Fall 2018

Members of the Public Relations Committee

Chairman Alex Labrie

Senator Joey Alameda

Senator Kaylor Dimes

Senator Donia Firooz

Senator Logan Gonzalez

Senator Kathryn Harley

Senator Sandra Read

Senator Rosaria Rielly

Associate Bernice Aquino

Fall Semester Committee Projects ●

SGA Social Media Instagram: completely refreshed with a more appealing aesthetic ▪ and a focus on posting with more intentionality Twitter: Live tweeting each Senate meeting to give the student ▪ body a more user-friendly insight to what is discussed weekly ▪ Facebook: Now being utilized to highlight more long-form and in-depth content coming out of Student Government Website Formulated language for the “SGA” box on the homepage of the ▪ portal as the primary method for disseminating information to the student body while our website is being reconstructed Devised complete overhaul of page layout outline ▪ Omitting outdated information ▪ Complete content refresh so that our website can encompass all ▪ important documents, information, and provide insight to the student body as to our purpose. Branding Guide One Canva template is now being used for all SGA sanctioned ▪ programming to promote brand recognition Set color scheme that coincides with Hofstra colors ▪ Build-A-Friend Theme selection: Puppy Party ▪ It will be held on December 11th at 7pm in Multipurpose room ▪ Promoting that event ▪ Program Promotion


We have worked closely with Rules, Spirit, and Student Services to promote programs such as Fall Elections, Pride Unleashed Week, Stressbusters and Student Appreciation Week.

Fall Semester Individual Projects ● Senator Alameda: ● Working to update all physical promotional space allocated to SGA in the Student Center ● Senator Donia Firooz ● Taking the lead on live tweeting Senate meetings ● Senator Kathryn Harley ● Point-person on all Facebook content ● Senator Sandra Read ● Updating all of SGA’s promotional materials for admissions events ● Senator Rosaria Rielly ● Keeping track of all events to be put forth to This Week at Hofstra.

Respectfully submitted, Alex Labrie Public Relations Chair 19

RULES END OF YEAR REPORT: SPRING 2019 83rd Senate ----- Rules Chairwoman Carissa Ramirez Committee Members Senator Antonella Colon

Senator Gisselle Ortiz-Jimenez

Senator Zain Farooqui

Senator Kelly Rose

Senator Wiley Fletcher

Senator Cristian Sanchez

Senator Jack McDonough

Senator Emanuelle Souffrant

Senator David O’Brien

Appointed Positions Senator Wiley Fletcher held the position of Ethics and Conduct chair for this semester. Senator Zain Farooqui continued his role as the Archivist. There was an email created for the Archivist. This will ensure that SGA records are able to be gathered in one place and passed down easily from senate to senate. Archivist Farooqui has spent the semester increasing communication of documents passed through Senate to SGA’s advisor and back to the Rules Chair to make sure senate-approved changes can be put into SGA’s guiding documents.

Club Elections During the first semester, there were forty-six (46) club elections facilitated by senators. This semester, signing up during committee time was piloted, but not implemented across all committees. During the second semester, there have been twenty-six (26) elections facilitated so far this semester. By the end of the semester, sixty-seven (67) elections will have been attended in total. Over the whole year, that is a combined total of one hundred and thirteen (113) elections. In the recent weeks, there have been new club election sign-up techniques employed to ensure that elections are staffed in a timely manner. Club election sign-ups are now taking place during weekly committee meetings, which makes it easier to cover elections in a short amount of time. There have also been direct emails sent out to senators who did not sign-up to cover elections to make sure everyone is completing their senatorial duty. Moving forward, these practices can be implemented from the start of the year so there is more consistency with enforcement.


Policy Series Updates Since the Student Government Association (SGA) completed the Constitutional Convention last semester, the Rules Committee refocused its efforts on updating the Policy Series. The Rules Committee started by making sure the Policy Series was consistent with the changes made during the Constitutional Convention. After, general edits were able to be started. Though the Policy Series was not able to be completely updated, a significant amount of it was revisited and improved. Thanks to the collective effort of the committee chairs, all of the committee’s duties have been modified. Additionally, the committee chairs have been has been bringing updates to their specific sections as well.

Senatorial Action There was a record breaking amount of legislation brought to Senate this semester. One of the most notable pieces of legislation that were brought include senatorial action spearheaded by Senator Zain Farooqui to bolster the Judicial Panel branch of the Student Government Association. This was many years in the making and officially concluded the Constitutional Convention that took place last semester. Two other important pieces of senatorial action that Senate approved was the resolutions to add another night shuttle driver and to establish online reporting systems, both of which resulted from discussions with members of the Hofstra community not in the Student Government Association. Last semester, there were six (6) pieces of senatorial action seen in addition to the weekly edits made during the Constitutional Convention. This semester, there were thirty-six (36) individual senatorial actions passed by the Rules Committee. In total, this senate body wrote forty-two (42) senatorial actions. Quite a few of these had co-signers from the constituency and SGA associates, something that has not happened in recent years. This is the most senatorial action brought in years and sets a strong foundation for the potential restructure plans that may be implemented.

Fall Semester Senatorial Action SA.2018.83.001, passed

SA.2018.83.003, passed

A Resolution to Address the Student Government Association Constitutional Issues

Updating Club Confirmation Requirements

SA.2018.83.002, no action

A Resolution to Address Student Activism on Hofstra’s Campus

SA.2018.83.004, passed

SGA Spring Election Debates SA.2018.83.005, passed Student Appreciation Week Survey Questions


SA.2018.83.006, passed

SA.2018.83.007, passed

Modernizing Club Relations Policies

Template for Senatorial Action

Spring Semester Senatorial Action

SA.2019.83.001, passed

SA.2019.83.011, passed

Spirit Committee Policy Series Updates

Resolution to Support an Additional Night Shuttle Driver for Public Safety’s Off-Campus Shuttle Services

SA.2019.83.002, passed

Student Services Policy Series Updates

SA.2019.83.003, passed

SA.2019.83.012, not passed

Spirit Programming Deputy

Elimination of University Registration Committee Liaison

SA.2019.83.013, passed

Updates to Elections in the Policy Series

SA.2019.83.004, passed

Elections Rules Promotions Updates

SA.2019.83.014, no action

A Resolution to Establish a Bias Reporting Tip Line and Complaint Program

SA.2019.83.005, passed Objection Procedure

S.A.2019.83.015, passed

SA.2019.83.006, passed

A Resolution to Establish an Online Reporting System at Hofstra University

Non-Exclusivity Clause Update

S.A.2019.83.016, not passed

SA.2019.83.007, not passed Removal of Comptroller’s Senate Vote

Constitutional Amendment: Addition of a Chief of Operations

SA.2019.83.008, not passed

S.A.2019.83.017, passed

Removal of Comptroller’s Committee

Content Change for Campaigning

SA.2019.83.009, not passed

S.A.2019.83.018, passed

Content Change for Campaigning

Student Government Association Preamble Update

SA.2019.83.010, passed

Spring into Action Week Survey Spring 2019

S.A.2019.83.019, passed

Appropriations Committee Policy Update


S.A.2019.83.028, passed

S.A.2019.83.020, no action

Roll Call Vote Procedure

Resolution to Derecognize Phi Alpha Delta

S.A.2019.83.029, passed

S.A.2019.83.021, passed Senatorial Action via Rules

Cutting Executive Sessions from Improper Place in Policy Series

S.A.2019.83.022, passed

S.A.2019.83.030, passed

Constitutional Convention: Updates of the Judicial Panel Constitution

Update to Executive Session Procedure

S.A.2019.83.031, pending

S.A.2019.83.023, passed

Rules Committee Policy Updates

Requirements for Document Approval

S.A.2019.83.032, pending

S.A.2019.83.024, not passed Attendance Policy

Constitutional Amendment: The Social Justice and Equity Committee

S.A.2019.83.025, passed

S.A.2019.83.033, pending

Addition of Programming Deputy Position

Updates to Cost Restrictive Policies

S.A.2019.83.026, passed

S.A.2019.83.034, pending

Constitutional Benchmark

Priority Order when Funding

S.A.2019.83.027, not passed

S.A.2019.83.035, pending

Addition of Initiative Structure to Student Services Policy Series

Roster Requirement to Submit Budgets

S.A.2019.83.036, pending

Spirit Pride Block Guidelines

Clubs Seeking SGA Recognition

Fall Semester Clubs Biology Club: recognized

Young Democratic Socialists of America: not recognized Neuroscience Club: recognized


Spring Semester Clubs Hofstra Health and Wellness Club: recognized

Operation Smile Club: recognized Hofstra Hellenic Society: recognized Hofstra Asian & Pacific Islander Alliance: pending Sigma’cappella: pending

Updated Club Constitutions Fall Semester Clubs The Pride Network Hofstra E-Sports

Spring Semester Clubs Hofstra Cultural Italian-American Organization Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Hofstra Bowling Club Gender Identity Alliance Hofstra American Marketing Association The Hofstra Chronicle Hofstra Rock Climbing

Looking Forward ❖ Continue the move to completely paperless ❖ Find a way to move club elections to an online form ❖ Reach out to clubs more next semester about constitution updates

Respectfully submitted,

Carissa R. Ramirez Rules Committee Chairwoman


Spirit Committee End of Semester Report Spring 2019 Committee Members: Donia Firooz – Programming Deputy Tara Stark Catherine MacCarthy Moon Rob Celeste Battipaglia Maggie Hurley Josh Philip Jared Candelaria

Fall Semester Fall Festival / Pride Expo I met with Alex Federico, Director of Fraternity and Sorority Life, and Denise Boneta, SGA’s Advisor, to discuss edits to the program that we briefly talked about after Fall 2017 Pride Expo. Comptroller Max Kutsch and I met with team leaders to discuss new procedures for getting reimbursed for supplies. All organizations / clubs were able to receive $250 in reimbursements. In prior years, teams comprised of 2 – 2 organizations / clubs were able to receive $500 which was to be split between those organizations. Hofstra purchased a tent this year to use for Pride Expo. This means that future SGA will not have to pay each year for the tent. Volunteers from SGA met with teams to hand out pizza during the last day of build for Pride Expo. Pride Unleashed Week The Spirit Committee planned our annual Pride Unleashed Week to help promote the first men’s and women’s home basketball game of the season. We planned events such as bingo, the food truck, etc. all while advertising the games happening at the end of the week. We gave out a giveaway package consisting of a mug, tally towel, basketball stress ball, candy, pins, and a phone wallet to give out to students at an Atrium table. Mike Neely, the Director of Marketing / Promotion for Athletics, and Coach Joe Mihalich of the men’s basketball team during a committee meeting to brainstorm ideas for the week. They asked for our help and participation in their new event Res Hall Rush. This event consisted of breaking in to groups with members of the cheerleading team, spirit support, and basketball teams, and knocking on doors in the resident halls to give students information for the game. This event really got students excited and talking about the games happening that week. Athletics hopes to see this event happen annually in the future. SGA participated in the fashion show during common hour on the Wednesday of PUW.


The arena was sold out for the men’s game during PUW! Students had a great time and this high attendance continued for the remainder of the season. The Spirit Committee was elated to see our hard work had paid off and really made a difference! This Pride Unleashed Week has been my most successful week of programming in my two terms as Spirit Chair. CAA Watch Party SGA hosted a CAA semi-final watch party for the men’s basketball game. We had a great turnout and gave out new rally towels we ordered for the event. SGA cosponsored the final watch party with the DSA, Athletics, and University Relations.

Spring Semester Valentine’s Day SGA assembled goodie bags with candy and corny-pickup lines to hand out to students on Valentine’s day. This is an event we’ve done for two years now and has always been successful. Spirit Week The Spirit Committee came up with innovative and new ideas for events for Spirit Week. On Monday, we handed out baseball themed donuts and coffee for students to enjoy a bright start to the week. That same night, SGA hosted a cookout event in Hofstra USA where we gave out free food. Students enjoyed music, cornhole, and we gave out our Spirit Week 2019 hats to all those that attended. On Tuesday, we handed out giveaways in the atrium and advertised the sports games that were happening throughout the week. On Wednesday, we hosted our first ever Dunk A Hunk event. We had an inflatable joust, inflatable obstacle course, and dunk tank for students to enjoy on Memorial Quad during common hour. We had participants from the men’s lacrosse and baseball teams along with club softball, club men’s soccer, club men’s lacrosse, and men’s rugby volunteer to be dunked in our dunk tank. Club soccer won $100 toward their income account for participating in our event. It was a great event and we had a great turnout! The Spirit Committee hopes to continue this event next spring. On Wednesday night we hosted bingo where we gave out lots of giveaways and a pair of AirPods! Thursday the food truck gave out free empanadas which always sees a lot of student turnout. We ended the week on Friday by giving out the rest of our giveaways in the Atrium. Stressbusters Spirit Committee members Donia Firooz, Tara Stark, and Maggie Hurley organized SGA’s stressbusters. As a committee we decided to continue the pizza night and ice cream bar for this semester. As Chair, I corresponded with interested clubs to help plan their involvement with stressbusters. This was the first year the Spirit Committee worked on Stressbusters, so it was a learning experience for us all. Pride Blocks The Pride Blocks have been an initiative I’ve worked on as Chair for the past two years. This past August, I met with Denise Boneta, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and Dom Lavin to discuss the possibility of the Pride Blocks being brought to campus. Plant was on board and mentioned that a good place for one of the Blocks would be in the space behind the back of the Student Center 26

which Hofstra plans to renovate Summer 2019. After some discussion, Plant agreed we could have the first Block posted out front of Hofstra USA. The Blocks were planned to be built after Joseph and Denise approved a final copy of the application required for the clubs to complete to use the Blocks and a final copy of the guidelines for using the Block. After a few months’ hiatus, the application and guidelines for the most part have been approved. A meeting has been scheduled with Joseph, Denise, and I to discuss final logistics of the Blocks. I am hoping logistics and guidelines can be finalized in the next couple of weeks, so that the new Spirit Chair and I can discuss how Spirit will run this process next year. This has been an initiative that started as the Spirit Rock in 2014 and after some changes has come to be the Pride Blocks. This initiative often hasn’t been openly discussed at Senate; however, the current Spirit Committee and the 2018 committee has worked very hard to compile research and flush out how the Blocks will be organized. I am hopeful that this initiative will come to life soon and students can start to enjoy the Blocks on campus. Initiatives / Projects Accomplished as Chair Portal Channel – this initiative started with Pride Unleashed Week last year, 2017. I reached out to Mike Devlin who connected me with members of the IT department who were able to change the portal theme for us to help advertise Pride Unleashed Week. Since then, we’ve been able to change the theme of the portal for all of our weeks of programming. We were also able to list the week’s activities in a portal box, and because of this we’ve been given a permanent portal channel for SGA to advertise our events. Pride Blocks – This initiative has been ongoing on for the past couple of years with no real headway made. I’m happy to say that the Pride Blocks will be coming to campus in the next semester, which is the furthest this initiative has gone since its inception. Spirit Week – Our annual week of spring programming only began last year. Being that we have a whole week to promote and celebrate the start of basketball season, I thought it would be beneficial to host a week in the spring for spring sports. This year we were able to complete a contract for the dunk tank and inflatables and it was only the second year of the Spirit Committee hosting Spirit Week! Programming Deputy – This was a position created to alleviate some of the programming normally orchestrated by the Spirit Chair. This position also offers a member of the Spirit Committee more of a leadership position and they get to see some additional behind the scenes work the Chair normally does. The Programming Deputy for this year is Donia Firooz. Donia has been an integral part of organizing Stressbusters this semester and has always been one of the first members of the committee to volunteer to help with anything. This legislation passed with only two weeks left of Senate, but because Donia has been a vital part of the Spirit Committee I decided to appoint her as Programming Deputy for the remainder of the 83th Senate.


Respectfully submitted, Chelsea Tomasso Spirit Committee Chairwoman



FALL TEAM Chair Isabelle Schmidt Senator Alexa Osner Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Charlie Greenberg Senator Cristian Sanchez Senator David O’Brien Senator Emanuelle Souffrant Senator Gabby Spann Senator Gisselle Ortiz Senator Leona Tomy Associate DaisyMae VanValkenburgh Associate Abigail Romero

SPRING TEAM Chair Isabelle Schmidt Senator Alexa Osner Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Charlie Greenberg Senator Gabby Spann Associate DaisyMae VanValkenburgh Senator Erynn Phillips

Fall Goals and Accomplishments - Planned and completed Student Appreciation Week, Provost’s Scholars Reception, StressBusters, Workers Appreciation Cards, and several It’s On Us programming weeks (NWA, SH&RW, DVAW). - Explored student concerns to find what initiatives we want to hone in on next semester, what results we hope to see, and who we want to work with moving forward. - 60 copies of New York Times delivered to campus daily - Restarted the Survivor Support Group Wednesdays 7pm - Workers’ Appreciation Cards for Dining employees Student Appreciation Week

Schedule -Monday: “Fruit and Donuts with the Dean of Students” 9am-11am in the Atrium and RHA Coffee in your residence halls and commuter lounge -Tuesday: Student Essentials Day while tabling 9-5 in Atrium -Wednesday: Partnering with OSAPA and SHACC for Sleep and Mindfulness @ Common Hour Atrium Free Pizza from Admissions in Atrium Afternoon (3pm) -Thursday: Meet SGA dinner in the Greenhouse 6pm with raffles and town hall -Friday: Mamma Mia Sing-Along Double Feature in the Student Center Theatre 7pm


Results Surveyed 2500 students- That’s over a third of the undergraduate population.



Gained insight on the SHACC, Dining, Public Safety and involvement on campus. SS Committee will be pursuing initiatives related to the data.

Spring Goals and Accomplishments - Shift SS purpose and structure to less programming - Spring Programming (SAW and It’s On Us) expanding “SGA at the Corner” into a full programming week with purpose and surveying. - Initiative Areas that committee worked on as a whole, issues broader that affect student body vs personal initiatives alone. Shifting Student Services’ Purpose ● StressBusters moved to Spirit in Policy Series ● Provost Scholars’ Reception stricken from Policy Series - Senator Bathija working on this for this semester ● Spending less money on Programming, more purposeful too ● Initiative area structure for future committees Spring Programming ● Spring into Action Week (March 11-15th) - Surveyed with Baseline and IR for the first time - Self Care day- Facemasks, Notebooks, coloring session - Love the Planet day- Sustainability quiz, water bottles, metal straws - Carnival Day- Cotton Candy, Animals, Pies for Pride - Wellness Day- Rec Center reps, Stressballs - Spring Break Day- beach giveaways, safe spring break tips - Meet SGA dinner with updates - Surveyed 1600 students ● Sexual Assault Awareness Month - Library Display by Tara Stark and Donia Firooz - Tabling April 1-6th SGA’s Letter of Support to Survivors - It’s On All of Us Panel postponed for next semester/year Initiative Areas ● Food Security/Accessibility to resources - Passing info to Beth, Tour of Pride Pantry, talks with PR for help promoting - Hofstra Shares event April 3rd back of student center ● Public Safety - Meeting with administration, shared SAW data, potential Uber Health contract - Resolution written to call for additional night shuttle driver


● Campus Resource Guide - Compiling clear information on ResLife, SHACC, Public Safety, Student Access Services and Title IX - Long term website/portal, short term physical copies/social media ● SHACC Advisory Board - subcommittee “Communicating information to students” - Working with web development team to ensure website information is accurate, informative and up to date - Using social media pages (Hofstra Student Life, SGA, HofU) to share information through posts, IG stories and story highlights - Work with SHACC to demystify and clarify policies online (EX: when P Safe transports vs. uber rides, pricing and session limits on counseling sessions, long term vs. short term counseling) - Who are our external resources that students get referred to and how can we share that info? can we share practices? Or just grant/federally funded organizations?

OVERALL - Transformed into more proactive committee participating in purposeful programming and focusing on issues affecting the student body. Team members gained experience through leadership opportunities and every member gave meaningful input. Worked on legislation as a committee and had collaborative discussions about Student Services and the future of SGA as a whole.

Respectfully Submitted, Isabelle Schmidt Student Services Chairperson 31


PREAMBLE Under Article I, Section Two, of the Student Government Association Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization shall be defined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions if it extends equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to Protected Characteristics. Qualified individuals are defined as those who meet the expectations and standards of the organizations’ inherent purpose.

ARTICLE I: NAME A. The name of this organization shall be Hofstra’s Asian & Pacific Islander Alliance. B. The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as HAPIA. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE A. The internal purpose of this organization is to establish a social network to strengthen the Asian/Pacific Islander American (APIA) community, empower its members by inspiring a passion for advocacy, develop leadership, promote civic engagement, and encourage academic excellence. B. The external purpose of this organization is to advocate for APIA students, educate the Hofstra community about Asian/Pacific Islander cultures, enrich diversity on Hofstra’s campus, and strive to transcend social borders and to foster relations with other groups to create a more unified campus. ARTICLE III: CLUB ADVISOR A. The Club Advisor shall be a non-student Hofstra University employee. B. The Adviser shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this organization. C. The duties of the Club Adviser shall be the following: a. Mentor and advise this organization on how to fulfill its purpose. b. Advise the club of any actions or planned events that are insensitive to other cultures and should be discontinued. c. Provide structure for the meetings of this organization and serve as a resource for all members and officers during meetings. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP A. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a member. B. Status of Members a. Members shall be recognized as active after attending two (2) consecutive meetings or events.


b. Members who miss more than three (3) consecutive meetings in a row shall be considered an inactive member. ARTICLE V: EXECUTIVE BOARD. The Executive Board consists of elected officers and shall come to a consensus regarding decisions for HAPIA. A. The Executive Board shall establish the date, location, and time of general body meetings. B. The Executive Board shall outline an agenda for general body meetings. C. Elected officers are the President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Secretary, and Events Manager. D. By approval of seventy-five percent (75%) of the Executive Board, the following positions may be added to the Executive Board on an annual basis: Advocacy Chair, Publicity Chair, or Fundraising Chair. E. All e-board members, except for the President, may create committees if approved by seventy-five percent (75%) of the Executive Board. F. The structure of the committees shall be up to the discretion of the chair of said committee. G. All Executive Board members must serve a term that begins at their installation at the end of the spring semester and concludes at the installation of their successor the following spring. H. All elected officials must attend all meetings unless otherwise excused. ARTICLE VI: DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTIONS Section 1: President It shall be the duty of the President to provide leadership, administrative guidance, and direction to the structuring and programming of HAPIA. The president shall do the following: A. Preside at general meetings of the club. B. Organize and facilitate meetings/activities. C. Establish organization’s goals and deadlines with the Executive Board. D. Work with the officers of the Executive Board in coordinating their efforts and maintaining unity in the organization's objectives and programming. E. Be responsible for supervision of officers’ actions as they relate to the organization. F. Supervise all committees. G. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner. H. Have the authority to call emergency meetings. Section 2: Vice President The Vice President shall do the following: A. Assist the President in their duties. B. Assume the duty of the President in the event of absence, resignation, or removal until an emergency election is held. C. Be responsible for coordinating recruitment activities. D. Help organize and schedule all events. E. Supervise all committees. F. Train and furnish all records to their successor in a timely manner. Section 3: Treasurer The Treasurer shall do the following: A. Be responsible for the financial affairs of the organization.


B. C. D. E. F. G.

Be responsible for submitting bi-annual budget proposals to SGA and any other co-sponsoring group. Be responsible for creating budget requests for weekly SGA Appropriations meeting when necessary. Be responsible for the upkeep of financial records. Be defaulted the role of Fundraising Chair if one is not appointed. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner.

Section 4: Secretary The Secretary shall do the following: A. Be responsible for official correspondences and e-mail distribution of events and meetings. B. Keep the official membership roster and information updated on GetInvolved HU. C. Be responsible for the distribution of any official material. D. Be responsible for handling contracts if necessary. E. Be responsible for reserving rooms and equipment for general meetings. F. Obtain and keep records of all event location and equipment confirmation notices. G. Be defaulted the role of Publicity Chair if one is not appointed. H. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. I. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner. Section 5: Events Manager The Events Manager shall do the following: A. Be responsible for organizing and planning events. B. Be responsible for identifying any/all event conflicts with other campus organizations. C. Be responsible for reserving rooms and equipment for events. D. Obtain and keep records of all event location and equipment confirmation notices. E. Work with Treasurer to ensure all events meet budget. F. Work with the Secretary or Publicity Chair to ensure that the event is properly advertised. G. Report data and information about current national, international, and campus-wide cultural issues and trends, which reflect the goals and objectives of the organization, for use in programing. H. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. I. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner. Section 6: Advocacy Chair The Advocacy Chair shall do the following: A. Identify API issues on campus and bring them to the e-board to select a plan of action to resolve them. B. Report data and information about current national, international, and campus-wide cultural issues and trends, which reflect the goals and objectives of the organization, for use in programing. C. Facilitate the education of the members of HAPIA, and where possible, the Hofstra community on API issues through programming and collaboration with other clubs. 34

D. E. F.

Work with the Events Manager when creating events to advocate for API issues. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner.

Section 7: Publicity Chair The Publicity Chair shall do the following: A. Maintain an active social media presence and update members on upcoming meetings and events. B. Create graphics for meetings or events. C. Be responsible for flyer making and distribution. D. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other clubs. E. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. F. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner. Section 7: Fundraising Chair The Fundraising Chair shall do the following: A. Generate ideas and coordinate fundraising activities. B. Work with the Treasurer to maintain accurate monetary records. C. Work with the Publicity Chair to advertise fundraising opportunities. D. Look for opportunities to collaborate with other clubs. E. Be willing to carry out any duties requested by the President or Vice-President. F. Train and furnish all records to the successor in a timely manner. ARTICLE VII: ELECTIONS AND VOTING RULES Section 1: Time of Voting A. Elections shall be held at the last meeting before the culmination of the Spring Semester each academic year. B. The Executive Board shall notify the general body of the date set for elections along with a description of the nomination and voting procedures, and the duties of office at least two meetings before the date of the election. C. The Executive Board may, where circumstances warrant, authorize the holding of an election at another time. Section 2: Eligibility D. All candidates must be an active member. E. All candidates must have previously read the position descriptions and understand the duties of the position. F. Applicants shall be in good academic standing. Section 3: Nomination Process A. The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any other eligible active member for any office. B. Nominees may be self-nominated, with the support of one other eligible voting member. Other members of the club may also nominate a person for a position if there is support from another eligible voting member. They may decline the nomination.


Section 4: Voting Process A. All candidates are required to make a short speech about why they are running for the position. If unavailable to do so, the person must assign another member to read their speech, or they may submit a video speech to be displayed. B. There shall be a closed ballot; the election shall be constituted by a simple majority of active members present and voting. C. If any candidate does not obtain a simple majority, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes shall participate in a runoff election. a. If there is a tie in the percentage of votes cast in the first election, each candidate shall re-introduce themselves and proceed with another election until there is either a clear majority or two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes which refers back to the above process. D. All ballots shall be cast in person. No voting by proxy shall be permitted at any election. However, if an active member cannot attend the elections, they may hand in a signed written ballot to the adviser before the election. E. The order of elections shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Vice President shall be elected, followed by the Treasurer and so forth following the order in the constitution. F. Elected officials shall take office immediately after the conclusion the final event of the semester. Section 5: Vacancies G. Any vacancy of the Presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice President to the Presidency until an emergency election is held. H. All other vacancies shall result in an election during standard meetings, provided that a member of the Student Government Association is present to oversee proceedings. ARTICLE VIII: REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of his/her position or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, they shall be removed from office or could be removed from the club in the following manner. a. A concerned member collects and brings charges against the officer. b. Said officer shall send a letter to the officer notifying them of the date of the impeachment vote. c. They shall present their findings to the club. d. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges. e. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all active members is required to remove the officer. A member of the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee shall be present at all impeachment proceedings. ARTICLE IX: METHOD OF AMENDMENT A. Amendments to the constitution shall be presented first to the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall approve the amendment by a simple majority. B. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented to all active members of the club and shall be ratified by a simple majority of the active members present at the time of the vote.Â




Under Article I, Section Two, of the Student Government Association Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization shall be de ined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions if it extends equal opportunity to all quali ied individuals without regard to Protected Characteristics. Quali ied individuals are de ined as those who meet the expectations and standards of the organizations’ inherent purpose.

ARTICLE I-NAME A. The name of this organization shall be Sigma’cappella. B. The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as Sigma. ARTICLE II-PURPOSE Its purpose is to provide co-educational singing to all members of the Hofstra University, Long Island, and Regional New York communities as musical entertainment. The group shall also provide an enjoyable atmosphere for the members of these communities to share a cappella music. Although the group’s primary purpose is musical entertainment, Sigma’cappella shall also seek to train and educate its members musically. ARTICLE III-MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a member. Section 2. Status of Members A. Members shall be recognized after attending one (1) meeting.


B. Members who miss more than four (4) meetings in a row shall be considered inactive members. An inactive member may be reinstated to active membership by a two-thirds C. (2/3) vote of the active membership present and voting at the meeting. D. Any member who wishes to take a semester off, whether for personal, academic, or other reasons may be reinstated to active membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership present and voting at the meeting. E. Attendance of members: The following shall be counted per semester. 1. Two (2) unexcused absences shall result in a consultation with the current President. 2. Three (3) unexcused absences shall result in a meeting with the current executive board. 3. Any more than four (4) unexcused absences shall result in member inactivity for the remainder of the semester. 4. A member shall attend a rehearsal/meeting for no less than two-thirds (2/3) of the rehearsal/meeting to be considered present. 5. The Executive Board members shall decide what constitutes as unexcused for all instances. Â ARTICLE IV- OFFICERS AND ELECTIONSÂ Section 1. The Executive Board positions shall be held for an academic year. The titles and names of the Executive Board shall be: A. President: They shall run all rehearsals and delegate the breakdown of music rehearsals to the musical director prior to the start of each rehearsal, with room for lexibility. They shall handle responsibilities for performances, directions, travel arrangements, phone calls, and contact lists pertaining to performance venues, times, etc.


B. Vice President/Secretary: They shall assist the President with the administrative tasks described above and shall assume all responsibilities of the President in their absence. Secretarial duties shall include keeping records of what goes on during meetings and during votes, and keeping detailed logs of attendance. C. Musical Director: They shall work closely with the President and be responsible for teaching parts of each song with the corresponding arranger(s). They shall maintain the music library of both past and present songs and provide copies of music to each active member of the group upon presenting the piece to the group for rehearsal. Additionally, they shall be the primary arranger for the group, although anyone may volunteer to arrange if they so desire. D. Treasurer: They are responsible for all inancial undertaking of the group. Duties include dealing with requests for refund payments to group members and keeping a detailed log of the money dealings for the group. E. Publicity Chair: They shall take the responsibility of publicity for the group. Duties include utilizing Hofstra resources for printing and advertising on campus as well as maintaining the group website and social media accounts. They shall also be in charge of any philanthropic work done by the group.

Section 2. Executive Board Procedures A. The Executive Board shall meet at least once a month to discuss the status of the group. B. Any action of the present Executive Board shall always be for the common good of the group. Executive Board decisions may only pass by a three- ifths (3/5) vote of the C. current Executive Board.


Section 3. The decisions made by the Executive Board may be overturned by a two-thirds (2/3) vote from the active members. Section 4. Election Procedure A. Elections for the Executive Board shall be held within the week before, after, or during the Spring Concert. In the event that the group does not have a Spring Concert, the elections shall be held in the irst week of May. B. The President shall take the nominations from the loor. Any active member may be nominated by any other active member for any of ice position. There shall be a closed ballot and election. Each decision, yes or no, shall be C. decided by a two-thirds (2/3) majority. ballots shall be cast in person unless a proxy is submitted to the President D. All in a sealed envelope before the vote. E. The order of voting shall be President, Vice President/Secretary, Musical Director, Treasurer, Publicity Chair. F. Elected Of icials shall take of ice at the irst meeting of the semester immediately following their election. G. Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy: 1.

Any vacancy in the President position shall result in the succession of the Vice President until a proper election is held.


Any vacancies in any other of ice shall be temporarily illed by the appointment of an active member by the remaining Executive Board members until a proper election is held.

representative of the Student Government Association shall be present for H. A any election proceedings. Â


ARTICLE V-MEETINGS Section 1. Rehearsals/Meetings shall be held twice a week on Sundays and Wednesdays. A. The President and Musical Director shall preside over all regular rehearsals. B. If any current members would like to work on something musically, it is their responsibility to bring it up to the Musical Director. The process of learning a musical piece shall be in conjunction with both these members and the arranger(s). Section 2. Informational Meetings A. Any member may propose to have an impromptu informational meeting for any reason. B. If any subject is discussed that needs voting, a majority shall be implemented to pass the vote. ARTICLE VI-REMOVAL OF MEMBERS Section 1. If it is determined that a member/of ice is not ful illing the duties of their position, or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, they shall be removed in the following manner: A. A special meeting shall be called as explained in Article V, Section 2 so that a member or members may call attention to the charges of the member in question. B. The Executive Board shall inform the member of when and where the impeachment vote is to take place. If requested by the member/of icer in question for written veri ication, the Executive Board shall provide it. The member/of icer shall have a chance to rebut the charges at the C. impeachment vote. D. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all


active members is required to remove the member/of icer. E. A member of the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee shall be present for any proceedings. ARTICLE VII-METHOD OF AMENDMENT Section 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any regular meeting and shall be rati ied by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present and voting at the following regular meeting. Section 2. All amendments shall be approved by the Rules Committee of the Student Government Association. 42

Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand Eighteen S.A.2019.83.031 Rules Committee Policy Updates This shall be placed on page 19 of the Policy Series under V: Rules Committee. G. CLUB ELECTIONS: 1. Clubs and organizations holding elections for officers shall have those proceedings witnessed and validated by a representative of the Student Government Association. 2. The club or organization shall notify the Rules Committee Chair of the election fourteen (14) days prior at least one (1) week in advance to guarantee the attendance of a senator. H. CLUB IMPEACHMENT: 1. Clubs who begin impeachment proceedings against an officer of the club shall notify the Rules Committee Chair notice of said proceedings at least forty-eight (48) hours after before the proceedings have begun. 2. A representative of the Rules Committee shall be present at all meetings where impeachment proceedings occur. I. INVESTIGATIONS: The Rules Committee may investigate constitutional violations of clubs or organizations. An ad hoc committee may be formed when deemed necessary by the Rules Committee Chair. The Rules Chair shall have the authority to investigate any grievances regarding constitutional violations of clubs or organizations that have been brought to their attention. Following a preliminary review of the issue, if the Rules Chair deems it necessary, the Rules Committee shall conduct an investigation. Once the investigation is complete, the Committee shall present their findings to the Judicial Panel who shall then finalize the hearing process.

Respectfully Submitted, Zain Farooqui Jack McDonough Senator Senator

Carissa Ramirez Rules Chairwoman


Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Nineteen S.A.2019.83.032

Constitutional Amendment: The Social Justice and Equity Committee

To be added to page 13 of the Student Government Association Constitution, following the section detailing the Rules Committee.

207. SOCIAL JUSTICE AND EQUITY COMMITTEE 207.1 GENERAL DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES: The Social Justice and Equity Committee shall address issues affecting underrepresented communities on campus that may be suggested by any constituent. The committee shall work with appropriate Hofstra University offices, administrators, and student organizations to advance initiatives. 207.2 SUBCOMMITTEES: The Social Justice and Equity Committee Chair shall establish such subcommittees as deemed necessary by the Senate. A. All subcommittees shall have a minimum of three (3) senators and/or associates from any committee within the Student Government Association. B. Members of the Senate may serve on multiple subcommittees.


Respectfully submitted, Kaylor Dimes Senator

Zain Farooqui Senator

Kelly Rose Senator

Carissa Ramirez Rules Chairwoman


Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Nineteen S.A.2019.83.033

Updates to Cost Restrictive Policies

Page 8 of the Policy Series under Allocation Policies. a. Cost Restrictive Policies i. Formals: The Student Government Association will shall not allocate funds for formals or any part of formals (i.e. buses, hotels, etc.). Formals shall be defined as end of semester gatherings held at a. HofstraUSA, Hofstra University Club, and/or any off-campus location. The Appropriations Committee reserves the right to determine whether or not an event is a formal. ii. Retreats: The Student Government Association shall not provide budget allocate funds for retreats. Scholarships: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds iii. for scholarships. Alumni: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds iv. towards any food or items for alumni. Licensing/Certifications: The Student Government Association shall not v. allocate funds for licensing or certifications. vi. Transportation: Transportation may be funded provided that the conference or event falls within up to a 300-mile radius of New York City Hofstra University, with the exception of the Colonial Athletic Association tournament bus(es) that is sponsored by Student Government Association. a. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to five (5) cars per event, based on the membership of the organization. Student Government Association shall not fund for gas expenses b. Student Government Association shall not fund for coach bus(es). c. Student Government Association shall not fund for Taxis, Uber, Lyft, or d. independent travel service (rentals). Student Government Association funds mileage based on the standard e. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) rate at the time of requested funds. Student Government Association shall not fund for airfare. f. Clothing: No apparel (shirts, jackets, uniforms, padding, etc.) shall be funded vii. above $15.00 per member per academic year. If a club wishes to fund above $250, the club or organization shall make up the difference with their income and a P.O. must be submitted. viii. Table Drapes: A Student Government Association recognized club or organization shall only spend up to $200 on a table drape. A request for a table drape will only be seen once every three (3) academic years. Decorations: The Student Government Association shall not fund for decorations. ix.


a. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Appropriations Committee if the decorations in question are deemed necessary for the event based on the description provided by the club or organization. b. Exceptions may include, but are not limited to: religious significance, cultural significance, or if the requested items are integral to the success of the event. x. Prizes/Giveaways: The Student Government Association shall not fund for prizes nor giveaways. xi. Tipping: Organizations cannot use Student Government Association allocated funds for tipping. xii. Disc Jockey: Organizations shall use income to pay for DJ’s should they choose not to use a campus organization, which has the purpose of providing musical entertainment.The Student Government Association shall not allocate for Disc Jockeys. Organizations shall not be funded more than $500 for Disc Jockeys per semester. xiii. Coaching or Instructor Fees: The Student Government Association may fund up to $2,500 per year for coaching or instructor fees. xiv. Food for General Meetings: The Student Government Association shall not fund for food at the general meetings of any club or organization. Fashion Shows: The Appropriations Committee shall not allocate funds to xv. requested fashion shows unless they fulfill the explicit purpose of the club or organization as stated in their constitution. xvi. Speaker Fees: The Student Government Association may fund specific speaker fees, but not optional honorariums or donations. Donations: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds for xvii. cash or in-kind donations. Member Gifts: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds xviii. for gifts to members. Social Outings: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds xix. for social outings. Hotels: Three (3) bids shall be provided before any allocations are to be xx. disbursed for hotel costs. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to $120.00 per room per night for hotels. a. Student Government Association shall not fund for Airbnb or independent homestay service (rentals). Membership Fees: The Student Government Association shall not fund for xxi. membership fees for members of any club or organization. Conferences b. i. A maximum of eight (8) fifteen (15) members, up to $100.00 per member, may be funded by the Student Government Association for registration to attend a conference per year. However, income may subsidize additional people over and above the eight (8) persons limit. The Appropriations Committee will only fund for a maximum of three (3) conferences per year for each organization. Three (3) bids shall be provided before any allocations are to be disbursed for ii. hotel costs. A Student Government Association recognized club or organization may be funded up to $120 per room per night for hotels. iii. No Student Government Association budget shall be allocated for food for the conferences 46

c. Competitions i. When requesting funds for a competition, an organization shall present the Appropriations Committee with all necessary registration materials and information regarding the competition. ii. When requesting funds for an Intercollegiate competition, the Student Government Association Appropriations Committee shall have discretion in determining funding. d. Film: The Student Government Association shall not allocate funds budget for the purchase of cameras, photo supplies, or developing costs unless the mission of the club and organization states the necessity of such inventory. e. Charitable Contributions: Any club or organization may donate income collected from any event of a philanthropic nature to charity, with a monetary limit and with prior approval of the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and all other necessary administrative offices. f. Donations: Donated money shall be considered income. However, donated money is subject to all University policies. Any organization receiving donations shall deposit them with the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement. Money donated by a department of Hofstra University outside of the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement shall be used by the 30th of June. All other monetary donations will roll over. g. Subscriptions or Memberships: Subscriptions or memberships must be endorsed to the name of the club and delivered to its office. h. Membership Fees: The Student Government Association shall not fund for membership fees for members of any club or organization. i. Vendors List: The vendors list is a compilation of vendors who accept Hofstra University Purchase Orders from Student Government Association funded clubs and who have agreed to comply with the stated guidelines. The purpose of the vendors list is to facilitate the transactions of clubs or organizations with outside merchants and to insure the proper procedures are followed in order to guarantee payment to the vendor and to maintain Hofstra University’s reputation in the business community. j. The Student Government Association may fund club sports according to the policies set forth by the Department of Recreation and Intramural Sports. k. Negative (Red) Budget Lines and/or Misuse of a Budget i. The following procedures shall be established for all Student Government Association funded organizations when a negative balance exists in a line or abuse occurs: 1. First offense—a warning will be given to the club in question. 2. Second offense—the club will be levied a 20% fine of the reallocated or misused amount to be returned to Student Government Association club contingency. In some cases, a written warning may be issued prior to any fines. 3. Third offense—the club or organization’s allocated budget will be immediately frozen and will remain frozen pending the approval of the Internal Review and Control Board (IRCB) after an official hearing is held. 4. Fourth offense—if the IRCB unfreezes the allocated budget any additional misusage will result in the club or organization’s allocated budget being terminated and 47

absorbed back into the Student Government Association contingency under no exceptions. 5. The Student Government Association reserves the right to implement further penalties if the situation warrants. l. Budget Appeals: In the event that a club or organization finds the allocated funds to be unsatisfactory, they may file an appeal to be presented to the Senate. i. Weekly Meetings: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from a weekly meeting, the club shallemail the Appropriations Chair within 24 hours after the start of the Appropriations meeting stating their reason for appeal. The Appropriations Chair shall notify the Vice President that a club wishes to appeal twelve (12) hours prior to the Senate meeting. The club shall present their appeal at Senate during the presentation of the weekly Appropriations report. ii. Budget Weekend: If a club or organization wishes to appeal an allocation from budget weekend, the club shall email the Appropriations Chair within the time allotted time specified at the discretion of the Chair requesting a time for the meeting. The Appropriations Chair shall email the Vice President the list of clubs that are scheduled to appeal twelve (12) hours before the Senate meeting. iii. In regards to budget appeals only, the Vice President shall have the ability to add an item to the Senate agenda without Cabinet approval. Clubs or organizations shall not bring additional information to iv. Budget Appeals. m. Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget: All monetary contributions donated to the Student Government Association Club or Organization Budget, a subdivision of the Student Government Association Budget, shall only be accessible to the Appropriations Committee. The committee shall be permitted to appropriate such additional budget to clubs and organizations in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Student Government Association By-Laws and Policy Series. In cases where donations are made to a specific Student Government Association club or organization, these funds shall be deposited through the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement and designated as income. Consistency: The criteria that is set forth on the limits of what the Student Government n. Association may fund, shall be held objectively on a consistent basis.


Respectfully Submitted,

Max Kutsch Comptroller Richard Caldwell Senator Donovan Harvey Senator Ryan Young Associate

Timothy Grief Appropriations Chairperson

Isabelle Schmidt Student Service Chairperson

Nick Cote Senator

Manni Doan Senator

Angelina Ottavio Senator

Leona Tomy Senator


Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Nineteen S.A.2019.83.034

Priority Order

This would go into page 5 of the Policy Series under Appropriations. B. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE GUIDELINES: 1. General Policies: a. The Appropriations Committee shall not fund any club with a discriminatory attitude with regard to membership, as defined in the Student Government Association Constitution. b. Student Government Association funds shall only be used for undergraduate students. c. Priority Order: The order in which items are listed on the budget event cover sheet shall constitute priority order. i. Requests shall be considered in priority order. Should an event or budget item not be funded due to budgetary constraints, the committee shall not allocate funds to lower priority events. d. All clubs and organizations seeking funds shall use the appropriate documents provided by the Student Government Association. i. All documents shall be provided in the English language and in the United States Dollar. e. All financial business does not become official until it passes the Senate. f. Any full-time undergraduate senator or associate may be a member of the Appropriations Committee. g. Any member of the Appropriations Committee must abstain from voting and debating if they are a member of a club or organization seeking funds. h. The Student Government Association, the Comptroller, and Hofstra University cannot guarantee payment of any financial transactions where all documents are not filled out completely and correctly at least two (2) weeks in advance. i. Bi-Annual Budget i. At the end of each semester, any club or organization seeking Student Government Association funds may submit a budget to the Appropriations Committee for the following semester. ii. This shall henceforth be known as “Budget Weekend,” to be held in November and April respectively unless otherwise specified by the Appropriations Committee. iii. The Senate shall review, amend, and approve the Bi-Annual budget, submitted by the Appropriations Committee. iv. No club category shall be allocated greater than twenty-eight percent (28%) of the bi-annual budget. j. Money may be transferred from one (1) club or organization’s budget to another Student Government Association-recognized club or organization’s account with the approval of the Student Government Association Comptroller. 50

k. Income is defined as any money that enters a club or organization’s budget other than Student Government Association allocations. l. Organizations cannot use Student Government Association allocated funds for additional fees including shipping and handling. m. Unconventional Budgets i. If a club or organization requires a budget for an event that exceeds $50,000 and correlates directly to the purpose of that organization, they may request to submit an annual budget to ensure timely bid placement, legal satisfactions, and university policies are followed. Said organization may bring the request to the President, Vice President, Comptroller, and Appropriations Chair of the Student Government Association before the annual budget is seen by the Appropriations Committee for Budget Weekend. The aforementioned parties must vote unanimously to honor said request. ii. If allocated, the funds for the event would not roll back at the conclusion of the semester preceding the event. 1. The club or organization may only request more funds for the event at no more than two (2) nonconsecutive weekly meetings in the semester. 2. Additional funds may be requested during the Budget Weekend preceding the event, but not at weekly meetings during the semester the event is scheduled to be held. iii. For any additional requests not pertaining to the one (1) event, the club or organization may submit a separate budget during the fall and spring budget weekends or at any weekly meetings they wish to attend. i. Any money allocated to requests other than the specified event will follow the bi-annual schedule, and all unused funds will rollback into the Student Government Association budget.

Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch Comptroller Richard Caldwell Senator Donovan Harvey Senator Ryan Young Associate

Timothy Grief Appropriations Chairperson

Isabelle Schmidt Student Service Chairperson

Nick Cote Senator

Manni Doan Senator

Angelina Ottavio Senator

Leona Tomy Senator


Hofstra University

Student Government Association

Two Thousand and Nineteen S.A.2019.83.035

Roster Requirement

This would go into page 5 of the Policy Series under Appropriations. II. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE A. GENERAL GUIDELINES: 1. Financial Records: All Student Government Association funded organizations are required to maintain financial records. a. Check Requisitions and Purchase Orders are available online or from the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement. 2. Funding Forms: The Student Government Association shall require that all organizations who are requesting a budget must submit their proposal on the official Appropriations forms along with an attendance form from a recent club meeting. They must contain the following information: a. Organization’s name, date of event, total amount requested, quantity, unit price, and description of either event, service, or product. b. Every event, service, or product shall have supporting documentation of the most recent market value (i.e. email correspondence with a professional, website screenshot with the web address, invoice, receipt, etc.). If proper documentation is not provided, funds shall not be allocated towards the request. i. All supporting documentation shall be the most recent available and shall not be older than two (2) years of the request date. ii. Three (3) bids shall be provided from three (3) different vendors before any iii. funds may be allocated towards item requests over $300. 1. Exceptions include guest speakers, coaches, Hofstra-provided services, Hofstra approved vendors, and items exclusively provided by a single vendor. iv. Allocations shall be made based on the lowest quote provided. Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch Timothy Grief Isabelle Schmidt Comptroller Appropriations Chairperson Student Services Chairperson Richard Caldwell Nick Cote Manni Doan Donovan Harvey Senator Senator Senator Senator Angelina Ottavio Leona Tomy Ryan Young Senator Senator Associate 52

Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Nineteen

S.A.2019.83.036 Spirit Pride Block Guidelines

To be added as section H, on page 18 of the Student Government Association Policy Series. H. PRIDE BLOCK GUIDELINES 1. Applications for painting shall be taken on a rolling basis. Applications may be submitted the semester prior to the date being requested. The club or organization who requests the week first shall be the first group eligible to paint for said week. a. Clubs shall submit the design for the Block at the time of their application. This design must be approved by both the Division of Student Affairs and the Student Government Association (SGA) prior to the start of painting. The design shall not be changed after receiving approval. In the rare circumstance where the design needs to be changed, approval shall be given from the SGA Spirit Chair. Clubs requesting multiple dates shall submit multiple applications. b. For example, if a club would like to reserve three (3) different weeks, three (3) different applications are required. c. Organizations are not permitted to paint until they receive written approval and instructions from the SGA. 2. Paint shall be supplied by the SGA. Once the application is approved, the club will receive an email from SGA’s Spirit Chair with information regarding time and location to pick up the paint on the day the club decides to paint. All paint shall be stored in the SGA office in Student Center Room 242. 3. Each club’s design shall be displayed on the Block for one (1) academic week (Monday - Friday) a. Painting shall take place the weekend prior to that Monday. Painting shall take place on either Saturday or Sunday. The club shall b. choose between one (1) of these two (2) days to paint. c. SGA shall not be held responsible for clearing the prior week’s design from the Block. 4. Only the side of the Block designated by SGA shall be painted.


5. Paint is only permitted on the Block. Painting on sidewalks, grass, buildings, etc. is not permitted. a. All paint brushes and other materials used to paint should be disposed of after painting is done. Paint shall be returned to the SGA office the following Monday morning. 6. Profane or inappropriate language or images shall not be tolerated. a. Clubs are responsible for all damage and defacement of property. b. Privileges to use the Block in the future will be reconsidered if these guidelines are not followed.

Respectfully Submitted,

Chelsea Tomasso Spirit Chairwoman

Celeste Battipaglia Senator

Jared Candelaria Senator

Donia Firooz Senator

Catherine MacCarthy Senator

Josh Philip Associate

Moon Rob Senator

Tara Stark Senator


Agenda of the 83rd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

April 18, 2019

Student Center Greenhouse Call to order at 6:40pm A. Quorum Call B. New Business Budget Appeals a. Vice President Denton states that Chairperson Grief will be chairing i. budget appeals and that she will take motions. Chairperson Grief goes over how the process will work for the night. ii. iii. Habitat for Humanity 1. Appeal: They state that their club is asking to spread awareness a. about affordable housing. They are building house food like gingerbread houses to make it interactive. 2. Questions presented to the club: Chairperson Labrie asks why they are appealing for this a. event and not apparel i. They state that an advocacy event is more important then apparel for the club. b. Senator Ortiz asks who can attend i. They state all hofstra students can c. Chairperson Crofts asks if it is a fundraiser i. They state that it shouldn’t be listed as a fundraiser. They are not raising money for this but individuals can give donations d. Senator Souffrant asks how many people came last year i. They state that not many did but they want to advertise it more




3. Comptroller Kutsch moves to fund this club $127.49 as a whole sum for the affordable housing awareness event a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 33-0-1, that motion passes Ballroom and Latin Dance 1. Appeal: a. They state that they would like SGA to allocate $1250 for the coaching fee thereby removing the rest of the funds. 2. Questions presented for the club: a. Senator Tomy asks why they requested the $1530 i. They state that they expected that they were allocated $1250. In case SGA increased their coaching fee. b. Senator Rose asks if they are appealing for this event i. They state that they are not appealing for any other event tonight c. Senator Harvey asks if they would like the rest of the money, $280, to go towards an event i. They state that they would love for it to go to the Yule Ball if possible 3. Senator Farooqui moves to take away $280 from this club’s coaching fee a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 33-0-0, that motion passes 4. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $280 to the Yule Ball a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 32-1-0, that motion passes 5. Chairperson Crofts moves to fund the remaining $403.54 to the Yule Ball a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 28-5-0, that motion passes Men’s Rugby 1. Appeal: a. They state that they would like to be allocated for trainer and referee fees. In the past, they have gotten these fees allocated. They attached descriptions that state for the conference there needs to trainers provided and also descriptions for the referees. 2. Questions for a. Senator Battipaglia asks why they need this money now i. They state that they don’t charge that much money for dues. So, if they have three games, it would




cost $390 for trainers and $270 for referees and they wouldn’t have this money. Chairperson Labrie moves to allocate them $390 for trainer fees 3. Motion seconded a. By vote of 32-0-1, that motion passes b. 4. Senator Firooz moves to allocate $270 for referee fees Motion seconded a. By a vote of 29-2-2, that motion passes b. Culinary Club Appeal: 1. They state that they would like the groceries. The themes a. differ each time so they have to look for different grocery stores. Milk and Butter is needed in every cooking sessions. They go through flour too. They would need more money to function Questions for 2. Chairperson Grief asks if they are in the quotes that they a. included because the committee could not find them They state that it should be within the quotes given i. but they don’t see them here Senator Firooz asks if they would be able to come to a b. weekly meeting next semester i. They state that they get together every other friday. c. Chairperson Crofts moves to add two minutes for question time i. Motion seconded ii. Motion passes d. Senator Tomy states that Appropriations committee has meetings in the beginning of the semester e. Senator Tomy asks when they begin meeting i. They wait about three weeks when the semester starts 3. Senator Harvey moves to allocate $0 for groceries a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 31-2-0, that motion passes Transcendance 1. Appeal: a. They state that they would like $250 for apparel. They do this every semester. The treasurer forgot to put in the quote. 2. Questions for a. Senator Tomy asks if they are aware that they can’t present new information at the appeals 57


They state that they did not since they are a new treasurer. 3. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $0 for the remainder of the budget a. Motion seconded b. Motion objected c. Debate i. Senator Tomy for She states that they receive a treasurer 1. training packet. They have treasurer training in which everything they have to do is stated. They have previous e-board members. They also were given an email yesterday. ii. Comptroller Kutsch 1. He states that if we hold people to a standard we should hold everyone accountable iii. Senator Alameda against 1. He states that its money for them. They made a mistake. They do this every year. She brought an old quote. It seems weird to say that they shouldn’t get it iv. Senator MacCarthy She states that we shouldn’t judge, we 1. should look at what is before us. This is the max we can allocate and make the decision v. Senator Harvey for He states that we are obligated to fund 1. equally. The only difference is that this club did not follow the rules and brought new quotes. vi. Senator McDonough States it is bad if we don’t follow our policies 1. vii. Chairperson Ramirez 1. States that apparel is not vital for this club so they can come to an appropriations meeting. viii. Chairperson Crofts against States that we could also fund the other 1. club. We have the money and the resources. The 84th Senate will be different. ix. Senator Alameda 58

x. viii.


1. States that this club did not provide a quote but the other club had invalid quotes Vote 1. By a vote of 23-7-2, that motion passes

Black Students Union 1. Appeal: a. They state that they are requesting money for the BSU Mixer and it would be towards Compass. This is at the beginning of the semester. This event is meant for incoming students to mingle with other BSU members. 2. Questions for a. Senator Harvey asks if they would like us to look at apparel They state that the apparel goes towards any i. member and to signify the club b. Senator Tomy asks why they only have 5 sweatshirts i. They wanted to see if the members would actually buy sweaters. c. Chairperson Grief asks to clarify how the sweatshirts were given to members i. They state that they would raffle it off at the beginning. The raffle would be free. 3. Senator Farooqui moves to fund $400.06 for the BSU Mixer a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 32-0-1, that motion passes 4. Senator Alameda moves to allocate $250.00 for apparel a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 25-6-1, that motion passes Review of Budget Weekend Minutes 1. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $65.55 for Biology Club’s Mentorship Destresser a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 19-11-3, that motion passes 2. Senator McDonough moves to allocate $209.97 to Nippon Culture Society’s Christmas Party a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 14-17-3, that motion does not pass 3. Senator Harvey moves to allocate $120.08 for an event by Queer and Trans people of Color Coalition a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 28-3-2, that motion passes 4. Senator Alameda moves to allocate $117.11 for the Trans Clothing drive for the Gender Identity Federations a. Motion seconded 59





b. By a vote of 33-0-0, that motion passes Senator Tomy moves to allocate $55.76 for Plates, Forks, Spoons, and Cups for the South Asian Students Association’s Diwali Dinner a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 32-0-1, that motion passes Senator Doan moves to allocate $118.16 for the remainder for the South Asian Students Association’s Diwali Dinner a. Motion seconded b. Motion objected c. Debate i. Senator Doan for states that they are close to fully funding 1. their event. This is one of their most well attended events. People always talk about it. There is nothing against our policy series for ethnic decorations ii. Chairperson Ramirez against 1. states that she has been to the Diwali Dinner but we shouldn’t break our policy. Decorations are still decorations. This would in fact be breaking policy. They could fundraise for the rest and they could come to a appropriations meeting. iii. Comptroller Kutsch for 1. No new points iv. Senator Harvey for 1. states that the policy surrounding decorations, subsection includes items of cultural, religious, and more decorations. Whether or not these qualify are for the people to know v. Senator Tomy for 1. states that this includes rangoli and they are related to religious and cultural aspects. vi. Vote 1. By a vote of 27-4-0, that motion passes Senator Cotton moves to allocate $250 towards apparel for the Gospel Ensemble a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 21-10-1, that motion passes Senator Harvey moves to allocate $23.40 to a card game for Table Top 60

Motion seconded a. By a vote of 25-8-1, that motion passes b. Chairperson Tomasso moves to allocate the remainder funds 9. towards SGA’s amount for the next semester Motion seconded a. Motion objected b. Debate c. i. Chairperson Tomasso for States that not many people are paying 1. attention to make motions. The appropriations committee is the one making discussions. The rest of Senate needs to pay attention or keep moving ii. Senator Farooqui against 1. States that since we are already half way through we should keep going. iii. Senator Tomy against 1. States it's unethical for us not to go through the entire budget. iv. Senator Battipaglia against 1. States that it's important to go through the budget. We should not just go through this budget and nick pick without the clubs. They did not come here. We should not choose what is more important from one club to another v. Senator Tomy against 1. States that the committee was a small percentage of the student body. One should be able to find more parts of this budget. If one sees a zero next to the event, then one should see the budget. vi. Chairperson Ramirez against 1. States that people are doing their due diligence and have taken the previous comment into account vii. Vote 1. By a vote of 0-33-0, that motion does not pass 10. Chairperson Ramirez moves to have a straw poll as to whether or not we should stick to the way we are moving forward with appeals a. Motion seconded 61

Motion passes b. 11. Senator McDonough asks why an event for FORM Gallery was not fully funded. a. The Appropriations Committee responds that it was due to budgetary constraints. 12. Chairperson Ramirez moves to fund $175.00 for train tickets to the Frick Museum for the Anatomy club a. Motion seconded By a vote of 29-3-1, that motion passes b. 13. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $35.37 for Paint Night of the Anatomy club a. Motion seconded By a vote of 25-7-1, that motion passes b. 14. Chairperson Ramirez moves to allocate $90.95 for the Audio for the Pride Production a. Motion seconded By a vote of 31-0-2, that motion passes b. 15. Senator Harvey moves to fund $91.75 for the Poetry Showcase #1 for Hofstra SP!T a. Motion seconded By a vote of 28-2-1, that motion passes b. 16. Senator Dimes moves to allocate $70 for the remainder of the train tickets for Improfstra a. Motion seconded By a vote of 28-3-0, that motion passes b. 17. Senator Alameda moves to overturn the policy series for Transcendance. a. Motion seconded By a vote of 10-21-1, that motion does not pass b. 18. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $240 for apparel for College Against Cancer a. Motion seconded By a vote of 21-10-2, that motion passes b. 19. Senator Alameda moves to allocate $249.12 towards apparel for ALPFA a. Motion seconded By a vote of 24-8-0, that motion passes b. 20. Senator Alameda moves to allocate $200 for apparel for DECA a. Motion seconded By a vote of 24-9-0, that motion passes b. 21. Senator Farooqui moves to allocate $250 for apparel for Minority Association of Pre Health Studies a. Motion seconded 62

b. By a vote of 23-9-1, that motion passes 22. Senator Tomy moves to allocate $117.11 towards a pizza party for the Society of Women Engineers a. Motion seconded b. Motion objected c. Debate i. Senator Tomy for 1. States that an additional meetup should be funded to build connections ii. Senator Fletcher against 1. States that we shouldn’t fund for a pizza party when it doesn't go along with the club’s purpose iii. Senator Farooqui for 1. States that we should encourage more women in Stem iv. Senator MacCarthy for 1. States that incentives like pizza would help increase attendance v. Vote 1. By a vote of 27-6-0, that motion passes 23. Senator Farooqui moves to allocate $146.75 for apparel towards Teaching Dance as Art a. Motion seconded b. Motion objected c. Debate i. Senator Farooqui for 1. States that this club has not asked for a massive amount. Another item to get to. ii. Senator Tomy for 1. States that this should also be provided for this club iii. Senator Doan against 1. States that its ridiculous for paying this much for shirts. We have funded them a lot. iv. Senator Harvey for 1. States that in this club category we have funded apparel many times. We don’t know exactly how many the shirts would be v. Senator Battipaglia 1. States that this is unfair. We have passed many clubs that have not gotten any money.


We are picking ones that are interesting and it's not fair. vi.

Vote 1. By a vote of 4-25-4, that motion does not pass 24. Chairperson Schmidt moves to allocate $13.19 for sticky notes to GiveKindnessHU a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 30-3-0, that motion passes 25. Senator Tomy moves to fully fund the remaining budget for GiveKindnessHU a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 27-6-0, that motion passes 26. Senator Doan moves to allocate $238.50 towards HOSE a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 29-3-1, that motion passes 27. Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the budget weekend allocations a. Motion seconded b. By a vote of 33-0-0, that motion passes b. S.A.2019.83.027 This legislation discusses that there would be a 2/3rds vote for initiatives. i. Senator Tomy asks why they chose 2/3rds 1. a. So that it is not too difficult to get the amount. Senator Tomy moves to pass S.A.2019.83.027 ii. Motion seconded 1. Motion objected 2. Debate 3. Senator Tomy for a. States that this point would be moving student i. services to be more initiative based. This would be a better oriented plan. Senator Phillips for b. States that it allows student services to be less i. restricted Chairperson Schmidt for c. States that it gives structure within the committee i. Chairperson Ramirez against d. States that before rushing this, we should test it i. out. Student services should be doing long term initiatives. By trying to focus on short term, we are trapping student services into a programming







based committee. She doesn’t think this is the right way to go about it Chairperson Schmidt for States that this structure would create i. sub-committees and would meet weekly. They are initiative areas, they don’t have to be policy changes, events, or anything. This could also include issues that have come up on campus. Chairperson Crofts against States that this legislation is putting strain on the i. student services committee. It should choose as many as it sees best fit. Sub committees can be done without this legislation. Chairperson Ramirez against States that initiatives should not be limited. One i. shouldn’t be forced to do this. Senator Ottavio moves to extend debate by one minute Chairperson Schmidt for i. States that this legislation would not mean 1. that Senate would decide it. It just means that Senate would see what student services brings as options. Senator Alameda for ii. 1. States that this ensures a check iii. Senator MacCarthy for States that they would be timely and 1. relevant iv. Senator Fletcher against States that perhaps we should try this out 1. next semester and perhaps put the legislation off Chairperson Ramirez against v. States that being expected to work on two 1. initiatives at the same time would be very difficult. The initiatives would at first be given to Senate and approved. This is being brought too quickly. vi. Senator Greenberg against States that this might limit the initiatives 1. brought Vote by Roll Call Comptroller Kutsch - yea i. Chairperson Grief - yea ii. 65

iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. xxii. xxiii. xxiv. xxv. xxvi. xxvii. xxviii. xxix. xxx. xxxi. xxxii. xxxiii. xxxiv. xxxv.

Chairperson Crofts - nay Chairperson Labrie - yea Chairperson Ramirez - nay Chairperson Tomasso - yea Chairperson Schmidt - yea Senator Alameda - yea Senator Bathija - nay Senator Battipaglia - yea Senator Colon - nay Senator Cote - yea Senator Cotton - nay Senator Dimes - nay Senator Doan - nay Senator Farooqui - nay Senator Firooz - yea Senator Fletcher - nay Senator Greenberg - nay Senator Harley - yea Senator Harvey - nay Senator MacCarthy - yea Senator Mcdonough - nay Senator O'Brien - yea Senator Osner - yea Senator Ottavio - nay Senator Ortiz - nay Senator Phillips - yea Senator Rielly - nay Senator Rose - nay Senator Souffrant - nay Senator Spann - yea Senator Stark - nay Senator Tomy - yea By a vote of 16-18-0, that motion does not pass

c. S.A.2019.83.028 The presenters state that this is the policy that clarifies when the roll call i. should be taken. Questions ii. Senator Tomy asks for constitutions and resolutions, roll call will 1. be taken They states yes a. iii. Chairperson Crofts moves to pass S.A.2019.83.028 1. Motion seconded 2. Vote by Roll Call 66

a. Comptroller Kutsch - yea b. Chairperson Grief - yea c. Chairperson Crofts - yea d. Chairperson Labrie - yea e. Chairperson Ramirez - yea f. Chairperson Tomasso - yea g. Chairperson Schmidt - yea h. Senator Alameda - yea i. Senator Bathija - yea j. Senator Battipaglia - yea k. Senator Colon - yea l. Senator Cote - yea m. Senator Cotton - yea n. Senator Dimes - yea o. Senator Doan - yea p. Senator Farooqui - yea q. Senator Firooz - yea r. Senator Fletcher - yea s. Senator Greenberg - yea t. Senator Harley - yea u. Senator Harvey - nay v. Senator MacCarthy - yea w. Senator Mcdonough - yea x. Senator O'Brien - yea y. Senator Osner - yea z. Senator Ottavio - yea aa. Senator Ortiz - yea bb. Senator Phillips - yea cc. Senator Rielly - yea dd. Senator Rose - yea ee. Senator Souffrant - yea ff. Senator Spann - yea gg. Senator Stark - yea hh. Senator Tomy - nay By a vote of 32-2-0, that motion passes ii. S.A.2019.83.029 d. The presenters state that this legislation states how executive sessions i. would be held. One thing that has been stricken is that the only time this session can happen is during budget meetings. This is in two parts. Senator Tomy asks for an idea of what a justifies a executive 1. session They could be club conflicts with sensitive information a. Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass S.A.2019.83.029 ii. 67

Motion seconded 1. By a vote of 32-2-0 that motion passes 2. e. S.A.2019.83.030 The presenters state that this is part two of the executive session. This is i. new text that would be added. This would detail two types of executive session. One being executive sessions where anyone in the Senate could vote to have their names redacted. Minutes would be taken but names would not taken which would need a 2/3rds vote. Closed sessions means that the minutes would not be taken which would need a 3/4ths vote. Questions ii. Senator Bathija asks if associates and justices would have to 1. leave They state yes. a. Senator Cotton asks for an example of both 2. Chairperson Labrie moves to add “or the secretary” to subsection i with iii. the closed session section of this legislation Motion seconded 1. By a vote of 30-2-1, that motion passes 2. Chairperson Crofts moves to amend to say “secretary’s minutes” iv. Motion seconded 1. By a vote of 34-0-0, that motion passes 2. Senator Harvey moves to strike “or the secretary” v. Motion seconded 1. Motion objected 2. Debate 3. Senator Harvey for a. states that the idea behind a closed session would i. be those contributing the debate. No minutes are being taken and the secretary is not elected by the student body. This undercuts the idea of having only people that are necessary Senator Fletcher against b. states that would be unfair to have them come out i. of them room. Perhaps the secretary could speak during a closed session Senator Tomy against c. states that there may be action taken. There is just i. one person in SGA not following what is happening. Senator Doan for d. states that no one votes for the ticket due to the i. secretary. Their sole function is to take minutes. Justices are not allowed to be there, they would have more of a say then the secretary. 68

e. Senator Alameda for i. states that if they can’t take minutes, they have no role f. Chairperson Crofts against i. states that based on our current layout of SGA, we would be kicking out a member of the E-Board. It would be an interesting dynamic that the e-board can contribute but that that leadership not here g. Chairperson Labrie i. states that they are not forced to be out in Cabinet. h. Vote i. By a vote of 5-27-2, that motion does not pass vi. Senator Spann moves to pass S.A.2019.83.030 Motion seconded 1. By a vote of 34-0-0, that motion passes 2. f. S.A.2019.83.031 g. S.A.2019.83.032 C. Senator Farooqui moves to suspend the rules to view the minutes a. Motion seconded b. Motion passes D. Senator McDonough moves to reinstate the rules to see budget appeals E. Senator Colon moves for a 10 minute recess a. Motion seconded b. Motion passes F. Approval of the Senate minutes from April 11, 2019 a. Senator Dimes moves to pass the Senate minutes Motion seconded i. Motion passes ii. G. Approval of the Cabinet minutes from April 17, 2019 Senator Farooqui moves to pass the Cabinet minutes a. Motion seconded i. Motion passes ii. H. Senator McDonough moves to table the rest of the agenda to uphold the cap Motion seconded a. Motion objected b. Debate c. Senator McDonough for i. states that everyone has done a good job with budget appeals. He 1. doesn’t see anything that is pressing right now. Senator Alameda for ii. 1. states that we made the cap to stick to it iii. Senator Fletcher against states that we are close to finishing. 1. 69


Chairperson Ramirez against 1. states that we should have a good for the order to be a healthy senate v. Comptroller Kutsch for 1. States that we would have much more to do with the legislations. Also, we should not be in the policy of trying to go past the cap vi. Senator MacCarthy against 1. states that we should do committee and e-board reports too vii. Vote 1. By a vote of 18-16-0, that motion passes I. Executive Board Reports a. President - A.Normandin Vice President - D.Denton b. Comptroller - M.Kutsch c. Secretary - M.Nijjer d. Committee Chair Reports J. Appropriations - T.Grief a. Club Relations - B.Crofts b. Public Relations - A.Labrie c. Rules - C.Ramirez d. Spirit - C.Tomasso e. Student Services - I.Schmidt f. K. Special Reports Election Commission Report a. University boards/task force updates b. L. For Good of the Order M. Announcements N. Snap Cup Senator McDonough moves to adjourn Motion seconded Motion passed Senate adjourned at 11:39 pm


Cabinet Agenda Dean of Students Conference Room April 24th 2019 I. II.

Call to Order at 6:35pm New Business A. S.A.2019.83.33 1. Chairperson Ramirez states that this legislation details the appropriation committee cost restrictive policy. a)

Apparel will not be a large sum any longer but based on individuals.


Membership fees are also detailed.


Internal allocation policies for cabinet

2. Chairperson Grief asks chairs their opinion on the internal allocation policy a)

Chairperson Tomasso asks why it would go through the committee and not the comptroller (1) Chairperson Grief states that a group would look into the budget instead of just one person


Chairperson Ramirez states that this would take spots away from other clubs. This works for clubs because they request things beforehand. This would pose a problem for this fall. Moving forward it would be great. The Elections Commision has things to plan for the beginning of the semester so there would be a time crunch that would make some events unable to be funded. Chairperson Grief states that half of the clubs have the same time crunch (1) (a) Chairperson Ramirez states that this time crunch does not exist for clubs because they submit budgets a semester in advance. For this fall semester, it would still be too late to fund some SGA events that are planned over summer.


Chairperson Grief states that this process is to have some sort of check for budgets. 120 organizations are seen in a similar manner. Chairperson Ramirez states that this still does not solve the problem of certain (1) committees not having the resources logistically necessary to fund the programming. President Normandin states that OSLE does not take contracts that don’t have (2) allocations already if something is ordered in the summer. Perhaps this should


be done in a future semester. For this fall, perhaps it would be too late to implement this. d) Chairperson Schmidt states that the appropriations committee is not going to fund half of budgets. The point of this is to make sure that we are spending money and getting allocated fairly e)

Chairperson Crofts states that we shouldn’t speak for future appropriations committees


Chairperson Ramirez asks about there being a cap for each appropriations meeting (1) Chairperson Grief states its not per meeting, it is a lump sum for the entire semester.

g) Chairperson Grief states that he doesn’t believe that it is necessary to order things in the summer for retreat and t-shirts (1) President Normandin states that the amount we did over the summer would not have been able to be done at the beginning of the fall semester like speakers, retreat, apparel, and giveaways (a) Chairperson Grief states that apparel could be ordered later and retreat would not be funded therefore that shouldn’t be a problem. h) Chairperson Ramirez states that this could be brought at the beginning of next semester. She thinks that cabinet should be held accountable but doing this now might lead to problems for the fall semester i) Chairperson Tomasso asks if this money would be what is already set aside or if it would come through from the overall student fee (1) Chairperson Grief states that it will be the same pool but it wouldn’t go through just one person but an entire committee. j) Chairperson Tomasso states it is not appropriate for one committee to oversee the budgets for other committee. She doesn’t understand why this would be taken away from the comptroller when it is their job to do this. k) Comptroller Kutsch states that individuals should bring wording if they would like to change something l) Chairperson Ramirez states that it wouldn’t be enough of a timeline for the committee that has programming at the beginning of the semester. She suggests that this portion of the policy should be revised and brought next semester. (1) Chairperson Tomasso states that for instance, with Compass, one has to already have the money to place an order. B. S.A.2019.83.34 1. Chairperson Ramirez states that this legislation clarifies the priority order for the budget 2. No comment C. S.A.2019.83.35 1. Chairperson Ramirez states that this details a roster requirement for submitting budgets 2. No comment


D. S.A.2019.83.36 1. Chairperson Ramirez states that this outlines the guidelines for painting the Pride Block a)

Chairperson Tomasso states that this has been seen and approved by OSLE

2. No comment E. Club Recognition 1. Hofstra Asian Pacific Islander Alliance a)

Chairperson Ramirez states that this club’s constitution was well written and the only concern was that they only have 15 members.


Vice President Denton states that the club will be coming at 7:45pm




Chairperson Ramirez states that this club’s constitution was well written


Vice President Denton states that the club will be coming at 8:15pm

Matters at Hand by committee Spirit Committee A. 1. Chairperson Tomasso states Spirit Week was good, it could have been better. 2. She states that she will be helping the new chair transition into this role. 3. Also, logistics for Pride Block are being discussed. B. Club Relations Committee 1. Chairperson Crofts states that he had a meeting with Denise Boneta about timelines for club spaces. 2. He sent an email for new office signs. 3. The committee had an end-of-semester debrief. 4. The committee also sent a farewell email to club leaders. C. Rules Committee 1. Chairperson Ramirez states that there are still elections that need to be signed up. a)

It needs to be stressed to Senate that members should sign up for more elections.

Student Services Committee D. 1. Chairperson Schmidt states that the committee reflected on the past year and talked about what could be better for next year. 2. Then they played charades with the appropriations committee. E. Appropriations Committee 1. Chairperson Grief states that the committee played charades. Public Relations Committee F. 1. Chairperson Labrie states that the committee looked at Build-A-Friend promotions. They reflected on the past year. IV.

Comptroller Updates Comptroller Kutsch states that the paperwork deadline is this Friday at 5:00pm. A.


President and Vice President: Week 21 Updates Senate This Week A. 1. End of Semester Reports


a) Vice President Denton states that the meeting will start at 6:30pm. Administrators will be present and food has been ordered. It would be great if all of the end-of-semester reports could be done in an hour. The senior/farewell speeches will be done at the end of the meeting. 2. Turnover Traditions a) President Normandin states that everyone should support the new chairpersons and be there if they need it. B. Final Monthly with the TRIO C. Transition Documents on Google Drive Email Turnover: April 29th D. VI.

Chairperson Tomasso moves to adjourn this cabinet meeting Motion seconded A. B. Motion passes


Adjournment at 7:40pm


Club Relations Minutes S19 Weekly Meeting #10 4/15/18 Meeting Commenced

6:34 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Rhea Bathija Senator Rana Ismail Associate John McCluskey Chair Brandon Crofts Senator Desarae Cotton Senator Courtney Fegley Associate Nick Carrion Associate Angela Sierra

1. Introductions 2. Storage Space We discussed how storage moving went. a. b. We discussed possible ways to reallocate the storage space to clubs moving forward.

Meeting Adjourned

7:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Brandon Crofts Club Relations Chair


Club Relations Minutes Meeting Commenced

S19 Weekly Meeting #11 4/22/18 6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Rhea Bathija Senator Desarae Cotton Senator Courtney Fegley Senator Rana Ismail Associate Nick Carrion Associate John McCluskey Chair Brandon Crofts

1. Introductions 2. Semester Review 3. Final Remarks

Meeting Adjourned

7:50 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Brandon Crofts Club Relations Chair


Rules Commi ee Minutes

S19 Weekly Mee ng 10 4/15/19

Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Chair Carissa Ramirez Senator Antonella Colon

Senator Zain Farooqui

Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Jack McDonough

Senator David O’Brien

Senator Kelly Rose

Senator Emanuelle Souffrant

Senator Kaylor Dimes Sam Kloeckener-Soszynski Senator Cristian Sanchez Senator Gisselle Ortiz-Jimenez

Visiting Absent




Sign Ups for SGA Elections


S.A.2019.83.027 Addition of Initiative Structure to Student Services Policy Series A. Passed 7-0-0


The Hofstra Chronicle (Constitution Update) A. Passed 6-1-0 B. Motion to reopen from Senator Farooqui 1. Seconded by Senator Fletcher

a) Motion passes 7-0-0

C. Motion to close from Senator McDonough 1. Second by Senator Souffrant

a) Motion passes 7-0-0


S.A.2019.83.028 Roll Call Vote Procedure A. Chair Pro Tempore Zain Farooqui B. Passed 6-0-1



S.A.2019.83.029 Cutting Executive Sessions from Improper Place in Policy Series A. Chair Pro Tempore Zain Farooqui B. Passed 6-0-1


S.A.2019.83.030 Update to Executive Session Procedure A. Chair Pro Tempore Jack McDonough B. Passed 6-0-1


S.A.2019.83.031 Rules Committee Policy Updates A. Chair Pro Tempore Antonella Colon B. Passed 4-0-3


S.A.2019.83.032 Constitutional Amendment: The Social Justice and Equity Committee A. Chair Pro Tempore Jack McDonough B. Passed 4-0-3 C. Motion to reopen from Senator Colon 1. Seconded by Senator O’Brien

a) Motion passes 5-0-2

D. Motion to close from Senator Colon 1. Second by Senator O’Brien

a) Motion passes 5-0-2

Meeting Adjourned

8:17 PM

Respec ully Submi ed,

Carissa Ramirez Rules Chairwoman


Rules Commi ee Minutes S19 Weekly Mee ng 11 4/22/19 Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Chair Carissa Ramirez Senator Antonella Colon

Senator Zain Farooqui

Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Jack McDonough Senator David O’Brien Senator Gisselle Ortiz-Jimenez Senator Kelly Rose Senator Emanuelle Souffrant

Visiting Absent

Senator Kaylor Dimes




Hofstra American Marketing Association (Constitution Update) A. Passed 8-0-0


Hofstra’s Asian & Pacific Islander Association (Recognition) A. Passed 7-0-1


Hofstra Rock Climbing (Constitution Update) A. Passed 8-0-0


Sigma’cappella (Recognition) A. Passed 8-0-0


S.A.2019.83.033 Updates to Cost Restrictive Policies A. Passed 7-0-1


S.A.2019.83.034 Priority Order when Funding A. Passed 8-0-0


S.A.2019.83.035 Roster Requirement to Submit Budgets A. Passed 7-0-1



S.A.2019.83.036 Spirit Pride Block Guidelines A. Passed 8-0-0

Meeting Adjourned

9:01 PM

Respec ully Submi ed,

Carissa Ramirez Rules Chairwoman


Student Services Commi ee Minutes

S19 Weekly Mee ng #8 4/16/2019

Meeting Commenced

6:33 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Alexa Osner Senator Charlie Greenberg Chair Isabelle Schmidt Senator Gabby Spann Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Erynn Phillips Associate DaisyMae VanValkenburgh


I. II.


Senator Gisselle Ortiz

Legislation A. Decided on â…” approval Possible Initiative areas for next semester A. Sustainability B. College Crash Courses- majors/ loans/ thesis C. Campus wide Socio-political events/installations D. traffic and renovations and ResLife E. Food Security- swipe me in F. Health and Wellness Campus Resource Guide A. updates by next Tuesday

Meeting Adjourned

7:32 PM

Respec ully Submi ed, Isabelle Schmidt Student Services Chair 81

Student Services Commi ee Minutes

S19 Weekly Mee ng #9 4/24/2019

Meeting Commenced

6:33 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Alexa Osner Senator Charlie Greenberg Chair Isabelle Schmidt Senator Gabby Spann Senator Catherine MacCarthy Associate DaisyMae VanValkenburgh


I. II.

Senator Erynn Phillips

Reflections Games with Approps

Meeting Adjourned

8:35 PM

Respec ully Submi ed, Isabelle Schmidt Student Services Chair


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