Maddy Saffer, Ofir Brodie - Student Research and Creativity Forum - Hofstra University

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Is This Fair?

Personality Differences in Perceived Fairness of the Use of AI in Hiring Decisions


• Investigating how individuals perceive fairness in AI versus human hiring, considering personality traits and hiring outcomes.

• Prior studies suggest people react less favorably to AI decision-makers, especially if they're rejected, impacting hiring processes.

Personality Variables

• Locus of Control: Higher locus of control means individuals believe they shape outcomes through their actions, while lower locus of control attributes outcomes to external factors like chance or others

• Openness to Experience: Reflects the level of originality, curiosity, and inventiveness in an individual

Key Results

• Consistent with our first hypothesis, participants perceived lower fairness when the hiring mechanism involved AI compared to human involvement.

• In line with our second hypothesis, participants perceived higher fairness when the decision resulted in acceptance rather than rejection.

• The third hypothesis received partial support: when the hiring mechanism was human, participants with a higher Locus of Control (LOC) perceived fairness more than those with a lower LOC; however, participants with higher internal LOC perceived AI -based hiring practices as fairer than those with lower external LOC.

• Regarding our fourth hypothesis, no significant main effects or interactions were found between OTE and the hiring mechanism.




• Two hiring mechanisms (Human, AI) crossed with two hiring decisions (Accepted, Rejected) manipulated through vignettes.

• Participants (N = 171) (66% female; mean age of 39.43, SD = 14.51) were recruited through Prolific

• Ratings on Procedural justice and interactional justice

• Two personality scales: Locus of Control and Openness to Experience


Understand how hiring practices influence candidate perceptions to improve hiring processes.

Align hiring practices with candidates' locus of control (LOC) for better fit.

• Tailor hiring practices for fair perceptions, enhancing the candidate experience. Contact

Please contact Ofir Brodie (
Maddy Saffer
with any questions.
Ofir Brodie, Maddy Saffer, Dr. Rebecca Grossman, Dr. Comila Shahani-Denning | Hofstra University | Applied Organizational Psychology Hiring Mechanism & Decision LOC OTE Hiring Mechanism
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