Agenda 4.19.2018

Page 1

Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

April 19th, 2018 Student Center Greenhouse Call to Order I. II. III. IV. V. VI.



IX. X. XI.

Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from April 12th, 2018 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from April 18th, 2018 Budget Appeals Special Business A. Elections Commission Report New Business A. S.A.2018.82.007 B. S.A.2018.82.008 C. S.A.2018.82.009 Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup


Minutes of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

April 12th, 2018 Monroe Lecture Hall I.

Compass Regional Focus Group A.

Discussion of HofUSA - what students would like to see i.





Menu that came out of #MyHofUSA

Discussion on Student Center changes i.

Egg Shoppe additional toppings


Discussion of quality of food


Discussion of quality of service and mixed up orders


Halal options


Vegan/Vegetarian options

Netherlands Core changes i.

Overall very positive reaction to changes


One comment - container waste

National Brands i.

Chairperson Hinson says that putting in different “brand-name” chains limits menus and trying to implement big changes might not be received well


Chairperson Labrie inputs that students find franchises ‘comfortable’ because the name is recognizable but on a daily basis no one wants to eat at the same franchise store every day - the original options taste more homemade


Senator Narain also says certain times on-campus franchises do not live up to standards of the off-campus brand

Ending comments




Senator Ramirez says that there is a bug problem - it used to be isolated to mostly just Freshens but has been found in pasta as well and have been reports of undercooked chicken in Bits and in the Netherlands Core


Senator MacCarthy adds that there is a dishwasher in the Student Center and they are supposed to give out plates; any way to add more reusable plates or utensils to be aware of waste would be great


Innovation Kitchen: sometimes they do not have variety and the workers are unsure of what they are serving


Chairperson Radeva requests putting calories on the food labels

Dunkin Donuts i.

Very positive feedback


Meeting Called to Order at 7:01pm


Comptroller Kutsch moves to open the gallery




Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


SGA Advisor Boneta reminds Senate that all election packets are due tomorrow to OSLE by 5pm


Bios and pictures are due to the Elections Commission email by 5pm tomorrow as well


President Cinquemani adds that all information about elections can be found in the elections packet as well as by checking the Policy Series and Constitution

Chairperson Labrie moves to close the gallery A.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.

S.A.2018.82.004 i.

Chairperson Radeva and Senators Crofts, Doan, and Sanchez present that this legislation is to allow non-SGA recognized clubs to have access to the SGA Storage Space; essentially it still gives priority to SGA recognized clubs if they need storage space but will still have an area to accommodate non-SGA recognized clubs so that it is fair to everyone involved


Senator Farooqui asks from what day does the one year (365 days) start 1.


Agrees this is unclear so can make a motion

Chairperson Denton asks why it is one calendar year and not one academic year 1.

They realized that the executive boards change in the middle of semesters so making them wait a whole academic year wouldn’t


necessarily be fair if their leadership and direction of the club has changed iv.

Senator Farooqui moves to add “following the two (2) week period” to part “e” to clarify when the 365 days starts 1.

Motion seconded


Vote a.


Chairperson Labrie moves to pass S.A.2018.82.004 1.

Motion seconded


Vote a.


By a vote of 29-0-0 this motion passes

By a vote of 29-0-0 this legislation passes

S.A.2018.82.005 i.

Chairperson Radeva and Senators Crofts, Doan, and Sanchez present this legislation; they explain that this is separate from SGA documents, it is an agreement form that all club leaders will have to sign in order to be allocated an office space. It is not only SGA rules, it is about Hofstra rules and Fire Marshall codes and violations are serious so this agreement should make the rules clearer to club leaders


Senator Spann asks if it is any one person from the executive board can sign this 1.


Yes, that is how it is formatted

Chairperson Tomasso moves to add a line for a “date” next to the second signature 1.

Motion seconded


Vote a.


Chairperson Read moves to add another set of signature/date lines for the club’s OSLE advisor to sign the club office agreement as well 1.

Motion seconded


Vote a.


By a vote of 29-0-0 this motion passes

By a vote of 29-0-0 this motion passes

Chairperson Denton moves to add the word “print” before “name” so it is clear that there is a printed name followed by a signature 1.

Motion seconded




a. vi.

Senator Crofts moves to pass S.A.2018.82.005 1.

Motion seconded


Vote a.


By a vote of 29-0-0 this motion passes

By a vote of 29-0-0 this motion passes

S.A.2018.82.006 i.

Senator Greenberg presents that the Elections Commission would like to change that instead of requiring 3 debates, there is only 1 required debate but does leave it open that they can have up to two more if they wish


Senator Spann asks why in the past there have been three debates 1.


Chairperson Read asks if this is based on this Elections Commission or feedback from the student body 1.


President Cinquemani says that all three debates were held during the same common hour (almost like one debate split into sections) in the past where it was Presidents, Vice Presidents, then they sat together. The candidates would be asked questions and then opened up to the public to be similar to a town hall

Chairperson Radeva asks who sets the questions 1.


This Elections Commission is pressed for time

Comptroller Kutsch asks President Cinquemani to explain the past structure of debates 1.


Just this Elections Commission

Senator Stewart asks why this is being proposed at such short notice 1.


President Cinquemani adds a point of clarification that the separate debates allows the public to see how each individual person

The Elections Commission

Senator Schmidt asks if they will decide to add the other debates on the day of; right now only the one is set but since this legislation states that there is an option for more debates so would those be added on the day of 1.

Senator Algarin explains that as of right now, depending on how this goes they would decide


Senator Harley says that from her understanding she does not see them adding more debates on the day of- parties involved would know beforehand

viii. Senator Spann moves to un-strike the requirement of there being three debates 1.

Motion rescinded



Senator Narain moves to open the gallery 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


SGA Advisor Boneta explains that herself and Senator Craig had read this and thought that it implied there would be three separate debates on three separate days


Senator Hinson asks if SGA Advisor Boneta thinks it’s possible to have three during one common hour a.


Senator Spann clarifies that SGA Advisor Boneta and Senator Craig did not have the prior knowledge that all three would be in the same common hour a.




SGA Advisor Boneta has never seen one here so she doesn’t know it would just need to have time restraints

Correct, they did not know this precedence

Chairperson Labrie moves to close the gallery 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Comptroller Kutsch moves to add “the number of the debates shall be set by the commission at least five (5) days before the first debate is set to take place. Any tickets must be notified of the debate structure that same day.’ 1.

No second


Motion is not seen

Chairperson Labrie moves to pass S.A.2018.82.006 1.

Motion seconded




Debate a.


Chairperson Denton for; she thinks that common hour is a short window of time and having a ticket debate can give a better feel and be easier for our peers i.

Yields time to Senator Algarin who adds that it is beneficial to see how the ticket works as a team


Yields time to Senator Ramirez likes that the wording leaves it open for future Elections Commissions to decide if they would like to have multiple debates in one Common Hour or more days

Senator Stewart against because the wording previously left it up to the commission




Yields time to Senator Farooqui - doesn’t see why shortening it to only one would be beneficial


Yields time to Chairperson Radeva- there is still time to see how the tickets work together if they have all three but three also gives the opportunity to see how they work as individuals for their respective roles


Senator Fletcher for - he likes the word “may” so that in the future they could have more debates but also allows for situations with less time so that SGA doesn’t break their own rules


Senator Narain against - doesn’t like that this wording leaves it up to the tickets not necessarily knowing until the day of thinks students should be aware i.

Yields time to Chairperson Read- she disagrees because this is just based on 5 peoples’ opinions not on student feedback of how the debates are run


Yields time to Senator Ramirez- agrees the language should be clarified to have a notification time

Senator Farooqui moves to extend debate by one speaker for one speaker against, one minute each a.

Senator Ramirez for: this is written so that the Elections Commission can make decisions and will enable SGA to not break our own policy series. Nothing in the language discourages three debates, and student body might not have interest in multiple, one longer debate with the tickets will leave a meatier debate


Senator Farooqui against- there is always one week and one common hour available for the debates to happen in the campaign window so all three during one day is the norm i.


Vote a.


Yields time to Chairperson Radeva - the current language is not transparent or fair because it doesn’t require a notification time for the candidates and there should be a requirement for candidates to know beforehand

By a vote of 3-25-1 this motion does not pass

Chairperson Read moves to have a recess for the Alumni Panel A.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

VII. Senator MacCarthy moves to end the recess A.

Motion seconded



Motion passes unanimously

VIII. Approval of Senate Minutes from April 5th, 2018 A.




Motion seconded




Motion rescinded

Chairperson Tomasso moves to pass the Senate Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from April 11th, 2018 A.


Chairperson Tomasso moves to pass the Senate Minutes

Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani i.

SGA Advisor Boneta has emailed a Campus Climate Survey to her and will be sending it out to Senators so please respond


Town Hall is April 25th during Common Hour

iii. April 18th will be the Panhellenic Event iv. The Student Leaders randomly selected for the SGA sponsored table were chosen and will be notified soon B. Vice President—A. Normandin i.

No report

C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.

Budget Appeals will be next Thursday, tell clubs to reach out to himself or Chairperson Read with questions

D. Secretary—A. Gieger i. XI.

No report

Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read i.

Comptroller Kutsch presents

ii. Senator Ramirez moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes


1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously B. Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Club Collaboration event

ii. Working on storage space iii. Senator Firooz moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously C. Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

SGA’s Earth Day table has been cancelled due to the SGA Debate


Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously

D. Rules—A. Labrie i.

Saw the three pieces of Senatorial Action

ii. Senator Battipaglia moves to pass the Rules Minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously E. Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Spirit Week has been going well

ii. Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously F. Student Services—D. Denton i.

Stressbusters are May 7th to May 18th

ii. Initiative updates 1. SHACC is going to create a video for updates 2. Senator Osner has been working with Pat from the fitness center as well as nutritionist to do an event during Stressbusters 3. Senator Harley is working on Netherlands gym equipment initiative 4. Senator Ramirez is working on her initiative


iii. Senator Farooqui moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously XII. For the Good of the Order XIII. Announcements Senator MacCarthy moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate Meeting Adjourned at 10:22pm


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

April 18th, 2018 DSA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 6:36 p.m. I.

Call to Order


New Business A.

SA.2018.82.007 i.

Chairperson Tomasso presents that the “Service Chair” will now be the “Service Coordinator” as to clarify differences between the roles of Service Coordinator and Spirit Chair


Vice President Normandin moves to add SA.2018.82.007 to the Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

SA.2018.82.008 i.

Comptroller Kutsch presents that this came from conversations with Senator Schmidt and the Title IX Coordinator and creates the role of “It’s On Us” Ambassador which is separate from the “Inclusion Ambassador” because it adds a lot of responsibility 11


Chairperson Denton adds that the responsibility is to act as a liaison

iii. Chairperson Labrie moves to add SA.2018.82.008 to the Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

SA.2018.82.009 i.

Chairperson Denton explains that this is based on Senator Ramirez’s research and initiative and it was suggested that there be legislation created on this as suggested by Karen O’Callahan


Chairperson Labrie explains that it is backed by administration when it came to Rules, however, they do not want it to look like it is not coming from the students so it was edited to be coming from the student perspective

iii. Chairperson Labrie moves to add SA.2018.82.009 to the Senate Agenda 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

III. President Updates A.

End of Semester Reports will be coming up


Cabinet - update your binders so there is adequate documentation of Cabinet Member roles - follow the template for an idea so that the next Senate is prepared and informed


Jefferson Statue meeting with President Rabinowitz: the feedback will be brought back to the Board of Trustees


D. The Hofstra Panhellenic Event will be tomorrow during Budget Appeals but SGA is still supporting from afar E.

Bookstore Subcommittee Meeting is soon - continue giving updates


President Cinquemani was sent a link to a feedback survey on the Regional Compass


Vice President Updates a.

End of Year Reports are next week - please work on this and show the work you’ve done and have them due with Minutes next week


End of Semester/Year SGA Survey - let Vice President Normandin know if you would like to see questions


For tomorrow: It will be Budget Appeals first with Chairperson Read taking point, followed by other Senate business i.

Chairperson Read will be making sure that Senate is staying attentive for the sake of the clubs who will be there

ii. V.

Also food has been ordered!

Matters at Hand a.

Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.


Public Relations - Chairperson Hinson i.


Finals Week Survival Kits are being worked on

Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.


Budget Appeals are tomorrow (4/19) during Senate

Club Fusion Fest is next Tuesday in the MPR at 6:30p.m.

Student Services - Chairperson Denton



Working on contracts for massages for Stressbusters


Stressbuster schedule is almost set


Senator Osner is doing a stress buster with Collegiate Women of Color and QTPOCC


Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.



Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

Reflection of Spirit Committee


Pride Block progress

Comptroller Kutsch i.


Rules saw the three pieces of legislation that were brought today

Voucher prep for this year’s budgets

For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Read moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 7:03 pm


Appropriations Minutes F18 Budget Weekend Meeting 4/6/2018 – 4/8/2018 Meeting Commenced

10:54 AM

Academic Organizations Accounting Society Requested: $1,855.84


Weekly Firm Presentations Food (Fully Funded with 4 Vouchers) Business Fashion Show Food

$1,398.84 $1,371.00




APICS (American Production and Inventory Control Society) Requested: $1,797.88 Allocated: $1,094.40 Food for Speakers (Fully Funded with 2Vouchers) APICS Gala Student Tickets Speaker Panel Food Jackets Computer Science Society Requested: $682.15


Robotics Workshop Food Cyber Security Workshop Food Mobile Workshop Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Game Night Food HackHofstra Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Crime Scene Investigation: Hofstra Requested: $3,296.00 Allocated: NEAFS Conference Entry Fee Escape the Room NEAFS Conference Hotels



$640.00 $228.50 $246.48

$640.00 $0.00 $0.00

$225.15 $114.25 $114.25 $114.25

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$117.15 $222.25

$117.15 $108.00

$1,936.00 $1,080.00 $224.00 $1,992.00

$1,080.00 $0.00 $856.00 15

Hofstra English Society Requested: $1,649.44


FONT Printing Fall Showcase Food Coffee House/Open Mic Night Food Cofffee House/Open Mic Night Food Hofstra History Club Requested: $392.62


Movie Trip T-Shirts

Stickers for Recruitment LIRR and Metrocards for Graffiti Tour Display Case Motorsports Engineering Club Requested: $3,141.41


Club Awareness Supplies and Apparel Public Safety for Car Show Car Show Supplies



Beginning of Semester Party Paint and Sip Night Supplies Out of the Darkness Walk Mileage T-Shirts The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Requested: $1,056.91 Allocated: Trebuchet Build Supplies Wind Turbine Build Supplies Guest Speakers Total for Category

$1,220.00 $172.28 $128.58 $128.58

$147.90 $244.72

$1,023.76 $222.50 $414.00 $459.76

$150.00 $414.00 $459.76

$1,548.04 $1,341.75 $894.08 $905.58

$0.00 $894.08 $653.96

$300.39 $101.00 $87.81 $53.20 $175.00

$0.00 $72.19 $53.20 $175.00

$479.69 $509.69 $397.72 $149.50


$1,220.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$392.62 $147.90 $244.72

Hofstra University Anthropology Club Requested: $1,096.26 Allocated:

Psychology Club Requested:


$15,385.52 Allocated:

$479.69 $0.00 $0.00 $9,618.89 16

Governance Organizations Commuter Student Association Requested: $679.35


Cereal and Conversations Food for Kickball (Fully Funded with 2 Vouchers Movie Night Food and Tickets Total for Category


$79.00 $79.00 $228.50

$79.00 $0.00






Independent Greek Council Phi Alpha Delta Requested:



Train Tickets to Pace Law Hotels for Conference Tickets for Bowling Train Tickets to Fordham Law Travel for Conference Conference Fees Train Tickets to St. John's Total for Category

$2,400.00 $175.00 $834.00 $108.00 $175.00 $555.90 $2,400.00 $160.00


$4,407.90 Allocated:

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,400.00 $0.00 $2,400.00

Media Organizations Form Gallery Requested:



Museum Tickets (MTMI) Sip and Painting w/ Psychology Club LIRR Tickets for Museum Trip (MTMI) Museum Tickets (Whitney) LIRR for Whitney LIRR For Manhattan Gallery

$560.00 $110.00 $35.11 $115.00 $160.00 $175.00 $175.00

$110.00 $0.00 $115.00 $160.00 $175.00 $0.00


Her Campus Hofstra Requested: $1,063.98


Club Collaboration Food LIRR for College Fashion Week Recruitment Event Items Recruitment Event Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) T-Shirts

$397.97 $26.76 $525.00 $125.00 $137.22

$0.00 $0.00 $125.00 $22.97



Hofstra Entertainment Access Television (HEAT Network) Requested: $1,903.82 Allocated: $1,329.95 Masking Tape Microphone Angled Paint Brushes Floor Monitor Speaker Multi-Use Painter's Tape Microphone Stand Laminate Floors Behr Paint Nonsense Humor Magazine Requested: $3,804.75

$14.99 $198.00 $13.94 $149.99 $31.97 $99.95 $1,333.02 $61.96


Recruitment Items Printing (3 Issues) Website Pride Productions Requested: $3,966.80 Battery Headsets Beltpacks The Hofstra Chronicle Requested: $17,589.60 Camera Apparel Richner Printing

$3,606.00 $148.77 $3,606.00 $49.98


$0.00 $3,606.00 $0.00

$1,791.00 $352.80 $3,582.00 $32.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $99.95 $1,230.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,791.00 $0.00

$16,620.00 $469.60 $250.00 $16,870.00

$0.00 $0.00 $16,620.00


The Hofstra Critics Requested: $259.00


Movie Tickets Pens Stickers

$166.92 $100.00 $77.00 $82.00

Total for Category


$29,358.06 Allocated:

$99.92 $67.00 $0.00 $24,471.84

Multicultural Organizations African Student Association Requested: $742.44


Movie and Discussion Football Tournament Supplies Fundraising Supplies Miss Africa Pageant Topic Discussion (Restaurant) Trip Black Student Union Requested: $8,700.00

$174.40 $131.99 $190.65 $145.90 $99.50


Kwanzaa Dinner Performers Kwanzaa Dinner Food (Fully Funded with 4 (Fully Funded with 4 Vouchers) Host for Unity Showcase BSU Blockk Party Recruitment Event Apparel Caribbean Student Association Requested: $5,192.00



Fundraising: Flags CSA Vybz Mixer: "Kick Out" Performer Flag Fete Performer WukkOut Annual Fundraiser for A Caribbean Country Fundraising: Bracelets

$0.00 $31.99 $140.65 $0.00 $0.00

$6,542.94 $2,000.00 $1,500.00

$2,000.00 $1,042.94

$4,000.00 $800.00 $150.00 $250.00

$3,500.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$3,045.00 $100.00 $1,978.00 $717.00 $350.00 $545.00 $1,352.00 $150.00

$0.00 $1,978.00 $717.00 $350.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


Collegiate Women of Color Requested: $4,178.45


Francisco-Luis White Speaker for AIDS Benefit Gala Red Carpet for AIDS Benefit Gala Recruitment Meeting Beverages for Y'all Ready to Catch These Hands and Feet Self Defense Event Food for AIDS Benefit Gala Hofstra International Requested: $807.31


$3,882.51 $2,000.00 $19.99 $117.15 $158.80 $1,882.51

Afro-Latinx Event) (Fully Funded with 2 Vouchers Dia de los Muertos Food Flag Exibicion de Arte Supplies and Food Noche de Fuego Dia de No Violencia Contra las Mujeres Noche Buena Noche de Juegos



Thanksgiving DinneR Hofstra Pride Package for Recruitment Moon Cake Dia de Los Muertos Food (Fully Funded with 3 Vouchers) Dia De Los Muertos Supplies Stress Busters Hofstra's Organization of Latinx Americans Requested: $2,301.71 Allocated:

$2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$51.43 $165.05 $39.98 $481.50

$43.27 $0.00 $39.98 $138.75

$24.99 $44.36

$24.99 $0.00

$939.32 $348.72


$87.00 $127.76 $405.81 $326.53 $311.32 $348.72 $345.85

$87.00 $0.00 $405.73 $326.45 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People Requested: $9,121.24 Allocated: $6,000.84 Paint and Learn NAACP Carnival Musical Guest for Artistry in the Black Community Back to Reality (Fully Funded with 2 Vouchers) Mamoudou for Kickback to Giveback

$200.00 $1,872.50 $3,800.00 $590.20

$0.00 $0.00 $3,800.00 $357.30




Photobooth for Kickbackk to Giveback Musical Guest for Kickback to Giveback Food for Afro-Latinx Night Nippon Culture Society Requested: $332.32


Christmas Cupcakes Supplies Bento Box Making Oragami Paper Calligraphy Teru teru bozu Traditional Japanese Fashion Day

AIDS Benefit Gala "Lost in TRANSlation" T-Shirts QTPOCC Logo Commission Food for "Columbus Discovered America" (&Other Lies We're Taught In School) (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Food for "What The Heck Is a Latinx" (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher)

Disposable Cutlery Dance Night Supplies Musical Artists (DJ) Diwali Dinner - Food Diwali Decorations Water


$300.00 $0.00 $543.54

$209.22 $47.49 $161.73 $8.99 $25.68 $22.43 $66.00

Queer and Trans People of Color Coalition Requested: $2,061.00 Allocated:

South Asian Students Association Requested: $5,588.22

$300.00 $815.00 $543.54

$47.49 $161.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$375.80 $150.00 $1,000.00 $556.70 $75.00 $165.05


$0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $75.00 $50.80


$3,505.81 $400.72 $1,482.41 $600.00 $2,925.00 $135.69 $44.40

$400.72 $0.00 $0.00 $2,925.00 $135.69 $44.40


The Gender Identity Federation Requested: $7,026.01


Know Your Rights Food Alok Vaid-Menon Speaker Apple Cider Mix for Trans Day of Rememberance First General Meeting Food The Pride Network: Hofstra University Region Requested: $11,463.59 Allocated: Mix & Mingle Apparel Welcome Week Supplies Holigays Food Drag Show Performers Fidget "Toys" Milk & Cookies Queer Spa Night Fabric Bundle Carol & Cookies Total for Category

$4,019.32 $13.38 $7,000.00 $5.94

$13.38 $4,000.00 $5.94



$8,940.00 $44.69 $250.00 $870.00 $1,180.00 $8,940.00 $43.95 $33.05 $56.95 $11.90 $33.05


$57,514.29 Allocated:

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,940.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $37,880.39

Performance Organizations Danceworks Productions Requested: $4,088.78


Videographer Adams Playhouse Budget Stage Manager Dance Marathon Sound Equipment Photographer Marley Floors

$2,338.78 $400.00 $2,338.78 $400.00 $550.00 $100.00 $300.00

$0.00 $2,338.78 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


Ha Ha Hofstra Requested:



Comedians for 10th Year Anniversary Comedy Banner Food for Comedy Showcase Comedy Show Tickets Club Hoodies Hofstra Ballroom and Dance Requested: $5,251.65


Mileage for Princeton Team Supplies LIRR and MTA for Dancesport Hofstra Ballroom Presents: The Yule Ball Coach Fee Registration - Princeton Challenge Registration - Big Apple Challenge Improfstra Requested:



UCB Improv Show Tickets T-Shirts Masquerade Musical Theatre Co. Requested: $1,000.00

$2,075.00 $65.21 $248.37 $250.00 $247.38


$170.84 $375.89 $920.00 $654.92 $1,530.00 $800.00 $800.00


Master Class with Anthony LoCascio Master Class with Sara Coombs Apparel

$0.00 $0.00 $285.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $400.00

$384.00 $384.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,000.00


$2,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00


$384.00 $210.00

Master Class RHYTHMiX Requested:



$250.00 $300.00 $250.00 $200.00

$250.00 $0.00 $0.00


SP!T Requested:



Poetic Outreach #1 Guest Speaker T-Shirts Poetic Outreach #2 Spectrum Players Requested: $2,976.67

$74.37 $1,924.00 $145.00 $74.37


Main Stage Production - Set Main Stage Production - Legal Rights transcenDANCE Requested:



T-Shirts Total for Category


$822.31 $976.67 $2,000.00

$522.31 $300.00

$236.16 $250.00


$0.00 $0.00 $145.00 $0.00



$236.16 $8,111.25

Politically/Socially Active Campus Feminist Collective Requested: $486.80


Food for Latinx Heritage Month Growl Magazine Recruitment Items Snacks for Election Party (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) College Republicans Requested: $545.70


Debate on the Death Penalty (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Recruitment Pizza Party Debate on Immigration Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher)

$203.34 $75.75 $162.00 $134.80 $114.25

$75.75 $0.00 $127.59 $0.00

$37.90 $282.20


$114.25 $149.25

$0.00 $35.00


Get Global Requested:



Diversity Dinner Fundraising – Chocolate Global Forum Food (Fully Funded with 1 (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) GiveKindnessHU Requested:



Bracelets Recruitment Pens Assorted Candy Sticky Notes Box Puzzle Pieces Hand Cutouts Hofstra Amnesty International Requested: $696.00


End of Year Event Art Supplies Coloring Books

Women's Summit Malala Movie Expenses T-Shirts Ads

$0.00 $0.00 $18.88 $15.79 $39.99 $39.95 $11.98

$460.53 $0.00 $0.00 $172.80 $105.00 $109.75 $72.98 $0.00

$125.88 $197.84 $48.93 $76.95


$0.00 $251.30 $0.00


$20.00 $100.00 $173.00 $105.00 $110.00 $73.00 $115.00

In The Lines: Hofstra University's Coloring Club Requested: $323.72 Allocated:


$700.00 $251.30 $114.25

$45.00 $101.00 $18.88 $15.79 $39.99 $39.95 $11.98

Recruitment Warehoused Screening T-Shirts Conference Entry Fees Food for Write for Rights Write for Rights Supplies Collaboration with MSA

She's the First Requested:


$0.00 $48.93 $76.95

$0.00 $1,000.00 $700.00 $250.00 $50.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 25

Student Advocates of Safer Sex Requested: $492.19


Recruitment Items Slut Walk Supplies Community Fundraiser Connection between Halloween and Women T-Shirts Breast Damn Concert Supplies Total for Category


$375.99 $107.73 $45.38 $50.39 $20.43 $250.00 $18.26 $5,882.55


$107.73 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $18.26 $1,581.53

Pre-Professional Organizations ALPFA Requested:



Patrick Finn AV/Technician Apparel Women of ALPFA Brian Ruane AV/Technician Andrew Lazar Guest Speaker Food GMAT Preparation Food Patrick Finn Guest Speaker Food Brian Ruane Guest Speaker Food Terry Ryan Guest Speaker Steve Davison Guest Speaker Desiree Kinney Guest Speaker Orlando Camargo Guest Speaker ALPFA Welcome Resume Building 101 Food Andrew Lazar AV/Technician American Medical Women's Association Requested: $339.15 Allocated: Activities Supplies T-Shirts

$1,935.00 $45.00 $499.50 $642.00 $45.00 $600.00 $470.00 $600.00 $600.00 $645.00 $645.00 $645.00 $645.00 $385.00 $547.50 $45.00

$45.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.00 $600.00 $0.00 $600.00 $600.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $45.00

$222.56 $95.53 $243.62

$0.00 $222.56


American String Teachers Association Requested: $200.00 Allocated:


Adam Glaser Speaker Fee Kailyn Tropeano Speaker Fee Distributive Education Clubs of America Requested: $753.24 Allocated:

$100.00 $100.00

$100.00 $0.00


DECA Awards Competition Test Material Competition Food (Fully Funded with 3 Vouchers) Business Cards

$50.75 $70.00 $469.49

$50.75 $70.00 $19.74



DECA Bowling Trip


Financial Management Association Requested: $1,516.07 Allocated:


Drive to Guilderland, NY Guest Speaker Refreshments ALPFA and FMA Guest Speaker Food (Fully Funded with 2 Vouchers) Hofstra American Marketing Association Requested: $2,315.88 Allocated:


$968.40 $303.00 $244.67

$0.00 $0.00 $16.17


Marketing Week Day 5 Food Marketing Week Day 3 Food Networking Dinner Food T-Shirts Marketing Week Day 1 (Fully Funded with 2 Vouchers) Marketing Week Day 2 Food Marketing Week Day 4 Food

$360.00 $251.30 $478.64 $249.20 $503.65

$0.00 $251.30 $0.00 $0.00 $275.15

$259.14 $213.95

$259.14 $0.00



Hofstra Chapter of the Society of Women Engineers Requested: $549.25 Allocated: $250.00 Apparel


Hofstra University Model United Nations Requested: $3,281.00 Allocated: LIRR Tickets to UPMUNC Student Registration Deposit Conference Fee: Student School Deposit fee for UPMUNC Hotels for UPMUNC Graduation Cords T-Shirts

$1,867.25 $256.75 $650.00 $455.00 $70.00 $1,530.00 $80.00 $239.25

$158.00 $400.00 $280.00 $70.00 $720.00 $0.00 $239.25

Hofstra University Society of Professional Journalists Requested: $661.72 Allocated: $242.99 Movie Night Food Professionals Panel Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Head Shot Event Food Apparel Recruitment Items Hofstra University Start-Ups Requested: $1,195.87


Pitch Pit Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Holiday Networking Food Alumni Night Food TechWeek Transportation Idea Diffusion Food (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Institute of Legal Studies in Business Requested: $1,098.37 Allocated: Guest Speaker 3 Event Apparel Guest Speaker 2 Event Guest Speaker 1 Food (Fully Funded with 2 Voucher)

$117.24 $117.24

$0.00 $2.99

$117.24 $240.00 $70.00

$0.00 $240.00 $0.00

$580.02 $158.94


$330.10 $168.60 $218.75 $319.48

$330.10 $0.00 $0.00 $205.23

$39.00 $126.25 $630.25 $74.37 $267.50

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $39.00


Minority Association of Prehealth Students Requested: $206.54 Allocated: Paint Night with Mentor Regional Chapter Dues

$40.00 $166.54 $40.00

$0.00 $40.00

Music and Entertainment Industry Student Association Requested: $884.55 Allocated: $784.55 Catering for Songwriting Contest Keynote Speaker Recording for Winner of Songwriting Competition National Association for Music Education Requested: $350.00 Allocated: Guest Speaker 1 Guest Speaker 2

$284.55 $500.00 $100.00

$284.55 $500.00 $0.00

$350.00 $250.00 $100.00

$250.00 $100.00

National Student Speech Language Hearing Association Requested: $3,175.00 Allocated: $1,800.00 ASHA Convention Hotels ASHA Convention Entry Fees Physician Assistant Club Requested: $2,545.30

$1,375.00 $1,800.00


Recruitment Supplies Fundraising Supplies Apparel Teaching Dance As Art Requested: $5,749.00 NDEO Conference Registration NDEO Conference Hotels Apparel Fundraising Supplies

$407.40 $33.05 $160.90 $2,351.35


$0.00 $1,800.00

$0.00 $157.40 $250.00

$2,920.00 $1,720.00 $3,706.00 $273.00 $50.00

$1,720.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00


United States Institute for Theater Technology Requested: $525.00 Allocated: Books Art Supplies

$0.00 $250.00 $275.00

Total for Category



$0.00 $0.00 Allocated:


Religious Organizations Chabad at Hofstra Requested: $7,790.85


Tablecloth Welcome Back BBQ Shabbat on Campus Chabad Shabbaton Yom Kippur Spiritual Advisor Hofstra Gospel Ensemble Requested: $4,950.00

$115.85 $375.00 $1,600.00 $3,200.00 $1,250.00 $1,250.00


Club Apparel Choir Director Joy Night Sound Joy Night Musicians Food for the Soul Vendor Food for the Soul Performer Hofstra Hillel Requested:


Shabbat Dinners Placeholder Jewcy Sushi


$2,450.00 $250.00 $1,250.00 $1,200.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 $750.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,250.00 $1,200.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00

$6,640.00 $19,925.85 $0.00 $5,028.75

$6,640.00 $0.00 $0.00


Hofstra Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Requested: $3,200.32 Allocated: Recruitment Banner Minute to Win It Apparel Musical Instrument Cookies for CafĂˆ Community Sustainablity Proxie Panels Pizza Palooza IVCF Christmas Celebration (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Spiritual Advisor Pumpkin Painting and Prayer Night Muslim Student's Association Requested: $2,305.60

$144.95 $100.00 $10.99 $250.00 $549.83 $40.14 $58.86 $75.00 $114.25 $504.33 $1,200.00 $151.97


MSA Annual Eid Banquet Apparel Hafiz Luqman Ellahi Spiritual Coach Newman Club Requested:



Newman Christmas Party Recruitment Sunglasses Apparel Bake Sale Supplies Random Acts of Kindness Travel for Fall Retreat Food for Fall Retreat Lodging for Fall Retreat Total for Category


$1,200.00 $0.00

$1,250.00 $800.00 $255.60 $1,250.00

$0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00

$477.89 $80.65 $150.00 $250.00 $14.49 $63.40 $623.70 $1,200.00 $1,850.00


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $161.58



$0.00 $150.00 $250.00 $14.49 $63.40 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $12,179.47


Service Organizations Adopt a Dream Requested:



Baking Supplies Miscellaneous Atrium Tables Food From Compass (Fully Funded with 3 Vouchers) Circle K International Requested: $1,267.49


DLSSP T-Shirts PB&J Event No-Skid Sock Making Coloring Book Packages New York Speaking International Dues Colleges Against Cancer Requested: $982.13

$238.17 $54.25 $911.48


Deaf Education and American Sign Language Club Requested: $992.00 Allocated:

$0.00 $0.00 $568.73

$704.21 $80.00 $154.28 $47.36 $39.97 $16.88 $329.00 $600.00

Flower Power Snapchat Filter Fall Kickoff Supplies

Stickers T-Shirts Entry Fees for ASL Slam LIRR Tickets for ASL Slam Lexington School Drama


$0.00 $0.00 $47.36 $39.97 $16.88 $0.00 $600.00

$574.99 $102.40 $304.74 $574.99

$0.00 $0.00 $574.99

$437.00 $87.00 $355.00 $100.00 $175.00 $275.00

$87.00 $250.00 $100.00 $0.00 $0.00


Hofstra University Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter Requested: $883.34 Allocated: $588.77 Awareness Fundraiser Trifold Board Popsicle House Activity T-Shirts Gas for Builds Craft Supplies

$127.49 $7.28 $62.89 $250.00 $338.77 $96.91

UNICEF@Hofstra Club Requested: $418.97


Thanksgiving Fundraiser Pumpkin Fundraiser Trip to UNICEF Headquarters Lantern Release Supplies Posterboard and Markers UNICEF Cards

Total for Category


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $250.00 $338.77 $0.00

$194.53 $98.33 $34.17 $172.50 $26.99 $26.98 $60.00

$5,747.83 Allocated:

$82.76 $0.00 $0.00 $26.99 $24.78 $60.00



Social Organizations Culinary Club Requested:



T-Shirts MTA Tickets for Food Tour LIRR Tickets for Food Tour Food Tour Tickets Groceries (Thanksgiving Dinner) Groceries (Cupcake Bar) Groceries (Muffin Tin Wonders) Groceries (Thai Night) Groceries (Advanced Cooking) Entertainment Unlimited Requested: $43,322.57

$252.33 $82.50 $262.50 $750.00 $147.01 $47.58 $174.47 $203.92 $200.63


Movies Conference Special Events


Coffeehouse Expenses Gaffer Tape XLR Cables Speaker to Speaker Cables Microphones Music Fest Performers


T-Shirts Nintendo Switch Sbarro's (Fully Funded with 1 Voucher) Gamecube Controllers

$0.00 $0.00 $20,000.00

$40,900.10 $1,128.60 $55.90 $194.90 $38.76 $549.90 $133,305.75


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $147.01 $47.58 $174.47 $203.92 $200.63

$20,000.00 $16,108.04 $2,267.00 $24,947.53

Hofstra Concerts Requested: $135,273.81

Hofstra eSports Requested:


$900.10 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $40,000.00

$318.98 $331.80 $299.00 $114.25 $19.98

$0.00 $299.00 $0.00 $19.98


Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Club Requested: $422.36


Board Game Supplies Role Playing Games Board Games

$10.88 $103.77 $307.71

Hofstra University Versus Zombies Requested: $620.00 Allocated: Events/Supplies The SOS Brigade Requested: $1,192.08



$0.00 $75.00 $249.99 $500.00 $306.84 $60.25


$0.00 $0.00 $307.55

$0.00 $620.00

TuneCore Subscription VoiceLive Play SOS Brigade Showcase T-Shirts Banner Total for Category




$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $62,300.24


Sports Organizations Club Baseball Requested:



T-Shirts Hotels Baseball Bats Baseball Buckets Field Permits Winter Facilities Umpires Coach Fee Club Roller Hockey Requested: $15,755.00

$250.00 $2,000.00 $1,349.85 $300.00 $4,836.00 $500.00 $3,080.00 $1,250.00


Pucks Coach Fee Practice Time League Fee Equestrian Requested:




Mileage Reimbursement Equipment APA League Fee T-Shirts

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $9,900.00

$11,718.00 $3,250.00 $575.00 $3,088.02 $250.00 $516.00 $6,765.00 $4,536.00 $9,450.00 $24.00 $250.00


$0.00 $0.00 $1,349.85 $253.98 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00

$9,900.00 $105.00 $1,250.00 $4,500.00 $9,900.00

Coach Fee IHSA Regional Fee Driving Reimbursement Apparel IHSA Show Fees Hofstra Home Horse Show Intercollegiate Horse Show Fees Lessons Riders' Numbers University Membership Fees Hofstra Billiards Requested:


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,268.00 $9,450.00 $0.00 $0.00

$761.24 $325.44 $304.44 $560.00 $112.00

$0.00 $89.24 $560.00 $112.00


Hofstra Club Rowing Requested: $6,816.00


Hotels Boat Storage Fee Coach Fee Apparel Race Entry Fees Hofstra Club Softball Team Requested: $2,152.60

$1,395.00 $2,452.00 $1,250.00 $250.00 $1,469.00


League Fees Coach Fee Umpire Fees Apparel Banner Hofstra Men's Club Lacrosse Requested: $4,175.00


Entire Budget - Incorrect Format Hofstra Men's Rugby Requested: $2,799.94 Referee Fees Trainer Fees for Home Games Match Ball Uniform Replacement Coach Fee SKLZ Speed Chute Conference Dues

$1,250.00 $1,875.00 $0.00

$0.00 $2,860.00


$950.00 $500.00 $420.00 $0.00 $0.00

$3,125.00 $1,250.00 $1,875.00 $1,050.00


$0.00 $2,452.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,469.00

$1,870.00 $950.00 $500.00 $420.00 $250.00 $32.60

Coach Fee Referee Fees League Fees Hofstra Men's Club Soccer Requested: $2,860.00



$2,480.00 $270.00 $390.00 $119.97 $80.00 $1,250.00 $89.97 $600.00

$270.00 $360.00 $0.00 $0.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $600.00


Hofstra Powerlifting Club Requested: $1,910.51


Heatwave Registration Fees Exercise Bands and Straps Luke Pelton Coaching Fee T-Shirts Hofstra Running Requested:


$326.25 $84.26 $1,250.00 $250.00


Princeton Invitational Coach Fee NIRCA Northeast Meet League Fees Hofstra University Bowling Club Requested: $719.28



Hotels ACHA Fee MCHC Fee Practice Slots Game Slots Men's Ultimate Frisbee Club Requested: $6,318.09 Coach Fee Athletic Trainer Travel Hotel Fees Tournament Bids

$0.00 $400.00

$21,525.00 $1,240.00 $1,500.00 $5,150.00 $16,800.00 $13,125.00


$0.00 $1,250.00 $0.00 $300.00

$400.00 $199.80 $519.48


$0.00 $84.26 $1,250.00 $0.00

$1,550.00 $150.00 $1,250.00 $200.00 $350.00

Shoe Rentals Bowling Games Ice Hockey Requested:


$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $8,400.00 $13,125.00

$3,396.00 $1,250.00 $560.00 $1,087.09 $2,296.00 $1,125.00

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $2,296.00 $1,100.00


Rock Climbing Hofstra Requested: $12,440.00


Coach Fee The Cliffs at LIC Day Passes LIRR for Climbs Gravity Vault Day Passes Brooklyn Boulders Day Passes Ski and Snowboard Club Requested: $1,429.87

$1,200.00 $3,380.00 $2,310.00 $1,350.00 $4,200.00


Stratton Mountain Ski Trip Women's Club Lacrosse Requested: $4,150.00



Transportation Referee Fees Coach Fee

Medical Supplies Rugby Shorts NY 7s Registration Team CIPP Athletic Trainer Fee Referee Fee Coach Fee Rugby Ballls


$2,500.00 $1,250.00 $0.00

$1,640.00 $698.48 $525.00 $1,250.00



$3,750.00 $2,500.00 $1,250.00 $400.00

Women's Club Soccer Requested: $2,473.48

$1,200.00 $0.00 $2,310.00 $0.00 $4,200.00

$400.00 $1,429.87

Officials Fee Coach Fee Athletic Trainer

Women's Rugby Requested:


$0.00 $390.00 $1,250.00

$1,690.00 $126.79 $99.90 $475.00 $150.00 $260.00 $180.00 $1,250.00 $149.90

$0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $260.00 $180.00 $1,250.00 $0.00


Women's Ultimate Frisbee Requested: $7,591.60


Coach Fee Tournament Fees Hotel Fees Transportation Costs Discs Yoga Club Requested:

$1,250.00 $1,445.00 $2,457.67 $2,183.81 $255.12



Coach Fee Requested:

Meeting Adjourned

4/8/18 4:34 PM

Total Allocated Percent Allocated

$1,250.00 $1,445.00 $1,440.00 $0.00 $0.00

$0.00 $1,080.00

Total for Category

Total Requested



$158,699.71 Allocated:


$561,245.35 $258,331.19 46.03%

Respectfully Submitted, Appropriations Chair Sandra Read


Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

Elections Commission Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting #2 4/16/18 8:30 PM Senator Dana Craig Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Nicole Algarin






Senator Charlie Greenberg Updates with Dana A. Previous Senatorial Action B. SGA Debate(s) C. Election Commission check in considering recent events Candidate Meeting Ballot Approval A. Elections Commission met with Denise on Friday and approved all signature election packets B. Lots of people who turned in their packets missed filling out important information C. Kathryn and Charlie sent approval emails with reminders of dates and campaigning procedures Debate A. Nicole researched debate format and questions, EC created schedule considering speaking time, rebuttals, questions B. Emailed format of debate, not questions, to each ticket with their approval email for the ballot C. Public Relations 1. Asking Imani to repost for Tuesday and Wednesday 2. Denise emailed all club leaders and Student Affairs Administration to come Polling Table for Voting A. Schedule being made with Denise, most likely a table will not be there from 9am-5pm each day because not enough students/faculty to staff it. B. Denise and Dana met with computing services to have a design and interactive student portal during elections‌more info TBA Election Bash A. Lowering food order to put a poster in the student center about voting. Dates A. Campaigning: April 17th until April 24th. No campaigning on voting days B. Wednesday April 25th 9am: Election Voting Opens C. Thursday April 26th 5pm: Election Voting Closes D. Thursday April 26th 6pm: Elections Bash, 6:30 Last 82nd Senate Meeting, Turnover (83rd Senate 1st Meeting)

Meeting Adjourned


The Elections Commission


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Eighteen S.A.2018.82.007 Service Coordinator

VI. SPIRIT COMMITTEE A. FALL FESTIVAL DUTIES: The Spirit Committee may participate as a co-sponsor or member of the Pride Expo. B. HOFSTRA CELEBRATES THE HOLIDAYS: The Spirit Committee shall be responsible for promoting Student Government Association involvement in Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays. All Student Government Association members shall contribute in the activities of Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays. C. PRIDE UNLEASHED: The Spirit Committee shall be responsible for hosting one (1) event on behalf of the Student Government Association in conjunction with Hofstra’s Athletic Department during the fall semester in conjunction with Pride Unleashed Week. D. COLONIAL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION: The Spirit Committee shall plan the involvement and transportation of the student body to the Colonial Athletic Association (CAA) Tournament. The Student Government Association shall not allocate more than $4,000 in transportation costs pertaining to the CAA Tournament. E. COMMITTEE DISCRETIONARY EVENT: In abidance with the Constitution, the Spirit Committee shall sponsor three (3) events per semester to encourage student engagement on campus. F. SERVICE COORDINATOR: The Spirit Chair may appoint a Service Coordinator whose duties shall be as follows. A. Collaborate with the Vice President, Spirit Chair, and Secretary to coordinate servicebased events with other organizations on campus. B. Log the Student Government Association’s service hours and present a semesterly report. 7 |This report shall concur with the Chairpersons’ mid-year and end-of-year reports.

Respectfully Submitted, Chelsea Tomasso Spirit Chairwoman

Sandra Read Appropriations Chairwoman


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Eighteen S.A.2018.82.008 Student Government Association “It’s on Us” Ambassador

Found on Page 9 of the Student Government Association’s Policy Series III. Club Relations Committee A. INCLUSION ABMASSADOR AMBASSADOR 1. The Club Relations Chair may appoint an Inclusion Ambassador, whose duties shall be as follows. A. Coordinate internal Title IX trainings on an annual basis in accordance with New York State Education Law Article 129-B and “Enough Is Enough” legislation. B. Attend Intercultural Club Caucuses and other pertinent events at the discretion of the Club Relations Chair. C. Collaborate with Intercultural and Service Clubs and Organizations to promote diversity and inclusion on campus. D. Work constructively with advisors in the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement to promote internal social justice education. VII. Student Services Committee E. “It’s on Us” AMBASSADOR 1. The Student Services Chair may appoint an “It’s on Us” Ambassador, whose duties shall be as follows. A. Coordinate internal Title IX trainings on an annual basis in accordance with New York State Education Law Article 129-B and “Enough Is Enough” legislation. B. Attend “It’s on Us” committee meetings and other pertinent events at the discretion of the Student Services Chair. C. Collaborate with politically/socially active clubs and other relevant organizations to promote awareness of issues regarding Title IX policies and resources on campus. D. Work constructively with the Title IX Officers and advisors in the Office of Student Leadership and Engagement to make all members of the Student Government Association are aware of policies and all available resources.

Respectfully Submitted,


Isabelle Schmidt Senator

Donia Firooz Senator

Zain Farooqui Senator

Max Kutsch Comptroller

Alexa Osner Senator

Manni Doan Senator

Moontahinaz Rob Senator

Catherine MacCarthy Senator

Kathryn Harley Senator

Tejas Nair Senator

Caroline Rudd Constituent

Kelly Rose Constituent


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Eighteen S.A.2018.82.009 A Resolution to Extend the Campus Smoking Ban

Whereas, multiple undergraduate students asked a senator in the Student Government Association to extend the smoking ban to the North (residential) side of campus directly outside of the Sondra and David S. Mack Student Center. Some students were concerned about the negative health effects caused by walking through cigarette smoke often, particularly those with severe asthma. Additionally, some students expressed that the smoking ban extension might make Hofstra’s campus more appealing during events like Admitted Student Day and campus tours. Whereas, the Student Government Association conducted a survey of two thousand eighty (2,080) undergraduate students asking if they were in favor of extending the smoking ban to include the area directly outside of the Student Center on North (residential) side of campus. Whereas, one thousand five hundred eleven (1, 511), or seventy-two-point sixty-four percent (72.64%), undergraduate students surveyed voted in favor of extending the ban. Let it be resolved, that Hofstra University’s Student Government Association supports the extension of the campus smoking ban to include the area directly outside of the Student Center on the North (residential) side of campus and will continue to work with the necessary offices and administrators on campus to ensure the implementation of this policy.

Respectfully Submitted, Carissa Ramirez Senator

Gabrielle Spann Senator

Kathryn Harley Senator

Isabelle Schmidt Senator

Deandra Denton Student Services Chairperson


Appropriations Minutes Meeting Commenced

S18 Weekly Allocation Meeting 8 04/17/18 6:35 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Timothy Grief Senator Rana Ismail Senator Janet Narain Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read Senator Moontahinaz Rob


Manni Doan

Colleges Against Cancer



Brushes, Water Color Paint, Water Color Paper, Picture Frames, Foil Balloon Weights & Catering for Relay Allocated:





Water Color Paint



Water Color Paper



Picture Frames



Foil Balloon Weights



Catering for Relay





Riding Shirts



Food for Year End Event



Coaches' Fee



Total for Category



Women's Equestrian Requested:


Riding Shirts, Food for Year End Event & Coaches' Fee Allocated:



Women's Rugby Requested:


Medical Supplies & Match Rugby Balls Allocated:


Medical Supplies



Match Rugby Balls





Total for Category Meeting Adjourned

Requested: 7:09 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated



Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting #10 04/16/18

Meeting Commenced

6:32 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Dana Craig Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Manni Doan Associate Simrit Kaur Senator Cristian Sanchez Associate Shafeena Sharak Chair Aleksandra Radeva Absent

1) Club Fusion Fest a) Advertisement progress b) Individual tasks c) Schedule 2) Legislation: update Policy Series to say that club leaders need to sign Office Space Agreement which was passed by Senate on 4/12 a) Present to Rules committee on 4/23 b) Present to Senate on 4/26 3) Nexus Initiative a) Meeting with potential club members on 4/18 during common hour

Meeting Adjourned

6:55 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

S18 Weekly Meeting #10 04/16/18 6:30PM Senator Charles Greenberg Senator Rosaria Rielly Associate John McDonough Associate Julia Esposito Chairwoman Imani Hinson Associate Emanuelle Souffrant Senator Jewell Stewart


Associate Charles Kim (unexcused) Associate Imani Schulters (Excused)

` 1. Facetime May 9th a. Taking over that day b. Email Denise list of supplies for survival kits 2. Debate a. If we were to have 2 debates would there be enough PR for it? Meeting Adjourned

7:00 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Committee Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Rules Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 10 4/16/18 Meeting Commenced

6:34 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Donia Firooz Senator Mana Tadbiri Chairman Alex Labrie Absent


Senator Wiley Fletcher

S.A.2018.82.007 A. Chairwoman Tomasso brought legislation pertaining to the Service Chair position B.


Passed 3-0-0

S.A.2018.82.008 A. Senator Schmidt brought legislation pertaining to a new appointed position B.

Passed 1-0-0

III. S.A.2018.82.009 A. Senator Ramirez brought legislation pertaining to her smoking ban initiative B.

Passed 3-0-0

Meeting Adjourned

7:15 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie


Spirit Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 9 4/17/18 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:30 PM Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Belle Schmidt Senator Nicole Algarin Senator TJ Nair Chair Chelsea Tomasso Associate Antonella Colon Associate Louis Rafter Associate Jack McDonough

I. II.

Spirit Reflection / Feedback Pride Block Proposal Assignments

Meeting Adjourned

6:54 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Tomasso


Student Services Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 9 4/17/18 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

5:35 PM Senator Gabrielle Spann Senator Alexa Osner Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Carissa Ramirez Chair Deandra Denton


Senator Ryan Leighton

A. Stressbuster Updates a. Rooms reserved and confirmed for Pizza Night, Ice Cream Social, Dessert Bar, and Massages i. The following will take place from 9:00 - 10:00 pm in the Unispan Lobby near Hammer Lab 1. Pizza Night: Friday May 11 2. Ice Cream Social with Entertainment Unlimited: Saturday May 12 3. Dessert Bar: Sunday May 13 ii. Free Massages: Monday May 14, 12:00 - 3:00 pm in SC 142 b. Event Management is in contact with clubs who submitted proposals to reserve locations for their respective events i. Yoga in the Quad 1. May 13 at 11:00 am with Olivia Beaton 2. Belle has contacted Event Management 3. Advertise to bring own towel or yoga mat ii. Menstrual Products 1. Alexa is contact with CFC, CWC, and a few other clubs 2. Has reserved table with OSLE (May 7th, 9:00 - 4:00 pm) 3. Received samples from Pat Montagano iii. Tea Tasting 1. Will be an SGA event 2. Date in mind, May 9th from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm 3. Carissa will reserve table and get in contact with catering services (Jade Cheng) B. Initiative Updates a. Smoking Ban i. Carissa spoke with Karen O’Callaghan on Friday 4/13 ii. Created Senatorial Action that advocates for this initiative to be enacted 1. Legislation passed through the Rules Committee on Monday 4/16 b. SAAM programming



Belle has worked with a few members in SGA on Senatorial Action to propose for an SGA representative to work with It’s on Us committee 1. Legislation passed through the Rules Committee on Monday 4/16 ii. Yards for Yeardley will be discussed during Senate c. Campus Safety i. Gabby and her created task force are in the process of working on legislation to advocate for increased campus safety ii. Will continue to conduct research throughout the summer d. Bike Share i. Gabby had conference call with representative from Gotcha Bike to discuss the services, how it can be customized to the university, pricing, and more 1. Received a packet with more detailed information e. Menstrual Products i. Kathleen Lieblich from OSAPA mentioned that she has menstrual product samples that can be used for tabling, and will introduce Alexa to the Compass nutritionist to possibly collaborate on an event ii. Alexa will be emailing NYU’s SGA and Donna Willenbrock from Student Health Service this week f. Worker Appreciation i. Will follow up with Kristy Niemeyer from Event Management and Mary Gale from OSLE on tabling ii. Suggestion for the future: Carissa suggested doing something like the Hofstra Hillel yellow Thanksgiving cards g. Netherlands Exercise Equipment i. Kathryn and Max met with Pat Montagano last week 1. Pat suggested analyzing the uses of the Tower exercise equipment and possibly bring those to the Netherlands h. Arbor Day i. Kathryn got volunteers to attend the Arbor Day event on 4/25! i. SHACC Video i. Will meet with Pak Ho Wong and Colin Sullivan on Friday 4/20 to discuss this idea further j. PPPS Course i. Deandra met with Dr. Perotti last week to talk more about the course and a timeline 1. Likely that it will be at Hofstra in Fall 2019 and could be a Political Science department course C. Reminders a. Budget Appeals this Thursday D. High, Low, Butterfly Meeting Adjourned

6:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chair


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