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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

September 28th, 2017

Plaza Middle, Student Center Call to Order I. II. III. IV.




Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from September 14th, 2017 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from September 20th, 2017 New Business A. Swearing in of remaining Justices B. Legislation Lesson with Chairman Labrie C. Yearbook focus group D. S.A.2017.82.002 E. S.A.2017.82.003 Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup



Minutes of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

September 21st, 2017

Plaza Middle, Student Center Meeting called to order at 6:32 p.m. I.

Quorum Call


Approval of Senate Minutes from September 14th, 2017 A.



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from September 20th, 2017 A.


Senator Narain moves to pass the Senate Minutes

Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.

Swearing in of Senators i.


Swearing in of Justices i.


13 of 14 newly elected Senators are sworn in by President Cinquemani

1 of 3 newly elected Justices are sworn in by Vice President Normandin

Chairperson Labrie moves to suspend the rules to address the new Senators i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously 1.


Chairperson Labrie briefly explains SGA’s use of Robert’s Rules of Order and welcomes the new senators

Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani




Student Affairs Committee (SAC) updates 1.

New York Times initiative for undergrad and grad students - working to move forward with them for that


Grad student involvement in clubs


Gala Legislation updates (see Cabinet Minutes)

Vice President—A. Normandin i.

Vice President Normandin briefly explains structure of SGA and the Vice President’s role as the Chair of Senate


11:30-1:30 on Sunday is an Admissions Open House and SGA would like at least 5 Senators at each Open House to represent SGA to talk to incoming students - be sure to sign up


Ice Breaker - get to know Senators 1.

Comptroller Kutsch moves to open the Gallery to let SGA Advisor Boneta speak a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


SGA Advisor Boneta’s announcements: i.



Fill out committee preference forms that will be emailed out


Explanation of the snap cup

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.


Internal Review and Control Board explanation: it is an audit board to reach out to clubs to help them with budgets, and support them in utilizing resources 1.

Meets 2-3 times a semester and is a great way to take on a leadership role


Contact Comptroller Kutsch via email if you are interested at

Secretary—A. Gieger i.


Changes in OSLE - go to her for anything

Fill out the google form with basic contact information

Committee Chair Reports A.

Appropriations—S. Read i.

Handed out an Appropriations Schedule for the semester 1.

Overview of Appropriations policies and procedures


Budget Appeals - Thurs. Nov. 30th - this is an important date


Appropriations Minutes - saw 4 sports clubs and almost completely funded all requests and were still under the budget they set for the week


Senator Spann asks about if treasurer trainings are for SGA recognized clubs only 1.

Chairperson Read answers no: they are for all treasurers as the training will go over the 5% rule for appropriation of funds to unrecognized clubs





Brief description of Appropriations: it is a closed committee that works with Comptroller Kutsch to allocate funding to clubs - Budget weekend is a main event


Comptroller Kutsch adds that Appropriations is mostly work done during committee meetings and is more structured compared to other committees


Senator Narain moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Update on dealing with Club Office space allocation issues dealing with the transition, furniture, and swipe access, and rearranging assignments


SGA storage space in Intercultural Engagement and Inclusion wing - want to maximize use for SGA and clubs


Legislation to change the policy series to decrease the mandatory club office hours from 8 to 5 hours for club leaders


Overview of Club Relations - Club Relations is about networking and communicating with all clubs on campus


Senator Craig moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie i.

Fall Elections are over and new senators are here


Delegated responsibilities of Ethics and Conduct Chair to Senator Chiagozie and Archivist to Senator Farooqui 1.

If you will be late or need to miss Senate email Senator Chiagozie at


Senator Chiagozie will also be keeping track of office hours: reminder Senators are required to complete at least one office hour per week


Revision of Club Leader packet for E-boards of SGA recognized clubs for formatting and to ensure information is up to date


Senator Fletcher asks about Office hours - are the times set or can senators choose?



Vice President Normandin answers that, yes, Senators set their own hour between 9am - 9pm Mondays-Thursdays or 9am - 5pm on Fridays


Comptroller Kutsch adds that it has to be a consecutive hour but it doesn’t have to be the same hour each week

Senator Algarin asks if it’s okay to have your office hour at the same time as another senator 1.


Comptroller Kutsch responds that no, anyone can go at any time

Senator Craig asks about absence policy 1.

Vice President Normandin answers that the policy depends on what she and Senator Chiagozie as Ethics and Conduct Chair decide for specifics



Set rules on attendance: always send an email to Ethics and Conduct and especially be sure to give at least 24 hour notice

vii. Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Rules Minutes



Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Student Appreciation Week PR - collaborated with Chairperson Denton to know the schedule for advertising purposes


Commuter lounge board progress


Ideas for Defamation Experience event and Day of Dialogue 1.


Day of Dialogue tabling link idea - have students write how they identify and make a chain

Build a Friend 1.

Still “Let it Snow” themed but had to change some of the animals


Photo board progress


Canva Trainings on Oct. 2 and Nov. 13 1.

Canva is used to make posters and other PR advertisements - training is to help clubs learn how to promote their own events

vii. Public Relations overview - PR gets information out to the student body- often via social media viii. Comptroller Kutsch asks for information on the Defamation Experience and Build a Friend



President Cinquemani responds about Defamation Experience as a self-reflecting event for diversity and to increase awareness of variations in peoples’ perspectives and viewpoints


Chairperson Hinson explains Build a Friend is a university-wide Build a Bear event

Comptroller Kutsch asks about PR forms ideas 1.

Senator Hinson answers that the forms will be available and will have date, time, and requests, so it’s easier to take in information from clubs to provide appropriate finished products


Senator Ramirez requests a change of formatting to PR Minutes to make them consistent with other committee minutes


Senator Ismail moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

xii. Senator Craig moves to suspend the rules to swear in the last newly elected senator 1. E.

Vice President Normandin denies the motion in order to finish committee reports before seeing that motion

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Overview of Spirit - supporting Hofstra sports and events



Fall Fest Pride Expos- SGA will be required to be there on Oct. 7th from 12-2 but plan to be active with SGA from 11-2 1.

SGA will table and have a survey which will enter you into a raffle for a gift card


SGA will also give out popcorn


Pride Unleashed week schedule has been outlined


Spirit Board now has pictures and sports schedules


IT updates: 1.



It will be possible to submit information for the announcements panel as well as changing the portal colors to create awareness of games and events

Senator Ismail moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton i.

Overview of Student Services: to act on students’ concerns academically and otherwise; they enact change on campus


Student Appreciation Week is Nov. 13-17 and has events scheduled 1.

Discussed the video with PR


Discussed ‘Start Your Day with DSA” event - Department of Student Affairs will participate in breakfast and discussion with students


Discussed Club Collaboration event a.

Reached out to over 60 clubs with collaboration with the president of Adopt A Dream


Bike share program - similar to zip car program


Public Safety event - considering social climate and diversity on campus to discuss a variety of topics and to engage with Public Safety 1.


Senator Crofts asks for information about the Break Buddy Program 1.


Indoor Field Day with Public Safety is organized by Ms. Pickering and she is looking for volunteers to help her run the event

Chairperson Denton explains it is mostly for commuters to connect them with each other if they have breaks to do homework and branch out in Hofstra’s community

Senator Crofts moves to pass the Student Services Minutes

vii. Senator Narain moves to suspend the rules to swear in one more additional senator 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously a.


President Cinquemani swears in the last newly elected Senator

For the Good of the Order

VIII. Announcements



Snap Cup

Senator Narain moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate Meeting is Adjourned at 8:03 p.m.


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

September 27, 2017 SGA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 8:07 p.m. I.

President Updates A.

Student Affairs Updates i.

VP Houston said survey results from Campus Climate Change Survey will be in within next month 1. 12% of student body participated - this is statistically significant


Vacant staff positions will be filled by the new year - there may be hiring committees so watch for that


Fitness Center is looking for new machine ideas - give suggestions


Chairperson Labrie asks about advisors - who is in interim? 1.

SGA Advisor Denise is taking over and will be hiring a second grad assistant to help Laura Doodian and Daylen Orlick


Hillel - Frank Meeink is coming Tuesday 10/3 at 7:00pm in Cultural Center Theater- (former neo-nazi) will be giving a talk - the event is free but there are sign ups for tickets - they want SGA presence so will have sign-up sheet passed around at Senate



Room Confirmation - ‘What’s Happening Hofstra?’ event is Nov. 1st in MPR East at common hour


Vice President Updates a.

Senate Retreat: How does cabinet feel about workshop ideas for 10-15 minutes each i.

Chairperson Radeva - all good/planned for her part


Chairperson Tomasso- likes idea 1.

Vice President Normandin suggests an ice breaker relevant to spirit or a workshop where you ask them to brainstorm spirit ideas


Chairperson Read and Comptroller Kutsch are going to give an abbreviated treasurer training 1.

Vice President Normandin says senators are responsible to know policies so it will be beneficial


Chairperson Read says there was a lot of info, including how to do a reimbursement in the packets Senators received already


Chairperson Hinson- says it’s good, notes that her form (part of her presentation) is not on GetInvolved HU yet 1.

Vice President Normandin says her GetInvolved HU isn’t working/letting her sign in but will work on this


Chairperson Denton says she’s set and asks about an event that was done at the last retreat



Vice President Normandin responds that yes, the activity it was committee mission statements and it is on the agenda Chairperson Denton agrees this activity will be helpful/worthwhile


Chairperson Labrie will explain club elections but there are so many different kinds of Senatorial Actions that an example might not be effective 1.

Vice President Normandin suggests going over different kinds of Senatorial Actions possible at least

III. New Business A.

S.A.2017.82.002 i.

Chairperson Tomasso explains that this action is made up of pride expo questions that people will answer to be entered to win gift card 1. Ask about commuter/not to see divide in attendance at events; sports interest, and how people find out about things


Vice President Normandin says the first question should be changed because of inability to filter responses by commuters vs. residents 1.

Chairperson Tomasso says it will be on google sheets and that capability is there - she has discussed this with SGA Advisor Boneta


Vice President Normandin explains that surveys have to be conducted through GetInvolved HU because of the contract they have with Hofstra



Chairperson Read moves to add S.A.2017.82.002 to the Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

S.A.2017.82.003 i.

Chairperson Radeva explains the proposal is to change the required club leader office hours from a minimum of 8 hours to 5 hours 1.

Vice President Normandin asks for clarification of what exactly is being changed a.

Chairperson Radeva explains the proposal is to change the required club leader office hours from a minimum of 8 hours to 5 hours and adds that this will make it less controversial to pass and they can focus on refining other changes they may want later


Vice President Normandin suggests making the changed information bold


Chairperson Labrie moves to add S.A.2017.82.003 to the Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

S.A.2017.82.004 i.

Vice President Normandin says an amendment needs to be made to change the title to something other than “title�



Chairperson Tomasso asks what the job of the Legal Aide is 1.

Chairperson Labrie answers that the Judicial Panel’s Legal Aide is basically equivalent to Senate’s Secretary


Vice President Normandin says Article 7 information is already in the Judicial Panel’s constitution in other places 1.

Chairperson Labrie says they wrote it as such so it would be concise and have an air-tight interpretation


Vice President Normandin says the Judicial Panel’s constitution states that they are not allowed to amend their constitution - any changes must be made by adding an addendum


Chairperson Tomasso asks about the meaning of a reference to ‘public record’ in their proposal 1.

Comptroller Kutsch answers that ‘public record' is any information that goes onto the website a.

Example: Senate meetings - however there are circumstances where discussions or meeting aren’t put on record


Vice President Normandin explains executive sessions and how the Judicial Panel’s point with this change is that they want to be able to have these sessions and then not bring it to senate a.

Example: details of a club conflict they might not want to be public knowledge



Chairperson Read does not like that they scratched Section 6 Justices know they cannot be on other conduct boards when they chose to run a.

Chairperson Tomasso sees her point, but adds that the Justices haven’t been given many jobs as a Judicial Panel and simply want more opportunities to complete these duties


Vice President Normandin adds that conduct board deals with a different population than the Judicial Panel (Judicial Panel is for clubs) (conduct board is for individual students)


Chairperson Tomasso inquires about Section 3, part A referencing Judicial Panel overrule of SGA club derecognition decisions - would senate be able to go back and overrule their overrule? a.

Vice President Normandin says no, Judicial Panel’s job is to check Senate, for separation of powers this makes sense


Chairperson Read thinks 14 days amendment is too long- it should be kept to 7 days as it is now


Comptroller Kutsch says lots of information included in their changes is already in the constitution, they’re being overly specific/detailed about scenarios



The Judicial Panel Legal Aide discussion: a.

President Cinquemani believes the old policy was for the Legal Aide to be appointed - it is only recent precedence that Legal Aide was appointed from the elected Justices pool


Vice President Normandin reads old constitution and there are multiple comments from Cabinet on vagueness of the wording


Discrepancy between ideas that Legal Aide is voted onto the Judicial Panel and appointed by Justices from elected pool vs simply being appointed without being elected - this gets into voting rights


Vice President Normandin reminds Cabinet again that no one can amend the Judicial Panel constitution, they would have to write all of the changes they want as an added statement/article addendum on the bottom of the constitution


Chairperson Labrie moves to add S.A.2017.82.004 to the Senate Agenda



Vice President Normandin alone seconds the motion


Chairperson Read objects

Chairperson Read moves for an unmoderated caucus to vote for putting S.A.2017.82.004 on the Senate Agenda with two


minutes of speaking time for as many speakers as can fit in that time a.

Chairperson Read against: starts by saying S.A.2017.82.004 is too much - needs to be fixed more. Plus, the writers and cabinet aren’t super knowledgeable on the topics brought up; it needs more so it can be better to pass


Chairperson Labrie for: says bringing the proposal to Senate will bring more voices and opinions - while this will be time consuming it will also be a learning experience


Comptroller Kutsch for: says the issues Cabinet sees now are mostly clerical - haven’t mentioned spirit of law just how it should be written as addendum


Chairperson Tomasso against: completely striking sections is a big deal and if we work with the writers now and tell them what our issue is they can fix it and make it better before Senate sees it


Chairperson Denton against: the proposal should be fleshed out more - the idea is too impromptu and talking with them will help them before bringing it to senate



Comptroller Kutsch for: they put work into this proposal and it would be irresponsible of Cabinet to not let them try to bring the proposal before Senate


Vote to put S.A.2017.82.004 on the Senate Agenda is 4-4-0 a.

President Cinquemani is tiebreaker - should be tabled for improvements


Motion does not pass by a vote of 4-5-0 and S.A.2017.82.004 is tabled


Chairperson Labrie will have a meeting with the writers to explain the decision and particularly deal with formatting in relation to the rules of the Judicial Panel’s current constitution


Matters at Hand a.

Club Relations- Chairperson Radeva: i.

Club Relations will be actively recruiting for NEXUS (yearbook)


Campus Feminist Collective and Gospel Ensemble used to share an office - Gospel will be moving asap because these groups cannot coexist


A problem has come up with CFC’s elections - Chairperson Radeva carried out an investigation based on things that were said and essentially CFC has violated own constitution a.

Chairperson Radeva will be writing a resolution about this CFC issue



Other office spaces - good at the moment - some furniture and chairs are available 1.

Danceworks got their couch back and can keep it - going forward rules will apply and be made very clear in all offices that anything a club purchases is SGA property


President Cinquemani asks about Muslim Student Association wanting a desk 1.

Chairperson Radeva she has been in contact with them and they can definitely have one, but she will visit their office first to see if old desks are functional before giving them a second one- also she is going over their list of other requested items


Gospel Ensemble requested “stuff for storage” - Chairperson Radeva requested information from them about what “stuff” entails


President Cinquemani found someone who potentially wants to be Editor in Chief of nexus 1.

Chairperson Denton and Vice President Normandin also have suggestions for people who may want to be involved


Comptroller Kutsch is going to go over financial record keeping with new nexus club so the debt issue will not happen again 1.

Vice President Normandin adds that most people involved in the issue graduated so it should not happen again


President Cinquemani will get quotes from other providers (as per Hofstra’s rule about obtaining three bids before signing a contract) as


well as negotiate the number of print copies down and see if an electronic copy can be obtained x.

Chairperson Radeva has heard through rumors that lots of clubs don’t have full 15 members required to be recognized- it’s mostly just the E-board members that attend meetings


Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

Committee ran through Pride Expo - Saturday, Oct. 7th - Chairperson Tomasso will hand out a form for Fall Fest signups at Senate 1.

Chairperson Tomasso wants to make it mandatory for Senators to attend. They must pick a time slot to help table/survey or give Chairperson Tomasso a specific reason why you cannot be there


Vice President Normandin asks about making this count as an Office Hour for everyone a.


Chairperson Tomasso says no, it should not

Chairperson Read asks how it will be handled if someone is involved with another club who also requires Fall Fest attendance a.

Chairperson Tomasso says if you will be there already it’s okay


Comptroller Kutsch moves to make the two hour time commitment to be at Fall Fest a mandatory event for Senators a.

Motion seconded


b. 5.

Motion passes unanimously

Chairperson Tomasso and SGA Advisor Boneta have talked about the idea of getting refreshments to have at build week at Fall Fest to have an SGA presence a.

Want - the donuts


Discussion - should Chairperson Tomasso ask Candace to donate them i.

Decision: no it’s a lot of donating back to back in terms of food to SGA


SGA presence with handing them out will be good for SGA/ club/org relations


Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.

Three clubs came to Appropriations and they spent a little over $1,000 so Appropriations is still under budget 1.

DECA will be there next week - they aren’t SGA recognized


Chairperson Read loves her new committee members!


The First Treasurer training occurred - three clubs came and Chairperson Read will advertise more for next one with notes on clubs’ doors


Comptroller Updates- Comptroller Kutsch i.

Internal Review and Control Board - only Senator Ismail sent him an email to be involved - he will announce it again at Senate but if there’s no interest, he will not hold IRCB



Vice President Normandin suggests sending an email as well the first Senate meeting is overwhelming with information


Chairperson Tomasso suggests just saying “come see me after Senate� because that worked last year


There are a lot of reallocation requests already this semester - some have even tried to reallocate whole budget - not ideal 1.

Reallocation is at comptroller discretion, so he might start denying reallocations so they go through appropriations channel properly- there is no rule about reallocating a certain percentage of the budget on the books beyond precedent and there should not be because scenarios come up

2. e.

He has denied for violations of policy series

Public Relations - Chairperson Hinson i.

Meeting with Colin about different ways to advertise 1.

SGA can put ads on the side of the Hofstra bus - $25 can be up for 2 weeks or more if no one else claims the spot


Change of plans for posters - will give text to Creative Services


Working with Chairperson Tomasso for Pride Unleashed Week 1.

Chairperson Tomasso adds that the main point of advertising that week is for people to know about bingo because other events are in the atrium and will have exposure


Website - needs to be updated and talked with Colin about links that will lay info out in a better way to get information to people



Canva Training is cancelled because no clubs signed up for it and there is a poetry event with CCE on the same day 1.


Amp up PR for next scheduled training

Student Services - Chairperson Denton i.

Defamation Experience 1.

Idea for a dinner and discussion event


Working with IEI - want to involve more student organizations


Banner- have students write what they love about Hofstra and also suggestions that Student Services can use for initiatives


Will ask SGA Advisor Boneta about the map and if Chairperson Denton can use it to have people place a dot where they’re from


Cultural dances - reaching out to clubs (African Student Association and maybe Ballroom)to teach basic movements and cultural significance


Chairperson Hinson adds that for Day of Dialogue if she can join the tabling event to do the “link” event a.

Vice President Normandin says skip FaceTime with SGA to table with Student Services


Chairperson Denton continues with ‘history you don’t know’ idea - bits of history (American and otherwise) on cards


Nov. 29 10th floor at common hour will be Provost’s Reception



Parents will not be invited because of room restrictions as well as unfairness of some parents being able to come while others cannot


She will follow up with food once a number for attendance is finalized


Start the Day with DSA 1.

President Cinquemani asks about if Chairperson Read and Residence Hall Association put in request for access to lounges a.

Chairperson Read says RHA will reach out to building RD’s and Compass will set up food there


Chairperson Denton will reach out to Anita about doing the same in commuter lounges


Chairperson Denton adds that the pastry chef might bring/make something special for the event


Paint a Pot on Friday of Student Appreciation Week -flowers in the pot already - succulents or cacti, maybe bamboo



Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.

Saw new business that was brought to Cabinet


His new members are cute

For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Labrie moves to Adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Cabinet Meeting Adjourned at 9:47 pm


Appropriations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 3 09/26/17

Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Christian Sanchez Senator Mana Tadbiri Senator Nicole Algarin Senator Moontahinaz Rob Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read


Senator Timothy Grief (Excused)

The Pride Network: Hofstra University Region Requested:


Speak Summit NJT, Speak Summit LIRR, Queer Speed Dating Food and Queer Speed Dating Tables Allocated:


Speak Summit NJT



Speak Summit LIRR



Queer Speed Dating Food



Queer Speed Dating Food



Queer Speed Dating Tables



Total for Category





Peace Action Matters Requested:


T-Shirts, Bumper Stickers, Business Cards, and Stickers Allocated:








Business Cards



Bumper Stickers






Total for Category






Hofstra Intervarsity Christian Fellowship Requested:


The Big Event Driving Reimbursement and The Big Event Registration Fees. Allocated:


The Big Event Driving Reimbursement



The Big Event Registration Fees



Total for Category

Meeting Adjourned




7:26 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated



Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #3 9/26/17

Meeting Commenced

6:21 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Mike Amadio Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Dana Craig Senator Manni Doan Senator Janet Narain Chair Aleksandra Radeva


Senator Tejas Nair (excused)

1) Chair’s update on club issues a. Campus Feminist Collective & Hofstra Gospel Ensemble: proposal for solving the office space problem is on the table, waiting for approval b. Campus Feminist Collective: Club Relations will draft a Resolution to be brought to Senate on 10/5 c. Nexus: begin recruitment 2) Club office space matters a. All but four clubs have fully moved in to their new offices b. Minor issues with the state of the offices – work orders already submitted c. Muslim Student Association reached out for office furniture updates d. Danceworks can have their couch; No more exceptions since rules have now been clearly conveyed e. SGA storage space organization discussion 3) Senatorial Action a. Will be brought to Senate on 9/28 b. Points for Debate 4) Club Monitoring Assignment a. Progress reports from returning senators b. Redistribution of club categories c. Explanation of the assignment for new senators d. Expectations and deadlines 5) Initiatives: currently none


Meeting Adjourned

6:57 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

F17 Weekly Meeting Meeting #3 09/25/17 6:34 PM Senator Donia Firooz Senator Rosaria Rielly Senator Jewell Stewart Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Charles Greenberg Associate Julia Esposito Chairwoman Hinson

Absent 1) Ice-Breaker 2) Canva Training/ walk through 3) Website a) Modification of Pages 4) Spirit poster- Senator Firooz a) Days Events: i) Monday: Prize wheel ii) Tuesday: Bingo iii) Wednesday: Pep Rally iv) Thursday: Cotton Candy v) Friday: Men’s Game vi) Sunday: Women’s Game 5) Student services Poster for S.A.W a) Creative Services- Senator Greenberg b) Video- interviews- Senator Fletcher 6) Build A Friend a) Shirt Design- Senators Firooz and Rielly 7) Activity

Meeting Adjourned

7:01 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Rules Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 3 9/25/17 Meeting Commenced

6:31 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Carissa Ramirez Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Ryan Leighton Chairman Alex Labrie



Ice Breaker & Meet New Senators A. Everyone stated their name, major, favorite store, and a fun fact about themselves. B. Explained to new senators how Rules works 2. S.A.2017.82.002 a. The Spirit Committee brought survey questions they would like to see at the Pride Expo b. Passed 5-0-0 3. S.A.2017.82.003 a. The Club Relations Committee making a slight change the Office Hour rules in our Policy Series b. Passed 5-0-0 4. S.A.2017.82.004 a. Senator Leighton and Senator Farooqui brought a constitutional amendment pertaining to J-Panel b. Passed 3-0-2

Meeting Adjourned

7:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie


Spirit Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 3 9/26/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:35 PM Senator Arbaaz Khan Senator Rana Ismail Senator Harley Chair Tomasso




Senator Celeste Battipaglia

Pride Unleashed Week a. Shirt design ideas b. Updates i. Bookstore giving us giveaways ii. Athletics giving us giveaways iii. Bookstore “game day� sale iv. Compass catering Pride Expo a. Submitted SA to Rules b. Idea of SGA presence during building c. MANDATORY senators must be there 12-2 at MINIMUM

Meeting Adjourned

6:55 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chairwoman Tomasso


Student Services Minutes

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attendee


F17 Weekly Meeting # 3 9/26/17 5:32 PM Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Alexa Osner Senator Basil Gordon Senator Gabby Spann Senator Carissa Ramirez Chairperson Deandra Denton Margaux Davis

A. Welcome to Student Services Alexa and Isabelle! B. High, Low, Butterfly C. Portfolio for Initiatives a. Chairperson Denton will share document b. Purpose of initiative portfolio is for Senators to track their progress D. Defamation Experience Programming a. Programming should be related to inclusion, social justice and the celebration of diversity b. Current Ideas: Art-a-thon, Meet at the Table, Learn a Cultural Dance, Around the World, Screening of a film/documentary/series with discussion included, History you didn’t know E. Provost Reception a. Wednesday November 29th during common hour on the 10th floor of Axinn Library b. Will continue to provide updates as the reception date approaches F. Student Appreciation Week a. Reviewed new schedule and week-long occurrences b. Delegation of tasks: i. Snapchat Filter: Gabby ii. T-Shirt Design: Carissa iii. Contact student dance group about performance: Carissa iv. Creative event: Isabelle G. Indoor Field Day Public Safety Event a. Spearheaded by Bianca Pickering b. SGA Volunteers: Charlie, Max, Brandon, Mana, Lily, Carissa, Manni, and Deandra c. Great turnout and possibility that it will become an annual event! H. New York Times Promotion a. Work on advertising the availability of print copies and digital access passes more 33

b. Reach out to Chair Hinson I. Reminder: FaceTime with SGA a. Wednesday September 27 during common hour in the atrium

Meeting Adjourned 6:10 PM Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairperson


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