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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

February 15th, 2018 Student Center Greenhouse Call to Order I. II. III. IV. V.




Quorum Call Blood Drive Representative Presentation Approval of Senate Minutes from February 8th, 2018 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from February 14th, 2018 Campus Operations and Facilities Conversation A. With Vice President Joe Barkwill and Compass Representatives Rich Maha and Candace Chau New Business Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Heard @ Hofstra Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup

Adjournment Valentine’s Party!

Minutes of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

February 8th, 2018 Student Center Greenhouse Meeting called to Order at 6:11pm I.

Quorum Call


Approval of Senate Minutes from February 1st, 2018 A.



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded


No objection but motion is rescinded

Senator Narain moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.



Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from February 7th, 2018 A.


Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Senate Minutes

No New Business

Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani i.

Intercultural Student Leadership Conference 1.

Open forum with Compass about dining as well as a platform for students to voice their concerns


Comptroller Kutsch moves to open the gallery a.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Chief Justice Nijjer i.






She believes that many students who were at ISLC believed that it was less of a conversation as much as Compass becoming defensive to questions

Senator Doan agrees with CJ Nijjer that this was the overall feeling of students at the meeting

Comptroller Kutsch moves to close the gallery a.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Chairperson Denton and Senator Doan were appointed to the HCLAS advisory board


Met with Dean Pertuz who is excited to participate in upcoming SGA events 1.

If interested in helping DSA pick new lawn furniture for the South side of campus contact President Cinquemani


Student Affairs has purchased a Suite for the upcoming basketball game on February 24, 2018 at 7pm in the Mack Arena and they are sharing 12 tickets with SGA- there is a sign up if you are interested in attending

Vice President—A. Normandin i.

Be sure to keep the SGA office doors open during your office hours to keep the office a welcoming place


Send any suggestions for speakers and events for Senate to Vice President Normandin if you are interested

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.

Reminder: Vouchers cannot be reallocated


Update on SGA Tablets: the purchase order was lost in the Purchasing department so they have been re-ordered

Secretary—A. Gieger i.

SGA Formal announcement: will be May 10, 2018 from 7-11pm at Westbury Manor

VI. Heard at Hofstra A.

Chairperson Labrie moves to open the gallery i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

iii. Chronicle Representative Leo explains that “Overheard at Hofstra” is a section of the Chronicle where Chronicle reps publish different funny/quirk/odd things they have heard around campus B.

Chairperson Labrie moves to close the gallery



Vice President Normandin explains she wants to start something similar within Senate to make Senators more conscious of comments that they hear from other students about things they love or hate about Hofstra i.

For example: about food, any issues that SGA can help with


SGA will take note of these issues and work on them in committees or with initiatives later on

Chairperson Hinson - in Protest and Reform class students on campus feel limited in their ability to protest on campus because of all the forms and steps to go through for this to be allowed i.


Senator Rob - a friend mentioned parking is really bad and suggests 15 min parking outside the Student Center for students who just need to run in and pick something up i.


In class she mentioned to her class that the Public Safety forum is coming up and would be a good time to bring this up

Students would like to be able to reserve spots in the study rooms in CV Starr

Senator Ismail - students are upset about Dunkin’ Donuts replacing Starbucks in Cafe on the Quad/ have concerns about the change

G. Senator Reilly - She has heard many people say they would like the ability to use their swipes/meal plan on the vending machines H.

Senator Doan - people believe Compass is stepping up this semester


Senator Farooqui - agrees with Senator Doan - has heard positive things about changes


Senator Narain - positive comments about Chinese food station


Senator Battipaglia - the heat turns on in the dorms really early in the fall and it gets hot very quick


Senator Fletcher- in Vander Poel and Estabrook in particular that he has heard, the sinks are motion sensors not knobs and the water gets way too hot with no ability to control the temperature: people can’t really wash hands/face/brush teeth/anything because of this - wants cold water option i.

Not enough recycling bins in school buildings/classrooms - at least put one on every floor


People like the Dutch slushies

M. Senator MacCarthy - In the towers the heat is either off or low (or medium or high) but it is so hot very quick even on low and to turn it on at night or when out for the day makes it too hot or to turn it off makes it too cold i. N.

If the heat is left on but with window left open a bit, it’s bad for the environment - need some way to better control this

Senator Algarin - (not a concern) but is working now in the plant building and any issues with heating - can be dealt with with work orders and she can speak to her boss about heating concerns i.

People are worried about the options Dunkin Donuts will have - will it be only coffee or donuts too?

O. Senator Spann - people are concerned about Dunkin Donuts - they hope it is a real Dunkin with real Dunkin donuts and not Hofstra donuts i.

People want a food place in health dome


People want smoothies in fitness center

iii. People who live in the corner rooms in the towers and are annoyed when people use the air dryers late at night because it makes a lot of noise P.

Chairperson Denton - in her Women, Gender, and Development class - students think Hofstra doesn’t do enough for civic engagement and helping people with registering to vote or having voting on campus

Q. Senator Schmidt - got email that the Netherlands alarms with strobe lights will all go off at 5am sometime soon i.

Someone not in SGA said they wish people knew how much SGA does


President Cinquemani - someone asked her how to become an associate


Vice President Normandin says these ideas are great and already she recognizes that Beth McGuire from ResLIfe/Housing would be a good contact person to invite to Senate because a lot of those concerns involved housing


Important responses: i.

Chairperson Labrie remarks that he has discussed Cafe on the Quad with Compass and the Dunkin Donuts that is coming is a fully franchised Dunkin Donuts, not like how Cafe on the Quad used to “proudly serve” Starbucks


Chairperson Denton says that the Public Safety event is a good forum to address a lot of Public Safety and Plant issues

VII. Committee Chair Reports A.

Appropriations—S. Read i.

Saw two clubs with budget confusions from last semester


Other clubs came to request additional allocations

iii. More was allocated at this meeting than at other meetings because of the budget issues iv. Google form will be used for budget submissions this semester which will help keep budgets more organized and leave open the potential to ask the clubs questions about Rules or other issues v.


Senator Farooqui moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Storage Space organization is still in progress - mostly involving identifying and/or getting rid of unclaimed items in the closet


Yearbooks were cluttering Chronicle’s office and Club Relations is in the process of finding a place to put them (archives, etc.) without throwing them out

iii. Senator Doan is the newly appointed Inclusion Ambassador iv. All club office hours are posted on the clubs’ doors so any Senators can stop by if they need to speak with a club leader v.

Senator Doan moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded

2. C.

Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Canva overview for associates


Thinking about ways PR can aid Spirit with advertising upcoming events

iii. Spotlight received no submissions but will continue trying to make this work iv. Working on setting up a Live Stream of the Public Safety event v.

Promoting Student Success Connect

vi. Facetime with SGA will start on the 28th because of the Valentine’s Day event next week vii. Senator Rob moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie i.

Hofstra versus Zombies is now Hofstra Live Action Gaming and made changes to their Constitution and positions - may come back to change their name again


Senator Spann asks about the committee assignments for elections - how early will the committees know about elections 1.

Chairperson Labrie says he will notify the committee as soon as he has the information and the only two elections this week were requested very last minute so his committee covered them

iii. Senator Narain moves to pass the Rules Minutes



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Working on Valentine’s Day event project


Sign up for Valentine’s Day tabling!

iii. Club Ice Hockey has reached out for funding for student tickets for their playoff games which is next weekend 1.

Waiting for Public Safety clearance for a fan bus and then Spirit will help support Club Ice Hockey

iv. SGA Secret Valentine v.


Senator Narain moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton


Academic Affairs subcommittee of Student Services - they will oversee initiatives involving academics and the Provost Scholar Reception


SGA on the Corner is in March: Senators Ramirez, Osner, and Schmidt are leading this so send them suggestions

iii. Commuter Lounge Grand Opening at 12pm on Wednesday, February 21st iv. Public Safety event is on February 28th v.

Senator Ramirez and Chairperson Denton take a straw poll of questions students would be interested in discussing with Public Safety 1.

Chairperson Read says she thinks students are more concerned with student public safety officers as opposed to full time officers: for example, what training do they get


Senator MacCarthy - students don’t feel safe on the academic side of campus at night because there are no gates - specifically students with night classes in Monroe/Berliner - and would like to know what precautions/security there is


President Cinquemani - information on the student escort service: are they still doing this or would they think about bringing it back


Senator Farooqui- some officers won’t use preferred names


Senator Doan - when the gates are closed on campus and people don’t know how to get in maybe Public Safety could add some directional signs


Senator Schmidt - night shuttle questions about the shuttle’s schedule and timing


Vice President Normandin - student Public Safety officers get notifications and names over their walkie talkies about sensitive events on campus so how do they deal with preventing this confidential information from getting out

vi. Senator Spann moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

VIII. For the Good of the Order IX.



Snap Cup

Chairperson Labrie moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate Meeting Adjourned at 7:46pm

Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

February 14th, 2018 DSA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 6:36 p.m. I.

Call to Order


New Business A.


No New Business

President Updates A.

First University Senate meeting is February 26th


Hofstra Town Hall will be April 25th during Common Hour in the Multi-Purpose Rooms


Board of Trustees Meeting is February 27th at 2pm


The 12 Senators going to the basketball game on February 24th were selected


Hofstra is applying for a grant for diversity and inclusion programming and President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin are writing a letter on the SGA programming related to this that has been put on; also send suggestions for future programming to President Cinquemani i.

Chairperson Radeva says multicultural clubs are working on UNITY project for the end of this semester


Community Outreach is working on a large drive for Monday, February 26th and are looking for students to put together “Matter Boxes� that will be donated to houses for the needy


Vice President Updates a.

Mark Leadership Conference - let Vice President Normandin know if you are interested in applying to attend


Blood Drive Representatives are coming


Vice President Barkwell is coming to Senate to clarify concerns about dining and projects going on on campus


Rich and Candace are also coming to Senate to represent Compass


Valentine’s Day Party will be after Senate


Banquet Deposits are due on Sunday, February18th


Chairperson Denton, Senator Rielly, and Secretary Gieger are helping Vice President Normandin with planning Senate events - contact any of them with ideas of your own


Chairperson Denton discusses Commuter Student Lounge Grand Opening: it will be Wednesday, February 21st at 12pm and will have pizza, salad, and cupcakes


Matters at Hand a.


Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.

Met with Culinary Club


Heard some other clubs are having issues and will be reaching out


Treasurer Trainings are planned

Public Relations - Chairperson Hinson i.

Trying to figure out the solution to the live streaming problem for the Public Safety Event 1.

ii. c.

Social media plan is outlined in Chairperson Denton’s minutes

Working on how to promote SGA since SGA is not always seen in the most positive light

Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.

Moving forward with NEXUS initiative


Office spaces - all violations were taken care of


Many clubs are inactive or frozen and this will be resulting in losses of office space/ potential reallocations


Still clearing the Storage Space - Club Relations will be creating legislation with terms on how non-SGA recognized clubs might be able to use the space


Issuing warnings to clubs with office space violations


Will be working on rules dealing with club office spaces and having clubs sign agreements complying with office rules


Vice President Normandin asks about and update on elections for Campus Feminist Collective 1.

viii. d.

Chairperson Labrie says he is still reaching out to them

The Archives will be taking one yearbook from each year but they will not want the rest

Student Services - Chairperson Denton


Public Safety Event is coming up - spread the word 1.

She does not want the event live streamed


Chairperson Tomasso asks why a.

Chairperson Denton responds that Public Safety believes it has to do with some legal issues but also they just want to test the event out


Chairperson Hinson adds that Public Relations is working on a social media campaign for the event where the questions asked will be posted on Instagram as a Canva and the responses will be commented on the question posts


President Cinquemani suggests making a Public Relations infographic of who will be on the panel at the event (noteworthy people and what their jobs are) and sample questions so students have an idea of what to expect


Chairperson Hinson adds that on February 28th PR will be tabling and will ask for students to put Public Safety questions in the suggestions box


Public Safety wants to raffle off two Amazon Echos at the event a.

This is so generous but unsure if this fits the idea of the event - if they want to donate to raffle off at SGA on the corner it might work better

ii. e.


Provost Scholar Reception is being organized

Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.

No New Business


Committee members are working on individual resolutions

Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

CAA’s are coming up soon and Spirit is planning the watch party


Spirit Week for the spring concept is potentially set for the week of March 5th to March 10th leading to the March 10th lacrosse game vs. UNC or the other option would be later in April still discussing with Athletics 1.

If it is 3/5 to 3/10 it would be Hawaiian themed- starting to design t-shirts


Wants to mix up the types of events compared to Pride Unleashed Week for this Spirit week and limited to Student Center tabling


Chairperson Hinson says PR would be excited to help


Chairperson Read suggests maybe another article of clothing besides a t-shirt like a pinny a.

Other people suggested hats but they’re more expensive and t-shirts are so universal


President Cinquemani suggests water bottles but the consensus is that people prefer t-shirts more


Chairperson Tomasso adds that there are a bunch of rally towels in the office that they will give out


Comptroller Kutsch suggests cornhole competition/tournament in the Student Center with prize baskets


Pride Rock is moving forward- it would go in front of Bits and Bytes


Social Media for Spirit - it will be for all things related to Hofstra Spirit not just SGA things all Campus events - big sporting events or club events - word of mouth things 1.

During Spirit Week there will be tabling and an incentive - if students like the Spirit page they’ll get a giveaway


Comptroller Kutsch i.


Is having an email sent to club leaders about the Voucher system

For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Labrie moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 7:57pm

Appropriations Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 2 02/13/18 Meeting Commenced

6:32 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Timothy Grief Senator Moontahinaz Rob Senator Rana Ismail Senator Janet Narain Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read

FORM Gallery Requested:


New Museum Entry Fees, LIRR Tickets for Guggenheim, Guggenheim Entry Fees & LIRR Tickets for New Museum Allocated:


New Museum Entry Fees



LIRR Tickets for Guggenheim



Guggenheim Entry Fees



LIRR Tickets for New Museum



Total for Category





transcenDANCE Requested:


Frontstage Staff for Showcase, Web CRD Poster, Guest Performer & Backstage Staff for Showcase Allocated:


Frontstage Staff for Showcase



Web CRD Poster



Guest Performer



Backstage Staff for Showcase



Total for Category





Hofstra Amnesty International Requested:


Paper Bundle, Food for 100% Human Workshop, UN Entry Fee Tickets, LIRR Tickets for UN, UN Speaker Fee, Advertising Budget, International Postage & Warehoused Movie Rights Allocated:


Paper Bundle



Food for 100% Human Workshop



UN Entry Fee Tickets



LIRR Tickets for UN



UN Speaker Fee



Advertising Budget



International Postage



Warehoused Movie Rights


Total for Category



$99.00 Allocated:


Muslim Student's Association Requested:


ICNA Entry Fee, ICNA Hotels & Mileage Reimbursement Allocated:


ICNA Entry Fee



ICNA Hotels



Mileage Reimbursement



Total for Category Meeting Adjourned

Requested: 7:38 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair





Club Relations Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting #3 02/12/18

Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Dana Craig Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Manni Doan Senator Christian Sanchez Chair Aleksandra Radeva Associate Simrit Kaur Absent

1) Chair’s Updates a) Ideas for promoting Blood Drive among clubs b) Discussion about club involvement on Admissions events c) Nexus initiative: Crofts, Chiagozie, and Doan; meeting with interested people during common hour on 2/14/18 d) PSVO initiative: Craig, Sanchez, Kaur, and Crofts; meeting with interested students on 2/13/18 during Chair’s office hour e) Club office hours: brainstorm ideas to advertise them; possible collaboration with PR f) CFC office: all issues resolved; question about elections and eboard g) Possibility of having club office space openings 2) Storage space a) GiveKindness and Amnesty International were granted storage units b) Open storage space to all OSLE recognized clubs (legislation to follow) c) Review of schedule for clearing the space 3) Updates on yearbooks in SGA office a) Archives will take a few b) Museum and Alumni still haven’t replied c) Possibly looking into recycling options

4) CR Legislation Projects a) Create “contract� for receiving club office space b) Draft procedure for receiving and utilizing storage space c) Draft club warnings in accordance with Policy Series

Meeting Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair

7:25 PM

Public Relations Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting #3 02/12/18 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:00PM Senator Charles Greenberg Senator Jewell Stewart Associate Margaux Davis Associate Julia Esposito Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Senator Rosaria Rielly (Excused)


Charles Kim John Mcdonough

1. Intro 2. Spotlight a. Ideas- boxes and envelope i. One or two sentences of why person deserves the spotlight 3. Valentine’s Day tabling a. Pictures of events 4. Facetime February 28th a. Associate Esposito and Associate Davis 5. Public Safety Event alternatives to livestreaming a. Live tweeting where people can DM questions b. Prepared questions ahead of time c. At facetime write down questions to prepare for event d. Live Facebook or Instagram where people can DM questions i. The template is made PR would just need a lot of man power 6. Grand opening ceremony a. Taking pictures and videos of event 7. Publicizing SGA in good light a. Showing our initiatives i. Instagram stories and pages b. More ideas to come Meeting Adjourned

6:44 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson

Rules Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 3 2/12/18 Meeting Commenced

6:31 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Donia Firooz Chairman Alex Labrie Absent

Senator Mana Tadbiri (excused)

I. Matters at Hand 2. Initiative Update a. Senator McCarthy’s initiative regarding an increase in recycling bins on the academic side of campus i. Waiting to hear back from administrator ii. Going to follow up shortly b. Senator Fletcher has no concrete ideas for initiatives, but maintains that he would like knobs on the sinks in the towers c. Senator Firooz is interested in fundraising for a charity called “For The Unseen” i. Waiting to set up meeting to go forward ii. Ideas include a bingo night, trivia night, etc. iii. Interested in bringing the founder onto campus to speak to students

Meeting Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie

6:51 PM

Spirit Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting 3 2/13/2018 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:33 PM Senator TJ Nair Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Belle Schmidt Senator Nicole Aldrin Chair Chelsea Tomasso Associate Jack McDonough Associate Louis

I. II.


Stuffed Valentine’s Day goodie bags a. Event was successful and super cute!! Spirit Week a. Planned for 3/5 – 3/10 b. Hofstra vs UNC Lax game 3/10 @ 12 pm c. Week of activities similar but not identical to PUW d. Possible T-shirt Committee / SGA presence at MBB game 2/24 Pride Blocks a. Went through guidelines proposed by old Spirit Chair Sarah Harris i. Updated b. In contact with George Mason contact i. Hopefully more info on how to make / where to buy the blocks next week c. Will start crafting proposal after we get more knowledge on how to make the block itself

Meeting Adjourned Respectfully Submitted, Chelsea Tomasso

7:30 PM

Student Services Minutes Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

Spring 2018 Weekly Meeting 3 2/13/18 5:33 PM Senator Harley Senator Schmidt Senator Osner Senator Leighton Chair Pro Tempore Ramirez


Senator Spann (excused) Chairwoman Denton (excused)




Sarah Mendoza

SGA at the Corner A. March 13-15th: Senators Osner, Ramirez, and Schmidt to each plan a day B. Senator Schmidt says we should get cookies and giveaways for Wednesday, March 14th during Common Hour 1. Will ask Chairwoman Tomasso if the wheel can be borrowed 2. Maybe give out pens with flowers since it is Spring C. Senator Ramirez: On Thursday, March 15th we should give away St. Patrick’s Day themed giveaways (i.e. green cookies or chocolate coins) D. See if we can give out the extra SGA shirts or some of the NYT merchandise as a raffle prize E. Possible Polling Questions 1. Want to ask about composting in dining halls 2. Ask about sexual assault resources for survivors and if people feel there is enough education pertaining to sexual assault on campus 3. Ask about what students wish will happen to the BYOB station in Bits 4. Ask about free feminine products on campus Public Safety Event A. Alternatives to Live Stream 1. Have someone live tweet the event 2. Record little video clips to upload individually 3. Compile list of takeaways to post the following day


4. Make Instagram post with a bunch of pictures with the questions and answers a) “Good morning! Here’s what you missed from last night’s event…” Initiative Updates A. Senator Schmidt 1. Talked to Emily the Panhellenic President and she is interested in Sexual Assault Awareness Programming a) To meet with her next week 2. Senator Harley to go to CFC meeting and ask them if interested 3. Researching books to display at the library during April 4. Finding documentary to show for event 5. Reaching out to Professor Bose to possibly organize a panel with a legislator, someone from law enforcement, someone from the Safe Center of Long Island to sit on a panel a) Ryan knows a local senator who might be interested B. Senator Osner 1. Looked at a website ( that brings free products to businesses and researching if they can spread to college campus 2. To set up meeting with Beth McGuire soon a) Will look up cost and ways free products will be implemented C. Senator Leighton 1. On Thursday, met with other senators who want to do employee appreciation and brainstormed ideas a) Write thank you notes to put in the back of the student center where employee sit on their breaks b) If there is an event held, have students feed and clean up after the staff (1) Maybe have a Spring event for them on the Roosevelt Quad space 2. Wants to meet with directors of custodial staff and Compass staff D. Senator Harley 1. Wants to work on getting workout equipment in the Netherlands 2. Wants to get a printer for each house in the Netherlands a) Also a color printer near the all of the residence halls 3. Wants to get printers in each academic building a) Maybe move the lesser used ones to the higher traffic areas E. Senator Ramirez 1. Set up a meeting with Jessica Eads to discuss the smoking ban

2. Continuing research of other schools’ Title IX policies


V. VI.

The New York Times A. We want to look into adding more signage to help students know there is online subscriptions B. Want to try to figure out way for professors to not take the papers since students are paying for them 1. Look into a machine that students would have to swipe ID to get paper, like Chairwoman Denton suggested Reminder about upcoming events A. Commuter Lounge Opening: Wednesday February 21st at 12:00 pm High, Low, Butterfly

Meeting Adjourned

6:21 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Carissa Ramirez Student Services Chair Pro Tempore

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