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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

November 9th, 2017

Student Center Greenhouse Call to Order I. II. III. IV.





Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from November 2nd, 2017 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from November 9th, 2017 New Business A. Club Recognition Hearing i. Queer and Trans People of Color Coalition B. SA.2017.82.010 Mid Semester Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Comptroller—M. Kutsch C. Appropriations—S. Read D. Club Relations—A. Radeva E. Public Relations—I. Hinson F. Rules—A. Labrie G. Spirit—C. Tomasso H. Student Services—D. Denton Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup



Minutes of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

November 2nd, 2017

Physical Education Building Meeting called to Order at 6:31pm I. II.




Quorum Call Chairperson Labrie moves to suspend the rules to swear in the two remaining Justices A.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Justices are sworn in by Vice President Normandin

Chairperson Labrie moves to strike the Club Recognition Hearing from the Agenda A.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Chairperson Labrie moves to reinstate the rules A.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Approval of Senate Minutes from October 26th, 2017 A.

Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Senate Minutes i.

Senator MacCarthy objects


Chairperson Labrie rescinds the motion


Senator Ramirez adds a point of information that for those who are wondering the mentioned minimum wage bill was discussed with no research and no prior warning - it is not close to coming to fruition if people ask about it


Senator Ismail moves to pass the Senate Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously



Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from November 1st, 2017 A.


Senator Ismail moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.

No new business since the Club Recognition hearing was struck from the Agenda

VIII. Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani i.


Compass Updates: 1.

Slushy machine in Dutch - mainly positive feedback - idea - poll for which next flavors will appear next week - also a way to promote the Dine on Campus app


Compass was recognized in a dining magazine for Hofstra’s Student Choice station


Always asking for more feedback - Send this to President Cinquemani

Random Acts of Kindness day - Nov. 15th: all the tables are full for tabling so if there are alternate ideas 1.

Senator Algarin suggests just standing/walking around SC


Chairperson Read suggests walking around with lollipops instead of hot cocoa


Senator Craig asks about in front of Hammer tabling a.

4. iii.


President Cinquemani is hesitant because having two tabling events at the same time would split SGA up during Student Appreciation Week tabling

Chairperson Hinson suggests setting up in the back of student center

What’s Happening Hofstra 1.

President Cinquemani reminds Senators to come to events


At this event she was approached by different administrators - so if anyone wants to get involved/give input on the Career Center, Advising, and ResLife let President Cinquemani know a.

Vice President Normandin takes quick straw poll about if Senators know/use Laundry app


President Cinquemani suggests putting SGA posters in ResHalls in bathrooms/above elevator buttons

Culture of SGA at Events 1.

SGA Senators and members are leaders on campus and people know who SGA is - especially if SGA is at an event together


Incident at another organization’s event where comments were made - this is not appropriate and created a tension between SGA and this organization



SGA Senators are here to support other students, other student leaders, and other organizations and events that are put on campus


President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin were very upset because of this incident and do not want to have to keep apologizing because of Senators’ actions


Vice President Normandin adds that she is disappointed how the hard work of creating/maintaining SGA/organization relationships can be ruined by one single comment




The University is not perfect and there are things wrong but the first reaction should not be to spread negativity; it should be to recognize the problem and then go talk to President Cinquemani or Vice President Normandin and make the connections necessary to try to make changes


You can only complain passively or make negative comments once you’ve tried everything and used all the resources SGA has to offer you to fix the problem


This is especially true about events that SGA members attend that are put on by other clubs - give the clubs suggestions and have conversations- don’t criticize


SGA is here to make a difference and constructively critique the University

President Cinquemani adds that this negative culture has extended to the SGA office - SGA only has the Secretary Office and President’s Office - all other areas are part of the “Student Success Collaboration Space” a.

SGA shares the office with other organizations, is across the hall from the Dean, and down the hall from OSLE


If you have a complaint it is not acceptable to talk negatively about other organizations while sitting around the office - the walls are thin and President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin hear about it from these organizations who are not happy about it


When President Cinquemani was a first year no organizations wanted to work with SGA and Hofstra’s Administration didn’t listen to SGA, so Senators worked really hard to build relationships with the other groups on campus


President Cinquemani needs people to be careful with what they say because people look up to Senators and expect them to be representatives


President Cinquemani begs Senators that she does not want to have to apologize or justify the actions of SGA wrongdoings

President Cinquemani has also noticed that there is a lack of initiatives in Senate a.

Please consider taking on an initiative and she and Vice President Normandin will be happy to meet with Senators and help them make the connections necessary to follow through with these initiatives


Remember why each of you ran and why students voted for you


Each Senator is lucky to sit in this room and have the responsibility to grow as leaders and help others to grow as leaders to make Hofstra a better campus together



Vice President—A. Normandin i.



When Vice President Normandin was a first-year senator, the executive board would tell her “what you put into SGA is what you get out of SGA” but she didn’t invest personal interest in SGA - it was ‘cool’ and good to be there but she was a passive part of SGA and did not take on her own initiative; eventually she saw others her age were doing cool things and wondered why she was not making a difference 1.

On the PowerPoint shown at SGA information sessions the requirements are: Senate, Committee meetings, and an Office Hour but also “other events as they come up” – Vice President Normandin and President Cinquemani don’t want to have to make a negative connotation around all events by having to vote to make them all mandatory - Senators should know and want to be there


Senators signed up for this for a reason so put yourself out there and know that there is more than just the basic requirements involved with SGA


The more you put into SGA the more you get out of SGA


Being in SGA made Vice President Normandin change her major and rethink her life so just take one step further and you will see the importance

Mid Semester reports: the idea to make it an event with administration will be pushed to the second to last senate meeting when SGA does End of Semester reports - date to come 1.

Senator Craig asks if it will interfere with the last holiday senate


Vice President Normandin responds, no, it will be the week before this

Vice President Normandin asks Senate if they know what is happening this weekend if they are not on the effected committee 1.


Senator MacCarthy says it is budget weekend

Vice President Normandin asks Senate what budget weekend is 1.

Senator Craig says Appropriations locks themselves in a room on Friday and Saturday and go over all the budgets they receive from clubs - they make sure the budgets abide by policy, make changes if needed and send emails to clubs to let them know what funding they have been allocated


Vice President Normandin says Chairperson Read will add more but that Appropriations is doing a lot of hard work so if anyone wants to stop by - be there for them and bring them food - good luck to them


Chairperson Tomasso will talk about Midnight Madness but just know it is tonight

vii. Senator Crofts asks about attire for Mid Semester Reports 1. C.

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.


Senator Farooqui presents Comptroller Kutsch’s IRCB minutes

Secretary—A. Gieger i.


Vice President Normandin says normal for next week End of Semester Reports with Administration might be business casual

Nothing to report at this time

Committee Chair Reports A.

Appropriations—S. Read



Chairperson Read went to Greek Organizations meeting and Comptroller Kutsch went to club sports meeting and both split up all intercultural caucuses letting everyone know about budgets and Appropriations procedures


Budget weekend is this weekend - Appropriations funds the clubs’ budgets

iii. Important Date: Nov. 30th — need a full Senate because this is Budget Appeals 1.

Club leaders come in and make appeals on behalf of their club based on funding they received, and Senate reviews all allocations for next semester


Chairperson Denton asks about attire for this a.


Budget allocations officially go out on Nov. 15th so clubs will know what funding they received


Senator Crofts asks about two clarifications in the Appropriations Minutes 1.



Chairperson Read says smart casual - be put together

Read responds that yes this is a clerical mistake

Senator Crofts moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Club Relations is working on the prayer space - Senator Tadbiri as Inclusion Ambassador will be leading this - making the space more friendly and accessible


Senator Crofts is in charge of creating a yearbook club again

iii. All clubs are in new offices officially as of yesterday iv.

Club Profiles/monitoring project is almost finished- will be done by end of semester and is important because it will have all information about all clubs in one spot for use by all of Senate


HINT is having issues with membership so Club Relations will help them and will start addressing other clubs with similar issues one by one


Club Collaboration event Nov. 15 during Student Appreciation Week at 7:00pm passes out a sign-up sheet - will be a game/competition with 17 different clubs present so it is important SGA is there and shows a presence and gets to know the students and clubs SGA represents

vii. Senator Battipaglia moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Working on Student Appreciation Week video - will film all of Senate right after Public Relations Minutes are done being presented


On schedule with all PR for events for Pride Unleashed Week and Student Appreciation Week

iii. Getting in bios/pics for the thank a student campaign iv.

Senator Rielly designed t-shirts for Build a Friend



Senator Fletcher films Senate thanking the students


Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes 1.

Senator Ismail objects


Chairperson Labrie rescinds the motion

vii. Senator Crofts asks what #thankastudent is 1.

Chairperson Hinson answers that Chairperson Denton has been reaching out to offices or organizations with student workers they appreciate and PR is interviewing/giving them shoutouts

viii. Senator Ismail moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes




Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie i.

Saw the The Queer and Trans People of Color Club


Chairperson Tomasso moves to pass the Rules Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.


Midnight Madness is tonight at 8pm 1.

Her committee advertised for this


SGA will possibly do face tattoos if Senate gets out on time


SGA has a table and the pride frame


The Spirit Committee at 9pm will be tossing t-shirts into the crowd


Hopefully a lot of clubs will be there

For Pride Unleashed Week 1.

Each day during the week a committee member is assigned so they will be the point person for all activities/questions that day


Giveaways are all organized for next week

iii. SGA Star Points



Any time a Cabinet member sees a Senator going above and beyond things or if a Senator sees this and think a Senator deserves recognition they can tell a Cabinet member


Incentive to participate and be involved in SGA and want to recognize those who do a lot of great work


They will be given in increments of 5 but no more than 20 at a time


There will be a prize at the end of the year - it will be awesome

Tabling for Pride Unleashed Week - need Senators to sign up since at least one hour is required for your office hour




It is helpful to the Chair but also to you as a Senator to get face time with students


Especially wants SGA presence at Bingo on Tuesday at 7pm in MPR

Senator Crofts asks if tabling counts as an office hour 1.


Chairperson Tomasso says yes it does - and it is fun to sit there and see students versus just sit in the office

If you are staying for Midnight Madness please hang out after Senate to help

vii. Vice President Normandin has the google doc up on the table so sign up for Pride Unleashed Week before you leave Senate if you haven’t already viii. Senator Chiagozie asks if there is food today at Midnight Madness 1. ix.


Chairperson Tomasso says yes from athletics

Chairperson Labrie moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton i.

The “Give Love Hofstra “banner is up in the Student Center


delegated tasks for Student Appreciation Week to committee members

iii. For Student Appreciation Week - need 2 hours of tabling in place of your office hour iv.

Polling is an important part of Student Appreciation Week to gauge Hofstra studentswill be going to Rules with polling questions so look out for them next Thursday


Stress busters Dec 11-20 for Finals week with OSAPA - will start working on those soon


Provost’s Reception is in the works

vii. Adds onto President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin’s point with initiatives - Chairperson Denton will restart the “take an initiative leave an initiative” wall in the office viii. Senator Farooqui presents Commuter Lounge updates ix.

Senator Spann moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


For the Good of the Order



Senator Crofts moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate is Adjourned at 7:53pm


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

November 8th, 2017 SGA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 8:04p.m.

A. President Updates a. Collaboration with Center for Civic Engagement i.

Chairperson Hinson presents that Aleana from the Women’s Basketball team talked to CCE – she’s from Puerto Rico and lost contact with her family for a while- South Puerto Rico is not getting a lot of resources/aid


Idea: raise money or get supplies for Puerto Rico


CCE needs ideas but Chairperson Hinson thinks SGA should help/do something as well


Chairperson Read says boxes in Res Halls works 1. President Cinquemani says the issue is paying for shipping 2. Chairperson Read says tabling to raise funds could work


Comptroller Kutsch says SGA can pay out of SGA fund 1. President Cinquemani reminds that this would be an issue since SGA didn’t pay for Houston shipping because shipping costs are against policy as well as yearbook shipping 9


Chairperson Hinson says SGA, CCE and Women’s basketball team are involved – Women’s Basketball are the ones who paid for her to go back to PR to see her family


President Cinquemani and Chairperson Read think it is best raising money


Chairperson Denton thinks supplies are important and can be done easily – internally in SGA even – and Chairperson Labrie agrees – also offer venmo 1. Chairperson Hinson says there’s a list – mostly toiletries of PR’s needs


Chairperson Hinson says Puerto Rico is still out of power and don’t have a lot of necessary items so whatever SGA can do whenever 1. CCE collection ends on Friday the 10th but SGA doesn’t have to do those dates


Plan: Chairperson Hinson will present this to Senate this week – then service chair whom Chairperson Tomasso appoints can take this on and brainstorm


Chairperson Hinson asks if she can ask Aleana to come to senate tomorrow and show the video she showed CCE – it was very moving

b. Thanks and Giving Project i.

Hillel is sponsoring this again and SGA is helping – asking all of SGA to write at least two cards thanking a member of the Hofstra 10

community ii.

There are blue ones for people who live off campus too (but will need to know their address)


Will use the suggestion box for the ‘thank yous’ at the moment


Write as many as possible!

c. Random Acts of Kindness i.

Nov. 15th – explained that SGA does not want to have to separate tabling during Student Appreciation Week


Newman is going to share their table with SGA 1. SGA will serve hot chocolate with Newman next to the SGA tabling and can poll people as well while spreading kindness

d. Comptroller Kutsch asks about iPads i.

President Cinquemani says order has gone in but Comptroller Kutsch hasn’t seen or signed anything

e. Compass Updates i.

Would like more updates on social media about campus wide events going on – Compass will send info to SGA Public Relations


Sanitary issues – handled internally


Chairperson Read suggests Nutritionist being at G8 station so that they can make it an event about healthy eating/dietary restriction


Chairperson Radeva suggests adding calorie count 1. This information is on the dining app


Chairperson Denton suggests getting celebrity chef who 11

specializes in dietary restrictions 1. President Cinquemani reminds her that SGA will vote on next celeb chef – so this is possible vi.

Smoothies in Dutch will be student choice now

B. Old Business a. QTPOCC i.

Chairperson Labrie says QTPOCC will be coming to Senate this week (they did not last week because of lack of AV)


Chairperson Labrie moves to add QTPOCC’s Constitution to the Senate Agenda 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously

C. New Business a. S.A.2017.82.010 i.

Chairperson Denton explains these are the Student Appreciation Week polling questions


Comptroller Kutsch says he is unsure if number 5 question data will be helpful since Pat’s cause is pretty set – will most likely strike this question


Chairperson Denton also wants to add a question at the beginning about when the student is graduating so data can be filtered by year


Chairperson Labrie clarifies that Cabinet cannot edit at the moment– this will be done tomorrow


Chairperson Hinson asks if the hours should be 12am or 2am like 12

HofUSA was for the Netherlands 1. Chairperson Denton says that was the idea but 12am seems more like a realistic push at first than 2am right away vi.

Comptroller Kutsch moves to add S.A.2017.82.010 to the Senate Agenda 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously

D. Matters at Hand a. Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.

Saw 112 budgets this weekend in less than 24 hours


For the appeals process – anyone who wishes to appeal will meet with Chairperson Read to discuss the budget and issues before coming to Senate so they’re prepared

b. Spirit – Chairperson Tomasso i.Prize Wheel went really well ii.Bingo – went extremely well – there was a great turn out – will work on organization for next year and be prepared for more people (but too much turnout is a good problem to have) iii.Tomorrow – Popcorn and Cotton Candy Day iv.Friday- Student Services collaboration and Men’s Basketball game v.Also try and push/publicize women’s game on Sunday – Spirit might bring t-shirts there so people have an incentive to go vi.President Cinquemani says that Colin wants to recognize SGA at the Men’s home opener – at least 8-10 representatives should be there 13

from SGA 1. Chairperson Tomasso says this is when Spirit is tossing shirts so will work out and will get people to sign up at Senate vii.Friday at Mens basketball – clubs tabling in the arena 1. Will send reminders/ideas to clubs – if this doesn’t happen it’s okay because SGA will table at least c. Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.Club Collaboration event – Club Relations ordered donuts, supplies, and things for awards and Adopt A Dream ordered food 1. There are stations and games where teams earn points ii.Does want SGA involvement – Club Relations Senators have tasks working out games and scoring sheets d. Public Relations – Chairperson Hinson i.Focus on SAW coming up ii.The Video is up on Instagram and Facebook iii.Build a Friend updates – in progress – for Dec. 11 th e. Comptroller Kutsch i.Entering budget weekend allocation information into the database f. Rules – Chairperson Labrie i.Saw SA.2017.82.010 ii.Club elections – form is working and has own box on GIHU - will ask clubs for 10 days’ notice for holding an election starting soon 1. Starting next Wednesday once it has been worked out – 14

Chairperson Labrie will alphabetically assign committees a week and that committee is responsible for all elections that week 2. For the end of the year this will be changed since it’s a lot for one committee but should work for now 3. Chairperson Tomasso asks if it can be two committees a week a. Chairperson Labrie says one will be easier and won’t be too strict but primarily because at the moment it’s not very even or fair how Senators sign up at the moment – a few people pull the weight for all of Senate 4. Chairperson Tomasso asks if we can remind Senate of attendance rules a. Chairperson Labrie says yes and will be sure to work reminding people of Ethics and Conduct Chair’s role g. Student Services - Chairperson Denton i.Assembled gift baskets for SAW ii.Assembled “Survey Starter Kits” – has wristbands, raffle tickets, tips on how to survey, and thanks and giving cards 1. Chairperson Read asks what tickets are for a. Chairperson Denton says they’re for gift baskets – throughout the week if you fill out a survey you get 15

a band and a raffle ticket 2. Everyone is expected to poll at least 20 students iii.Programming 1. Monday – a. RHA in res hall/com lounge b. Scavenger hunt – winner gets Target gift card c. HCLAS event with cupcakes d. 6-8 in HofUSA RHA big bucks bingo e. (atrium all day polling) 2. Tuesdaya. HU gift card giveaway by sending screenshot of survey to b. SGA FB c. Start day with DSA – atrium d. CAE in 3rd floor Axinn e. (atrium all day polling) 3. Wednesday – a. Pizza in atrium b. School of Communications – Hofstra Today and WRHU events c. Tea Tasting in atrium (Common Hour) d. Club Collaboration event e. SWOOP with Culinary Club has Thanksgiving in atrium during common hour 16

f. (atrium all day polling) 4. Thursday – a. #thankastudent from reslife/osle student employees b. Meet SGA Dinner before Senate - Gift Baskets c. (atrium all day polling) 5. Friday – a. Cookies – blue and yellow with hashtag b. (atrium all day polling) iv.Delegated days to committee members v.Will pass out sign-up sheet for events vi.Reminder: tabling for two hours is mandatory and counts as your office hour vii.Incentives for polling: 1. 50, 40, 30 dollar gift cards for top 3 viii.Stressbusters 1. Melt with OSAPA and discussed ideas a. They are working with Compass on midnight breakfast, dessert bar, body scrubs, tea tasting, art night, massages b. Want a set schedule by Nov. 27th 2. SGA is Dec 11-20th but OSAPA will start on Dec. 6th 3. Chairperson Hinson adds that Build a Friend should be added for the 11th also PR will do Finals Survival Kits ix.Provost’s Reception is in progress 17

E. For the Good of the Order Chairperson Labrie moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 9:53pm


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Seventeen S.A.2017.82.010 Student Appreciation Week Survey Questions

1. What is your anticipated graduation year? a. 2017 b. 2018 c. 2019 d. 2020 e. 2021 2. Are you a commuter or a residential student? a. Commuter b. Resident 3. Are you aware of the Dine on Campus™ App? a. Yes b. No 4. Are you aware that you can access The New York Times online for free through a digital pass? a. Yes b. No 5. Are you satisfied with the sanitary conditions in all of the dining areas on campus? a. Yes b. No 6. Which of the following free resources provided by Student Counseling Services are you aware of? Check all that apply. ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Groups and Workshops On-Call Counselors Counseling Sessions None of the above

7. Would you utilize the Netherlands Cafe between the hours of 8:00 PM and 12:00 AM on weekend nights (Fridays and Saturdays)? a. Yes b. No 8. Would you be in favor of a smoking ban at the entrance to the Student Center on the North (residential) side of campus? a. Yes b. No


Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairperson Carissa Ramirez Senator

Gabrielle Spann Senator

Alexa Osner Senator

Isabelle Schmidt Senator

Margaux Davis Student Services Associate



Under Article 1, Section 2, of the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the university community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. Membership in this organization is open to all full-time undergraduate students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status (“protected status”) in the conduct and operation of its educational programs and activities, including admission and employment.

ARTICLE I. NAME. Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the Queer & Trans People of Color Coalition.
Section 2: The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as QTPOCC.

ARTICLE II. PURPOSE. Section 1. The purpose of the Queer & Trans People of Color Coalition shall be to create a brave space conducive for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer/questioning (LGBTQ+) people of color to host proactive discussions about the intersectionality of race, gender, and queerness and about how those identities impact the navigation of LGBTQ+ people of color in our society with members of the queer and trans persons of color (QTPOC) community and their allies. This organization shall facilitate educational programming and work collaboratively with our fellow student organizations to empower students with the tools to enact positive change in their school and in their 21


Section 2. The Queer & Trans People of Color Coalition of Hofstra University shall provide support to all LGBTQ+ and multicultural campus organizations, programs, groups, counseling, and educational services at Hofstra University.

ARTICLE III. CLUB ADVISOR Section 1. The Club Adviser for this organization must be a non student Hofstra University employee.
Section 2: The adviser must be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this organization.

Section 3. The duties of the Club Adviser shall be the following: F.

Mentor and advise this organization on how best to fulfill its purpose.


Hold members and officers of this organization accountable.


Help provide structure for the meetings of this organization and serve as a resource 
for all members and officers during meetings.

ARTICLE IV. MEMBERSHIP Section 1. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a board member.
Section 2. A graduate or part-time student may become a member if the activity fee is paid to the Office of the Bursar and proof of payment is presented to the Rules Chairperson and the Appropriations Chairperson. A.

At no time shall board membership of this club constitute more than one-half (1/2) graduate students.



No graduate student shall be permitted to hold any office in this organization.


Graduate students shall be allowed active membership status; which includes voting 
rights within the club.

Section 3. Status of General Members A.

General Members shall be recognized as active after attending three (3) consecutive meetings.


Members who miss more than two (2) meetings in a row for reasonings excluding academic conflicts and personal emergencies shall be considered inactive.

Section 4. Only board members may be allowed to vote at board meetings.
A. General board votes, with the exception of executive board elections and amendments, shall always be a popular vote of fifty percent-plusone-vote (50% +1), unless otherwise stated.

ARTICLE V. DUTIES OF THE BOARD AND THEIR ELECTIONS Section 1. The titles on the board and their duties shall be: A.



Preside at full meetings of the club.


Act as a member ex-officio of all club committees.


Represent the club where such representation is required, requested, or 
deemed appropriate and/or acceptable.



Carry out or delegate all duties not specifically vested in any other officer of 
the club.


Ensure that the member roster is active and complete by updating 
GetInvolved HU.


Vice President


Assume the duty of the President in the event of a resignation, removal or in the event that the President maynot for any reason fulfill his/her duties.


Act as temporary chairperson, in the event that a chairperson of any committee is unable to fulfill his/her duties, until an election can be held.


Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.




Keep track of all records concerning club funds.


Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.




Record all minutes during each general meeting and Eboard meeting.


Maintain a permanent file of all agendas, minutes, and meeting handouts.


Keep attendance at all club meetings and events.


Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.



Public Relations Coordinator


Develop marketing and public relations campaign strategies specifically to 
further the QTPOCC’s goals (Successful Events, Promotions, etc.)


Create and deactivate social media accounts for the QTPOCC as it becomes 


Regularly update the QTPOCC social media accounts with relevant 
information such as club meeting dates and times, on campus event dates 
and times, policy changes that shall impact marginalized communities, etc.


Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.


Student Ambassadors (TGIF, The Pride Network, NAACP, etc.)


There shall be two student ambassadors. One student’s ambassadorship shall 
include, but is not limited to, the intercultural student organizations and the faith-based student organizations. The other student’s ambassadorship shall include, but is not limited to, the politically-socially active organizations and the service student organizations and the politically active student organization.


The student ambassadors shall take on more politically and socially active student organization as deemed necessary by the President.


Will keep record of all major event details of the oncampus student organizations their ambassadorship 25


Section 2. Elections A.

Elections shall be held before the culmination of the spring semester.


A representative of the Student Government Association shall be present in order 
for the election proceedings to occur.

C. The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any other active member for any office. D.

There shall be a closed ballot; election of a candidate to a position shall be constituted by a simple majority of the active members present and voting.


If any one (1) candidate does not obtain a majority, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes will participate in a runoff election.


If there is a tie in the percentage of votes cast in the first election, all of the candidates will reintroduce themselves and proceed with another election until there is either a clear majority or two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes


All ballots shall be cast in person. No voting by proxy shall be permitted at any election. However, if any active member cannot attend the elections, he/she may hand in a signed, written ballot to the advisor before the election.


The order of elections shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Vice President shall be elected, 26

followed by the Treasurer, and so forth. 

Elected officials shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the elections.


Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy:


Any vacancy in the presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice President to the presidency.


If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume the presidency, an election shall take place to elect a new President.

ARTICLE VI. MEETINGS. Section 1. General and executive board meetings shall be held at least once every other week, respectively while classes are in session. The exact time and date shall be determined by a common agreement of the members.
Section 2. Special Meetings


If one-third (1 3) of the club’s active members present a petition in writing to the President, he/she/they i required to call a special meeting within forty-eight (48) hours.


During a special meeting, no removal of officers shall take place.

Section 3. A quorum of majority of the active members shall be required for any business actions at a meeting.
Section 4. Only active members may be permitted to vote at meetings.


Section 1. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of his/her position, or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, he/she shall be removed from office in the following manner: A.

At least three active panel members - including either or both the President or the Vice President - must agree to form an impeachment committee (made up of themselves) to collect and bring charges against the officer.


The impeachment committee shall send a letter to the officer notifying him/her of the date of the impeachment vote.


The committee shall present their findings to the club.


The member/officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges.


After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all executive 
board members is required to remove the member/officer.


This vote may only take place if the officer has been given a minimum of six weeks 
(during a school semester) to perform their duties.

Section 2. A member of the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee shall be present for impeachment proceedings to occur.

ARTICLE VIII. METHOD OF AMENDMENT. Section 1. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any board meeting and shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the executive board members present and a popular 28

vote of the general assembly at the following regular meeting. A. A proposed amendment to this constitution may only be presented at a general meeting if it is approved by two-third (2/3) vote of the executive board members.

Section 2. All amendments must be approved by the Rules Committee of the Student Government Association.

ARTICLE IX: COMMITTEES Section 1. The panel members shall determine the number, nature, duties, and members of committees.
Section 2. Committee Chair and Secretary positions shall be voted on and determined by committee members.

ARTICLE X: FUNDRAISING Section 1. It shall be the duty of all members and officers to be involved with this organization’s fundraising opportunities.
Section 2. Fundraisers shall be for charitable purposes, or for the development of future events and initiatives that shall be used to further the mission and outreach of the Queer and Trans People of Color Coalition. A. All money raised for charitable purposes shall be donated to a charity to be voted upon by all active members.

Section 3. Members and officers shall never be required to contribute money to fundraisers, however, contributions made by members or officers for the execution of fundraising events shall be allowed. A. The executive board shall set a contribution limit for individuals before each fundraiser. B.

Any amount contributed above such limit by an individual shall be refunded when deemed necessary by a majority vote 29

of all active members. 

All money contributions, even those under the contribution limit, are subject to review and refund by the Executive Board. 


President’s Mid-Semester Report Fall 2017 – 82nd Senate Last year, Abby and I ran with the slogan “Connect and Navigate.” Our vision is to help students feel connected to the Hofstra Community, so that they can navigate and leave their own mark on the university. Everyone in the Student Government Association has been hard at work to help make this vision a reality. This past election we gained 14 senators, 3 justices, and numerous associate senators. As a result, the Student Government Association has grown from 36 members, to about 50 dedicated members who are excited to help the Hofstra Community. We are excited to see all the amazing things our members accomplish this upcoming year. The Student Government Association has been in session for 8 operational weeks in the Fall Semester. During that time, we have placed an emphasis ensuring students’ voices are heard. We have focused on:      

Reflecting to create a professional organization that represents students Reaching out to students to obtain current feedback Building an inclusive community on campus Collaborating with various organizations and departments to build new relationships Reinforcing existing relationships Enhancing school spirit

To help further our vision and focuses, the Student Government has been working hard on the following: Strengthening Relationships     

Campus Dining by Compass Group Fresh Check Day Pride Expo RHA Halloween Town #MeToo

Inclusion and Diversity on Campus  

Inclusion Ambassador Defamation Experience


Communication         

Treasurer Trainings Budget Review Board of Trustees Meetings Student Affairs Meetings HCLAS Student Advisory Committee Meetings University Senate Meetings Student Affairs Committee Meetings Middle States Accreditation Meetings What’s Happening at Hofstra

Enhancing School Spirit   

Midnight Madness Pride Unleashed Week Student Appreciation Week

Student-Driven Initiatives 

Candlelight Vigil for Peace

Future Events and Initiatives   

Stressbusters Build-a-Friend Provost Scholar Reception

In addition to active programming, the Student Government Association offers multiple free resources. These are listed below, but are not limited to:     

New York Times Subscription Spirit Support Organization Recruitment and Retention Elections Social Media Training

Going forward, we want every student to know that they are supported and will continue to be supported by the Student Government Association. We are always available to hear new suggestions or help students see their ideas in action. Thanks to all the hard work of all the members of the Student Government Association, as an organization, we are off to a great start and we will continue to connect the student body with available resources and help implement change on campus with your help. Respectfully submitted, Rita Cinquemani President Student Government Association Hofstra University


Mid-semester Report of the Comptroller November 9, 2017

Breakdown of transactions per Club Category:

Spending by Club Category

Academic 1%

Intercultural 11%

Service 0%

Social 13%

Pre-Professional 5% Politically-Socially Media active 0% 2%

Club Sports 56% Faith 8%

F&S 2%

Performance 2%

Summary of Weekly Meetings September 12th – November 7th

Fall 2017 Allocation Meetings

Total Allocated ($)

25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 1








Meeting Sum of Requested

Sum of Allocated


Total requested Fall 2017 Weekly Meetings as of 11/7/17: $79,403.59 Total allocated Fall 2017 Weekly Meetings 11/7/17: $67,720.26 There are no more allocation meetings remaining for the semester. Fall 2017 Progress:

I. Compass Contribution a. Thanks to the new Compass contract, we have an additional significant amount of food to allocate out, split between SGA operating and the clubs. b. It all must be tracked by the Comptroller and OSLE, as it cannot be entered into Access for some time. c. Over the last two weeks, I have created an internal tracking system for SGA expenses based on requests from Committee Chairs. d. Working with Denise Boneta, Joseph Fitzpatrick, and the OSLE Staff, we came up with a voucher system for clubs to use for the contribution. The entirety of the club contribution was allocated out during budget weekend. II. IRCB a. 24 clubs chosen to be audited i. All original emails had the dates for the Treasurer Training, Budget Review, and Budget Weekend b. Auditors have met with 11 out of 21 clubs (pending meeting with Auditor Crofts) as of 11/7/17 c. There were 4 clubs who did not respond i. End of Semester Check ins will be distributed III. Tracking Restricted Items a. I would like to compile a more complete database of the items that have a time limit on them – apparel, banners, conferences, coaching fees, etc. This will be implemented two ways: i. Personal accounting, either by myself or an assigned committee member ii. With help by Mike Devlin, I would like to optimize searching for these categories within Access IV. Total Rollback File a. Continuing Comptroller Senderowicz’s work, additional archiving will be performed over the winter break. V. Reallocation and Paperwork Deadline a. In the past, clubs have reached out to the Comptroller in order to reallocate funds at the last moment possible. I am setting a deadline this semester to keep them accountable as they have had their funds in their account all semester and had plenty of time to plan programming. The reallocation deadline will be December 1st, 2017. b. All completed undergraduate reimbursement paperwork is due Friday, December 1st, 2017 at 5PM

Respectfully Submitted, Comptroller Kutsch 34

Appropriations Mid Semester Report Fall 2017 MEETING 1: 9/12/2017 Club Name Phi Alpha Delta African Student Association Delta Phi Epsilon Ice Hockey Rock Climbing Club Total

Club Category Fraternity & Sorority Intercultural Fraternity & Sorority Club Sport Club Sport

MEETING 2: 9/19/2017 Club Name Club Baseball Women’s Club Lacrosse Women’s Rugby Women’s Ultimate Frisbee Total

Club Category Club Sport Club Sport Club Sport Club Sport

MEETING 3: 9/26/17 Club Name Pride Network Peace Action Matters Intervarsity Total

Club Category Intercultural Political/Socially Faith Based

MEETING 4: 10/3/2017 Club Name African Student Association DECA Circle K Quidditch Total

Club Category Intercultural Pre-Professional Service Club Sports



Total % Allo.



$1,935.88 $106.58











Total % Allo.

$5,060.33 $1,250.00 $2,288.04 $2,094.80 $10,693.17

$3,760.38 $1,250.00 $2,288.04 $1,708.48 $9,006.90




Total % Allo.



$643.89 $909.64 $2,156.07

$643.89 $909.64 $1,866.03




Total % Allo.



$533.95 $312.63

$533.95 $312.34

$1,605.00 $3,097.58

$1,605.00 $3,097.29




MEETING 5: 10/10/2017 Club Name Hofstra Concerts Hofstra Powerlifting Club Ice Hockey Rock Climbing Club Total

Club Category Social/General Club Sport Club Sports Club Sports

MEETING 6: 10/24/17 Club Name Hofstra Athletic Training Society Club Roller Hockey Hofstra Running Club Equestrain Hofstra Club Rowing Total

Club Category Pre-Professional Cub Sport Club Sport Club Sport Club Sports

MEETING 7: 10/31/17 Club Name South Asian Students Association Danceworks Productions Hofstra Gospel Ensemble Culinary Club Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Total

MEETING 8: 11/8/2017 Club Name Society of Physics Students Club Equestrian Hofstra Club Rowing Women’s Rugby Total



$1,308.97 $450.00 $13,075.00 $1,728.95

$1,308.97 $437.32 $13,075.00

Total % Allo.


$ 1,728.95 $16,548.26




Total % Allo.

$730.40 $5,400.00 $350.00 $9,583.80 $4,054.46

$730.40 $5,400.00 $350.00 $4,642.70 $4,054.46




Club Category Intercultural Performance Faith Based General/Social General/Social



Total % Allo.

$285.00 $625.00 $1,738.99 $595.00 $505.98 $3,749.97

$285.00 $625.00 $1,149.99 $595.00 $501.26 $3,156.25


Club Category Pre-Professional Club Sport Club Sport Club Sport



Total % Allo.

$687.50 $4,480.00 $1,394.37

$687.50 $4,480.00 $1,324.50 $2,131.27

$2,292.20 $8,854.07




Meeting Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Meeting 3

Requested $14,168.16 $10,693.17 $2,156.07

Allocated $10,244.70 $9,006.90 $1,866.03

% Allo. 72.31% 84.23% 86.55%

Meeting 4 Meeting 5 Meeting 6 Meeting 7 Meeting 8 Total

$3,097.58 $16,562.92 $20,118.66 $3,749.97 $8,854.07 $79,403.59

$3,097.29 $16,548.26 $15,177.56 $3,156.25 $8,623.27 $67,720.26

99.99% 99.91% 75.44% 84.17% 97.39% 85.29%

Completed Initiatives    

Treasurer Training o September 22nd o 3 Clubs Attended Greek Life Presidents Meeting o October 13th Treasurer Training o October 18th o 28 clubs attended Club Sports Presidents Meeting

   

October 18th Intercultural Caucuses (3) o October 16th Budget Review Event o November 1st o 23 clubs attended Budget Weekend o November 3rd-4th o Less than 24 hours

Future Initiatives     

Email Writing Meeting – November 14th Submitting budgets thorough GetInvolvedHU Adding a third Treasurer Training Appropriations Schedule Spring 2018 Attend more individual group meetings

Summary   

The Appropriations Committee has successfully held eight meetings where they allocated funds to various clubs and organizations So far, the committee has seen twenty-seven (27) unique clubs; We have allocated a total $67,720.26 this semester.

Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chairwoman 37

Club Relations Mid-Semester Report Fall 2017: November 7th Members of the Club Relations Committee  Chairwoman Aleksandra Radeva  Senator Dana Craig  Senator Brandon Crofts  Senator Manni Doan  Senator Janet Narain  Senator Mana Tadbiri  Associate Angela Sierra Goals of the Club Relations committee  Build connections  Encourage and facilitate collaboration  Foster communication  Create an environment where clubs will thrive  Foster a community between SGA recognized clubs  Improve relationship between clubs and SGA  Uphold office rules and regulations Accomplishments  Gathered detailed information for every single SGA recognized club/organization and compiled a portfolio for each (Club Monitoring Project; 148 clubs)  Planned and organized a Club Collaboration event (11/15/17) with the help of Adopt a Dream to promote communication and collaboration between clubs (17 clubs confirmed their attendance)  Investigated violations of election procedures and created a resolution to address the issue which was successfully passed by Senate  Presented a Senatorial Action to reduce the number of office hours required from club leaders which was successfully passed by Senate  Facilitated the transition between office spaces and ensured that all clubs have moved in (move in process is fully completed)  Compiled a list with the information from all swipe access requests to facilitate the process of granting club leaders access to their offices (all eboard members are granted swipe access to their respective office)


 Created a comprehensive list of storage space regulations and posted it in all SGA managed office spaces  Carried out club office space checks with SGA advisor Denise Boneta  Visited club office spaces to check in with clubs  Allocated furniture and computers to clubs  Completed work orders that ensure the safety and functionality of club office space  Allocated storage space to clubs  Resolved issues between clubs pertaining to office space sharing  Worked with student leaders to resolve inter-club conflicts and individual issues pertaining to clubs  Created a mailing list of all SGA recognized clubs to facilitate communication  Appointed an Inclusion Ambassador  Attended multicultural club caucuses on a weekly basis  Collaborated with Spirit Chair Tomasso to encourage club involvement in campus-wide events  Launched a joint initiative with HUSU to connect the GoFeedMe page with SGA recognized clubs End of Semester Goals  Complete club profile database  Organize club storage space and label all storage units  Purchase new door signs for club office space  Request set office hours from all clubs that have office space  Discuss President’s Roundtable/Reception with club leaders  Prayer space initiative: improve the prayer space and create prayer space regulations (Senator Tadbiri will be in charge)  Nexus initiative: assist interested students in founding a new club (Senator Crofts will be in charge)  Start addressing specific club issues one by one

Respectfully submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair 39

Mid Semester Report Public Relations Committee Fall 2017 1) Welcome Week a) Tabling Board Redone b) Brochure updates made i) Chairs names changed ii) Year changed iii) Advisor name changed c) Meet SGA posts i) Posts on social media giving a brief bio from our cabinet 2) Elections a) Social Media Posts b) Flyers at welcome week events 3) Facetime with SGA a) Facetime set-up for each Wednesday with each committee running it at separate times 4) Website changes submitted a) Chairs names changed b) Meeting times of committees changed c) Pictures changed d) Formatting changed slightly 5) Build – A – Friend a) 400 bears ordered i) Penguin, reindeer, snowman, and polar bear 6) Defamation Experience Week a) Social Media Posts highlighting events going on week leading up to the play 7) Vigil for Peace a) HofCast made b) Flyers made c) Social media Posts 8) Pride Unleashed Week a) HofCast was made i) Specifically, for bingo b) 24x 36 Poster was made c) Social Media Post 9) Midnight Madness a) 24x36 poster printed b) HofCast made 10) Student Appreciation Week a) 2-24x 36 Poster was made b) Promotional Video for SAW made c) Social media Posts 40

d) 3 Flyers going on the blue beetle, Hofstra buses e) HofCast made f) Snapchat filter made Goals for rest of Semester 1) Hold Build- A- Friend Event 2) Create finals week survival kits 3) Bring back spotlight 4) Finals week programming promotions 5) Canva training- November 13th

Respectfully Submitted, Imani Hinson Public Relations Chairwoman 41

Rules Midsemester Report 82nd Senate -----

Rules Chairman Labrie

Fall 2017 Elections The Rules Committee facilitated the Fall Elections of the 82nd Senate. Many interested students attended Election Information Sessions to learn more about the election process. 21 of these students submitted a completed election packet and ran for either a Senator or Justice position. With a vote by over 500 undergraduate students, 14 students were elected as Senators and 3 students were elected as Justices.

Appointed Positions Senator Lily Chiagozie holds the position of Ethics and Conduct chair over the course of the 82nd Senate. Senator Zain Farooqui was appointed as the Archivist.

Club Elections Moving forward, the Rules Committee is going to be delegating the task of assigning Senators to club elections to individual committees on a week-to-week basis. Every week, committee(s) will be charged with the task of staffing the club elections that are to occur that week. This is to ensure all Senators are attending relatively equal amounts of elections as well as relieving pressure from the Rules Committee.

Senatorial Action SA.2017.82.001: Fall 2017 Election Referendum Questions, passed SA.2017.82.002: Fall 2017 Pride Expo Survey Questions, passed SA.2017.82.003: Fall 2017 Revision to Club Office Hours Policy, passed SA.2017.82.004: Fall 2017 Reform of the Duties of the Judicial Panel, passed SA.2017.82.005: Fall 2017 Resolution to Hold Reelection for Campus Feminist Collective’s Executive Board Positions, passed SA.2017.82.006: Fall 2017 Reform of the Duties of the Judicial Panel, not passed SA.2017.82.007: Fall 2017 High-Risk Trip Advisor Fees, not passed SA.2017.82.008: Fall 2017 Internal Review and Control Board Membership Requirements, not


SA.2017.82.009: Fall 2017 Reform of the Duties of the Judicial Panel, passed

Clubs Seeking SGA Recognition American Production and Inventory Control Society: recognized

DECA: recognized T.I.I.A.: not recognized


QTPOCC: recognized

Updated Club Constitutions Hofstra Quidditch Black Student Union Hofstra Concerts Society of Women Engineers Hofstra Critics Muslim Students Association

Respectfully submitted, Alex Labrie Rules Committee Chairman


Spirit Mid Semester Report: Fall 2017 I.

Pride Expo – Completed

SGA gave out popcorn to all those who took the survey. The students who took the survey were then entered into a raffle to win 2 gift cards. We asked questions in the survey that related to sporting events including how they primarily find out about events on campus and if they regularly attend sporting events. There was a great turnout of students and parents and we hope to only increase this in the future. We will be submitting a proposal to OSLE regarding cosponsoring in the future. II.


Midnight Madness – Completed There was record turnout of students this year. SGA gave out shirts, which was a big hit, and we tabled to do face tattoos. Attendance remained high throughout the entire event. We will definitely be looking to do shirts again in the future. Pride Unleashed Week – In Progress

Day 1 of Prize Wheel tabling was a hit. Bingo was a success! We had more than 65 people who were there, which is the biggest turnout compared to previous years. We gave away Pride Unleashed Week shirts, shirts donated by athletics and the fitness center, a raffle basket, and 2 $50 gift cards to the bookstore. Pep rally is Wednesday. SGA is giving out popcorn and cotton candy on Thursday. We are doing a Student Services collaboration on Friday. Interactive club tabling event on Friday during the game. We will be tossing shirts during half time on the game on Friday. Delegated days to committee members as follows: a. b. c. d. e. IV.


Monday – Celeste Tuesday – Arbaaz Wednesday – Chelsea Thursday – Kathryn Friday- Rana

Miscellaneous a. IT – worked successfully with IT to design the portal for Midnight Madness and PUW b. Compass Catering – there were basketball themed desserts in the student center for Midnight Madness and PUW to create extra awareness c. OSLE Banners – Spirit utilized these a lot. The committee made banners to advertise Midnight Madness and Bingo for Pride Unleashed Week d. OSLE / Mike Devlin – worked to put up portal announcements for Pride Unleashed Week events Future Projects a. Pride Den Plaque b. Pride Block – In the research stage currently c. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays – working with RHA and CSA

Respectfully Submitted, Chelsea Tomasso Spirit Committee Chairwoman


Student Services Mid-Semester Report November 9, 2017 General Committee Information/Updates Meeting Times ● Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM in the Peer Advocacy Wing Conference Room in Student Center 260 Members of the Student Services Committee 1. Associate Margaux Davis 2. Chairperson Deandra Denton 3. Senator Alexa Osner 4. Senator Carissa Ramirez 5. Senator Isabelle Schmidt 6. Senator Gabrielle Spann Defamation Experience Programming Goal ● To work collaboratively with student organizations and campus offices to create programming that is inclusive, promotes diversity, and makes the Hofstra Community aware of the Defamation Experience on October 25, 2017 Date(s) ● October 18, 2017 through October 24, 2017 Programming Events that occurred ● African Student Association's Cumbe African Dance Class ● Stuff Your High School Teacher Never Told You ● The Gender Identity Federation's Conversation about the Intersection and Misconceptions Between Drag and Trans Culture ● Art-a-thon ● Film Screening of Crash with IEI and NAACP ● Around the World ● Film Screening of Arranged by the Muslim Student Association ● Black Student Union’s Live in Living Color ● Meet at the Table ● NAACP’s Declassified Black Lives Matter Survival Guide


Student Appreciation Week Goal ● To make more members of the Hofstra community aware and involved in Student Appreciation Week! Also, to survey at least 2,000 students. Outreach to Campus Offices/Departments ● Reached out to over 25 Departments/Offices/Organizations ○ Admissions ○ Alumni Affairs ○ International Student Affairs ○ Residence Life ○ Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ○ Hofstra Card Services ○ Campus Recreation ○ Center for University Advising ○ Hofstra University Bookstore ○ Career Center ○ Honors College ○ Student Counseling Services ○ Parent and Family Programs ○ Center for Civic Engagement ○ Office of Commuting Student Services and Community Outreach ○ Writing Center ○ Office of Student Leadership and Engagement ○ Student Access Services ○ Residence Hall Association ○ Commuter Student Association ○ Lawrence Herbert School of Communication ○ Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness ○ Campus Dining by Compass Group ○ Center for Academic Excellence ○ Frank G. Zarb School of Business ○ The New York Times ○ Frank G. Zarb School of Business ○ Fred DeMatteis School of Engineering and Applied Science


Sponsors and Participants ● 30 Departments/Offices/Organizations are participating in events, donated giveaways, or in another capacity ○ International Student Affairs ○ Residence Life ○ Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences ○ Hofstra Card Services ○ Campus Recreation ○ Hofstra University Bookstore ○ Career Center ○ Office of Commuting Student Services and Community Outreach ○ Office of Student Leadership and Engagement ○ Residence Hall Association ○ Commuter Student Association ○ Lawrence Herbert School of Communication ○ Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness ○ Campus Dining by Compass Group ○ The Center for Academic Excellence ○ Frank G. Zarb School of Business ○ The New York Times ○ Offices of Admission ○ Development and Alumni Affairs ○ Enrollment Management ○ Operations and Facilities ○ University Relations ○ Dean of Students ○ Honors College ○ SGA Club Relations Committee ○ Adopt a Dream ○ Hofstra Ballroom Dance ○ Sigma’Capella ○ Title IX ○ The Student Counseling Health and Counseling Center


Internal SGA Collaboration ● Club Relations committee facilitated a Club Collaboration Event which will take place on Wednesday November 15th at 7:00 pm in Multipurpose Room East ● Spirit committee facilitated and hosted Pride Unleashed Week during the week of November 6th. Student Services and Spirit created a collaboration for Friday November 10th to promote both the Friday Men’s Basketball Home Game versus West Point and Student Appreciation Week. A basketball hoop to shoot hoops and complimentary goodie bags with candy will be offered to students on the day of the 10th. ● Public Relations committee created the Student Appreciation Week programming schedule flyer, 24x36 board that reminds students to complete the survey, hashtag, video, and snapchat filter. Giveaways ● Giveaways will be featured throughout the week and include the following: wristbands that state “Hofstra Loves Me!”, 1,000 T-shirts, Gift Baskets, Promotional Items, Meet SGA Dinner, Gift Cards, and more. T-shirts Raised $2,700.00 from 8 departments/offices on campus: Campus Dining by Compass Group, Frank G. Zarb School of Business, Hofstra Card Services, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Hofstra University Bookstore, International Student Services, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Office of Student Leadership and Engagement ● Ordered 1,000 t-shirts, 50 more than last year. ●

Gift Baskets ● 7 departments/organizations donated Gift Baskets to be featured during the Meet SGA Dinner: Hofstra University Bookstore, Honors College, Residence Hall Association Commuter Student Association, Campus Dining by Compass Group, Residence Life, Frank G. Zarb School of Business Student Appreciation Week Survey Questions ● Drafted 7 questions ● Questions were presented to the Rules Committee on Monday November 6, 2017 ● Questions will be presented to Senate and voted on for approval on Thursday November 9, 2017


Calendar of Events ● Monday ○ Free Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea, and Doughnuts in the Residence Halls and Commuter Lounge ○ Grand Prize Social Media Scavenger Hunt ○ Cupcakes and Conversation with Dean Rifkin and faculty from HCLAS ○ Residence Hall Association’s Big Bucks Bingo (Hofstra USA) ○ T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways ● Tuesday ○ Hofstra University Bookstore Gift Card Giveaway ○ Start Your Day with DSA! ○ T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways ● Wednesday ○ Free Pizza Delivery ○ Student Performances and Hofstra Today Broadcast ○ Tea Tasting Festival ○ Club Collaboration Event (MPR East) ○ T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways ● Thursday ○ #thankastudent ○ Meet SGA Dinner (Greenhouse) ○ T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways ● Friday ○ Student Appreciation Week Giveaways ○ T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways SGA Requirements ● Each member of SGA will be required to get at least 20 surveys ● Every member of SGA will receive a polling starter kit which will include: 5 bracelets, 5 raffle tickets for the gift baskets, and a short guide on how to take take the survey. ● Every member of SGA will be required for at least 2 hours during Student Appreciation Week, which will count in place of an office hour. ● The the top 3 individuals from SGA who get the most surveys and table the most hours will get a special prize! Ideas for the Future: Theme for Student Appreciation Week


Provost Scholar Reception Goal ● Continue to work collaboratively with the Provost Office and Bookstore to ensure that the reception is welcoming and exciting for Provost Scholars Date/Time/Location ● Wednesday November 29th during Common Hour on the 10th Floor of Axinn Library Additional Updates ● Invitations have been sent out to students electronically, in past years invitations have been sent via postal mail ● Student Services committee will place catering order during the week of November 13th ● For the Spring 2017 semester, 266 students were recognized as Provost Scholars ● Student Services committee created center piece design ● Provost Office is interested in having photo opportunities for Provost Scholars Stressbusters Goal ● Create programming that is fun and relaxing for students during finals season Date ● SGA: December 11-20 ● OSAPA may begin stressbusters on December 6 Ideas: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Free Massages Art Therapy (paint the pot of a succulent plant) Tea Tasting (Relieve your Insanitea) Pizza Night Dessert Bar Ice Cream Social Snack Night Zumba Yoga


Initiatives Commuter Lounge ● Senator Zain Farooqui and Chief Justice Manmeet Nijjer have been attending meetings to discuss updates on the renovation of the commuter lounge ● Working with Anita Ellis from the Office of Commuting Student Services and Community Outreach and Claudia Andrade from the Office of Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness ● Furniture, color schemes, and additional design ideas have been submitted ● New furniture may be featured in first floor commuter lounge by the Spring 2018 semester New York Times Subscription ● Subscription ○ 50 print copies are delivered to campus Monday through Friday and can be found in the Hammer Lab Lobby or in the Student Center ● Marketing ○ The Public Relations committee created fantastic flyers and a 24x36 board to promote both the print copies and online access Take an initiative, leave an initiative board ● Will be featured in the office ● Serve as an encouragement to take on initiatives and create partnerships or task forces Initiatives in Progress: ● Title IX Reporting Time ● TD Bank Privacy Screen ● Fitness Center Equipment Additional Initiative Ideas ● Feminine Products in the Residence Halls and Academic Building Restrooms ● Replacing Cords in Steelcases® on the 2nd Floor of Axinn Library ● Having a day designated for student to help clean up campus (either indoors or outdoors) ● Newspaper kiosk


Future Events/Collaborations Public Safety Event in collaboration with University Senate Student Affairs Committee and Public Safety Purpose for the event ● To provide an open forum for students to address their questions and/or concerns with Public Safety Representatives Date ● Wednesday February 28, 2018 Location ● Student Center Theater Additional Updates ● Have met with Karen O’Callaghan and Lynda O’Malley from Public Safety to discuss this initiative. They are on board and excited to participate. ● Approximately 12 Public Safety Offices and Public Safety administrators will be present ● Student Affairs committee and Student Services committee will begin outreach to the Hofstra community after Thanksgiving Break

Respectfully submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairwoman 52

Appropriations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 8 11/8/17

Meeting Commenced

6:35 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Nicole Algarin Senator Timothy Grief Senator Moontahinaz Rob Senator Cristian Sanchez Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read


Senator Tejas Nair (unexcused)

Pre-Professional Organizations Society of Physics Students Requested:


LIRR Tickets & Math Museum Entrance Fee Allocated:


LIRR Tickets



Math Museum Entrance Fee



Total for Category





Sports Organizations Club Equestrian Requested:


Regional Dues, Show Fees & Facility Rentals Allocated:


Regional Dues



Show Fees



Facility Rental



Total for Category






Hofstra Club Rowing Requested:


Labor & Tires for Crew Truck Tire Replacement Allocated:


Labor & Tires for Crew Truck Tire Replacement



Women's Rugby Requested:


T-Shirts, Cianci's Tournament Hotels, Cianci's Tournament Mileage & Cianci's Tournament Fees Allocated:





Cianci's Tournament Hotels



Cianci's Tournament Mileage



Cianci's Tournament Fees



Total for Category Meeting Adjourned




7:15 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated



Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #8 11/7/17

Meeting Commenced

6:20 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Manni Doan Senator Janet Narain Senator Mana Tadbiri Angela Sierra (Associate) Chair Aleksandra Radeva Absent

Senator Dana Craig (excused)

1) Chair’s update on club issues a. CFC elections: Nov. 14th b. HUSU GoFeedMe initiative c. Improfstra’s storage space request 2) Club Collaboration Event during Student Appreciation Week a. November 15th 7PM in MPR East b. 17 clubs have confirmed their attendance c. List of activities is finalized d. Tasks delegated: -

Prepare materials for Guess the event: Senator Narain


Prepare materials for matching activity: Senator Tadbiri


Revise some trivia questions


Trivia format: Associate Sierra


Prepare materials for Pictionary: Senator Craig


Prepare materials for Charades: Senator Craig


Prepare materials for Real or Not: Senator Doan

e. Icebreakers are selected f.

Snacks provided by SGA are ordered

g. Food provided by Adopt a Dream is ordered h. Supplies for the event are purchased



Prizes for winners are purchased


Gift cards dilemma

k. Event Name discussion of proposals l.

Staff schedule to be prepared by the end of the week

3) Attended PUW Bingo

Meeting Adjourned

7:45 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair 56

Public Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #8 11/06/17

Meeting Commenced Attended

6:35 PM

Senator Donia Firooz Senator Rosaria Rielly Senator Wiley Fletcher

Senator Charles Greenberg Senator Jewell Stewart Chairwoman Imani Hinson Associate Julia Esposito Absent 1) Student Appreciation Week a) SAW Video i) Done- Posting tomorrow b) Programming schedule sent and will be printed i) Fliers color printed c) Social Media Scavenger hunt i) Make a post telling individuals to be aware of questions coming out ii) Questions- Associate Esposito iii) Questions will be in increments of two every two hours d) Buses- 3 of them i) Design done will be going on buses e) Bios and pictures of students from each office i) #thankastudent ii) Still waiting on a few more but have gotten some f) Important PR events during SAW i) Received Pizza delivery with admissions on the 15th -Senator Rielly ii) Coffee in the lounge of res halls and commuter lounge and Anita’s Office-Senator Fletcher iii) Received Free dinner raffle-Senator Greenberg iv) Received Start your day with DSA- Senator Stewart v) Snapchat filter-Senator Greenberg (1) Email Carley Weinstein? (2) Senator Greenberg email Chairperson Denton about exactly what she wants on it 2) Build-A –Friend a) T-shirt Design done i) Ordering of bears ii) Need to pick new bear because they are out of baby white seal (1) #144 “Tux” The Penguin 3) Spirit a) Facebook event for bingo 4) Canva Training-flier


Meeting Adjourned

7:06 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Imani Hinson Public Relations Chairwoman


Rules Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 8 11/06/17 Meeting Commenced

6:32 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Ryan Leighton Comptroller Kutsch (visiting) Chairman Alex Labrie Absent


S.A.2017.82.010 A. Chairwoman Denton brought the polling questions for Student Appreciation Week B. Passed 4-0-0 2. New Club Election System a. Clubs will now be required to provide ten-day notice for their club elections b. Committee Chairs will be responsible for getting their committee members to sign up for elections c. Every Wednesday, Chairman Labrie will attend cabinet with the list of elections that must be staffed for the upcoming week and assign them to a specific committee or committees d. For every 3 club elections that are taking place that week, one committee will be assigned to cover them

Meeting Adjourned

7:03 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie


Spirit Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 8 11/7/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:35 PM Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Arbaaz Khan Chair Chelsea Tomasso



Senator Rana Ismail

Bingo tonight Missing balloon arch a. Found it Questions regarding remaining of the week

Meeting Adjourned

9:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Tomasso


Student Services Minutes F17 Weekly # 8 11/7/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attend

5:45 PM Associate Margaux Davis Senator Alexa Osner Senator Carissa Ramirez Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Gabrielle Spann Chairperson Deandra Denton

Absent A. Student Appreciation Week a. Assembled and Wrapped gift baskets i. Thank you, Senator Osner for purchasing the baskets! ii. The baskets will be featured during the free Meet SGA dinner on Thursday November 16th b. Assembled survey bags i. one for each member of SGA. Each bag contains 5 Student Appreciation Week wristbands, 5 Raffle Tickets, and a short guide on how to take the survey. c. Discussed gift cards for Student Appreciation Week d. Giveaways that will be picked up this week from the Career Center (Senator Spann), Hofstra Card Services (Senator Schmidt), and Bookstore (Chairperson Denton) e. Separated giveaway items for each day f. Discussed programming for the week i. Monday 1. 8:30 am - 10:30 am: Free Coffee, Hot Chocolate, Tea, and Doughnuts in the Residence Halls and Commuter Lounges 2. Grand Prize Social Media Scavenger Hunt on SGA’s Instagram (@HofstraSGA) 3. 11:15 am - 12:40 pm: Cupcakes and Conversation with Dean Rifkin and faculty from HCLAS 4. 6:00 - 8:00 pm Residence Hall Association’s Big Bucks Bingo in Hofstra USA 5. T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways in the Student Center Atrium ii. Tuesday 1. Hofstra University Bookstore Gift Card Giveaway on SGA’s Facebook Page 2. 9:00 - 11:00 am: Start Your Day with DSA! In the Student Center Atrium and on the 3rd floor of Axinn Library 3. T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways in the Student Center Atrium 61


Wednesday 1. Free Pizza Delivery 2. 11:15 am -12:40 pm: Student Performances and Hofstra Today 3. Broadcast in the Student Center Atrium 4. 11:00 am - 1:00 pm: Tea Tasting Festival by International Student Affairs in the Student Center Atrium 5. 7:00 pm: Club Collaboration Event in Multipurpose Room East 6. T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways in the Student Center Atrium iv. Thursday 1. #thankastudent on SGA Social Media 2. 6:00 pm: Free Meet SGA Dinner in the Greenhouse 3. T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways in the Student Center Atrium v. Friday 1. Student Appreciation Week Cookies in the Student Center Atrium 2. T-shirt and Prize Wheel Giveaways g. Every committee member has a day that they will help to oversee i. Monday: Senator Alexa Osner ii. Tuesday: Senator Isabelle Schmidt iii. Wednesday: Senator Gabrielle (Gabby) Spann iv. Thursday: Senator Carissa Ramirez v. Friday: Associate Margaux Davis h. Tabling sign-ups have been sent out. Remember that at least 2 hours of tabling are required. Tabling is super fun and it’s a great way to interact with our peers, listen to their concerns and boost the number of surveys you receive. i. Internal SGA prize j. Reminder about the Spirit and Student Services collaboration for tabling in the atrium on Friday November 10th. Remember to sign up to help table for Pride Unleashed Week, if you haven’t done so already. B. Stressbusters a. Attended meeting on Tuesday November 7th with Senator Alexa Osner and Kathleen Lieblich from OSAPA to discuss this semester’s stressbusters b. December 11 - 20 OSAPA has begun reaching out to departments in the DSA and a couple of student organizations to see if they would be interested in participating or add anything to the schedule c. Dog Therapy has been scheduled and confirmed d. OSAPA is in the process of reaching out to Campus Dining to see when they would like to have Late Night Breakfast e. SGA stressbuster ideas: Pizza Night, Dessert Bar, Ice Cream Social, Free Massages, Body Scrub Making, Art Therapy, Zumba Night, Yoga, Tea Tasting f. Deadline for all stressbusters to be included on schedule: Monday November 27th C. Provost Scholar Reception a. Senator Spann will oversee the centerpieces b. Chairperson Denton will follow up with Provost Office on the number of tables


Meeting Adjourned

7:05 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairwoman 63

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