SGA Agenda November 17, 2016

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Agenda of the 81 Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association November 17, 2016 Plaza Room West, David S. Mack Student Center Call to Order I. Quorum Call II. Approval of Senate Minutes from November 10, 2016 III. Approval of Cabinet Minutes from November 16, 2016 IV. Committee Chair Reports V. Rules – A. Normandin VI. Special Business A. SGA Club Recognition Hearing i. Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Club VII. Executive Board Reports A. President—D. Gallagher B. Vice President—W. Shepherd C. Comptroller— G. Senderowicz D. Secretary— F. Chirico VIII. Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations-­ E. Casey B. Club Relations-­ D. Durand C. Public Relations-­ M. Kutsch D. Spirit-­ M. Wright E. Student Services-­ R. Cinquemani IX. For the Good of the Order X. Announcements XI. Snap Cup Adjournment



Agenda of the 81 Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association November 10, 2016 Plaza West, David S. Mack Student Center Meeting Called to Order at 7:42 p.m. I. Quorum Call II. Approval of Senate Minutes from November 3, 2016 A. Senator Mishkin motions to pass the Senate Minutes i. Motion is seconded ii. Motion passes unanimously III. Approval of Cabinet Minutes from November 9, 2016 A. Senator Gardner motions to pass the Cabinet Minutes i. Motion is seconded ii. Motion passes unanimously IV. Committee Chair Reports A. Rules-­ A. Normandin i. ASTA is returning from an earlier week ii. Saw Club Softball iii. Senator Crofts is bringing legislation iv. Chairman Kutsch motions to pass the Rules Minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously V. New Business A. SGA Club Recognition Hearing i. American String Teachers Association (ASTA) 1. Five minutes of speaking time a. Very excited to be here. As you can see, behind our logo is three different string instruments. On the handout, you can see our purpose is very similar to that of Hofstra University’s. Some include to promote a greater interest and participation in string and orchestra playing. To promote additional opportunities in community involvement. b. Now that new clubs must have three meetings, we have done that. At one, we had a speaker come and talk about how stringed instruments developed and are created. Last semester we held a fundraiser, we collaborated with two other groups and we raised enough money and awareness that people outside of the music department also got very involved. This was one of our opportunities to work with other groups, and we are very open to doing that in the future. c. Our first meeting on September 26th was very introductory, including polling the room’s interest and collecting dues. October 12th was our second meeting and a recent alumna came to speak to us about her job that she has received since graduation. Our third meeting, on October 26th included a speaker coming and speaking about beginner strings.




3. 4.

We have included a screenshot of our roster. At our last meeting we had 28 people, and we have included pictures of some of our speakers. i. Chairman Durand motions to extend speaking time 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously e. We met with both Chairman Durand and Chairman Kutsch to speak about what SGA can do for us, and we hope to extend ourselves to the whole university, we want to bring more music to the campus in any way shape or form. We would like to co-­ sponsor with any type of clubs and help to enrich events with music. Public Relations would help us reach so many more students than we already do. And of course, appropriations would help our funding. Our grant has expired and while we plan to fundraise, like playing music in the atrium or a five-­dollar lesson or something, funds would still help. f. We would also like to recruit more Hofstra students for our ensembles and music groups. This would be a great way of bringing the university together. We are one of thirty-­five or thirty-­ six chapters of ASTA across the United States, and it allows us to get some really cool events on campus. Five Minutes of Questioning a. Chairwoman Wright, “Are you guys planning on helping younger kids with NYSSMA?” i. If you look at our statistics, you can see that 23 members of our group are interested in teaching children and that is something we would love to do. b. Senator Denton, “How much are club dues?” i. We ask for $5 per semester to cover costs of paying for the speakers we have come talk to us. For us, it pretty much barely covers what we need but does help. We also always bring Dunkin Donuts! Senator Ismail motions to skip debate and go straight to a vote a. Motion is seconded b. Motion passes Unanimously Vote a. By a vote of 34-­0-­0, ASTA is an SGA recognized club

B. S.A.2016.81.007 i. Senator Crofts explains the Senatorial Action 1. He is glad to be back here today to talk about his legislation. He doesn’t usually write down his thoughts, but he did this time to be thorough about this legislation. The premise is the same: certain things on the week should count as an office hour. However, for this hour to count, it would have to be on behalf of Student Government Association. To my understanding, the purpose of an office hour is to answer questions from students. Prospective students have important questions, and giving them attention is important. The term “events” is very loose, but a footnote clarifies this, not in an exclusive way. I also included the approval of the Ethics and Conduct Chair one week before the event occurs. The SGA representative would also need to make it known that they are attending at least 24 hours before the event. ii. Senator Craig asks, “What is the difference between part three and part four?” 1. Senator Crofts says, “there was a typo in the policy series and though it is very similar, with this in place you would not have to ask cabinet for permission. The Ethics and Conduct Chair could circumvent that.” iii. Senator Jean-­Louis asks, “Can you explain the specification of why the Ethics and Conduct Chair needs to be notified twenty-­four hours prior?” 1. Chairman Durand explains that means the Ethics and Conduct Chair can approve the event, while the second part is saying that the Ethics and Conduct Chair approves of a Senator going to an event. The first part is the approval of the event, the second part is the senator being approved for the event.” iv. Debate 1. Senator Narain speaks for a. I like this a lot because there are events that substitute an office hour and it would be easier for me to ask the Ethics and Conduct






Chair, and the second part helps to keep people from last minute choosing b. Yields time to Senator Ramirez i. Doing this would be a lot better for busy senators who have a lot of other obligations. Some times its hard to get into the office, and events has been clarified since the original legislation Senator Mishkin speaks against a. I believe that sections three and four are contradictory, and we would need to strike three. I know everyone is busy and deciding to go to an admissions event because you are busy, this isn’t solving any problems because by the weekend you aren’t busy. b. Yields time to Senator Bekios i. This is already in the policy series. I appreciate your foot note, but we are already able to do these things without this being in our policy series Senator Denton speaks for a. I think this is a great idea because we all lead busy lives. This would ease our schedules and serves a nice alternative to staying in the office b. Yields time to Senator Ramirez i. This will circumvent cabinet and cut out an entire week of communication, this will be done faster ii. Yields time to Senator Farajollah 1. Office hours are about being more accessible to students and events are a perfect time to do that. 2. Yields time to Senator Crofts. a. This is meant to help you. Chairwoman Normandin speaks against a. I think that going to admissions events should be supplemental. We sign up to do office hours, senate meetings, and committee meetings. Admissions events will make us unavailable to current students. This is too specific for now, and future senates may be confused. I also think that since the Ethics and Conduct Chair is appointed and not elected, this power should remain with cabinet. Roll Call Vote a. Comptroller Senderowicz – Nay b. Chairwoman Casey – Nay c. Chairwoman Cinquemani – Nay d. Chairman Durand – Nay e. Chairman Kutsch – Abstain f. Chairwoman Normandin – Nay g. Chairwoman Wright – Abstain h. Senator Amadio – Nay i. Senator Anderson – Nay j. Senator Bekios – Nay k. Senator Craig – Yea l. Senator Crofts – Yea m. Senator Denton – Yea n. Senator Farajollah – Yea o. Senator Gardner – Nay p. Senator Giouvalakis – Yea q. Senator Gonzalez – Yea r. Senator Gordon – Yea s. Senator Irish – Yea t. Senator Ismail – Yea u. Senator Jasmin – Yea v. Senator Jean-­Louis – Nay w. Senator Juszczyk – Nay x. Senator Labrie – Nay y. Senator McCoy – Nay z. Senator Mishkin – Nay aa. Senator Mustazza – Nay bb. Senator Narain – Nay cc. Senator Oguejiofor – Nay


dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. VI.


Senator Radeva – Nay Senator Ramirez – Yea Senator Read – Nay Senator Tadbiri -­ Nay Senator Tomasso – Nay By a vote of 11-­21-­2, SA.2016.81.007 does not pass

Executive Board Reports A. President—D. Gallagher a. Meeting with Student Affairs i. Preparing for Rathskellar renovations beginning next week 1. Removing items and closing location off ii. University Senate Meeting 1. Discussed similar ideas 2. Public Safety perception on campus a. How everyone knows how to report an issue i. Currently, can be reported to Karen O’Callaghan b. Training on how to deal with college students versus the greater New York population iii. Diversity Advisory Board 1. Beginning campaigning for more diversity talks and lectures iv. Alcohol Incident Report 1. Because bars have closed in this area, there has been an increased activity at houses in the area 2. There have been more alcohol related incidents and transports this semester than ever 3. Need to work on some campaign for students to know their limit for prevention, and ensure students are safe v. Pride Pantry 1. Going well b. So impressed with Senators and Chair people for this Student Appreciation week i. Never seen anything like this ii. Administrators have said great things iii. The fact that we have gotten on the radar is amazing, and the positive words mean so much c. Food Contract Committee i. Some individuals reached out for specific reasons to be on the committee ii. We have decided to add three people to this committee and creating an ad-­ hoc committee 1. Project Manager – Senator Labrie 2. Member for limited food choices – Senator Tomasso 3. Member for food establishments – Senator Narain 4. Secretary Chirico will also assist d. Please take care of yourselves, we are almost at a resting point! (Thanksgiving) B. Vice President—W. Shepherd a. Everyone received a policy series i. Please keep this with you and bring it to every meeting ii. Please read this over this weekend b. Survey Results i. 1,415 completed so far ii. Top Three Poll-­ers 1. Senator Radeva with 160 2. Senator Narain with 85 3. Senator Crofts with 73 C. Comptroller— G. Senderowicz a. IRCB -­ Second meeting tomorrow, November 11th at 3:00 p.m. b. Urge you to carefully read the Cabinet Minutes D. Secretary— F. Chirico a. No Report Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations-­ E. Casey i. Saw four clubs 1. English Society 2. Amnesty International 3. Hofstra Training Association 4. 180 Degrees Consulting




Were not allocated funds because they are not SGA recognized and were not found to be holding a campus-­wide events

ii. Budget Weekend 1. Friday 9am – 1 am 2. Saturday 10 am – 9:30 pm 3. $10,000 in the red is nothing to worry about 4. Emails will be sent out the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and that is when appeals will open 5. Budget Appeals will be Thursday, December 1st a. Everyone must come b. Attire will be Business Casual iii. Senator Narain motions to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously B. Club Relations-­ D. Durand i. Quick meeting this week because many committee members were voting ii. Checked to see if any clubs responded to mid-­semester check ins iii. Next week, audit emails will go out iv. Senator Ismail motions to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously C. Public Relations-­ M. Kutsch i. Senator Tomasso did a bunch of great stuff ii. Spoke about Pride Unleashed Week iii. Build-­a-­Friend 1. Dolphins, orcas and turtles will be ordered for Under the Sea theme iv. SGA in the Spotlight 1. Many requests, actually too many v. Senator Farajollah motions to pass the Public Relations minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously D. Spirit-­ M. Wright i. Pride Unleashed Week 1. One tabling hour and two painting hours will be mandatory 2. Trivia Wing Night is going great 3. Met with Chrissy ii. Home Opener 1. Face painting, tattoos, and free food iii. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays 1. Theme: Chinese New Years 2. Working with Phi Kappa Theta and Alpha Theta Beta 3. Activity: Lanterns iv. Senator Read motions to pass the Spirit Minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously E. Student Services-­ R. Cinquemani i. Thanks everyone for participation in Student Appreciation Week ii. Shout out to Senator Mishkin for chairing Student Services this week iii. Surveys 1. 400 shirts and 400 surveys before 4 p.m. 2. 5-­10 more between today and tomorrow 3. $25 gift card to senator with the most surveys iv. Provost Scholar’s Reception next month v. Striking Up a Conversation with SGA vi. Senator Irish motions to pass the Student Services minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup

Senator Gardner motions to adjourn the meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 9:52 p.m.


Cabinet Minutes November 16, 2016 I. II. III.


Called to order at 11:21 a.m. President Updates a. Will be covered during new business Vice President Updates a. Senator McCoy has resigned b. Compass will do a focus group at Senate from 6:00 pm to 6:30 pm i. Regional Director and Manager 1. Customer Service 2. Speed of Service 3. Food Quality and Taste 4. Price for Value ii. Providing Sbarro’s and $10 Compass gift cards c. Admissions Gift Card for Admitted Students Day Tabling i. Should we take it or give it to another club? ii. Must be used for an on-­‐campus event (Build a Friend or something next semester) 1. Build a Friend tentatively on Wednesday, December 7th a. Hofcast b. This Week at Hofstra d. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays PR i. Promotions due at the end of the week New Business a. Student Appreciation Week Review i. Thank you and incredible week, once again, to Chairwoman Cinquemani ii. Set a whole new standard, data will be statistically significant b. Pride Unleashed Week Updates i. Wednesday, December 7th at 6 p.m. – Build a Friend ii. Banner is being ordered 1. Banner picture is not in the minutes iii. Chrissy spoke with Senator Tomasso and tickets will be $10 and most likely in the student section 1. Tabling in Student Center instead of Mack Arena 2. Blue Beetle will probably be used for free transportation, funded by Athletics – will be following up




3. Should publicize as soon as details are finalized iv. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays 1. Now only December 5th – December 7th 2. We will now also be working with Phi Sigma Sigma 3. Have the lanterns c. Budget Weekend Review/Preparation i. They are all done ii. Saw 120 different club budgets iii. In the process of writing emails, they have been divided up iv. Emails will be received Wednesday 11/23, appeals will open then and close on Friday 11/25 v. No update on Chronicle vi. Make sure AV is functioning and wireless mics are provided d. Senate Quiz Review i. The first person to raise their hand and ask, “What was the nation’s first capital?” will have read the minutes properly e. Hoftops SGA Recognition Hearing i. Came last semester ii. Be aware of graduate student involvement 1. LEAP Student is involved in the club 2. “Graduate students will be attending meetings but will not be utilizing allocated goods” Matters at Hand a. OSLE Stress Busters i. Student Services would like to hold “Chill a Minute” with hot chocolate and hanging out b. Discussed OSLE change in staff c. Club Relations: brainstorming Club Appreciation Day and Club Leader training modules d. Pre-­‐planning for the spring semester including club office space allocations, elections commission, grand opening of the Rathskellar, budget allocations etc. For Good of the Order Adjourned at 12:29 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Francine Chirico Student Government Secretary


Rules Minutes

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

F16 Weekly Meeting 8 11/14/16 6:30 PM

Senator Amadio

Senator Bekios

Senator Labrie

Senator Martin

Senator Mustazza

Senator Oguejiofor

Senator Radeva

Chair Normandin

1. Hofstra Tabletop Gamers a. Reason for attendance: seeking SGA recognition i. Collaborated with RHA in Netherlands for Debate viewing party ii. Collaborated with RA programs iii. Very active members (40 on GIHU, 112 on email, 20-­‐35 per meeting) iv. December 15th-­‐ upcoming fundraiser with chipotle, 50% of profit v. Have written board game publishers for donations, all 26 club-­‐owned games were donated thus far vi. Graduate member issue vii. Passed 6-­‐0-­‐1 2. Thanks & Giving Project 3. Initiative Updates 4. Policy Series Review for Quiz 5. Tabling Sign-­‐Up-­‐ November 30th a. Aleks b. Mike c. Chinenye Meeting Adjourned

7:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Abby Normandin Rules Chairwoman


HOFSTRA UNIVERSITY Student Government Association CLUB CONSTITUTION CONSTITUTION OF THE HOFSTRA TABLETOP GAMERS CLUB PREAMBLE: Under Article I, Section 2, of the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. A club or organization will be defined as non-exclusive in its membership and actions by “ extending equal opportunity to all qualified individuals without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status (characteristics collectively referred to as ‘Protective Characteristic’) in employment and in the conduct and operation of Hofstra University’s Educational Programs and Activities ARTICLE I: NAME Section I. The name of this organization shall be Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Club. Section II: The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as HofTop. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE Section I: The purpose of this organization is to provide an entertaining, all inclusive, and interactive environment where participants and observers have the resources to express their interests with others in hopes of facilitating new friendships through board games.


ARTICLE III: CLUB ADVISOR Section I: The Club Advisor for this organization shall be a non-student Hofstra University employee. a. The advisor shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members of this organization. b. The duties of the Club Advisor shall be the following: a. Mentor and advise this organization on how best to fulfill its purpose. b. Hold members and officers of this organization accountable. c. Serve as a resource for all members and officers if questions, suggestions or concerns arise. ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP Section I. Any full-time undergraduate student as defined by Hofstra University may become a member. Section II. Status of Members a. Any undergraduate is welcome to attend club meetings, but only those who have submitted an email to the club President and have registered on GetInvolvedHU shall be considered a full member. b. In order to be considered active, participants shall attend at least three (3) meetings per semester. c. Only active members may vote in club matters and run for elected office. d. Club funds will only go towards use by active members. e. So long as a nonmember fills the requirements to be a member and expresses interest in becoming a member to the club President then they will be enrolled. Section III. Expectations of Members a. Members and guests are expected to respect the equipment and integrity of the Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Club, that of its respective members, and the rules and policies of Hofstra University. a. Any member or guest found cheating, stealing, purposely damaging and/or being vulgar at a club meeting will be required to leave the session and may be barred from future meetings as determined by the club officers and advisor. Membership will also be subjected to revocation. b. Someone found to be acting in a manner contradictory to club principles will be asked to leave at the digression of club officers.


b. Starting a game while at a meeting is considered binding. Barring any emergency, no member should quit or leave a meeting before completion of their current game. c. Members are not only welcome, but encouraged to give suggestions and provide games of their own for use at club meetings. a. Any damage done to games provided outside of the club is not the responsibility of the Hofstra Tabletop Gamers Club. Games are brought at the owners’ risk. ARTICLE V: OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTIONS Section I. The titles of the officers and their duties shall be: a. President a. Create and distribute e-mails to club members about club activities and other relevant information. b. Preside over and structure club meetings and tournaments. c. Manage board games owned by the club. d. Make efforts to expand club membership and its assets. e. Represent the club in outside settings in a reputable manner. b. Vice-President a. Assist the President with his/her duties and fill in for the President when absent. c. Treasurer a. Manage club funds and assets. b. Attend appropriations committee meetings when necessary. d. Secretary a. Record attendance of each meeting. b. Record club activities at meetings. c. Keep track of any votes and suggestions which are put up in front of the club. e. Public Relations a. Create and manage social media pages for the club. b. Post club events and news to the social media pages. c. Promote the club and its social media pages Section II. Roles and Responsibilities a. All officers shall represent the organization in a respectable way and advocate for the best interests of the club. b. The length of the officers’ terms shall be one (1) academic year. Section III. Election Rules:


a. Elections of officers shall be held before the culmination of the spring semester. b. The winners of the election shall be determined by simple majority in which only active members club members may vote. a. A member shall be registered and considered active by the meeting before the election to be eligible to vote. b. Ballots shall only be submitted in person c. The meeting before the election will be when candidates are nominated for office a. A club member may nominate another member for office and a second member, who is not the nominee, must second the nomination for it to then be recorded on the ballot. (No member may nominate themselves.) i. A member who is nominated has the right to refuse the nomination in which case their name will not be recorded. ii. Between the nomination and election meetings, the club advisor shall create a ballot with the position and names of each candidate in alphabetical order based on last name to be distributed the day of the election. b. Members may not run for more than one office per election. d. A representative of Student Government Association shall be present in order for the election proceedings to occur. e. Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy: a. Any vacancy in the presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice President to the presidency. b. If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume the presidency, an election shall take place as soon as possible to elect a new President.

ARTICLE VII: REMOVAL OF OFFICER a. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of his/her position or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, he/she shall be removed from office or the club in the following manner: a. A concerned member shall collect and bring charges against the officer. b. Said member shall send a letter to the officer notifying him/her of the date of the impeachment vote. c. He/she/they shall present his/her/their findings to the club. d. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges. e. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all active members is required to remove the officer.


b. A member of Student Government Association’s Rules Committee shall be present for impeachment proceedings to occur. ARTICLE VII: METHOD OF AMENDMENT a. Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any regular meeting and shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present and voting at the following regular meeting. b. Any amendments made to this constitution must be presented to and approved by the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee before going into effect. ARTICLE VIII: TOURNAMENT STRUCTURE a. Tournaments shall be held by the club once or twice per semester upon member interest in which all in attendance may participate. b. If it is determined by the club officers that there is enough interest, a vote shall be held on which board game the tournament will feature. A simple majority vote by all attendees (member and nonmember) is required for a selection to be made. Ties will go to a revote. c. A bracket of participants shall be created by the President using a name randomizer and the bracket shall be submitted to the club upon the next meeting. d. All participants shall be notified of the time and date when they are scheduled to play their games. a. It is mandatory for participants to appear at their specified play time or risk forfeiting their place in the tournament with no chance of reentry. e. The tournament shall be structured as a simple elimination. f. Rule disputes shall be resolved by the President. a. The Vice President shall take this role if the President is participating in the game in question to be followed by the Treasurer if the Vice President is in the same position. The whole board cannot participate in one tournament match at the same time. b. Decisions on rule disputes must be supported by evidence by the decider. g. Prizes will be given to the top three (3) players at the conclusion of the tournament. a. Prizes will be determined by the club officers. b. A member cannot win more than one (1) prize per academic year. Such prizes shall be given to the player in the runner-up position. ARTICLE IX: CONSENT

a. Participating in club meetings subjects participants to the rules and regulations outlined in this document.


Internal Review and Control Board Minutes Meeting Commenced

F16 Monthly Meeting 2 11/11/2016 3:07 PM

Attendance Absent Attended

Senator Gardner Senator Amadio

Senator Ramirez

Comptroller Senderowicz

Senator Gonzalez

Senator Tomasso

Senator Juszczyk

Kelly Mizuno

Senator Craig

PR Associate Le


Chair Normandin

I. II.

Introduction Meetings Updates a. Armando i. Green Party 1. Didn’t even know they had funds – followed up and told them they did have funds 2. Use Template 2 ii. HOLA 1. Main issue was that they do not have a full e-­‐board 2. Follow up again -­‐ they need to hold an election and that they should reach out to the Comptroller to reallocate funds 3. Use Template 1 iii. Society of Physics Students 1. Were not able to put on events this because could not book any of the venues 2. Follow up -­‐ should reach out to the Comptroller to reallocate funds before the deadline 3. Use Template 1 b. Ashlyn i. Astronomical Society 1. Only held one meeting this semester but they have an event coming up 2. Wanted to know how to create a budget proposal 3. Follow up – please watch the Treasurer Training at this link to help with the proposal. Reach out to





f. to ask any further questions. 4. Use Template 1 ii. Chabad 1. Held many weekly dinner and holiday events 2. Use Template 4 iii. Pride Pals 1. Planning event with a speaker with a disability 2. Use Template 2 Carissa i. Hofstra Advertising 1. Didn’t know how many funds were left 2. Use Template 2 ii. HITA 1. Did not answer 2. Use Template 2 without the second sentence iii. Imani 1. Didn’t know how much they had at all 2. Follow up -­‐ reach out to her about reimbursements. Copy and paste III.b of the minutes 3. Use Template 2 Chelsea i. Club Softball 1. Use Template 4 ii. Society for the Advancement of Management 1. Emailed them at least 3 times 2. Didn’t seem like they were going to use it 3. Use Template 2 iii. Roller Hockey 1. Use Template 2 Dana i. FORM Gallery 1. Use Template 2 ii. Model UN 1. Use Template 4 iii. Teaching Dance as Art 1. Conference they were going to fell on the new fall fest date – couldn’t change the conference 2. Use Template 2 and emphasize reallocations Kelly i. Alpha Phi Omega 1. No knowledge of funds 2. Didn’t request for the spring 3. Use Template 2 ii. Hofstra Ballroom Dance 1. No knowledge of funds 2. Use Template 4 iii. Mock Trial


1. Nobody in their club – around 8 members and half of them don’t show up 2. No knowledge of funds 3. Use Template 2 g. Mikolaj i. NAACP 1. Use Template 2 ii. Nexus 1. Follow up – without the second sentence 2. Use Template 4 iii. Table Tennis 1. Follow up – without the second sentence 2. Use Template 2 h. Mike i. BSU 1. No idea what money they had – allocated $5,000 2. Follow up – you need to have an election because only one person can be President and one can be Treasurer in order to be an active e-­‐board. Please sign up for an election by logging on to the main page of GetInvolvedHU and fill out the “Club Election Form” under 2016-­‐2017 Student Government Association Forms 3. Use Template 4 ii. CSI Hofstra 1. Use Template 4 iii. She’s the First 1. No knowledge of current budget 2. 2 meetings 3. Follow up – you asked getting money to get change, but you cannot get cash from your income account. 4. Use Template 1 i. Sandy i. ASME 1. Use Template 2 ii. Hofstra Critics 1. Follow up – a. How to access the budget? i. Copy and paste III.b of the minutes b. Does food fall under a giveaway? i. It depends on what you are using the food for. If you are tabling and giving away brownies, that would be considered a giveaway. If you are holding an event with a purpose and an activity, that is not considered a giveaway. 2. Use Template 2 iii. Phi Kappa Theta 1. Did not know anything 2. Follow up – please watch the Treasurer Training at this link to




help with the proposal. Reach out to to ask any further questions. 3. Use Template 4 Follow up Email – please have it sent out by Tuesday, November 15th, 2016 a. Once you have met with a club, please follow up with them and ask how they are doing -­‐ I will send out a mid-­‐semester template and current allocations. The subject of the email should be Mid-­‐Semester Check-­‐in for Fall 2016 Budget. i. Please use one of the 4 email templates for the check in that I have added in your individual meeting updates b. Do they need help with reimbursements? i. They need to go meet with their advisors in OSLE/Fitness Center to access their funds ii. Please refer them to page 18 of the Treasurer Packet – “Undergraduate Organizations Reimbursement Checklist” 1. Created by OSLE and it details all reimbursements 2. Go to “Undergraduate Student Organization Forms” section at this link _policies.html in order to find the required paperwork c. Do they need to reallocate any funds? i. Please have them reach out to me at ii. The reallocation deadline is Monday, November 28 d. The paperwork deadline is Friday December 2 at 5PM i. Will not make exceptions unless they reach out to me giving a valid reason or extenuating circumstance Questions?

Meeting Adjourned

3:58 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Comptroller Senderowicz


Appropriations Minutes

F16 Weekly Meeting 8 11/15/2016 Meeting Commenced 6:15 PM Attendance

Senator Gonzalez

Senator Amadio

Senator Ramirez

Senator Giouvalakis

Comptroller Senderowicz

Chair Casey


Chair Normandin

Hofstra Ballroom Dance $266.75


Holiday Showcase Food Allocated: $266.75 Holiday Showcase Food

Association of Pre-­‐Health Oriented Students Requested:




Bake Sale/Henna Fundraising Supplies, Refugee Gala Food, Tickets for Gala Allocated: $524.14 Bake Sale/Henna Fundraising Supplies Refugee Gala Food

$409.34 $1,008.14

$32.99 $491.15



Pride Student Veterans Organization $129.90


Holiday Card Event Supplies Allocated: $129.90 Holiday Card Event Supplies

Club Baseball Requested:

$1,792.47 19

Indoor Cage Time, Mileage to Northeastern Tournament, Northeastern Tournament Hotels, Pitching Machine Allocated: $1,792.47 Pitching Machine Indoor Cage Time Mileage to Northeastern Tournament Northeastern Tournament Hotels

$299.99 $400.00 $492.48 $600.00

Meeting Adjourned Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated

8:30 PM


Respectfully Submitted, Appropriations Chair Erin Casey


$299.99 $400.00 $492.48 $600.00

Club Relations Minutes F16 Weekly Meeting 7 11/15/2016 6:18 PM

Meeting commenced Attendance Attended: Chairman Durand Senator Jean-­‐Louis Senator Irish Senator Crofts Senator Gordon Senator Ismail Senator Tadbiri Senator Bielunas Visiting Vice President Shephard

1) Facetime with SGA a. Everyone should be there 2) Discuss what is currently going on a. Club Audit emails are being sent out b. Vice President Sheppard tests committee on policy series 3) Future Goals and Initiatives a. Club appreciation day i. Delegated responsibility for different parts to committee ii. Potential date is somewhere in March iii. Possibly use food truck to promote that clubs can use it b. Discuss with Karl how to get SGA website under student services tab c. Club leadership training i. Begin working on video and packet to help train clubs d. Senator Crofts is still looking into how to fix the doors.

Meeting adjourned at 6:47 PM Respectfully submitted, David Durand Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended:

Fall 2016 Weekly Meeting #7 11/14/16 5:30 PM

Senator Armando Gonzalez Senator Ariana Farajollah Senator Mikolaj Juszczyk Senator Dana Craig Senator Carissa Ramirez Chair Kutsch Senator Jimmy Markakis Associate Imani Hinson Associate Sandy Le

1. Finalized design: a. Add attribution at bottom 2. For Pride Unleashed Week: a. Ariana: Countdowns for Men’s and Women’s Basketball Games i. Send Info and pictures b. Poster i. Dana to edit existing design c. Snapchat filter for Women’s game i. No d. Quarter sheets for pep rally i. Dana’s design e. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays: i. Mikolaj to make Flyer 3. Build a Friend fast passes: a. Give them out at the Pep Rally: b. Share post on social media of choice and show at the pep rally to get the Fast pass i. Carissa’s Idea 1. Hofcast – send information c. Design: i. Seashells (Mikolaj’s idea) 1. Dana to do 4. Bulletin Board: a. Jimmy, Carissa to work on design, putting up the background b. Armando to assemble final list Meeting Adjourned

6:04 PM

Respectfully Submitted,


Max Kutsch, Public Relations Chair


Spirit Minutes F16 Weekly Meeting 7 11/15/16

Meeting Commenced 6:30 PM Attendance: Attended:

Senator Tomasso Senator Read Senator Jasmin Senator Gardner Chairwoman Wright

Pride Unleashed Week:

Senator Narain

Taylor (grad student) will table with us to sell ticket. We need to know the max amount of tickets. How many buses? Google doc will be made for those who are going on to the game to go on the Blue Beetle.

Small prizes (gift cards from dunkin, burgerfi, chipotle and moes). For the trivia wing night-­‐ teams will be made up of four people. Wednesday: Balloon Arch? Chelsea will talk to Pride Network. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays: Our official theme is Chinese New Year!!! Get Hyped! We are also working with Phi Sigma Sigma and the date has been changed for the window; window painting is until December 7th. Want to make a meeting with the rest of the organizations to figure out a plan for window painting. Meeting Adjourned: 7:01 PM Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Madison Wright


Student Services Minutes F16 Meeting 8 11/14/16

Meeting Commenced Attendance: Attended:

5:05 PM Senator Natalie Mishkin Senator Mana Tadbiri Senator Johnathan Valerio Senator Polina Mustazza Senator Carrisa Anderson Senator Deandra Denton Chairperson Rita Cinquemani

• Student Appreciation Week o 1,551 surveys completed o Suggestions: § More advertising, possibly using a vertical banner instead of a poster § More shirts and bracelets § Allocate shirts better § Snow cone, popcorn giveaway during common hour § Movie in SC Theater § Individual flyers for big events § Advertise in Hofstra Today, Chronicle, etc. § Post more in the class pages § Like us on Social Media for special giveaway § Create a “hype” video § Raffle baskets advertised the week before § Student Talent Show § Move the week to earlier in the semester so it is warmer (mid-­‐October) o Liked: § Pizza was a big hit § Include more departments § Events for each day § Liked the raffle baskets § Snapchat filter § Lots of hype o Winner: § $20 Second Prize for Dunkin § $10 Third Prize for Dunkin • Provost Scholar Reception o December 7th at Common Hour o 291 Provost Scholars o Take out chicken fingers for a vegetarian option, pasta salad or mozzarella sticks o Possibly take out brownies o Photo backdrop-­‐ Polina


o Getting ASTA to play-­‐ Natalie o Centerpieces/decorations-­‐ Deandra • Chill-­‐a-­‐Minute: Winter Stress Buster o Hot Cocoa Bar o S’mores Bar o Watch Frozen o Snow Cones o Holiday Photobooth-­‐ Mana & Carrisa o Interact with students and get initiative ideas o Possible Collaboration with RHA, EU, and SGA • Strike up a Conversation with SGA o Tabled until Spring semester • Be Safe, Step Up o Possible program with Public Safety to reestablish relationships with students and officers to teach students how to be proactive bystanders, not reactive. o Self-­‐defense class-­‐ Polina Meeting Adjourned

5:55 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rita Cinquemani Student Services Chairwoman


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