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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 5th, 2017

Breslin Hall room 111 Call to Order I. II. III. IV.




Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from September 14th, 2017 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from September 20th, 2017 New Business A. New York Blood Center Presentation B. Club Recognition Hearings i. Distributive Education Clubs of America C. SA.2017.82.005 Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup



Minutes of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

September 28th, 2017

Greenhouse, Student Center Meeting Called to order at 6:14 p.m. 1.

Quorum Call


Approval of Senate Minutes from September 14th, 2017 a.

Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Senate Minutes i.

Motion seconded

ii. Motion passes unanimously III.

Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from September 20th, 2017 A.


Chairperson Read moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.

Swearing in of remaining Justices i.

One of three newly elected Justices are sworn in by Vice President Normandin


Legislation Lesson with Chairperson Labrie


Yearbook focus group i.

Purpose: to gauge opinion on current yearbook issue - should the University move toward an electronic yearbook or stick with hard copies


About 500 yearbooks were ordered and only 86 were sent to alumni - huge cost


Referendum question from ballot: of 543 responses: 310 answered yes for physical yearbook and 233 said no it was not necessary to have physical yearbook 1.


about 50 total respondents were seniors and 100 were freshmen - do not know the distinction between seniors vs freshmen opinions

Currently yearbooks are not charged for - funded by SGA - (1) should we be responsible for this and (2) should yearbooks be electronic or physical




Comptroller Kutsch moves for a 10 minute unmoderated caucus to discuss if SGA should be responsible for yearbook 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Senator Craig asks for point of clarification - what does ‘responsible’ entail 1.

Vice President Normandin says the discussion will answer that

vii. President Cinquemani explains that currently there is no yearbook organization so SGA is responsible for payment and distribution viii. Senator Crofts asks if Nexus was in existence, would they distribute them? 1.

Vice President Normandin says yes


Senator Crofts clarifies that Nexus used to both make and distribute the yearbooks


Vice President Normandin says yes


Senator Narain says it seems like people want it because some ordered it - just not 500 worth of interest - so if we can get Nexus together it would be worth it


Comptroller Kutsch says they did not order 500 because of interest, it was just the size of the contract that was made - they know interest isn’t that high


Vice President Normandin says 500 were ordered because of past years

xii. Chairperson Radeva reached out to members of Nexus from last year and says it appears no one is interested but at Club Relations Committee meeting they decided the club was important and they are working with SGA Advisor Boneta to send mass email and also if any Senators know anyone - suggest them to her xiii. Chairperson Radeva asks if there is a way they can check student interest before signing a contract and do we think that it the issue was that it wasn’t advertised well that seniors could get a yearbook for free 1.

Vice President Normandin says ‘yes’ she thinks lack of advertisement was definitely an issue


Chairperson Radeva then says that the graduating class is pretty big so if they knew they would pick them up and personally she thinks a physical copy is better than online as long as it is advertised better

xiv. Chairperson Hinson agrees with Chairperson Radeva and thinks if people knew they would want one xv. Senator Algarin agrees as well and thinks getting the information out there by setting up in the Student Center would be beneficial xvi. Senator Schmidt agrees and says she didn’t buy her yearbook in HS because of the expensive cost and thinks people don’t know and assume it’s the same. Also thinks no one would look at electronics in 30 years. As far as members, there are plenty of creative people into computers and design at Hofstra- finding them shouldn’t be a problem xvii. Senator Firooz says we need to figure out who wants it - it’s a lot of paper to print - and would be more environmentally friendly to have an electronic version xviii. Chairperson Labrie thinks that not as many people will be into a yearbook as Senate thinks, it’s less meaningful than high school because the school is bigger and the past has shown there is little interest xix. Senator Leighton inquires about the cost for 500 yearbooks



Comptroller Kutsch responds that SGA allocates over $10,000 to the yearbook (Nexus) each semester (allocated $19,000 for last spring specifically)


Senator Leighton would be on board for a physical yearbook but thinks putting out an electronic version and seeing if there’s interest before spending that much money is a better idea

xx. Chairperson Denton asks if DSA has expressed interest in helping/advertising 1.

Vice President Normandin says she and President Cinquemani have spoken with DSA about the issue and DSA has said they don’t have staff to support that - they would have to hire a new grad assistant - don’t have capabilities at the moment

xxi. Comptroller Kutsch is against SGA being responsible for paying and disbursement of yearbooks - it is a large work burden and not a great investment - if physical copies are decided on, he doesn’t think they should be free xxii. Senator Narain adds that if there is lower interest in yearbooks but SGA is forced into signing a larger contract, that leaves less money for other clubs/people who actually request/need allocations xxiii. Vice President Normandin points out that SGA does not have time this year to ask seniors about their interest because a contract needs to be negotiated too soon xxiv. Chairperson Labrie moves to extend debate for 5 minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

xxv. Chairperson Hinson says people still want a yearbook in physical form - people will look at it more and a physical copy is more important/sentimental- believes it’s a PR issue and that people probably want them they just don’t know it’s available for free xxvi. Senator McCarthy asks what would the money go to if the yearbook funding was cut? is there better causes the money could go to? 1.

Comptroller Kutsch says other orgs have the same claim to SGA money so any other club could receive funding/be allocated for events/wants/etc.

xxvii. Chairperson Radeva says Nexus didn’t quit because of no interest, it was because of an internal issue. There is interest and SGA shouldn’t let the yearbook go away without trying to save the club. Also, right now most of Senate is underclassmen/not Seniors and are far away from graduation so the yearbook isn’t important to Senators, but closer to graduation people will care. In terms of funding - it is not appropriate to make people pay for the yearbook xxviii.

Senator Craig asks about cost for an electronic copy? 1.

President Cinquemani says it depends, and they haven’t been able to look at bids yet

xxix. Senator Crofts says his sentiment is in favor of a hard copy but because of no Nexus it doesn’t seem smart to allocate for a yearbook if there is no club to handle it - for now an online copy with better advertising would be better because if he was a senior and wanted a yearbook he would ask and seek one out xxx. Senator Tadbiri asks about timing of yearbooks 1.

Vice President says SGA gets in yearbooks after the year ends and grads would have to come in because SGA doesn’t pay for shipping - another issue

xxxi. Chairperson Labrie says at this point in time everyone has social media pictures of themselves and their own friends that is more useful than a yearbook of strangers xxxii.

Senator Narain moves to extend debate by 5 min



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

xxxiii. Senator Amadio says regardless of electronic or physical - without Nexus there is no one to make it xxxiv. Senator Doan was editor of her HS yearbook and adds it is a lot of work- there are so many people/clubs and agrees with Chairperson Labrie about personal online pictures on social media being more meaningful xxxv. Chairperson Read says that comments about no Nexus is unfounded because Chairperson Radeva has found people and the club could be back if needed xxxvi. Comptroller Kutsch says he is in favor of a yearbook personally but the financial obligation is a lot so he doesn’t want SGA to have to take on too much - also Nexus has no money for this semester since no budget was put in last semester -next spring their budget would be over $20,000 to compensate which is significant xxxvii. Senator Battipaglia asks if this decision will be just for this year or continue going forward 1. xxxviii.

Vice President Normandin says it will be just this year but if we end it this year the company might be hesitant to sign another contract in the future Senator Spann asks if there’s an option to have a yearbook solely online


President Cinquemani says she’s unsure maybe with different publisher


Senator Spann thinks going forward people will prefer digital

xxxix. Senator Leighton asks for point of information - how much does SGA allocate each year - how big of a chunk would the yearbook money be of the total budget



Comptroller Kutsch says this is complicated because there are different parts but it would increase the budget by roughly 10-30%


for weekly allocation budgets for this semester - budgeted roughly $12,000 per week (8 weekly meetings)

Senator Craig motions to extend debate 5 minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

xli. Chairperson Denton asks if we have statistics on other universities’ use of digital yearbooks 1.

President Cinquemani says we do not

xlii. Senator Ramirez furthers Chairperson Labrie’s point and says a lot of pictures in yearbook are reused and/or are on the portal or OSLE’s website so it’s very unpersonal xliii. Senator Fletcher asks where the online yearbook would be found? On portal? 1.

Vice President Normandin says we don’t know about how posting it or access would work yet

xliv. Senator Craig is on the fence because of cost- a lot of clubs have a lot of costs and are allocated funds as well but points out that the ”clubs not pictured” page in current yearbook takes up two pages which is a lot of people not being represented xlv. Senator Stewart asks about funding for this compared to funding for other clubs



Comptroller Kutsch says there are different types/categories of clubs, some are allocated more because of the type of wide programming they do- i.e. concerts, etc. so some are getting as large as $50,000 from SGA to those spending only $100; Nexus is in top 5-10 most highly funded clubs


Senator Stewart asks what it would cost us if we didn’t fund printing and just did the distribution a.

Comptroller Kutsch says we only pay for printing and getting them here to Hofstra (because it is paid as a lump sum)


Vice President Normandin adds that in the past we have not covered shipping/distribution but this year might be different

xlvi. Senator Fletcher says he was on yearbook in HS and it is a lot of work - hard to do with such a big campus and sadly is almost not worth it xlvii. Chairperson Labrie wants to point out on budget - being top 5 or top 10 is significant and that money could say go to Spring Fest for getting a better performer or something more people will benefit from xlviii.

Senator Crofts moves to extend speaking time by 5 min 1.

Motion is not seconded


Chairperson Hinson moves extend speaking time by 2 min



Motion is seconded and there is an objection


Chairperson Hinson rescinds motion

Senator Crofts asks for point of information about what a vote right now will mean a.




Vice President Normandin says there will be two straw polls so no decision will be made - it is just to gauge interest/ feeling of Senate

Vice President Normandin’s first straw poll: i.

Number in favor of physical yearbook: 17


Number in favor of digital yearbook: 17


Abstain: 1

Vice President Normandin’s second straw poll: i.

Number in favor of SGA providing yearbook: 17


Number in favor of SGA not providing a yearbook at all: 16


Abstain: 0


Revote is necessary: 1.

Those in favor: 19


Those not in favor: 16


Abstain: 0

S.A.2017.82.002 i.

Chairperson Tomasso, Senator Ismail and Senator Khan present:



Chairperson Tomasso explains these questions are for a survey during Fall Fest where participants are entered into raffle for gift card and people who answer will also get popcorn


Senator Algarin asks point of clarification - why are we asking about commuters a.

Chairperson Tomasso says because about half of Hofstra’s student body is commuters but is more challenging for them to come to events and they might not know as much, it’s easier for residents to get information - so she wants to gauge how many are there and getting information


Senator Narain moves for a friendly change to spell the number “three” out


Comptroller Kutsch moves to add two options under question two “a” being “yes” and “b” being “no”




Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Comptroller Kutsch moves to split the questions as discussed in Cabinet so the data from commuters and residents can be separate: a.

Under question one “a” being “yes” and “b” being “no” but having drop downs under “a” and “b” with the same questions but so that the poll answers can be distinguishable


Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Senator Craig moves to add “most” before “made” to question three a.

Motion seconded


Chairperson Labrie asks for point of information if the question is multiple choice or check boxes


Comptroller Kutsch objects


Debate: i.

Senator Narain for adding “most”: since we don’t know if it’s checkboxes she knows she gets information from multiple places so adding “most” makes sense 1.


Yields time to the chair

Chairperson Tomasso against: the questions are going through GetInvolvedHU and the check boxes is the plan for this question so people can choose multiple answers 1.

Yields time to Senator Fletcher who suggests the option to rank the methods from most to least informative


Chairperson Hinson for: now that Chairperson Tomasso has clarified it makes sense to not add “most” and not adding it keeps it open and not limited to “most”


Senator Doan against: the problem has been solved and also not adding “most” makes it more specific


Vote to change the wording: 1.

By a vote of 28–1 the motion does not pass





Senator Ismail moves to add at the end of question three “check all that apply” i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Chairperson Read moves to add under the answers for question three an option “f” “social media” i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Chairperson Labrie moves to pass S.A.2017.82.002 i.

Motion seconded


Vote: 1.


By a unanimous vote of 34-0-0 SA passes

S.A.2017.82.003 i.

Chairperson Radeva, Senator Craig, Senator Crofts, and Senator Narain present 1.

They are changing required office hours of club leaders from 8 to 5 hours because of the limit on spaces and mandatory hours for that many people in a small space seems a little too much, also this policy has not been well conveyed and clubs are also not aware and have mostly been completing 5 because that was what is thought so this will make it official and Club Relations will be able to keep track more easily a.

Senator Farooqui asks what the “upcoming week” means i.

Chairperson Radeva explains this part has been in the policy they are not changing anything about that - but yes the president (or someone on a club’s eboard) will email Chairperson Radeva with the hours for the club’s Office Hours for the next week but this is not up for debate as this is not changing


Chairperson Denton asks point of information- where in the policy series is this from 1.

Vice President Normandin says it is in Club Relations section


Senator Farooqui informs everyone it is on page 13


Chairperson Denton moves for friendly to include “from page 13 of policy series”




Senator Ismail moves to skip debate and go to vote 1.

Vice President Normandin does not see the motion


Senator Narain for: before office hours were poorly documented and 5 sounds less intimidating for leaders who will be able to complete this more easily especially because some offices have so many people it will free up the offices from being too crowded at any given time


Chairperosn Radeva for: no new points


vii. No one wishes to speak against viii. Vote: 1. b.

Chairperson Labrie asks for point of information - how is the page number of policy series supposed to be notated i.


By a unanimous vote of 34-0-0 SA.003 passes

Vice President Normandin says to just write it on top of the page of legislation

Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani i.

First Student affairs meeting with Vice President Houston and Sofia 1.

Campus Climate Survey results from last semester will be released in the next month


It was statistically significant for almost all student groups


Hiring committees to fill vacant positions will be forming - if interested let President Cinquemani know


Will be meeting with Pat about Fitness Center equipment so send your ideas and feel free to ask around for wanted changes


Hillel has invited SGA to their speaker Frank Meeink- former skinhead sharing his story - it is free but ticketed so sign up 1.

Senator Crofts asks if committee meeting obligations come first a.



What’s Happening Hofstra is Nov. 1 at common hour in MPRE and they are looking into live streaming for questions from students


President Cinquemani is working on yearbooks - thank you for straw poll - if you know people, interested in yearbook send them her information

Vice President—A. Normandin i.

Congratulates Senators who entered and were selected for HCLAS Advisory Board - they will filter ideas up to Dean Rifkin


Vice President Normandin explains she does not want to skip debates because she feels it is healthy to flesh out all ideas - even if everyone already agrees - and she likes when people debate with an idea they don’t necessarily agree with because it brings up different ideas


Senate Retreat will be 10am -5pm on Saturday in MPRE 1.

Chairperson Labrie asks about dress code a.


Vice President Normandin says be comfortable - might run around a bit but mostly just comfort - maybe wear sneakers

Senator Nair says has “save second base” philanthropy - can he come late a.


President Cinquemani says yes

Vice President Normandin says to come up to her later to talk

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.

IRCB - email him if interested - needs at least 9 people to have a board (he only got 1) it is an optional body but has been existing and would be a shame if it did not exist again



They meet twice a semester and reach out to clubs with a history of difficulty handling money - and ask them questions and meet with them to give them info and is a great way to interact face to face with the people we represent


Come up to him if interested or send him an email or reach out in any way - but no pressure - he can have 5 or more people than they will meet next Friday because he really wants IRCB to happen

Secretary—A. Gieger i.



SGA Office Access has been requested for all Senators and Justices - this should come through sometime next week

Committee Chair Reports A.


Appropriations—S. Read i.

Still under budget - having good interactions with club leaders


Comptroller Kutsch moves for a friendly to change the first “bumper stickers” to read “business cards”


Chairperson Read moves for a friendly to add “tshirts, business cards, bumper stickers, stickers” under “requested”


Senator Narain moves to pass Appropriation Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Gospel Ensemble will be moving offices


Only 4 clubs have yet to move in but will be in within next week because card readers have now been installed


Work orders have been submitted and should be resolved for office issues


Furniture requests have been made 1.

Note: SGA policy is that anything purchased by a club is SGA property


SGA storage space is a mess but will be cleaned up for better use


Club monitoring - gathering and compiling database for clubs with contact info, events, office hours, etc.

vii. Senator Farooqui moves for friendly to make text same size viii. Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Website updates are in progress


Working with Colin and learning about advertising methods - posters, the HU bus, HofCast


Canva Training was cancelled but November one is still scheduled



Senator Crofts asks what the activity was 1.

Took from Cabinet retreat and everyone wrote sweet things about committee members


Senator Farooqui moves friendly to change first names to “Senator___”


Senator Ismail moves friendly to take “meeting adjourned” out of parenthesis

vii. Senator Spann moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie i.

Saw three pieces of Senatorial Action that passed to Cabinet


Senator Doan moves to pass Rules Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Pride unleashed week progress


Pride Expo - submitted Senatorial Action to Rules which just passed





It passed Cabinet that it is Mandatory for Senators to be at Pride Expo from 10-2 so sign her sheet and check off if you will be there, if you will help set up, or if you will not you must email her your reason for not being there because it is mandatory - she will check name roster


It will also go on Facebook and have more details

Senator Sanchez motions to pass Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton i.

Went over portfolio set up for initiatives


Oct 25 is Defamation Experience - cultural center, law school and Center Civ Engage collaboration to talk about race and social justice -


Provost Reception is planned


PSafe Event is planned for spring


NY Times promotion


Conducting Facetime with SGA this week

vii. Senator Crofts asks about high low butterfly 1.

bonding/ice breaker share high point, low point, and someone who was a bright point

viii. Senator Farooqui moves for friendly to straighten minutes



Senator Battipaglia moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


For the Good of the Order




Snap Cup

Senator MacCarthy moves to Adjourn the meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate Meeting is Adjourned at 8:14 pm


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 4, 2017 SGA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 8:05 p.m. 1. President Updates a. Board of Trustees Meeting - will be meeting soon so email President Cinquemani or Vice President Normandin about anything you want passed onto them - in particular, elections and club office space updates as well as PR updates about meetings with Collin b. Candle Light Vigil for Peace - in front of Hofstra Hall on Thursday the 12th i. Senator Doan asked Chairperson Radeva about idea to hold a vigil - 2 members of the pride lost family members from this shooting - Hofstra will hold a moment of silence ii. Don’t want to make it political - how to honor those effected while keeping it inclusive iii. President Cinquemani’s idea - hold it for a “peaceful world” as opposed to making it Vegas specific


1. Comptroller Kutsch says making it specific will be better - say the pride members who lost family so it’s personal to Hofstra and more people would come for Las Vegas than a general vigil 2. Chairperson Labrie says it will call people out who are going through a lot to name them specifically 3. Vice President Normandin says framing it as an “end to violence” vigil in light of Las Vegas Tragedy and Hofstra stands with those affected 4. Chairperson Denton says “end to violence” has some political connotation 5.

Chairpersons Hinson and Labrie say Las Vegas was extreme and a vigil for those affected is timely and relevant so there won’t be much backlash


Vice President Normandin adds that we could do something for natural disasters but they are different - hurricane wasn’t violence


Chairperson Radeva says it is appropriate for Las Vegas tragedy and there was still efforts to help with relief and fundraisers and other ways to help with the hurricanes - those disasters were not ignored


Comptroller Kutsch says if we get heat/there is backlash he’s willing to take it because this is an important cause



Title for event decided upon with reference to the title used for the vigil for the Pulse Night Club tragedy: “Vigil for Peace: Hofstra stands with those affected by the Tragedy in Las Vegas�


President Cinquemani explains how vigils work at Hofstra: there is an opening statement or poem; sometimes names of those affected are read; moment of silence; either songs or more poems and readings promoting peace/for consolation 1.

In the past: real candles were used and pass around, SGA Advisor Boneta is hesitant for real candles but President Cinquemani thinks real candles makes the message more impactful

2. vi.

Point is for unity in light of tragedy

Chairperson Hinson and PR Committee can have posters done for this by Friday


President Cinquemani asks for suggestions 1.

Vice President Normandin liked how during the 9/11 memorial ceremony, there was an interactive aspect where people could lay flowers down - suggests doing something interactive a.

President Cinquemani agrees - suggests tie ribbons to bush in front of Hofstra hall i.

Chairperson Denton asks what color ribbon is for peace



Google results according to Vice President Normandin: violet means peace/end to violence so will go with violet ribbons


Comptroller Kutsch suggests if we have thick ribbons - people can write a message of peace or someone’s name on ribbon


Vice President suggests reaching out to President Rabinowitz/ giving him a program so he is aware - President Cinquemani is working on this


President Cinquemani says we need to find a poem - not the same as last time 1.

Chairperson Hinson asks if a student written poem would work a.

Chairperson Read suggests asking Spit and Vice President Normandin suggests asking English Society


Chairperson Denton suggests reaching out to faith based clubs as well for their involvement


President Cinquemani asks Chairperson Radeva to get in touch with Spit and English Society about poems and she has already talked to faith groups


Campus Dining i.

President Cinquemani has received multiple emails outlining issues students have noticed - compiling them into an email


Most issues concerned sanitation, a slushy machine in Dutch will be coming soon, promoting meal deals through app, fixing G8 station to


add more/hot food and fixing its hours, Smashburger issues/fixes, adding wet wipe stations suggestion, still working on tv screen in back of student center 1.

Chairperson Denton adds people aren’t aware/using the app so really suggests increasing PR on that


RHA Halloween Event - on Monday October 30th from 6pm-8pm i.

Chairperson Read tells us about RHA safe trick or treat event for the Hofstra community (faculty children) and local Hempstead community plans: 1.

Will make a pumpkin patch at spot of Liberty Hall


Kids start at Hofstra USA and there will be a set path to all towers participating


Back at Hofstra USA they will have activities: face painting/hot chocolate station/ pumpkin painting/ costume contest


Want clubs’ help standing outside dorms/make stations around the path to give out candy


Will count as volunteer hours for orgs - fill out form for your club to participate


Vice President Normandin asks if Chairperson Read wants help with what RHA has planned already or if SGA should come up with a new activity



Chairperson Read says whatever works best - will see what other clubs want to help with in terms of activities and SGA can decide


President Cinquemani suggests cupcake decorating, Chairperson Denton suggests candy bar, Vice President Normandin suggests slime bar/make slime and the kids add coloring


Chairperson Read says it will be elementary school age students but reslife and other administration’s children as well- they will have posters up at local elementary schools and supermarkets


Vice President Normandin asks how many kids they are expecting 1.

Chairperson Read says she will be hopeful for more than 20 kids because is first time something like this is being done at Hofstra or any school in the area- no precedent


Vice President Normandin asks about if RHA is aware of/working with Entertainment Unlimited and their trunk or treat event which sounds similar 1.

Chairperson Read says no, but she will talk to them and will ask about borrowing their popcorn machine as well


Compass Dining Competition - Oct 11th i.

Candace invited SGA to participate in this annual event - Vice President Normandin and President Cinquemani will be guest judges and wants other members of SGA to create a team to compete



Vice President Normandin says she can’t be a taste tester - who wants it a.

Chairperson Denton raises hand and gets to be the other judge with President Cinquemani


Comptroller Kutsch asks about how many people per team and will the teams know what they will be asked to cook beforehand 1.

President Cinquemani informs him that teams are made of 3-4 people and you will have soux chef from the university to help you - they give you all ingredients


To form an SGA team: will have signup sheet tomorrow at Senate and also reach out to clubs who might be interested - no other team has signed up yet 1.

Suggestions: Get Global, intercultural clubs with emphasis on food may be interested


Fitness Center - will be meeting with Pat on Friday so if there are suggestions for equipment- send her an email i.

Chairperson Tomasso suggests adding a second step machine- others say there are two already but still more might be good if it is popular


Vice President Normandin asks to keep the rowing machine


Chairperson Labrie suggests keeping and adding more ellipticals


Chairperson Hinson suggests more arch trainers as they are better for your knees compared to elliptical


Yearbook -



Chairperson Radeva update: one student reached out and said she wants to do yearbook and is excited, she doesn’t care how long it takes for yearbook club to reform - she and one other girl did HS yearbook by themselves so she is up to the challenge


President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin spoke with SGA Advisor Boneta and from an administrative and fiscal standpoint have decided to cut the yearbook 1.

They are talking with Hofstra’s Creative Services to see if they would be willing to offer SGA a small service similar to yearbook - but the yearbook club reforming will still be good because they can help with whatever happens going forwardespecially if there is negative feedback about not having a yearbook this year


Contact in Creative Services says a digital version could be possible at the moment but he wants to see what the current yearbook is like- not fully committed yet


Comptroller Kutsch clarifies: Hofstra/SGA are not making a yearbook - which President Cinquemani confirms as it is completely SGA’s responsibility to make this decision since Nexus no longer exists


President Cinquemani asks if Chairperson Hinson wants to be involved in talking with creative services talks about potential yearbook-style product going forward


Chairperson Read asks if Nexus is being derecognized



President Cinquemani says the University derecognized them so SGA has no choice but to derecognize them by default since SGA cannot recognize a university unrecognized club


SGA Photoshoot i.

Was supposed to be on Oct. 19th but photographer has not responded - all University photographers have left so need to work out scheduling with a student photographer - will be at 6/630 during Senate time


Discussion of whether it is dark out by that time - should the photoshoot take place inside instead


Chairperson Denton suggests reserving Studio A in school of communications


Multicultural Caucus i.

Senator Tadbiri went to the first meeting and Chairperson Denton and President Cinquemani attended as well: a lot of student leaders had questions about Rules and Appropriations


Comptroller Kutsch and President Cinquemani mention Elections issues they are aware of - i.e. clubs ignoring election rules - will address this in some way


At 7pm on Mondays the Multicultural Caucus meets and Chairperson Read and Comptroller Kutsch are available to go to discuss Rules and Appropriations policies and issues with them


Vice President Updates



Travel policy - received news last year that any time a club travels for an event SGA must pay for an advisor to be there i.

In fact now: there are levels of risk and different scenarios when SGA has to do something about it - often if members sign waivers - it is fine


Issue: policy series says we only fund undergrads who pay activity fee so will need legislation to: 1.

Choice one: notify clubs SGA pays for students only and make clubs pay out of income for advisor to attend


Choice two: change policy series to say SGA will make an exception and pay for an advisor’s travel expenses if and only if legal has mandated the event is high risk and an advisor is legally obligated to go with the club


Vice President Normandin thinks choice two is fairer to club leaders since it was not their decision- only legal department’s


Chairperson Hinson asks for an example of a scenario when this happens: 1.

Chairperson Read gives example of rock climbing: they go a little far but because it is physical activity - it is designated high risk and an advisor must go


Notes: club sports have coaches who are paid separately and will not be included; doesn’t count if at trip is over a break


Chairperson Denton asks why the University can’t pay for this



Vice President Normandin says because the administration claims outside club events aren’t mandatory or necessary for learning; the University still pays for the advisor’s salary and time but SGA must pay for travel and lodging a.

Potential suggestion - SGA write legislation to try to change this policy and have the university pay the total sum


Chairperson Read adds that this only affects about 5-6 club events as some departments pay depending on the club


Chairperson Hinson asks about faith clubs 1.

President Cinquemani says they are funded on their own: for example, on Newman retreat the diocese pays for priest to go


Comptroller Kutsch says he doesn’t like the policy but believes it is in best interest of the clubs to help students and take this on 1.

He is worried about setting a dangerous precedent for administration to push costs on SGA


Chairperson Tomasso agrees that SGA should help clubs and write the legislation to allow SGA to pay for advisors but also agrees on writing a resolution to the University to push back and not just take it


President Cinquemani says this is travel policy is already better than last year because it used to be much worse and is the result of last year’s pushback - now there is a waiver



Vice President Normandin says to keep this in mind and be aware for budget weekend because it will go into effect in January - also Comptroller Kutsch and Chairperson Read will have paperwork because of signing off on funding and making sure an advisor attends if SGA is allocating for one

3. New Business a.

DECA - business club wants recognition by SGA i.

Chairperson Labrie moves to add the constitution of DECA to Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes by a vote of 7- 0-1

S.A. 2017.82.005 i.

Campus Feminist Collective legislation to redo their election based on information obtained about their past elections during Chairperson Radeva’s investigation


Chairperson Labrie moves to add SA.2017.82.005 to the Senate Agenda



Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Matters at Hand a.

Appropriations - Chairperson Read



There were many club sign ups this week and because of left over money budgeted from past weeks - Appropriations has funding available


Chairperson Tomasso asks about funds for buying iPads for SGA tabling so Senators don’t have to use their own


Comptroller Kutsch explains how the comptroller laptop is not working properly and he is in contact with Mike Devlin about getting a new one - will probably mostly benefit whoever succeeds him so he will talk to Devlin about iPads as well so all electronics are University compliant


Straw poll surveying if Cabinet is in favor of ordering iPads for SGA survey purposes: unanimously in favor


Chairperson Read says RHA polling used 2 iPhones and it goes quicker- laptops are harder for people when they can’t pick them up


Chairperson Tomasso says it doesn’t have to be on brand just some device to survey


Student Services - Chairperson Denton i.

Defamation Experience programming will end October 24 th and African Student Association will add their dance class


NAACP and IEI meetings to keep generating more ideas


Pi Lambda Phi has an ‘illuminate prejudice’ event which will try to be incorporated


Meet at the Table event has foods from all countries/cultures all over



Mrs. Spann is helping with this/inclusion activities as she is part of nationwide Meet at the Table programming


BSU film screening - center on black men and portrayal in media and how that effects laws


Senator Ramirez made t-shirt designs for SAW


Mrs. Spann will be in contact with Chairperson Hinson about SAW snapchat filter


Chairperson Denton met with Chairperson Tomasso about crossover with SAW and Pride Unleashed Week


Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

Donuts for clubs at Fall Fest build - will hand them out on Friday at 4pm and will open it up to Senate - aiming for about 6 people to go so it’s not overwhelming


On Saturday - will the survey questions be on the portal? 1.

Vice President Normandin says she will do that so the survey is there by Saturday


Chairperson Tomasso will pick up EU’s popcorn machine and appreciates help setting up - Spirit is required to be there for set up but she is asking for help as well to be in Student Center at 11:15 to bring machine over


Spirit block idea - wants to continue pushing this so it becomes a reality sooner rather than later



Shirts for Pride Unleashed week - decided on long sleeve shirts but needs a design- will say Pride Unleashed Week on the front 1.

This company is a lot cheaper than the Midnight Madness Shirt company so can budget for more


Plaque for SGA in the pride den cannot be submitted until the office is accepting submissions again at the end of the semester


Chairperson Hinson asks about PR posters that Chairperson Tomasso wants


Vice President Normandin asks about what to bring for this Saturday 1.

Chairperson says they will have popcorn, surveys, the tablecloth, and tickets for raffle


Chairperson Hinson says she can bring the Jersey Mike’s coupons


Vice President Normandin says we have some giveaways left if she wants to bring the prize wheel - Chairperson Tomasso will think about this/logistics if this is included


Chairperson Labrie and Chairperson Tomasso ask about SGA t-shirts - President Cinquemani and Comptroller Kutsch will work on this with E-board


Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.

Printed club office rules and they are posted on all doors


Will be organizing SGA storage space next week



Will keep all furniture that came out of the club office reallocation to be reallocated to other clubs


Club Collaboration Event - might need to postpone but will see


Club Profiling is behind schedule and is hindering work but has profiles of about 60 clubs done (less than half) but is a solid committee and hopes to be done by the end of the month and will start addressing issues as they come up



Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.

Saw DECA- passed to Senate


Saw TIIA but they did not send in their Constitution so did not pass


Legislation S.A.2017.82.005 passed to Senate


Legislation about Judicial Panel did not pass

Public Relations - Chairperson Hinson i.


Website changes have been finalized and sent to SGA Advisor Boneta

Comptroller Kutsch i.

Received updated Census -number of students who go here - so SGA can have exact numbers of enrollment for budgeting purposes - actual number came out slightly below estimation

ii. V.

IRCB interest grew - they will be meeting soon

For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Labrie moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously


Meeting adjourned at 10:12pm


THE CONSTITUTION OF THE DISTRIBUTIVE EDUCATION CLUBS OF AMERICA PREAMBLE: Under Article 1, Section 2, of the Student Government Association (SGA) Constitution, the following organization is hereby granted approval to function as a student organization for the best interest of the University community. It is the duty of this student organization to follow the Student Government Association’s Constitution and Policy Series. Membership in this organization is open to all full-time undergraduate students without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age, national or ethnic origin, physical or mental disability, marital or veteran status (“protected status”) in the conduct and operation of its educational programs and activities, including admission and employment.

ARTICLE I: NAME A. The name of this organization shall be the Distributive Education Clubs Of America. The name of this organization shall be colloquially known as DECA. ARTICLE II: PURPOSE A.

The purpose of this organization shall be to engage Collegiate DECA members through professional development, competitive events and social activities. DECA at Hofstra shall provide members with opportunities for leadership experience, encourage entrepreneurship and development of ideas to all students. While working with our connection and advisors at the Zarb School of Business and their partnership with national DECA, Hofstra DECA may participate in regional and national Collegiate DECA conferences and activities to develop and sustain relationships with other colleges and regional high school DECA clubs as well.


It shall be the goal of DECA to prepare emerging leaders and entrepreneurs in marketing, finance, hospitality and management in high schools and colleges around the globe.

ARTICLE IV: MEMBERSHIP A. Any full-time undergraduate student at Hofstra University may become a member. B. Status of Members I. II.

To be an active member, students must attend three (3) consecutive meetings along with other regulations. To be an active national member, members must pay a national DECA due of $10.00, and additional dues may be collected for club resources. 30


Members who miss more than four (4) consecutive meetings shall be considered an inactive member. Members must be active in order to place and compete in any national and regional competitions. Members do not have to compete in order to be considered active.

ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF OFFICERS AND THEIR ELECTIONS A. The titles of the officers and their duties shall be to: a. President i.

Preside at full meetings of the club.


Act as a member ex-officio of all club committees.


Represent the club where such representation is required, requested, or deemed appropriate and/or acceptable.


Carry out or delegate all duties not specifically vested in any other officer of the club.


Ensure that the member roster is active and complete by updating GetInvolved HU.

b. Vice President i. Assume the duty of the President in the event of a resignation, removal or 
in the event that the President may not for any reason fulfill his/her duties until an election can be held. ii. Act as temporary chairperson, in the event that a chairperson of any 
committee is unable to fulfill his/her duties, until a new one is appointed. 
 c. Treasurer i. Keep track of all records concerning club funds. 
 ii. Must be in charge of making any club budgets. iii.

Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.

d. Secretary i. Record all minutes during each general meeting and E-board meeting.


ii. Maintain a permanent file of all agendas, minutes, and meeting handouts. 

Keep attendance at all club meetings and events.


Perform all other tasks as delegated by the President.

B. Elections a. Elections shall be held annually. b. A representative of Student Government Association must be 
present in order for the election proceedings to occur. 
 c. All executive positions will only be open to active members. d.

The presiding officer shall take nominations from the floor. Any active member may nominate any other active member for any office.

e. There shall be a closed ballot; election of a candidate to a position shall be constituted by a simple majority of the active members present and voting. I.

If any one candidate does not obtain a majority, the two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes shall participate in a run-off election.


If there is a tie in the percentage of votes cast in the first election, all of the candidates shall reintroduce themselves and proceed with another election until there is either a clear majority or two (2) individuals with the highest number of votes.

f. All ballots must be cast in person. No voting by proxy shall be permitted at any election. However, if any active member cannot attend the elections, he/she may hand in a signed, written ballot to the advisor before the election. 
 g. The order of elections shall start with the President. After the President is elected, the Vice President shall be elected, followed by the Treasurer, and so forth. 
 h. Elected officials shall take office immediately after the conclusion of the elections. 
 i. Procedure in the event of resignation, removal, or vacancy: I.

Any vacancy in the Presidency shall result in the succession of the Vice 32

President to the Presidency. 

If for any reason the Vice President cannot assume the presidency until an election can be held, an election shall take place as soon as possible to elect a new President.


Meetings shall be held weekly. While classes are in session. The exact time and date shall be determined by a common agreement of the members.


Special Meetings may be held due to competition or conference preparation.


If one-third (1/3) of the club’s active members present a petition in writing to the 
President, he/she is required to call a special meeting within 48 hours.


During a special meeting, no removal of officers shall take place.


Only active members may be permitted to vote at meetings.

ARTICLE VII: REMOVAL OF OFFICERS A. If it is determined that an officer is not fulfilling the duties of his/her position or is violating the rules and procedures of the club, he/she shall be removed from office or may be removed from the club in the following manner: a. 2 concerned members shall collect and bring charges against the officer. 
 b. Said member shall send a letter to an executive officer notifying him/her of the date of the 
impeachment request. c. He/she/they shall present his/her/their findings to the club. 
 d. The officer shall have a chance to rebut the charges. 
 e. After all procedures have been carried out, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all active 
members is required to remove the officer. 
 C. A member of Student Government Association’s Rule Committee must be present for impeachment proceedings to occur.



Proposed amendments to this constitution shall be presented at any regular meeting and shall be ratified by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active members present and voting at the following regular meeting.


Any amendments made to this constitution must be presented to and approved by the Student Government Association’s Rules Committee before going into effect.


It shall be the duty of all members and officers to be involved with this organization’s fundraising opportunities.


Members and officers shall never be required to contribute money to fundraisers; however, contributions made by members or officers for the execution of fundraising events shall be allowed.


The Executive Board shall set a contribution limit for individuals before each fundraiser.


Any amount contributed above such limit by an individual shall be refunded when deemed necessary by a majority vote of all active members.


All money contributions, even those under the contribution limit, are subject to review and refund by the Executive Board.


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Seventeen S.A.2017.82.005 A Resolution to Hold Reelection for Campus Feminist Collective’s Executive Board Positions

Whereas, the order of election of Campus Feminist Collective’s Executive Board positions was violated per the club’s Constitution. The order of elections was held with the Public Relations Chair being elected first, followed by the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Vice President, and the President. Per the club’s Constitution, the President should have been elected first, followed by the Vice President, the Treasurer, the Secretary, and the Public Relations Chair. Whereas, the acting President at the time did not preside over the election held during the general meeting even though they were present when it took place. This violates the club’s Constitution. Whereas, the club has failed to keep accurate attendance records and as a result there is no accurate information on membership (i.e. no information on number of active members who are eligible to vote). Whereas, the name of the club’s current Vice President does not appear in any of the rosters that were eventually provided to the Club Relations Chair. Per the club’s Constitution, only active members may be nominated. More than three (3) absences from a club meeting deem a member inactive. Whereas, there was an insufficient number of voting members present at the elections meeting as per the rosters provided. Only eleven (11) voting members were present (including those who ran for office), falling short of the minimum of fifteen (15) voting members. Whereas, there was no general club meeting on the date when elections were held according to the rosters that the current President of the club provided.

Let it be resolved that the Student Government Association shall hold reelections for all Executive Board positions of Campus Feminist Collective.


Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair

Rita Cinquemani President

Brandon Crofts Senator

Dana Craig Senator

Janet Narain Senator

Manni Doan Senator


Appropriations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 4 10/3/17

Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Nicole Algarin Senator Timothy Grief Senator Tejas Nair Senator Moontahinaz Rob Senator Cristian Sanchez Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read

African Student Association (ASA) Requested:


Table Covering and ASA Week Gala Food Allocated:


Table Covering



ASA Week Gala Food



Total for Category





Distributive Education Clubs of America (DECA) Requested:


Hofstra DECA Business Competition Food and Hofstra DECA Business Competition Food (Sandwiches) Allocated:


Hofstra DECA Business Competition Food



Hofstra DECA Business Competition Food (Sandwiches)



Total for Category






Circle K International Requested:


PBJ Event (Bread), PBJ Event (Jelly), PBJ Event (Peanut Butter), PBJ Event (Plastic Gloves), PBJ Event (Plastic Knives), PBJ Event (Sandwich Bags), Project Linus Blankets and T-Shirts Allocated:


PBJ Event (Bread)



PBJ Event (Jelly)



PBJ Event (Peanut Butter)



PBJ Event (Plastic Gloves)



PBJ Event (Plastic Knives)



PBJ Event (Sandwich Bags)



Project Linus Blankets






Total for Category





Hofstra Quidditch Requested:


Regionals Transportation Allocated:


Regionals Transportation


Total for Category

Meeting Adjourned




7:28 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated




Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #4 10/3/17

Meeting Commenced

6:18 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Dana Craig Senator Manni Doan Senator Janet Narain Senator Mana Tadbiri Chair Aleksandra Radeva Angela Sierra (Associate)

Absent 1) Welcome to new senators and associates a. Ice breaker b. Rules and expectations for committee meeting c. Reminder about important dates and events

2) Chair’s update on club issues a. Danceworks moved in; three (3) more organizations left to move in b. Some work orders have already been completed; a few more remain c. SGA office storage space is gradually cleaned up d. MSA is allocated new furniture e. HGE and CFC are splitting; HGE agreed to move to a new office – process will start immediately f. Progress with recruitment for Nexus; Chair will reach out to interested individuals and promote the club through PR 3) Club Monitoring Project a. All completed work is submitted to the Chair b. Going forward each committee member will keep in touch with their assigned clubs and will report back c. Assignments for new senators 4) Update from the Inclusion Ambassador a. Attended Multicultural Caucus on 10/2/17 b. Provided calendar with club events for this semester c. More meetings to come next week


5) Office Space Guidelines a. Posted on all club offices’ doors b. All clubs will be notified via email about the existence of these rules 6) CFC Reelection Resolution a. Will be brought to Senate on 10/5/17 b. Background explained to new senators c. Talking points covered 7) Club Collaboration Event a. Brainstorm ideas for programing agenda b. Janet will look into location and date options c. Create a broad concept of the event d. Discuss CR’s degree of involvement in the event itself

Meeting Adjourned

8:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #4 10/02/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:35 PM Senator Donia Firooz Senator Rosaria Rielly Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Charles Greenberg Associate Julia Esposito Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Senator Jewell Stewart (excused)

1) Meeting with Colin Sullivan a) SAW Video i) Fun vs. official b) Updates on Advertising options 2) New York Times a) Advertising i) Hofcast ii) Poster 3) Spirit a) Midnight Madness- front and back of shirt giving away t-shirts 100 Nov. 2 nd b) Pride Unleashed week poster-senator Greenberg 4) Website a) Modification of Pages Meeting Adjourned

6:52 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Rules Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 4 10/2/17 Meeting Commenced

6:36 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Carissa Ramirez Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Lily Chiagozie (left early) Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Ryan Leighton Chairman Alex Labrie


1. T.I.I.A. a. Reason for attendance: looking for SGA recognition b. Passed 5-0-0 2. DECA a. Reason for attendance: looking for SGA recognition b. Passed 5-0-0 3. S.A.2017.82.005 a. Club Relations brought a resolution to hold another election for CFC b. Passed 4-0-0 4. S.A.2017.82.004 a. Senator Farooqui, Senator Leighton, and Senator Tadbiri brought legislation pertaining to J-Panel b. Did Not Pass 0-2-2

Meeting Adjourned

8:12 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie


Spirit Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 4 10/3/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:34 PM Senator Rana Ismail Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Celeste Battipaglia Chair Tomasso


Senator Arbaaz Khan

Fall Fest / Pride Expo o This Weekend!!  Shifts 1 & 2  Issues with sign-ups  Now you will be penalized  Attire – please wear SGA or Hofstra o Build  Handing out donuts to students in HofUSA o Pride Unleashed Week shirts  Design ideas Spirit Block o Recap for new senators o Decide on some logistics so we can move forward

Meeting Adjourned

7:07 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Tomasso


Student Services Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #4 10/3/17

Meeting Commenced

5:37 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Alexa Osner Senator Gabby Spann Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Carissa Ramirez Senator Basil Gordon Associate Margaux Davis Associate Polina Vivian Chairperson Denton

A. High, Low, Butterfly B. Defamation Experience a. Programming October 18 - 25 b. Reached out to all the multi-cultural and faith based organizations regarding their interest in participating in programming c. Attended IEI caucus meeting on Monday 10/2 to discuss programming d. Tentative Schedule i) October 18: ASA will be hosting a Free African Dance Class on October 18th in MPR East at 8 pm, Start of Art-a-Thon Art-a-thon

ii) October 19: Stuff your high school teacher never told you in the SC Atrium, continuation of iii) October 20: Film Screening & Discussion, continuation of Art-a-thon iv) October 23: Around the World, BSU “Live in Living Color”, continuation of Art-a-thon v) October 24: Meet at the Table vi) DEFAMATION EXPERIENCE

C. Student Appreciation Week a. Deandra is in the process of contacting co-sponsors b. Wording for survey 24x36 board sent to Imani c. Met with Chelsea on 10/2 to discuss collaboration between Spirit and Student Services or PUW and SAW Event

d. Met with Sam from Adopt a Dream on 10/2 to discuss activities for the Club Collaboration e. T-shirt Design: Carissa created the design! (“Our Pride is the Future”) f. Snapchat Filter: Ideas were discussed. Gabby will be in contact with Imani g. A ‘Capella group confirmed to perform in the atrium during SAW. Carissa contacted Dance


Groups to see if they would be interested in participating h. Friday 11/17 event: Art Therapy. Isabelle will reach out to clubs regarding this C. Provost Scholar Reception a. Contacted A ‘Capella group to inquire if they would be interested in having a small performance during the reception D. Initiatives a. Thank you to Gabby and Carissa for scheduling one on one meetings to discuss initiatives! b. If you have dining related concerns, send an email to Rita (

Meeting Adjourned

6:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairperson


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