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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 26th, 2017 Student Center Greenhouse Call to Order I. II. III. IV. V.



Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from October 12th, 2017 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from October 25th, 2017 New Business A. How Diverse is Your Universe? Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup



Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 12th, 2017 Student Center Greenhouse Meeting called to Order at 6:00pm I.

Quorum Call


Vigil for Peace: Hofstra Stands with Those Affected by the Las Vegas Tragedy at 6:30 a.


Approval of Senate Minutes from October 5th, 2017 A.


Comptroller Kutsch moves to approve the Senate Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from October 11th, 2017 A.


Senate will leave at 6:15 to be able to attend the vigil as a group

Senator Ismail moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business A.

SA.2017.82.006 i.

Chairperson Read explains this policy was brought to SGA by administration in Student Affairs and this was created to reflect the changes of Hofstra policy in SGA’s policy series


Comptroller Kutsch explains where this is in the policy series and that there are specifics defining “high risk” activities and standards in University policy and this policy change for SGA is that SGA will only pay for the same items students can be funded for.


Chairperson Read says section (i) is vague on purpose to put the advisor on the same level as a student if an advisor is required to attend as the University sees fit.


Comptroller Kutsch explains that the reasoning this legislation was necessary is because SGA only funds undergrad students but needs this exception





Senator Craig asks for an example of a “high risk” activity a.


Chairperson Read says rock climbing would be an example but also, they wouldn’t even need us to pay because they have a coach who would go with them.

Senator Craig asks if risk is based on activity or distance a.

Anything further than 5 hours or if strenuous physical activity is included but there are waivers and other way


If this Senatorial Action does not pass what happens? i.


Chairperson Labrie ask how many clubs this will affect a.


Motion is not seconded

Senator Doan asks if students are allowed on high risk trips a.


Vice President Normandin says it comes from legal department and is pretty set for legal reasons based on how far away the club is going and risk of activity

Senator Ismail moves to put wording in parenthesis a.


Comptroller Kutsch says it would be the clubs out of pocket/own income

Senator Craig asks how set/implemented is this with administration a.


Chairperson Read says only 6-7 because club sports have coaches who are paid separately, and other clubs have different situations

Senator Ismail clarifies who would pay if SGA does not a.


Comptroller Kutsch says the policy about an advisor attending will still be in place and the advisor will still have to go, SGA just would not pay

Vice President Normandin says ‘yes’ they are they just are required to have an advisor

Debate: 1.


For: Senator Doan says students might try to go without advisors if they cannot pay even though this is not allowed which is more dangerous a.

Yields time to Chairperson Read - it comes from legal and is not the club’s fault that they will have to face this cost so SGA should not force the burden of paying on them


Yields time to Senator Chiagozie - it effects very few clubs and seems like smaller clubs, so SGA shouldn’t want them to struggle

Against: Senator Narain - devil’s advocate - SGA pays for undergrad students only and if clubs choose a ‘high risk’ activity it’s on them a.


Yields time to Chairperson Denton - she is worried that setting a precedent to administration that SGA will pay is a dangerous situation since we are here for the students not the advisors

For: Senator Crofts - club activities will be hindered if clubs cannot go to events because of the advisor rule and SGA is here for the whole Hofstra community so to deny it would not be in the club’s best interests




Yields time to Senator Craig who says yes, it is for an advisor but it is directly beneficial to students


Yields time to the chair

Against: Senator Leighton - devil’s advocate - agrees it is slippery slope with administration and for the small amount impacted the rule doesn’t affect a large portion of clubs and students anyway a.

Yields time to the chair

vii. Vote: 1.


SA.2017.82.006 passes by a vote of 24-4-1

SA.2017.82.007 i.

Senator Harley says they want to pass this to make the IRCB rules more reasonable


Comptroller Kutsch explains the specific requirements they struck: to remove the no more than 5 in SGA requirement and change the exactly 10 person body to “up to 10” members


Senator Craig asks why it was originally no more than 5 from SGA 1.


Senator Ramirez asks if there should be a minimum number set 1.


Comptroller Kutsch says it is one of the only open positions in SGA that students can do without being elected as a Senator so they had wanted to keep that open for those who wanted it

Comptroller Kutsch says did not write it that way - will explain in debate

Senator Narain moves to add a statement to ensure a minimum of 5 members on IRCB including the Comptroller 1.

Motion seconded


Objection a.

Chairperson Read asks if committees have minimums/maximums i.


Vice President Normandin says they do

For; Senator Narain says earlier Max had trouble finding people so keeping a minimum of 5 people seems like a solid enough number i.

Yields time to chair


Against: Comptroller Kutsch - this was considered while writing it - they did not include a minimum because it is a voluntary body and therefore do not have to hold meetings anyway so leaving out a minimum ensure that future comptrollers can make that decision on their own of membership - wants to keep it vague so it’s easier to adhere to - also there are variables in how many clubs and who is audited - number of members should change according to this


For: Senator Leighton - the irregularity and parceling out of work may be better with a minimum and being vague now might help us now but in the future vagueness could be used to mismanage and skirt other rules i.

Yields time to chair





Against: Senator Crofts: our relationship with clubs and funding has been getting better so in the future it should be even better and less of a need for IRCB - it would be rejecting senators who are volunteering if they don’t meet a minimum but still want to hold IRCB and in future they can deal with it numbers as needed i.

Yields time to chair


By a vote of 0-29–0 this motion does not pass


Senator Crofts moves to pass SA.2017.82.007 a.

Motion seconded


Debate to pass SA.2017.82.007:


For: Comptroller Kutsch: this is a housekeeping bill and as a body SGA should strive to not be in violation of own policies so letting go of these requirements will create a more versatile body that can adapt i.


No one speaks against:


For: Senator Harley: agrees it is not good for SGA to be in violation of own policies


Against: Senator Crofts says SGA should actually disband and reframe the IRCB completely



Yields time to the chair


Yields time to the chair


By a vote of 29-0-0 SA.2017.82.007 passes


SA.2017.82.008 i.

Senator Farooqui explains that their goal is to have the Judicial Panel function better since in the past the Judicial Panel hasn’t been able to do too much since they never had new business


Senator Leighton says this will be the first addendum to the Constitution and will set precedence


Senator Tadbiri says they want to remove that Judicial panel cannot sit on Conduct Board as well as change the way Judicial panel reports to Senate and the rules for Senate overturning Judicial Panel decisions - adds that clubs can appeal to Judicial panel within 7 days of a club derecognition decision made by Senate


Senator Narain adds that it also provides a more detailed definition of the term “unconstitutional”


Senator Algarin asks what happens if someone appeals and Judicial Panel sides with Senate 1.


There are other parts of the Judicial Panel Constitution that address other issues - this legislation is only on this certain part

Senator Ismail asks about reporting - is “shall” optional or mandatory 1.

Legal aide will attend every meeting but won’t have to give a report if they have nothing to say



Chairperson Labrie clarifies: shall implies must/mandatory - may would be the alternative not mandatory

vii. Chairperson Read asks what the reasoning behind changing the vote from 3/4 to unanimous minus one 1.

Senator Farooqui says this feels more appropriate since Judicial Panel is supposed to be a check on Senate


Senator Tadbiri says it would make it harder for Senate to repeal a decision which makes Judicial Panel more relevant and powerful

viii. Senator Ramirez asks why the legal aid has to come to all meetings if they only report on public information 1.




Senator Tadbiri says it is more for them to report directly back to Judicial panel on Senate information

Senator Craig moves to open the gallery to ask a question to the Justices present 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Senator Craig asks if anyone has expressed interest in running for/becoming legal aid 1.

Chief Justice Nijjer - people have expressed interest but still has to meet with them - it is an appointed position


Justice Rose says they had current Senator and former Justice Rob as legal aide last year so that Judicial Panel could still function, but also all elected could still vote

Chairperson Read asks if the Justices have given their opinion to those who wrote legislation 1.

Chief Justice Nijjer says they talked to a former Senator when he wrote legislation last year, but has not spoken to them this semester

xii. Comptroller Kutsch moves to close the gallery 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

xiii. Comptroller Kutsch says it’s not specified in the legislation how the legal aide would present the report - if it was in the agenda they wouldn’t have to open the gallery but how do they see this report working 1.

Senator Farooqui says the legislation states it is comparable to Executive Board reports so the legal aide would go after the last Executive Board report


Comptroller Kutsch asks if the legal aid would be in the gallery or at the table a.

Senator Farooqui says at the table similar to how Programming Board chair once sat at the table

xiv. Chairperson Read asks how often Judicial Panel meets 1.

Senator Farooqui says however often the Chief Justice calls meetings

xv. Senator Crofts says this seems like an End of Semester report 1.

Senator Narain says no - legal Aide would sit at table and when they had something to report they would speak


xvi. Chairperson Tomasso moves to replace Article 5 section 1 - just the first part - with the following: (in summary) legal aid must report every ruling to the Senate the meeting following a Judicial decision 1.

Motion seconded




Debate: a.

For: Chairperson Tomasso - the meaning is basically the same, just clarifies that they report the meeting after and it will be a way to make sure reports are timely and following a ruling clarifies what they report on i.


Against: Senator Farooqui: the replacement statement suggested removes the part that the legal aid will attend every meeting - this is the main point so that the legal aid can report back to J panel - this removes that main point i.



Yields time to the chair

Yields time to the chair

For: Comptroller Kutsch: likes that the legal aid would make a report in the event that a Judicial Panel meeting was held - no point in having a report if they did not have a meeting and they could add that they can sit at every one somewhere as well i.

Chairperson Tomasso agrees that there’s no point if Judicial Panel isn’t meeting


Senator Crofts says there’s no rule anywhere that they cannot be there at any meeting - no need to force a report at the table every time

Against: Senator Narain: point of legal aide is for them to go back to Judicial Panel just like Programming Chair sat and got Senate information and went back to Programming Board as well as gave reports only when needed want the purpose of them gaining information included i.

Yields time to the chair


Comptroller Kutsch gives point of information on Programming Board - it has since been absorbed into SGA/Spirt Committee and they were allowed at the table because they were a member of Cabinet


Senator Craig asks if they were elected a.


Senator Doan asks if we can ask what the Justices prefer a.


President Cinquemani answers yes, they ran and were elected as a Senator and then internally ran and were elected as Programming Chair

Vice President Normandin says we can’t open to gallery during debate especially since there is motion on the floor

Senator Ramirez moves to extend debate one speaker for one speaker against one minute each a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Senator Ramirez For: the problem with current writing is what is the point of making it mandatory for legal aide to be at every Senate meeting? They can absolutely be there on their own and in the gallery to stay in the loop





Yields time to Senator Crofts who say they can come, stay in the loop and report back all of Senate. All Justices can do this as a matter of fact


Yields time to Comptroller Kutsch - reminder that this is just debate for this one sentence - another motion can add a sentence about the legal aid coming if they like

Senator Farooqui against: the way it was written is so legal aid can report to Senate like an Executive Board report so the gallery wouldn’t need to be opened, they can speak at their time and they can take the observed info to the Justices

Vote for Chairperson Tomasso’s motion a.

By a vote of 19-5-3 this motion passes

xvii. Chairperson Hinson moves to strike article 2 section 2 which will have it revert to original wording 1.

Motion seconded




Debate: a.

Chairperson Labrie for: understands that Judicial Panel is a Senate check but 3/4 of Senate is still a feat and unanimous minus one is almost impossible - also Judicial Panel has only 6 members and if they are split that’s less, so if 3/4 of senate which is a larger body disagrees with the few members on Judicial Panel this is important and needs to be looked at again


Senator Ramirez against: the Senate needs to be checked and although 3/4 is big it is not difficult enough, obviously if the decision was made once, it’s unlikely to change the next time around



Yields time to Senator Crofts who says the amount of people on Senate vs. Judicial Panel is rather similar to the US Government Senate and Supreme Court


Yields time to Senator Farooqui (runs out of time)

Chairperson Tomasso for: understand the purpose was to make SGA like US Senate/Supreme Court however Hofstra Senate has a lot of time with the legislation and clubs and a lot of knowledge on different topics and decisions and if Judicial Panel wants to rule against Senate it is good but then Senate should have the opportunity to go back on that as well i.


Chairperson Read says Hofstra SGA is two branches not three and only a Senate not a House - the Senators are the students’ voices and it takes 100 votes for Senators to be elected

Senator Doan against: we are Senate and Senate is power hungry and thinks check is necessary because Judicial Panel is small but checks the SGA Constitution, Senate speaks for the students but they have to make sure Senate follows the rules i.

Senator Farooqui says Judicial Panel does a trial and even to that one hasn’t happened since 2001 - SGA doesn’t know that process


Senator Tadbiri says if a club appeals to Judicial Panel for help and Senate goes back on it - it tells the club Senate doesn’t care



Chairperson Hinson moves to extend debate one speaker for, one speaker against one minute speaking time each i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Comptroller Kutsch: point of parliamentary procedure- address all comments and debate arguments to the chair - so as to not make things personal


Chairperson Read adds a point of parliamentary procedure - don’t use names - more professional


Extended Debate over striking Article 2: i.

Chairperson Hinson for: previous point that 3/4 isn’t hard enough is false - 75 percent is very hard and doesn’t think the point is that senate is power hungry, the 3 quarters is in itself a check in power on the Judicial Panel and Senate’s connection to students and knowledge of issues is import 1.




Senator Chiagozie says that anything that has passed this Senate so far has passed with over 3/4 so it is easy and if we overturn all Judicial Panel rulings there is no point in Judicial Panel


Senator Ramirez says it’s not about clubs and knowing them it’s about constitutionality

By a vote of 5-18-3 this motion does not pass

Senator Crofts point of information: if SA.2017.82.008 passes as is will the legal aid be at the table or in gallery a.


Senator Narain against: the point of this legislation is that Judicial Panel decides if something was done wrong by Senate

Vote to strike: i.


Yields time to the chair

Vice President Normandin says the people at the table are people with voting power so they cannot sit here without opening the gallery however if they are on the agenda they can speak (ex. Compass and Secretary report)

Debate to pass SA.2017.82.006 a.

Senator Farooqui for: this is the first addendum to SGA Constitution and future will be based on this - purpose is so that Senate and Judicial Panel are two branches not a branch and a leaf i.

Yields time to the chair


No one speaks against:


Senator Spann for: i.


With the changes this speaks well for Judicial Panel and Senate and everything that we do together - two branches point is important

Senator Crofts speaks against: if a group that meets whenever the Chief Justice decides and only needs 4 people to overturn a Senate decision when we sit here every week and discuss and debate is unfair/unbalanced


i. 6.


Senator Craig moves to extend current debate one speaker for, one speaker against one minute speaking time each a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Extended Debate a.

Senator Craig for: Justices don’t meet regularly since they do not have things to discuss all the time i.




Yields time to the chair

Yields time to Senator Tadbiri - only having 4 people decide on Judicial Panel is how 9 Supreme Court Justices do this in US Government

Senator Crofts against: Judicial Panel lack of agenda should be fixed by giving them a job not what this legislation does i.

Chairperson Tomasso - it seems like we’re trying to figure out something to give the Judicial Panel- this isn’t the US Government this is Hofstra and SGA does not have to happen exactly like US Government


Yields time to the chair

Senator Tadbiri moves for a moderated caucus for 4 minutes where anyone can speak for or against a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Moderated Caucus: a.

Senator Tadbiri says point is not to give Judicial Panel something to do it is to put what they do in more concise words - this legislation gives them a way to do what they should be doing


Senator Chiagozie says that while it is not US Government- Senate is human and make mistakes and needs Judicial Panel to make sure we are doing the right thing and since they are not as involved with issues they can be more unbiased


Chairperson Read says the Justices who are sitting on Judicial Panel right now - they have not been consulted and only one person who wrote this has sat on Judicial Panel; Cabinet was not consulted, and this is a big deal as it is the first addendum, and this is not more concise


Senator Ramirez says it is unfair to put expectation on writers to talk to people who are involved, and Judicial Panel does not want the legal aid position because they would lose voting power, so it doesn’t involve them anyway - this speaks about operation not about Judicial Panel doing any work - and the report they give will benefit Senate


Senator Narain says we don’t have constitutions in front of us and they check this we are also not always unbiased


Comptroller Kutsch says concerned it will fall into IRCB issue where we wind up not following SGA’s own rules



Chairperson Tomasso says she agrees and this should pass but unanimous minus 1 is too high and Senate should have the opportunity to debate again and evaluate


Chairperson Labrie moves to extend caucus by 4 minutes i.

Motion seconded




Debate about whether to extend moderated caucus or not: 1.

Chairperson Labrie for: says if people have more to say let them speak a.

Yields time to Senator Tadbiri who says we are wasting time by debating about this


Chairperson Read against says it has become a he said/she said with no new points


Senator Craig for: no new points


Senator Ramirez against: says people with hands up means there are new points



Yields time to Chairperson Labrie who says someone might have a point that will change minds


Yields time to Comptroller Kutsch: no new points

By a vote of 21-4-0 it passes that SGA will extend the moderated caucus


Chairperson Labrie says we can debate about 3/4 or unanimous minus one but it is redundant to make the legal aid coming mandatory since if the legal aide is reporting only on public knowledge so Senate can find this any time and if legal aid is here they are only gaining knowledge which they can see in the minutes anyway


Senator Craig says Judicial Panel wouldn’t be here if they objected


Senator Tadbiri says the fact that Judicial Panel can come and sit in the gallery and if legal aid is on agenda we avoid the gallery opening and if Senate really believes that Judicial Panel is in the wrong they could achieve unanimous minus one


Comptroller Kutsch says passing this while unclear on details of how legal aid sit here is not ideal and SGA might need to have legislation to clarify how it will work


Chairperson Labrie says it is the first legislation to modify the Constitution and is irresponsible to pass it in its current state if there is already talk of needing amendments


Vote to change Constitution is a roll call vote and need 3/4 to pass - only reasons to abstain are: conflict on interest or if you have missed part of debate


Vote: Comptroller Kutsch:



i. VI.

Chairperson Read:


Chairperson Hinson:


Chairperson Labrie:


Chairperson Tomasso:


Chairperson Denton:


Senator Algarin:


Senator Battipaglia:


Senator Chiagozie:


Senator Craig:


Senator Crofts:


Senator Doan:


Senator Farooqui:


Senator Greenberg:


Senator Harley:


Senator Ismail:


Senator Leighton:


Senator Nair:


Senator Narain:


Senator Osner:


Senator Ramirez:


Senator Rielly:


Senator Rob:


Senator Sanchez:


Senator Spann:


Senator Tadbiri:


By a vote of 16- 9-1 SA.2017.82.008 does not pass

Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani i.

Student Affairs updates 1.

Fall Fest attendance from students was up - thank you Chairperson Tomasso for work on Pride Expo


DSA is on board with yearbook decision - Vice President Houston’s alma mater made similar decision and DSA will be helping President Cinquemani and Senator Crofts



Oct. 22 is admissions open house - if you signed up please attend


Will be going to board of trustees meeting


Tonight was vigil and it was meaningful that all of us were there - thanks Chairperson Hinson for putting that together


Campus Dining Competiton - SGA team won and chef Fabio Viviani wants to include SGA on a task force of his


Quick straw poll of interest into cooking class with compass shows high interest


Senator Craig asks if senior pictures will be happening a.


Yes this is a different contract

Senator Crofts asks what Amazon lockers are a.

President Cinquemani explains bookstore and DSA reps who have spoken with Amazon reps about locker for a quick way to get Amazon packages delivered without the Hofstra mail shuffle and is not guaranteed - waiting for updates and logistics

10. Fitness Center equipment updates - will have polling soon about FC if anyone wants to help write - keep in mind for suggestions too high tech is not practical B.



Vice President—A. Normandin i.

Senator Craig props for hard work on lion/cub and President Cinquemani on vigil


Day of Dialogue panel about take a knee issue- speak to Vice President Normandin if you’d like to be included

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.

IRCB met last week and have audit forms already - updated forms and assigned clubs


In past IRCB was a random audit and they tried to cast a wide net and then other years was a hybrid approach - Comptroller Kutsch is doing a more pointed audit and looking at rollback issues

Secretary—A. Gieger i.


No report at present

Committee Chair Reports A.

Appropriations—S. Read i.

Funded a lot of clubs fully - they were very happy - one club came for a reallocation and apropos explained purpose of meetings compared to a reallocation request which is in email with Max to


Senator Crofts asks about differential in cents 1.

Comptroller Kutsch says the computer’s calculations seem to be off- will look into this


Chairperson Read notes that ice hockey is paying off a bill this semester so they will not have to request this again next semester also this is the first semester we have been able to


Senator Rob asks about total categories 1.

Rock climbing and ice hockey and other are club sports and part of same category of budget




Chairperson Hinson moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

Senator Narain presents the Club Relations minutes


Talked with clubs who haven’t moved into offices yet


Club Collaboration event - HInt won pizza party


CFC will hold reelections soon


Senator Tadbiri went to Multicultural Caucus and discussed their events


Club profiling project will be finished soon and are compiling mass email lists to send to clubs with similar

vii. Club Collaboration event with SS and AAD - looking for donations - ex. Bookstore viii. Senator Crofts asks for point of information from CR - when are the Club Profiles due 1. ix.




They will discuss later

Senator Doan moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Finished posters for SAW and PUW and SS


Work on video for SAW and will work with Carly Weinstein on this


T-shirt designs


Senator Narain moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie i.

Saw a club that wanted to make small Constitution changes and passed this


Saw 3 pieces of legislation that passed to Senate


Chairperson Read moves to pass the Rules Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Pride Expo updates - it went well and she appreciates Senate


Midnight Madness - will have clubs table and interact to get more people involved and there




PUW shirts - send ideas so they can finalize this


Spirit block - will see more in the future - preliminary /procedural talks are completed


Senator Sanchez moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton i.

Defamation Experience programming starts on Wed. After fall break through the 24th


Senator Schmidt is doing “Stuff HS Teacher never taught you” and has been in contact with clubs - send her ideas/facts you know


NAACP and Film Forward clubs are putting on a movie to generate discussion


IEI meeting - discussed programming


Meet at the Table - Senator Spann is working on this - want big SGA presence there - food from all different cultures and can network and learn more about others on Oct. 24th


SAW - has been reaching out to sponsors - thousands of dollars sponsors and has gotten giveaways - academic departments want to be involved for helping students network also met with for

vii. Approved SAW t-shirt viii. Initiatives - met with University Senate members ix.

Committee members met about updates to commuter lounge - in particular furniture


Senator Nair moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


For the Good of the Order




Snap Cup

Senator Sanchez moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate is Adjourned at 9:41pm


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 25, 2017 SGA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 8:48 p.m.


President Updates a.

Board of Trustees Meeting - President Rabinowitz says he likes and appreciates SGA i.

Renamed the School of Medicine - will get new apparel with the new name on it


Playhouse renovation is complete and new


Zarb will be done by Fall 2018 and the far unispan steps were replaced and newly painted


USenate - SAC Updates i.

Comptroller Kutsch says the participation in midsemester reports is lower than expected from professors


Student Success Connect push - cannot see professor comments 1.

Vice President Normandin suggests flagging this for Student Appreciation Week - maybe even make survey questions



One of SAC Senators wants to pass a bill to raise minimum wage on campus — including for Federal Work Study — to match Nassau county’s 1.

Problem: Hofstra doesn’t have funding for this so FWS jobs will be cut if this is voted through


They expressed that they will want SGA help/backing into this if it passes - we will need more info — need to look into getting more funding


Chairperson Read asks if the whole SAC Committee is behind this or if is it just one senator a.

President Cinquemani says it was only one senator - is tabled at the moment until questions are answered


FWS is one of the only ways that international students can get without getting social security number and will put them at a disadvantage


Gabby and Amanda have been surveying grad students and they are not interested in getting involved on campus - just want networking events amongst other grads - does not seem to be worth it to raise their activity fee


Compass Updates i.

G8 station - has equipment for hot food bar and will be installed tonight


TV is here and will be up this weekend


Slushy machine in Dutch is here - waiting for stuff to be in it


iv. e.

Boxes in Build in Dutch are different now - have order sheet on it

RHA Halloweentown i.

SGA will do slime-making


Trunk or treat also wants SGA to participate — These two events were completely separate and will now be a collaboration — they will both be on one night so might make shifts


Vice President Normandin suggests if we can circulate sign ups and get about 6 people to sign up for each — can feel it out and if there isn’t interest SGA will do RHA since SGA is committed to slime


Random Acts of Kindness Day - Nov. 15th all day i.

Newman Club Event - want to know if SGA wants to table - last year did chocolate bars with happy notes on them


Tarana Burke - started the #metoo movement i.

OSAPA is bringing her and SGA was asked to co-sponsor - Rita agreed to pay over 200 dollars to have her come and speak


What’s Happening Hofstra i.


Nov. 1st - will have University updates

Amazon Lockers i.

Idea is done - based on contractual obligations this will conflict with the Bookstore - however the bookstore is looking into their own similar system for all packages


Travel Policy i.

Sending an email so club leaders are aware of policies for budgets



Also, advisors would like to see their advisee clubs’ budgets - ideally before so they have a reference


Comptroller Kutsch and Chairperson Read says this might not be practical


Vice President Normandin says to tell the clubs to cc the advisor so they know too


Programming i.

Going forward there will be a timeline system


Ex: a deadline of 2 weeks before for a poster so that events are publicized/on time


Vice President Updates a.

Midsemester Reports - for progress and goals


They are supposed to be Nov. 2nd (potential)— Normandin has a new idea make it a DSA interactive/mingling event and invite advisors - have appetizers and they can hear our reports


New Business a.

Rules saw a club - they made Constitution edits supposedly but never submitted the Constitution to Chairperson Labrie


Matters at Hand a.

Comptroller Kutsch i.

Compass has an amount of food up to a value that they are willing to allocate to clubs — half is for SGA internal and half is for SGA orgs



Internally - will be based on committee need for food for programming - send Comptroller Kutsch proposed food budgets - what would be useful to have


Will need to have another checkbox for “Compass Contribution” on reimbursement paperwork


Externally- this is tricky because it’s hard to explain to Treasurers and will be difficult to understand that it is not real “money” it’s simple a willingness to give food to clubs as long as it does not exceed the amount for food


Comptroller Kutsch - will keep track of this separately in his database and will make a highlight in the clubs’ budgets with amount-specific vouchers (effectively like a gift card per semester) but definitely cannot be reallocated


President Cinquemani adds that people will need to attach the voucher to the form


This will be explained to clubs in the email clubs receive after budget weekend


Chairperson Read suggests getting hot chocolate for Build a Friend - someone tell Chairperson Hinson


President Cinquemani will do paperwork for What’s Happening Hofstra


Census numbers - final, set amount has been calculated for this semester


iii. b.

Will have exact number for allocation for next semester soon

Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.

Possible constitution violations - has passed this on to Chairperson Labrie


Grad students as active members in clubs - will address this


Certain orgs are not listed on GIHU


Planning Club Collaboration on Nov. 15th - have the program and games ready - room booking is done, and 21 clubs should be there


Talk to Chairperson Hinson about PR - open to all clubs and have been inviting them via email - they should all know 1.

Vice President Normandin suggests a simple reminder PR a few days before


Unity Project - will be at the end of Spring semester - hosted by intercultural clubs - Club Relations will staff the 2-day event and bring professors to make a panel - identity related - multicultural clubs will be making t-shirts and SGA will be on it as a “supporter”


Nexus - Club Relations doesn’t really understand why they need a club still but is willing to make the club again - just don’t know what they will be doing - why create it if it’s not needed


President Cinquemani says she talked to Senator Tadbiri about having a Prayer Board


Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

Midnight Madness:



Monday 11/6 - Tabling with prize well


Tuesday 11/7 - Bingo - sometime after 7 in MPR


Wednesday 11/8 - Pep Rally - this is under Athletics — in back of student center - cheer and coaches (and hopefully ice cream)


Thursday 11/9 - tabling and giving popcorn and candy from EU


Friday 11/10 - interactive tabling with basketball hoop (from EU for free) (contests for prizes)


For the game on Friday 11/10 - The tabling in the arena will be on the home opener - interactive tabling with a relation to basketball


Chairperson Tomasso moves to make 1 hour of tabling on Monday, Thursday or Friday of Pride Unleashed week mandatory and have it count as an office hour


Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Shake a Rake 1.



Will hand out sheet at Senate

Pride Block - need to check over the proposal - committee is looking over list of schools that supposedly have something similar for pictures, stats, uses, etc.


Comptroller Kutsch notes that there is a list of schools that is comparable to schools in terms of funding etc.



Club with most members at Midnight Madness will get a giveaway from OSLE - will send an email, portal announcement, and PR

vi. d.

Chairperson Radeva has created a mass email list for all clubs

Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.

Treasurer Training was successful and went to Greeks to explain the 5% rule to them


Comptroller Kutsch went to Caucus and Presidents of Club Sports meetings


People are aware of Budget Review and Budgets


Chairperson Tomasso asks about iPads 1.


Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.


Vice President Normandin is on this

Saw a club who did not follow through with submitting Constitutions

Public Relations - Senator Greenberg i.

SAW - getting things ready for bus advertisements - prices and how many buses


Start the board even though we do not have a photoshoot set up yet


Def. Exp. that happened today


Vice President Normandin asks about photos: 1.

President Cinquemani says students don’t want to do it for free - know Comptroller Kutsch has a camera


SGA cannot pay at all


Comptroller Kutsch will do the photos is the consensus



Where is the poster that people signed going 1.

Chairperson Denton says she is contacting SGA Advisor Boneta so she can contact plant so it can go in the SC above freshens


Chairperson Tomasso asks about her posters 1.

Senator Greenberg says he hasn’t seen but is pretty sure they’ll be here by Monday


Student Services - Chairperson Denton i.

Student Appreciation Week 1.

T-shirts are ordered


Chairperson Denton moves to make tabling 2 hours during SAW mandatory - will be in place of the office hour a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


Vice President Normandin adds that people shouldn’t be in the office during SAW - they should be tabling and participating


Multiple prizes and giveaways




Mon a.

coffee in res hall and commuter lounge


Social media scavenger hunt



Cupcakes and conversations HCLAS - see if want HUHC help as well


Tues a.

Start your day with DSA - outside hammer, SC, and CV Starr


Gift card giveaway - screenshot completed survey and submit to one SGA social media


Wed a.

Pizza delivery


School of Communications - during common hour WRHU live from SC - students can be interviewed and will have pride Frame



Common hour student performances


Club collar event

Thurs a.

Similar to humans of Hofstra - contacted depts. with student aids - ResLife and OSLE - will feature them on social media



Meet SGA dinner - raffle followed by Senate


Will ask OSAPA about puppies

Friday a.

Free SAW cookies with Compass (black and white cookies but with blue and yellow with SAW hashtag)



International student affairs - international education week - having talent show of student orgs

10. ii.

Throughout week: tabling, polling, prize wheel, PR video

Commuter Lounge blueprints are finalized - modeled off of new furniture in Breslin - will be done by next semester and will have a wall decal - but ‘commuter focused’


For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Labrie moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 10:48pm


Appropriations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 6 10/24/17 Meeting Commenced

6:30 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Nicole Algarin Senator Timothy Grief Senator Tejas Nair Senator Moontahinaz Rob Senator Cristian Sanchez Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read

Pre-Professional Organizations Hofstra Athletic Training Society Requested:


EATA Conference Registration Fees, EATA Hotel Room Fees & EATA Mileage Reimbursement Allocated:


EATA Conference Registration Fees



EATA Hotel Room Fee



EATA Mileage Reimbursement



Total for Category





Sports Organizations Club Roller Hockey Requested:


ECRHA Fee Allocated:





Hofstra Running Requested:


Pumpkin Challenge Entry Fees & NIRCA Northeast Regional Entry Fees Allocated:


Pumpkin Challenge Entry Fees



NIRCA Northeast Regional Entry Fees




Equestrian Requested:


Facility Rental, EMT Fee for Home Horse Show, Horse Rental Fee, Port-a-Potty Rental, Program Fee, Team Apparel, Mileage to Lessons, Mileage to Shows & Judge Fee Allocated:


Facility Rental



EMT Fee for Home Horse Show



Horse Rental Fee



Port-a-Potty Rental



Program Fee



Team Apparel



Mileage to Lessons



Mileage to Shows



Judge Fee



Hofstra Club Rowing Requested:


Engine Replacement & Mileage Reimbursement - Races and Practices Allocated:


Engine Replacement



Mileage Reimbursement - Races and Practices



Total for Category

Meeting Adjourned




8:05 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated



Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #6 10/24/17

Meeting Commenced

6:15 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Dana Craig Senator Manni Doan Senator Janet Narain Senator Mana Tadbiri Chair Aleksandra Radeva


Angela Sierra (Associate)

1) Chair’s update on club issues a. Meeting with CFC Executive board representatives about elections b. Meeting with Spirit Chair about a joint project c. Interest in Nexus d. Furniture to be purchased e. Shake a Rake f. UNITY 2) Update from the Inclusion Ambassador a. Attended Multicultural Caucus on 10/23/17 b. Treasurer Training c. Discussion about UNITY

3) Updates from Senators a. Club policy violations discussion b. Assignment of small tasks 4) Club Collaboration Event during Student Appreciation Week a. Hosted by Club Relations Committee in collaboration with Adopt a Dream b. Finalizing the list of activities c. Discussion about prizes/giveaways d. Brainstorming a creative title


Meeting Adjourned

7:43 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #6 10/23/17 Meeting Commenced Attendance

6:31 PM Senator Donia Firooz Senator Rosaria Rielly Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Charles Greenberg Chairwoman Hinson


Associate Julia Esposito (excused) Senator Jewell Stewart (excused)

1) Build-A-Friend shirts a) Send list of animals- Senator Rielly 2) Bulletin Board Ideas a) Block Letter blue and gold for header b) When are Pictures? 3) Posters Sent to Denise to order 4) Questions for SAW video- Senator Fletcher a) Send Confirmed events 5) Bus Promo Student Appreciation- Senator Greenberg a) Number of buses? b) Another meeting with Colin? 6) Defamation experience a) Advertising for CCE day of dialogue b) Talk to Student Services about posting Poster from Art- A-Thon, students wanted to know if the messages would be seen by all students because it was very nice!

Meeting Adjourned

6:41 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Rules Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 6 10/23/2017 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:30 PM Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Ryan Leighton Chair Pro Tempore Normandin

Absent (excused)

Senator Catherine MacCarthy Chairman Alex Labrie

1. QTPOCC a. Queer and Trans People of Color Coalition b. Attended seeking SGA recognition c. Passed 3-0-0 2. Society of Women Engineers a. Attended to update their Club Constitution b. Passed 3-0-0 3. Hofstra Critics a. Attended to update their Club Constitution b. Passed 3-0-0

Meeting Adjourned

8:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Abby Normandin Vice President Rules Chair Pro Tempore


Spirit Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 5 10/24/17 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:37 PM Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Arbaaz Khan Chair Chelsea Tomasso Senator Rana Ismail

Absent I.





Charlie knocked on Celeste’s door a. Celeste was very confused b. Who does Charlie get this information from?? Midnight Madness a. No longer tabling b. OSLE poster – Celeste is spearheading i. Include date (November 2nd), time (8 pm), location (Arena), name of event c. DJ confirmed – will be a photo booth Pride Unleashed Week a. Shirts ordered b. Tabling i. Club ideas ii. Interactive activity ideas c. Compass updates d. IT updates e. Bingo boards i. Decided to make specific to PUW f. Student Services Collab on Friday 11/10 Shake-A-Rake a. November 18th, 9 am to 12 noon b. Sign-up at Senate RHA / EU Halloweentown/ Trunk or Treat Pride Expo Proposal Villanova Game will be commuter game due to date of event ~Spirit Committee quiz~ Pride Block a. Research 6 schools assigned i. Do they have a block? ii. Provide pictures and application process details

Meeting Adjourned

7:46 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Tomasso


Student Services Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting # 6 10/24/17 Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

5:30 PM Associate Margaux Davis Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Alexa Osner Senator Carissa Ramirez Chairwoman Deandra Denton


Senator Basil Gordon Associate Polina Vivian Senator Gabrielle Spann (excused)

1. Check in 2. Defamation Experience a. Wednesday October 25th at 6:00 pm in Monroe b. Attend if you can and the spread the word to others c. Programming for the Defamation Experience ends today (10/24). Meet at the Table is at 6:30 pm d. The Banner from Art-a-thon will be posted in the Student Center for the Hofstra community to see e. Thank you! 3. Student Appreciation Week (November 13 – 17) a. T-shirt order placed. 1,000 T-shirts were ordered b. List of departments who provided funds to t-shirts: International Student Affairs, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Card Services, Hofstra University Bookstore, Office of Student Leadership and Engagement, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Zarb School for Business, Compass c. List of departments/organizations who provided giveaways: The New York Times, The Center for Academic Excellence, Hofstra University Bookstore, Campus Recreation, Compass, Student Advocacy and Prevention Awareness, Career Center, Residence Life, Card Services, Residence Hall Association, Commuter Student Association, Admissions, Lawrence Herbert School of Communication, Zarb School for Business d. Update on New Events: School of Communication is interested in doing a segment of WRHU live from the Student Center one day during SAW, Admissions confirmed to help once again with the free pizza delivery e. Tasks i) Gabby: Snapchat Filter ii) Carissa: Contacting performance groups, t-shirt design iii) Alexa: Balloon Arch Order iv) Alexa, Carissa, Isabelle, Margaux: Assemble raffle baskets v) Isabelle: Music in Atrium


4. University Senate Student Affairs Committee Updates from Carissa a. Gave updates on different initiatives that are being worked on currently by committee members 5. High, Low, Butterfly Meeting Adjourned

5:46 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairwoman


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