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Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 12th, 2017

Student Center Greenhouse Call to Order I. II. III. IV. V.




Quorum Call Vigil for Peace: Hofstra Stands with Those Affected by the Las Vegas Tragedy Approval of Senate Minutes from October 5th, 2017 Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from October 11th, 2017 New Business A. SA.2017.82.006 B. SA.2017.82.007 C. SA.2017.82.008 Executive Board Reports A. President—R. Cinquemani B. Vice President—A. Normandin C. Comptroller—M. Kutsch D. Secretary—A. Gieger Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations—S. Read B. Club Relations—A. Radeva C. Public Relations—I. Hinson D. Rules—A. Labrie E. Spirit—C. Tomasso F. Student Services—D. Denton For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup



Agenda of the 82nd Senate Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 5th, 2017

Breslin Hall room 111

Meeting called to Order at 6:16pm 1.

Quorum Call


Approval of Senate Minutes from September 21th, 2017 a.


Senator Ramirez moves to pass the Senate Minutes i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Approval of the Cabinet Minutes from October 4th, 2017 a.

Senator Crofts asks if there is a time for the vigil yet i.





Vice President Normandin responds that it will be at 6:30pm

Chairperson Tomasso moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded and there is an objection


Chairperson Tomasso rescinds her motion

Senator Narain moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded and there is an objection


Senator Narain rescinds her motion

Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Cabinet Minutes i.

Motion is seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New Business a.

Comptroller Kutsch moves for a 5-minute recess to wait for the Blood Center representatives to arrive i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously




Chairperson Labrie moves to suspend the rules and move on to Executive board reports i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

New York Blood Center Presentation - Doreen Fiscina i.

The Blood Drive will be here on Oct. 25th from 8am- 8pm— the last couple of weeks have been crazy in terms of tragedy: Houston and Florida asked for help when Harvey and Irma hit respectively- they helped us when Sandy hit - so NYBC has been finding the balance between helping them since they do not have a capacity to collect while maintaining the amount of blood needed for people in this area


Puerto Rico was a location of a kit provider so they have limits at the moment due to the tragedy there


Las Vegas is self-sufficient at the moment


Donated blood takes 3 days to be processed before it can be used - donating after is great but the immediate help in the moment comes from those who donated three days before - keeping a high blood supply is important to be prepared for tragedies


She was a former EMS and dealt with trauma all the time - there is unfortunately sometimes circumstances where they are short on blood


She is asking for SGA’s help just getting the word out- she is talking with as many clubs as she can and is hoping for people to come out and tell friends and family to donate


To donate: must be 110 pounds, not have gotten a tattoo in the last year, and bring some form of ID - sign up in the student center before hand - her number is on the flier if there are nay questions

viii. Comptroller Kutsch asks if she has a digital copy of any posters that Chairperson Hinson can share on social media 1. ix.

She says Colin in Creative Services has them to put on HofCast and other places so they should be able to share it with SGA or email her if that does not work

Senator Algarin clarifies if it is on campus 1.

Senator MacCarthy says yes, it is in MPR


Senator Algarin asks if people donating know where their blood will go a.


Senator Battipaglia asks if you have to be a certain age to donate a.

x. D.

Senator MacCarthy says procedure is that it will be distributed on a need base by NY region first and then once that base need is met - will be sent to areas of demand due to tragedy

Senator MacCarthy says you must be 17

Vice President Normandin says if anyone has ideas on how to promote the drive, reach out to her because this is a good cause and SGA should help

Club Recognition Hearings i.

Distributive Education Clubs of America - 5 minutes of speaking time 1. Dana Craig speaks as President of DECA and Max Strauss speaks as Recruitment Chair 2. Dana gives an overview: they are a pre-professional club that focuses on competition and using real life scenarios 3. Max Strauss explains that DECA prepares emerging leaders in business and management and all kinds of majors and minors for the real world - the club is not limited


4. Dana explains DECA is a national organization which is popular in High Schools and colleges across the country- people are familiar with them 5.

They are hosting an event soon and plan on going to nationals later this year- it is a large competition with schools from across the country attending

6. There are also many different subgroups of DECA - some aren’t specifically offered at Hofstra but are a part of the larger DECA organization - this gives students more opportunities 7. Max Strauss adds they will be hosting events and speakers and have a lot of programming planned- stock market competitions and various challenges 8. Their main event this year is competition they are hosting - they won an award from Zarb last spring to put on a competition - Zarb has been very supportive 9. They have been around for almost a year and have been at every club fair - carnivals and at orientations since 10. They have had fundraisers at Chipotle and Panera to increase their own funds 11. DECA has many business partners - helps students with futures and networking ii. Senator Narain asks how many members they have 1. Dana responds that they have 40 on GetInvolved HU and about 17-20 come to meetings regularly iii. Senator Crofts asks if dues are mandatory for all students 1. Max Strauss says it is $10 to be involved in their local chapter but it is 10 for national org and 10 for national competitions - but there is no fee if you don’t want to iv. Chairperson Labrie asks what DECA hopes to gain from being SGA recognized 1. Dana answers DECA would like to feel more connected to other clubs and benefit from SGA’s PR and benefits of being allowed at SGA- recognized- only events v. Comptroller Kutsch asks if the entirety of the club partakes in competitions or at least most members 1. Yes, Max Strauss says most members compete - still gauging for this year specifically but yes most do vi. Chairperson Denton asks about the contribution they receive from Zarb - can they explain/say more about their Zarb connection 1. Dana says they won the award to hold a competition, they also help spread the word and form connections between students and other business clubs and also offered to contribute to travel for getting to conferences vii. Senator Crofts moves to extend question time by 3 minutes 1. Motion seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously viii. Max Strauss adds that they work with Zarb in relation to getting alumni speakers and they participated in Zarb ice cream social ix. Debate 1. Senator Narain for: DECA is for all majors not just business; only started in November but have done a lot - competitions, gotten Zarb money; have enough active members; see it as a beneficial club because it promotes student growth a. Yields time to the chair


2. Senator Ramirez against: just playing devil’s advocate: they just said they want more club connections in response to Chairperson Labrie’s question about what they want from SGA and also it sounds like they just want money so they should say that flat out a. Yields time to Senator Crofts- devil’s advocate again if they’re new maybe SGA should ask them to wait a little longer b. Yields time to chair 3. Senator MacCarthy for: thinks they do need money and giving students chances to compete and get experiences is a worthwhile thing to fund a. Yields time to Senator Tadbiri - in terms of new club they have consistent attendance at meetings and have dues, fundraisers, and awards so they won’t ask just for money 4. No one speaks against 5. Vote: a. By a vote of 28-1-2 DECA passes and SGA will now recognize DECA E. Comptroller Kutsch moves to resume the rules i.

Motion seconded

ii. Motion passes unanimously F.

SA.2017.82.005 i.


iii. 5.

Comptroller Kutsch moves for an Executive Session to discuss S.A. 2017.82.005 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously by a vote of 31-0-0

Comptroller Kutsch moves to end the Executive Session and return to normal business 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

S.A.2017.82.005 has Passed

Executive Board Reports A.

President—R. Cinquemani i.


Vigil for Las Vegas - students who lost loves ones contacted OSLE and came up with the idea to honor the event- it is considered a demonstration and PSafe is aware 1.

Real candles will not be allowed so SGA is investing in battery operated candles which SGA will have for future use as well


Ribbons will be tied to a bush or a statue as a reminder for a few weeks (if approved) and students can write notes on the ribbons for peace

Dining - compiled an email and brought concerns up to Rich and Candace 1.

Looking into slushy machine in Dutch and improving G8 Station which should be up and running within a week or so


TV order screen is supposed to be up in the back soon


Be sure to download the app and increase other students’ awareness and continue to give Rita feedback


4. iii.

Multicultural clubs wanted to see more variety of cultural foods and if you have menu ideas she will relay that on as well

RHA Halloween event- trick or treating event between towers - there will be a sign-up sheet to help and SGA will come up with an activity to do with kids 1.

Senator Algarin clarifies if each individual needs to come up with an idea a.


Compass Cooking Competition- next Wednesday during common hour 1.

SGA will be forming a team to compete with the help of a professional chef


Senator Algarin asks what food will be cooked a.



Fitness Center equipment meeting- send President Cinquemani ideas about new equipment before they meet tomorrow


Final decision on yearbook: a physical copy will be cut


President Cinquemani is working with Creative Services in hopes that the university can make some digital media in place of a yearbook - sign up for this to be able to help

Vice President—A. Normandin i.

Thanks Senators for coming and participating in Senate Retreat


Update on Judicial panel 1.

Judicial Panel’s first meeting was this week - they are in the process of electing a Chief Justice and will start meeting regularly


Overview of Judicial Panel - they are the check and balance on the Senate body- Anything Senate passes goes to the Judicial panel and they look at it and check if it is in the best interest of the student body and if it goes against SGA constitution; also any club or student who is upset with SGA and its actions can go through Judicial panel to resolve issues


Chief Justice is one of the 6 justices on Judicial panel - they are the speaker but all justices have voting power - feel free to contact the Chief Justice with any concerns once one is elected

Comptroller—M. Kutsch i.

IRCB updates - 7 Senators signed up for IRCB - remember the first introductory meeting is tomorrow morning and will give assignments for which clubs to reach out to


Census numbers - funding for the fall is based on an institutional estimate but now the specific number is in


Wrote Senatorial Action that he will bring to Rules in regard to IRCB since they are in violation technically by having less than 10 people on the board but he thinks this should be adjusted

Secretary—A. Gieger i.


it will be determined by the chef


1. B.

President Normandin says no, it is one activity for SGA to do as a group

No updates

Chairperson Labrie moves to reinstate the rules to see the club hearing i.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Committee Chair Reports A.

Appropriations—S. Read



Appropriations saw four clubs this week - including DECA who were recognized tonight


They allocated 99.99% (because someone rounded up the cents)


There has been an increase in sign-ups and she will be giving treasurer trainings to Multicultural Caucus


Senator Crofts asks what the 30 cents was that was missed 1.





Chairperson Read notices a correction that should be made- Senator Farooqui made appropriate changes based on Senator Crofts question

Senator Harley moves to pass the Appropriations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Club Relations—A. Radeva i.

One club moved in - still waiting for three more


Work orders for offices are in and some are completed


SGA office space is almost clean and the committee will be working on it this week


Muslim Student Association asked for a table which they have been allocated


Gospel Ensemble has moved offices


There is progress with Nexus recruiting though this might be altered based on yearbook decision


Club Profiling process is still going on to compile database for clubs - if anyone is interested in having access to this information contact Chairperson Radeva


Senator Tadbiri is Inclusion Ambassador and provided updates and a calendar of events to Club Relations Committee from information she learned from Multicultural Caucus


Chairperson Radeva posted rules on all club office doors and in an email so all clubs should be aware of rules


Senator Narain moves to pass the Club Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Public Relations—I. Hinson i.

Senator Fletcher presents the Public Relations Minutes for Chairperson Hinson


Public Relations went over the video promotion details


Chairperson Hinson gave committee members a Canva tutorial


Working on how to market The New York Times - want to gauge if students know about the subscriptions or think it’s useful


Looked at Pride Unleashed Week T-shirt designs


Senator Leighton moves to pass the Public Relations Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Rules—A. Labrie




Saw two clubs and two pieces of Senatorial Actions 1.

Only saw one club today because the other club did not send in their Constitution so they could not pass Cabinet to be present at Senate


Only passed one piece of Senatorial Action

Senator Crofts asks about the labeling of the Senatorial Action SGA saw today - it is labeled SA.2017.82.004 on the Rules Minutes 1.


Senator Crofts clarifies that the Judicial Panel legislation is 1.



Chairperson Labrie says numbers are hard

Chairperson Labrie says this is correct

Senator Sanchez moves to pass the Rules Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Spirit—C. Tomasso i.

Worked on Pride Unleashed Week shirt designs


Pride Block is in progress


Pride Expo updates: 1.

This Saturday the Expo is from 12pm-2pm


The signup sheet last week was to see availability


The google doc was up and people did not sign up- there will be a new one and everyone needs to sign up for at least one shift - there should be 15-20 people for each shift


If you cannot attend, you need to have emailed Chairperson Tomasso already or at least by tomorrow- if you are in another org send Chairperson Tomasso that and the reasoning by 9am tomorrow and she will work out the situation


This event is mandatory if you do not send in an excuse and do not go it will count as an unexcused absence and Senators are allowed only three unexcused absences per semester


Please read all posts on Facebook - this is important


Senator Algarin asks about attire for the Expo a.





The SGA shirts have not been ordered yet so just wear Hofstra shirts

Senator Spann asks about what a spirit block is a.

It has been in previous years a rock idea and people would put advertisements on it but a rock is expensive and oddly shaped for papers


Another school does a cinder block idea -she can bring in pictures next week- the purpose is for advertising events and spirit on campus

Senator Spann moves to pass the Spirit Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Student Services—D. Denton



Right after fall break from Oct.18-24 is programming with ends on the 25th with the Defamation Experience


NAACP will show a film on the 20th and are looking into getting an LGBT representative movie as well


‘Meet at the Table’ event is on the 24th - collaboration with Mrs. Spann for programming and dining for culturally relevant foods


Working with International Student Affairs as International Education Week is the same week as Student Appreciation Week


Senator Ramirez designed shirts for Student Appreciation Week


Club Collaboration that Club Relations and Adopt A Dream are all working with Student Services on is in progress


Comptroller Kutsch moves to pass the Student Services Minutes 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously


For the Good of the Order




Snap Cup

Senator Crofts moves to Adjourn the Senate Meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Senate Meeting Adjourned at 8:32pm


Minutes of the 82nd Cabinet Hofstra University Student Government Association

October 11, 2017 SGA Conference Room Meeting Called to Order at 8:10 p.m. 1. President Updates a.

Student Affairs Updates - met with Vice President Houston and Sophia i.

Updates from Fall Fest- attendance was up with students but down with families so will want SGA’s help to improve this for next year


Amazon Lockers - no progress to report


Student Affairs Committee from University Senate wants to work on campus sexual assault issues and wants SGA’s help if SGA wants to look into speakers/programming


Division of Student Affairs is on board with yearbook decision - Vice President Houston’s alma mater did the same - Hofstra’s peer schools are doing this as well because there are no good alternatives

v. b.

President’s Leadership Reception is Nov. 15th - will be during Student Appreciation Week

Board of Trustees Meeting i.

Will meet next Tuesday and will be making a mock agenda so send President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin an email with information Chairs want included as updates on their committees


Candle Light Vigil for Peace - this Thurs. in front of Hofstra Hall at 6:30pm i.

The candles came in


Vice President Houston- will speak of importance of peace vigils Sophia- will read a poem


Asks for updates from Chairperson Hinson about banner 1.

We’re going to get banner paper from RA office but ResLife said no because it would not be for programming


Chairperson Read says RHA might have some that they can share and Vice President Normandin said she can ask ResLife tomorrow to check again



Chairperson Denton bought some from OSLE for $5 so that could be another option


President Cinquemani will follow up to find a table for banner signing

Courtney Cox will sing “Go in Peace” during the banner signing



Vice President Normandin and Comptroller Kutsch will read poems - President Cinquemani has picked the poems for them and others who have agreed to read


Chairperson Labrie asks about how Senate will be run since the vigil is at 6:30 1.

President Cinquemani says Senate will start promptly at 6:00, approve the minutes, and then will walk over to the vigil together before returning to finish business

vii. d.

Share and invite people to the vigil on social media so the word gets out there

Compass Dining Competition i.

There was a good turnout of students watching and walking by who thought it looked fun and wanted to sign up 1.

Chairperson Read was supportive of the event - others agree Compass should do this again


In November Compass is having a cooking class led by their chefs


Fabio was impressed with SGA’s group and wants to partner with SGA on how to reach a college audience


New Dietician - she started 3 days ago and will plan more events - however is hired by Compass and covers multiple schools in the area - be aware of this if looking for her


There will be another celebrity chef in the spring – President Cinquemani says we can ask Candace for a list and potentially vote on the choices they have


Chairperson Denton asks about promotion of the Dining App 1.


President Cinquemani will ask about Candace’s plans for that

Fitness Center i.

Pat needs to look into new bids again - unsure if they should lease or not - also there is no funding at the moment - need to poll to find out what machines students want


Goal: to have Pride Unleashed week poll and poll in the Fitness Center so results are an accurate representation of those who use gym


If you request newer technology machines- (ex.) digital screen machines - these are more expensive and break down more and therefore have to get less of those - basic equipment works better


Chairperson Read adds the spin machines are still on contract and will not be changed 1.


President Cinquemani adds it’s mainly the cardio machines that they need to look into replacing

Want SGA’s help to advertise that students need to take care of the equipment better - wipe them down better and do not drop/not put back dumbbells 1.

Chairperson Labrie mentions when wipes are out and President Cinquemani will get a sign up in the Fitness Center about cleanliness and getting wipes from the office downstairs if they are out


Vice President Normandin says we should get options for equipment first to ask people opinions on options so it’s not so open-ended



Vice President Updates a.

Asks about one-on-ones - good feedback for going forward they will stay the same


Lion/Cub reveal: tomorrow is not the best day because of vigil and people are leaving for the drag show - discussion on best way to handle this

c. 3.

Day of Dialogue Student needed for panel discussion

New Business a.

S.A. 2017.82.006 i.

Chairperson Read and Comptroller Kutsch brought this to provide a way in the rules for SGA to pay for club leaders who are mandated to chaperone clubs - phrased it so it can be open to interpretation but is also stringent enough to not be used lightly




Chairperson Labrie moves to add SA.2017.82.006 to the Senate Agenda 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

S.A. 2017.82.007 i.

Comptroller Kutsch brought this legislation for IRCB member requirements to make them more realistic


Comptroller Kutsch moves to add SA.2017.82.007 to the Senate Agenda 1.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

S.A.2017.82.008 i.

Reform of Judicial Panel legislation- this is the first addendum to the constitution so there is no precedent for formatting


Two main points that have changed: 1.

Article 5 Section 2 - about Senate overturning and re-ruling J panel decisions - will now be replaced and can only be overturned and re-ruled by Senate with a unanimous minus one vote


Article 7 Section 1- changed it to be 7 days to appeal


Chairperson Read moves for an Executive Session to discuss SA.2017.82.008





Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Chairperson Labrie moves to end the Executive Session and return to normal business a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Comptroller Kutsch moves to add SA.2017.82.08 to the Senate Agenda a.

Motion seconded


Motion passes unanimously

Matters at Hand



Appropriations - Chairperson Read i.


Four clubs attended and had almost full funding

Student Services - Chairperson Denton i.

Concerns about New York Times - they are delivered early in the day - looking into getting a kiosk where you swipe your card in order to get a copy


Around the World - will hang map on bookstore glass


IEI meeting about movies - will show “Crash� that Hofstra already has the rights to - it highlights many issues - and IEI will provide snacks while SGA ordered drinks


Giveaways - ResLife has basket done and RHA will give basket too - other groups have already donated as well 1.

Looking into New York Times branded items to use as giveaways and also to advertise the subscription


President Cinquemani asks if she reached out to the writing center- she says yes as well as HCLAS, HUHC, Zarb, engineering, all different departments and schools


Spirit - Chairperson Tomasso i.

Pride Expo was great - Chairperson Read adds that orgs liked it - Chairperson Tomasso will talk to Denise and President Cinquemani and Vice President Normandin about going forward

ii. d.

Will have more updates on Pride Block and proposal by end of semester hopefully

Club Relations - Chairperson Radeva i.

Club Collaboration event during Student Appreciation Week progress


All clubs have moved into offices - except SPIT - turns out they had the wrong email for the past few months


Rules - Chairperson Labrie i.

Saw three pieces of Senatorial Action that passed to Cabinet


Chairperson Read asked about if he has a spreadsheet of all clubs and their elections 1.

Chairperson Labrie says no but he keeps all emails so there is always a record if needed


Chairperson Read thinks in particular this would be a good idea to be able to see which clubs are not having SGA representatives at their elections


Chairperson Read asks if clubs that have other protocols still follow SGA rules 1.

Vice President Normandin says if a club is SGA recognized they should follow SGA procedure but is aware that not every club does this every year


Public Relations -Chairperson Hinson i.

Finished posters for Chairperson Denton and asks Chairperson Tomasso about her opinion on the Spirit Posters - Chairperson Hinson will order these once Chairperson Tomasso approves


Comptroller Kutsch



Chairperson Denton got people to donate for programming and will need to figure out a budget transfer will go into Student Services Account

ii. V.

Many reallocations are being requested

For the Good of the Order

Chairperson Labrie moves to adjourn the Cabinet Meeting Motion seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 10:07 pm


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Seventeen S.A.2017.82.006 High-Risk Trip Advisor Fees

The relevant section can be found on page five (5) of the Student Government Association Policy Series and Procedures II. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE B. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE: 1. General Policies: a. The Appropriations Committee does not fund any club with a discriminatory nor exclusive attitude with regard to membership, as defined in the Student Government Association Constitution. b. All clubs and organizations seeking funds shall use the appropriate documents provided by the Student Government Association. and discernable by the committee members. i. All documents shall be provided in the United States vernacular, in the United States Dollar, and clear to the reasonable person. c. All financial business does not become official until it passes the Senate d. The president and treasurer of any club or organization may not serve on the Appropriations Committee as a voting member. Any other full-time undergraduate senator or associate may be a member. e. Any member of the Appropriations Committee must abstain from voting if he or she is a member of a club or organization seeking budget. f. The Student Government Association, the Comptroller, and Hofstra University cannot guarantee payment of any financial transactions where all documents are not filled out completely and correctly at least two (2) weeks in advance. g. High-Risk Trip Advisors i. The Appropriations Committee may fund for Hofstra University club advisors to attend events off-campus deemed “high-risk� as required by Hofstra University Risk Management policy. ii. This funding shall apply only to expenses that the attending undergraduate students also require for the event. iii. These items may include, but are not limited to, mileage reimbursement, train tickets, hotel fees, and registration fees up to and not exceeding the limits enumerated under Section 4: Allocation Policies.

Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch Comptroller

Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Seventeen S.A.2017.82.007 Internal Review and Control Board Membership Requirements

The relevant section can be found on page six (6) of the Student Government Association Policy Series and Procedures II. APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE A. ADDENDUM TO THE APPROPRIATIONS COMMITTEE UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE COMPTROLLER: 3. Internal Review and Control Board a. Membership: i. No more than two (2) members of the Rules Committee shall serve on the IRCB. b. The IRCB shall consist of exactly ten (10) members, including the Comptroller. c. No more than five (5) members shall be members of the Student Government Association, including members of the Rules Committee. b. The IRCB may consist of up to ten (10) members, including the Comptroller.

Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch Comptroller

Kathryn Harley Senator


Hofstra University Student Government Association Two Thousand and Seventeen S.A.2017.82.008 Addendum 1: Reform of the Duties of the Judicial Panel

Pursuant to Article VI. Section Three of the Student Government Association’s Judicial Panel Constitution, the following constitutes its first addendum. The following is hereby repealed: ARTICLE II. Section Six. No Student Government Association Justice shall be a member of any other standing judicial or conduct Board at Hofstra University. ARTICLE V. Section One. The Judicial Panel shall have full power as outlined in its Constitution but must report every ruling to the Senate. Section Two. Any Judicial Panel ruling deemed unacceptable by threefourths (3/4) of the Senate may be overturned and re-ruled on by Senate. The following is hereby added: ARTICLE V. Section One. The Judicial Panel shall have full power as outlined in its constitution. The Legal Aide shall report every ruling to the Senate the meeting following a judicial decision. A. This report shall consist of matters made available to the public record. a. Public record refers to all information that may be published on the Student Government website. b. The Legal Aide shall write a report when the Judicial Panel convenes, and shall be passed by the Justices to be sent to the Senate. B. The Legal Aide shall present a report of all meetings to the Senate on the actions of the Judicial Panel. a. This report shall be given at the end of the Senate Executive Board reports. b. It is not necessary for the report to be passed by the Senate. i. This report is comparable to the Executive Board reports. 17

Section Two. Any Judicial Panel ruling deemed unacceptable in a near unanimous vote, only allowing for one vote against, of the Senate may be overturned and re-ruled on by the Senate. ARTICLE VII. Section One. Any club that has reason to believe that the Student Government derecognition process was done in an unconstitutional manner may appeal to the Judicial Panel. A. The appeal shall be submitted to the Chief Justice in writing within seven (7) days of the decision passed by Senate. Section Two. The Justices shall convene to address the content of the appeal to decide whether to hear the case. The decision to hear the case will be decided by a majority rule of the Justices. Section Three. After a thorough investigation, the Judicial Panel shall decide whether the decision made by Senate was done in a constitutional manner. A. The Judicial Panel may overturn the ruling made by Senate if the decision was done in an unconstitutional manner as pursuant to its definition in Article I, Section III. * *Defined as contradictory to the principles and bylaws of the Constitution of the Student Government Association.

Respectfully submitted, Zain Farooqui Senator

Ryan Leighton Senator

Janet Narain Senator

Mana Tadbiri Senator


Meeting Commenced

Internal Review and Control Board Minutes F17 Monthly Meeting 1 10/6/2017 11:33 AM

Attendance Attended

Comptroller Kutsch Senator Farooqui Senator Nair Senator Crofts Senator Doan Senator Ismail Senator Grief

Absent I. II. III.

Senator Harley Introduction, Appropriations Overview Duties a. Updated email template b. Updated audit form Club Assignments:

Manni: - Accounting Society - Muslim Student's Association - Hofstra University Habitat for Humanity Campus Chapter Timmy: - American Society of Civil Engineers Hofstra Chapter - The Astronomical Society of Hofstra - Together We Rise at Hofstra TJ: - Hofstra University Bowling Club - College Republicans - Hofstra Advertising Club Rana: - Buddhism Club - Spectrum Players - Pride Pals Brandon: - Motorsports Engineering Club - Campus Feminist Collective - Pride Student Veterans Organization - Hofstra University vs. Zombies


Zain: - Pride Productions - Hofstra eSports - Paw Pals Kathryn: - Hofstra University Mock Trial Team - Minority Association of Prehealth Students - UNICEF@Hofstra Club IV. V. VI.

Emails to everyone Next Meeting: October 27th 11:30 AM Questions?

Meeting Adjourned

12:30 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Comptroller Kutsch


Appropriations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 5 10/10/17

Meeting Commenced

6:36 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Nicole Algarin Senator Timothy Grief Senator Tejas Nair Senator Moontahinaz Rob Senator Cristian Sanchez Senator Mana Tadbiri Comptroller Max Kutsch Chair Sandra Read

Hofstra Concerts Requested:


Zoom Digital Recorder, TC Electronics EFX Unit, Wireless Microphones & Stands for Coffeehouse Speakers Allocated:


Zoom Digital Recorder



TC Electronics EFX Unit



Wireless Microphones



Stands for Coffeehouse Speakers



Total for Category





Hofstra Powerlifting Club Requested:


Banner & Apparel Allocated:









Ice Hockey Requested:


Ice Time & MCHC Fee Allocated:


Ice Time






Rock Climbing Club Requested:


MTA One Way Fares, Gravity Vault at Melville Climbs, Climbing Rope & Tee-Shirts Allocated:

$ 1,728.95

MTA One Way Fares



Gravity Vault at Melville Climbs



Climbing Rope






Total for Category

Meeting Adjourned




7:45 PM

Total Requested


Total Allocated


Percent Allocated



Respectfully Submitted, Sandra Read Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #5 10/10/17

Meeting Commenced

6:15 PM

Attendance Attended

Senator Brandon Crofts Senator Dana Craig Senator Manni Doan Senator Janet Narain Senator Mana Tadbiri Chair Aleksandra Radeva


Angela Sierra (Associate)

1) Chair’s update on club issues a. Only one organization left to move in to their allocated office space b. Work orders for furniture are submitted c. Order for HINT’s pizza party is placed d. CFC agreed to hold reelections; Chair will meet with the club on Wednesday to discuss the issue e. Follow up on HGE change in office space 2) Update from the Inclusion Ambassador a. Attended Multicultural Caucus on 10/9/17 b. Discussion about Unity

3) Club Monitoring Project a. New senators report progress; deadline is 10/18/17 b. Going forward each committee member will keep in touch with their assigned clubs and will report back c. Task: compile a mailing list ASAP 4) Club Collaboration Event during Student Appreciation Week a. Hosted by Club Relations Committee in collaboration with Student Services and Adopt a Dream b. Discussion on planned activities c. Ideas for giveaways (Senators will look for possible donations)


Meeting Adjourned

7:10 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Aleksandra Radeva Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #5 10/09/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:30 PM Senator Donia Firooz Senator Rosaria Rielly Senator Jewell Stewart Senator Wiley Fletcher Senator Charles Greenberg Associate Julia Esposito Chairwoman Hinson

Absent 1) Spirit a) Poster for Pride unleashed week i) Correlating HofCast- Senator Rielly b) Poster for Midnight Madness i) Correlating HofCast- Senator Fletcher 2) Student Services a) Poster for Student Appreciation Week i) Correlating HofCast- Senator Firooz ii) Bus design b) Poster for NYT i) Correlating HofCast- Senator Greenberg c) Video- Meeting with Carley d) Defamation experience scheduling 3) Vigil for peace a) Table with banner i) Student will be able to sign their names for peace 4) Build A Friend a) Shirt Design Meeting Adjourned

6:45 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson


Rules Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 5 10/9/17 Meeting Commenced

6:31 PM

Attendance Attended Senator Zain Farooqui Senator Lily Chiagozie Senator Catherine MacCarthy Senator Ryan Leighton Chairman Alex Labrie Absent

1. Matters at Hand a. Nobody wanted a piece of my Kit Kat b. Senator MacCarthy has an existential crisis as she realizes she is the new closest to the door and she is now responsible for calling clubs in when the committee is ready for them. c. Senator Leighton told a pirate related joke. d. Senator MacCarthy hadn’t been added to the Snapchat group i. Chairman Labrie added her 2. Hofstra Concerts’ a. Reason for attendance: Updating Constitution b. Minuscule changes were made c. Passed 4-0-0 3. S.A.2017.82.006 a. Comptroller Kutsch brought a Policy Series Amendment allowing Appropriations to fund Advisors to attend high-risk off-campus events b. Passed 4-0-0 4. S.A.2017.82.007 a. Comptroller Kutsch brought a Policy Series Amendment pertaining to the IRCB b. Passed 4-0-0 5. S.A.2017.82.004 a. Senator Farooqui and Senator Leighton brought legislation pertaining to J-Panel b. Passed 2-0-2


Meeting Adjourned

7:35 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rules Chairman Labrie


Spirit Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting 5 10/10/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:33 PM Senator Celeste Battipaglia Senator Kathryn Harley Senator Arbaaz Khan Chair Chelsea Tomasso



Senator Rana Ismail

Pride Expo went great a. Opinions? b. Talking to Denise about things that need to be changed for the future Midnight Madness a. Going to reach out to all clubs about whether they want to table Pride Unleashed Week a. T-shirts i. New design Spirit Block a. New Information regarding application process b. Will be continuing in the following weeks

Meeting Adjourned

6:53 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Spirit Chair Tomasso


Student Services Minutes F17 Weekly Meeting #5 10/10/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

5:35 PM Senator Basil Gordon Senator Gabrielle Spann Senator Carissa Ramirez Senator Isabelle Schmidt Senator Alexa Osner Associate Margaux Davis Associate Polina Vivian Chairwoman Deandra Denton

Absent A. Defamation Experience Programming a. Schedule October 18: African Student Association Cumbe African Dance Class October 19: Art-a-thon, Stuff Your High School Teacher Never Taught You October 20: Art-a-thon, Film Screening & Discussion with NAACP and Film Forward October 23: Art-a-thon, Around the World, Black Student Union’s Live in Living Color October 24: Meet at the Table b. Stuff Your High School Teacher Never Taught You: Please submit additional historical topics to Senator Schmidt ( c. Art-a-thon: Banner paper purchased from OSLE. Tabling schedule will be sent out. d. Film Screening & Discussion: Chairperson Denton with NAACP President Raven Cordice on Friday October 6 to discuss this program and possible movies. Will look into movie rights and discuss with Denise, and Gillian and Britt’ny from IEI Hinson

e. BSU and ASA submitted the flyers for their respective events. Will forward to Chairperson

f. Meet at the Table: Back of Main Dining Room confirmed. Senator Spann has emailed clubs to invite them and request that they RSVP. g. Chairperson Denton will be meeting with Denise, and Gillian and Britt’ny from IEI on Wednesday October 11 B. Student Appreciation Week a. List of offices who will providing giveaways so far: Campus Recreation, Hofstra Card Services, Center for Academic Excellence, Residence Life b. Offices who are sponsoring the t-shirts so far: Hofstra Card Services, Hofstra College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (HCLAS), International Student Affairs (ISA) c. Honors College would like to participate in a variety of ways. Dean Frisina will discuss further


with HUHC staff d. HCLAS would like to participate in an event. Student Services committee discussed different ideas, Chairperson Denton will follow up with Dean Rifkin e. Chairperson Denton is meeting with ISA Director Anne Mongillo and Graduate Assistant Amanda Getz on Thursday October 12 to discuss ways that SGA and ISA can further collaborate during the week of November 13 f. T-shirt design was approved by Colin Sullivan. Chairperson Denton will be in contact with Broadway Marketing on quotes for the order C. Student Counseling Services Initiative a. Chairperson Denton and President Cinquemani met with Pak Ho from the University Senate Student Affairs Committee to discuss Student Counseling Services/Wellness Center initiatives D. Commuter Lounge Update a. Senator Farooqui and Chief Justice Nijjer attended a meeting with Anita Ellis on Tuesday October 10 to discuss updates on new furniture for the commuter lounge b. Chairperson Denton inquired with Mary Gale in OSLE about the key for the commuter lounge bulletin board again E. High, Low, Butterfly Meeting Adjourned

6:25 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Deandra Denton Student Services Chairwoman


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