Agenda - February 2, 2017 - Student Government Association

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Agenda of the 81 Senate

Hofstra University Student Government Association

February 2, 2017 Plaza Room West, David S. Mack Student Center Call to Order I. II. III. IV.



Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from December 8, 2016 Approval of Cabinet Minutes from February 1, 2017 Executive Board Reports A. President—D. Gallagher B. Vice President—W.Shepherd C. Comptroller— G. Senderowiz D. Secretary— F. Chirico Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations- E. Casey B. Club Relations- D. Durand C. Public Relations- M. Kutsch D. Rules – A. Normandin E. Spirit- B. Crofts F. Student Services- R. Cinquemani For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup




Minutes of the 81 Senate

Hofstra University Student Government Association

December 8, 2016 Plaza Room West, David S. Mack Student Center Meeting Called to Order at 6:07 p.m. IX. X.



Quorum Call Approval of Senate Minutes from December 1, 2016 A. Comptroller Senderowicz moves to pass the Senate Minutes i. Motion is seconded ii. Motion passes unanimously Approval of Cabinet Minutes from December 7, 2016 A. Senator Bekios moves to pass the Senate Minutes i. Motion is seconded ii. Motion passes unanimously New Business A. End of Semester Reports i. President Gallagher 1. Student Appreciation Week a. Up to 1,551 students surveyed b. Spending Winter Break compiling data 2. Midnight Madness a. Kudos to Spirit Committee 3. Rathskellar Renovations a. Underway, should be complete by next semester b. Glass wall has been removed 4. Budget Weekend a. Thanks to Appropriations Committee b. Two separate weekends 5. Pride Unleashed Week a. Occurring currently b. Awesome tabling and Wing Night efforts c. Thanks to Spirit Committee 6. Provost Scholar Reception a. Shout out to Chairwoman Cinquemani 7. Build-a-Friend a. Under the Sea theme, coming up this Monday Dec. 12 8. Coalition Building a. RHA has been more active than ever b. Continuing to work with USenate and IFSC 9. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays a. We won! i. In collaboration with Phi Sigma Sigma, Phi Kappa Theta, and Alpha Theta Beta 10. Prospects for Spring 2017 a. Going to be very busy b. Implementation of new SGA Recognition Policy c. Office Space Allocations will occur d. Campus Climate Survey will be happening


ii. iii.




Vice President Shepherd 1. So proud of everyone around the table Comptroller Senderowicz 1. Total Allocated During Budget Weekend: $256,237.74 a. Will be writing a memo to Student Affairs with a detailed breakdown of funding b. 82 Clubs have already checked budgets c. Allocated about 48% of requested funds 2. Total Allocated During Weekly Meetings: $50,000 3. Paperwork deadline has passed a. 60% of allocated funds for Fall 2016 have been spent 4. Internal Review and Control Board (IRCB) a. 27 clubs were audited b. 23 clubs were met with c. 4 clubs did not reach out to SGA i. 1 of the 4 clubs that did not reply spent their funds ii. 15 of 23 clubs met with spent their funds d. Hopes to create a google form for feedback from clubs Appropriations – E. Casey 1. Breakdown of all 8 weekly meetings a. Allocated at least half of what was requested 2. Initiatives a. Two treasurer trainings b. Budget Review Event the day Budgets were due i. 25 clubs showed up c. Want to do online Budget Book i. Hope to create a Budget Checklist to incorporate for both clubs and committee members d. Work with Rules, Club Relations and Public Relations to create an entire overview packet 3. Budget Weekend a. 120 Budgets in 27 hours total b. Allocated almost 50% Club Relations – D. Durand 1. Club De-Recognition Process a. Worked with Rules to create a process b. Allows SGA to check on inactive clubs, and help to increase activity 2. Future Initiatives a. Club Appreciation Day b. Office Space Allocations c. Club Storage Space i. Allocated to Her Campus, Tabletop Gamers, and Mechanical Engineering Club ii. Would like to look to fill extra space, and perhaps expand d. Meet with Clubs i. Clubs passed this semester have had introductory and follow up meetings, and this seems very beneficial. Would like to continue this with future passed clubs e. Club Leadership Training i. Turnover can leave eboards lost, this is an effort to get all new members on board and aware of our resources f. Club Relations Identity i. Begun to be first SGA contact for new clubs ii. Would like to go around to offices and talk face-to-face with clubs to decrease friction Public Relations – M. Kutsch 1. Social Media a. Try to increase profile b. Posted 116 original content so far c. Average reach has been between 1,000-1,500 students d. Been able to promote non-SGA events e. Live-Streaming has been very successful with many views 2. Sub-Committees a. Have been effective b. Student Services i. NY Times Flyer


ii. c.




Student Appreciation Week poster


i. Pride Unleashed Week ii. Midnight Madness d. Club Relations i. Increased club follow up rate ii. High profile on HofCast Boards e. Appropriations and Club Relations i. Hope to nail down future dates in order to prepare 3. SGA in the Spotlight has been extremely enjoyable and rewarding 4. Thanks those who are continuing to work on upcoming Build-A-Friend Rules – A. Normandin 1. Elections a. 8 new Senators b. 6 new Justices 2. 10 Meetings a. Saw 12 clubs i. 6 seeking recognition, 5 recognized 3. Attended 55 club elections 4. Saw 7 different Senatorial Actions a. 2 referenda b. 5 pieces of legislation i. Derecognition Process ii. Adjustment to Constitution 5. Legislation Lessons 6. Appointed Mike as Ethics and Conduct Chair 7. Will appoint new Archivist 8. Senator Bekios has created with a set of questions for Senate Presentation for Recognition 9. One Registration Committee has occurred a. 7 new clubs recognized on campus Spirit – M. Wright 1. Family Weekend Festival Planning began in May a. Co-Sponsored for fall fest b. Funded supplies and paint for Pride Expo c. Tabled i. Borrowed RHA Prize Wheel 2. Midnight Madness a. Promoted Women’s Basketball against UMass b. Promoting Men’s Basketball against Kentucky at Barclay’s 3. Hofstra Celebrates the Holidays a. See President’s report 4. What to look forward to a. CAA Tournament i. Will take place in South Carolina b. Pride Rock Student Services – R. Cinquemani 1. Increased NY Times Subscription a. Will advertise more with Career Center 2. Increased Paper Recycling Bins 3. Increased support for Students with Disabilities 4. Update Commuter Labs 5. Residence Hall Gyms 6. Second Common Hour 7. Remotes for common rooms 8. Increase Blue lights 9. Fixing Dutch Treats ATM 10. Privacy Screen at TD Bank 11. Important Numbers on back of residence hall doors 12. Events a. Student Appreciation Week i. 1500 Surveys ii. 25 Departments participated iii. Snapchat filter iv. Bracelets v. Stickers



c. d. e. B.

vi. 950 T-Shirts, 250 more than last week vii. Campus dining dinner viii. Borrowed Card Service’s prize wheel ix. All senators got 15 surveys and tabled for on hour Provost Scholar Reception i. 68 people RSVP’ed, over 70 attended ii. More vegan and vegetarian friendly options iii. Beautiful centerpieces EU Movie Marathon Be Safe, Step Up initiative Stressbusters for Finals

Spirit Chair Elections i. Nominations 1. Senator Denton nominates Senator Crofts a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Crofts accepts the nomination 2. Senator Bekios nominates Senator Tomasso a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Tomasso accepts the nomination 3. Chairman Durand nominates Senator Gardner a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Gardner respectfully declines the nomination 4. Chairwoman Normandin nominates Senator Craig a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Craig respectfully declines the nomination 5. Chairwoman Casey nominates Senator Narain a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Narain respectfully declines the nomination 6. Senator Ismail nominates Senator Read a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Read respectfully declines the nomination 7. Senator Narain nominates Senator Anderson a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Anderson respectfully declines the nomination 8. Senator Anderson nominates Senator Denton a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Denton respectfully declines the nomination 9. Senator Tadbiri nominates Senator Jean-Louis a. Nomination is seconded b. Senator Jean-Louis respectfully declines the nomination ii. Senator Ramirez moves for a ten-minute recess a. Motion is seconded b. Motion passes unanimously4 iii. Senator Crofts 1. Presents for 5 minutes a. Background i. Was class president for senior year of High School ii. History Bowl team member iii. Many other things b. Learned balance and timing i. Time commitment won’t be a problem ii. Spends most time in office as it is c. Also a Pride Guide and on the Quidditch Team i. Already spoke to coach, and asked to be excused in case elected ii. Makes own work schedule d. Strong work ethic and fast learner e. Encourage standing up for beliefs and also for knowledge of topics f. Brought legislation once i. Decided to do it again, got less votes ii. Took a step back and realized he was not wrong iii. Not afraid to admit when wrong g. Would encourages initiatives from all committee members h. Not looking to make any radical changes i. Would like to focus on getting people to attend basketball games i. Club Pride Basketball Game – club competition ii. Commuter Game Night




j. Encourage club sports to promote each other’s events Questioning of Senator Crofts a. Senator Mishkin, “Do you plan to expand the scope of the Spirit Committee aside from basketball games and sporting events?” i. Start by making a spreadsheet of all the team’s schedules, perhaps in an email. Would like to start by focusing on basketball, then would like to move to all sports. b. Chairwoman Wright, “How are you with criticism?” i. I love it. I want to see everyone’s view points and understand how everyone thinks. c. Senator Read, “What kinds of events would you host?” i. Aside from basketball games, I would keep it open to the very talented Spirit Committee d. Comptroller Senderowicz, “What is your biggest strength and weakness?” i. My biggest strength is my time management, I will always make timing work. My biggest weakness is that I don’t really get stressed out. I know what to expect, and I tend to be calm in the face of adversity, but stress can be good at driving someone. e. Senator Mustazza, “How would you run your meetings?” i. I would start with an emotional check in, then go over the next few week’s planning. I would like to hear initiative ideas. f. Chairman Kutsch, “How would you work with other committees?” i. I would like to work with Club Relations to help increase advertising for clubs. Senator Tomasso a. Presents for 5 minutes i. Sophomore ii. Only been here one semester but feels she is capable iii. Already sits on committee and understands what the committee does iv. Wants to shift focus to people coming to games v. End goal is not just title, but to really care about Hofstra events vi. Qualifications 1. Meet bi-weekly with Athletic department a. Works for the department b. Has a personal relationship c. Knows many of the coaches 2. Picking up tickets and giveaways a. Box office is where she works, convenient b. Questioning of Senator Tomasso i. Senator Craig, “Do you have any time conflicts?” 1. No ii. Senator Ramirez, “Do you have any event ideas for next semester?” 1. CAA’s, not sure otherwise iii. Senator Mishkin, “Do you plan to expand the scope of the committee to different realms of Hofstra?” 1. I haven’t thought about it, but I think it is important. I would definitely consider it iv. Senator Martin, “What have you done with spirit committee this semester that you think makes you qualified?” 1. I’ve met with faculty, emailed, worked on the Pride Frame v. Chairwoman Casey, “Did you participate in any events so far this semester?” 1. Yes, I tabled for both Student Appreciation Week and this Pride Unleashed Week. We each chose a day, my day was the pep rally, so I got the balloon arch. vi. Senator Tadbiri, “How do you plan in running your meetings?” 1. I would discuss what we have done then future plans vii. Senator Mustazza, “How would you deal with conflicting schedules and event attendance?” 1. I would encourage whoever can to step up, and I would step up if no one else could viii. Chairwoman Wright, “What is your greatest strength and weakness?”



ix. x.



I am really organized and dedicated, and super involved as it is. As for weaknesses, I’m kind of a perfectionist, I would have to learn to delegate. Senator Mustazza, “How would you work with other committees?” 1. I’ve already worked with Chairman Kutsch, and would continue to. I would utilize Club Relations as well. Senator Bielunas, “How would you include the commuter population?” 1. Hold more events for them, advertising more and letting them be aware of what is going on. Make things more time friendly Chairwoman Casey, “Sometimes things don’t work out exactly as you expected, how would you handle a disappointment or criticism?” 1. I would have to go with the flow. Other people have different opinions, and rules have to be considered as well. I would be able to handle changing last minute or criticisms regarding plans.

Debate i. ii.

Senator Mishkin speaks for Senator Crofts Senator Bekios speaks for Senator Tomasso 1. Yields time to Chairwoman Casey iii. Chairman Durand speaks for Senator Crofts iv. Senator Read speaks for Senator Tomasso 1. Yields time to Senator Martin By a majority vote, Senator Crofts is appointed Spirit Chair



d. Executive Board Reports E. President — D. Gallagher a. Has Board of Trustees coming Tuesday b. Meeting with Sofia Pertuz next Friday F. Vice President — W. Shepherd a. Please contact any calendar plans b. Committees will be re-ranked and reassigned G. Comptroller — G. Senderowicz H. Secretary — F. Chirico Committee Chair Reports A. Appropriations – E. Casey i. Comments in minutes about Budget weekends and appeals ii. Talked about future initiatives 1. Reach out to specific club categories 2. Mandatory budget review at treasurer training iii. Senator Martin moves to pass the Appropriations minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously B. Club Relations – D. Durand i. Reflected on semester, set new goals ii. Did a joint activity with Appropriations iii. Senator Juszczyk moves to pass the Club Relations minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously C. Public Relations – M. Kutsch i. Emphasizes Build-a-Friend participation ii. Senator Juszczyk moves to pass the Public Relations minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously D. Rules – A. Normandin i. Saw Colleges Against Cancer, who were not passed on to Senate 1. Only had 8 members in attendance 2. Nomination of eboard instead of election ii. Final Registration Committee meeting tomorrow iii. Senator Narain moves to pass the Rules minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously E. Spirit – M. Wright i. Senator Valerio moves to pass the Spirit minutes 1. Motion is seconded


2. Motion passes unanimously Student Services – R. Cinquemani i. Senator Wright moves to pass the Student Services minutes 1. Motion is seconded 2. Motion passes unanimously For the Good of the Order Announcements Snap Cup F.


Senator Bekios moves to adjourn the Senate meeting Motion is seconded Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


I. II.


IV. V.

Cabinet Agenda February 1, 2017

Call to order President Updates a. Check In i. Creating new events and checking in with cabinet before running with new ideas ii. Continuing to get senators involved b. Rat Renovations Underway i. Early March Vice President Updates a. Committee reassignments—please reach out to Whitney if you have concerns. Try for the first week and see if you like. All assignments were based on preferences of what each senator selected. b. Biweekly meetings begin next week c. Social Justice – February 16th at Senate, social justice speaker for 45 minutes talk with us. d. Meeting with Compass Dining Administration—new food options based on focus groups. New food at HofUSA that is more healthy. i. Mobile app now available ii. New options with fish station, artisan burgers at the grill station, oatmeal station, and dessert station. New Business Matters at Hand a. Club Relations i. Club relations delegation: 1. Club appreciation day (each senator has a different responsibility) ii. Title IX Training and Multicultural Caucus b. Student Services i. Discussion about New York Times and its use on campus ii. SGA At the Corner March 29th (Estimated Stress) iii. Working on stress busters iv. Provost Scholar Reception, Common Hour, Date TBD v. Ongoing initiatives c. Spirit i. Reviewed running meetings ii. Meeting with Chrissy next week to review big games for the semester iii. Have to plan three events for the semester iv. Pride Rock—not pursued anymore d. Comptroller i. Calculated rollback and prepared for the semester



e. Rules i. Senator Ramirez new Ethics and Conduct Chair ii. Senator Mustazza is new Archivist iii. Club Audit – going to help David and prepare form. Two weeks to fill out and then rules will go through and look for red flags. iv. New Greek Organization Umbrella and relation of their policies with ours v. Rules Committee is working on Club Election Packet to check in during elections f. Public Relations i. Scheduled and planned semester social media ii. More club features on social media For Good of the Order Adjourn

Adjourned at 12:30 PM President Gallagher


Vice President’s Report February 1, 2017 Campus Dining meeting with Rich Maha (Compass Resident District Manager) I.

Dining Updates: a. Student Center new additions; Revolution Noodle (Vietnameese-style bowl), Fish Market (4 fresh per day), S’barros Breakfast (7:30 – 10:00am) b. HofUSA new additions; added healthy rice bowls, grilled chicken is now an option c. Au Bon Pon Catering; launches Jan. 30, menu includes: wraps, sandwiches, salads, and baked goods d. Nextstep (ordering Kiosk); deli station has been added


Nutrition Updates:

a. Wellness Wednesdays with Helene; bi-weekly atrium programing, in charge of increased vegetarian and vegan labeling b. All hand fruit; 89 cents across the board III.

Culinary Updates:

a. Chef Jacquie dessert action station; returning January 31, Tuesday – Thursday, 2 week cycle strawberries, fried donuts, cinnawaffle, zeppoles

b. Craft burger menu added to Grill’d station sweet thai chili turkey burger, philly steak wrap, sirracha beck burger, new Orleans sandwich, county buffalo chicken sandwich

Extra Notes: •

Dine On Campus Mobile App

Food Truck: clubs can reserve the truck and receive 10% of the sales towards catering, another “fundraiser” option

Whitney Shepherd Vice President Student Government Association


Fall 2016 Rollback Report of the Comptroller I.

Fall 2016 Financial Overview

Total allocated for Fall 2016: $309,333.85 Total SGA spent for Fall 2016: $213,440.39 Total SGA rollback for Fall 2016: $95,893.46 # of clubs who did not access their SGA account for Fall 2016: 25

Fall 2016 Rollback by Category Category

SGA Allocated Fall 2016

SGA Rolled Back Fall 2016








Club Sports






Faith Based






Fraternity & Sorority






























Politically-Socially Active












Service Social/ General Interest / Programming











Grand Total Rollback








IRCB Allocated for Fall 2016: $50,260.07 SGA spent for Fall 2016: $35,930.99 # of clubs who did not access their SGA account for Fall 2016: 11


Fall 2016 Allocated

Fall 2016 Spent

Green Party of Hofstra





Society of Physics Students








Chabad at Hofstra



$ $

Pride Pals





The Astronomical Society of Hofstra





Hofstra Information Technology Association





Hofstra Advertising Club





IMANI Dance Ensemble*



Hofstra Club Softball Team



$ $


Society for Advancement of Management



Club Roller Hockey



$ $


Form Gallery





Hofstra University Model United Nations





Teaching Dance As Art





Hofstra Ballroom Dance





Alpha Phi Omega




Mock Trial Club



National Association for the Advancement of Colored People



$ $


Nexus Hofstra Yearbook





Hofstra Table Tennis Club





Crime Scene Investigation: Hofstra





Black Student Union





She's the First



The Hofstra Critics



$ $


The American Society of Mechanical Engineers





Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity





Total Spent





286.17 2,306.40


Respectfully submitted, Comptroller Senderowicz


Appropriations Minutes 6:15 PM

Meeting Commenced Attendance

S17 Weekly Meeting 1 1/31/2017

Senator Read

Senator Tomasso

Senator Gonzalez

Senator Gordan

Comptroller Senderowicz

Chairwoman Casey

The Hofstra Chronicle Requested:


Camera,Richner Printing for Chronicle Issues Allocated: $10,122.00 Richner Printing for Chronicle Issues Total for Category




$16,870.00 Allocated:


African Student Association Requested:


Black Girl Magic Speakers Allocated: $854.93 Black Girl Magic Speakers



Black Student Union Requested:


Food for Black History Month Celebration, Food for Sex Fest, Instructor for Sex Fest Allocated: $474.00 Instructor for Sex Fest Food for Sex Fest Total for Category

$450.00 $224.00 Requested:

$1,528.93 Allocated:

$250.00 $224.00 $1,328.93


United States Institute for Theater Technology $3,500.00


USITT National Conference Hotels, USITT National Conference Registration Fees (6) Allocated: $3,000.00 USITT National Conference Hotels USITT National Conference Registration Fees (6)

$2,000.00 $1,500.00

$1,500.00 $1,500.00

Total for Category

$3,500.00 Allocated:



Hofstra Gospel Ensemble $1,189.04


Church of Laugh Performers for HGE Café, Drummer for Joynight, Food for HGE Café, Supplies for HGE Café Allocated: $1,181.05 Drummer for Joynight Church of Laugh Performers for HGE Café Supplies for HGE Café Food for HGE Café Total for Category

$300.00 $500.00 $162.19 $226.85 Requested:

$1,189.04 Allocated:

$300.00 $500.00 $154.20 $226.85 $1,181.05

8:20 PM

Meeting Adjourned Total Requested


Total Allocated

$15,631.98 62.38%

Percent Allocated Respectfully Submitted, Erin Casey Appropriations Chair


Club Relations Minutes Meeting commenced Attendance Visiting Agenda:

S17 Weekly Meeting 1 1/31/17 6:15 PM Senator Radeva Senator Jusczyk Senator Bielunas Senator Tadbiri Chairman Durand Chairman Kutsch

1) Club Appreciation day

Reaching Out: Rob will be in charge of reaching out to clubs

Food: Senator Jusczyk and Senator Tadbiri will be in charge of ordering the food

Promotions: Aleksandra will be in charge of promotions

Goal: Get as many people as possible to the event.

2) Dates a. Handed out dates and outline for the semester to give senators idea about what we will accomplish this semester. 3) Plans for next week a. Discuss updates on Club appreciation day b. Visit clubs with office spaces to have some facetime.

Meeting adjourned 6:30 pm Respectfully Submitted,

David Durand, Club Relations Chair


Public Relations Minutes Meeting Commenced

5:40 PM

S17 Weekly Meeting 1 1/30/17

Attended Senator Dana Craig

Senator Carissa Ramirez

Senator Jonathan Valerio Chair Max Kutsch

Associate Imani Hinson

Associate Sandy Le


Chair Brandon Crofts

1. Welcome JV! 2. Before we get into greater detail, anyone have ideas on how we can improve our performance? 3. Bulletin Board design review a. Max to clear board b. Carissa to look at supplies c. Edits to color scheme 4. Brandon: a. Follow up with committee to schedule events b. Saturday the 4th i. Welcome back ii. Autism Awareness iii. Greek Game iv. Student Access c. CAAs: Watch parties – be on the lookout 5. Calendar 6. Ideas for maintaining a higher profile on social media brainstorm. a. Club of the Week i. Have David select them b. Did you know things i. Student discounts, dining things, etc. Student tips. 1. Sunday nights = fresh in mind 2. Sbarros 7. This week at Hofstra à a. Updated on Events!!!


b. Club Appreciation 8. Positivity!!!!! Feat. Abby

Meeting Adjourned

6:26 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Max Kutsch Public Relations Chair


Rules Minutes S17 Weekly Meeting 1 1/30/17

6:30 PM

Meeting Commenced

Attendance Attended

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.


7. 8.

Senator Labrie Senator Oguejiofor Senator Mustazza Senator Ramirez Chair Normandin

Welcome Back! Colleges Against Cancer discussion a. Email for next week Ethics and Conduct Chair Appointment a. Congratulations, Senator Ramirez! Archivist Appointment a. Congratulations, Senator Mustazza! Registration Committee attendance a. March 10th- Labrie/ Oguejiofor b. May 5th- Ramirez Information Packet Initiative a. Deadlines for the semester b. Outline SGA committees and what services they offer c. Procedure to change club constitution/ outline d. SGA policy updates e. Contact info for Cabinet and E-Board f. How-to sign up for Rules/Appropriations g. Ask other chairs – FAQ’s h. Treasurer packet i. Events that Hofstra is hosting/ dates for semester (i.e. involvement fair, admissions) j. OSLE advisor club categories and contacts Club Audit preparation Activity

Meeting Adjourned 7:30 PM Respectfully Submitted, Abby Normandin Rules Chairwoman


Spirit Minutes S17 Weekly Meeting 1 1/31/17 Meeting Commenced 6:30 PM Attendance Attended

Senator Narain

Senator Jean-Louis

Senator Gardner

Chairman Crofts

1. Caught up, discussed meeting structure/logistics/policies 2. Talked about phone policy, talking in meetings 3. Structure: Mental check-in, upcoming events, meetings I have had, updates from the Committee as a whole. 4. Our main focus for the first part of the semester is the CAA’s 5. We will be having one or multiple viewing parties on campus (hasn’t been decided yet), agreed this is where the majority of the budget will go. 6. Other possible events for the semester: Valentine’s Day Event (week before during Common Hour), Welcome Back from Spring Break, event which coincides with Music Fest (possibly a Color Run), and a finals stress-buster. 7. We have concluded that the Pride Rock is not on our immediate agenda. It can be a source of possible vandalism for the University in addition to being a logistical problem. 8. I will be meeting with Athletics next week to further discuss the CAA’s. 9. At the meeting, it will be requested that Spirit receives a list of all games they would like us to promote/have a presence at. 10. Ended with a fun activity (shout out to the Public Relations meeting for giving me the idea). Meeting Adjourned 7:07 PM Respectfully Submitted, Brandon Crofts Spirit Chair


Student Services Minutes S17 Meeting #1 1/31/17

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended Minutes •

6:11 PM Chairperson Cinquemani Senator Amadio Senator Ismail Senator Irish Senator Denton

New York Times o Advertisement § Planning to work with the Public Relations Committee § Social Media posts § Want to plan an event with physical “passes” § Will distribute flyers to faculty to hand out in classes o Looking into student subscription price o Possible SGA at the Corner question to advertise and see if students want the subscription o Possible New York Times Day SGA at the Corner o Tentative date March 29th o Want to hand out coffee and bubble wrap Provost Scholar Reception o Waiting for a date o Multipurpose Room West o Want ASTA to play or other student artists Stress busters o Will look into planned stress busters o Working with bookstore to plan coloring event Initiatives o Intro to initiatives o Senator Denton: § Mixed paper recycling bins § Privacy screen for TD Bank o Senator Irish: § Changing food choices in the Vending Machine • Conducted independent survey using Blackboard • Waiting to compare to Student Appreciation Week results § Educating students about healthy living • Having nutritionist visit nutrition classes • Co-sponsoring a nutrition class with fitness center • Work with compass to advertise the nutritionist available


Sponsor cultural awareness events • Will speak to Chairperson Durand. o Senator Amadio § More crosswalks around campus § Lower speed limit on Oak Street § More blue emergency lights § Work with Reslife for “Winter Welcome” § UPS Mailbox on Oak Street o Senator Ismail § Smoothie Bar in the fitness center § Nap Pods o Chairperson Cinquemani § Public Safety panel with self-defense class § Fix ATM machine in Dutch § Fix video games in HofUSA § Add more phone charging stations in the Student Center § Follow up on TVs in back of the Student Center Other Initiatives that Need Homes o Emergency phone number poster in every dorm room o Putting a Color Printer in Dutch §

Meeting Adjourned

7:12 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Rita Cinquemani Student Services Chairwoman


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