Internal Commands: Copy and Type

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LP 5: Internal Commands – Copy and Type Copy Command The purpose of the copy command file is to make a copy of a file in a different location. This can be done as a backup of a file or in case you are making changes to the file and you make some unwanted changes. You cannot have two files with the same name, but you can have numerous files with the same name as long as they are in different directories. Type Command TYPE is a command similar to DIR, but Instead of just showing the file, the TYPE command will open the file and display the files contents. These files must be text files in order to read the contents of the file or you will only see a bunch of characters and symbols. The purpose and function of the TYPE command is to allow you to not only see the file, but to also see the contents of the file. Wildcard with the Copy Command You use wildcard with the copy command when you want to copy a group of files. In the command prompt you CD the directory where the files are located you want copy. You then use the COPY command and a wildcard (* or ?) file extension of desired files, then you put in the drive you wish to copy to, the wildcard, and the name of the extension you want to use for your copies. Wildcards with the Copy Command

Commands that can be used with Subdirectories The commands that can be used with subdirectories are as listed:    

COPY o You can copy, overwrite, and combine files. DIR o You can look up directories, subdirectories, files, and file extensions. MD o You can make directories and subdirectories. Sub Directory Shortcuts o This is done by using a dot or double dot in the command.  The double dot represents to the parent directory.  The single dot represents to the current directory.

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