Amazing Facts About Human Heart And Its Fitness

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Amazing Facts About Human Heart And Its Fitness How the human heart functions Every day, a human heart beats around 100,000 times along with that it sends 2,000 gallons of pure blood through a human body. Any kind of damage to your heart can reduce or decrease the pumping of blood through the whole body. This can result to force your heart to work more just to fulfil the demand of blood in the body. So you need to make sure your heart is working properly as needed by the whole body. In regards to keep your heart healthy or in perfect working shape expert suggests to all for eating healthy food and highly balanced diet with regular work out. In order to treat the heart problems Hospitals in India have many different heart surgery treatments which meant as life saviour for most of them.

Male and female heart attack symptoms When we talk about the heart of men and women, they are not considered to be equal. For example, a man’s heart weighs around 10 ounces, while a woman’s approximately 8 ounces. The size of women heart is only smaller than men but the signs of trouble with heart are also different. When women gets a heart attack more than a half million according to the expert, more likely to have nausea and shoulder aches rather than having a hallmark chest pain. Heart problems are the biggest killer for both men and women. Healthy advice by heart surgery experts: Keep blood pressure & cholesterol level in check and look for the obvious and subtle warning symptoms.

Laughter | The good heart medicine Health experts around the world now have proof that a loud laugh everyday is good medicine for your heart. 20% blood flow through your entire body can just be increased by a good loud laugh. One of the survey found that the people who watched a comedy movie resulted in high blood flow from their body. That’s the reason a loud laugh may be an ideal antidote for the body stress. The time you laugh a loud the walls of at the blood vessel around the heart expands. So just one single giggle can make your add few days to your life.

Expert suggest to people especially who have crossed 40 years of their life to take proper care of their heart and maintain proper diet plan for the day. Early morning walk in the fresh air or 30 minutes yoga or exercise can help your heart to stay in proper shape. To take care of all the problems regarding the issues with the heart, Indian has several well known hospitals which are maintained and offer world class medical facilities for the patients. They offer all kinds of medical treatment at affordable cost. These hospitals of heart surgery in India are one of the favourite choice among the patients of other courtiers as the cost of treatments in India is about 40 -50% less than their country. These hospitals offer all types of heart surgery, heart transplantations, plastic surgery and other treatment to keep your heart perfectly working.

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