Reasons for diet failure

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REASONS FOR DIET FAILURE Best Cancer Hospitals in Delhi

• According to the experts, these are the four leading causes of diet dropout: 1. CHOOSING THE WRONG DIET • There is no one perfect diet that is the best. Instead, look for a sound diet plan that you can live with, day in and day out. It should also allow you to enjoy small portions of your favorite foods.

• 2. UNREALISTIC EXPECTATIONS • When you set the bar unrealistically high, it can feel like you failed when you don’t meet your goals. And when you think of yourself as a failure, this can trigger a return to old eating habits. • 3. DIETING WITHOUT EXERCISE • Some people just don’t like to exercise, or have physical limitations that prevent them from doing it. But if you don’t want to be a diet drop-out, you need to find some form of physical activity you can do most days of the week.

• 4. NOT CHANGING YOUR ENVIRONMENT • It is hard to continually push away from the wings at happy hour, candy on your desk, or a house full of temptations. If you want to succeed, you need to make changes in your environment so you are not constantly dealing with or resisting temptations.

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