ABRAMS Spring 2014 Catalog

Page 104

Gyre: The Plastic ocean ■

e d i t e d By J u l i e d e c k e R

a B o oT h - c l i B B o r n e d i T i o n s B o o K

s e lling points ■ Art and science combine to take

Internationally recognized artists create works of art from debris washed up on beaches around the world

a look at the human impact on our oceans ■ Pollution is an ever-growing issue: our oceans are filled with trash, most caught up in gyres, systems of rotating ocean currents that are becoming increasingly large ■ Brings together several important voices—of artists, scientists, writers, and others—to look at our environment and the effects of mass consumerism ■ Catalog of a traveling exhibition opening at the Anchorage museum in february 2014

S pEcIfIcAtIOnS 115 color illustrations 200 pages, 7 × 8½" hardcover RIGHTS: norTh america PUB MONTH: march arT


flip-flop discarded in Thailand finds its way to Hawaii, and a bottle cast off from

Japan’s tsunami is soon Alaska’s beach litter.

isBn 978-1-86154-355-4

With stunning visual impact and an astonishing

ISBN$25.00 978-1-86154-355-4 us CAN $29.00

array of ocean trash, internationally recognized


9 781861 543554

artists create works of art from debris collected from beaches around the world. Much of the oceans’ trash is swirling in one of five gyres,


which are large systems of rotating ocean cur-

Anchorage museum,

rents. Plastic packaging in a throwaway culture

Anchorage, Alaska

finds its way into our ocean biosphere and onto

Feb 7–Sept 6, 2014

beaches, propelled by the gyres, and now, in

Additional venues to be announced

this compelling book and related exhibition, into the hands of artists. This book, which explores the relationship between humans and the ocean in a contemporary culture of consumption, offers an international perspective on a pressing environmental problem. Julie decker is chief curator at the Anchorage Museum, Alaska. Decker has authored numerous articles and publications on the art and architecture of Alaska.

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